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CMA HeartBeat February 2013

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  • 8/22/2019 CMA HeartBeat February 2013


  • 8/22/2019 CMA HeartBeat February 2013


    In This Issue

  • 8/22/2019 CMA HeartBeat February 2013


    Letters to the Editor

    Food for thought: What if we all did a nice thing for someone and allwe asked in return was they pay it forward.I know this is not a new concept and were all probably familiar withit. There have been some great things done in my community recently by people doing just this. A friend was in the drive thru for herbreakfast, when she got to the window the cashier told her the personin front of her had paid for her items and they only asked that she payit forward. So, she did just that. Another friend had had something

    similar happen to her in the grocery store. The couple in front of herhad paid so much toward her bill. Perhaps someone cant pay it forward with money, but they can mow someones yard, shovel the snowfrom a neighbors driveway, or cook a meal for the single dad and hiskids who live down the street.

    Try it for Valentines Day. Do something nice for someone and dontexpect anything in return. See how it makes you feel. I think it willmake you feel goodand maybe, just maybe it will be something you

    want to continue to do, and maybe those thatyou bless, will bless someone else, and so onand the good works and love will flow. Thiscould open a door to share the love of Jesus.

    What a wonderful thing to pay forward.CMA

    And let us consider how to stirup one another to love and good

    works (Hebrews 10:24, NKJV).

    Great Connections

    On November 7, 2012, I receivedan email from one of my RoadCaptains which came from AmyMellor, a member of the Soldiersof Grace #587, in Madison, WI.

    Amy works at Lands End andhad some extra winter coats shewanted to donate to HurricaneSandy victims here in NewJersey.

    Within no time, two big boxesarrived at my home office containing more than three dozencoats along with a number ofwool hats and gloves. They havesince been distributed to thosein need by a program we have at

    our church, the PhillipsburgAlliance Church in Phillipsburg,NJ. The folks at the Jersey shoreare in dire need.

    It's truly a privilege to be part ofa ministry where the membersput "feet to their faith". The bookof James teaches that faith without works is dead. I'm here todeclare that CMA is quite ALIVE.

    May the Lord continue to blessour ministry and keep us aware

    of the needs of each other andthose around us. Thanks againAmy!!

    YBIC,Hank Webber, PresidentNew Life RidersFlemington, New Jersey

    Misty Bradley

    Meeting Needs

    Many people talk about six degreesof separation or how we are allconnected around this world. Weknow in CMA how God connects usall. A wonderful lady, Janet, frommy home church gave me two pic

    tures last Sunday morning. The pictures show Roger and RayleenWilson on a mission trip, giving amotorcycle to J.D. Hill in Paraguay.

    Janet does not know Roger andRayleen at all, but J. D. Hill is theson of Joed Hill, Janet's best friendfrom high school in southeasternIowa. Dave and Joed Hill have beenmissionaries in Paraguay over 30

    years, and their son, J. D. now carries on the mission work. The connection from Janet, to Joed Hill , toJ.D. Hill, to Roger and Rayleen, backto me in Ottumwa, Iowa is only fivedegrees of God connection. J. D. is

    married with four children, andwith the CMA motorcycle can doeven more ministry in ruralParaguay.

    God bless Run for Son and CMAministry.

    Gary Ogren, PresidentSoul PatrolOttumwa, Iowa

  • 8/22/2019 CMA HeartBeat February 2013







    And Jesus came andspoke to them, saying,All authority has been givento Me in heaven and on earth.Go therefore and make disci-

    ples of all the nations, baptiz-ing them in the name of theFather and of the Son and ofthe Holy Spirit, teaching themto observe all things that Ihave commanded you; and lo,I am with you always, even tothe end of the age. Amen.(Mattew 28:1820, NKJV).

    As a result of 25 years of Run for

    the Son, and in partnership with Jesus

    Film, Missionary Ventures, and Open

    Doors there are less than a dozen

    countries left in the entire world in

    which CMA has not yet had an impact.

    The over 16 million lives that havebeen changed are a direct result of

    your continued commitment to and

    involvement in Run for the Son. God

    bless you, the dedicated weekend

    warriors of the Christian

    Motorcyclists Association.

    John Ogden Sr. recently returned

    from his third trip to Cuba, the largest

    of the Caribbean Islands which is

    roughly the size and population of the

    State of Pennsylvania and lies just 90

    miles off the coast of Florida. One

    third of this beautiful country is cov

    ered with huge mountains and the

    rest is flat plains with hundreds of

    bays and beaches scattered along its

    coastline. It is home to a sturdy and

    resilient people that thanks to your

    efforts for Run for the Son over the

    last 10 years through investments in

    training and transportation (motorcy

    cles, bicycles, and horses) make up a

    Christian church that is vibrant and

    growing. John, along with Glen

    Dubois, president of Missionary

    Ventures International, witnessed

    firsthand the excitement of these

    Christians of very modest means

    walking out a strong faith under chal

    lenging conditions. Although their

    needs are great they are not being

    controlled by what they dont have

    but are marching forward using what

    they do have to further the Kingdom

    of God. With the cost of a motorcycle

    being equivalent to the value of a typical family residence, transportation

    is impossible, and without Christ they

    would have no hope. These dedicated

    congregations see it as nothing short

    of a miraculous move of God when

    CMA or any organization comes in

    and helps.

    A network of 16 presbyters, direct

    ed by a superintendent, oversee 371

    home churches, and through the use

    of 16 RFS motorcycles they planted

    104 new churches or mission groups

    and saw 12,000 souls come to the

    Lord in the last two years. John, wit

    nessing this impressive spiritual

    growth resulting from their great

    commitment to Christ, was amazed at

    how much they were accomplishing

    with so little. He notices that where

    the church has had the hardest strug

    gle, it seems to thrive the most and

    this fact alone brings meaning to life

    and RFS. We cant comprehend the

    impact we are having through Run for

    the Son now, maybe someday in heaven, but the Christians in Cuba definite

    ly need our consistent help if they are

    to continue to grow and prosper.

    Future plans are to provide more

    transportation and other resources to

    continue our support for what God is

    doing in Cuba. It isnt about the

    money, but without it we cant put

    motorcycles under indigenous pas

    tors, or send Bibles into closed coun

    tries. In 2013 John will visit with 1000

    Thai pastors and 400 Cambodian

    church planters, all made possible by

    the blessing of God upon this min

    istry; a direct result of good steward

    ship. Over the years CMA has demon

    strated total financial accountability

    and transparency thru the ECFA and

    also requires accountability of RFS

    funds from our ministry partners.

    Salvations and other ministry num

    bers are not guesstimates, but real life

    figures gleaned from detailed recordsrequired of the indigenous pastors.

    Regular maintenance of the motorcy

    cles is strictly adhered to and has

    resulted in the first ever RFS motorcy

    cle in Guatemala still being on the

    road and carrying the Gospel 25 years

    later. Thank God for the vision

    instilled in the directors from the

    beginning to insure CMA to be a

    tithing and giving ministry. Through

    your faithfulness to Run for the Son

    and good stewardship, CMA is literal

    ly impacting the whole world in some

    of the most difficult and poorest areas

    on our planet.

    John brings this message to the

    faithful Brothers and Sisters of the

    Christian Motorcyclists Association

    from the Christians in Cuba and the

    persecuted church around the world,

    Thank You for allowing God to use

    you through Run for the Son to change

    the world one heart at a time! CMA

    Word about the Chairman

    By TIM Weddle

    John and Becky Ogden, CMA CEO/Chairmanof the Board of Directors.

    RFS At Work

  • 8/22/2019 CMA HeartBeat February 2013


    CMA News

    Awonderful partnership hasemerged between CMA andHope for the Heart ministry.

    All at the Support Center areexcited with the possibilities andthe movement of God.

    First, Id like to share aboutHope for the Heart with all whomay not be familiar with the ministry. Hope for the Hearts missionstatement is Hope for the Heartis a worldwide ministry with atwofold mission: Providing Biblebased counsel to renew minds,heal hearts, and bring hope to thehurting, while empoweringChristians to disciple others.

    June Hunt, founder and CEO, andstaff has developed 100 ministrytopics called biblical keys which

    are used to heal, and provide hopeto many. In addition, June has anightly radio broadcast, Hope forthe Night, where guests call in forBiblical counseling and encouragement. Hope for the Heart isbased in Plano, Texas, but has aworldwide presence in sixtyonecountries. HFTH also providesoffice rental space, where approximately forty ministries are located within the 178,000 sq. footfacility, which allows for greatnetworking opportunitiesbetween the ministries.

    Many of you may be familiarwith Hope for the Heart through

    their Director of MinistryOutreach, Jack McNairy. Jack hasbeen a CMA member since 1980,

    and is always present at nationalrallies, spending many hoursworking in the kitchen and at theHFTH media table. At theChanging of the Colors 35thanniversary rally the Holy Spiritreally went into high gear. Junetouched many as she spoke andwas presented her Colors. JohnOgden Sr. was then invited byJune to attend the Hope for theHeart 25th anniversary celebration shortly thereafter. After theconference, John had the opportunity to be a part of Junes eveningbroadcast and thats when thealliance started taking shape. That

    is the background information,now to the partnership. Hope forthe Heart has generously agreed

    By ANGIE Herman

    (continue on page 26)

  • 8/22/2019 CMA HeartBeat February 2013









    California S February 1-2 Fullerton Mike Ferry 619-818-3675

    Delaware/NJ February 1-2 Wilmington Skip Herriman 302-750-9969

    Hawaii February 1-2 Lahaina Richard Murray 808-870-9085

    New Jersey/DE February 1-2 Wilmington, DE Skip Herriman 302-750-9969

    Texas NE February 1-2 Corsicana Joe Bishop 903-513-6378

    North Dakota February 1-3 Devils Lake Jeff Bahr 701-642-6041

    California N February 8-9 Live Oak Jerry Sutton 707-354-1225

    Florida N February 8-9 Lake City Kathy Cooley 904-759-7697

    Pennsylvania February 8-9 Altoona Dale Brubaker 814-224-5177

    Texas SE February 8-9 Conroe Vernon Osborn 832-250-3131

    Alabama February 15-16 Prattville David Hall 256-270-7459

    California N February 15-16 Madera Jerry Sutton 707-354-1225

    Illinois February 15-16 Springfield Doug Johnson 630-878-2801

    Oklahoma February 15-16 Oklahoma City Gene Karn 580-334-6331

    Virginia February 15-16 Lynchburg Jim Palmer 540-616-9772

    Georgia February 22-23 Bonaire Eric Shumans 912-269-3272

    Idaho February 22-23 Boise Greg Leichliter 208-342-7222Minnesota February 22-23 Eden Prairie Kevin Brase 952-446-1837

    New Mexico February 22-23 Belen Roy Morrow 505-860-4566

    Ohio February 22-23 Columbus G.R. (Jerry) Niver 740-703-5941

    Texas W February 22-23 Wichita Falls Charles Grady 940-882-5027

    Arizona March 1-2 Glendale Sam Trevino 928-925-7980

    Kentucky March 1-2 Cecilia James Collins 270-382-2688

    Missouri March 1-2 Roach Brad Barton 573-576-8216

    Nevada N March 1-2 Winnemucca Greg Hubbard 775-790-4019

    North Carolina March 1-2 Raleigh David Richey 704-888-5502

    South Dakota March 1-2 Chamberlain Dan Kessler 605-390-2574

    Nevada S March 8-9 Tonopah Greg Hubbard 775-790-4019

    Connected to the Power continues CMAs Advanced Ministry Training series began in 2009.

    Connected to the Power wraps up the evangelism principles presented in previous AMT trainings,driving home the need for dependence on the Holy Spirit in all ministry efforts.

    The Connected to the Power study will feature three brief video segments supplemented by teachingfrom the regions National Evangelist, and a companion workbook.

    Participants in Connected to the Power will receive a workbook and upon completion of the coursea 2013 AMT Connected to the Power patch.

    CMA Youth Movement will provide a version of Connected to the Power for students (ages 12-17)who have completed their CMA Youth Movement Ministry Team and provide an opportunity, for thosewho have not, to complete the Youth Movement Ministry Team at the event.

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    Utah March 8-9 Sandy Bob Stringham 801-623-0415

    Wisconsin March 8-9 Marshfield Ralph Sorenson 414-881-7578

    Kansas March 15-16 Salina Mike Bright 620-431-7454

    Michigan March 15-16 Jackson Gary Truitt 517-250-1501

    Michigan UP March 22-23 Ishpeming Lonnie Newton 906-484-6023

    The 2013 Seasons of Refreshing focuses CMA chapters and members on the importance of being ledand empowered by the Holy Spirit in all aspects of the ministry. In this training, members will also

    learn these key points:

    CMA chapters and members have a special anointing to minister to motorcyclists.

    CMA chapters and members need to maintain total dependence on the Holy Spirit.

    CMA chapters and members should be aware of activities and mindsets that disconnect them fromthe anointing of the Holy Spirit.

    God is always guiding and empowering CMA chapters and members to accomplish the task ofreaching motorcyclists.

    Additional information on location, lodging, and registration available on each state webpage. Go to

    www.cmausa.org/events and follow the link to reach your states page. Please note that events are resched-uled or relocated on occasion and the state webpage or contact will have the most current informationthroughout the year.

    Prayer PointsCountries in the Spotlight








    Pray for:

    Daytona Bike Week

    Pray for Ministryopportunities

    Safety for all who attend

    Pray for these events:March 3: CMA Day of Prayer

    March 15-17: National WomensConference

    March 19-21: Pastors Retreat

    Gods Power



    Safety of travel

    Anointing of the speakersPray for: February 18-25 mission trip team Nicaragua

    and leader Kerry Gibson

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    CMA Goodies

  • 8/22/2019 CMA HeartBeat February 2013


    Evangelist Article

    Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus

    Christ. That, through Him we have forgiveness of

    sins and eternal life. Praise the Name of the Lord!

    This article is being written probably two months before

    you all see it. At this time of year we are preparing for the

    new year with Seasons of Refreshing and getting every

    thing in order for our secular events. As I was spending

    time in my office, I started to reflect on CMA over the past

    25 years Ive been in CMA. Ive had the opportunity to

    serve as Area Rep, State Coordinator and then to come on

    staff as the National Evangelist for the Northeast. It made

    me reflect on a Scripture very close to many of us.Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so

    great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight,

    and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run

    with endurance the race that is set before us,

    looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our

    faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured

    the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the

    right hand of the throne of God (Hebrews 12:12, NKJV).

    It says;surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses.

    My first years in CMA I sat under Tom Pitman and Herb

    Shreve. Then Gary Wadding was my evangelist that men

    tored me up through my serving in CMA right into com

    ing on staff where I have had the opportunity to serve

    with the greatest group of men and women in ministry.

    Going further than that is the great cloud of witnesses

    in our membership. Working at different events I see

    members giving their all to share Christ with those who

    dont know Him, as well as reaching out to those in the

    faith that need a helping hand or prayer.

    We have many members that give their all to make

    everyones stay at a national event the best experience

    possible. From those who oversee the grounds to the

    workers in the kitchen. Some of them give all they got to

    serve in this ministry. Even in our region, we look

    around and see many members that you just know if you

    need them, they will be there. These are the folks that

    are setting the example and bringing others alongside to

    pick up the work. Some of the members have graduated

    to that great place with Jesus. Some have reached the age

    where its time to let someone else take the reins. I know

    goodie reps and other workers that will be there till they

    cant be there. Thats dedication and many of these peo

    ple have touched my life in ways I cant explain.

    To those of you, which are many, thank you forimpacting my life; from those in the local chapter, where

    I started, to those from around the country that I had the

    opportunity to serve with. You made me a better person

    just by knowing and serving with you all. We will change

    the world one heart at a time. May God richly bless each

    of you in your work for Him.

    PS. This also goes for the staff in the Support Center.

    Without the help

    of some of these

    ladies, I would

    be in a lot of

    trouble. CMA is

    the greatest way

    I could ever

    imagine to serve


    In His Service.CMA

    Rick and Eileen Steffy oversee the NortheastRegion as National Evangelist.

    John Ogden Sr.870-389-6196

    Ray Burns785-582-4011

    February 1-2CMA Praise Rally

    Topeka, KS

    Charles Hale903-796-6692

    Lyle Herman701-663-8699

    February 1-3ND SOR

    Devils Lake, ND

    Chet Upp479-394-1014

    Bob Sandburg209-586-4419

    February 1-2S CA SOR

    Fullerton, CA

    February 8-9N CA SOR (North)

    Live Oak, CA

    February 15-16N CA SOR (South)

    Madera, CA

    Sandburg (continued)February 22-23

    ID SORBoise, ID

    By RICK Steffy

    Cloud of Witnesses

  • 8/22/2019 CMA HeartBeat February 2013







    Evangelist Article

    As I was thinking about what toshare this month I was lookingout the window at the bare trees and

    brown grass. Just a few months back

    they were full of beautiful fall colors

    and just a few months earlier every

    thing was green and full of leaves.

    Here in the south we dont get a lot of

    snow, but I imagine some of you are

    looking out at a snow covered ground.

    It will only be a short while and the

    grass will begin to turn green and thetrees will sprout leaves here in the

    southeast. The different seasons give

    us something to look forward to with

    each refreshing change.

    Most folks enjoy the changes that

    each season brings and if they are like

    me some of these changes we like bet

    ter than others. For example, Steve

    Fredericks with Open Doors told me

    that he really enjoyed the summers

    up in Michigan,

    both weeks of it!!There is one

    season that CMA

    members should

    look forward to

    and that is the

    CMA Seasons of

    Refreshing. The

    SORs are a

    tremendous time

    of teaching, train

    ing, and fellowship for our CMA fami

    ly. The SORs are also an excellent

    time for members to catch the visionthat God has shared with our National

    Team. Simply put, this is a great time

    to be energized, stirred with excite

    ment, and to get fired up about what

    God is going to do in the ministry of


    When Lisa and I joined CMA, we

    decided we should attend the SOR for

    a couple of reasons. First, we felt that

    we needed to support the ministry we

    were a part of and second, it would

    give us a better


    of what this CMA

    stuff was all

    about. I was

    pleasantly sur

    prised with the

    teaching and

    training and one

    of the biggest

    surprises to me

    was not so muchthe people we

    met, but Lisas

    enthusiasm at

    the event. You

    see, Lisa was

    never much of a note taker, but here

    she was carefully listening to every

    word and taking notes! She was clear

    ly touched by the teaching and what

    she experienced during our first

    Seasons. We left

    that SOR with a

    much clearer

    vision of what the

    ministry of CMA

    was all about. We

    saw that CMA

    was for real and

    that without a

    doubt God had

    called us into this


    Each year the theme and material

    for the SOR is prayed over, searched

    out and studied in detail. There arecountless hours spent in Gods word

    and in prayer as the information to be

    shared at each SOR is put together.

    What you hear is not something

    pulled from another resource some

    where; the material is uniquely

    designed for this ministry and it is

    based on Gods leading and direction.

    When you attend a SOR, you have a

    great opportunity to better prepare

    yourself in your calling within the

    ministry of CMA.

    Think about these questions for

    just a moment. Have you ever attend

    ed the SOR? Do you look forward to

    attending the SOR each year? Have

    you made plans to attend your states

    SOR this year? If you can answer no to

    any of these questions, my suggestionis that you sincerely pray about

    attending the SOR this year and for

    God to reveal the wonderful plans He

    has for you in this ministry.

    So, stop staring out the window

    waiting for the seasons to change,

    mark your calendar with the SOR

    nearest you and then show up and let

    the Seasons change you! CMA

    By RANDAL Tebeau

    Changing Seasons

    Randal & Lisas home in Georgia, Fall 2012.

    Lisa Tebeau speaking at Georgia Seasons of Refreshing 2012.

    Randal and Lisa Tebeau oversee the SoutheastRegion as National Evangelist.

  • 8/22/2019 CMA HeartBeat February 2013


    Evangelist Article

    What is a man of integrity?A man of integrity is the same

    person on the inside as he is onthe outside. He is the same person alone as he is with hisfriends, at work or with his family.

    What is a man of Honor?A man of honor is a man who

    keeps his word. A man of honor

    doesnt look for loopholes orexcuses. A man of honor doesntneed a signed agreement; hisword is his bond.

    A man of integrity can be trust-ed because he understands andlives by the truth.

    AlSimmermanwas a man ofintegrity and a

    man of honor. Irecognize thosetwo traits well.My father was aman of integrity and honorand he spenthis life tryingto teach me to be one as well. Ithink thats the reason I liked Also much; I admired him, I wantedto be what he was.

    Another reason I loved Al was

    his ability to ride a hardtailmotorcycle. I know that many ofyou ride motorcycles but unlessyouve ridden a hardtail formore than a few miles you reallydont understand. See I rode ahardtail for 11 years, thousandsof miles. You cant imagine whatits like to hit an unexpected pothole or bump at 70 miles perhour. And let me tell you, somelittle kidney belt doesnt help; it

    only keeps your kidneys fromexploding.

    Al wasnt just a man of integri-ty and honor, Al was a man.(Period)

    Al was my friend and Im a better man for having known him.But Al was much more than afriend, brother or husband. Alwas a man who made a difference

    for Christ. He was one of thoserare individuals who lived theGospel.

    The Bible tells us that time andtime again, when Jesus touchedsomeones life, he told them togo and tell what God has done foryou.When Al got saved, he

    immediatelywanted to goand share thatwith someone

    he loved. Andhe wasntashamed to notonly talk abouthis relationshipwith God; helooked foropportunities

    to point people to God.In CMA we have Als story

    recorded and although Al is gone,his witness lives on. Al is theembodiment of John 11:25 I

    am the resurrection, and the life:he that believeth in me, though hewere dead, yet shall he live.YesAl lives on in Heaven, he has runhis race and has his reward, butAl lives on here as well. Als witness, here on earth, will live oneven though his body has died.

    Al not only finished well, heactually made a difference. Iknow Ill see Al again and Imlooking forward to that day. But

    between now and then theres alot to do. I want to finish well andmake a difference. What aboutyou; what are you doing to makea difference right here, rightnow? If you need help with thiscall me. CMA

    Kerry and Debbie Gibson serve as CMANational Evangelist.

    Al Simmerman,Ragg Tract Al

    By KERRY Gibson

    Al and Jill Simmerman

  • 8/22/2019 CMA HeartBeat February 2013


    Iremember it like it was yesterday.

    The day my life changed, the day

    God took the reins, the day I was

    knocked unconscious, the day I lay flat

    on the field, eyes closed, teammates

    around me. I did not know at the time,

    but I would never play football again.

    Nine months went by until I fully

    accepted that fact. Throughout the nine

    months, I was forced to limit my time

    on the television, limit my time read

    ing, to walk half an hour at the most forexercise, and ultimately search inside

    me for what was really important in

    this world. It is this search that made

    me pay attention in church. It was this

    search that brought me to Jesus. It was

    this search that saved my life. Now I

    thank God for that concussion, for that

    epiphany. I no longer go through the

    motions, I have been exposed to the

    Way, the Truth, and the Life, and as a

    result I am free, I am saved, I am forgiv

    en, and I will give the remainder of mydays serving the Lord. This was the day

    I changed, when God pushed the smoke

    from my eyes, and gave me new pur

    pose and meaning in life.

    Prior to Gods intervention, I was

    living for football. I focused on football,

    I thought only of football; I practiced

    football, I studied football, I watched

    football, I talked football, I was all

    about football. I went to church and

    youth group, but my mind was clut

    tered and when I stepped out of

    church, my mind went straight to foot

    ball. My dedication to football did not

    soon die off after that first hit. I waited,

    stayed out practice, and then told the

    trainer that I felt fine. I chose to partic

    ipate in the following practice. It was a

    cold, full scrimmage day, and I was

    playing defense. On one of the first

    plays, I took a blow to the head. Instead

    of going and sitting out because of the

    pain, I stayed in because we had noextra defensive backs to take my place.

    Football was dictating my life until God

    stepped in, and gave me a revelation.

    It took me nine months to accept

    what God was telling me. However

    strenuous it may have been, this is

    what it took to get my attention. Since

    this epiphany, football has no longer

    controlled my life. I searched myself to

    find what was really important and

    ultimately found that football was not

    it. I discovered that there are much

    more important things in life, like family, friendship, and service. I see now

    that this world is not my home, C.S.

    Lewis writes about that, The fact that

    our hearts yearn for something this

    world cannot offer, is proof enough

    that this is not our home. I see now

    that everything this world has to offer

    is nothing compared to what Heaven

    has in store. I spend my time trying to

    glorify the Kingdom of God, under

    standing that time is one of His most

    precious gifts, and it should not be

    wasted. I started a Bible study with a

    friend of mine for kids in Pennwood. I

    am starting to take leadership in my

    youth group. I have traveled to both

    Kenya and Peru with my church. My

    life has taken a dramatic change of

    direction, from football all day, every

    day, to doing my best to serve the Lord

    while understanding that everything I

    do falls short of the glory of God, and

    that the cross is the only way I can beallowed to enter His kingdom. It is

    because of Jesus Christ I am saved, and

    it is Him who will receive the praise of

    my lips above all else.

    I will never be the same person I

    was before Gods intervention in my

    life. How could I? I know now what it

    truly means to live. Freedom is found

    in Christ, anything else is slavery.

    Football was my slave master, it was

    taking up all my time, all my energy,

    and distracting my eyes away from the

    fact that there is something far moreimportant in life, this being the return

    of Jesus and the Great Commission he

    calls his followers to do. Football, like

    anything else this world has to offer, is

    dangerous if it starts to take prece

    dence over faith. I was not able to han

    dle football correctly and I abused it,

    placing it over the Most High God.

    Football has been given a backseat in

    my life, Jesus has taken the wheel, and

    I am sitting in the passenger seat.. CMA






    Youth Movement

    By ZACK Engel

  • 8/22/2019 CMA HeartBeat February 2013


    Member Article

    All through the Bible we see that

    God has always had a plan, and

    it most often involves some

    faithful saint to see it through. It does

    nt take one very long looking through

    the Scriptures to find numerous

    believers that went through tribula

    tion, persecution, and imprisonment,

    yet in the end their seemingly hope

    less and unfair situation produced an

    excellent result for the Kingdom. Do

    you believe He is still working the

    same methods in lives of believers

    today? One committed member of

    CMA who recently went through the

    fire can attest to the fact that Isaiah

    55:9 and Romans 8: 28 are every bit

    as true today as when God inspiredmen to write them.

    As a result of a minor domestic dis

    pute and the accidental discovery of a

    warrant from a past lifestyle for a

    charge that had supposedly been

    expunged years ago suddenly landed

    an unsuspecting Billy Rivers in the

    county jail recently wondering what

    on earth happened. In his former life

    7 years ago he admittedly wrote a hot

    check which got him arrested and

    later released. His Daddy paid restitu

    tion to the merchant who consequently released Billys truck and

    with no pending court date he went

    about his business thinking all was

    well. All in Gods perfect timing and

    plan, years later a Grand Jury discov

    ers an open charge on the computer

    and since the funds werent paid

    through the court system there was

    no record of the restitution and an

    arrest warrant was issued. Billy had

    no charges from this recent incident

    but was detained in Louisiana long

    enough to be shipped back to Pike

    County, Mississippi to face this old

    check charge. As Billy was being

    booked into the Pike County facility

    for a cold, hungry, and very uncom

    fortable 3 week wait for court he

    asked the Lord for favor and to bring

    him to any believers that might be in

    the cell block. He identified only 2 fel

    low Christians out of the 62 men

    housed there. As he knelt on his thin

    prison mattress on the floor he spied

    a Bible laying underneath one of the

    mens rack and when he inquired if he

    could borrow it the man replied,


    As Billy began reading and prayingalone on his mat he came across Luke

    22 and the story about satan asking

    permission to sift Peter like wheat. He

    was at a low point in his life, with his

    work going away and his bills piling

    up, he felt like he was being sifted.

    Right then he made up his mind to

    give it all to the Lord and prayed that

    his faith would be built up and not

    fail. As he continued to read the Word

    he was reminded that Jesus was pray

    ing for him to the Father and it built

    his faith, gave him boldness, andallowed him to focus on Jesus and not

    Billys predicament. As he knelt and

    prayed on the cold hard floor he

    asked for the field of lost ones to be

    opened to harvest. Billy, a slight built

    gray bearded guy, was quite a con

    trast to the over 50 rough young

    members of a wellestablished street

    gang that surrounded him in that cell

    block, but when the first one stepped

    over and asked, Pops, will you pray

    for me? he knew the Lord was

    answering his prayers already. As he

    continued to pray and have Bible

    study, the Lord poured out His favor

    and moved the leader of the group to

    give Billy permission to pray for any

    one on the block and even escorted

    him around while he did so. Over the

    next 3 weeks they gradually came, in

    twos and threes, then fours and fives

    to Bible studies and prayer meetings

    around that thin hard mat and soon

    Billy was leading some in the sinners

    prayer. The conviction of the Holy

    Spirit overcame the embarrassment

    and peer pressure as more and more

    came to know Jesus as their Lord and

    Savior. God, through his Holy Spirit,on the eve of Billys court date, drew

    29 more lives to Jesus Christ making a

    total of 46 young gang members that

    had a change of heart and mind due to

    the faithfulness of one willing vessel.

    The next day, after a very favorable

    session in court Billy Rivers was

    immediately released. He did exactly

    what the Lord counted on him to do

    and was obviously an integral part of

    Gods plan for those 46 precious souls

    that were brought in to the Kingdom.

    God never tells us what He is up to,but be assured that if you are willing

    and yielded He is ready to use you in

    a mighty way!

    My brethren, count it all joy when

    you fall into various trials, knowing

    that the testing of your faith produces

    patience. But let patience have its per

    fect work, that you may be perfect

    and complete, lacking nothing

    (James 1:24, NKJV). CMA

    By TIM Weddle

    If you desire to talk to Billy about his experience hise-mail address is: [email protected]

  • 8/22/2019 CMA HeartBeat February 2013


  • 8/22/2019 CMA HeartBeat February 2013


    Goodie Corner

    Shirs & Jckes

    ___ NEW!Ladies 3/4 Red Embroideredw/ black logo on ront



    ___ NEW!Riding or the Son Shirt, navy S-4X $22.50 ___ Abide Ladies Shirt, black S-2X $20 ___ Buttery 3/4 Ladies Shirt M-XL $24.95

    ___ Buttery S/S Ladies Shirt L $24.95

    ___ Riding With The King, pink S $20

    ___ Ladies Lasting Peace T-Shirt,Lavender

    S-XL $18

    ___ Ladies Flower Power T-Shirt S-3X $18

    ___ Ladies Overspray L/S Shirt S, XL, 2X $20

    ___ Ladies Polo, black, silverembroidered logo on ront

    S-2X $35

    ___ Ladies Vintage Shirt, lt. blue S, L-XL $18

    ___ Ladies Race Check, gray S-2X $10

    ___ Ladies L/S Mini Check Dress S-3X $54

    ___ NEW!Mirocfber Shirt, l/s, black S-3X $34.95 ___ NEW!Mens L/S Red Embroidered

    w/ black logo on rontS, 2X-4X


    ___ Unity Shirt w/ CMA patches S-L, 3X $25

    ___ Men's Polo, black, silver em-broidered logo on ront

    S-M $35

    ___ Mens Race Check, gray S-XL, 3X $10

    ___ L/S Pocket Shirt, gray S $10

    ___ Men's Mini Check L/S DressS, M


    ___ Patriotic Eagle DickiesS/SShirt, gray

    S-3X $35

    ___ Dickies L/S Navy w/ Flamedetail on sleeve

    S-2X $36.50

    ___ Tribal Tie-Dye T-Shirt S-XL $20

    ___ Black 2-in-1 T-Shirt w/ GrayCMA/Red Flames Logo S-XL $20

    ___ Motocross, orange S-2X, 5X $39.50

    ___ NEW!Hatfeld Shirt, red S-4X $18 ___ NEW! My Chains Are Gone, white M-3X $18

    ___ Road Warrior L/S T-Shirt, gray S-3X $20

    ___ Weapons O Our Warare, gray S-L, 4X $18

    ___ Ride the World, l/s, brown S-XL, 3X $20

    ___ Here I You Need Us L/S,orange

    S $20

    ___ CMA on Fire T-Shirt, black S-M, XL $18

    ___ Gray Mircofber Shirt,short sleeve button up



    ___CMAUSA Bike T-Shirt, charcoalblue

    S-3X $18

    ___Rebel w/ a Cause T-Shirt,silver gray



    ___God Speaks T-Shirt, navy S-L $18

    ___Embossed Logo T-Shirt w/pocket, black



    ___Iron Sharpens Iron T-Shirt, rust S-3X $10

    ___Old School T-Shirt, brown S-2X $18

    ___Tribal Ride T-Shirt, green S-XL $18

    ___Barbed Wire T-Shirt, black S-M $10

    ___Mount Up T-Shirt, gray S-L, 3X $10

    ___Oval Retro T-Shirt, blue S-3X $6

    ___ POW-MIA T-Shirt, black, POWlogo, Memorial, Isaiah 49:16



    ___ CMA International T-Shirt, navy S-3X $6

    ___ATV Mud Splat T-shirt, yellow S-XL, 3X $10

    Cs & Hewrs

    ___ NEW! Flair Hair Visor $18.50

    ___ NEW! Black/White Ladies Cap $15.25

    ___ NEW! Pink/Brown Distressed Ladies Cap $15.25

    ___ NEW! Black/Orange Mens Cap $15.25

    ___ NEW! Pink Beanie $11.95

    ___ NEW! Black Beanie $11.95

    ___ NEW! CMA Custom Bu $19.95

    ___ NEW! Black/Red Cap w/ Red Outline $15.25

    ___ CMA Kids, royal blue and black $18.50

    ___ Orange/Black Flame Cap $15

    ___ Navy Cap w/ Metal CMA Emblem $8

    ___ "Folding" Cap, black $18

    ___ Silver Tribal Low Crown Cap, black $17.50

    ___ Silver Tribal Low Crown Cap w/ LiquidMetal, black


    ___Black Skull Duragg $15

    ___Black Duragg w/ Silver Logo $12.50

    ___Pink Duragg w/ Black Logo $12.50

    ___Youth Movement Flat Bill CapFitted: S/M L/XL


    ___ Navy/Tan FlexFit Cap $15

    ___ Black Light Up Cap, low crown $20

    ___ Navy/Red Abstract Logo Cap $15

    ___ Iron Mountain Leather Logo Cap $6

    ___ Fast Lane w/ Bike Black Cap $15

    ___Ladies Chocolate Cap $10

    ___ Ladies Rhinestone Cross Cap, Army Style $19.50

    ___ Ladies Red Pocket Leather Logo Cap $6

    ___ Ladies Aqua Sparkle Visor $8

    ___ Ladies Purple Flex Visor $3 ___ Ladies Pink Rose Visor $3

    ___ Ladies Purple Lady CMA Duragg $5

    Riing Ger & Gves

    ___ NEW!PolarTec Shirt S-2X $39.95 ___ NEW!PolarTec Pants S-2X $39.95 ___ Riding Jacket, black S, L $100

    ___ Rain Jacket, black w/ red andwhite stripe

    M, L,2X, 4X


    ___ Rain Pants, blackS-L


    ___ Adaptive Tec Jacket XS, S $75

    ___ Xtreme Riding Jacket S-5X $250

    ___ Ladies Xtreme Riding JacketXS, M,XL-2X


    ___ Cargo Armor Touring Pants,30 33 36 inseams

    30-46 $79.99

    ___ Rain Suit, black/yellow 2X-5X $75

    ___ Air Mesh Jacket44-4650-54


    ___ Ladies Air Mesh JacketXS, SL-3X


    ___ Air Mesh Pants 28-46 $123.50

    ___ Alaskan Leather Jacket 3/4 S-4X $250

    ___ Leather Pants 32-42 $245.50

    ___ Fast Lane One-Piece RidingSuit w/ CE Armor

    46, 48 $650

    ___ Neckband $16.50

    ___ Under Shirt S L XL 2x 3X 4X


    ___ Under Pants S M L XL 2X 3X


    ___ Deerskin Outseam Gloves w/ embossedlogo XXS XS S M L XL


    ___ Deer/Bualo Gauntlet Glovesw/ embossed logo XS S


    ___ Deerskin Fingerless Gloves w/embossed logo S M L XL


    ___ NEW! Tall Coconut Socks M L XL Womens


    ___ Fast Lane T-Shirt, black,scripted design

    M-3X $10

    ___ Youth Movement Tire TreadShirt, gray

    S-2X $6

    ___ Sleeveless Shirt, orange denimdenim vest

    S $10

    ___ CMA Logo L/S Shirt, logo onront/back white black

    S-5X $19

    ___ CMA Logo T-shirts, ull colorlogo on ront/back whiteblack red blue gray

    S-5X $18

    ___ Sand/Navy L/S Riding T-shirt S $6

    ___ Maroon Pocket T-shirt S, M $6

    ___ Blue Pigment Dyed T-shirt S-3X $10

    ___ White Flame T-shirt S-5X $18

    ___ Metal Stamp S/S Henley S $6

    ___ Fully Alive Kids T-ShirtYS-YXL


    ___ KIDS Road Warrior L/ST-Shirt, gray, youth sizes

    YM-YXL $18

    ___ CMA Kids Green Ride Shirt S-L $14

    ___Lounge Pants, black L-2X $34.50

    ___ Ladies Fleece Jacket, green,embroid. logo ront/back

    XL-3X $77.00

    ___ Ladies Hoodie, black w/ tribalartwork embroid. on ront

    S-3X $20

    ___ Sweatshirt, black, embroi-

    dered logo design on ront

    S, M



    ___ Hoodie w/ zipper, gray, redoutline on ront/back

    S $15


    ___ Orange Reective Logo Vest M $25

    ___ Air Mesh Vest S-M,XL-5X $77

    To order:check item, write in quantity and circle size. Carry Good-ie total to reverse side.ItEmS IN REd aRE aVaIlablE oNly totHoSE mEmbERS WHo HaVE ComplEtEd tHE mINIStRy tEamCouRSE oR WERE mEmbERS pRIoR to maRCH 1, 1997.

    Cma decs

    ___ 8 $8.50 ___ 5 $6.25

    ___ 3 $3.25 ___ 2 $2.50

    ___ 2 Colored Decal, die-cut, clearbackground Choose One:White Silver Black Orange Blue Yellow Green Red


    ___ 5 Colored Decal, die-cut, clear back-ground Choose One:White Silver Black Blue Red


    ___ 2t Logo Decal $60

    ___ Flame Decal (3 x11) $8

    ___ 18" Flame Decal $10

    ___ Black & Gold Graphics PackageIncludes 4 Decals


    ___ HD Road Glide Graphics Package $169.95

    ___ Riding or the Son 8" Decal $4

    ___ It is Finished Decal (3) $3

    ___ Lady CMA Rose Decal $1

    ___ On Track or Jesus DecalChoose One:White Black


    ___ Christian Motorcyclists Assoc. SilverWindshield Legend, etched look


    ___ Fast Lane Windshield DecalChoose One: Black Red Blue Green Yellow


    ___ Youth Movement Tire Tread DecalSilver Windshield Legend


    ___ Yellow Reective VestS-M, XL,


    ___ Leather Shawl, black w/ trim, mediumleather patch, one sizeTrim Colors Choose One:Yellow Blue Black Red


    ___ Denim Vest Extenders $7

    ___ Vest Extenders w/ CMA Logo or snaps $8

  • 8/22/2019 CMA HeartBeat February 2013


    Personalized Items (Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery)Be sure to fll out the personalized section below! PLEASE PRINT


    ___ Personalized Cloth Name Tag(Allow 6 weeks for delivery)(No more than 8 letters) __________________


    ___ Personalized Leather Name Tag(Allow 6 weeks for delivery)(No more than 7 letters) __________________


    ___ 2 Laser Name Tag $8.00

    ___ 2 Laser Name Tag w/ magnets $8.50

    ___ CMA Laser Name Tag, Yellow plasitc, haslasered CMA logo and your name


    ___ CMA Laser Name Tag w/ magnets $11.25

    ___ CMA Metal Logo Name Tag w/ pin back $12.25

    ___ CMA Metal Logo Name Tag w/ magnets $15.25

    Laser and Metal Name Tags are allowed up to 4 lines, not 2





    ___ CMA Name Tag Dangles (Chapter Name, Ofcer Positions, etc.)



    1 Line2 Lines



    ___NEW! Booth Banner and Table Skirt Set $275

    ___NEW! Vertical Banner Set, 6 Banners $200

    ___NEW! Table Skirt Banner $100

    ___NEW! Vertical Banners 26 x 60 Dual Goldwing Harley Supermoto Dirt Bike Quad


    ___Fast Lane Banner 2 x 3 $60

    ___Veterans Banner 2 x 3 $60

    ___CMA Highway Banner 2 x 3 $60

    ___Ladies Banner 3 x 2 $60

    ___Youth Movement Banner 3 x 2 $60

    ___Bike Blessing Banner 3 x 2 $60

    ___ Logo with Flames Banner 3 x 2 $60

    ___ It Is Finished Banner 2 x 3 $60

    ___ Its All About Jesus Banner 2 x 3 $60

    ___ Heart o CMA Banner 4 x 6 $200

    ___ Kids Banner 2 x 3 $60

    ___ CMA White Logo Banner 3 x 2, hangrom top


    ___ Here i you need us. Banner 4 x 6 $200

    ___ CMA Welcomes You Banner 4 x 6 $200

    ___ CMA Blessing o the Bikes 1 x 4 $60

    ___ CMA Blessing o the Bikes 3 x 2 $60

    ___ CMA Service Banner 2 x 2 $55

    ___ Fast Lane Banner 4 x 6, collage $200

    ___ Youth Movement Banner 4 x 6, racers $200

    ___ CMA Kids Ministry Banner 4 x 6 $200

    ___ Ladies Banner 4 x 6, Isaiah 49:16 $200


    ___ Devotional Book by John Ogden Sr. $6.50

    ___ Study Journal, blank $1.50

    ___ Hope or the Highway NewTestament Bible, NIV


    $4 ea$3 ea

    ___ Spoke-N-Word Gospel oJohn



    ___ Gods PromiseBook $4

    ___ If My PeopleBook $3

    ___ Spanish Hope or the High-way New Testament Bible



    $5 ea

    $4 ea$3.50 ea

    Patches & Pins

    ___ Its All About Jesus Patch $5.00

    ___ Changing the World... Patch $4.50

    ___ 21/2 CMA Kids Patch $4.50

    ___It Is Finished Patch (21/2 x 3) $4.50

    ___ 100% or Jesus Patch $4.50

    ___ Here i you need us. Patch $4.50

    ___ Jesus is #1 Leather Patch $14.95

    ___ Jesus is #1 Cloth Patch $4.50

    ___ Bible/Cross Leather w/ CMA Patch $14.95

    ___ Bible/Cross Cloth w/ CMA Patch $4.50

    ___ Jesus is my Road King Patch $4.50

    ___ Flame Patch w/ CMA Logo $4.50

    ___ CMA-USA Flag Cloth Patch $4.50

    ___ U.S.A. Cloth Map Patch (2 x 3 ) $3.50

    ___ U.S.A. Cloth Map Patch (4 x 6 ) $5

    ___ U.S.A. Leather Map Patch (4 x 6) $17.50

    ___ Ladies Wing Logo Patch $4.50

    ___ Ladies Tribal Flame Patch $4.50

    ___ Fast Lane Dual Sport Patch $5

    ___ Youth Movement Tire Tread Patch $5

    ___ Vest Guideline Cloth Patch Set, LargeBackpatch, 3 Patch, CMAUSA Patch


    ___ 2 Cloth Logo Patch $4.50

    ___ 3 Plastic Logo Patch $6

    ___ Medium Plastic Back Patch $9

    ___ Large Plastic Back Patch $12

    ___ CMAUSA Plastic Patch $6

    ___ 3 Leather Look Logo Patch, PVC $10

    ___ Medium Leather Look Logo Patch, PVC $21.50

    ___ Large Leather Look Logo Patch, PVC $22.50

    ___ CMAUSA Leather Look Patch, PVC $10

    ___ Leather Look Vest Guideline PatchSet, Large Backpatch, 3 Patch, CMAUSAPatch


    ___ 3 Cloth Logo Patch (3 x 4) $6.50

    ___ Medium Cloth Back Patch (5 x 6) $17

    ___ Large Cloth Back Patch (9 x 10) $19

    ___ Medium Leather Back Patch (5 x 6) $42

    ___ Large Leather Back Patch (9 x 10) $49.50

    ___ Ministry Team Cloth RockerTeam __________________________


    ___ Ministry Team Leather RockerTeam __________________________


    ___ Ministry Team Cloth Year Patch $5

    ___ Ministry Team Leather Year Patch $6

    ___ Ministry Team Pin (Not specic) $5

    ___ Prayer Warrior Pin $5.50

    ___ MPB Commemorative Git Pin $50.00

    ___ It Is Finished Pin $5

    ___ Small CMA Logo Pin $5.50

    ___ Larger CMA Logo Pin $7 ___ Flame Logo Pin $5.50

    ___ Hidden JESUS Pin $3

    ___ Chapter Ocers Pewter Lapel Pin Choose One: President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Chaplain

    Road Captain


    ___ Cloth Chapter Ocers Patch Choose One: President Vice-President Secretary

    Treasurer Chaplain Road Captain


    ___ Cloth Patch Choose One:Chapter State Coordinator Area Rep


    Miscellaneous Items

    ___ NEW! CMA Suspenders, black $22.95


    Absorbent Coasters w/ logo, set of 4 $20.95 ___ NEW! Stoneware Mug (new shape) $19.50

    ___ Black Coee Cup $10

    ___ NEW! 2 GB USB Preloaded Flash DriveIncludes: RFS, Take It to the Streets, Thank You, andRiding for the Son Videos


    ___ NEW! CMA Custom Pop Up Booth Tent $385

    ___ TervisTumbler w/ Logo Patch, 24 oz $19.95

    ___ Leather Journal, cover w/ lined journal $29.95

    ___ Ride Brite Travel KitIncludes: Motorcycle Wash, Chrome & MetalPolish, Surace Treatment & Sealant, LeatherCleaner & Treatment, Microfber Cloth


    ___ Koolgator Neck Cooler $9.50

    ___ Motorcycle Hitch Hider $10.50

    ___ Auto Hitch Hider $10.50

    ___ Regional Map Rerigerator Magnet $2.50

    ___ It's All About Jesus Bumper Sticker $5

    ___ Ride Brite One StepBike Wash

    8 oz32 oz


    ___ CMA Roller Ball Ink Pen $2.50

    ___ Nicaragua Knie w/ Leather Case $175

    ___ CMA Logo Bronze Plaque $75

    ___ Nicaragua Cord Wrapped Knie w/Leather Case


    ___ Denim Purse 6.5 x 7 w/ Strap $12.50

    ___ Stoneware Mug, black $19.50

    ___ CMA Tumbler w/ straw, clear $11.50

    ___ Leather Checkbook Cover, black $22.50 ___ Leather Bible Cover $60

    ___ Leather Key Whip $13

    ___ Chrome Embossed Logo Emblem $12

    ___ Rubber Beverage Coaster, logo $4.25

    ___ Diamond Finish Car License Plate $10.50

    ___ CMA Rain Poncho, yellow $5

    ___ Womens CMA Bling Bandanablack white


    ___ Fan w/ message, battery operated $7

    ___ Mousepad w/ World Map art $8.00

    ___ It Is Finished Pendant $10.00

    ___ It Is Finished Earrings $10.50

    ___ CMA Page Clip $9

    ___ Carabiner $8.50

    ___ Money Clip w/ logo $7

    ___ Luggage Tag w/ fame/logo $4

    ___ Denim Embossed Apron $20

    ___ Belt, black webbing w/ CMA wovenlabel. Made in the U.S.A. S: 28-31 M: 32-35 XL: 40-43 2X: 44-47 3X: 48-51


    ___ White Angel Bear $12

    ___ Camo Bear $11

    ___ Yellow Support Ribbon Magnet $10

    ___ CMA Youth Movement Bracelets Choose One: Glow Red Black


    ___ Refective Armband w/ lights, green $7

    ___ Black Sunglasses w/ saety lens $14

    ___ CMA Traveler Backpack Choose One: Yellow Black


    ___ CMA Jumbo Hauler, yellow $110.00

    ___ CMA Tool Pouch Choose One: Silver Yellow Black


    ___ Logo Stamped Notebook [no pen sale] $9.50

    ___ Pocket Business Card Holder $2.50

    ___ Wooden Note Pad Holder, walnut $28

    ___ CMA Car/Trailer Logo Magne t $14

    ___ CMA Fleece Blanket, hunter green $19.50

    ___ Digital Tire Gauge $15.50

    ___ CMA Tie-Down Straps $12

    ___ Custom CMA Dual Sport Helmet Skinz $20 ___ CMA Logo Flag, 3 x 5, white $79

    ___ CMA Antenna Flag, hem, 9x6 $13

  • 8/22/2019 CMA HeartBeat February 2013


    TooBox Items

    Tract 1-17, Sold in packs of 100 for $9

    1. ___ The Right Road

    2. ___ Thank You, (variety pack only)

    3. ___ He Would Have Ridden A Motorcycle

    4. ___ Let Those Who Ride Decide

    5. ___ Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

    About A Motorcyclist6. ___ Real Freedom, (variety pack only)

    7. ___ The Treasure (Ladies, Non-Biker), (variety pack only)

    8. ___ Got Control? (Sport Bike Tract)

    9. ___ No Fear (Sport Bike Tract)

    10. ___ Ultimate Moto (Youth Tract, follow the leader)

    11. ___ Wounded in Action (Veterans Tract), variety pack only

    12. ___ Lasting Peace (Active Military Tract)

    13. ___ You Are Special (Ladies Tract)

    14. ___ In Control (ATV Tract)

    15. ___ Right Trail (ATV Tract)

    16. ___ Caution: Bridge Out (Dual Sport Tract)

    17. ___ NEW! What Would Jesus Ride?

    ____ Thank You Tract 100/$11.25

    ____ Closer Look Tract, 4 color 100/$11.25

    ____ POW/MIA Tract 100/$9.00

    ____ Cherished, Ladies Tract, 4 color 100/$11.25

    ____ You Are Loved, Ladies Tract, 4 color 100/$11.25

    ____ Wounded, Veterans Tract, 4 color 100/$11.25

    ____ Ragg Tracts (Natural color) 50/$31.25

    ____ Spanish Ragg Tracts (Natural color) 25/$20

    ____ Spanish Bike Blessing 25/$13

    ____ The Right Road (Spanish) 25/$9

    ____ He Would Have Ridden A Motorcycle (Spanish) 25/$9

    ____ Have You Prepared Your Ride Plan? (Spanish) 25/$9

    ____ Everything You Ever Wanted to KnowAbout a Motorcyclist (Spanish)


    ____ Healthy Heart Tract [Blood Pressure] 50/$9.00

    Music & DVDs

    ___ Riding with the KingCD Tract 5 pack $14

    ___ Were Coming Down theHighway Now, Will Segraves

    CD $15

    ___ Flood Over MeCD, Jerry Williams $15

    ___ CMA Is Back In TownCD, D. Hill $6.50

    ___ CMA Promotional Music Videos DVD $7.50

    ___ NEW! South Africa Promo DVD $5

    ___ NEW! Spiritual Growth Bible Study Set $22

    ___ For Mature Audiences Only DVD $10

    ___ Lielines or Living DVD (Hope or the Heart) $4

    ___ Youth Movement Info DVD $6

    ___ Off-Road, MX, ATV Ministry DVD $7.50

    ____ Pre-school Tract 100/$11.25

    ____ Kids Tract 100/$11.25

    ____ Fast Lane Variety Tract Pack $7.50

    ____ Text Message Tract 100/$9

    ____ Youth Movement Variety Tract PackRiders Checklist, Avoid the Crash, TextMessage, Pick Your Line, Protective Gear


    ____ NEW!We Missed You Postcards 10/$2.50

    ____ NEW!Vision Statement Bookmark 10/$3.50

    ____ SPF 15 Sunscreen Packets 8/$5

    ____ Emery Boards 10/$3.50

    ____ Salvation Band Bracelet Tract 25/$12

    ____ Collapsible Fan Tract $4

    ____ Coin Tract (Set of 25) $8.50

    ____ Kickbags for Kids Tract 5/$7

    ____ Mirror Tract (Set of 10) $11

    ____ 4 Color Information Brochure,application not included


    ____ Pencil Sketch Artwork Postcards 51/$8

    ____ Iron Mountain Postcards, 3 designs 30/$10

    ____ Ladies Note Cards,olded, 4 color 10/$6.75

    ____ Thank You Note Cards, blank 25/$9.50

    ____ RFS Memorial Cards 25/$8

    ____ RFS Thank You Cards 25/$9

    ____ CMA Christmas Cards 25/$15

    ____ NEW! 2013 Biker Blessing Decals & Cards 50/$8

    ____ Youth Biker Blessing, stars 50/$9.50

    ____ Decision Cards 50/$4

    ____ New Believers Tri-Fold 50/$10

    ____ Born Again Birth Certifcate 50/$5

    ____ Fast Lane Brochure w/ pictures 25/$9

    ____ Youth Movement Ino Brochure 25/$10

    ____ CMA Membership Certifcate $5

    ____ CMA Appreciation Certifcate 25/$4.50

    ____ CMA Handbook, CD ROM $5

    ____ Non-Personalized CMA Business Cards,plan of salvation on back


    ____ Personalized CMA Business Cards,14 dierent graphics to choose rom,available online only at shop.cmausa.org,more ino call 501.376.8436

    Pricesvary withquantity

    ____ New Forming Chapter Poster 5/$7.50

    ____ Take A Ride With Us Poster 5/$7.50

    ____ The Bag 11x15 100/$21

    ____ Prayer Request Forms, 2 pads of 50 $5

    ____ Java Cup Sleeves 50/$6

    ____ Gospel Cups, 8 oz. paper cups 50/$91000/$70

    ____ Kickstand Coasters w/ CMA Logo, phone number, website, John 10:10, Choose One: Black Orange Red Blue Yellow Lime Pink


    ____ Kids Helium Balloons w/ CMA Kids Logo 50/$11.50

    ____ CMA Balloons w/ CMA Logo 50/$11.50

    Ministry Tem Trining Mteri

    Ministry Tems (Choose One) Childrens First Aid Hospitality

    Mechanical Music Prayer Prison Servants Womens Youth

    ___ Ministry Team DVD Set, 3 DVDs & Workbook $22

    ___ Ministry Team Basic DVDs 1 & 2 $11

    ___ Team DVD Team ____________________ $5

    ___ Ministry Team Workbook $6

    ___ Hearing Impared Servants Ministry TeamDVD Set, (Includes: 3 DVDs & Workbook)


    ___ Youth Movement DVD (12-18 yrs. old) $5

    ___ Youth Movement Workbook (12-18 yrs. old) $4

    ___ CMA Kids Patch and DVD Set (8-12 yrs. old) $10

    ___ 2012 Growing Healthy Chapters AMT Set(Includes: DVD, workbook, patch)


    ___ 2011 Special Ops AMT Set(Includes: DVD, workbook, patch)


    ___ 2011 Special Ops AMT Workbook $4.50

    ___ 2012 Better Together YM AMT Set(Includes: DVD, workbook, patch)


    ___ 2011 Special Ops YM AMT Set(Includes: DVD, workbook, patch)


    ___ 2011 Special Ops YM AMT Workbook $4.50

    ___ Evangelism YM AMT Workbook $4.50

    ___ Spanish Youth Movement Workbook $4


    $ _________ ORDER TOTal$ _________ Send a years subscription of the

    CMa HeartBeatfor only $20

    $ _________ Ses Tx (Please see notice*)

    $ _________ ORDER SUB-TOTal


    $10 $20 $50 Dontion to CMa

    $ _________ Git Certifcte $5 $10 $25 $50$ _________ Please accept my gift for the Iron

    Mountin Deveopment

    $ _________ Please accept my gift for the Support

    Center Muti-Purpose Buiding$ _________ Please accept my gift to CMa

    $ _________ Please accept my gift for RFS

    $ _________ DONaTION SUB-TOTal


    $ _________ TOTal aMOUNT ENClOSED


    Ship to address: ______________________________


    Name: _______________________________________

    Member #: ____________________________________

    E-mail Address: ________________________________

    Daytime Phone Number : _________________________

    My check is enclosed payable to CMA

    Discover VISA MasterCard

    Card #: _________/_________/_________/_________

    Expires: ________/_________

    Your gift is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please Note:CMAwill mail receipts for your tax deductible gifts annually, rather than monthly.

    Thank you for your support!

    ___ Ordinary to Extraordinary Women DVD $7.50

    ___ Relationships DVD $7.50

    ___ Street Bike Ministry 101 DVD $6.50

    ___ 35th Testimonies DVD $10

    ___ Ragg Tract Al DVD $10

    ___ Magdalena Film DVD $6

    ___ Jesus Film Audio CD $4

    ___ Real Freedom the JESUSflmDVD, biker version



    ___NEW! RFS 2013 DVD $5.50

    ___ What Can Jesus Do? DVD 5 Pack $14

    ___ Fast Lane Informational DVD $6.00

    ___ Fast Lane Training DVD $6.50

    ___ Discipleship DVD by Kerry Gibson $6.50

    ___ Life Changing Stor ies DVD #1, withKerry Gibson and John Ogden, Sr.


    ___ Life Changing Stor ies DVD #2, withKerry Gibson and Gary Wadding


    ___ Four Elements of a Healthy Chapterand Forming a CMA Chapter DVD


    Send Order Form to:Christian Motorcyclists Association

    PO Box 9, Hatfeld, AR 71945

    Send check, money order, or credit card information with order. Pleaseinclude your membership number on any orders. We cannot fll or-ders without payment (credit card orders may be placed by calling1-800-300-6530; Discover, VISA or MasterCard). The 800 numberis or orders only. For questions about an order, please call 870-

    389-6196. Prices are subject to change without notice. We acceptfax orders with credit card information. Fax number 1-870-389-6199.Ordering online is availble at shop.cmausa.org.

    *SalES TaX aPPlIES TO THE FOllWING STaTES: al, aR, Fl, Ga, IN,

    Il, KY, la, ME, MD, MI, MN, MS, NE, NV, NC, ND, OK, Pa, RI, WV

    ToolBox Items

    Order FOrm

    Bnners (continued)

    ___ CMA Custom Chapter Banner 4 x 6 (Must send in chapter patch, 3 weeks)


  • 8/22/2019 CMA HeartBeat February 2013







    Mail-In Registration

    Name(s): ____________________________________________________________________________

    Membership #(s): _____________________________________________________________________

    Address: _____________________________________________________________________________

    City, State, Zip: _______________________________________________________________________

    Phone: (______)_______________________________ (______)_______________________________

    E-mail: ______________________________________________________________________________

    Eastern National RallyFryeburg Fairgrounds

    Fryeburg, MaineJune 18-22

    Postmark May 28 Online June 4

    Individual Registration:

    ____ # Adults (age 18+) x $18.50

    ____ # Children (age 4-17) x $9.25


    Family Registration $43.00:

    Immediate family only Max 2 adults

    ____ # Adults (age 18+)____ # Children (age 4-17)

    EAST Total Amount $ ___________

    PAYMENT:Enclosed is: Check/Money Order VISA MasterCard Discover

    Expires: __________ Card #:

    Signature: _____________________________

    Pre-registration prices include applicable sales tax.

    ON-SITE REGISTRATION FEES (plus local taxes as applicable): Adults (age 18+) $20 each Children (age 4-17) $10 each Age 3 & under FREE (no rally pin) $50 maximum for Immediate Family with MAX 2 adults

    You do not have to be a member to attend.

    CAMPING INFORMATIONFryeburg Fairgrounds

    Camping arranged upon arrival.Camping available beginning 6/17.

    RV and tent sites are not assigned and arefirst-come, first-serve. Dump station available

    Payable on-site upon arrival

    Tent primitive $28.00/night

    Tent electric $32.00/night

    RV W&E $38.00/night

    Western National RallyEl Meson ConferenceChama, New Mexico

    July 16-20Postmark June 25 Online July 2

    Individual Registration:

    ____ # Adults (age 18+) x $18.50

    ____ # Children (age 4-17) x $9.25


    Family Registration $43.00:

    Immediate family only Max 2 adults

    ____ # Adults (age 18+)____ # Children (age 4-17)

    WEST Total Amount $ ___________

    Changing of the Colors RallyIron MountainHatfield, AR

    October 16-20Postmark September 25 Online October 2

    Individual Registration:

    ____ # Adults (age 18+) x $18.50

    ____ # Children (age 4-17) x $9.25


    Family Registration $43.00:

    Immediate family only Max 2 adults

    ____ # Adults (age 18+)____ # Children (age 4-17)

    Pre-Pay Camping Packages

    Tent primitive $22.00 total

    Tent electric $35.00 total

    Valid for Tuesday-Saturday nights.

    5 nights for the price of 4!

    Camping is available by the nightupon arrival at Registration.

    Tent sites are not assigned andare first-come, first-serve.

    RV by reservation only.

    Contact Chris Benner, [email protected] Amount $ ___________


    Camping arranged upon arrival.Camping available beginning 7/15.

    RV and tent sites are not assigned and arefirst-come, first-serve. Dump station available.

    Payable on-site upon arrival

    Tent primitive $13.00/night

    Tent electric $19.00/night

    RV W&E $27.00/night

    RV full $35.00/night

    Pre-registration is NON-REFUNDABLE.FIRST PRIORITY for rally pins

    to those who pre-register.

    Mail: CMA c/o EventsPO Box 9

    Hatfield, AR 71945Online: shop.cmausa.orgAny questions can be directed to the CMA National Events Department at (870)389-6196 option 7 or to [email protected].

  • 8/22/2019 CMA HeartBeat February 2013


    2013 Events

  • 8/22/2019 CMA HeartBeat February 2013







    CMA Kids

    Have you ever done something you knew was wrong but did it anyway? I know I have. I am sure all of us

    have done something wrong and gotten some type of punishment. I can tell you I have gotten in trouble several

    times and each time I think, Why did I do that? I should not have done it. That was wrong.I am learning but like everyone else, I still make mistakes. Some of the times I got in trouble (for doing some-

    thing I knew was wrong); I would wonder if my parents still loved me. Now, I know that was silly talk. Of course,

    they still loved me. Do you ever feel that way? I can tell you without a doubt you will always be loved even when

    you do something you shouldnt. There is someone who will always love you no matter what wrong things we


    Like your parents, Jesus will always love you. He loves you so much He died on the cross so you could live

    for Him and with Him! His love will never stop. His love for you and me is perfect like nothing we have ever felt


    Dear Jesus, I know You love me all the time no matter what. Please forgive me for the things I have done

    wrong (name the wrong things). Thank You for loving me. In Jesus name, Amen.

    But here is how God has shown his love for us.While we were still sinners, Christ died for us

    (Romans 5:8, NIrV).

    Find your way to the loveJesus has ready to give to us!

    LoveStart Here

  • 8/22/2019 CMA HeartBeat February 2013


    Evangelist Article

    As we are easing into 2013,Gods hand is at work withinthe ministry of CMA. The

    vision that was cast in 2010 for thenext decade is well underway asGod continues to put it into actionand draw people into fulfilling Hiscall. The vision was four fold:increase in Gods anointing andpower, increase of CMA awareness in the Christian community,

    increase of the pace of ministryaround the world, and increase offinances. We have been called intothis ministry for a reason; there ispurpose to our life beyond ourselves. Christ is the giver of lifeand He adds meaning to it. Today,where do you stand? What is yourpurpose? Where do you fit in? Theanswer to these and many morequestions can be answered in a lifethat is surrendered to God; in a life

    absorbed in His Word, in timespent in prayer and praise. Godhas a destiny for you to fulfill andthat destiny is in a life surren

    dered. We must give it all to Him.Over 2012 Gods presence has

    been stronger in the state eventsthan at any other time in our history. Why is that? It is because He isfulfilling His vision given to us. Itsnot something that can bewhipped up. Its not empty words.It is by the power of His might. Ihavent worked hard enough toget it, nor can anyone, as He is

    moved by faith. I believe what Heset out for us is true and mostCMAers do as well. So we are seeing it happen before our eyes. Heis amazing, wonderful, powerfuland loving. He is our high tower,our hope, our shield, our shelter,and our trust is in Him. At onestate rally the presence of Godcame in so heavy that theresponse was people on theirknees, eyes flowing with tears, and

    hearts torn for the cause of Christ.What was the altar call for thisgreat response? There was none, itcame in the middle of preaching.

    God chooses the time and I believethat time is now. Heaven is opening up to us and demands aresponse. Will you serve Him? Notin part but in whole. All we have isHis, do we see it that way? Havewe offered it to Him? Will you?Now is the time to do so. Rightnow, no need to finish reading thisarticle until you give it all. He istrust worthy. It has been the case

    in many people lives that Godmoves after we give up. Not justkind of give up, but really say, Doas you wish, I give it to You I turnover control to You. I cannot handle this and I have proved it. Idont need help I need for You towork it totally.

    Our trust must be in Him. Thedays ahead of us will test thethings that we put hope and trustin. Nations, finances, health, and

    family will all be tested and thethings that will remain are hope,faith, and love and of these love isthe greatest. Why do people give

    By JOHN Ogden Jr.

    Fulfill Your Destiny

    (continue on page 28)

  • 8/22/2019 CMA HeartBeat February 2013







    Pastors Retreat Registration

    Note: The retreat is limited to one senior level pas-tor and spouse per church. Registration is openuntil the retreat is full or March 1, 2013, whichevercomes first. This is not a motorcycle event. Retreatbegins at 5:00 p.m. on March 19 and concludes theevening of March 21.

    Your complimentary registration will include 3nights of hotel lodging with lunch and suppermeals during the retreat. Camping is available uponrequest. Breakfast and transportation are notincluded and are the only expenses the pastor isresponsible for.

    Child care and childrens program for ages birth toearly teen are available.

    Pets are restricted from retreat buildings. Advancenotification is required when bringing a pet forappropriate lodging arrangements.

    Confirmations and driving directions will beemailed, faxed, or mailed prior to the retreat. If youdo not receive a confirmation, please call us toconfirm that your registration was received.

    Mail completed form to CMA, PO Box 9,Hatfield, Arkansas 71945.

    Questions & Information: Sandy Miller870-389-6196 ext 235, fax 870-389-6199,

    or email [email protected]

    Pastors Name

    Position in Church

    Spouse's Name (If attending)

    Ages of Children (attending)

    Name of Church

    Church Mailing Address(where you can receive mail)


    Church Phone


    Home Phone

    Cell Phone

    E-mail Address

    Lodging (SELECT ONE) Hotel Full Service RV Site Lodging not needed (local or staying with friends)

    If coming alone, please check here if you would be willing to share a room.

    CMA Member Inviting You

    Members Phone & E-mail

    Pastors Signature

    2013 Pastors Retreat Registration Form PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY

  • 8/22/2019 CMA HeartBeat February 2013


    Member Article

    By DUANE Laird

    What in the world are you talkingabout? Of course CMA is not ourchurch; we attend the church of our

    choice. Oh yeah, when was the last

    time that you were in attendance at

    that church? What do you do at that

    church except attend? Do you teach,

    usher, help with the youth, place altar

    flowers? Are you on special commit

    tees like finance, building and

    grounds? Are you a Deacon? When

    someone cannot teach, do you offer to

    fill in? Just what are you doing if CMA

    is not your church?

    So many times we (I will include

    myself) are so excited and encour

    aged by new members in CMA that we

    dont continue to support them as weshould. Remember that they need a

    church home. Not so they have con

    flicts with CMA and church events,

    but because they need the ground

    ing that a church home can give them

    and the fellowship of Christian believ

    ers. If you passed away today, would

    your minister know enough about

    you without having to ask your

    friends and relatives? Do you have a

    church home that will perform the

    funeral? Better start thinking about

    these questions because unless the

    Lord returns soon, you will need a

    place for a funeral.

    I have made it a point, when

    attending CMA events where other

    CMA members are present of asking

    where they go to church and what

    they do to support that church. You

    will be disheartened to learn that theonly time many of our members hear

    a sermon is when they are support

    ing one of our people that has been

    lead to present the sermon at a

    church or special event. They are on

    the rolls at a church, but they do not


    Something that we have begun in

    Wheels of Faith, and I know other

    chapters are participating as well, is a

    Member Support Sunday. This is

    where our chapter attends one of our

    members Sunday morning church

    service, just to show him and his

    church that we do support each other

    and support the participation in their

    church home.

    Please, if you do not have a church

    home, find one that fits you and your

    needs, because CMA is NOT YOUR

    CHURCH. CMADuane P. Laird is a member of the Wheels of Faith

    chapter #1090 of Clinton, Mississippi.

  • 8/22/2019 CMA HeartBeat February 2013







    International Mission Trips

  • 8/22/2019 CMA HeartBeat February 2013


    RFS Network

    When talking about RFS it might seem tosome as if its all about the money. Nothingcould be further from the truth. Its about

    souls. I heard a preacher say one time that the very

    heartbeat of God is souls. Lets get real and understand that the money raised is only a means to anend; and that end is leading souls to God throughJesus Christ.

    One of the primary purposes in sending outthese RFS fundraising tips is to give chapters andmembers options. From my end its exciting to hearwhat chapters are doing around the country to support the RFS effort. I recently received an emailfrom a chapter in Alaska telling me what they havebeen doing and the fun they had doing it.

    Here are a couple of excerpts from their email.Please consider what you and

    your chapter can do.
