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Cluster bean

Date post: 24-Jan-2017
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Page 1: Cluster bean


Page 2: Cluster bean

Scientific Name : Cyamopsis tetragonolobus

Chromosome number : 2n = 2x = 14 Origin : Diverse opinion on exact origin of

cluster bean is still prevailing. Dry regions of West Africa as well as India are treated as centres of origin of cluster bean by various workers.

Ancestor : Cyamopsis senegalensis

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Cluster bean is a drought tolerant warm season annual legume crop grown for its tender fruits for use as vegetable.

Cluster bean is also known as “ Guar ”.

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BOTANYCluster is an upright erect summer annual growing to

a heigt of 3 m with stiff erect branchesStem -angled leaves -trifoliate. Flowers-Small white or purple Androecium-monodelphus 10 stamensInfloresence -axillary racemes. Fruits -compressed, erect and 4-10 cm long double

ridge on dorsal side single ridge below , beakedseeds- 5 to 12 white to grey or black coloured seeds

per fruit Root system- deep rootsThe bean has a large endosperm.The endosperm

contains large amounts of gum which is the marketable product of the plant.

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Plant,flower,pods and seeds of cluster bean

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USES1. Used as vegetable at tender stage, in southern parts of india

they are dehydrated and stored for use.2. Mucilaginous seed flour is used for making guar gum

(galactomannan) which is used in textile,paper,cosmetic and oil industries. The gum of Guar forms hydrates rapidly in water into a viscous gel and is therefore used in various products like-

1. No calorie binding agent (stiffener in soft ice cream)2. In pharmaceutical industry3. In cloth and paper manufacture4. Oil well drilling5. Used at absorbent for explosives

3. Used for forage4. Green manure5. Also used for soil improvement and as a medicine

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NUTRIENT COMPOSITIONFruits are rich in food value and each 100 g contains Moisture 81gCarbohydrate 10.8 gprotein 3.2gFat 0.4gminerals 1.4 gvitamin-A 316 IU vitamin-C. 47 mg Riboflavin .09gThiamine .09gIt is also a rich source of ironGaur meal i.e. dryseed conta0in 33.3% protein

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Galactomannan is a polysaccharaid and constitues 68-705 polysaccharides, also known as gaur gum

D-galactopyranose and D-mannopyranose units form galactomannan

Young plant contain hydrocynic acid which is toxic to animals so harvesting of forage is done from flowering to fruiting stage

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PRODUCTION SCENARIO The global production during 2013-14 was 3 million

metric tonnes. The major world suppliers are India, Pakistan, the

United States and smaller acreages in Australia and Africa.

It is cultivated in north and north west part ofindia. Total production during 2013-14 was 2.7 million

metric tonnes During 2014-15 2415 thousand tonnes was produced

from an area of 4255 thousand hectare. With an average productivity of 5.67 quintal per hectare.

In india Largest growing state is rajasthan with of total produvction 82% where it is cultivated as a rainfed crop

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VARITIES Goma manjari – resistant to powdery mildew,

bacterial wilt and leaf spot

Pusa mausami – suitable for rainy season and densly branching, first picking 65-80 days,pods 10-12 cm long

Pusa sadabahar – selestion from local varity jaipur of rajastahn ,suitable for summer and rainy season , single stem, non branching,pods 12-13 cm long,tenderand fiberless, first picking 40-45days national variety very popular in india

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Pusa navbahar – pusa mausami x pusa sadabahar Single stem variety,pods 15 cm of better quality ,, succeptiblr to bacterial blight and lodging

P-28-1-1 – smoooth green long pods, photoinsensetive suitable for both season

P28 1 – developed by NBPGR , pusa navbahar x IC11521, suitable for both seson

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Sharad bahar – single plant selection from ic 11704,ptofuse branching,sinffle plant produce 133 pods

Giant type – good quality seds with high contentog gaur gum and grown in rajasthsn

Dwarf type – good quality pods used as vegetable , for punjab and u.p.

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IC 11388 – develop as single plant selection from local selction ofsukhpur in kutch. Earlierthan sharad bahar, yield 160q/ha

Santa cruz – full season sparsely branching,indeterminate, gloaborous cultivar of USA adapted for cultivation in high altitudes.

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CLIMATE It is a tropical crop preffering warm

climate It cannot tolerate shade and prefers

long day condition for vegetative growth and short day condition for flowering.

High toleration of temperature (25 to 35˚C).

Can tolerate drought and alkaline soils Low precipitation and high temperature

are required

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Soil Shallow rooted crop with surface feeding natureGrows well under a wide range of soil conditions, but preferably fertile, well drained, medium textured and sandy loam soils.Ph : 7.5-8.5In heavy soils bacterial nodulation is hampered

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SEED PREPRATION Selected seed must be free from other

crop and weed seed, diseases etc. Inoculate the seed before planting with

a special guar inoculant (or a cowpea inoculant) i.e. Rhizobium sp.

Plant the seeds in moist soil within 2 hours after inoculation.

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PLANTING Plant Guar when soil temperature is over

21°C Optimum temperature for germination is

30°C. Sowing time – main seson – june -july early crop – feb-march

Spacing :- 45-60 cm x 15 cm. Seed rate :- 25-30 kg/ha. Planting depth of 1 to 1.5 inches deep (2.5-4 cm).

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FERTILILIZATION Though a hardy legume cluster bean responds to fertilizer application.

In addition to 25 tonnes of farmyard manure, a fertilizer dose of 50:60:60 kg NPK / ha is recommended

Half N, full P and K are applied as basal dose and remaining N is applied 25-30 days after.

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Irrigation – Though a hardy crop, irrigation increases yield. Irrigation at flowering and fruiting stages is the most critical. For getting high yield in vegetable types, irrigation may be done at 5days interval.

Weeding – Because of the slow growing rate of young Guar plant, weed control is important. predominant weed parthenium ,spray 2-4D or DSMA disodium metahne arsonate each @2kg / ha

Staking- Staking is also necessary to avoid lodging in tall varieties.

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HARVESTING crop duration 120 days. Green pods are ready for harvest 45 days after sowing spray of CCC @ 2000ppm increases the yield, or sodium

molybdate @ 0.15% at 15th and 30th day after seedling emergence

Seed pods are brown and dry at maturity. To speed up drying and to kill weeds, Gramoxone (paraquat)

can be used.. Dry seeds are harvested when a large percentage of pods are

full and most of remaining will turn yellow. It is to be harvested before the lower pods are dry enough to start shattering.

YIELD Green pod yield of 5-8 tonnes seed yield of 0.6 to 1.0 q/ha

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DISEASES Diseases :- major diseases of clusterbean are 1. Powdery mildew, caused by Leveillula taurica. White Powdery growth

appears on the Leaf upper surface which hinders ,The photosynthetic activity and Also affect pods.

Control Spray the crop with wettable sulphur (3 g/litre) or

Dinacap (1 ml/litre) when powdery mildew is noticed.2. Phytophthora pod rot Caused by phytopthora species . The root show Rotting

and girdling symptoms ,fruits show rotting Symptoms with white powdery fungal growth.

contol spray ridomil @ .25 % on appearance of diseases and

repeat After 15 days

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3. RustLittle red yellow pustules appear on leaves and stem as well as pods , pod production greatly reducedcontrolSpray propaconazol @ 1%

4. Bacterial blight caused by Xanthomonas cyamopsidicolaPlant shows sudden wilting in high temperaturePod production greatly reduced . controlHot waterteratment of seeds at 56 drgree celcius for10 minutesEnsure proper drainage , spray streptocyclin @150ppm and agrimycin @100-500ppm

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5. Bean mosaic … mosaic pattern appers on leaves and stem poor quality pods formed .

Control insect like aphids to prevent Spread of disesases

Spray of aqueous leaf extract of Pseuderanthemum bicolor provokes the synthesis of virus inhibitory agent

6.Anthracnose Caused by Colletotrichum Small angular brown spots appear on leaves and fruits detotiating the pod quality control spray mancozeb @ 2%

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INSECT PESTInsects :- Pod borer, aphids and plant hoppers. Control

Spray the crop with Phosphomidon (0.5 ml/ litre) or Monocrotophos (1.25 ml/litre) on appearance of aphids.

Spray Malathion(2 ml/litre) or Carbaryl (2g/litre) six weeks after sowing as preventive measure.

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