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CMS High Level Trigger Selection

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EPS-HEP 2003 Aachen, Germany. CMS High Level Trigger Selection. Giuseppe Bagliesi INFN-Pisa On behalf of the CMS collaboration. Outline. LHC Environment High Level Trigger strategy Object selection e/ g, m, Jet /n, t , b HLT rates and efficiencies Conclusions. p-p collisions at LHC. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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CMS High Level Trigger Selection Giuseppe Bagliesi INFN-Pisa On behalf of the CMS collaboration EPS-HEP 2003 Aachen, Germany
Page 1: CMS High Level Trigger Selection

CMS High Level Trigger Selection

Giuseppe BagliesiINFN-Pisa

On behalf of the CMS collaboration

EPS-HEP 2003Aachen, Germany

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LHC Environment High Level Trigger strategy Object selection

e/Jet , b HLT rates and efficiencies Conclusions

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p-p collisions at LHC

Crossing rate 40 MHzEvent Rates: ~109 Hz

Max LV1 Trigger 100 kHzEvent size ~1 MbyteReadout network 1 Terabit/sFilter Farm ~106 Si95Trigger levels 2Online rejection 99.9997% (100 Hz from 50 MHz)System dead time ~ %Event Selection: ~1/1013

Crossing rate 40 MHzEvent Rates: ~109 Hz

Max LV1 Trigger 100 kHzEvent size ~1 MbyteReadout network 1 Terabit/sFilter Farm ~106 Si95Trigger levels 2Online rejection 99.9997% (100 Hz from 50 MHz)System dead time ~ %Event Selection: ~1/1013

Event rate

“Discovery” rate

LuminosityLow 2x1033 cm-2 s-1

High 1034 cm-2 s-1

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Level-1 (~µs) 40 MHz High-Level ( ms-sec) 100 kHzEvent Size ~ 106 Bytes

Level-1 (~µs) 40 MHz High-Level ( ms-sec) 100 kHzEvent Size ~ 106 Bytes

Trigger environment

40 MHzClock drivenCustom processors

100 kHzEvent drivenPC networkTotally software

100 HzTo mass storage

two trigger levelstwo trigger levels

All charged tracks with pt > 2 GeV

Reconstructed tracks with pt > 25 GeV

Operating conditions:one “good” event (e.g Higgs in 4 muons )

+ ~20 minimum bias events)

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High Level Trigger requirements and operation

HLT: Reconstruction and selection of electrons, photons, muons, jets, missing ET, and b and tagging.

HLT has access to full event data (full granularity and resolution) maximum flexibility

Main requirements: Satisfy CMS physics program with high efficiency Inclusive selection (we like to see also unexpected physics!) Must not require precise knowledge of calibration/run conditions Efficiency must be measurable from data alone The HLT code/algorithms must be as close as possible to the offline

reconstruction Limitations:

CPU time Output selection rate (~102 Hz) Precision of calibration constants

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Regional Reconstruction

Regional• process (e.g. DIGI to RHITs) each detector on a "need" basis• link detectors as one goes along• physics objects: same




Pixel L_1

Si L_1

Pixel L_2




Pixel L_1

Si L_1

Pixel L_2


Global • process (e.g. DIGI to RHITs) each detector fully• then link detectors• then make physics objects

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PhotonsThreshold cut

ElectronsTrack reconstruction

E/p, matching () cut

ECAL reconstructionThreshold cut

Pixel matching

In addition:

• Isolation cuts (ECAL, pixel, track)

•Had/EM isolation

• 0 rejection

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HLT Electron selection (I)

Level-2 electron:• 1-tower margin around 4x4 area

found by Lvl-1 trigger• Apply “clustering”• Accept clusters if EHCAL /EECAL <0.05• Select highest ET cluster

•Brem recovery:• Seed cluster with ET>ETmin

• Road in around seed• Collect all clusters in road• “supercluster”and add all energy in road

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HLT Electron selection (II)

Level-2.5 selection: add pixel information Very fast, high rejection

high efficiency (=95%), high background rejection (14)• Pre-bremsstrahlung:

Matching hits given by most electrons and by few photons • Require at least 2 hits (3 pixel hits available almost always)

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HLT Electron selection (III)

Level-3 electron: Build tracks from pixel seeds found in

pixel-matching step

Very loose track requirements for high efficiency for radiating tracks:

3-hit layers Allow 2 consecutive missing layers

Track selection: Barrel: E/p and (track-cluster) Endcap: E/p

Also (non-track): H/E

With tight cuts is always possible to select almost no-radiating electron with very high purity

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HLT muon track reconstruction

Inclusion of Tracker Hits: “Level-3”•Define a region of interest through tracker based on L2 track with parameters at vertex• Find pixel seeds, and propagate from innermost layers out, including muon

Standalone Muon Reconstruction: “Level-2”

• Seeded by Level-1 muons• Kalman filtering technique applied to DT/CSC/RPC track segments•GEANE used for propagation through iron• Trajectory building works from inside out• Track fitting works from outside in• Fit track with beam constraint

Single muons10<Pt<100 GeV/c

Level-3Algorithmic efficiency

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L2 & L3 muon pT resolution and efficiency





PT resolution barrel

10 GeV threshold

30 GeV

10. 30. 50.

Efficiency vs PT threshold





gen) /(1/pTgen)

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Isolation and physics content after muon Level-3

Before isolation After isolation

Muons from b,c,K, decays are greatly suppressed by isolation

Isolation is based on transverse energy (ET ) or momentum (PT ) measurements in cones around the muon Calorimeter isolation - ET from calorimeter towers in a cone around the muonPixel isolation - PT of 3-hit tracks in the pixel detector in cone around the muon - Requires that contributing tracks come from same primary vertex as the Level-3 muon (to reduce pile-up contamination)Tracker isolation - PT of tracks in the Tracker (regional reconstruction around L3 muon)

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HLT efficiencies on H WW 22

Efficiency @ low lumi:MH=120 GeV: single mu 74% , di-mu exclusive 14% , combined: 87 %MH=160 GeV: single mu 87% , di-mu exclusive 5% , combined: 92 %

L3 threshold

L3 muon thresholdsat low luminosity:

Single 19 GeVDouble 7 GeV

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Jet rates and thresholds Low luminosity:

1 kHz at Level-1: 177 GeV (1 jet), 85 GeV (3 jet), 70 GeV (4 jet) 1 Hz at HLT: 657 GeV (1 jet), 247 GeV (3 jet), 149 GeV (4 jet)

High luminosity: 1 kHz at Level-1: 248 GeV (1 jet), 112 GeV (3 jet), 95 GeV (4 jet) 1 Hz at HLT: 860 GeV (1 jet), 326 GeV (3 jet), 199 GeV (4 jet)

Very high rates and thresholds!•HLT triggers need some other conditionto have acceptably low threshold•MET, leptons, isolation, vertices…

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MET Rates

Calorimeter coverage: ||<5

Generator level:•real neutrinos -> ET

miss>60 GeV•ET

miss<60 GeV mostly due to limited coverage

Much higher ETmiss at HLT than

at generator level

•“ETmiss” objects selection is

done in association with other requirements, like a energetic jet

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Partial track reconstruction strategy at HLT

At HLT ultimate resolution is not neededGood track parameter resolution is obtained already with 4 or more hitsThe time for track reconstruction increases linearly with the number of hits

Momentum resolution

Full tracker

Impact parameter resolution

Full tracker

Reconstruct only a ROI (Region Of Interest) from LVL1 candidate objects (regional tracking)Use a reduced number of hits (conditional tracking)

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Tracker @ HLT: tau tagging

Regional Tracking: •Look only in Jet-track matching cone•Loose Primary Vertex associationConditional Tracking: Stop track as

soon asPixel seed found (PXL) / 6 hits found (Trk)

If Pt<1 GeV with high C.L.Reject event if no “leading track” found

Regional Tracking: •Look only inside isolation cone•Loose Primary Vertex association

Conditional Tracking: Stop track as soon asPixel seed found (PXL) / 6 hits found (Trk)

If Pt<1 GeV with high C.L.

Reject event as soon as additional track found

Regional seeding: look for seeds in a specific region

Essential at High LuminosityEssential at High Luminosityactivity well advancedactivity well advanced

TEST CHANNELS•A0/H0 (200, 500 GeV) -> -jet -jet, -jet lepton•H+(200, 400 GeV) -> -jet •Efficiencies ~ 40-50%, •Background rej. after LVL1 ~103

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Inclusive b tagging at HLT

Inclusive b tag at HLT possible, provided alignment under control

Use tracks to define Jet axis(if rely on L1 Calo Jet ~ randomize signed IP)

Performance of simple signed IP “track counting” tags~ same as after full track reconstruction

Regional Tracking: Look only inJet-track matching cone

Loose Primary Vertex association

Conditional Tracking: Stop track as soon asPixel seed found (PXL) / 6 hits found (Trk)

If Pt<1 GeV with high C.L.

~300 ms low lumi~300 ms low lumi~1 s high lumi~1 s high lumi

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HLT table: LHC start…

Level-1 rate “DAQ staging”:50 KHz

Total Rate: 105 Hz

Average HLT CPU:300ms*1GHz Improvements are possible

Channel Efficiency (for fiducial objects)H(115 GeV) 77%H(160 GeV)WW* 2 92%HZZ4 92%A/H(200 GeV)2 45%SUSY (~0.5 TeV sparticles) ~60%

With RP-violation ~20%

We 67% (fid: 60%)W 69% (fid: 50%)Top X 72%

HLT performances:

Priority to discovery channels

Trigger Threshold (=90-95%) (GeV)

Indiv.Rate (Hz)

Cumul rate(Hz)

1e, 2e 29, 17 34 34

1, 2 80, (40*25) 9 43

1, 2 19, 7 29 72

1, 2 86, 59 4 76

Jet * Miss-ET180 * 123 5 81

1-jet, 3-jet, 4-jet 657, 247, 113 9 89

e * jet 19 * 52 1 90

Inclusive b-jets 237 5 95

Calibration/other 10 105

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HLT: CPU usageAll numbers for a 1 GHz, Intel Pentium-III CPU

Trigger CPU (ms)

Rate (kHz)

Total (s)

1e/, 2e/ 160 4.3 688

1, 2 710 3.6 2556

1, 2 130 3.0 390

Jets, Jet * Miss-ET

50 3.4 170

e * jet 165 0.8 132

B-jets 300 0.5 150

Total: 4092 s for 15.1 kHz 271 ms/eventTime completely dominated by slow GEANE extrapolation in muons – will improve!Consider ~50% uncertainty!

Today: ~300 ms/event on a 1GHz Pentium-III CPU

Physics start-up (50 kHz LVL1 output): need 15,000 CPUs

Moore’s Law: 2x2x2 faster CPUs in 2007

~ 40 ms in 2007, ~2,000 CPUs~1,000 dual-CPU boxes in Filter Farm

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SummaryThe regional/conditional reconstruction is very useful to reduce CPU time and very effective in the HLT selection

Tracker at HLT: Essential for muons, electron and tau selection inclusive/esclusive b-trigger is possible

Standard Model physics: “just do it” at lower initial luminosity (“dedicated” triggers could be

implemented) Pre-scale or lower thresholds when luminosity drops through fill

ConclusionsStart-up system 50kHz (Level-1) and 105 Hz (HLT) satisfy basic “discovery menu”

The HLT design based on a purely software selection will work:

Maximum flexibility and scalability Possibility to use “off-line” reconstruction/algorithms
