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CNC Chapter 1 Lecture

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Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation COMPUTER NUMERICAL CONTROL COMPUTER NUMERICAL CONTROL OF MACHINE TOOLS OF MACHINE TOOLS COMPUTER NUMERICAL CONTROL COMPUTER NUMERICAL CONTROL OF MACHINE TOOLS OF MACHINE TOOLS Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris Mourtzis Dr. Dimitris Mourtzis Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics University of Patras, Greece
Page 1: CNC Chapter 1 Lecture

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation





Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris MourtzisDr. Dimitris Mourtzis

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation

Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics

University of Patras, Greece

Page 2: CNC Chapter 1 Lecture

Chapter 1: Chapter 1:

An Introduction to Numerical Control An Introduction to Numerical Control

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris MourtzisDr. Dimitris Mourtzis

An Introduction to Numerical Control An Introduction to Numerical Control


Page 3: CNC Chapter 1 Lecture

Objectives of Chapter 1Objectives of Chapter 1

�� DescribeDescribe thethe differencedifference betweenbetween directdirect andand distributivedistributive

NumericalNumerical ControlControl (NC)(NC)

�� DescribeDescribe thethe differencedifference betweenbetween aa numericalnumerical controlcontrol tapetape

machinemachine andand aa ComputerComputer NumericalNumerical ControlControl (CNC)(CNC) machinemachine

DescribeDescribe fourfour waysways thatthat programsprograms cancan bebe enteredentered intointo aa

�� DescribeDescribe thethe differencedifference betweenbetween directdirect andand distributivedistributive

NumericalNumerical ControlControl (NC)(NC)

�� DescribeDescribe thethe differencedifference betweenbetween aa numericalnumerical controlcontrol tapetape

machinemachine andand aa ComputerComputer NumericalNumerical ControlControl (CNC)(CNC) machinemachine

DescribeDescribe fourfour waysways thatthat programsprograms cancan bebe enteredentered intointo aa

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris MourtzisDr. Dimitris Mourtzis

�� DescribeDescribe fourfour waysways thatthat programsprograms cancan bebe enteredentered intointo aa

computercomputer numericalnumerical controllercontroller

�� ExplainExplain twotwo tapetape codecode formatsformats inin useuse withwith CNCCNC machinerymachinery

�� GiveGive thethe majormajor objectivesobjectives ofof NumericalNumerical ControlControl

�� DescribeDescribe fourfour waysways thatthat programsprograms cancan bebe enteredentered intointo aa

computercomputer numericalnumerical controllercontroller

�� ExplainExplain twotwo tapetape codecode formatsformats inin useuse withwith CNCCNC machinerymachinery

�� GiveGive thethe majormajor objectivesobjectives ofof NumericalNumerical ControlControl

Page 4: CNC Chapter 1 Lecture

Objectives of Chapter 1Objectives of Chapter 1

�� NumericalNumerical ControlControl (NC)(NC) helpshelps solvesolve thethe problemproblem ofof makingmaking

ManufacturingManufacturing SystemsSystems (MFG)(MFG) moremore flexibleflexible

“A Numerical Control machine is a machine positioned “A Numerical Control machine is a machine positioned

automatically along a automatically along a prepre--programmedprogrammed path by means of path by means of

codedcoded instructions”instructions”

�� NumericalNumerical ControlControl (NC)(NC) helpshelps solvesolve thethe problemproblem ofof makingmaking

ManufacturingManufacturing SystemsSystems (MFG)(MFG) moremore flexibleflexible

“A Numerical Control machine is a machine positioned “A Numerical Control machine is a machine positioned

automatically along a automatically along a prepre--programmedprogrammed path by means of path by means of

codedcoded instructions”instructions”

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris MourtzisDr. Dimitris Mourtzis

�� ManualManual PartPart ProgrammingProgramming:: ManualManual programmingprogramming ofof thethe


�� ComputerComputer AidedAided ProgrammingProgramming (CAP)(CAP):: ProgrammingProgramming donedone

byby aa computercomputer

�� ManualManual DataData InputInput (MDI)(MDI):: AA manualmanual programprogram isis enteredentered intointo

thethe machine’smachine’s controllercontroller viavia itsits ownown keyboardkeyboard

�� ManualManual PartPart ProgrammingProgramming:: ManualManual programmingprogramming ofof thethe


�� ComputerComputer AidedAided ProgrammingProgramming (CAP)(CAP):: ProgrammingProgramming donedone

byby aa computercomputer

�� ManualManual DataData InputInput (MDI)(MDI):: AA manualmanual programprogram isis enteredentered intointo

thethe machine’smachine’s controllercontroller viavia itsits ownown keyboardkeyboard

Page 5: CNC Chapter 1 Lecture

Objectives of Chapter 1Objectives of Chapter 1

�� ComputerComputer isis usedused asas thethe ControlControl UnitUnit (CU)(CU) ofof thethe modernmodern

NumericalNumerical ControlControl machinerymachinery

�� ComputerComputer replacedreplaced thethe TapeTape ReaderReader foundfound onon earlierearlier NCNC


�� ProgramProgram isis loadedloaded intointo andand executedexecuted fromfrom thethe machine’smachine’s


�� ComputerComputer isis usedused asas thethe ControlControl UnitUnit (CU)(CU) ofof thethe modernmodern

NumericalNumerical ControlControl machinerymachinery

�� ComputerComputer replacedreplaced thethe TapeTape ReaderReader foundfound onon earlierearlier NCNC


�� ProgramProgram isis loadedloaded intointo andand executedexecuted fromfrom thethe machine’smachine’s


Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris MourtzisDr. Dimitris Mourtzis

�� ComputerComputer NumericalNumerical ControlControl (CNC)(CNC) machinesmachines areare thethe NCNC

machinesmachines ofof todaytoday

�� FOCUSFOCUS onon:: MDIMDI programmingprogramming ofof CNCCNC machinerymachinery

�� ComputerComputer NumericalNumerical ControlControl (CNC)(CNC) machinesmachines areare thethe NCNC

machinesmachines ofof todaytoday

�� FOCUSFOCUS onon:: MDIMDI programmingprogramming ofof CNCCNC machinerymachinery

Page 6: CNC Chapter 1 Lecture

The History of NCThe History of NC

�� 19471947:: JJ.. ParsonsParsons (Parsons(Parsons Corporation)Corporation) beganbegan

experimentingexperimenting forfor usingusing 33--axisaxis curvaturecurvature datadata toto controlcontrol

machinemachine tooltool motionmotion forfor thethe productionproduction ofof aircraftaircraft


�� 19491949:: ParsonsParsons awardedawarded aa USUS AirAir ForceForce contractcontract toto buildbuild thethe

firstfirst NCNC machinemachine

�� 19471947:: JJ.. ParsonsParsons (Parsons(Parsons Corporation)Corporation) beganbegan

experimentingexperimenting forfor usingusing 33--axisaxis curvaturecurvature datadata toto controlcontrol

machinemachine tooltool motionmotion forfor thethe productionproduction ofof aircraftaircraft


�� 19491949:: ParsonsParsons awardedawarded aa USUS AirAir ForceForce contractcontract toto buildbuild thethe

firstfirst NCNC machinemachine

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris MourtzisDr. Dimitris Mourtzis

�� 19511951:: MITMIT waswas involvedinvolved inin thethe projectproject

�� 19521952:: NCNC achievedachieved whenwhen MITMIT demonstrateddemonstrated thatthat

simultaneoussimultaneous 33--axisaxis movementsmovements werewere possiblepossible usingusing aa

laboratorylaboratory--buildbuild controllercontroller andand aa CincinnatiCincinnati HYDROTELHYDROTEL

verticalvertical spindlespindle

�� 19551955:: afterafter refinementsrefinements NCNC becomebecome availableavailable toto industryindustry

�� 19511951:: MITMIT waswas involvedinvolved inin thethe projectproject

�� 19521952:: NCNC achievedachieved whenwhen MITMIT demonstrateddemonstrated thatthat

simultaneoussimultaneous 33--axisaxis movementsmovements werewere possiblepossible usingusing aa

laboratorylaboratory--buildbuild controllercontroller andand aa CincinnatiCincinnati HYDROTELHYDROTEL

verticalvertical spindlespindle

�� 19551955:: afterafter refinementsrefinements NCNC becomebecome availableavailable toto industryindustry

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The History of NCThe History of NC

� Early NC machines run off punched cards and tapetape

� Due to the time and effort for editing and changing tapes

ComputersComputers where introduced for programming

� Early NC machines run off punched cards and tapetape

� Due to the time and effort for editing and changing tapes

ComputersComputers where introduced for programming

Computers’ InvolvementComputers’ Involvement

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris MourtzisDr. Dimitris Mourtzis

Computer Aided Programming


Computer Aided Programming

Languages Direct Numerical ControlDirect Numerical Control

Page 8: CNC Chapter 1 Lecture

The History of NCThe History of NC

ComputerComputer AidedAided ProgrammingProgramming LanguagesLanguages::

�� AllowAllow thethe developmentdevelopment ofof anan NCNC programprogram usingusing aa setset ofof

universaluniversal “pidgin“pidgin English”English” commandscommands

�� ComputerComputer translatetranslate commandscommands intointo machinemachine codescodes

�� MachineMachine codescodes areare punchedpunched intointo thethe tapestapes

ComputerComputer AidedAided ProgrammingProgramming LanguagesLanguages::

�� AllowAllow thethe developmentdevelopment ofof anan NCNC programprogram usingusing aa setset ofof

universaluniversal “pidgin“pidgin English”English” commandscommands

�� ComputerComputer translatetranslate commandscommands intointo machinemachine codescodes

�� MachineMachine codescodes areare punchedpunched intointo thethe tapestapes

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris MourtzisDr. Dimitris Mourtzis

DirectDirect NumericalNumerical ControlControl::

�� AA computercomputer isis usedused asas aa partialpartial oror completecomplete controllercontroller ofof oneone

oror moremore NCNC machinesmachines

DirectDirect NumericalNumerical ControlControl::

�� AA computercomputer isis usedused asas aa partialpartial oror completecomplete controllercontroller ofof oneone

oror moremore NCNC machinesmachines

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The History of NCThe History of NC

DirectDirect NumericalNumerical ControlControl (DNC)(DNC)::

�� ExpensiveExpensive mainframemainframe oror minimini--

computerscomputers werewere requiredrequired inin thethe pastpast

�� DueDue toto costcost thethe useuse ofof DNCDNC waswas

limitedlimited toto largelarge companiescompanies

DirectDirect NumericalNumerical ControlControl (DNC)(DNC)::

�� ExpensiveExpensive mainframemainframe oror minimini--

computerscomputers werewere requiredrequired inin thethe pastpast

�� DueDue toto costcost thethe useuse ofof DNCDNC waswas

limitedlimited toto largelarge companiescompanies

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris MourtzisDr. Dimitris Mourtzis

FIGURE 1FIGURE 1--1: Direct numerical control1: Direct numerical controlFIGURE 1FIGURE 1--1: Direct numerical control1: Direct numerical control

�� PowerfulPowerful PCsPCs givengiven riserise toto affordableaffordable

PCPC--basedbased DNCDNC systemssystems

�� MostMost ofof PCPC--basedbased DNCDNC systemssystems

runningrunning onon MSMS WindowsWindows OSOS

�� PowerfulPowerful PCsPCs givengiven riserise toto affordableaffordable

PCPC--basedbased DNCDNC systemssystems

�� MostMost ofof PCPC--basedbased DNCDNC systemssystems

runningrunning onon MSMS WindowsWindows OSOS

Page 10: CNC Chapter 1 Lecture

The History of NCThe History of NC

DistributedDistributed NumericalNumerical ControlControl (DNC)(DNC)::

�� AA networknetwork ofof computerscomputers isis usedused toto

coordinatecoordinate thethe operationoperation ofof aa numbernumber

ofof CNCCNC machinesmachines

�� UltimatelyUltimately anan entireentire factoryfactory cancan bebe

coordinatedcoordinated inin thisthis mannermanner

�� AlternativeAlternative SystemSystem 11:: NCNC programprogram isis

DistributedDistributed NumericalNumerical ControlControl (DNC)(DNC)::

�� AA networknetwork ofof computerscomputers isis usedused toto

coordinatecoordinate thethe operationoperation ofof aa numbernumber

ofof CNCCNC machinesmachines

�� UltimatelyUltimately anan entireentire factoryfactory cancan bebe

coordinatedcoordinated inin thisthis mannermanner

�� AlternativeAlternative SystemSystem 11:: NCNC programprogram isis

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris MourtzisDr. Dimitris Mourtzis

FIGURE 1FIGURE 1--2: Distributed numerical control2: Distributed numerical controlFIGURE 1FIGURE 1--2: Distributed numerical control2: Distributed numerical control

�� AlternativeAlternative SystemSystem 11:: NCNC programprogram isis

transferredtransferred inin itsits entiretyentirety fromfrom aa hosthost

computercomputer directlydirectly toto machinesmachines


�� AlternativeAlternative SystemSystem 22:: NCNC programprogram isis

transferredtransferred fromfrom aa mainframemainframe oror aa

hosthost computercomputer toto aa PCPC onon thethe ShopShop

Floor,Floor, storedstored andand usedused whenwhen neededneeded

�� transferredtransferred toto machinemachine controllercontroller

�� AlternativeAlternative SystemSystem 11:: NCNC programprogram isis

transferredtransferred inin itsits entiretyentirety fromfrom aa hosthost

computercomputer directlydirectly toto machinesmachines


�� AlternativeAlternative SystemSystem 22:: NCNC programprogram isis

transferredtransferred fromfrom aa mainframemainframe oror aa

hosthost computercomputer toto aa PCPC onon thethe ShopShop

Floor,Floor, storedstored andand usedused whenwhen neededneeded

�� transferredtransferred toto machinemachine controllercontroller

Page 11: CNC Chapter 1 Lecture

CNC MachinesCNC Machines

�� AA CNCCNC machinemachine hashas moremore programmableprogrammable featuresfeatures thanthan

olderolder NCNC tapetape machinerymachinery

�� AA CNCCNC machinemachine maymay bebe usedused asas standstand--alonealone unitunit inin aa

networknetwork ofof machinesmachines –– FlexibleFlexible MachiningMachining CentersCenters oror

MachiningMachining CellsCells

�� CNCCNC machinesmachines areare easiereasier toto programprogram byby moremore thanthan oneone

�� AA CNCCNC machinemachine hashas moremore programmableprogrammable featuresfeatures thanthan

olderolder NCNC tapetape machinerymachinery

�� AA CNCCNC machinemachine maymay bebe usedused asas standstand--alonealone unitunit inin aa

networknetwork ofof machinesmachines –– FlexibleFlexible MachiningMachining CentersCenters oror

MachiningMachining CellsCells

�� CNCCNC machinesmachines areare easiereasier toto programprogram byby moremore thanthan oneone

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris MourtzisDr. Dimitris Mourtzis

�� CNCCNC machinesmachines areare easiereasier toto programprogram byby moremore thanthan oneone


��OnOn boardboard computercomputer keyboardkeyboard

��TapeTape readerreader // electronicelectronic connectorconnector toto transfertransfer aa

programprogram toto CNCCNC machinemachine

�� CNCCNC machinesmachines areare easiereasier toto programprogram byby moremore thanthan oneone


��OnOn boardboard computercomputer keyboardkeyboard

��TapeTape readerreader // electronicelectronic connectorconnector toto transfertransfer aa

programprogram toto CNCCNC machinemachine

Page 12: CNC Chapter 1 Lecture

CNC MachinesCNC Machines

AA CNCCNC machinemachine isis aa softsoft--wiredwired controllercontroller

�� OnceOnce thethe CNCCNC programprogram isis loadedloaded intointo thethe computer’scomputer’s

memorymemory nono HWHW isis requiredrequired toto transfertransfer thethe NCNC codescodes toto thethe


�� TheThe controllercontroller usesuses aa permanentpermanent residentresident programprogram ––

EXECUTIVEEXECUTIVE PROGRAMPROGRAM –– toto processprocess thethe codescodes intointo

electricalelectrical pulsespulses toto controlcontrol thethe machinemachine

AA CNCCNC machinemachine isis aa softsoft--wiredwired controllercontroller

�� OnceOnce thethe CNCCNC programprogram isis loadedloaded intointo thethe computer’scomputer’s

memorymemory nono HWHW isis requiredrequired toto transfertransfer thethe NCNC codescodes toto thethe


�� TheThe controllercontroller usesuses aa permanentpermanent residentresident programprogram ––

EXECUTIVEEXECUTIVE PROGRAMPROGRAM –– toto processprocess thethe codescodes intointo

electricalelectrical pulsespulses toto controlcontrol thethe machinemachine

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris MourtzisDr. Dimitris Mourtzis

electricalelectrical pulsespulses toto controlcontrol thethe machinemachine

�� EXECUTIVEEXECUTIVE ProgramProgram isis calledcalled “executive“executive software”software” oror

“executive“executive firmware”firmware”

��EXECUTIVEEXECUTIVE programprogram residesresides inin ROMROM (Read(Read OnlyOnly


��NCNC codecode residesresides inin RAMRAM (Random(Random AccessAccess Memory)Memory)FirmwareFirmware:: RoutinesRoutines ofof SWSW includingincluding lowlow--levellevel instructionsinstructions storedstored inin ROMROM onlyonly forfor


electricalelectrical pulsespulses toto controlcontrol thethe machinemachine

�� EXECUTIVEEXECUTIVE ProgramProgram isis calledcalled “executive“executive software”software” oror

“executive“executive firmware”firmware”

��EXECUTIVEEXECUTIVE programprogram residesresides inin ROMROM (Read(Read OnlyOnly


��NCNC codecode residesresides inin RAMRAM (Random(Random AccessAccess Memory)Memory)FirmwareFirmware:: RoutinesRoutines ofof SWSW includingincluding lowlow--levellevel instructionsinstructions storedstored inin ROMROM onlyonly forfor


Page 13: CNC Chapter 1 Lecture

CNC MachinesCNC Machines

ROMROM (Read(Read OnlyOnly Memory)Memory)

�� IsIs anan electronicelectronic chipchip whichwhich cancan bebe accessedaccessed byby aa computercomputer butbut notnot

alteredaltered (erased(erased oror written)written) withoutwithout specialspecial equipmentequipment

�� TheThe EXECUTIVEEXECUTIVE programprogram cancan notnot bebe erasederased

�� TheThe EXECUTIVEEXECUTIVE programprogram isis alwaysalways activeactive whenwhen machinemachine isis onon

RAMRAM (Random(Random AccessAccess Memory)Memory)

ROMROM (Read(Read OnlyOnly Memory)Memory)

�� IsIs anan electronicelectronic chipchip whichwhich cancan bebe accessedaccessed byby aa computercomputer butbut notnot

alteredaltered (erased(erased oror written)written) withoutwithout specialspecial equipmentequipment

�� TheThe EXECUTIVEEXECUTIVE programprogram cancan notnot bebe erasederased

�� TheThe EXECUTIVEEXECUTIVE programprogram isis alwaysalways activeactive whenwhen machinemachine isis onon

RAMRAM (Random(Random AccessAccess Memory)Memory)

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris MourtzisDr. Dimitris Mourtzis

�� RAMRAM cancan bebe alteredaltered byby thethe computercomputer

�� NCNC codecode isis writtenwritten intointo RAMRAM byby keyboardkeyboard oror otherother outsideoutside sourcesource

�� TheThe contentcontent ofof RAMRAM isis lostlost whenwhen thethe controllercontroller isis turnedturned offoff

�� BatteryBattery backupbackup systemsystem isis usedused forfor savingsaving thethe programprogram inin thethe eventevent

ofof powerpower lossloss

�� CMOSCMOS ((ComplementaryComplementary MetalMetal––OxideOxide––Semiconductor)Semiconductor) memorymemory

specialspecial typetype ofof RAMRAM whichwhich retainsretains thethe informationinformation contentcontent inin thethe

casecase ofof powerpower loosloos

�� RAMRAM cancan bebe alteredaltered byby thethe computercomputer

�� NCNC codecode isis writtenwritten intointo RAMRAM byby keyboardkeyboard oror otherother outsideoutside sourcesource

�� TheThe contentcontent ofof RAMRAM isis lostlost whenwhen thethe controllercontroller isis turnedturned offoff

�� BatteryBattery backupbackup systemsystem isis usedused forfor savingsaving thethe programprogram inin thethe eventevent

ofof powerpower lossloss

�� CMOSCMOS ((ComplementaryComplementary MetalMetal––OxideOxide––Semiconductor)Semiconductor) memorymemory

specialspecial typetype ofof RAMRAM whichwhich retainsretains thethe informationinformation contentcontent inin thethe

casecase ofof powerpower loosloos

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CNC MachinesCNC Machines

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris MourtzisDr. Dimitris Mourtzis

FIGUREFIGURE 11--33 AA highhigh speedspeed 44--axisaxis verticalvertical machiningmachining


FIGUREFIGURE 11--33 AA highhigh speedspeed 44--axisaxis verticalvertical machiningmachining


FIGUREFIGURE 11--44 AA highhigh speedspeed 44--axisaxis horizontalhorizontal

machiningmachining centercenter

FIGUREFIGURE 11--44 AA highhigh speedspeed 44--axisaxis horizontalhorizontal

machiningmachining centercenter

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CNC MachinesCNC Machines

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris MourtzisDr. Dimitris Mourtzis


3311//22 axisaxis horizontalhorizontal machiningmachining centercenter


3311//22 axisaxis horizontalhorizontal machiningmachining centercenter


AA TsugamiTsugami ‘’lightning’’‘’lightning’’ 33 ½½ axisaxis horizontalhorizontal

machiningmachining centercenter


AA TsugamiTsugami ‘’lightning’’‘’lightning’’ 33 ½½ axisaxis horizontalhorizontal

machiningmachining centercenter

Page 16: CNC Chapter 1 Lecture

CNC MachinesCNC Machines

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris MourtzisDr. Dimitris Mourtzis

FIGURE 1FIGURE 1--7 A precision NC lathe7 A precision NC latheFIGURE 1FIGURE 1--7 A precision NC lathe7 A precision NC lathe FIGURE 1FIGURE 1--8 A NC lathe8 A NC latheFIGURE 1FIGURE 1--8 A NC lathe8 A NC lathe

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CNC MachinesCNC Machines

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris MourtzisDr. Dimitris Mourtzis


AA horizontalhorizontal machiningmachining centercenter equippedequipped withwith anan eighteight--palletpallet automaticautomatic workwork--changechange (Photo(Photo courtesycourtesy ofof

CincinnatiCincinnati Machine)Machine)


AA horizontalhorizontal machiningmachining centercenter equippedequipped withwith anan eighteight--palletpallet automaticautomatic workwork--changechange (Photo(Photo courtesycourtesy ofof

CincinnatiCincinnati Machine)Machine)

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CNC MachinesCNC Machines

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris MourtzisDr. Dimitris Mourtzis


AA CNCCNC centerlesscenterless grindinggrinding machinemachine withwith anan epoxyepoxy

granitegranite bed,bed, (Photo(Photo courtesycourtesy ofof CincinnatiCincinnati



AA CNCCNC centerlesscenterless grindinggrinding machinemachine withwith anan epoxyepoxy

granitegranite bed,bed, (Photo(Photo courtesycourtesy ofof CincinnatiCincinnati


Page 19: CNC Chapter 1 Lecture

Input MediaInput Media

InputInput MediaMedia forfor thethe NCNC codecode intointo thethe ControllerController

�� AreAre usedused toto electronicallyelectronically oror mechanicallymechanically storestore thethe NCNC programsprograms

�� AnAn NCNC programprogram isis readread fromfrom thethe inputinput mediummedium whenwhen itit isis loadedloaded intointo thethe


�� OldOld NCNC machinerymachinery couldcould onlyonly readread programsprograms fromfrom punchedpunched tapetape oror DNCDNC

�� CNCCNC machinesmachines maymay processprocess multiplemultiple meansmeans ofof programprogram inputinput

PunchedPunched TapeTape

�� TheThe oldestoldest mediummedium forfor programprogram storagestorage

InputInput MediaMedia forfor thethe NCNC codecode intointo thethe ControllerController

�� AreAre usedused toto electronicallyelectronically oror mechanicallymechanically storestore thethe NCNC programsprograms

�� AnAn NCNC programprogram isis readread fromfrom thethe inputinput mediummedium whenwhen itit isis loadedloaded intointo thethe


�� OldOld NCNC machinerymachinery couldcould onlyonly readread programsprograms fromfrom punchedpunched tapetape oror DNCDNC

�� CNCCNC machinesmachines maymay processprocess multiplemultiple meansmeans ofof programprogram inputinput

PunchedPunched TapeTape

�� TheThe oldestoldest mediummedium forfor programprogram storagestorage

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris MourtzisDr. Dimitris Mourtzis

�� TheThe oldestoldest mediummedium forfor programprogram storagestorage

�� MadeMade fromfrom paperpaper oror MylarMylar plasticplastic (stronger(stronger thanthan paper)paper)

�� TheThe NCNC programprogram codecode isis enteredentered intointo thethe tapetape byby tapetape puncherpuncher inin aa formform

ofof aa seriesseries ofof holesholes representingrepresenting thethe NCNC codescodes

�� AA tapetape readerreader byby electrical,electrical, opticaloptical oror mechanicalmechanical meansmeans sensessenses thethe

holesholes andand transferstransfers thethe codedcoded informationinformation intointo thethe machinemachine computercomputer

�� TheThe NCNC codecode isis enteredentered intointo CAMCAM oror WordWord ProcessorProcessor programprogram andand

punchedpunched intointo tapetape

�� TheThe oldestoldest mediummedium forfor programprogram storagestorage

�� MadeMade fromfrom paperpaper oror MylarMylar plasticplastic (stronger(stronger thanthan paper)paper)

�� TheThe NCNC programprogram codecode isis enteredentered intointo thethe tapetape byby tapetape puncherpuncher inin aa formform

ofof aa seriesseries ofof holesholes representingrepresenting thethe NCNC codescodes

�� AA tapetape readerreader byby electrical,electrical, opticaloptical oror mechanicalmechanical meansmeans sensessenses thethe

holesholes andand transferstransfers thethe codedcoded informationinformation intointo thethe machinemachine computercomputer

�� TheThe NCNC codecode isis enteredentered intointo CAMCAM oror WordWord ProcessorProcessor programprogram andand

punchedpunched intointo tapetape

Page 20: CNC Chapter 1 Lecture

Input MediaInput Media

MagneticMagnetic TapeTape

�� EarlyEarly experimentsexperiments werewere notnot successfulsuccessful duedue toto machinemachine shopshop environmentenvironment

�� HighHigh qualityquality tapestapes ofof todaytoday cancan bebe usedused withwith reasonablereasonable carecare inin handlinghandling

�� TheThe mostmost commonlycommonly usedused formatformat isis ¼¼ -- inchinch computercomputer cassettecassette tapetape

�� StandardsStandards forfor tapetape formatformat andand codingcoding havehave beenbeen developeddeveloped byby thethe

ElectronicsElectronics IndustriesIndustries AssociationAssociation (EIA)(EIA)

MagneticMagnetic TapeTape

�� EarlyEarly experimentsexperiments werewere notnot successfulsuccessful duedue toto machinemachine shopshop environmentenvironment

�� HighHigh qualityquality tapestapes ofof todaytoday cancan bebe usedused withwith reasonablereasonable carecare inin handlinghandling

�� TheThe mostmost commonlycommonly usedused formatformat isis ¼¼ -- inchinch computercomputer cassettecassette tapetape

�� StandardsStandards forfor tapetape formatformat andand codingcoding havehave beenbeen developeddeveloped byby thethe

ElectronicsElectronics IndustriesIndustries AssociationAssociation (EIA)(EIA)

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris MourtzisDr. Dimitris Mourtzis

FloppyFloppy DisketteDiskette

�� PopularizedPopularized byby thethe useuse ofof PCsPCs inin NCNC programmingprogramming

�� TheThe NCNC programprogram isis transferredtransferred intointo thethe CNCCNC controlcontrol byby meansmeans ofof aa

portableportable diskettediskette drivedrive attachedattached toto thethe communicationcommunication portport ofof thethe CNCCNC


�� TheThe mostmost commoncommon usedused portport isis RSRS232232 (serial(serial communicationcommunication port)port)

�� FloppyFloppy diskettesdiskettes areare cheapercheaper thanthan otherother programprogram storagestorage optionsoptions

FloppyFloppy DisketteDiskette

�� PopularizedPopularized byby thethe useuse ofof PCsPCs inin NCNC programmingprogramming

�� TheThe NCNC programprogram isis transferredtransferred intointo thethe CNCCNC controlcontrol byby meansmeans ofof aa

portableportable diskettediskette drivedrive attachedattached toto thethe communicationcommunication portport ofof thethe CNCCNC


�� TheThe mostmost commoncommon usedused portport isis RSRS232232 (serial(serial communicationcommunication port)port)

�� FloppyFloppy diskettesdiskettes areare cheapercheaper thanthan otherother programprogram storagestorage optionsoptions

Page 21: CNC Chapter 1 Lecture

Binary NumbersBinary Numbers

HowHow controllercontroller processesprocesses information?information?

�� ItIt isis importantimportant inin learninglearning toto programprogram CNCCNC machinerymachinery

�� ComputersComputers andand ComputerComputer-- ControlledControlled machinerymachinery dodo notnot dealdeal inin ArabicArabic

symbolssymbols oror numbersnumbers

�� AllAll ofof thethe internalinternal processingprocessing isis donedone byby calculatingcalculating oror comparingcomparing binarybinary


�� BinaryBinary numbersnumbers containcontain onlyonly twotwo digitsdigits:: ZEROZERO ((00)) andand ONEONE ((11))

�� WithinWithin CNCCNC controllercontroller::

HowHow controllercontroller processesprocesses information?information?

�� ItIt isis importantimportant inin learninglearning toto programprogram CNCCNC machinerymachinery

�� ComputersComputers andand ComputerComputer-- ControlledControlled machinerymachinery dodo notnot dealdeal inin ArabicArabic

symbolssymbols oror numbersnumbers

�� AllAll ofof thethe internalinternal processingprocessing isis donedone byby calculatingcalculating oror comparingcomparing binarybinary


�� BinaryBinary numbersnumbers containcontain onlyonly twotwo digitsdigits:: ZEROZERO ((00)) andand ONEONE ((11))

�� WithinWithin CNCCNC controllercontroller::

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris MourtzisDr. Dimitris Mourtzis

�� WithinWithin CNCCNC controllercontroller::

�� EachEach binarybinary digitdigit ““11”” maymay representrepresent aa “positive“positive charge”charge” oror

�� AA binarybinary digitdigit ““00”” maymay representrepresent aa “negative“negative charge”charge” oror

�� AA ““11”” maymay bebe thethe “ON”“ON” oror

�� AA ““00”” maymay bebe thethe “OFF”“OFF”

�� TheThe CNCCNC programprogram codecode inin binarybinary formform mustmust bebe loadedloaded intointo thethe computercomputer

�� ProgrammingProgramming formatsformats andand languageslanguages allowallow thethe NCNC codecode toto bebe writtenwritten

usingusing alphabeticalphabetic characterscharacters // basebase--tenten decimaldecimal numbersnumbers

�� WithinWithin CNCCNC controllercontroller::

�� EachEach binarybinary digitdigit ““11”” maymay representrepresent aa “positive“positive charge”charge” oror

�� AA binarybinary digitdigit ““00”” maymay representrepresent aa “negative“negative charge”charge” oror

�� AA ““11”” maymay bebe thethe “ON”“ON” oror

�� AA ““00”” maymay bebe thethe “OFF”“OFF”

�� TheThe CNCCNC programprogram codecode inin binarybinary formform mustmust bebe loadedloaded intointo thethe computercomputer

�� ProgrammingProgramming formatsformats andand languageslanguages allowallow thethe NCNC codecode toto bebe writtenwritten

usingusing alphabeticalphabetic characterscharacters // basebase--tenten decimaldecimal numbersnumbers

Page 22: CNC Chapter 1 Lecture

Binary NumbersBinary Numbers

�� WhenWhen thethe NCNC programprogram isis

punchedpunched oror recordedrecorded onon

tapetape oror otherother storagestorage mediamedia

thethe informationinformation isis

translatedtranslated toto binarybinary formform

�� WhenWhen thethe NCNC programprogram isis

punchedpunched oror recordedrecorded onon

tapetape oror otherother storagestorage mediamedia

thethe informationinformation isis

translatedtranslated toto binarybinary formform

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris MourtzisDr. Dimitris Mourtzis

FIGURE 1FIGURE 1--11 Binary numbers compared to Arabic numbers11 Binary numbers compared to Arabic numbersFIGURE 1FIGURE 1--11 Binary numbers compared to Arabic numbers11 Binary numbers compared to Arabic numbers

translatedtranslated toto binarybinary formformtranslatedtranslated toto binarybinary formform

Page 23: CNC Chapter 1 Lecture

Tape FormatsTape Formats


�� ToadyToady punchedpunched tapetape isis notnot oftenoften usedused forfor NCNC programprogram storagestorage

�� FormatsFormats usedused inin NCNC programmingprogramming areare stillstill referredreferred asas TapeTape FormatsFormats

�� ComputerComputer filesfiles containingcontaining thethe NCNC programsprograms areare referredreferred asas “tape“tape files”,files”,

“punch“punch files”files” oror “tape“tape imageimage files”files”

�� OldOld machinerymachinery isis stillstill usedused inin machinemachine shopsshops


�� ToadyToady punchedpunched tapetape isis notnot oftenoften usedused forfor NCNC programprogram storagestorage

�� FormatsFormats usedused inin NCNC programmingprogramming areare stillstill referredreferred asas TapeTape FormatsFormats

�� ComputerComputer filesfiles containingcontaining thethe NCNC programsprograms areare referredreferred asas “tape“tape files”,files”,

“punch“punch files”files” oror “tape“tape imageimage files”files”

�� OldOld machinerymachinery isis stillstill usedused inin machinemachine shopsshops

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris MourtzisDr. Dimitris Mourtzis

RSRS--274274 FormatFormat

�� FollowsFollows EElectronicslectronics IIndustriesndustries AAssociationssociation (EIA)(EIA) standardstandard

�� ProgramProgram informationinformation isis containedcontained inin programprogram lineslines calledcalled “Blocks”“Blocks”

�� “Blocks”“Blocks” areare punchedpunched intointo thethe tapetape inin oneone oror twotwo tapetape codecode standardsstandards

�� RSRS--274274 isis aa “variable“variable blockblock coding”coding” formatformat

�� TheThe informationinformation containedcontained inin aa blockblock maymay bebe arrangedarranged inin anyany orderorder

RSRS--274274 FormatFormat

�� FollowsFollows EElectronicslectronics IIndustriesndustries AAssociationssociation (EIA)(EIA) standardstandard

�� ProgramProgram informationinformation isis containedcontained inin programprogram lineslines calledcalled “Blocks”“Blocks”

�� “Blocks”“Blocks” areare punchedpunched intointo thethe tapetape inin oneone oror twotwo tapetape codecode standardsstandards

�� RSRS--274274 isis aa “variable“variable blockblock coding”coding” formatformat

�� TheThe informationinformation containedcontained inin aa blockblock maymay bebe arrangedarranged inin anyany orderorder

Page 24: CNC Chapter 1 Lecture

Tape FormatsTape Formats

RSRS--244244 BinaryBinary CodedCoded DecimalDecimal (BCD)(BCD)

�� TheThe EIAEIA RSRS--244244 standardstandard isis oneone ofof thethe twotwo tapetape codescodes usedused forfor NCNC tapestapes

�� BecameBecame aa standardstandard earlyearly inin thethe developmentdevelopment ofof NCNC –– limitedlimited punctuationpunctuation

�� EachEach holehole representsrepresents thethe digitdigit ““11”” whilewhile eacheach blankblank thethe digitdigit ““00””

�� TheThe tapetape codecode allowsallows alphabeticalphabetic characterscharacters andand basebase--tenten numbersnumbers toto bebe

translatedtranslated intointo thethe binarybinary codecode thethe controllercontroller requiresrequires ((BBinaryinary CCodedoded

DDecimalecimal –– BDC)BDC)

RSRS--358358 FormatFormat

RSRS--244244 BinaryBinary CodedCoded DecimalDecimal (BCD)(BCD)

�� TheThe EIAEIA RSRS--244244 standardstandard isis oneone ofof thethe twotwo tapetape codescodes usedused forfor NCNC tapestapes

�� BecameBecame aa standardstandard earlyearly inin thethe developmentdevelopment ofof NCNC –– limitedlimited punctuationpunctuation

�� EachEach holehole representsrepresents thethe digitdigit ““11”” whilewhile eacheach blankblank thethe digitdigit ““00””

�� TheThe tapetape codecode allowsallows alphabeticalphabetic characterscharacters andand basebase--tenten numbersnumbers toto bebe

translatedtranslated intointo thethe binarybinary codecode thethe controllercontroller requiresrequires ((BBinaryinary CCodedoded

DDecimalecimal –– BDC)BDC)

RSRS--358358 FormatFormat

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris MourtzisDr. Dimitris Mourtzis

RSRS--358358 FormatFormat

�� Government,Government, telephonetelephone andand ComputerComputer industriesindustries requiredrequired tapetape codecode

containingcontaining upperupper andand lowerlower casecase lettersletters

�� TheThe existingexisting tapetape codingcoding formatsformats werewere sufficientsufficient onlyonly forfor machiningmachining

�� TheThe standardstandard acceptedaccepted waswas AAmericanmerican SStandardtandard CCodeode forfor IInformationnformation

IInterchangenterchange (ASCII)(ASCII)

�� EIAEIA RSRS--358358 waswas adoptedadopted

�� EIAEIA RSRS--358358 isis alsoalso asas ISOISO andand ASCIIASCII isis aa subsetsubset ofof thethe ASCIIASCII codecode usedused

inin otherother applicationsapplications –– TodayToday isis dominantdominant overover RSRS--244244

RSRS--358358 FormatFormat

�� Government,Government, telephonetelephone andand ComputerComputer industriesindustries requiredrequired tapetape codecode

containingcontaining upperupper andand lowerlower casecase lettersletters

�� TheThe existingexisting tapetape codingcoding formatsformats werewere sufficientsufficient onlyonly forfor machiningmachining

�� TheThe standardstandard acceptedaccepted waswas AAmericanmerican SStandardtandard CCodeode forfor IInformationnformation

IInterchangenterchange (ASCII)(ASCII)

�� EIAEIA RSRS--358358 waswas adoptedadopted

�� EIAEIA RSRS--358358 isis alsoalso asas ISOISO andand ASCIIASCII isis aa subsetsubset ofof thethe ASCIIASCII codecode usedused

inin otherother applicationsapplications –– TodayToday isis dominantdominant overover RSRS--244244

Page 25: CNC Chapter 1 Lecture

Tape FormatsTape Formats

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris MourtzisDr. Dimitris Mourtzis

FIGURE 1FIGURE 1--12, 112, 1--13 EIA RS13 EIA RS--244 tape code244 tape codeFIGURE 1FIGURE 1--12, 112, 1--13 EIA RS13 EIA RS--244 tape code244 tape code

Page 26: CNC Chapter 1 Lecture

Objectives of Numerical ControlObjectives of Numerical Control

NumericalNumerical controlcontrol (NC)(NC) waswas developeddeveloped withwith thesethese goalsgoals inin mindmind::

��ToTo increaseincrease productionproduction

��ToTo reducereduce laborlabor costscosts

��ToTo makemake productionproduction moremore economicaleconomical

��ToTo dodo jobsjobs thatthat wouldwould bebe impossibleimpossible oror impracticalimpractical withoutwithout NCNC

��ToTo increaseincrease thethe accuracyaccuracy ofof duplicateduplicate partsparts

NumericalNumerical controlcontrol (NC)(NC) waswas developeddeveloped withwith thesethese goalsgoals inin mindmind::

��ToTo increaseincrease productionproduction

��ToTo reducereduce laborlabor costscosts

��ToTo makemake productionproduction moremore economicaleconomical

��ToTo dodo jobsjobs thatthat wouldwould bebe impossibleimpossible oror impracticalimpractical withoutwithout NCNC

��ToTo increaseincrease thethe accuracyaccuracy ofof duplicateduplicate partsparts

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris MourtzisDr. Dimitris Mourtzis

Before deciding to utilize an NC or CNC machine for a particular job the Before deciding to utilize an NC or CNC machine for a particular job the

requirements and economics must be weighted against the advantages requirements and economics must be weighted against the advantages

and disadvantages of the machineryand disadvantages of the machinery

Before deciding to utilize an NC or CNC machine for a particular job the Before deciding to utilize an NC or CNC machine for a particular job the

requirements and economics must be weighted against the advantages requirements and economics must be weighted against the advantages

and disadvantages of the machineryand disadvantages of the machinery

Page 27: CNC Chapter 1 Lecture

Objectives of Numerical ControlObjectives of Numerical Control


�� IncreasedIncreased productivityproductivity

�� ReducedReduced tool/fixturetool/fixture storagestorage andand costcost

�� FasterFaster setupsetup timetime

�� ReducedReduced partsparts inventoryinventory

�� FlexibilityFlexibility thatthat speedsspeeds changeschanges inin designdesign

�� BetterBetter accuracyaccuracy ofof partsparts


�� IncreasedIncreased productivityproductivity

�� ReducedReduced tool/fixturetool/fixture storagestorage andand costcost

�� FasterFaster setupsetup timetime

�� ReducedReduced partsparts inventoryinventory

�� FlexibilityFlexibility thatthat speedsspeeds changeschanges inin designdesign

�� BetterBetter accuracyaccuracy ofof partsparts

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris MourtzisDr. Dimitris Mourtzis

�� BetterBetter accuracyaccuracy ofof partsparts

�� ReductionReduction inin partsparts handlinghandling

�� BetterBetter uniformityuniformity ofof partsparts

�� BetterBetter qualityquality controlcontrol

�� ImprovementImprovement inin manufacturingmanufacturing controlcontrol

�� BetterBetter accuracyaccuracy ofof partsparts

�� ReductionReduction inin partsparts handlinghandling

�� BetterBetter uniformityuniformity ofof partsparts

�� BetterBetter qualityquality controlcontrol

�� ImprovementImprovement inin manufacturingmanufacturing controlcontrol

Page 28: CNC Chapter 1 Lecture

Objectives of Numerical ControlObjectives of Numerical Control


��IncreaseIncrease inin electricalelectrical maintenancemaintenance

��HighHigh initialinitial investmentinvestment

��HigherHigher perper--hourhour operatingoperating costcost thanthan traditionaltraditional machinemachine toolstools

��RetrainingRetraining ofof existingexisting personnelpersonnel


��IncreaseIncrease inin electricalelectrical maintenancemaintenance

��HighHigh initialinitial investmentinvestment

��HigherHigher perper--hourhour operatingoperating costcost thanthan traditionaltraditional machinemachine toolstools

��RetrainingRetraining ofof existingexisting personnelpersonnel

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris MourtzisDr. Dimitris Mourtzis

NC is a general term used for Numerical Control. CNC refers NC is a general term used for Numerical Control. CNC refers

specifically to COMPUTER NUMERICAL CONTROL. CNC machines are specifically to COMPUTER NUMERICAL CONTROL. CNC machines are

all NC machines but not all NC machines are CNC machinesall NC machines but not all NC machines are CNC machines

NC is a general term used for Numerical Control. CNC refers NC is a general term used for Numerical Control. CNC refers

specifically to COMPUTER NUMERICAL CONTROL. CNC machines are specifically to COMPUTER NUMERICAL CONTROL. CNC machines are

all NC machines but not all NC machines are CNC machinesall NC machines but not all NC machines are CNC machines

Page 29: CNC Chapter 1 Lecture

Applications in IndustryApplications in Industry

�� OriginallyOriginally developeddeveloped forfor useuse inin AerospaceAerospace industriesindustries

�� WidespreadWidespread inin manufacturingmanufacturing::

�� AerospaceAerospace

�� DefenceDefence

�� AutomotiveAutomotive

�� ElectronicElectronic

�� ApplianceAppliance

�� OriginallyOriginally developeddeveloped forfor useuse inin AerospaceAerospace industriesindustries

�� WidespreadWidespread inin manufacturingmanufacturing::

�� AerospaceAerospace

�� DefenceDefence

�� AutomotiveAutomotive

�� ElectronicElectronic

�� ApplianceAppliance

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris MourtzisDr. Dimitris Mourtzis

�� ApplianceAppliance

�� ToolingTooling industriesindustries

�� AdvancesAdvances inin microelectronicsmicroelectronics havehave loweredlowered thethe costcost ofof acquiringacquiring CNCCNC


�� Bending,Bending, Forming,Forming, StampingStamping andand InspectionInspection MachinesMachines havehave beenbeen

producedproduced asas NCNC systemssystems

�� ApplianceAppliance

�� ToolingTooling industriesindustries

�� AdvancesAdvances inin microelectronicsmicroelectronics havehave loweredlowered thethe costcost ofof acquiringacquiring CNCCNC


�� Bending,Bending, Forming,Forming, StampingStamping andand InspectionInspection MachinesMachines havehave beenbeen

producedproduced asas NCNC systemssystems

Page 30: CNC Chapter 1 Lecture

Summary 1/2Summary 1/2

�� AnAn NCNC machinemachine isis aa machinemachine positionedpositioned automaticallyautomatically alongalong aa

preprogrammedpreprogrammed pathpath byby wayway ofof codedcoded instructionsinstructions

�� DNCDNC involvesinvolves aa computercomputer thatthat actsacts asas aa partialpartial oror fullfull controllercontroller toto

oneone oror moremore NCNC machinesmachines

�� DistributiveDistributive NCNC isis aa networknetwork ofof computerscomputers andand NCNC machinerymachinery

�� AnAn NCNC machinemachine isis aa machinemachine positionedpositioned automaticallyautomatically alongalong aa

preprogrammedpreprogrammed pathpath byby wayway ofof codedcoded instructionsinstructions

�� DNCDNC involvesinvolves aa computercomputer thatthat actsacts asas aa partialpartial oror fullfull controllercontroller toto

oneone oror moremore NCNC machinesmachines

�� DistributiveDistributive NCNC isis aa networknetwork ofof computerscomputers andand NCNC machinerymachinery

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris MourtzisDr. Dimitris Mourtzis

�� DistributiveDistributive NCNC isis aa networknetwork ofof computerscomputers andand NCNC machinerymachinery

coordinatedcoordinated toto performperform somesome tasktask

�� CNCCNC machinesmachines useuse anan onon--boardboard computercomputer asas aa controllercontroller

�� OfflineOffline programmingprogramming isis thethe programmingprogramming ofof aa partpart awayaway fromfrom thethe

computercomputer keyboardkeyboard -- usuallyusually donedone withwith aa micromicro--computercomputer..

�� DistributiveDistributive NCNC isis aa networknetwork ofof computerscomputers andand NCNC machinerymachinery

coordinatedcoordinated toto performperform somesome tasktask

�� CNCCNC machinesmachines useuse anan onon--boardboard computercomputer asas aa controllercontroller

�� OfflineOffline programmingprogramming isis thethe programmingprogramming ofof aa partpart awayaway fromfrom thethe

computercomputer keyboardkeyboard -- usuallyusually donedone withwith aa micromicro--computercomputer..

Page 31: CNC Chapter 1 Lecture

Summary 2/2Summary 2/2

�� ThereThere areare fourfour waysways toto inputinput programsprograms intointo CNCCNC machinerymachinery::

��MDIMDI (Manual(Manual DataData Input)Input)

��PunchedPunched TapeTape

��MagneticMagnetic TapeTape

��DNCDNC (Direct(Direct NumericalNumerical ControlControl // DistributiveDistributive NumericalNumerical Control)Control)

�� TheThe CNCCNC programprogram mustmust bebe loadedloaded intointo thethe controllercontroller inin binarybinary formform

�� ThereThere areare fourfour waysways toto inputinput programsprograms intointo CNCCNC machinerymachinery::

��MDIMDI (Manual(Manual DataData Input)Input)

��PunchedPunched TapeTape

��MagneticMagnetic TapeTape

��DNCDNC (Direct(Direct NumericalNumerical ControlControl // DistributiveDistributive NumericalNumerical Control)Control)

�� TheThe CNCCNC programprogram mustmust bebe loadedloaded intointo thethe controllercontroller inin binarybinary formform

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris MourtzisDr. Dimitris Mourtzis

�� TheThe CNCCNC programprogram mustmust bebe loadedloaded intointo thethe controllercontroller inin binarybinary formform

�� RSRS--244244 andand RSRS--358358 tapetape codescodes usedused toto placeplace informationinformation onon punchedpunched

tapetape informationinformation beingbeing punchedpunched intointo thethe tapetape inin binarybinary formform

�� BeforeBefore decidingdeciding onon aa NCNC machinemachine forfor aa specificspecific job,job, thethe advantagesadvantages

andand disadvantagesdisadvantages ofof NCNC mustmust bebe weighedweighed inin viewview ofof thethe primaryprimary

objectivesobjectives ofof numericalnumerical controlcontrol

�� TheThe CNCCNC programprogram mustmust bebe loadedloaded intointo thethe controllercontroller inin binarybinary formform

�� RSRS--244244 andand RSRS--358358 tapetape codescodes usedused toto placeplace informationinformation onon punchedpunched

tapetape informationinformation beingbeing punchedpunched intointo thethe tapetape inin binarybinary formform

�� BeforeBefore decidingdeciding onon aa NCNC machinemachine forfor aa specificspecific job,job, thethe advantagesadvantages

andand disadvantagesdisadvantages ofof NCNC mustmust bebe weighedweighed inin viewview ofof thethe primaryprimary

objectivesobjectives ofof numericalnumerical controlcontrol

Page 32: CNC Chapter 1 Lecture

Vocabulary Introduced in this chapterVocabulary Introduced in this chapter


�� BinaryBinary codedcoded decimaldecimal (BCD)(BCD)

�� ComputerComputer AidedAided ProgrammingProgramming (CAP)(CAP)

�� ComputerComputer NumericalNumerical ControlControl (CNC)(CNC)

�� DirectDirect NumericalNumerical ControlControl (DNC)(DNC)

�� DistributiveDistributive numericalnumerical controlcontrol

�� InputInput mediamedia


�� BinaryBinary codedcoded decimaldecimal (BCD)(BCD)

�� ComputerComputer AidedAided ProgrammingProgramming (CAP)(CAP)

�� ComputerComputer NumericalNumerical ControlControl (CNC)(CNC)

�� DirectDirect NumericalNumerical ControlControl (DNC)(DNC)

�� DistributiveDistributive numericalnumerical controlcontrol

�� InputInput mediamedia

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation Dr. Dimitris MourtzisDr. Dimitris Mourtzis

�� InputInput mediamedia

�� ManualManual DataData InputInput (MDI)(MDI)

�� ManualManual partpart programmingprogramming

�� NumericalNumerical controlcontrol (NC)(NC)

�� RandomRandom AccessAccess MemoryMemory (RAM)(RAM)

�� ReadRead--onlyonly MemoryMemory (ROM)(ROM)

�� WordWord addressaddress formatformat

�� InputInput mediamedia

�� ManualManual DataData InputInput (MDI)(MDI)

�� ManualManual partpart programmingprogramming

�� NumericalNumerical controlcontrol (NC)(NC)

�� RandomRandom AccessAccess MemoryMemory (RAM)(RAM)

�� ReadRead--onlyonly MemoryMemory (ROM)(ROM)

�� WordWord addressaddress formatformat
