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  • 8/11/2019 CN511


    CN5111 Optimization of Chemical Processes

    Pang Dong Liang Gerard A0035381L

    Do Hoang Hai A0069847J

    Ong Ying Chuan A0074798H

    Ren Tianang A0039331!

    De"ar#$en# o% Che$i&a' and (io$o'e&u'ar )ngineering

    Semester 2

    Academic Year 2013/2014

  • 8/11/2019 CN511


    2 | P a g e


    The vision of a canal throughthe Kra Isthmus in Southern Thailand had been dreamed of for

    more than 300 years. Many roosals have been made based on the geograhical and

    demograhic characteristics of this area. This ro!ect evaluates the "or#s of some roosed

    routes that are being considered at the resent moments$ based on their total costs of

    construction and the ossible annual revenues gained from vessels% access. An otimal canal

    construction bluerint "ill be roosed based on a suitable dimension of dethand "idththat

    allo"s the access of certain tyes of vessels to obtain ma&imum annual rofit. The results

    from this ro!ect can be considered as a factor for the consideration of building this canal.

    Yet$ it is also "orthto note that other intangible factors suchas social and environmental

    effects$ military vulnerability "ill not be considered and these factors "ill be the ones that the

    Thai government must underta#e to ma#e a decision on the feasibility of this canal.



    The Kra (anal ro!ect "as first brought into concetion by a )renchengineer M. *e +a Mar

    in 1,-- during the reign of King arai the reat. The roosed canal "ill connect the

    Andaman Sea "iththe ulf of Thailand thus by assing the cho#e oint of Malacca Straits.

    urose of the canal then "as to allo" the )renchto gain dominance over the region but "as

    shelved due to the deterioration of relations bet"een )rance and Thailand. *uring the course

    of history$ the idea of the canal "as brought u reeatedly for reasons such as nationalsecurity in terms of threat from 'urma and economics in terms of trade dominance but "as

    also shelved time and again due to olitical in terms of relationshi "iththe 'ritishand cost


    It "as only in recent times that the ro!ect "as ic#ed u again to access the otential cost

    and benefits that it "ill bring to Thailand. Advantages of this canal "ill come in the form of

    otential rofits in terms of increased trade volume as shis no" have an alternative route to

    s#i the Malacca Straits and travel directly to (hina. This saves both time and cost in

    transorting oil and goods. The increased trade volume "ill generate income for the country

    and "ill hel in develoment of the industries and ort facilities around Kra Isthmus. The

    country "ill also benefit in terms of increased * from the increase in trade.

    *isadvantages "ill come in the form of bilateral relationshi "ith neighbouring countries$

    Thailand may otentially face olitical roblems as this canal cometes directly "ith

    Singaore and Malaysia. Singaore being in the business of sea trade "ill be most negatively

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    3| P a g e

    affected by the building of the canal. o"ever$ (hina and aan "ill be a strong suorter of

    the canal as it cuts do"n travel time for shis to go to and fro bet"een itself and its trade

    artners. Internally "ithin Thailand$ construction of the canal may give the insurgents "ithin

    SouthThailand an ob!ect to sabotage or fight for control.

    ScoeIn order to transort goods and oil from the Indian cean to the acific cean$ there are

    several routes. )irst of "hich is through the Malacca Straits$ second is via the +ombo#

    Ma#assar Straits$ third is to cut a canal throughKra Isthmus or build a ieline across Kra

    Isthmus. In this aer$ the cost of cutting a canal throughKra Isthmus "ill be evaluated and

    minimi5ed. The most otimum route in terms of lo"est cost or shortest distance "ill be


    In this reort$ the focus "ill be on building a canal through the Kra Isthmus. Several routes

    suggested by the Thai government "ill be evaluated for its economic cost. 6ach route has

    been deemed a feasible and ossible route for the canal. 6achroute has also been chec#ed to

    see "hether by building the canal through the suggested route$ "ill it have to cut through

    mountainous regions or "ill it use an e&isting "ater "ay. 'y cutting through mountainous

    regions$ a enalty "ill be given because e&tra cost and effort has to be ut in to remove the

    roc#s. 'y using an e&isting "ater "ay to build the canal$ a discount "ill be given because

    less effort "ill be re7uired since only an e&tension or ugrade of the "ater "ay "ill be



    The ob!ective of this ro!ect is to ma&imi5e annual rofit from the oeration of the canal

    through finding a suitable configuration for the si5ing of the canal throughKra Isthmus in

    Southern Thailand.

    As traffic of vessels assing the nearby "ater changes every year$ an e&traolation "as

    estimated for the eriod of 10 years$ from 2018 to 2028. This is to determine if the initial

    crosssectional area of the canal "ill re7uire ugrades in the future to afford the increase inbigger vessels% traffic. This is similar to the "or#s being done in anama and Sue5 (anals$

    increasing the si5e of the canals due to higher traffic of bigger vessels.

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    4| P a g e


    *ue to the lac# of some detailed statistics and to simlify some calculations related to costs$

    some assumtions "ere made during the formulation and imlementation of the model9


    *emograhic data is reresentative for the "hole rovince involved :thoughthis is in

    fact not totally accurate due to the concentration of oulation at certain areas suchas river

    side or delta "hile mountainous areas tend to have lo"er oulation density;.

    - 6conomic inde& is reresentative for the "hole rovince involved :thoughthis is only

    an average and differs in arallel to oulation distribution;


    Averages are ta#en to be reresentative "henever t"o or more rovinces are involved

    in formulation and imlementation. Some averages are simle means of values$ "hile others

    are "eighted based on a related arameter.


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    5| P a g e

    - Though each vessel has its o"n tonnage$ for simlification uroses$ each tye of

    vessel is assumed to have the same >standard? tonnage for calculation urose by relating

    eachtye%s toll "ithits o"n tonnage. In reality$ "here data is available for tonnage of vessels$

    a ne" assessment should be carried out based on both tye of vessel and tonnage of each



    b!ective function

    Ma&imi5e Annual rofit9 (ost functions


    Soil removal cost9 (ost of digging and removing soil from the ground to oen u the


    "ay for th

    e canal.Th

    is cost deends on th

    e crosssectional area of th

    e canal andits resective length. (ost of removing 1 m3is riced at 3,@.

    "here ! " # $ %2;

    6ngineering cost9 (ost of engineering to the canal is estimated to be 1.= of Soil

    removal cost & "'3;

    +abour cost9 (ost of labour ayouts$ based on an average of 00 "or#ers er #m2site$

    for the duration of the ro!ect$ estimated to ta#e 1 days to comlete a #ilometer ofthe canal$ "itha salary of 1.2 times an average earning of a erson in these

    rovinces in a day.

    ( $)*+,-*., /"" "here ( "$ # $ $ "and

    011234526478 9: ): ;:8 9: ;: "here iand nare order of the canal route and total number of canal routesresectively.


    ersonal (omensation9 (ost of remuneration for relocation of all affected residents

    along the canal site "ithan amount of , months average earning for a erson in these


  • 8/11/2019 CN511


    6| P a g e

    )*+,-*.,/ "here : ;$*+,-*.,$ ;$*+,-*., 8 ?@ABCDEAFAGHICCJ B-C+LM,Nand

    : 8 9::


    ousehold (omensation9 (ost of remuneration for relocation of all affected

    households along the canal site "ithan amount of either 1$000@ or si& times

    average in these rovinces$ "hichever is higher.O O PQ" )*+,-*.,"hereO RB@8 ?@ASSAFAGH8 ?@ABCDAFAGH and R@ T8 ?@ABCDAFAGH8 ?@AR-,*AFAGH

    ,; Relocation (ost9 (ost of relocation suort for all affected households riced at

    10$000@ er household.

    O -; Additional cost for mountain9 (ost incurred to flatten hilly or mountainous terrain$ inaddition to soil removal.P P PQ" "


    *iscount for river9 Some art of the canal can be integrated into e&isting "ater "ays

    abundant in the areaC this allo"s some saving on soil removal cost$ thus a discount.$ PQ/ "8; Total fi&ed cost9 Sum of all comonent costs

    UV ! &! ! ! O! !P $ 10;

    Annual erating (ost9 Relative to the revenue annually$ assumed at 1= of Annual

    Revenue W "'11;

    Annuali5ed (ost9 W! X UV Revenue functions

    Annual Revenue :ARev;9 Sum of all toll fees aid by vessels going throughthe canal.

    Refer to Anne& 2 for fee rices and calculation of toll fee for a vessel.

    enerally$ UYY+ V> Z! V[ Z! $%U+ Z Z VTarameters$ D E14$ 1.$ 18.$ 20.$ 21$ 22.$ 24F :in meters;%D E3$ 3B$ 3$ ,$ B$ ,2$ ,,F :in feet; :1 foot D 0.304B m;

  • 8/11/2019 CN511


    7| P a g e

    "here d and " are indices for order of dethand "idthresectively.PQ+D E3eG4$ ,eG4$ 1eG$ 1-eG4$ 1B.eG4$ 21eG4$ 24eG4F"here v is the order of vessel tyes.



    Some crosssectional area configurations do not allo" certain tyes of vessels9$%U+\ PQ 2;

    Affected residents should be less than = of total oulation9 \ " 8 9: ;: 3;

    The ro!ect should ta#e less than years for comletion9 $ \ /"4;

    Total cost of the ro!ect should be less than 1 billion HS*9UV \ "Implementation

    Stochastic lobal and +ocal timi5ation

    Figure 1: The optimizationmethodology

    The otimi5ation methodology is as sho"n in )ig 1. The soft"are latform of

    imlementation is MAT+A' 2014a. Some e&amles of m.files are attached in Aendi& '.

    SA of (orana et al. is a variant of line search method. It is chosen in this study due to its

    uni7ue feature of acceting uhill movement or "orse solution for a more diverse e&loration

    of the searchsace :(orana et al.$ 18B-;. I*6 is a oulation based direct searchmethod that

    mimics biological evolution by erforming mutation$ crossover and selection to escae from

    the local minima :hang J Rangaiah$ 2011;. H''S is a oulation based algorithm

    insired by the social behavior of floc#ing bird s"arms and fish schools to e&lore and

    e&loit search sace :hang et al.$ 2011;. (onstraint handling mechanism is static enalty

    function due to its simlicity in imlementation and sound erformance :Smith J (oit$


    MAT+A'%s inbuilt solver$ fmincon is used as the local otimi5er. The globally otimi5ed

    decision variables "ill firstly be used as the inut of interior oint algorithm. Then$ the local

    otimi5ation is run again "iths7 and subse7uently activeset. The reason behind this routine


    (IDE,SA andUBBSPO)

    Local Optimization


    Chooe the !inim"m Cot #itho"tcont$aint %iolation o"t o& ' $ial

  • 8/11/2019 CN511


    8| P a g e

    of using three local otimi5ation algorithms one after another is e&lained by Math"or#s


    Results& Discussion

    (anal Route "ithMinimum Total )i&ed (ost (aital

    After studying different factors "hich have cost imlications$ the cost model in revious

    section sho"s that the routes "hichhave lo"est fi&ed caital cost are /. )rom the resultanalysis$ lays a large art in the cost calculation and so it is reasonably sensitive tothe decision variables. Therefore$ the economic analysis is based on the decision to construct

    a canal across southof Ranong and orthof +ungsuan (humorn.

    (omarison bet"een *ifferent lobal timi5ationT


    ni7uesAs seen from Table 1$ I*6 has the highest accuracy by recording the highest success rate

    :SR; out of 10 trials. H''S is traed in the local minimum in 2020 and 202, "hereas

    SA in 2020. e&t$ the I*6 has the highest comutational efficiency by having the lo"est

    mean global number of function evaluations :M)6;. (onversely$ SA is the least efficient

    algorithm. These erformance indicators have sho"n that I*6 is the most efficient algorithm.

    Table 1: Performance of Different Global OptimizationAlgorithms

    Global OptimizationAlgorithms SA IDE UBBPSO

    MGNFE **+'' .+*+// *SR 0 '0 10

    If the otimi5ation methodology as sho"n in )ig 1 is not alied but the meshlot as sho"n

    by )ig 2b is lotted and the otimum is obtain throughobservation$ the comutational time is

    e&ected to be four times longer. If the sensitivity of the lot is increased$ the comutational

    time is li#ely to be e&tended e&onentially and so$ in the light of fact that result of the

    otimi5ation methodology is consistent "iththe meshlots$ the otimi5ation methodology is

    more efficient and its alicability can be generali5ed to other otimi5ation roblems.

    timal (anal *imensions and 6&ansion ro!ect

    As sho"n by Table 2$ all three algorithms return a same set of otimi5ed decision variables at

    2018. o"ever$ three algorithms have returned different timelines for the canal e&ansion

    ro!ect. I*6 has indicated the e&ansion ro!ect is only feasible at 2121C so$ this ro!ect is a

  • 8/11/2019 CN511


    9| P a g e

    binary hased construction ro!ect "hich "ill be comleted in 2018 "ith e&ansion

    comleted in 2021. After the analysis of the result$ H''S and SA of (orana et al. are

    traed in a local minimum "hich gives a lo"er annual rofit comared to the otimum

    found by the I*6 in 2020 and this finding leads to the disregard of SA and H''S%s results

    in studying the feasibility and timeline of the e&ansion ro!ect. Therefore$ the cost sheetotimi5ed by the I*6 but not the other algorithms "ill be attached in the aendi& to sho"

    the calculations of cashflo"s and several other rofitability criteria.

    Table 2: Optimal Dimensionsof Canalsand Possible ExpansionProject



    Depth Width

    2019 +' '22

    2021* +3 +'

    4 SA and UBBPSO ha%e ho#n a di&&e$ent $e"lt he5 ha%e been t$apped in local minim"m

    At 2018$ tan#ers and containers "hichhave large d"t "ill not be allo"ed to ass throughthe

    canal because of the ma&imum load constraint "ith resect to the canal dimensions.

    o"ever$ as sho"n by the Anne& 3$ if the gro"thof containers and tan#ers has increased at

    the ro!ected steady ace$ the e&ansion of canal is feasible to accommodate the tan#ers and

    containers. The deeening and "idening of canal are otimi5ed to follo" the dimensions as

    sho"n in Table 2 and is e&ected to be comleted in 2021.

    As sho"n by )igures 2a and 2b$ the algorithms can be easily traed bet"een the t"o sets of

    decision variables as sh

    o"n inT

    able 2 because th

    eir ob!ective function values are relativelyclose. n the other hand$ the magnitude of cost and revenue are estimated to be at a same

    magnitude$ W >]and this is the reason behind the immature convergence of solutionby H''S and SA of (orana et al. 'esides$ the considerably flat ob!ective function

    indicates that the alication of a gradientbased search method or any other deterministic

    algorithm is inaroriate and inefficient.

    Figures 2a & b: Top and isometricviewsof the 3-D mesh plot of objective functionat 201

  • 8/11/2019 CN511


    10| P a g e

    As for the comutation of roerty dereciation$ the Modified Accelerated (ost Recovery

    System :MA(RS; is emloyed. The selection of class life follo"s the eneral *ereciation

    System :*S; because it allo"s a more desirable and shorter class life. Therefore$ the *S

    (lass +ife of this ro!ect falls in the 38 years category. o"ever$ a 10 years of class life is

    assumed for the urose of this study.As sho"n from the cost sheet attached in Anne& ,$ the discounted payback period is

    estimated to be 10.1 years of oeration. +i#e"ise$ the return on investment:RI; after 11

    years of oeration is estimated to be 20=. e&t$ the investorsrateofreturn:IRR; is 12=.

    Figure 3: Cum.Discounted cash !lows"Cum.Present #alues)$ominal %nterest &ate ' 12(

    As sho"n by )ig 2$ the final net present value :

  • 8/11/2019 CN511


    11| P a g e


    *r Keovimol$ S and *r Ing$ (anal +ine consideration for the Thai (anal$ n.d.Thaa$ R'$ Kusanagi$ M$ Kita5umi$ A and Murayama$ Y$ Sea avigation$ challenges and

    otentials in South6ast Asia9 An assessment of suitable sites for shiing canal in South

    Thai Isthmus

    International Maritime rgani5ation$ Mandatory Shi Reorting Systems$ 188B$ 2, May

    .A$ umbers of Shis Reorting Hnder STRAITR6 Hntil March2014$ n$d

    a#hon Si Thammarat rovincial Statistical ffice$ reliminary Reort The 2000 oulation

    and ousing eeds$ 2000

    ational Statistical ffice$ oulation (onsensus$ n$dgui$ YK($ Kra (anal9 The 6lusive *ream$ A#ademi#a B2:1; 20129 -1B0

    (orana$ A.$ Marchesi$ M.$ Martini$ (.$ J Ridella$ S. :18B-;. Minimi5ing multimodal

    functions of continuous variables "iththe >simulated annealing? algorithm.AC)

    Transactionson)athematical *oftware$ 13:3;$ 2,22B0. doi910.114/283B0.28B,4

    Seider$ L. *.$ Seader$ . *.$ +e"in$ *. R.$ J Lidagdo$ S. :2010;. *ynthesis,Analysisand


    Smith$ A. 6.$ J (oit$ *. L. :188-;. (onstraint andling Techni7ues enalty )unctions.

    Handboo+ of Evolutionary Computation$ (hater 2.

    hang$ .$ )ernnde5

  • 8/11/2019 CN511


    12 | P a g e


    1.Modelformulation notations

    A +and Ac7uired io. of ouseholds of each


    A(M Additional cost for mountain + +engthof canal

    A Affected households +ab +abour needed

    And( Annuali5ed (ost +andH +andinactualuse

    A Annual erating (ost +( +abour cost

    A Affected oulation M 'inary Multilier for mountain

    Arof Annual rofit ( ersonal comensation

    AR Affected residents * ro!ect duration

    Areai Area of eachrovince o*averageAverage rovincial oulation


    ARev Annual Revenue o*ioulation *ensity of each


    * *ethof canal oi oulation of eachrovince

    *(R *iscount for river R 'inary Multilier for river

    6( 6ngineering cost R( Relocation cost

    averageAverage gross rovincial


    SR( Soil removal cost

    iross rovincial roduct of each

    rovinceT)( Total )i&ed (ost

    ( ousehold comensation L Lidthof canal

    2. TollTable

  • 8/11/2019 CN511


    13| P a g e

    RR B0$000 4.40 4.31 4.24

    assenger 0$000 4.42 4.33 4.2,

    Tug/To" 30$000 @ 3200/vessel

    thers -0$000 .33 .22 .14

    3. ProjectedTraffic

    Year 2018 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 202 202, 202- 202B 2028

  • 8/11/2019 CN511


    14| P a g e


    B,,483444.B 10B33-3004

    Accounts ayable -20B2824,.- 3088-1841

    Total 1,08-3-23, 22,,0220

  • 8/11/2019 CN511


  • 8/11/2019 CN511


    16| P a g e

    6. PseudoCodeofSAofCoranaet al.

    The nomenclature of variables are as follo"s9

    ] Initial ste length"ith$dimensions in ste vectorc A ste lengthad!ustment arameter$ controls ho" muchvchanges

    T0 Initial annealing temerature

    rT Temerature reduction factor$ controls ho" muchTchanges after eachtemerature reductioncycle

    $i# umber of generation s before eachelement of v is udated

    $iT umber of generation s before T# is reduced by a factor of rT

    Tolerance value for terminating criterion

    $ft umber of ob!ective function values found in consecutive$ latest generations used in the

    termination criterion

    seudo(ode of SA of (orana et al.9

    %nput9 v$ c$ T0,rT,$iT,$i#,$!Emax,$ft,. and$Trial

    *tep 1: Initiali5ation

    Initiali5e generation counter$ ) Initiali5e an initial target vector of elements randomly by Q] ^_ `Qa*b QaL c ! QaL / d ef RecordgCDh ; andgCDh

    *tep 29 eneration

    WHILEtermination criteria of$!Emaxor (orana%s novel termination criteria as follo"s are not metiPj9kPj9kl mi\ n o d epPj9k `gCDh c\ n Hdate counter) ) !

    Forj q eUForr q ef



    osk Qk! ks^_WHILEoskt> u ^QaL Qa*b _osk Qk! ks ^_ v / d efEND

    6valuatewsk ;

  • 8/11/2019 CN511


    17| P a g e

    Hdategk;$ gk$gCDh; and gCDh and xsby selection ste asfollo"s9



    wsk gk `wsk c xs xs! gk } `wsk cwsk gk `wsk c xs xs! gk ~ `wsk c ^_~ ;gk pv


    v / d efgCDh wsk `gCDh c `wsk c xs xs! gCDh } `wsk cgk pvx v / d efEND

    gkt> gk6*

    FORdimension v qefHdate kt>s bykt>s

    ks ! @l]]Z LNI ks ! @l]]Z LNI ~ #ks pvx

    v /d ef



    Ukt> UkPj9k gkt>;$END

    Output9gCDh;7. Pseudo-codeofIDE

    $P oulation si5e

    /P learning eriod

    T/* tabu list si5eT& tabu radius

    Gmax ma&imum number of generations

    $&max ma&imum number of re!ections

    Pseudo-Code of %DE:

  • 8/11/2019 CN511


    18| P a g e

    %nput9$P$ Trial$ Gmax$ T&$/P$$&max$gaLand ga*b *tep 1: Initiali5ation

    Initiali5e $Pg]%s randomly Select`gCDhcand gCDh from$Pg]%s

    Send the evaluated individuals to the tabu list

    Set ;kN /"and jN " "here x q #*tep 29 enerationWHILE termination criteria$&maxor Gmaxis not met) ) !

    IF ) } FORx q #(alculate ekN (alculate ;kN

    jND median :


    For qeND ormrnd :jN$ 0.1;END



    Hse stochastic universal selection method to choose a mutation strategy for eachindividual


    FORarticle q eWHILE

    wk gk [ U

    V D ormrnd :0.$ 0.3;roduce wk according to the assigned mutation strategy andcrossover oeration

    (hec# boundary violations of wk and regenerate wk if it violatesthe boundary chec#

    IFwk gk[\ URD RG 1



    6valuatewk and send it to udate the tabu listIF`wk cOgk;gkt> wk gkt> wk

  • 8/11/2019 CN511


    19| P a g e

    FORx q #Store Ninto Pj9N xkN xkN ! END

    IF`gCDhc wk gkt> wk gkt> wk END


    FORx q #kN kN! END




    Output9`gCDh c8. Pseudo-codeforUPSO

    %nputs9$P$ Trial$ Gmax$ P$$ft$gaLand ga*b*tep 19 Initiali5ation

    Initiali5e generation counter$


    Initiali5e oulation of$Particles randomly by 67. 2.13

    (hoose ] and ] "here qe (hoose from DCDk%s

    *tep 29 eneration

    WHILE termination criteria Gmaxis not met or (orana%s novel termination criteria as follo"s are notmet

    ) ) ! FORarticle ;; q e

    IF ^_ "Hsegbest toologyIF kD

    FOR qef(arry out mutation and crossover oeration

  • 8/11/2019 CN511


    20| P a g e



    ;(xp>k ! " `;(xp[k ;(xpTk c u >u [u T /d e ^_~ "




    /d ef / d eEND


    FOR qefenerate ok by aussian distributionk D,Nh tL,Nh[ / d ef

    /dek ;(xpk !(xpk / d ef /deok ej `k k c ^_~ " ;(xpk pvx

    / d ef /d eIFk k




    kt> wk wk ~ k k pvx / d e wk wk ~ pvx / d e

    kt> wk

    `wk c~ `t>kc `wkc~ `t[kcwt>k Yx `wt>kc~ `t[kcwt[k pvx /d e ! e ! /StoreinPj9k


    Hse lbest toology

  • 8/11/2019 CN511


    21| P a g e

    IF kDk FOR qef

    (arry out mutation and crossover oeration to generate ok END


    FOR qefenerate ok by 67s. 2.24a to 2.24c

    IFk k




    (arry out selection ste to udate k $ k and StoreinPj9k END


