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Club that provides the Best Newsletter 2016/2017 2017a.pdfdifference and are very active with their...

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Club that provides the Best Newsletter 2016/2017 C L U S B N O O I F L
Page 1: Club that provides the Best Newsletter 2016/2017 2017a.pdfdifference and are very active with their various community service projects. They are involved in almost all of our projects

Club that provides theBest Newsletter



Page 2: Club that provides the Best Newsletter 2016/2017 2017a.pdfdifference and are very active with their various community service projects. They are involved in almost all of our projects

There is a lot of truth in that old saying “Giving is better than receiving”

One of the wonderful advantages associated with being a Lion is that we are constantly giving, particularly during t h e F e s t i v e S e a s o n . S o m a n y disadvantaged people have benefited f rom the generosi ty of the Port Shepstone Lions and Lion Ladies and, of course, our sponsors.

During the past couple of months our c lub has been very ac t ive wi th community service and these projects will be highlighted in this edition of Sheppie’s Pride. The spirit of Christmas and of giving is strong amongst our members and it has been heartwarming to see the support our members have shown towards our various Christmas-related projects. The vast majority of our members work during the week which leaves them with precious little time during weekends and yet they still take the time to commit to our various projects.

Our Ladies Club continues to make a m e a n i n g f u l difference and are very active with their various community service projects. They are involved in almost all of our projects and I salute them all for their fine example of service and commitment. Lion Lady President June Rundle has p r o v e n t o b e a dedicated leader and a very kind hearted individual. It has truly been a pleasure to work with her and her team.

On a more sombre note, a number of our members have recently experienced difficult times. Lions Clayton and Craig Curnow and Lion Lady Yvonne Rodda were hospitalised. Fortunately they have been discharged and are all on the mend. Lion Johann Du Plessis and Lion Rob Harley both lost their mothers recently. Lion Hilton and Lion Lady Bondi Horsley’s daughter, Nicky, also had to undergo brain surgery. Our thoughts and prayers go out to these members of our “family” and please remember that we are here for you.

I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a happy, peaceful and prosperous 2018.

Thank you for your commitment to our great Club and our Association. Our communities need us so let’s make 2018 a truly special year of giving to those less fortunate than ourselves.

Denis MeyerClub President

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Dear Lions

Thank you so much for the kindness shown regarding the donation of R900-00 towards a mammogram for Lorraine.

May The Lord bless The Lions for ever.


Dear Sheppie Lions

I apologies for the late letter but I had no luck in being able to send this to you as the e-mail fairies kept telling me the address does not exist so with much trial and error here goes... Please accept my very sincere thanks for making it possible for myself and others to receive clearer vision, It's such a great gift and I feel very humbled by your kindness. It's so wonderful to have a clearer view and best of all that I won't loose my drivers license!! Best regards

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Page 5: Club that provides the Best Newsletter 2016/2017 2017a.pdfdifference and are very active with their various community service projects. They are involved in almost all of our projects
Page 6: Club that provides the Best Newsletter 2016/2017 2017a.pdfdifference and are very active with their various community service projects. They are involved in almost all of our projects

2017 Eye Care Awareness Week

Sister R Booyens with Lion George Leggett, Patient Aaron Mncwabe, Lion Martin Rundle, Lion Lady President June Rundle and Lion Secretary Alastair Warman

Sister R Booyens discussing the hospital’s involvement with visiting Lions

Lions chatting to Patient Sue Abraham

Lions chatting to Patient Sue Abraham

Sisters R Booyens and A Van Dyk with Patient Aaron Mncwabe

Sisters Anneline Van Dyk and Gugu Myende with Patient Sue Abraham

Lion President Denis Meyer with Sister Anneline Van Dyk and Patient Sue Lions spend time with another patient

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Lions Norman Holmes & Jeff Smith preparing drinks for the guests

Guests enjoying their bingo

Lion Lady Elsie Mc Killen takes a breather after

helping to prepare food for the guests

Lion Roy Chapman calling the numbers Guests enjoying their bingo Guests enjoying their bingo

During November the Port Shepstone Lion ladies brought the spirit of Christmas to the Orphanage at Assisi Mission. Upon their arrival, the children ran out with great excitement to meet the ladies with hugs & huge smiles. One of the care givers started off the afternoon

off with a little story of "giving". The head Sister (nun) then presented each child with a gift. There was total excitement & some of the young girls even modelled their gifts for the Lion Ladies. The children and staff alike were then treated to cup cakes, ice cream, cool drinks and plenty of other goodies including knitted beanies and scarves. Another wonderful project by our dedicated Lion Ladies.

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lub President Denis Meyer, Past District Governor Martin Rundle, Zone Chairman Jeff Smith and Lion

CAlastair Warman represented the Port Shepstone Lions Club at the annual District 410-C Midyear Conference held at the Royal Hotel in Ladysmith this past weekend.

The conference was attended by several Lions representing 14 Lions Clubs in Kwazulu-Natal. During the conference, awards were presented by the Immediate Past District Governor to various clubs in recognition of outstanding service and achievements during the 2016/2017 fiscal year. Port Shepstone Lions received a total of 5 District awards which included the Leslie Simon Sight Projects award, Overall Public Relations award, Ian Murray Project Public Relations award, Club Bulletin award and a Louis Halse award for being a 100% contributing club. These awards were proudly accepted by Immediate Past Club President Jeff Smith.

The days Conference included presentations by various district project chairman, sharing of service ideas and fellowship amongst the clubs. The days proceedings ended off with a very enjoyable "Celebration" theme party which was very well supported by all clubs present.

Conference delegates

Guest Speaker - District 410-B Governor Ian King

Presentation by East Coast Lions Cabinet Secretary Karin Cabinet Treasurer Margaret Haus &

District Governor Ken Toward

Awards received by Port Shepstone Lions and received by Immediate Past President Jeff Smith

Conference group photo

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Port Shepstone Lions’ delegates : Alastair Warman, Martin Rundle, Jeff Smith & Denis Meyer

Port Shepstone Lions had the largest delegation present - 18 in total!

(L-R) Paul Adendorff, Jen Barrow, Eddie Ringo, Myrna Ringo, Geoff & Louise Stephenson, Denis Meyer & Betty Bing

(L-R) Louise Stephenson, Denis Meyer, Betty & Rob Bing, Wendy & Ian Anderson, Paul Adendorff & Jen Barrow

(L-R) Denis Meyer, Paul Adendorff Myrna Ringo & Bev Lourens

(L-R) Geoff & Louise Stephenson, Denis Meyer, Bev Lourens & Paul Adendorff

(L-R) Betty Bing, Denis Meyer & Louise Stephenson

Laurie Lourens & Geoff Stephenson

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n Friday 24th November Port Shepstone Lions and Lion

OLadies brought some Christmas cheer to a group of underprivileged children at Suid Natal Primary School.

Many of the children come from impoverished homes where there is not enough money to buy them school uniforms let alone presents and for many of them, and for many, their only meals for the day are eaten at the school itself. Each child was handed a special Christmas gift by Santa Clause (aka Lion Clayton Curnow) who was assisted by Sheppie's "Mervin the Lion". The children were delighted with their presents and gave the Lions and Lion Ladies plenty of hugs for their kindness. Lion Ladies were responsible for sourcing and wrapping all the gifts and to Lion Justin Hinchliff donated rulers, frisbees and water bottles to all the recipients.

ort Shepstone Lions recently installed a 2500 litre water tank at

PHibiscus Food for Life, an organisation that provides nutritious meals for 400 children at Mdlazi Primary School. This school is in a

rural area near Port Shepstone. The children are aged between 3 and 12 years. They face extreme poverty due to unemployment. More than fifty percent of the children come from child headed households. We would like to thank Roto Tank Port Shepstone for their very generous donation and Lion Kevin Ross and his team for completing the installation.

Dup Du Plessis, Mervin The Lion (Denis Meyer), Irene Love, George Leggett, June Rundle, Elsie Mc Killen, Martin

Rundle and Audrey Leggett with Sanda (Clayton Curnow) seated in front

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On Saturday 25th November, Port Shepstone Lions and Lion Ladies hosted their 27th Annual Christmas Luncheon for Senior Citizens at the

Port Shepstone High School Hall.

Approximately 100 senior folk from the Flower Foundation, Anerley Haven, Mbango Valley, Villa Bruno and other residences in the area were transported to the event by Lions members.

The guests t reated to superb l ive musical entertainment courtesy of Sue Nielson on the keyboards and singers Friedhold Redinger, Nils Potgieter, Marie Webster, Jade Smith and young Michael Potgieter. The guests were serenaded with Christmas Carols and other lovely songs of yesteryear. The club's famous "Whistling Bellies" were also

showcased for the first time in almost 2 decades bringing much delight and laughter of the audience.

The guests were served a delicious 3 course Christmas lunch prepared by the Sheppie Lion Ladies.

Santa Clause, aka Lion Clayton Curnow and Mervin the Lion, aka Club President Denis Meyer, presented each guest with a sponsored Christmas gift bag filled with wonderful goodies.

The whole event was, once again a huge success, thanks mainly to project coordinator Lion Hilton Horsley and his team of dedicated Lions and Lion Ladies. Port Shepstone Lions are extremely grateful to Port Shepstone High School for allowing the Club to use their main school hall and superb facilities. The Lions would also like to thank the Hostel catering staff, Sunrise Farms, the Frey family and Fresh Meat, Ola Ice Cream and Harbourview Superspar for their sponsorship, assistance and support.

Port Shepstone Lions & Lion Ladies sing Auld Lang Syne to all the guests

Mervin the Lion (Denis Meyer) and Santa Claus (Clayton Curnow)

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Christmas gifts Lion Ralph Gallagher Lion Otto Wank Lions Dup Du Plessis & Alister Lion Mervin & Lion Lady Lyn Curnow

Lions Jeff Smith & Norman Lion Lady Irene Love and Lion Desiree Du Toit

Lion Martin Rundle serving the guests

Project Convener, Lion Hilton Horsley introducing the entertainers to the guests

Approximately 100 guests were in attendance Lion Lady Bela Gallagher serving the guests

Lion George Leggett serves a meal to Jean Kirkbride

Taking a breather: Lions Rick Thomson, Justin Hinchliff, Otto Wank, Lyn, Mervin & Clayton


Lion Lady Lyn Curnow serving the guests

Lion Rick Thomson serving the guests

Lion Alastair Warman serving the guests

Entertainers Friedhold Redinger, Lion Nils Potgieter and Sue


Entertainers Jade Smith, Mari Webster and Sue Nielsen Approximately 100 guests were in attendance

Musical Entertainment Coordinator Sue Nielsen

Table Decor Lions and Lion Ladies preparing meals for the guests Lion Ladies Elsie Mc Killen, Bondi Horsley and Karin Warman

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Elize thanking the Lions and Lion Ladies on behalf of the guests

Lion Hilton Horsley serving the guests

Santa Claus (Lion Clayton Curnow) handing out presents to the guests Mervin the Lion (Lion President Denis Meyer)

handing out presents to the guests

Mervin the Lion (Lion President Denis Meyer) handing out presents to the guests

Mervin the Lion, Lion Desiree Du Toit & Santa Claus

The Whistling Bellies, Lions Clayton Curnow, Alastair Warman and Dup Du Plessis

Young Michael and Lion Nils Potgieter serenading the guests

Lion Alastair Warman Lion Dup Du Plessis receiving final touches from June & Martin


Lions Dup Du Plessis & Clayton Curnow

Singers friedhold Redinger, Jade Smith, Mari Webster, Michael and Lion Nils Potgieter

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ion Jeff Smith represented Port Shepstone Lions Club at the Suid Natal

LPrimary Awards event this morning. He was given the opportunity to present the R500-00 prize money to the club's Peace Poster Contest

winner, Simone Potgieter. An additional R500-00 was presented to the school itself. The school also paid tribute to the Sheppie Lions for their ongoing support and contributions towards their feeding scheme. Sheppie Lions also sponsored a book prize to the value of R1000-00 for the awards ceremony. R1000-00 book prize awards were also sponsored for an additional 7 other schools in the area.

Club President Denis Meyer presenting a Port Shepstone Lions friendship banner to District Governor Ken Toward

District Governor Ken Toward delivering his address

District Governor Ken Toward inducting new members

Lions & Lion Ladies attended the meeting District Chairman Helen Toward lights a candle on behalf of District 410-C

Lions & Lion Ladies attended the meeting

Peace Poster winner, Simone Potgieter with Lion Jeff Smith

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During his official visit to the Por t Shepstone Lions Club in November,

District Governor Ken Toward officially inducted the club’s newest members, Nils Potgieter and Rick Thomson. Lion Nils is an estate agent by profession and L ion R ick i s a l oca l macadamia farmer. Lion Rick was sponsored by Lion Mervin Curnow and Lion Nils was sponsored by Lion Alastair Warman. The new members were privileged to receive the o f f i c i a l L i ons Cen tenn ia l Induction membership kit from the Governor and sponsors were presented with Lions Centenary sponsorship pins.

lub Secretary Lion Alastair Warman was inducted into

Cthe Lions Club of Port Shepstone by District Governor Dennis Kenwood. With him is his wife, Lion Lady

Karin as well as sponsor, Lion Trevor Read. At the rear is a very young Lion Pete Stoppel and to the left of the Governor is another new inductee, Lion Paul Brauteseth who was sponsored by Lion Denis Meyer. Over the years, both these members have proven to be a huge asset to Lionism. Lion Paul went on to become a Council Chairman and Lion Alastair has served as Club President and District Chairman. The ceremony took place at the club’s previous clubhouse, the Cinder City M.O.T.H. Shellhole in Sea Park.

Newly inducted Lion Nils Potgieter lights a candle as the newest members of the club

Newly inducted Lion Nils Potgieter presenting his sponsor, Lion Alastair Warman with the Centennial

sponsorship pin

Newly inducted Lion Nils Potgieter with his sponsor, Lion Alastair Warman

District Governor Ken Toward inducting new members

Newly inducted Lion Rick Thomson receiving his membership pin from sponsor Lion Mervin


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n Saturday October 14th, Sheppie

OLions and their families attended a progressive dinner along the "Daisy

Belt"! Grateful thanks Lion Kevin Ross for organising the event and to our hosts, Dale & Marcia Mc Garry (starters), Clayton & Inika Curnow (main course) and Mervin & Lyn Curnow (Dessert). It was a superb evening with plenty of fun and fellowship. Jean Masson, Mike Heathcote, Colleen & Gary Baker, Kevin Ross, Mervin Curnow,

Richard Borradaile and Martin Rundle

Yvonne & Mike Rodda

Ralph Gallagher, Lindsay Ross &

Dale Mc Garry & Gary Vogt

Jane Massey, June Rundle, Carol Holmes, Anna Compion, Irene Love &

Estelle O’Neill

Al Warman & Dennis Scmidt

June & Martin Rundle Debbie Marshall & Irene


Mike Heathcote, Jean Masson, Alister Love and Clayton Curnow

Suzette Boshoff & Ralph Gallagher

Supper is served... Carol & Norman Holmes Inika Curnow & Denis Meyer

Mervin Curnow & Richard Borradaile

Mike Heathcote & Jean Masson Bev & Kenny Rolfe Clayton Curnow & Denis Meyer Kevin Ross

Jenny & Gary Vogt Bella Gallagher & Al Warman Mervin Curnow & Bella Gallagher

Wayne Bilton & Al Warman (asleep for a change...)

And Justin also had a little sleep...

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Moving into the new Den

Moving into the new Den Moving into the new Den

The entrance to the new Den Setup for the first meeting The first priority - building the bar Willem Van Zyl, Geoff Smith & Rob Bing deciding what to do with the


All ready for the opening The newly constructed bar

The newly tiled floors The new dividing wall and arch into the board room

Press Coverage

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Food preparation Irene Love & Yvonne Rodda Terry & Joan Gallagher, Gary & Coleen Baker

Superb table decor by Jenny

Mike Rodda, Anna Compion & Carol Holmes

Karin Warman, Joanne & Kayla Latt Otto Wank Gary & Jenny Vogt with Jane Massey Alister Love & Yvonne Rodda

Jenny Vogt helping with food Yvonne & Mike Rodda Desiree Du Toit & Alister Love

Alister Warman, Mike Rodda & Anna Estelle & Richard O’Neill Colleen & Gary Baker Nico De Jong presenting Yvonne Rodda with the winning


Party time!! Alister Love &

Norman Holmes Ralph Gallagher Dale Mc Garry

Alister Love(The “Love Machine”)

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49th Edition - October - December 2017Sheppie’s Pride - Page 19

Merry Christmas &Merry Christmas &

A Happy & ProsperousA Happy & Prosperous


Merry Christmas &

A Happy & Prosperous


Merry Christmas &Merry Christmas &

A Happy & ProsperousA Happy & Prosperous


Merry Christmas &

A Happy & Prosperous



To all our Sponsors and SupportersTo all our Sponsors and SupportersTo all our Sponsors and SupportersTo all our Sponsors and SupportersTo all our Sponsors and SupportersTo all our Sponsors and Supporters

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Dale Mc Garry - 10 Years Membership Kenny Rolfe - 10 Years Membership Chevron (Scabbo - eat your heart out!!)

George Leggett - 15 Years Membership Chevron

(should be 35 years membership) Martin Rundle - 20 Years Membership

Donations are gratefully appreciated:

Physically & Mentally Disabled | The Homeless and Des�tute | Preserva�on of Sight and Hearing | Food Security | Disaster Relief

Youth Upli�ment | The Aged | Protec�ng our Environment | Literacy | Services to Children | Health services | Diabetes Awareness
