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爀屲Move to ne對xt slide - Brake...Slide 1\爀屲Welcome and introduction\爀屲Welcome the...

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Page 1: 爀屲Move to ne對xt slide - Brake...Slide 1\爀屲Welcome and introduction\爀屲Welcome the students and introduce yourself. Explain you are representing Brake, the road\ഠsafety
Presentation Notes
Slide 1 Welcome and introduction Welcome the students and introduce yourself. Explain you are representing Brake, the road safety charity, and are here because of a new competition Brake is launching with young people across the country. Move to next slide
Page 2: 爀屲Move to ne對xt slide - Brake...Slide 1\爀屲Welcome and introduction\爀屲Welcome the students and introduce yourself. Explain you are representing Brake, the road\ഠsafety

[Insert Project24 video]

Presentation Notes
Slide 2 Project24 video Show Project24 video Also available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lg0XtvMAGgo Embed code: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Lg0XtvMAGgo" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> Briefly explain Project24 to the class. Project24 is a competition that seeks to inspire young people to use their passion and creative skills to make their own 24-second videos that raise awareness about vital road safety measures. The name ‘Project24’ comes from the fact that 1.35 million people are killed on the road each year, which works out as one every 24 seconds. This means road crashes are the eighth leading cause of death worldwide, and the most common cause of death for young people. We want young people to make 24-second long videos about any road safety subject they like, because we know they can be great campaigners who are passionate about improving road safety and speaking out about the dangers they face. At Brake we’ve seen countless examples of young people campaigning in their communities for road safety change, and we want to inspire others to get involved. Move to next slide
Page 3: 爀屲Move to ne對xt slide - Brake...Slide 1\爀屲Welcome and introduction\爀屲Welcome the students and introduce yourself. Explain you are representing Brake, the road\ഠsafety



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Slide 3 Aims for today’s lesson Our aims for today’s workshop: DISCUSS - Discuss road safety priorities for your area UNDERSTAND - Improve understanding of what makes roads dangerous LEARN - Learn what you can do to improve road safety PLAN - Start planning your own road safety resource We will talk about the things young people prioritise in a community and how road safety can fit in to that. You will discuss your road safety priorities with others and think about the reasons for your decisions. We will explore some of the key road risks young people face on roads and the solutions that can make journeys safer. We will take part in a fun activity highlighting a specific road danger and discuss its implications for how we can improve road safety. We will study awareness-raising resources published by Brake and use them as inspiration for our own road safety campaigns. Move to next slide
Page 4: 爀屲Move to ne對xt slide - Brake...Slide 1\爀屲Welcome and introduction\爀屲Welcome the students and introduce yourself. Explain you are representing Brake, the road\ഠsafety

What do you need so that you can make safe and healthy journeys where you live?

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Slide 4 Safer communities Brainstorm with the class about what they think would make their community a safer place to move around in. Ideas may include zebra crossings near schools, lower speed limits etc. Move to next slide
Page 5: 爀屲Move to ne對xt slide - Brake...Slide 1\爀屲Welcome and introduction\爀屲Welcome the students and introduce yourself. Explain you are representing Brake, the road\ഠsafety

Slow traffic

Safe crossing placesSafe places

to cycle

Clean airFootpaths

separated from traffic

Streets with no motorised traffic

Speed bumps

Speed camerasGood public

transport links

Parks and green spaces

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Slide 5 Road safety priorities Show the class the ideas on this slide and compare with the suggestions that they made. Split the children into groups of three or four and hand out a copy of the local priorities cards to each group. Ask them to rank them in order of their top priority for their community to their lowest priority. Allow approximately five minutes for them to discuss these and reach a decision. Bring the class back together and ask some volunteers to share the decisions they made and explain the reasons for their decisions. Did they disagree on any points, and if so, why? Were there any areas that they all agreed on? Move to next slide
Page 6: 爀屲Move to ne對xt slide - Brake...Slide 1\爀屲Welcome and introduction\爀屲Welcome the students and introduce yourself. Explain you are representing Brake, the road\ഠsafety
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Slide 6 What makes roads dangerous? Engage the children in a discussion about things that can make roads dangerous for people who walk and cycle. If possible, make a list of these on a whiteboard. Start the conversation by talking about one of the most basic dangers on the roads: speeding. Speed is one of the main causes of road deaths and injuries. A driver’s speed determines whether they will be able to react to danger and stop in time to avoid a crash. If a car hits someone at 18mph, the impact that person experiences will be like falling out of a first-floor window. If the car is travelling at 27mph, the impact is equivalent to falling from the third floor. This means 20mph is a much safer speed in communities than 30mph. Ask for other suggestions of road dangers that the students have personally seen. These could include: Heavy traffic A lack of safe crossing places A lack of footpaths or cycle paths separated from traffic Drivers impaired by drugs or alcohol Distracted drivers (e.g. using phones, listening to music) Blind corners Pollution from road traffic Prompt some of these answers if the students do not make many suggestions. Explain why some of these factors are dangerous, inviting responses from the class. Use some of the following facts if necessary: Alcohol and drugs can affect coordination and perception of things like speed and distance. More than a quarter of all greenhouse gases come from cars and other vehicles. Almost a quarter of cyclists involved in road crashes suffer head injuries. Move to next slide
Page 7: 爀屲Move to ne對xt slide - Brake...Slide 1\爀屲Welcome and introduction\爀屲Welcome the students and introduce yourself. Explain you are representing Brake, the road\ഠsafety
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Slide 7 Distract the driver Explain you’re going to demonstrate the effects of one of these risks – distraction. Ask for five volunteers to take part in this next exercise. One of these will be the ‘driver’ and the other four will be passengers trying to distract them. These four will need to be comfortable making a lot of noise in front of the rest of the class. Clear a space at the front of the room and arrange five chairs into a car formation, with two at the front and three at the back. Get the volunteers to sit in these chairs with the driver in the front-right chair (the driver’s side). Task the driver with counting backwards from 100 while the other volunteers do their best to distract them by talking loudly, singing etc. Ask the driver how they found the task. Mention that if they struggle to count backwards while being distracted, think about how difficult driving is with all the things drivers have to pay attention to – their speed, other cars, road position, other road users - pedestrians, cyclists etc. Ask for suggestions about what else can distract drivers in a car other than noisy passengers. Move to next slide
Page 8: 爀屲Move to ne對xt slide - Brake...Slide 1\爀屲Welcome and introduction\爀屲Welcome the students and introduce yourself. Explain you are representing Brake, the road\ഠsafety
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Slide 8 Distractions – Mobile phones Explain that mobile phones are one of the most common distractions for drivers. Drivers who use phones at the wheel are four times more likely to crash than other drivers. Even though talking, texting or using a handheld phone in any other way while driving is illegal, many drivers still admit using them. Using a phone in any way distracts a driver from the task of driving. After using a phone it can take up to half a minute to regain full concentration. This means the driver is not paying full attention to the road and is more likely to crash. Brain scanning has shown speaking on a phone causes drivers to experience ‘visual tunnelling’, narrowing their field of vision and reducing the chance that they will spot a hazard like a pedestrian on the road. Hands-free calls are not any safer than hand-held ones because the call itself is the distraction, not holding the device. Drivers caught using a phone can face a £200 fine and six points on their licence, halfway towards a driving ban. New drivers will automatically lose their licence. Move to next slide
Page 9: 爀屲Move to ne對xt slide - Brake...Slide 1\爀屲Welcome and introduction\爀屲Welcome the students and introduce yourself. Explain you are representing Brake, the road\ഠsafety
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Slide 9 Road safety campaigns - Poster discussion Explain that these posters were designed by Brake to highlight the dangers of distraction as part of a Road Safety Week campaign a few years ago. Ask students whether they think they are effective at communicating their messages. Ask students to give specific views on what they think works and what could be better. Make a list of their suggestions on the board. Generally, good posters have an immediate visual impact with a bold, eye-catching design. They don’t use too many words but contain just enough information to get their message across. They may also contain a call to action to get people to engage with the message. For example, this could be asking people to find out more at a website address. Move to next slide
Page 10: 爀屲Move to ne對xt slide - Brake...Slide 1\爀屲Welcome and introduction\爀屲Welcome the students and introduce yourself. Explain you are representing Brake, the road\ഠsafety
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Slide 10 Start designing Drawing on everything they have learned today, ask students to think about how they would make a film to support a road safety campaign. They will make a plan for this film, for which they will need to: Choose a road safety topic that interests them or is relevant to risks in their local community Decide on a message that will engage their audience and convince them why it is important Think of a catchy title Consider what language and images they could use to convey their message If there is time, get them to start planning. Come together and ask a few volunteers to share their ideas with the rest of the class. Move to next slide
Page 11: 爀屲Move to ne對xt slide - Brake...Slide 1\爀屲Welcome and introduction\爀屲Welcome the students and introduce yourself. Explain you are representing Brake, the road\ഠsafety
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Slide 11 Thank you and more information Thank the class for listening today. Remind them that they have important roles to play in achieving safer roads and by raising awareness of the topics you’ve discussed today they can make a real difference to safety in their communities. They can be good role models and can get involved with organisations that campaigning for road safety initiatives both at home and at a global level. Explain that for more information about the Project24 competition they can visit www.brake.org.uk/project24, where they will find more details about entering the competition as well as more inspiration for the subjects they could talk about. END
