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University of Saskatchewan Co-Curricular Record Training Manual Page 1 Co-Curricular Record (CCR) User Training Manual For assistance or more information, email: [email protected]. To send a question to users in the CCR user group, email: [email protected].
Page 1: Co-Curricular Record (CCR) User Training Manual · CCR Activity Process or Life Cycle 1. The activity is identified, learning outcomes are confirmed, and the activity is approved

University of Saskatchewan Co-Curricular Record Training Manual Page 1

Co-Curricular Record (CCR) User Training Manual

For assistance or more information, email: [email protected]. To send a question to users in the CCR user group, email: [email protected].

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Co-Curricular Record (CCR) User Training Manual What is a Co-Curricular Record? The Co-Curricular Record (CCR) is a personalized and official record of the university-approved and facilitated activities students have been involved in while attending the University of Saskatchewan. The CCR can be used as a supplement to résumés and CVs. The CCR allows students to:

receive recognition for involvement in the university community beyond the classroom;

access a database of activities to participate in;

have skills, activities and experiences validated on an official U of S document; and

link competencies gained from experience to skills that employers and graduate schools seek. Activities will not be added to the CCR retroactively.

The Co-Curricular Record System

Access/Login To login to the CCR system:

1. Log into ccr.usask.ca 2. Select Access/Login 3. Enter your NSID and password

Record Lookup On the homepage at ccr.usask.ca, there is also a green button for Record Check. Employers or external third parties may select Record Check to enter a Lookup Code to verify the activities on a student’s CCR.

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CCR Users There are four distinct users of the CCR System: Admin, Validator, Participant, and Third Parties.

1. Admin

Every college/unit/department must designate one person as the CCR Administrator (Admin).

The person(s) in this role approves and enters new activities into the system, assigns validator(s), and can add the activity to students' Co-Curricular Records.

Admin users review the activities annually to ensure they are up-to-date and still offered.

Activities are assigned into a hierarchy, where a Category, an Activity Name and a Position Name are assigned to the event/activity. The CCR Org Chart (below) shows the structure of activities and includes some examples of how activities are categorized.

To input an activity, a description of the activity must be composed. The description will appear on the Co-Curricular Record. A description of approximately two sentences is recommended. It should be concise but still have enough detail to make sense to a third party.

For each activity, the learning outcome(s) will need to be determined. The learning outcomes are part of the University of Saskatchewan’s Learning Charter and may be updated from time to time.

Admin can perform the role of validator, as well.

2. Validator

Multiple staff or faculty members per college/unit/department with access to enter participants for specific (or assigned) activities.

Each Activity in the CCR has a list of Participants (i.e., students) who have attended or participated in the activity. Initially, the list of Participants will be blank. The Validator will add Participants either to individual or multiple student records at a time. Once a student has been added to the list of Participants, the activity will appear on the student’s CCR.

Activities that are pre-approved for the CCR should have someone responsible for taking attendance or verifying that each person performed the activity. Collecting attendance electronically will make the validator's job much easier because you can simply copy and paste the list of NSIDs into the CCR system.

The Co-Curricular Record is an official, University of Saskatchewan document with the Registrar’s signature. Validators must be confident that the students have completed their activities.

3. Participant

Current U of S students are able to access and obtain a Co-Curricular Record.

Education students from 2016-2017 on will have access.

Students from other colleges may have access starting in 2017-2018 or later.

CCR information for students, including testimonial videos, is available online at: https://students.usask.ca/academics/grades.php#CoCurricularRecord.

4. Third Parties

Employers, charities, volunteer organizations, etc. who wish to verify the activities listed on a student’s CCR.

Once a third party has been given an Authenticity Code for a CCR by a student, they can verify the authenticity of the CCR by entering the code in the Record Check.

The information shown is the current state of the student’s activities on their CCR.

The student may have made changes to their CCR since providing the Authenticity Code.

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Co-Curricular Record Structure

Every Co-Curricular Record entry must be assigned to a Category. After a Category is selected, the Activity

and Position must be entered. To summarize the differences,

a Category describes a group of similar types of activities (i.e., Athletics, Community Service-Learning,

Professional Development, Student Government, Student Life).

an Activity is a title of the event (e.g., name of the sport, title of the workshop, conference name, etc.)

a Position describes, in detail, the role of the student within the activity or event (e.g., attendee,

presenter, member, etc.)

The current CCR structure is depicted as:


Athletics Hockey Defenceman

Community Service-Learning

Community Gaming


Professional Development

Academic Integrity


Attendee or Presenter

Student Government

College Student Society


Student LifeEducation Learning

CommunitiesPeer Mentor

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Categories All activities on the CCR will be organized in the following five categories:

1) Athletics: Formalized university sanctioned Huskie athletic team positions.

2) Community Service-Learning: Activities organized and facilitated by the university or a student organization. These activities are outside of academic coursework and are not recognized on the academic transcript. Example: service opportunities organized as part of a college club, not service learning as part of a course.

3) Professional Development: Activities that foster professional growth in students that are not organized as part of course requirements. Example: CPR training sponsored by a student society, but not CPR training undertaken as a private individual.

4) Student Government: Student leadership opportunities such as a college student society, University

of Saskatchewan Student Union (non-executive positions), or the Graduate Student Association Executive.

5) Student Life: Activities that foster student engagement in the campus community such as clubs and

events. These events are organized and facilitated by the university or student organizations. Examples: USSU volunteer opportunities, KinLife, Peer Mentor opportunities, and programs such as Building Bridges.

Learning Outcomes

All activities on the CCR will meet at least one of the following learning outcomes:

(Source: https://www.usask.ca/secretariat/documents/LearningCharter.pdf)

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Guidelines What is an approved Co-Curricular Record Activity? Each college, unit, and/or group is responsible for determining the type of activities they would like to validate and include on the Co-Curricular Record (CCR). However, the following information may assist you in determining whether or not an activity should be included on the Co-Curricular Record.

There will certainly be grey areas; however, in general, a CCR Activity is:

deemed appropriate by the University/College;

beyond the scope of academic course curricular outcome already recognized by students’ academic transcript; and,

fosters student learning aligned with the Core Learning Goals described in the Learning Charter of the University of Saskatchewan.

On the other hand, a CCR Activity is not:

an activity in which students engage as part of their lives outside of being a student at the University.

an activity that must be conducted outside of class time, but is necessary in order to meet the learning outcomes of a course for which they already receive credit on their transcript.

a social event. All activities included need to be thoughtfully considered for the learning outcomes that students are achieving by attending them. If the identification of learning outcomes is difficult or vague, then the activity is not a good candidate for the CCR. CCR admin and validators will need to use judgement and care to discern CCR approved activities. There may be opportunities that exist for students, but do not have learning outcomes. As such, not every event on campus has to be a CCR approved activity.

CCR Activity Process or Life Cycle

1. The activity is identified, learning outcomes are confirmed, and the activity is approved for inclusion on the CCR. Activities may be approved for CCR use in of the following ways:

a. An upcoming event/activity is identified by a staff and considered appropriate by the admin/validator.

b. Students can mention it to their college/unit/group admin or validator or email [email protected]. c. Students complete the “Request a Position” section in the CCR system, which then comes to an

Administrator for approval.

2. The necessary information is gathered by the Admin (i.e., determine learning outcomes, compile the description, activity hours and dates, validator, etc.) and entered in into the CCR system.

3. After the event has occurred, the validator enters the attendee information into the CCR system, under the Participants tab in the event, in one of two ways:

a. Selecting Add Position to Single Student Record and searching for attendee using the “User Look-up.”

b. Selecting Add Position to Multiple Student Records and copying and pasting a list of attendee NSIDs.

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Note: Admin can also have the role of validator. (See Validating Students Section Below.)

4. Optional: Notify students when the activity has been validated. There is an option to email all the participants when validating participants in bulk.

5. Rollover or Cloning During the summer session, all activities from one academic year will be rolled over to the next. An Admin will determine if the activity will be needed for the future year.

a. If yes, the dates for the new academic year are added and information is updated as necessary (Return to Step 2).

b. If no, the activity is deleted from the new academic year. Entries for previous years will not be impacted.

Activity Request Form An Activity Request Form is available to assist with entering a new activity and position. See Appendix A: Activity Request Form for details.

Style Guidelines

When creating the “Description for Transcript,” please try to follow the follow style guidelines:

Use past tense (employers and other third parties will see the listing on the student’s CCR only after the student has participated in the activity).

Keep the description to two or three sentences, at most.

Use two spaces after periods.

Include the length of time in the description. For example, “In this two-day workshop, participants….” or “In this two-hour session, students…”

Do not use special characters, bullets or numbered lists.

For the time being, use plain text formatting only. (It may appear that special characters, bullets or numbered lists may be accepted; however, our system is not currently equipped with this functionality.)

When creating the “Description of Position,” you may want to use the “Description for Transcript.” If so, use the style guidelines above. If not, you may want to use future tense, especially if the activity is listed in the opportunity direction and is for an upcoming session.

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Adding a New Activity & Position Users with the Admin role are able to add Activities and Positions to the CCR.

1. Log into the CCR System (ccr.usask.ca)

2. Click on the Co-Curricular Record on the left-hand side of the screen.

3. Select Add Activity & Position button in the middle of the screen.

4. VALIDATOR INFORMATION Type in a validator’s name. If they have access to the system, their name should populate as you type it. Once the validator has been added, they will appear in the list under Selected Validators.

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5. ACTIVITY DETAILS a. Select a Period (i.e., current academic year)

b. Choose Category (select one of: Athletics, Community Service-Learning, Professional

Development, Student Government or Student Life)

c. Select Activity from the list of activities or enter the activity name in the New Activity field.

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a. Position Title - Type in the Position Title. It will be included on the student’s Co-Curricular Record.

b. Description for Transcript – This description will be included on the student’s Co-Curricular Record. As such, using past tense is best practice.

c. Include Position in Opportunity Directory

YES – Students will be able to find this activity using the Opportunity Directory Search.

NO – Students will not be able to find this activity using the Opportunity Directory Search.

d. Include Contact Information

YES – Contact information will be listed on the activity position and, if you selected YES above to Include Position in Opportunity Directory, will be visible in the Opportunity Directory.

NO – Contact information will not be listed as part of activity listing and will not be visible in the Opportunity Directory if you selected YES above to Include Position in Opportunity Directory.

e. Avg. weekly time commitment – can include number of hours per Semester, Week or Month.

f. Start Date – From the calendar, choose date the activity or role began.

g. End Date – if the event is a one day event, the start and end dates can be the same. If the activity goes for the full year, the end date can be the end of the academic year.

h. Audience – You may choose your college or “Open to all”.

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a. Name – required field. It’s acceptable to include a student society, department, unit or

college as the general contact. b. Email – required field. It’s acceptable to include a general email address for a student

society, department, unit or college. c. Phone – optional field. Include a telephone number (306) 966-XXXX. d. Website – optional field. Include the website for the activity, student society, department,

unit or college.

8. ANTICIPATED ACHIEVEMENTS The various learning outcomes are listed. Select the box next to the anticipated achievements for this activity. If all three outcomes in a certain category are applicable, use the SELECT ALL feature.

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NOTE: Only the achievement headings (i.e., Citizenship, Discover, Integrity, Knowledge and Skills) will appear on the Co-Curricular Record.

9. Click SAVE at the bottom of the page.

After the information has been entered and the position has been saved, you will need to approve the position and make it visible to students.

10. Click the Edit tab i. By clicking on the drop down arrow, change the Approval Status from Pending Approval to

Approved. ii. Under Student Visibility, click the check box next to OFF-Deactiviated On: by iii. Click the blue Update Position button

Next, you can add participants, or they may be added at a later date.

11. To add participants, click the Participants tab.

You can choose to Add Position to Single Student Record or, if you have a list of NSIDs, Add Position to Multiple Student Records. If there are any errors, a red box will appear and those students will not be added as participants. Otherwise, you will be told how many participants have been modified or added. A list of participants will appear underneath the message. See the Validating Participants section of this manual for details on how to add participants.




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Updating Existing Activities Users with the Admin role are able to add activities and positions.

1. Log into the Co-Curricular Record system (ccr.usask.ca)

2. Click on the Co-Curricular Record on the left-hand side of the screen.

3. Select Quick Position Search button in the middle of the screen.

4. Search for the Activity or Position Name If the activity/position has been rolled forward (or cloned) from a previous year, it should be pre-populate. If it does, it will be listed at the bottom of the screen, under Positions Found.

4. Click View Position. The information previously entered will appear.

5. Select the Edit tab to edit the information, including dates, contact information, etc.

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6. When all of the necessary information has been updated, select Update Position at the bottom of the screen.

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7. You should then be able to add participants. Click the Participants tab. You can choose to Add Position to Single Student Record or, if you have a list of NSIDs to copy and paste, select the Add Position to Multiple Student Records button.

If there are any errors, a red box will appear and those students will not be added as participants. Otherwise, you will be told how many participants have been modified or added. A list of participants will appear underneath the message.

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Validating Participants Adding an Activity to Multiple Student Records

To add multiple students at one time to an activity (or position) in the CCR, you may do so by pasting participant NSIDs into the CCR system. 1. Log into the system (ccr.usask.ca) Note: the person logging in must be an approved validator for the position/activity in the CCR in order to add participants. 2. Choose Co-Curricular Record in the left hand column

3. Click on the tab labeled Validator for the Following Activities

4. Select the specific activity or position to which you are adding participants.

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5. Click on the Participants tab. 6. Click on the blue button labeled Add Position to Multiple Student Records. 7. From a previously composed list (perhaps in a Word or Excel document), paste the list of NSIDs for participants into the box provided. Once the NSIDs are entered, click on Add Position to Record(s). The system will report any invalid NSIDs or other errors. Note: If you click on the checkbox, Send an email to the newly added participants, the following message will be sent to participants. You will NOT get a chance to modify or customize the message before it is sent. -- From: [email protected] Subject: You have a new entry on your CCR. You have a new entry on your Co-curricular Record at the University of Saskatchewan. You can login and view your CCR at http://ccr.usask.ca Position: <Activity> - <Position>

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Adding an Activity to a Single Student Record

To add multiple students at one time to an activity (or position) in the CCR, you may do so by pasting participant NSIDs into the CCR system. 1. Log into the system (ccr.usask.ca) Note: the person logging in must be an approved validator for the position/activity in the CCR in order to add participants. 2. Choose Co-Curricular Record in the left hand column

3. Under the Validator Role tab, click on the tab labeled Validator for the Following Activities

a) Select the specific activity or position to which you are adding participants.

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5. Click on the Participants tab. 6. Click on the blue button labeled Add Position to Single Student Record. 7. Enter the student’s NSID or start typing their name (first name then last name) for participants into the box provided. Once the NSIDs are entered, click on Add Position to Record(s). 8. The Record-Position Status will display as Pending. In order to have the activity appear on the student’s record, click the blue View Record box beside the student’s name.

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9. Click Approve Validation

10. An Approve Validation box will appear. Click Approve.

Note: If you click on the checkbox, Send Approval, the following message will be sent to participants. You will NOT get a chance to modify or customize the message before it is sent. -- From: [email protected] Subject: You have a new entry on your CCR. You have a new entry on your Co-curricular Record at the University of Saskatchewan. You can login and view your CCR at http://ccr.usask.ca Position: <Activity> - <Position>

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Cloned Activities Troubleshooting: When a cloned Activity appears with “_clone” behind it, you can fix this problem by moving the position to another Activity, and then deleting the problematic “_clone” Activity. To move a position to another Activity, use the following steps:

1. In the Quick Activity Search, find the position you would like to move.

2. Click View Position.

3. In the Edit tab, click Change Activity.

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4. Here, you can look up a different Activity under which to move this position, or you can edit the existing position to add your own.

In some cases, you will be left with two or more versions of the same Activity. It is best to delete an Activity by deleting the last position under that activity, and then the option will arise to delete the position. If you have an Activity with no positions under it, you need to create a place-holder position, so that you can subsequently delete it, and by extension, the Activity.

1. Under Activity, find the particular Activity you want to delete.

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2. Go to Co-Curricular Record in the left-hand menu and choose Add Activity & Position.

3. Select the Activity that you located in Step 1.

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3. Fill in all necessary fields with random data. This is not important, because you will not need to approve the position prior to deleting it.

4. Click Save.

5. Select Do Not Clone, since you do not want to clone the position.

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6. Click Delete Position.

7. Click Delete Activity.

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Co-Curricular Record Promotion Guidelines and Graphics

Promoting your Co-Curricular Record approved activity

What is a Co-Curricular Record? The Co-Curricular Record (CCR) is a personalized and official record of the university-approved and facilitated activities in which U of S students have been involved. The record is an excellent supplement to résumés and CVs, and allows students to:

receive recognition for their involvement in the university community beyond the classroom,

access a database of activities in which to participate,

have their skills, activities and experiences validated on an official U of S document, and

link competencies gained from their experience to skills that employers and graduate schools seek.

Promotional wording Each college is responsible for promoting the CCR and the activities within it to their students. Promoting the CCR Once the college is ready to start promoting the CCR to its students, we recommend you send your students an email one a year explaining the record.

EXAMPLE EMAIL Subject: University-approved volunteer opportunities Dear students, I’d like to introduce you to the University of Saskatchewan Co-Curricular Record, which is a personalized and official record of the university-approved and facilitated activities you have been involved in while a student here. Once you log in to ccr.usask.ca, explore and search the opportunity directory for university-run activities that are approved to appear on your Co-Curricular Record, including <College of XXX activities and student leadership positions>. Once you have taken part in an approved activity, you can view your official Co-Curricular Record and use it when applying for jobs, graduate programs, grants and awards. Learn from students already using of the Co-Curricular Record by watching these videos:

How to show off your volunteer experience

What’s on your Co-Curricular Record

How to use your Co-Curricular Record

Find USSU volunteer opportunities Promoting CCR-approved activities

When promoting an activity listed in the CCR, add the authentication graphic and some descriptor text (see information below) to the poster, webpage etc.

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Promotional videos Four videos are available to embed on your webpage or to share by email, social media, etc. Each video includes a student explaining a specific benefit of the Co-Curricular Record:

How to show off your volunteer experience

What’s on your Co-Curricular Record

How to use your Co-Curricular Record

Find USSU volunteer opportunities

Authentication graphic The authentication graphic can be used on marketing and communications material, when appropriate, to visually show that an activity is approved for inclusion on a student’s Co-Curricular Record. Three versions to choose from: The graphic for printed pieces comes in a black and white, and colour version. A smaller file of the colour graphic is available for the web or electronic messages.

Usage guidelines The graphic must be accompanied by descriptor text on both print and web material

DESCRIPTOR TEXT EXAMPLE U of S students: This activity is approved for inclusion on your Co-Curricular Record (ccr.usask.ca). Contact the event organizer for more information.

For printed material: The graphic should be used at least 2” wide. Do not display smaller than 2.5 cm

wide. If printing in black and white, use the black and white graphic.

For the web: The graphic should be about 325 px wide

Do not change the graphic (stretch, change colour, modify)

To maintain the greatest visual effect, the graphic must be surrounded by a buffer zone of clear space

(see poster example below).

o The buffer zone should be equal to or greater than the width of the shield inside of the stamp

o However, the descriptor text can be closer

Do not put on a busy background

Do not use a low quality version (so the graphic appears pixilated)

Do not add drop shadows or other graphic effects

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Graphic usage examples POSTER EXAMPLE

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CCR APPROVED Stamps Black and White Stamp

Colour Stamp

Both of these CCR Approved stamps along with a web version of the coloured stamp are available at:


Helpful Links Web Content for Students https://students.usask.ca/academics/grades.php#CoCurricularRecord https://students.usask.ca/jobs/jobs.php#Volunteering Web Content for Faculty and Staff http://teaching.usask.ca/supporting-students/referring-students-to-services.php#CoCurricularRecord

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Appendix A: Activity Request Form

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Appendix B: Sample CCR FRONT:

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