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tat ..XTO QA9 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1885. PRICE 5 CENTS. Issiivss Caris. adwrfiscnwnts. FOR SALE! ' THE DAILY lt Commercial Advertiser 1 PUBLISHED Iferj Homing Except Sundays. Benson,. Smith & Co., ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y OF LIVERPOOL. SALMON ! SALMON ! BURGESS, ' 84 Ulnar Street, Honolulu CARPENTER AND BUILDER. All kinds of Jobbing attended to. BAGGAGE AND GENERAL EXPRESS. mm Draying and Steamer Freight carefully and promptly handled. sni(i ywr ninsrr Al Tirt Tahiti Lemonade. JOBBING AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, PROPRIETORS OFfTHE Miaile Colosciae. 113 AND 115 FORT STREET. 18 -- mar 27 -- Cm Burr & Finck, The Leading Fashionable Tailors OF HAS FBAXCISCO. No. 20 Market St., Opposite Pal are Hotel."" Having already a large trade with Honolulu, thev respectfully solicit further Island patronage, and are prepared to complete orders at one day's no- tice. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed, and the finest stock of latest goods constantly on hand. 491 tffew Pantheon Stables, Cor. Fort & Hotel Streets. LIVERY, BOARDING, AND SALE STABLES. Carriages for hire at all hours of the dry 01 night; also, conveyances of all kinds for parties going around the Island. Excellent Saddle Horses for f,adles and Geutlemen. tinaranteed GeiiUe. Carring; Xos. 2, 24, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 and 53. Double and single teams always to be had ou livery at the most reasonable rates. Large and small omnibus for picnics and excur- sion parties, carrying from 10 to 40 passengers, can always be secured by special arrangements. Omnibus time tables can be obtained oy apply- ing at the office. The Look Branch Bathing: f louse can always be secured for picnic or excursion parties by applying at the office. Corner Fort and Hotel Streets. Telephone No. 34. JAS. D0DD, Proprietor. 39Stf TELEPHONE 55 PliTTEEPSISP ! ? PLANING MILL. i Alakea, near QHeen St. C. J. HARDEE, Proprietor.- - Contracting & Building. MOULDINGS AND FINISH ALWAYS ON HAND. FOR SALE Hard and Soft Stovewood, Cut and Split. 377-t- f WM. McCANDLESS, Ko. G Queen Street, FISH MAEKET. DEALER TN CHOICEST Beef, Veal, Mutton, Fish, Etc. Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live Stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. 276 tf UNION FtED CO., Queen & Edinburgh Streets, WHOLESALE & RETAIL Dealers la HAY AND GRAIN, Telephone No. 175. Goods delivered promptly. Island Orders Solicited. Slt S. L. STANLEY. JOHN BPHCANCE. J. LTOSS. L. t. LEVET. LYONS Sl ZiEVEIT, Auctioneers AND General Commission Merchant Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu. of Furniture. Stock, Real Estate Sales General Merchandise properly attended to Sol Agents fori American & European Mercbanflise. 372-tfw- tf MONTHLY PAYMENTS. All accounts for Advertising and Job Prlntiug at the Pacific Commercial Advertiser Office will from this date be presented for pay. meut monthly. Honolulu, March 2. 18S5. FRANK GERTZ, pjImporlep anfl Manufacturer Jj Of all Descriptions of BOOTS & SHOE ICr Orders from the other Inlands solicited. No. HI Fort St., Honolulu. 37ti-tiw- tf JOHN TJTSCELTG, Fashionable Boot Maker, No. 326 Bush St., San Francisco, Cal. Will fill orders In his line at the shortest possible notice. Planters will And It te their advantage to call on MR. Ul WCH1G before going elsewhere. 9l tAw M. PHILLIPS & Co., and Wholesale Dealer lu Importers Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish- ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu street. Honolulu, U. I. 366tf-w- tf BUSINESS COLLEGE, 24 rost Street, If m Kairar, San Tmnewcm, Cmt. (.Send for Circular.) . . The Full Business Course Includes Single and Double Entry Book-keepin- g, as applied to all departments ot Dusiness; Commercial Arithmetic; Business Penmanship; Mercantile Law; Business Correspondence; Lectures ou Law; Business Forms, and the Science of Accounts; Actual Busi- ness Practice in Wholesale and Retail Mercban-dlsn- g, Commission Jobbing, Importing, Rail- roading, Express Business, Brokerage, and Bank- ing; English Branches, including Reading, Spell- ing, Grammar, etc.; Drawing and Modern Lan- guages, consisting of practical Instruction ia French, German and Spanish. Special Branches are: Ornamental Penman- ship, nigher Mathematics, Surveying, Naviga- tion, Civil Engineering,-Assaying- , Short-Han- d, Type-Writin- g, Telegraphy, etc. For full Information address, E. P. IIEALD & CO., 294-d2- 3 SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. JOHN COOK, Carpenter, No. 31 Alakea Si, Will attend and contract for all kinds of work lu his line. REMOVING, RAISING or REPAIRING Old or new buildings. Work to be paid for when complete. . Satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay. Charges as low us the lowest In the town. Post Office box 135. 29-se- pt 30 BONE MEAL ! . BONE MEAL !! BONE MEAL !! The undersigned are now prepared to r ceiye orders for this Celebrated Fertilizer from the manufactory of Back & Ohlandt San Francisco: The following is a report of the compo- nent parts, as obtained by Chemical analy- sis: ' Water 8.10 per cent Organic Matter 29.18 " ' 4.C5 " '" Silicious Matter Lime 31.70 ' Phosphoric Acid 23.11 Oxide of Iron 85 " Carbonic Acid 1.89 . ' . Alkali Salts .52 " (100.00 Nitrogen 2.7 per cent. Orders Received will have Prompt and Careful Attention. W. GK Irwin & Co., Agents or the Hawaiian Island!, i41tf Tin: Honolulu Almanac ANI DIEECTOEY. AN OFFICIAL AND Business .Directory of Honolulu, TOGETHER WITH FULL Statistical k Genera! Information Relating to the Ilnu'u Islands. For Sale by J.M.Oat, Jr., & Co AND AT The P.C. Advertiser Office. FIFTY CTS. PER COPY Honolulu, January 27, 1S85. EUREKA ! We have received a consignment of the most Economical and Valuable Feed for all kinds of Stock, viz.: COOKED LINSEED MEAL. It Is the greatest Flesh former, Milk and Butter producer In use. Oil Cake Meal shows about 27 per cent, of nu tritive matter; this nearly 39 per cent. 100 Bs. ol this meal Is equal to 300 Bs. of oats, or 318 lbs. of corn, or to 707 lbs. of wheat bian. For Sale in Lots to Suit. Also, out Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as our usual supply of the best kinds of Hay, Oats, Wheat, Corn, Etc., Etc. LAINE Sc CO. 373 tf GRAHAM PAPER COMPANY, St. Eouis. Mo. ' Manufacture and Supply all kinds of Rook. News, Flat and Eabel Papers, Binders" Roards, Twines, Etc. W. G. RICHARDSON, RESIDENT AGENT, 205 EeldesdoriT Street.1 Telephone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO. N. R. Special Attention tfiven to Earfre Contracts. 474 tffew G. W. MACFARLANE & CO., V Cor. Fort & Queen Sts., HONOLULU, U. I. Sole Acents for this Favorite Brand of CHAMPAGNE. 470tfSw GASOLINE ! GASOLINE ! IN TEN GALLON DRUMS, Ex MENDOTA, for sale by Castle & Cooke. 155-m- y 11-- U LIME, LIE, LIME! Patronize Home Manufacture. The Hawaiian Stone Co. Are now prepared to furnish fresh Lime in quantities to suit purchasers, and satisfaction war- ranted as to both the kind and the price. ALLEN & ROBINSON," 360-au- 2d ' AGSNle Ex. W. H. DIMOND. A Fine Lot of Red ftli. FOR SALE BY," Castle & Coolte. 125-- tt M. S. Grinbaum & Co., IMPOETERS OF tieiteral Merchandise and Com nils sion Merchants, Honolulu, II. I. No. 124 California street, San Franc isco, Cal. jyl-l- y S. 3?. Taylor & Co., Agents South Coast Paper Mills. Proprietors Pioneer and San Geronimo Paper Mills. STRAW PAPER, BOOK, MANILA, ETC. Manufacturers and Dealers. 441 and 41S Clay street, San Francisco, Cal 324Jyl0 1y "(Mdon Rouge' EXTRA DRY DBYVrB7 I '''WJ,,.,,. mwVXi lit . "'w'wHiimwuww"- - lUPflRTATiniliMlfi 1 -'- wwwwwwywHin 04.423 G.W. MACFARLANE & CO., Cor. Fort & Queen Sts., HONOLULU, H. I. Sole Agents for this Favorite llrand of CHAMPAGNE, 489 a fc w NOTICE. AND AFTER THIS DATE ALL OUR ON accounts will be rend ?red monthly instead of quarterly, as heretofore. S. J. LEVET & CO. Honolulu, Feb. 2nd, 1385. 497 t AVEH &AL00N XO. 1 FORT STREET. Opposite Wilder fc Co.'s . J". Molte, Propr. OPEN FOif 3 A. U. TILT. 10 P. It FIRST-CLAS- S LCXGHES, COFFEE, TEA, SODA WATER, CLYCEE ALE, Cigars and. Tobaccos OF BEST BRANDS Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety of BEST QUALITY SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Elegant & CO. MILLIARD TABLE on the Premises. The Tioprletor would be pleased to receive a call Irom his Friends and the Public generally who may desire a LUNCH, A SMOKE, OR A GAME OF JJILLIARDS. H. J. N0LTE 26-t- f CAPITAL SlO.OGO.OOO UNLIMITED LIABILITY. ITHre Insurance oi all descriptions be effected at Moderate Rates of Prrmi um, by the undersigned. WM. O. IRWIN & CO. 129-d&w- tf Managers for Haw. Islands. Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Of New Zealand. CAPITAL. : : St 0.000,000 Having Established an Agency at for the Hawaiian Islands, the un- dersigned are prepared to accept risks against Fire in dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise, on favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo, freights, bottomry, profits and commissions. IiOsstM promptly adjusted V payable. 12-d- wtf WM. U. IRWIN & CO. GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY. 50 WALL STREET, NEW YORK T he above Company having: estab- - lisned an Agency at Honolulu, ior the Hawa lian Islands, the undersigned Is authorized to accept and write MARINE RISKS ON Merchandise, Freights. Treasure, Commissions, and Hulls. At current Rates. WM. C. IRWIN & CO.. 127-dw- tf Managers for Hawaiian Islands UN FiRE OFFICE OF LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1710. EFFECTED UPON EVERY INSURANCES property at the current rates of premium. Total sum Insured in 1884 - - 318,509,316 Claims arranged by the local agents, and paid with promptitude and liberality. The jurisdiction of the Local Tribunals recognized. G. W. Macfarlane & Co., 353 tf Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. CO. BERGER, GENERAL AGENCY NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO., Assets 60,000,000 CITY OF LONDON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. (Limited). Capital f 10,000 ,000 SOUTII BRITISH AND NATIONAL IN- SURANCE CO. Fibe and Marine. Combined Capital .$20,000,000 HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO., Assets 1 4,500,000 COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Fire and Marine. Capital J200,000 MAC NE ALE fc URBAN SAP 15 S! Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire and Burglar Proof. THE CELEBRATED SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE. Gas Fixtures of Mitchell , Vance & Co. C. O. BEEGEE, 229 my29 HONOLULU, H. I. Notice to the Public. TE TAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING to the public that, in addition to our PASTRY AND CONFECTIONERY business, we will open an Ice Cream Parlor, Which has been fitted to suit the requirements of our first-clas- s trade, on SATURDAY, APRIL 25TH, rn rvoam. will ha nt STTPKRIOR OTTAL1TY only, . being . made of Genuine . Crem, a supply of M At 11' 1 1 WQicn we nave securea iruui iue nuuuiunu Dairy. From samples furnished ns. we are able to guarantee the best quality of Ice Cream. The following assortment of Ice Creams and Sherberts will be furnished on our opening day, SATUR- DAY, APRIL 25TH: ICE CREAMS Vanilla, Lemon, Chocolate, Coffee, Pine Apple, Strawberry, Coffee Glace. snERBERTS Orange, Strawberry. - We are also prepared to furnish Ice Cream to parties, dinners, etc., and to customers at their homes. Our Parlors will be own every day and evening, except Sunday. Parties desiring Ice Cream on Sunday must give their orders for the same on Saturdays before 9 o'clock P. M. The Cream will be delivered before 10 A. M. Sunday mornings, packed so as to keep hard eight hours. Hoping to get a share of public patronage in this line of our business, and thanking the public for their liberal favors in the past, we remain respectfully, MELLER & HALBE, SUBSCRIPTIONS : . nvt RTisF.B, one year. ...f6 00 Jfr t-TisK- three months 1 50 50 month per rADvr.BnsKB, p one year........... 5 00 fglSiriPtion. W. P. C. A. (including jUi fjjiHe Invariably in Advance. "beneath the apple trees. Clinton Sc.jllard. Coon morning sunny b Koldea summer-tim- e, siaatwes were making honey And poet making rhyme, A marten gowned in satin, With eyes lite sapphire seaa, bumming low in Latin, Beneath the apple trees. n imnr" h? ?anz. ana aiter, Amat" she coyly said, Then, with a peal of laughter, She shook her roguish head. "If be were standing yonder. And heard." cried gay Louise, What would he do, I wonder, Beneath the apple trees?" I prithee tell. Sir Lover, If you should see and hear, And, turning round, discover That no one was anear. Would you pause undecided Or slylv creep and seiza And kiss "the sweet, as I did Beneath the apple trees? PARADE DAY IN MEXI CO. Vibration of an Anniversary Brilliant Show of Uniforms. T&cubaya Cor. New York Tribune. Tit celebration of the anniversary of the :ijs!aof the French, at the storming of Ifatltin 1372, by Gen. Larence?, occurred fjkEfaga Two reviews took place, one faia plain of San Laziro, outside of the !j,anianot!ior ia tha city. At the sboot-k&o- oI there was a sort of tribute erected i fca roof, from which tha president's Jri, the ministers' families, etc., had a fjailookattiji review. A3 it occupied lit-iiarar- an hour, many who went along .iiuM tosw it were disappointed and the w'Ja for refreshments made a scanty I Ij each review marc'ied about 15,000 The uniforms are simple, of dark blue relieved in the line regiments with p bittons and scarlet stripes on sleeves jadtrouwrt A cloth "kepi" is covered with j ti cotton stuff, from w hich hangs a jirolock'of the same when in "fatigue The police also wear the "havelock." jicmlry have silver buttons and gal- - ja, ud black braided jackets are added iff artillery. Their appearance vas ud many of the regiments marched 8 corps of cadets made a brilliant show toy do credit to the military school of l pec. But the most brilliant of all tU "rurales," the policemen of rural district?, as their name indl-- It is a treat to the eyes ; them galloping along in their HS Bd richly embroidered Mexican W ' ?n their fierv horses. The jacket r.fKUs are of buff leather and the hat hrunmed, light felt "sombrero," with C 0Q rim and silver Ti and the boots are also of buff leather, ftQi sHrruPs; crimson sash sLUC21?d 018 waiet and lon2 crim hang in tight and narrow folds !!Vach 8ideof the saddle. The S v1 Octets are the same, but vpS embroidery of solid silver. WV7?- - rudy, dark complexions Jito 2 form a striking contrast l ctunji(iu and brilliant dress. Their 'jaihX V riKht side in a leather ptlalaaoatthe left J It 8inew8 of War in Itussia. Ifcus Mall Budget. W,rham0ne7' too" that JJiSSr?? money W8S one of the backil 5Ut with bichthe ,tte 11111810 haUs' and tne aV instruct them, were eager tfaj w War' campaign was knuif tlw bankruptcy of Russia. SSfvf ,ithe mondy" csed as the minister of finance in af V4,?31 W to tbo warlike pif9Vaily Telegraph. A letter titatoVtu 4 Tha Schlesische L wheQ Gier3 and Bunge, vcT' faad an audience of fian . alna'and tha ar talked frt Sf??lt0 the Russian people, auitl. duty t0 caution hia im-Jficaae- t0 the 0011(11 tion of tha ?"iiitli0t0ncero38 from bis at, WS atTolenmity: aIf tQ war 'o. to1twby Pr01 that I jTifRnnr. entu-- e property of T. 1S.000.000 rubles); vUad 0!re n cau 58 no doubt that 'Vth, Jn. the rich mercantile fto i!.ry monasteries ware, iir fa?, fequaUyereat 8acri-5- S exr11- - when 'SF WrtaUoa of war between areed sacrifice ua of n VTorkdt0n Postl " f 8fys Iople might as SJr for breakfast. 4 vrf h,0W raanya3ila h.ust t Jlaratiou on the ve,. meJ aelf U-o- philau- - gea- - r-fcL- i not say , as ten minute lata Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes. The best in the market. 84 KING STREET. - - - BURGESS. 227 nov28 . MACFARLANE & CO., DEALERS AND EJi WHOLESALE in WINES and LIQUORS. No. 12 Knnhuiiianii Street, HONOLULU. 375-t- f H. HACKFELD & CO., COMMISSION ACEXTS. GENERAL Queen St., Honolulu, H.I. F. BANNDJQ. W. MAERTENS. P OPiPTCKOKLT ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., & Commission Merchants. Importers Honolulu, 11. 1. 3C8-t- f A. S. CLEGH0RN & Co., and Wholesale and Retail Importers General Merchandise, Corner Queen and Kaahumanu Sts. 3f9-- t CLACS SPEKCKKLS- - VM. 0. IRWIN. WM. G. IBWIN & Co., FACTORS and Commission AG K NTS. Honolulu U. I. 364-tfw- tf THE CURRENCY ACT5 The New Gold Law. a FEW COPIES OF THE WEEKLY PaciGc Commercial Advertiser of the 29th July. 1881, containing the FULL TEXT or the Currency Act, can be had on application to the P. C. Advertiser Office. Price 25 cents each. Publisher P. C. ADVERTISER WENNER & 00. 92 Fort Street, Have on hand New Foreign and Homemade Jewelry. Watches, Bracelets, Necklets, Pins, Lockets, Clocks, And ornaments of all kinds. Silver and Gold Plate Elegant Solid Silver Tea Sets. Suitable for Presentation. ENGRAVING AND NATIVE JEWELRY A Specialty. Repairing: in all its brandies. Sole Agents for King's Eye Preservers. ly J. J. WILLIAMS NO. 102 FORT STREET, Leading Piotosraplier of Honolnln. WORK FINISHED IN Water Colors, Crayon. India Ink, or Oil, Photo. Colored, Ac. The only Complete Collection of Island Views Ferns, SheHs,a Curiosities, Sec, CHARGES MODERATE. 385tf ALYIN 11. RASE 31 AN, BOOK BINDER, Paper Ruler and Blank Book Manufacturer. of all descriptions neatly and promptly executed, and at reasonable charge. Gazette Building, 392tf MERCHANT STBEET. THOMAS ZJNDSAY Manufacturing Jeweler, No. OONnuanu Street, Opposite Holllster & Co,. t Honolulu, II. I. Particular attention paid to repairing. 332tf BRICKS ! BRICKS ! Ex. W. H. DIMOND. 39 OOO California Hard Bricks. FOR SALE BY Castle & Cooka 124 Sprnance, Stanley & Co., Importers and Jobbers of Fine WHISKIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, 410 Front St., San Francisco. 473 tf Aw J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co., STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Hawaiian Gazette Block, 37 ZZerchaist St., Honolulu. U.I. 29 t Lincoln Block, King street ap w


Issiivss Caris. adwrfiscnwnts.



lt Commercial Advertiser


IferjHoming Except Sundays.

Benson,. Smith & Co., ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y


84 Ulnar Street, HonoluluCARPENTER AND BUILDER.

All kinds of Jobbing attended to.


Draying and Steamer Freight carefully andpromptly handled.

sni(i ywr ninsrr Al Tirt Tahiti Lemonade.



Miaile Colosciae.113 AND 115 FORT STREET.

18 -- mar 27 --Cm

Burr & Finck,The Leading Fashionable Tailors

OF HAS FBAXCISCO.No. 20 Market St., Opposite Pal are Hotel.""

Having already a large trade with Honolulu, thevrespectfully solicit further Island patronage, andare prepared to complete orders at one day's no-tice. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed, and thefinest stock of latest goods constantly on hand.

491 tffew

Pantheon Stables,Cor. Fort & Hotel Streets.


Carriages for hire at all hours of the dry 01night; also, conveyances of all kinds for partiesgoing around the Island.

Excellent Saddle Horses for f,adlesand Geutlemen. tinaranteed GeiiUe.

Carring; Xos. 2, 24, 46, 47, 48, 49,50, 51, 52 and 53.

Double and single teams always to be had oulivery at the most reasonable rates.

Large and small omnibus for picnics and excur-

sion parties, carrying from 10 to 40 passengers, canalways be secured by special arrangements.

Omnibus time tables can be obtained oy apply-ing at the office.

The Look Branch Bathing: flousecan always be secured for picnic or excursionparties by applying at the office.

Corner Fort and Hotel Streets.Telephone No. 34.

JAS. D0DD, Proprietor.39Stf




Alakea, near QHeen St.C. J. HARDEE, Proprietor.- -

Contracting & Building.MOULDINGS AND FINISH


FOR SALE Hard and Soft Stovewood, Cutand Split.

377-t- f


Ko. G Queen Street,


Beef, Veal, Mutton, Fish, Etc.

Family and Shipping Orders carefully attendedto. Live Stock furnished to vessels at shortnotice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied toorder. 276 tf


Queen & Edinburgh Streets,


Dealers la

HAY AND GRAIN,Telephone No. 175.

Goods delivered promptly.

Island Orders Solicited.




LYONS Sl ZiEVEIT,Auctioneers


General Commission Merchant

Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu.

ofFurniture. Stock, Real EstateSalesGeneral Merchandise properly attended to

Sol Agents foriAmerican & European Mercbanflise.

372-tfw- tf


All accounts for Advertising and Job Prlntiugat the

Pacific Commercial Advertiser

Office will from this date be presented for pay.meut monthly.

Honolulu, March 2. 18S5.

FRANK GERTZ,pjImporlep anfl ManufacturerJj

Of all Descriptions of

BOOTS & SHOEICr Orders from the other Inlands solicited.

No. HI Fort St., Honolulu.37ti-tiw- tf

JOHN TJTSCELTG,Fashionable Boot Maker,

No. 326 Bush St., San Francisco, Cal.

Will fill orders In his line at the shortest possiblenotice. Planters will And It te their advantage tocall on MR. Ul WCH1G before going elsewhere.

9l tAw

M. PHILLIPS & Co.,and Wholesale Dealer luImporters Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish-

ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu street.Honolulu, U. I. 366tf-w- tf


24 rost Street,Ifm Kairar,

San Tmnewcm, Cmt.

(.Send for Circular.) . .

The Full Business Course Includes Single andDouble Entry Book-keepin- g, as applied to alldepartments ot Dusiness; Commercial Arithmetic;Business Penmanship; Mercantile Law; BusinessCorrespondence; Lectures ou Law; BusinessForms, and the Science of Accounts; Actual Busi-ness Practice in Wholesale and Retail Mercban-dlsn- g,

Commission Jobbing, Importing, Rail-roading, Express Business, Brokerage, and Bank-ing; English Branches, including Reading, Spell-ing, Grammar, etc.; Drawing and Modern Lan-guages, consisting of practical Instruction iaFrench, German and Spanish.

Special Branches are: Ornamental Penman-ship, nigher Mathematics, Surveying, Naviga-tion, Civil Engineering,-Assaying-


Type-Writin- g, Telegraphy, etc.For full Information address,

E. P. IIEALD & CO.,294-d2- 3 SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.


Carpenter, No. 31 Alakea Si,Will attend and contract for all kinds of work lu


or new buildings.Work to be paid for when complete. .

Satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay.Charges as low us the lowest In the town.

Post Office box 135. 29-se- pt 30




The undersigned are now prepared to r

ceiye orders for this Celebrated Fertilizer

from the manufactory of Back & Ohlandt

San Francisco:

The following is a report of the compo-

nent parts, as obtained by Chemical analy-

sis: '

Water 8.10 per centOrganic Matter 29.18 " '

4.C5 " '"Silicious MatterLime 31.70

'Phosphoric Acid 23.11Oxide of Iron 85 "Carbonic Acid 1.89 . ' .Alkali Salts .52 "

(100.00Nitrogen 2.7 per cent.

Orders Received will have Prompt

and Careful Attention.

W. GK Irwin & Co.,Agents or the Hawaiian Island!,



Honolulu AlmanacANI


Business .Directory of Honolulu,


Statistical k Genera! Information

Relating to the Ilnu'u Islands.

For Sale by J.M.Oat, Jr., & Co


The P.C. Advertiser Office.

FIFTY CTS. PER COPYHonolulu, January 27, 1S85.


We have received a consignment of the mostEconomical and Valuable Feed for all

kinds of Stock, viz.:

COOKED LINSEED MEAL.It Is the greatest Flesh former, Milk and

Butter producer In use.

Oil Cake Meal shows about 27 per cent, of nutritive matter; this nearly 39 per cent.

100 Bs. ol this meal Is equal to 300 Bs. of oats,or 318 lbs. of corn, or to 707 lbs. of wheat bian.

For Sale in Lots to Suit.Also, out Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as

our usual supply of the best kinds of

Hay, Oats, Wheat, Corn, Etc., Etc.

LAINE Sc CO.373 tf


St. Eouis. Mo.

' Manufacture and Supply all kinds of

Rook. News,Flat and Eabel Papers,

Binders" Roards,Twines, Etc.


205 EeldesdoriT Street.1Telephone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO.

N. R. Special Attention tfiven toEarfre Contracts. 474 tffew



Cor. Fort & Queen Sts.,HONOLULU, U. I.

Sole Acents for this Favorite Brand of





Ex MENDOTA, for sale by

Castle & Cooke.155-m- y 11-- U


Patronize Home Manufacture.

The Hawaiian Stone Co.

Are now prepared to furnish fresh Lime inquantities to suit purchasers, and satisfaction war-ranted as to both the kind and the price.

ALLEN & ROBINSON,"360-au- 2d ' AGSNle


A Fine Lot of Red ftli.


Castle & Coolte.125-- tt

M. S. Grinbaum & Co.,IMPOETERS OF

tieiteral Merchandise and Com nilssion Merchants, Honolulu, II. I.

No. 124 California street, San Franc isco, Cal.jyl-l- y

S. 3?. Taylor & Co.,Agents South Coast Paper Mills. Proprietors

Pioneer and San Geronimo Paper Mills.

STRAW PAPER, BOOK, MANILA, ETC.Manufacturers and Dealers.

441 and 41S Clay street, San Francisco, Cal324Jyl0 1y

"(Mdon Rouge'


DBYVrB7I '''WJ,,.,,. mwVXilit . "'w'wHiimwuww"- -

lUPflRTATiniliMlfi1 -'- wwwwwwywHin



Cor. Fort & Queen Sts.,HONOLULU, H. I.

Sole Agents for this Favorite llrand of

CHAMPAGNE,489 a fc w

NOTICE.AND AFTER THIS DATE ALL OURON accounts will be rend ?red monthly instead

of quarterly, as heretofore.S. J. LEVET & CO.

Honolulu, Feb. 2nd, 1385. 497 t


Opposite Wilder fc Co.'s

. J". Molte, Propr.OPEN FOif 3 A. U. TILT. 10 P. It



Cigars and. TobaccosOF BEST BRANDS

Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from

the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety



Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Elegant


on the Premises.

The Tioprletor would be pleased to receive a call

Irom his Friends and the Public generally

who may desire aLUNCH, A SMOKE, OR A GAME OF


H. J. N0LTE26-t- f



ITHre Insurance oi all descriptionsbe effected at Moderate Rates of Prrmi

um, by the undersigned.WM. O. IRWIN & CO.

129-d&w- tf Managers for Haw. Islands.

Fire and Marine Insurance Co.

Of New Zealand.CAPITAL. : : St 0.000,000

Having Established an Agency atfor the Hawaiian Islands, the un-

dersigned are prepared to accept risks against Firein dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise,on favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo,freights, bottomry, profits and commissions.

IiOsstM promptly adjusted V payable.12-d- wtf WM. U. IRWIN & CO.



The above Company having: estab- -lisned an Agency at Honolulu, ior the Hawa

lian Islands, the undersigned Is authorized to acceptand write

MARINE RISKSONMerchandise, Freights. Treasure,

Commissions, and Hulls.At current Rates.

WM. C. IRWIN & CO..127-dw- tf Managers for Hawaiian Islands



EFFECTED UPON EVERYINSURANCES property at the current ratesof premium.

Total sum Insured in 1884 - - 318,509,316

Claims arranged by the local agents, and paid

with promptitude and liberality.

The jurisdiction of the Local Tribunals recognized.

G. W. Macfarlane & Co.,

353 tf Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.



Assets 60,000,000


Capital f 10,000 ,000


SURANCE CO. Fibe and Marine.Combined Capital .$20,000,000


Assets 1 4,500,000


Fire and Marine.Capital J200,000


SAP 15 S!Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire and

Burglar Proof.


SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE.Gas Fixtures of Mitchell , Vance & Co.

C. O. BEEGEE,229 my29 HONOLULU, H. I.

Notice to the Public.

TE TAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCINGto the public that, in addition to our

PASTRY AND CONFECTIONERY business, wewill open an

Ice Cream Parlor,Which has been fitted to suit the requirements

of our first-clas- s trade, on


rn rvoam. will ha nt STTPKRIOR OTTAL1TYonly,. being .made of Genuine. Crem, a supply of

M At 11' 1 1WQicn we nave securea iruui iue nuuuiunuDairy. From samples furnished ns. we are ableto guarantee the best quality of Ice Cream. Thefollowing assortment of Ice Creams and Sherbertswill be furnished on our opening day, SATUR-DAY, APRIL 25TH:

ICE CREAMS Vanilla, Lemon, Chocolate,

Coffee, Pine Apple, Strawberry, Coffee Glace.

snERBERTS Orange, Strawberry. -We are also prepared to furnish Ice Cream to

parties, dinners, etc., and to customers at theirhomes. Our Parlors will be own every day andevening, except Sunday. Parties desiring IceCream on Sunday must give their orders for thesame on Saturdays before 9 o'clock P. M. TheCream will be delivered before 10 A. M. Sundaymornings, packed so as to keep hard eight hours.

Hoping to get a share of public patronage inthis line of our business, and thanking the publicfor their liberal favors in the past, we remainrespectfully,



. nvt RTisF.B, one year. ...f6 00

Jfr t-TisK- three months 15050

monthperrADvr.BnsKB,p one year........... 5 00

fglSiriPtion. W. P. C. A. (including

jUifjjiHe Invariably in Advance.

"beneath the apple trees.Clinton Sc.jllard.

Coon morning sunnyb Koldea summer-tim- e,

siaatwes were making honeyAnd poet making rhyme,

A marten gowned in satin,With eyes lite sapphire seaa,

bumming low in Latin,Beneath the apple trees.

n imnr" h? ?anz. ana aiter,Amat" she coyly said,

Then, with a peal of laughter,She shook her roguish head.

"If be were standing yonder.And heard." cried gay Louise,

What would he do, I wonder,Beneath the apple trees?"

I prithee tell. Sir Lover,If you should see and hear,

And, turning round, discoverThat no one was anear.

Would you pause undecidedOr slylv creep and seiza

And kiss "the sweet, as I didBeneath the apple trees?


Vibration of an Anniversary BrilliantShow of Uniforms.

T&cubaya Cor. New York Tribune.Tit celebration of the anniversary of the

:ijs!aof the French, at the storming ofIfatltin 1372, by Gen. Larence?, occurredfjkEfaga Two reviews took place, onefaia plain of San Laziro, outside of the!j,anianot!ior ia tha city. At the sboot-k&o-oI

there was a sort of tribute erectedi fca roof, from which tha president's

Jri, the ministers' families, etc., had afjailookattiji review. A3 it occupied lit-iiarar- an

hour, many who went along.iiuM tosw it were disappointed and the

w'Ja for refreshments made a scanty

I Ij each review marc'ied about 15,000The uniforms are simple, of dark bluerelieved in the line regiments withp bittons and scarlet stripes on sleeves

jadtrouwrt A cloth "kepi" is covered withj ti cotton stuff, from w hich hangs ajirolock'of the same when in "fatigue

The police also wear the "havelock."jicmlry have silver buttons and gal- -ja, ud black braided jackets are addediff artillery. Their appearance vas

ud many of the regiments marched8 corps of cadets made a brilliant show

toy do credit to the military school ofl pec. But the most brilliant of all

tU "rurales," the policemen ofrural district?, as their name indl-- It

is a treat to the eyes; them galloping along in theirHS Bd richly embroidered MexicanW ' ?n their fierv horses. The jacketr.fKUs are of buff leather and the hat

hrunmed, light felt "sombrero," withC 0Q rim and silver Ti and

the boots are also of buff leather,ftQi sHrruPs; crimson sash

sLUC21?d 018 waiet and lon2 crimhang in tight and narrow folds

!!Vach 8ideof the saddle. TheS v1 Octets are the same, butvpS embroidery of solid silver.WV7?- - rudy, dark complexionsJito 2 form a striking contrast

lctunji(iu and brilliant dress. Their'jaihX V riKht side in a leatherptlalaaoatthe leftJ It 8inew8 of War in Itussia.Ifcus Mall Budget.

W,rham0ne7' too" thatJJiSSr?? money W8S one of the

backil 5Ut with bichthe,tte 11111810 haUs' and tne

aV instruct them, were eagertfaj w War' campaign wasknuif tlw bankruptcy of Russia.SSfvf ,ithe mondy" csed as

the minister of finance inaf V4,?31 W to tbo warlike

pif9Vaily Telegraph. A lettertitatoVtu 4 Tha Schlesische

L wheQ Gier3 and Bunge,vcT' faad an audience of

fian . alna'and tha ar talkedfrt Sf??lt0 the Russian people,

auitl. duty t0 caution hia im-Jficaae-

t0 the 0011(11 tion of tha

?"iiitli0t0ncero38 from bis at,WSatTolenmity: aIf tQ war'o. to1twby Pr01 that I

jTifRnnr. entu--e property ofT. 1S.000.000 rubles);

vUad 0!ren cau 58 no doubt that'Vth, Jn. the rich mercantilefto i!.ry monasteries ware,iir fa?, fequaUyereat 8acri-5-S

exr11- - when'SF WrtaUoa of war between

areed sacrificeua of n

VTorkdt0n Postl "

f 8fys Iople might asSJr for breakfast.4 vrf h,0W raanya3ila

h.ust t Jlaratiou on the

ve,.meJ aelf U-o- philau--


r-fcL-i not say

, as ten minute lata

Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes. The best in themarket.

84 KING STREET. - - - BURGESS.227 nov28 .



No. 12 Knnhuiiianii Street,HONOLULU. 375-t- f



ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO.,& Commission Merchants.Importers Honolulu, 11. 1. 3C8-t- f

A. S. CLEGH0RN & Co.,and Wholesale and RetailImporters

General Merchandise,Corner Queen and Kaahumanu Sts. 3f9-- t


WM. G. IBWIN & Co.,FACTORS and Commission

AG K NTS. Honolulu U. I. 364-tfw- tf



PaciGc Commercial Advertiserof the 29th July. 1881, containingthe FULL TEXT or the CurrencyAct, can be had on application tothe P. C. Advertiser Office.

Price 25 cents each.Publisher P. C. ADVERTISER

WENNER & 00.92 Fort Street,

Have on hand New Foreign and HomemadeJewelry.

Watches, Bracelets, Necklets,Pins, Lockets, Clocks,

And ornaments of all kinds.

Silver and Gold PlateElegant Solid Silver Tea Sets.

Suitable for Presentation.ENGRAVING AND NATIVE JEWELRY

A Specialty.

Repairing: in all its brandies.Sole Agents for King's Eye Preservers.



Leading Piotosraplier of Honolnln.WORK FINISHED IN

Water Colors, Crayon.India Ink, or Oil,

Photo. Colored, Ac.The only Complete Collection of

Island ViewsFerns, SheHs,a

Curiosities, Sec,CHARGES MODERATE.



BOOK BINDER,Paper Ruler and Blank Book


of all descriptions neatly andpromptly executed, and at reasonable charge.

Gazette Building,392tf MERCHANT STBEET.


Manufacturing Jeweler,No. OONnuanu Street,

Opposite Holllster & Co,. t

Honolulu, II. I.Particular attention paid to repairing. 332tf



39 OOO

California Hard Bricks.


Castle & Cooka124

Sprnance, Stanley & Co.,Importers and Jobbers of Fine

WHISKIES, WINES AND LIQUORS,410 Front St., San Francisco.

473 tf Aw

J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co.,


Hawaiian Gazette Block,

37 ZZerchaist St., Honolulu. U.I.29 t Lincoln Block, King streetap w




Pacific Commercial AdvertiserThe Art Book for the Season of 1SSO,

in Preparation by Jules Tavernierand Wm. Horace YFrisrlit. AUCTION SALE.


doubtless give attention to this mat-ter, and suggest such means as hemay deem expedient to induce hiscountrymen to avail .themselves ofthe sanitary appliances which theBoard of Health is ready to place attheir disposal. It might be expedi-ent perhaps that original vaccinationshould proceed among the Portuguesein groups, when revaccination couldbe practiced without any objectionon their part, by taking the virusfrom the arms of perfectly healthychildren of their own race whohad been vaccinated with im-ported lymph.. Anyhow, for theirown sakes, it is very desirable thatthey should all be vaccinated. Thiscountry has no immunity from small-pox any more than other countries

Engravings and PicturesStandard Works, Etc.

-- :o:-

Opera lrospeets.Signor Farini was courteously received

by His Majesty the King yesterday. TheKing listened attentively to the musicalproject which Signor Farini submitted,and promised to do all he could to fur-

ther it. Indeed, His Majesty enteredheartily into the subject, and being anardent admirer of good music, is naturallyanxious that there should be a success-ful operatic season in Honolulu. Weregret in this connection that theidea of giving a concert next Fridayevening has been abandoned, owing tothe difficulty of getting together a suffi-

cient number of trained voices for re-

hearsal at such short notice ; and SignorFarini very properly prefers not to makethe attempt when perfect success isdoubtful. He may probably, however,give an invitation musical soiree leforeleaving on the 1st September. The oper-atic subscription list was ojened at Wise-man's yesterday and several names were

TERMS OF SXTBSCRIPTIOX.On Wednesday, August 26th,rer annum 60

Six months 3 00Per month .. .. 50c

At 10 o'clock a. m.,

At the Residence of E. P. Adams, No.Xuuanu Avenue, will be sold, the

255 This Space is Reserved forfijr.Subsef Ipliuii' lnyalile always inAdvance.

Communications from all parts of the Kingdomwill always be very acceptable.

Entire Household FurnitureConsisting in part as follows:

One Maroon-colo- r Mohair, Plush, BlackWalnut

Persons residing In any part of the United Statescan remit the amount of subscription due by Post0f3ce money order.


I"'S Am,,,,,,

flatter int 1 for publication In the editorial Parlor Set of Eis;it Pieces.aug-5-lj- r

columns ahci .1 be addressed toEditor Pacific Commercial apvertiseb. put down. We hope the list will fill up

It has been almost an open secret forsome months past that efforts were beingmade for the publication of a work onthe Hawaiian Islands that would eclipseall previous endeavors in that direction.Many interesting volumes have beenalreadj' published in connection withthese Islands, but they have been de-

voted principally to scientific researches,travelers' recollections, or the daydreams of florid imaginations. The Ha-waiian Islands have been mirroredpleasantly, but not accurately or justly.

It is, therefore, with satisfaction thatwe announce that the long-fe- lt want isabout to be .supplied. The work hasbeen commenced imu r the most favor-able auspices, and wiii in due course bepublished, swpiorted by all that is neces-sary in the way of influence and capital.It is intended to be a complete analysisof the Islands pictorially and in text,from drawings, observations and investi-gations made in the localities described.

The title of the work is, "The RainbowLand. An artist's rambles through theHawaiian Islands, illustrated on the spotby Jules Tavernier." The art depart-ment will be in Mr. Tavernier's hands,who, of course, will occasionally call tohis assistance the brushes and pencils ofsuch confreres as possess peculiar gifts inspecial departments.

Mr. Tavernier's broad and versatile ;

talent as an artist is recognized inEurope, a3 well as in America, while j

many of his works are familiar to our j

own ieople. Twenty years ago last May !

.Business communications and advertisementsquickly and so ensure a really superiorpresentation of opera on the local stage.

ahould be addressed simply '" P. C. Advertiser."cd not to individuals.

which have been and are afflicted byit, and should an outbreak unfortu-nately occur the first victims wouldnaturally be those whose constitu-tions had not been fortified againstinfection by vaccination. The Boardof Health would doubtless act uponany suggestion Mr. Cauavarromight make in this regard. As it isa question of vast public interest,where so many children and youngpeople are un vaccina ted, we trustthat measures will be promptly takento give effect to the suggestion, hereincontained, so far as these may bepracticable.

Carved Ebony and Marble Table, LargePersian Rug, Ebony and Gilt Etagere;Kbony and Gilt Easel, the "Venus of Milo,"Bronzed Chandelier, patent DuplexBurner; an unusually Choice Collection of

Fine Paintings, Engravingsand Chronios.

Thackeray's Works complete, Dickens'Works complete, Works of George Elliot," Noetes Ambrosiana " by North, Tarne'sEnglish Literature, Macauley's History ofEngland, Morley's English Men of let-ters," Goethe's Wards, the Iliad andOdyssey" of Homer, Bryant's Translations,

THEracinc Commercial Advertiser

Is now for sale daily at the Following PlacesJ. M. OAT fc CO Merchant streetT. G. THRUM Merchant street

A young black bear, owned by a Fole, whokeeps the store adjoining the Union FeedCompany, ou Queen street, died last even-ing under peculiar circumstances. Eversince last Tuesday they have been tryitig toput a ring in the animal's nose. A black-smith was called in yesterday. The animal'slegs were tied, and also his nose. A fewminutes later it was found to be dead. Theowner valued the boar at $100. He shouldhave taken better c;ue of the beast.

Yesterday morfrlng at G o'clock a gang ofprisoners were put to work ou King streetnear Thomas Square, and by noon tl.ey hada section of the track for the street railwaylaid. It was done under the supervision ofMr. Julius IT. Smith, Superintendent of


WOLF & EDWARDS...Cor King and Nuuanu stsC. J. McCARTIIY. Hotel street A short time ago there was a hue

Etc. Fine Rugs, Bas Relief Panels, Hand-some B. W. Library Cases, Handsome

Black Walnut Bedroom Set,Extra size Bedstead, 7 feet long, 5 feet 9inches wide; Bureau with full length mir.ror; Washstand, two Chairs, Rocker andTowel Rack, made to order in Boston.Ladies' Wakefield Chairs;

One Large Camphor - Wood

Five Cents per Copy. tf and cry raised concerning the depart-ure of Portuguese immigrants whose

TUESDAY August 25th. terms of contract service on theIslands had expired. Our Oppositioncontemporaries dilated at length 4lm !T.w i T 1. 1: vi l.- - - , . . ..his first picture was placed iiiiK--

i iuuiiu uiixs. Aujoiie passing inat vicmitvCHINESE IMMIGRATION. i

upon the evil effects wrought by therne resolute stand taken by the

WARDROBE,Two black Walnut Wardrobes, 2 CamphorWood Trunks. Carved Ash Chamber Ket,complete; 2 Children's Black VTalnut Bed-steads, Mattresses and Pillows, MosquitoXets, Feather Pillows, Hair Mattresses,Black Walnut Pillar Extension DiningTable, will seat sixteen persons;

Government In this connection. Itwas the fault of the Government that

j would not be able to find the track, as ithas been covered up so as to prevent cav-- jriages coming in contact with it. There is

. a probability of work being resumed insideof two months.

Administration against unrestricted men could not be compelled to remain

Light on his airy crest his slender headHis body short, his loins luxuriant spreadMuscle on muscle knots his brawny breast 'No fear alarms him, no vain shouts molestO'er his right shoulder, floating full and fairSweeps his thick mane and spreads its iMmiw.f ll.Swift works ids double spine, and earth around

Chinese immigration has borne goodiiere against meir win. Tins wasfruit. The Consul General of this another crime laid to the charge of Silver Plated Breakfast andKingdom at Hongkong recently visedthe Government. We said but little Aiiufc in iu aunu nooi mat wears (lie ground (VlIiGIUthe passports of two hundred return at the time, anticipating further deing Chinamen, and applied to the velopments, and the wisdom of theSecretary of the Colonial Government Advertiser has become annarent.there for permission to allow them to

About 3 o'clock Sunday morning, threemilk wagons were stauding outside of Nolte'ssaloon, the drivers being inside takiug theirusual cup of coft'eo. An express, carelesslydriven, with five persons inside who were allin a merry state--, came tearing down Fortstreet and ran into one of the wagons be-

longing to the Woodlawn Dairy, consider-ably damaging it, and making the milk tinsfly. Another wagon had to be sent for toreplace the damaged one.

We learn from San Francisco that, VEN TUBE.This well-know- n Trotting Stallionisnowstandiugattliecornfr.fi.. ,,

snip direct for Honolulu, instead ofbesides the eighty Portuguese whoincurring heavier expense by ship-

ping to San Francisco and thence to have already returned to the Islands




ll s



if5 ;


within a month, fifty-tw- o of whomthis port. His request was courteously

in the Paris Salon, Palais de L'lndustrie.As an illustrator his experience has beenconsiderable, he having contributedfreely to the Paris "Caprice," London"Graphic," London "Illustrated News,"New York "Graphic," "Harper's Week-ly" and "Monthly," "Frank Leslies',"Appleton's and Scribner's magazines,the "AW:-ie- ," "Picturesque America,"etc., etc.

From an artistic standard every effortwill be made to render the work amasterpiece, and one that will be recog-nized as "the book of the season." Itwill be published in what is known asalbum form, about fifteen inches inlength by ten inches in width, and willcontain five hundred or more illustra-tions, including full page colored oilplates, black and white drawings, penand ink sketches, photogravures, woodengravings, etc., etc., in order that eachsubject may be appropriately dealt within the happiest vein. Each letter-pres-s

page will be illustrated by scenes, sug-gestions or emblematic ideas congenialto the matter under discussion. Thecover will be a very handsome one in- j. . .....

came on the last steamer, there arebut firmly refused. The Hongkong very many more awaiting their op i. w i .i mt0 .pi ii i m

TEA SET,And other Silver Plated ware; Ii. W. Chef-fonier- s,

B. W. Hat Rack, with Mirror;Ladles' Work Table, two B. W. BedroomSets, complete; Meat Safe, Refrigerator,Kilter, steps, Single

Harness, Ladies' Saddles,Saddles and Bridles, Iron Corn Bin, One

New Side-Ba- r Top Buggy,One Domestic Sewing Machine, withWater-pow- er Attachment, in perfectorder, Bath Tub,

Kitchen Stove and FurnitureGl-is- s and Crockery Ware, Canned Goods, Etc.Catalogues will be issued. Free 'Busses will leaveE. O. Hall's corner at :'i0 on day of sale, and thehouse will be open for inspection on TUESDAY,

from 10 a. m. to 3 p. in.

Government, acting under instrucportunity to get back.tions from the Secretary of State for AVI t A A Jvii who went to tue tjoast werethe Colonies, cannot permit anypossessed of a limited amount of capdirect shipment of Chinese from the ital. The Portuguese laborers foundthat they could not readily obtainwork in California, but most of them

Ml csi 'Vy 94made this discovery too late, as alltheir money was expended. A fewwisely saved sufficient to enable them :iS5a2 IJ. I ADAMS, Auctioneer.to return to this Kingdom, whichthey openly avow is better suited to

port of Victoria, or Hongkong, as it isbetter known, to any port in the Ha-waiian Kingdom, in consequeuce ofthe strong representations of thisGovernment ou the subject. Nomodification of this prohibition willbe made unless requested by the Ha-waiian Government; and it is per-haps superfluous to say that no suchrequest will emanate from the presentAdministration. So far from thatbeing the case, the Government,suspecting that Chinamen who lefthere disposed of their permits or Cus

Queen streets, and breeders, horsemen and stock-ovrner- a should take sjr 'C'fopportunity to obtain his blood while they have the chance. He k notS !

feeling nearly as well as he did in hisever life, and moves as lively and hit fiVJand he is as rigorous as a four-year-o- ld horse. j

It does not require a great horseman to discover great points of rS f

VENTURE. The ordinary citizen, upon beholding him, will he impressedwith his grand make-up- , magnificent length, and elegant tinUli. If he bhorse that erer came to this country, he is surelv one of the KM,t lnd',.';former, he towers as far above them all as he does above a tiuckliiiij cI: ia ito:L

A great deal of importance has lately been attached to the value of iU 'being kept for stock purposes, whether he is standard or not, and the httWNational Association of Trotting Horse Breeders in America Ktrunslv idviait1to patronize stallions that are not standard bred, and he also advisea them te 'not only standard bred, but if possible one that is standard bv liisotaxwhich is a public record of 2:30, or better, and even more than thia ly ttept'- -of his get also. Now, if ;this rule was rigidly applied, it would exclude alficrV

horses as Electioneer and the sires of Maud S. and Jay Eye See, etc., for wbjJe felbecome greatly renowned by the performances of their get, tlievucTertmrformers themselves. . f

Now, we will see, for curiosity, how near VENTURE comes to possessiig !k fqualifications, namely : Breeding, performances and performances of Lis get

As to breeding, he is the peer of any horso on earth, and I don't except !iJHermit, who is the most popular stallion in England, and whose service tttii-bein-

the sire of three Derby winners.nnAs to his own Perforniances, be meets the requirement, having apuUicre

2:27 ii 2:30 being the standard of admission.His get are now just beginning to be appreciated in California, one '

(Vengeance) won a good race quite lately in Sacramento, in straight Leifct.:record of 2:34, and is said to be able to trot close to 2:20, when called upon to dm

With these facts before us, VENTURE looms up as one of the gruM kr ;

only on this but in any other country, and the day is pant when peyj.Ie iL' btthing but the very best; and while the death of two such great howsu' jBazaar is greatly deplored bv all true horsemen, still it is a great coumUujiMis so good a horse as VENTTRE to fill their place. j

VENTURE is an aged horse, but he is one year younger than DicUiur, ' '

sold only last year in Kentucky for $25f000, ou the strength of his king the is.;Eye See. His stud fee is S300. He is also ten vears vouncer than VolnEtrtT p ?

them than California. Not a daypasses in San Francisco but some of colors, alter the model of 'the antique

wood bindings. Sunk in profile and emour lormer Portuguese laborers call


Cigar and TobaccoEMPORIUM,

Camrbell's Block, Merchant St., Honolulu, H. I.

at the office of John D. Spreckela &Bros, to ask if he cannot obtaiu a free

bossed wil 1 be an allegorical and typicalpicture of the Islands On the raisedframework surrounding it will be carvedpassage, or work his way back to the

Islands. Some even have desired totom House passports to others, and in ornamental lettering "KA PAE ATNAO HAWAII. Illustrated by Jules Taverby fraudulent representations after nier. Honolulu. 1S85-8- G "

wards secured Consular passports forrpHE CENTRAL, HAS BEEN OPENED FOR

; A the accommodation of the lovers of thechoicer article of the weed. I intend to keep atthe central a fine variety of Cigars and Tobacco,.. . .lll l .1 -, w .1 I

From a literary point of view no painsdouble the number entitled to them,

"ship" there for another term ofyears in order that they might re-

turn. This is tolerably conclusiveproof of another misstatement andfalsehood from the Opposition, but itis what the public should always ex- -

.A. J

will be spared to make the work reliable,losued an order on the 8th of July n.nir iu.iur- - MHi-ia-i arrangements with im-porters from abroad. Trusting a liberal share ofpatronage, I remain, respectfully,3,i,J If J. E. WISEMAN.

last to the Consul General at Hong valuable, useful and interesting to thegeneral reader. It is contemplated andkout, jorDiaaing me issuance or re desired to make it a condensed but faithturn passports to any one, except pecc irom sucn a quarter, it is now

in order for them to reiterate theirfalsifications in this connection.

women or persons known to him to TO EENT, Julien) , whose fee is $500. All thincs taken into consideration, I canuot we ihave been residents of this Kingdom.This will stop the immigration fraud 17ROM ONE TO FIVE YEARS, THE PREM- -

TURE. is not as desirable a horse to breed from as any of them, or ihjkiworthy of the patronage of the public. Below I will give his pedigree, of W

a comparison with that of any other horse in the country ;j- - ises situated at JvaJibl, adjoining Mrs. Beck- -

ful reflex of all that is of interest on thegroup of Islands, of practical benefit tothose connected with them by ties ofbirth, residence, property, commerce orpleasure, or of use to the great travelingand reading public. Briefly outlined, asthe scope of the work is on the title page,the subject is a, vast one, as it contains

Absoiuteav !ure iv.-.-v o. i ne null.-- is ixi, wnn every accommoheretofore perpetrated by the sagacious Chinese. 1 VENTURE, chestnut horse. 16 hands, foaled in mi: sired ljfc'Mdation, mere is about four acres of land fencedin with stone wall. Terms very easy. Apply toDeputy Marshal Dayton, at the Police station,vvhen the Opposition gets into

- office it will probably carry out its ram wnom an particulars can be obtained.382 tf

Thiapowdcr never varies. A marvel of purity,strength and vholcsfiactiess. Mere economicalthan the ordinary liinu.tTvl car.r.otbosGMineom-pctitio- i

with i.'io multitude of lov'tcst, shortWeight, alum or pho.- - phatc powders. Soluonlyejcans. UoyaIi Bau::;u Pow!u Co., 20(i Wali-gj- w

N. Y.280 d-- w tf


Monday, August 24th.Lee Kin and Waha Yuen were charged

with having opium in possession. Theformer pleaded guilty and was fined $50and sentenced to imprisonment at hardlabor for twenty days. Waha Yuenpleaded not guilty and was discharged.

Kaiu pleaded guilty to larceny of cloth-ing, the property of Toka and Mauukoa,valued at $6, and was sent to the reef for

o rr ice."AVh iOf JOT 'DISPOSED OF MY IN--

American Boy, ho by Sea Gull, he by imp. Expedition.1st dam, Miss Mostyn, by American Boy, Jr.2dt3am, by Kenner's Gray Medoe.3d dam, imp. Lady Mostyn, by Tcnntirs.4th dam, Iavalid, by Whisker.5th dam, Helen, by Hambletonian.Cth dam, Susan, by Overton.7th dam, Drowsy, by Drone.8th dam, by Old England.9th dam, by Cullen Arabian.

10th dam, Miss Cade, by Cade.11th dam, Miss Makeless, by son of Greyhound.12th dam, by Partner.13th dam, Miss Does, dam by Woodcock.14th dam, by Crofts Bay Barb.15th dam, Desdemonas, dam by Make-lens- .

ICth dam, by Brimmer.17th dam, by Dickey Pierson.18th dam, Burton Barb. Mare.

L terest in the Astor House Restaurant."2t-- t UKO. CAVENAGH, Proprietor.


pointed assignee of the estate of CHEK MAN,bankrupt. All persons indebted U said estateare hereby notified to make immediate paymentto me at my oflice.

W. C. PARKE, Assignee.Honolulu, August 21, ISS-l- . 1

For Sale or To Let.

iirtimiui iiu;t, meir jiisiory, tra-ditions, legends, music and meles, thevolcanic phenomena and island scenery,climate, products and possibilities, com-mercial and political features, prominentpeople of the past and present, routes oftravel, etc., etc." From each of thesemain heads will naturally spring Hydrasof thought and information, and incourteously supplying data from thetreasure boxes of their knowledge, ourreaders can materially assist the com-piler, who will gratefully acknowledgetheir kindly aid. This department ofthe work has been entrusted to Mr. Win.

nine months at hard labor, and alsofined $15. Yosoraite Skating Rink,Kaahu and Kamai were fined $5 eachfor drunkenness, and the following forfeited bail of $0 each for the same of

policy of "Asiaticising the country,"by : throwing down the barriers andlettingin the "yellow horde" to re-

duce wages and furnish an inex-haustible supply of "ignorant muscle''which it strove so hard to accomplishthrough the Planters' Labor andSupply Company last October andsince. But fortunately for the coun-try there is no prospect whatever ofan Opposition victory, and thechances for free labor are thereforebetter to-d-ay than they have been atany previous period of our Islandhistory. The intention of the ConsulGeneral at Hongkong appears to havebeen to encourage the Mexican lineof steamships which has been estab-lished. These vessels are to call atHonolulu going and returning, andof course it would have been quite anitem to command the Chinese pas-senger traffic with this country. Thefirst vessel of the line, the Mount

fense : Punikala, Leleauna, Keliilalaole, GTor any additional particulars, terms, ctc.t apply 1"Holokahiki, Balota, J. Spooner and John RNISIIED OR UNFURNISHED THE J

Prop!residence of the late Judge Austin. NuiianuShea. C. 15. MILES,3T5aul2 tfAvenue. Inquire of Jonathan Austin, overBishop & Co.'s Bank. 394-se- plPohaiahi was fined $5, and Ah Pong

$9 for charges of assault and battery,which were sustained. JUST BECfltf

Horace Wright, a gentlemen in everyway competent and qualified for theundertaking. He will bring to his assist-ance writers of knowledge and ex-perience on several branches of the work.

The book will be' published for the

Mikalani, for assault and battery on a afternoon and evening asWill be open everyfollows :


horse (Dan), d; light bay.with two hind feet white. Five dollars rewardwill be paid to any person finding and returningsame. ati2-l- t CHOCK CIIOY.

small native child, was fined $15 and $3 AXD FOB MLEt- f-

andcosts. Metropolitan MarketMONDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY

SATURDAY,To the public In general.

winter season of 18SG, and in order toAh See, for having opium in possesLowestexpedite its usefulness by rapid distrision, was lined $50, and sentenced to

imprisonment at hard labor fori twenty bution, will be issued from Honolulu,New York, San Francisco, Philadelphia, and of tbei owp .stockdajrs.

- NOTICE.Lebannon, was to sail shortly on itspioneer voyage, having a large num-ber of Chinese coolies for Mexican



AFTERNOONS,For ladies and their escorts.

Boston, Chicago, Cincinnati, NewOrleans, London (Eng.), Paris, Berlin, Ib.ianl.il-s- , whwki

f "Xplantations on board. Lisbon, Vienna, Rome, Dublin, Glasgow,GENEVAS, RIIERK'Liverpool, Melbourne, Sydney. Auck G. J. WALLER, PROPRIETOR.By request of the ladies and gentlemen whotok part in the last Masquerade at YosemiteA REGULAR MEETING OFVACCINE LYMPH AND VACCINATION.

POUTS, MAmating KinK, preparations are being made tohave another, September 25th, when we will have

land, Yokohama, Hongkong, Bombayand Calcutta.

The Advertiser wishes to- - all conineuranu ajay Pole Dance also.The Board of Health received by And

the Alameda last Saturday fifty Excelsior Loik No. 1nected with this enterprise a happy and win1,...1THISTLE PEWClias. Oppenheimer & Co.,cones of capillary tubes of vaccine prosperous termination to their well-i- n Choicest Meats Irom Finest Herd (in casevirus from the Boston Vac

cine Company, through Consul-Ge- ntended labors, which are calculated to doso much lasting and material good to I. O. O. F.

Manufacturers, Importers and WholesaleDealers In


Tue Whallnsr Fleet.The schooner James A. Garfield,

which arrived in San Francisco AugustGth, twenty-si- x days from Port Clarence,Alaska, reported the catch of the whal-ing fleet as follows : Steamers Balaena8, Narwhal 6, Orca 4, Thrasher 4, Belve-dere 4, Lucretia 6, Alliance 5. BarksWanderer 2, Abram Barker 2, AndrewHicks 1, Arnolda 2, Atlantic 1, Fleet-win- g

9, George and Susan 4, Helen Mar4, J. A. Howland 4, John Carver 8,Josephine 2, Mabel 1, Mars 2, Mary andSusan 6, Ohio 4, Reindeer 5, Amethyst5, Bounding Billow 2, Dawn 1, Eliza 2,Francis Palmer 2, Hidalgo 1, Hunter 2,Northern Light 1. Young Phoenix, Oceanand schooner Page made no catch. Thebarks Napoleon and Gazelle were crushedby the ice and lost.

era! McKinley, who displays great "MEM!!!"111salesroom, u.i cattery street. Factory. CornerW ill be held Til IS EVENING at 7:30 o'clock

Every member is requested to be pree.et, as--AS"Dusiness or importance will be transacted.

E. HUGHES, N. G. ramllies and shipping supplied on SHORT

urumm ana Washington Streets.3S9se22 SAN FRANCISCO.

KJLINE & CO.,Importers of


L,. L. LA au25-l- tPIERRE, Secretary. Budiveiser MNOTICE and at the At'

re the1'nr u kicli e

aiian Islands, are par

Nos. 26 and 23 Battery390a22-8- 6

Street, S. E. Cor. of Pine,SAN FRANCISCO.Assignee's Notice. Lowest Market Prices.

these islands.1

Judge T. Lyle Dickey of the State Su-

preme Court, Chicago, died at Atlanta City,New Jersey, July 22d. lie wa3 born atParis, Ky., October 2, 1811, consequentlywas close on seventy --four years of age. liedied nine hours before General Grant, hisold comrade and friend. Judge Dickeyleaves a widow and four children survivinghim. One of these is Mr. Charles Dickeyof Haiku, Maui. The deceased was alsohalf-cousi- n to Prof. W. D. Alexander. Mrs.Dickey, the widow, visited the Islands abouta year ago. His funeral took place atChicago July 25th, and was attended by theCity Council, members of the bar, G. A. Ii.,and many other organizations.

There will be a regular meeting of Excel,sior Lodge, No. 1, I. O. O. F., this eveningat 7:30 o'clock. All members are requestedto be present.

zeal in the execution of the variousduties of his office. The supply willbe kept up regularly, so that here-after there need be no apprehensionregarding the availability of a suffi-ciency of pure lymph. The Adve-rtiser referred to this subject sometime ago, and especially to the re-

luctance of Portuguese to vaccinatetheir children by the arm to armmethod through. the natives, for fearof contamination with leprous virus.The prejudice was a natural one, andshould be respected. But there isnow no reason why these peopleshould refrain from taking necessaryand indeed imperative precautionagainst small-po- x. The able and ju-

dicious gentleman who represents thePortuguese Government here will


SHIP. jfTHE CREDITORS OF THE ESTATETOof Don Lin, in bankruptcy, in the Supreme

Court. Take notice: That the undersigned, as-signees in bankruptcy of the estate of Don Lin ofLahaina, Mani, have filed their accounts and pe-tition Tor allowance of same, and for authoilty to

VfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THEJJ partnership lately subsisting: under the firm

A. Moore, practical, mechanical and civilengineer, formerly in charge of the mills atSpreckelsville, arrived by the steamshipAlameda this morning, and intends makinga tour of the Islands in the interest of theRisdon Iron Works of San Francisco, and isprepared to give estimates and make con-tracts for all kinds of sugar machinery,

feed.name of the Hawaiian Liverv Stable fomn&nv.doing business on King street, at Leleo, in Hono-lulu, Is thfs day dissolved by mutual consent. The

pay a first and final dividend therein, and for anorder releasing them from further liability as suchassignees, and will present said petition and ac business will hereafter be carried on under the !name of HAW AIIAN LIVERY STABLE, bv Freecounts before Mr. Justice Preston at Chambers at10 o'clock a.m. on Tuesday, August 25th, when Charles Hiram, who will pay all demands on said

partnership, and receive all debts owing the same.marine works, water works, piping for townor irrigation suddIv. etc. Address. A.

and where all persons contesting the same may gin

All meats delivered from this market are thor-oughly chilled immediately after killing by meansof aBeU-Colema- n Patent Dry Air Refrigerator.Meat so treated retains all its juicy properties,and IS GUARANTEED TO KEEP LONGERAFTER DELIVERY THAN FRESHL-KILLE- D

MEAT. 379-Jyl5-- tf

23 Nuaanube heard. M. GREEN.Telephone lio- -

MOW KEONG.Dated at Honolulu, July 22, JS85.

J. K. SOLOMON,aug20 lw J. T, BAKER.

Moore, care Irwia fc Co. -391-- 2tHonolulu, H. I., August 22, 1SS5.J

'i MTmM'MmilMMWMMBTMriTrlMTmMinTTTltinfr-rMiMM-


To It. 5. S. LOCAL AND GENERAL. 3lfetriistmml5.AUTHORITY -

The challenge sent by "Guide" I. soonobeyed; HOLLISTEE & CO


1 li Tt- - A oiAHTiv Allf I Have been appointed agents for the Hawaiian Islaud-- i for

iLiiierea not, was not through fear dis-mayed,

Long laboring hard with problem I wouldsolve.

Thu3 put to'test I made a firm resolve;My Jiead I kindled at the lurid flame,And now possessed of reason, must exclaim.1 OF.

Immigration wo- -i f So matter what less favored ones may think, j

It is not Jackass, but the "Hissing Link. j





Li. MONTGOMXEY MaTHEK. Japanese GoodsaW7;r importation v.

" 'ould revest that2',.l,0ac-'- " ... f urociinns


W d ... ,i, contract labor Oceanies, 20: Honolulu, in.

ypreckels for here, August 13th; the schoonerTtosario, for Kahului, Maui, on August 15th, andthe barkentine Mary AVinkelman was to leave oiithe 17th instant for this port.

The schooner Jahi brought 79 bags sugar and71 barrels molasses from Ilanaltl, and theschooner Rob lioy, 270 bags rice from Koolau,Oahu, August 21th.

The British bark Jupiter, Captain Jones, withcargo for here and San Francisco, from Liver-pool, is 112 days out to-da- y.

The steamer Walmanalo brought 403 bags sugarfrom AVaimanalo, Oahu.

The bark Ceylon took; fourteen families Por-tuguese, 34 in all from Ililo, Hawaii, to PortTownsend, V.. T., last Tuesday.

The schooner J. B. Leeds was to have finishedunloading her lumber at Anahola, Kauai, histSaturday, and was to sail from that port for IV.rtTownsend in ballast.

The steamer Planter, now having her boiler re-paired at San Francisco, will have after-hous- es

on deck, similar to those-o- f the .steamer W. (J.Hall.

The steamer V. ('.. Hail, on her arrival atKohala, Hawaii, to-da- y, wi'.l return the per-sons who attended the Sunday School exhibitionsto their respective homes.

The schooner James .Makce brought l!3 b.'.gspaddy, Gli bags sugar, and ry.i bags lice fromKauai and Wuialua on the 21th.

The schooner Jennie "Walker sailed yesterdayafternoon for Jaluit, South Sea Islands. She car-ried away a caro valued at si,7::o 10. SevenGilbert Islanders took passage by her. . Thesteamer Ivapiolani took her out to sea.

The American schooner Courtney Ford left PortTownsend, W. T., with a cargo of lumber furt.'iis port, August 14th.



rvie uhc applications to

f: f:;i tents of tl.o Board.i'f' 'fmniisration

J3l0"eic .iftl.esoai.Dli- -Nuuanu Street. GG-apll'- Port Street,

A bay horse is advertised a3 lost from No.14 King street.

IIi3 Majesty the King leaves by the Kinauthis afternoon for AVailuku, Maui.

The residence of the late Justice Austin isfor sale or to let, furnished or unfurnished.

Major II. C. Dane left by the steamer AV.

G. Hall yesterday afternoon, for a trip tothe Volcano.

Fryer's circus left by the Lehua lastevening ior AVailuku, Maui, where they willgive three performances.

The Honolulu Rifles meet for their usualweekly drill this evening at 7:30 o'clock.Every member is expected to be present.

Officer Tell arrested a chinaman namedAh You yesttrday, whom he caught smokingopium it a butcher shop on Hotel street.

Deputy Marshal Dayton has caused thearrest of two Chinamen for cruelty to thelarge dray horse which dropped down deadon King street the other afternoon.

Mr. Julius H. Smith, Superintendent ofPublic Works, leaves again by the Iwalanithis afternoon for Kauai. He expects to getrepairs finished so as to allow him to returnon Sunday morning next.

Mr. C. Jcdmson, head carpenter of theInte-- i 'inland Steamship Navigation Company,took with him twenty men yesterday by thesteamer W. G. Hall, to assist him in repair-ing the damaged wharf at Hanuapo, Ilawaii.

The Hen. AV. C. Parke, havig been ap-

pointed assignee of the estate of Chee Man,bankrupt, notifies all persons indebted tosaid estate to make immediate payment.




"When thirty runs are made in a gameof baseball it is a pretty sure sign of!liea vy batting and loose fielding. This!was the case on Saturday on the Makiki I

grounds, in the match between the j

Oceanic and .Honolulu clubs. The at-- !tendance of spectators was very large, j

but many of them left K-for- e the game j

concluded. Markham, the Honolulu's i

pitcher, was knocked out of position inthe third innings, the Oeeanics scoring j

eight runs. Davidson pitched the re- - j

mainder of the game. E. Baldwin did j

some fine fielding at second base for the j

Oeeanics. The decisions of Mr. E. CJ. i

s'-iB-Sv . the vartics orderingfJ 'H fipato what

Dbiill ho for thelbs, so that the noc--

f-,-f inWhiction of these

"The requirements f.r a Brandy likelv to be of any medical use are all present in that supplied byMessrs. J. E. IVllison Co Vide Public Health.

Uncoloretl, Unsweetened, Pure Old Brandy.Bottled at Cosnac, for Medicinal and Domestic Uses, as Analyzed.

,:...We call the attention of all readers to the following extract from the Analysts' Reports andOpinions of the Press:

'Laboratory, tiresham House, 24 Holborn Viaduct, London, E. C.' "This brandy is a pure grape spirit, remarkably rich in fragrant ethers; contains u large amount oftannin, derived from storing iu oak casks, which imparts to flue old brandy one ef its valuable medici-nal properties, and will be of the greatest value to the physician in those numerous cases where pureFrench brandy is the most useful of all medicines.

EDMUND R. ROUTIIBV, M. R. C. S., F. C. S.w1 he only two qualities shipped ".Seven and Ten Years Old" can be had in one-doze- n casea.


. i i y 'r.i (rfliterioraiil President

of Immigration.

.orOAug.l,!. GLANDERS.

An I u (ores tiiir i:crt Iy jlr. J.! ie, V. S.

333-j- a Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.

. ,t v'ent-- s to taketo the duties

Boardman, as umpire, were entirely sat-isfactory. The Honolulu went first tobat, and were whitewashed. Two runswere scored on the first innings by theOeeanics. Scott took his base on balls,stole second and came home on hits byKinney and B. Baldwin. Kinney hit tofirst, stole his second and tallied onThucston's base hit. In the second in-

nings for the Ilonolulus, Moore got hisfirst, stole second and came home onpassed balls. Wodehouse was put outrunning to second, Dowsett on a fly andOat on a foul, leaving the bases full. The

i?"". .' rcf ..ijcp that all agents,ixl o1"' '.. , tn .,

fully wiui iw -, tbemselvts

. . nf this Kingdom re- -


Messrs. Win. 0. Irwin &Co5s


On Fort Street,ON AND AFTER

Wednesday, August 12th,


Japanese Curios,





Ladies' Dressing Gowns,

Ladies' Shawls,


Porcelains,Bric-a-Bra- c,

Elegant Tea, Sets,ETC., ETC., ETC.,

LEWIS & CO.,"Wholesale and Retail Grocers,

C7 and GO Hotel. street. P. O. Cox 207. Old and New Telephone, 240.

NEW CiOODS JUST RECEIVED ON ICE. Fresh California Fruits. Fresh California Fish,and a full line of Fancy and staple Groceries. ioods delivered to all parts of the city free of charge.


?iv contract service, u..u0

m the af each contract

to them for acknowledgementi'ii?r , ..r.. rnmnlied with, not only

v proviMouo -Hi

ww, but tnesi'u.i".J . .i. IO Mlll.Mi lurm- -

... , r.f lha tHl- -

Messrs. Allen Jfc Itobinson, A gents Hawaiian StoneCompany :

Gentlemen: As requested by you, I have madea chemical analysis of a sample of the HawaiianStone Company's lime, and beg to report as fol-lows:

One thousand grains show a proportion of onlyone-tent- h of one per cent of uncafcined siliciousmatter, with slight traces of carbonic acid gas,saini! being to all intent- - pure lime. I remain,gentlemen, yours verv truly,

GEO. W. SMITH,Of Benson, Smith & Co.

Honolulu, August 17, 1SS5. SSI dse2-wse- 3

Oeeanics added another run to their j

score, by Jones hitting to first, stealing.!second and coming home on E. Bald-- j

win's three bagger. Brown and Wall j

reJH by the parties to each con- -

especially directed to tluiri is

where minor or marrieditvm raM-- s


... ... ,.i for civil damages by

JTCXR sale.j may suffer from their negligence, buttinents.

(HAS. T. GULICk,Minister of the Interior.

lBror Oflioe, August 20, About 250 Head of

COWS AO HEIEERS.tor.the Moon I)ruiK August,

1 ..

THE HONOLULU IKON WORKS CO.jjllave completed and offer for sale the folloin&' Boilers, viz:

l'PAIU COMPOUND STEEL B0ILEBS SjS1 Combination Boiler, 12 ft. x 5 ft. 0 in.

1 Combination Steel Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft., also1 Second-IIan- d Tubular Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft.

2oo-je27-- Apply to TIio Honolulu Iron "Works Co.


Griocexies? J?xovisions and. FeedEAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

New Goods received bj-- every packet from the Eastern States and Europe. iresh CaliforniaProduce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of thecity free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postotlico Box No. 145Telephone No. 92. 80ap21-Cl- n

I). H. M..25 IS 5:J m.

tleCWiii' Settin 1

inorninfj at 5:10 o'clock.aa rw--s

sets this veiiiic t t:-- r.o'l-hn--


H. R. MACFARLANE,3Glaull-2- w Honolulu.

PORT OF II0N)LI':J, JL 1.Allof which articles will be sold at j reasonable

prices. TERMS CASH. 3GSaull-l- m

went out on strikes and Moehonua atsecond. The Ilonolulus scored one inthe third inning. Markham made abase hit and took first, an overthrow byWall sent him to second, a passed ballto third, the home base being reachedon a balk. The Oeeanics gave their op-

ponents plenty of leather hunting in thisinning, .making eight runs. It was aloosely played inning on the part of theIlonolulus, and virtually decided' thegame. The latter were whitewashed inthe fourth innings, while the Oeeanicsmade a run. Moehonua hit safely tofirst, stole second, took third on a passedball and tallied on Jones' base hit.Brown and AVail went out on flies andThurston at first. Another zero for theIlonolulus in the fifth inning. For theOeeanics, Scott hit to first, stole secondand came home on hits by Kinney andBaldwin. Kinney took his first, an errorby Moore sent him to second, and passedballs to the home plate. B. Baldwin hitsafely to first, stole second, took third ona passed ball, and home on his brother'sbase hit. Moehonua reached first hyMarkham s missing an easy rly, andtallied on Baldwin's hit. Jones struckout, and AVall and Thurston flied out.In the sixth inning, for the Ilonolulus,AVilder took first on a base hit, andtallied on passed balls and an error byBaldwin. Davidson hit to first, an errorby Kinney gave him second, and reachedthe home plate on a wild throw.Fisher made a base hit and took first,stole second, coming home on a passedball. Dowsett was put out at second,and Oat and Moore struck out. TheOeeanics were whitewashed in thisinning, for the ficst time. In the seventh

AKIUV.1I.S.Miimivv, A", sjost "24.

la bktne F.va, lkc, itays li''i San

tarJaiU''- Makee, Weir, rami Hanuk-- i and win. i ran il Co.LfW.vU Wiiiiilim and Yv'iiianaescarMiiiuukawai, from Kooi..ii


Consulting- EngineerCAMPBELL BLOCK, MERCHANT STREET, - i i


2Mr. J. Brodio, V. S. CjovornmontIns)ector of Animal-?- , returned on Satur-day by the Kinau from an ollkial in-

spection in the district of Makawao,Maui. The doctor inspected OoO horsesand mules on the plantations in the dis-trict and reports them all in a healthycondition. He visited Mr. GeorgeMiner's lace and there found fourhorses vith chronic glanders. A littleover two years ago Mr. Miner importedeight horses from California. Soon aftertheir arrival they showed signs of sick-ness and lie treated them himself, butfour died. The remaining four he keptisolated as much as possible, which willprobably account for the disease notspreading. Thej- - have never shown anysigns of improvement whatever. Theseare the four which the veterinary surgeonfound with glanders. lie could notorder them to be destroyed. lie has notthat power on the island of Maui. It isleft to a Board of Inspectors, to whom heshould report ; but as yet no Board hasbeen appointed for that island. Mr.Brodie has sent in several names to HisExcellency the Minister of the Interior,who will make a selection without delay.Obtaining the permission of Mr. Miner,Mr. Brodie shot one of the four animalsand made a post mortem examination inthe presence of that gentleman and severalother stock owners in the district, whowere fully convinced of the terriblenature of the disease, lie does notapprehend any further outbreak, owingto Mr. Miner's carefulness.

In visiting AVailuku the veterinarysurgeon found a stallion diseased. Thisanimal was inspected by him last Octo-

ber, but at that time he did not noticeanything indicating disease. He nextvisited the East Maui plantation, andnoticed seven head of cattle dischargingfrom the nostrils. On close examina-tion he found that this was caused bysmall pieces of the stalk of a plant foundin that district lodging in the nostrils.This plant has a strong stalk, whichgrows about, a couple of feet high, andthen wither away. A new shoot "comesup, which only attains a few inches, andit was this which the cattle got into theirnostrils while grazing. Mr. Brodie ex-

tracted these with a pair of tweezers.One piece was seven inches in length.A short time ago Mr. Brodie received aletter from another part of the district,stating that some of the cattle were run-

ning at the nostrils, and that theirbreathing was a fleeted. The symptomsdescribed in the letter were exactlysimilar to thqse found in the stock atEast. Maui. The only remedy appearsto be the extermination of this plant.

On Sunday morning Mr. Brodie wassummoned to go io Kailua ranch, on theother side of the Bali, to examine twohorses. He found them suffering fromglanders in a mild form. They were atonce shot, and no further trouble is an-


Trofessor W. D. Alexander, GovernmentSurveyor General; Messrs. F. S. Dodge, D.

D. Baldwin, Government Inspector ofSchools, and F. L. Clarke, left by the Lehuayesterday for the east slope of Ilaleakala,


DKIAIiTlKi:S.Monday, August 21.

Sair WG Hall, Bates, for Maui and Hawaii, atif a

Uhaa, Davis, for Kahului and H:wia, atif aforJamm 1 Dowsett, Smith, for a circuit or

liiiiawl Lunai, via Iahaiiia, at 5 p msarKokolii, MtUregor, Tor u circuit or Molo-!,vALah;d-

uinl Liuiai, at o p mJennie Walker, Anderson, for Fanning

Jiti--. i:V) p mSfiir Wait bti, for Kauai!s:hr Ehukai, for MolokaiSrir Huubkawai, for Koolau

Drawings, Estimates, Surveys of Boilers, Cnines and Machinery made out.New and Second-han- d Machinery of every description bought and, sold. Planters and othershaving such to dispose of, or requ'ring the same, would do well to communicate.

The following Second-han- d Machinery, in good order, FOR SALE:One 4Tt x 12ft Multitublar Boiler, one Oin xsiu Portable Engine, one Hin x :;in Slide Valve Engine,one 6ft Vacuum Pan, with Engine and Pump complete; three GOO Gal.'s. Ciariliers, two Wentou Cen-

trifugals, one Mill 2( in. by 54 in., one Mill 20 in. by 22 in.STEAM BOOK AND JOB


In Barrels, :

Half Barrels,And nd Boxes.

CUBEIn Half Barreis

And 25 pound Boxes.


In Boxes.

GOLDEN C. (COFFEE)In Half Barrels

And Boxes.

Is prepared to do all kinds of

Siar Kinau, King, for Maui and Hawaii, at 4

Star IwaLuii, W'aiinea, Koloa, at 5 p mStar C B tishop. Ma.-aule- tor llamakua',Smr W'&inianalo, for Waiinanalocar Kauikoaouli. for Kohala

VhrXaiolo, for Hi!oMif Rob hoy, for Koolau

hr Leahi. for HanaleiMr rrina, for Kalteloa

Kawaiiani, for Koolau

Commercial & Legal Work

COKRF.CTLY AND VIS.'! DISPATCH.and eighth innings the Ilonolulus failed j

to score, while their opponents added j

four more runs to their alreadv largescore. The Ilonolulus braced up in the j

ninth inning, and by bunching their hits, j

made four runs, Oat, AVhitney, Wode- - j

i tin.

t ir-- t-i - k T- - ' --

f--t rrr " ""J - ' f

'.: : L !(?. V?-V- ?' ft, ,3 '

Having just a Cjom pie tr. and NewAssortment f

tORKiux vr.ssi;iJs in iokt.Aaoktiif EUa, E M Howe, from Ran Fruncisrof SS A!;nie,Ia (Aid,, (i Mnr.se, from San

to'' Vhituiure Thompson, from fortwV.lltf' Tb'"-W'-

i li Foster. F W llugg,

wJC'"i IUst-uV'-y- . Meyers, from Santo) fapt S E Lewis, from Newcastle,

j5.u a:' ifiiir, E Varnel!, from Newcastle,

ENG LIS1 1 1? It K A K FA ST,




house and Moore being the players whoreached the home plate. The Oeeanicsbeing ahead, did not play their half ofthe inning. The following is the score.




N'AMKS. T.B. Jl. O. jl 15. 1 O. A. K.

Scott, C 6 3 3 j 1 0 1Kinnev, lb C 4 1 ; 0 10 0 0

B. Baldwin, s. s.... C 3 3 j 2 3 5 1

Thurston, cf fl 2 4 ! 2 0 0 0Moehonua, 3b 7 1 3 ; 1 1 ! 0 j 4Jones, r. f fi 2 1 0 0 i 0(0E. Baldwin, 2b G 0 2 2 7 2 j 2

Brown, l.f 6 1 3 1 0 0 0Wall, p j 5 1 4 1 0 j 3 2

Totals jTT 22 24 10 27 j 10 j 10


At the Old Stand, No. 8 Kaahurmry f.not, Honolulu,


Stoves and. Ranges,

hta1 Preekels, K Drew, from Sn"Uf August 20-2- .-,

iUilT' Hoodman, from San Fran- -T-t- t , 'IO,A,i-ust-s--


tri tLfir1

1Ut,'r' from Liverpool, due July 30Wetao Ired.tle, from Glasgow, due

T:prtha I)avis F B Benson, from Newttti "r (lup October 2330

toont 0f !sy,,,1-- fAin), Dearborn, from' e" rolltft for Francisco, due

hii.):!nZ,,ala",'ia (Bril". Webber, from Sanbk' hVouto fc,r lh Colonies, due Sept 5

ka-h- l wt'i B P lv"haUwi from Iort







I dni R D Cutler, from Port Town-.- 1

.4lkL4eAn?2a-3- l

Rubber Hose ;

Galvanized Iron and Lea-- PipeSheet Lead and Copper ;Iron-Ston- e Drain Pipe.

Granite Iron Ware, Plain and Nickel-Plate- d ;

Tin Ware, of all kinds;Chandeliers ;

Lamps and Lanterns,Pumps ;

Oat, F. B., s. s ....H .Whitney, 2bMarkham,p. 4 l.f.G. Wodehouse, lbMoore, 3iWilder, Chan., c.

Job Types and Ornaments

Of the Latest Style?., from the most Cele-

brated Foundries of the United States,

anel employing only Experienced

and Tasty Workmen, we are

prepared to turn out

Letter Ilensls,Hill Irta!H.


liillsof Lading,Contracts,

Mortirasc Blanks.Leases,

Sliippins: Contracts,(In Hawaiian & English)

Calendars.JTCIanlc Checks,

Bonds..Stock Certilictes.

Business Cards.51eal Cliecks,

Milk Tickets,Bank Cliecks,

Orders, -

Receipts,Jlarriase Certificates,


i) ItV u tukleman, Backus, from SanAugust 23-- 30

T.B. j K. j O. IB P.O.j A. j K.

5 t 14 0 1 j 1 1

5 1 4 I 7 1 25 2 2 0 0 3 26 1 4 3 10 0 1

5, 2 3 114 65 1 2 1 4 2 05 ! 0 3 2 1 1 j 1

5 ! 1 3 1 0 0 21 2 1 0 1 j 1

j 45 j 10 27 10 24 13 i 16

Flour.Davidson, 1. f. C PFisher, c. f ! 4

AugustFAMILY (in quarter sacks),

BAKER'S EXTRA (in half sacks).iiXcM,?oper stmr James Makee,

and 4() deck passengers.

Maui. The Trofessor will complete thetriangulation of the island that he begun atKipahula and Koolau. Mr.. Dodge assistshim, Mr. Baldwin looks after mosses, Mr.Clarke after ferns and will also take photo-graphs of scenery.

At noon yesterday Lyon3 t Levey sold at


S 912 3 4 5IXXIKGS.'l ikl, Ui'!fana aild Kdllnnl.-ol.-n- I nor ctmr Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work,'oru vkf'. akayama, Jugoi Vis-P,,T.u- ta

r It II Curtis, Joseph;,p rr Alexander, B I) Ualdwin, Cases Medium Bread.

OF ALL KINDS, ATTENDE. TO.c !"rr n t. v' v auiu ana wire, jurs

v,ei ' Karl t ?Juran,J- - w ife and child, H

Oeeanics 2 1 3 1 4 0 2 2 20Honolulu ...01100300 510

First base on balls Oeeanics, 5; Ilonolulus, 1.Struck out Oeeanics, 3; Ilonolulus, 3.Left on base Oeeanics, S; Ilonolulus, 8.

- Three-bas- e hit E. Baldw in.Two-bas- e hits B. Baldwin and D. Moehonua.Passed balls Scott, 4; Wilder,4.Wild pitches Wall, 1; Markham. and David-

son, 4.U m pi re Board man.Scorer W. A. Baldwin.

Lime and Cement. A Variety of House Furnishing Goods, too various to mention. .. . .1'.j...'ej.; n

i,- r t tT """leo, -- irs w J SboMon,'?I,!?L iIllther." English

J Hail ' and Kona, Hawaii, perSi1 j;1 L McCully,

isrdwii. I)ane F A IWfuunls.p i0 j,- --'b. MiJ i-- eea'1'1 two children, Mrs.'?'fJ w. h?elio, Miss K Wahu, T MANILA

auction several horses belonging to theestate of J. L. Richardson, deceased. Twofine carriage mares, Bell and Dolly, weresold to Mr. Henry Macfarlane for ?3G0. Mr.Ahrens bought the saddle horse Gadfly for$90. Three other saddle horses were sold,bringing, respectively, S1Q0, 15 and $37 50.

His Majesty the King granted Messrs.Tavernier and "Wright a private auditneelast evening at the Falace, and exrn'o-sse- d hishearty approbation of the projected illus-trated work on the Islands, referred to else-

where. Ilia-Majes- ty also promised hiscordial

The medical officers on Maui and Kauai,and iu the districts of Kona and Kau, on the

Andt'AiSnM ss A B Chapel, Miss Maryr.arVr!Mjn-J'- 0 Hobello. uud about b3


In the Supreme' Court yesterday, in theguardianship of minors of Joseph Frietas,Mr. Justice Preston ordered that AnaFrietas be guardian under a S100 bond. The

'Kill.. '

I a Si j

Blotting l'ads,DniKK'sts' Labels,

. Envelopes, ,

Shipping; Bcceipls.

Heed's Felt Steam Pipe

and Boiler Covering.W r.- - Lf e 3 ii v: j.t -

V UlpJri island of Ilawaii, had supplies of fresh im- -'

ported vaccine virus forwarded to them by! the Board of Health yesterday. The otherj districts on Hawaii will bo similarly sup 1 I IT I '" h-- i l J.u W

Ball I'rosrn mines.Theatre lr srammcs,

Anrt in fad every tlrina zvhich a Firsl-Clas- 3

Ojjice can do.

statements of Hon. W. C. Tarke, as assigneein the bankrupt estates of George Schraederand Ah Chong, have been accepted.

Sir. Justice iieCnlly left yesterday after-noon by the steamer AV. G. Hall for Waio-hiu- o,

Kau, where he will holel a term cf theThird Circuit Court. The Court does notopen until Thursday, September 3d. Inthe meantime the Judge will visit severalplae s on Hawaii.

A'iscouut Torii, Mr. J Nakayama and Dr.Yordiita left by the steamer Lehua yesterdayon an official visit among the Japanese atSpreckelsville and. liana, Maui. They willbe absent two weeks.

50 KEGS BLACK BLASTING POWDER.25 "A" TENTS, (suitable for camp-in-s

and surveying parties.) -

k'Wfcltrlp soLooner Khukal

C J nNei, Pckels and the barklJ7 3 f0f at ban .Francisco

Tiw Alameda left.

T, AlaIUPtla received sugar andi0l u.LiiliopandJainesiw the j

r0Q,tW8tB arke,Uine Dcovery took ineabbi valuni, August 24th.a.CbMtyr;;,-!rho- p

hT 10 bag3-- 0 goatskins from llama-U- 1

the brigantiue Claus

J t Ellis' J


plied by the Kinau, which sails to-da- y.

Catalogues have been issued for the saleof household furniture, paintings, engrav-ings and books at the residence of Mr. E. P.Adams, Nuuanu Valley, morningat 10 o'clock. They can be obtained at Mr.Adam's salesroom.

Also, a few Iron "Wheelbarrows, butlittle used, will be sold low.

361 aug3 tfP. C, .A. Job Printing dice SAN JOSE, CAL. U. S. A.


jihww' ". ' i r " 'i





May 8tli-P- er Mariposa, 1,754 ?a

Puller, Gambol and Sloan.(Benjamin Northrop. -

wonder what ia the trouble betweenPuffer and Gambol and Slowa. They hatehim like poison," remarked the judge.

"Ilaven't you heard V inquired the major."Kb; what is it?""You know what a terrible hand Puffer

writes? Soma one told him once that hewrote a distingue hand, and it set him up sothat he now writes worse than ever. Well,that happens to be his sensitive point. Hapride3 himself on it. Gambol has a weakpoint, too his eyes. He can't help beingcross-eye- d, but it worries him all the same.When he goas to the theatre he sits with hisback to the stage to see the performance.He is a first-rat- e fellow, though. About amonth ago Gambol asked Sloan to introducehim to Puffer. Now, Sloan can't help play-ing a practical joke any more than he canlive without eating. Til arrange that for

w,' answered Sloan, 'but you hadbetter take a pad of paper and a pencilalong with you. He is as deaf as a post,poor fellow. Ha can't even hear the fore-man swear at his copy. He is terribly sen-sitive about it, too. So when you meet himjust act as if you knew all about it. I'll seeyou at his office at noon w.'

May 22d-P-er Alameda, 1 1,922 paTo Arrive-P- er Consuelo, 332 pa

A Cowboy's First Night In a gjeeplng Car.Kausas City Times.

"Where do I camp?" ho inquired, and hewas shown the lower berth, next to me.

"That's my pigeonhole, is it? All right,old son; just watch my motion, while I filemyself away.'V

At this juncture he was desired to turnover his revolver to the porter, which he ds-lin- ed

to do in a very spirited manner."Old Dad" (his revolver) "and me always

leep together, and we don't want no di-

vorce," he explained.The conductor remonstrated, but wa3 ad-

vised not to try to "braid this mule's tail.""This here's asleepin' car, ain't it?" he in-

quired."Yes."""Well, why in don't you let people

ileep, then, when they've paid and gone intoyour game? If you're aimin' to keep peopleawake and want company, just dance intothe next car; there's lots of folks there don'twant to sleep, nohow, and' 11 be glad to seeyou."

The conductor withdrew, and my friendpulled off his boots and stretched himself,with many comments, in an undertone, onthe poverty of the surroundings.

In about ten minutes this erratic personhad his head out in the aisle.

"Say, you boy," to tho porter."Well, sah?""Como arunninV'The porter drew near, and a pillow about

as big as a pincushion was handed to him.Take that gooseha'r thing away," sai 1 the

cowboy."Don't you want a pillow, sab?" asked the

porter.'That ain't no pillow, an-- I don't want it,

nohow; Tm afraid it'll get in my ear."After this, silence, and for a short time I




"Will be Sold at the Lowest l

.M. W. McOhesney &

v fill



Ex. " MENDOTA," and Other Late Ani- -

From New York and San Frain I.si-a- .


Plantations, Country Stores and Mi-- CONSISTING! IN 1'AItT OK

Palace Kerosene Oil the highest test oil in the market. Vulcau auJEIettil

sene Oils, Lard Oil in barrels and cases, Sperm ami Cylinder Oil, AllaujCa;!

Plumbago, etc., Galvanized and Plain Cut and Wrought Iron Nails, Galntiw I



General Bus Offices


J. E. WISEMAN,iioxoL.ri.u, ii. i.

P. O. BOX 315. TELEPHONE 172.

(Established 1879.)

The following various branches of business willenable the public on the Islands and from abroadto gain general iuformation on all matters in thefollowing departments:

Real Estate DepartmentBuys and sells Real Estate in all parts of the

Kingdom.Values Real Estate and Property in city and

suburbs.Rents and leases Houses, Cottages, Rooms and

Lands.Attends to Insurance, Taxes, Repairing and

Collecting of Rentals.Draws legal papers of every nature Searches

Titles, liecords, Etc.

Employment DepartmentFinds Employment in all branches of industry

connected with the Islands.

General EBusiness MattersKeep Rooks and Accounts, collect Bills, loans

or invest Moneys. Penmanship, Engrossing andall kinds of Copying done.

Procures Fire and Life insurance.Advertisements and correspondence attended to.Information of every description connected

with the Islands coming from abroad fjllyanswered.

Custom Mouse Brolicr.Merchants will find this Department a special

benefit to them, as I attend to entering goodsthrough power of Attorney and delivering thesame at a small commission.

Soliciting A-- ent for the -- MUTUAL LIFEINSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK,"the largest, grandest and soundest InsuranceCompany in the world.

AGENT for the"Great ISurliiiutou Hallway Route,"lu America. Travelers journeying by rail inAmerica will find this route the most comiortableand most delightful. The scenery is the grandestgoing East, and with the PULLMAN PALACESLEEPING CARS and good meals along the trip,polite attention from employees and reason,able fare no route can excel this. MR. C. K.MILLER, ni)' Chief Clerk, specially attends tothis Department, and for information, guidebooks,maps, etc., he will extend every courtesy.

AGENT for theIlouolulu Royal Oiera IIou.se.

Managers ot first-clas- s companies abroad willaddress me for terms, etc.

DEPARTMENTS.Real Estate Broker.

Custom House Broker.Money Broker.

Fire and LUe Insurance Agent.Employment Aent,

Railroad Arent andueueral Business Agent.

J. E. WISEMAN,l3J-myti-- b6 HONOLULU, H. I.



; .V Ufa fill ift.aJ .."Jit

The most artistic Upright Pianos ever produced,both for quality of tone and wonderful and elasticactions. The cominff unrle-h- t tiinnn nr fha wnt-ir-t

. ... .f J 1wr illustrated catalogue, description andprices to


Pacific Coast Agents,

23 and 25 Fifth Street. SAX FRANrism475 tf&w






WARRANTEDa ue ueii nini most Dnrable sall it npk

IN THE WORLD.For Sale in Honolulu.


Made from the Very Beet

Hard Wove Cotton Duck.



DRIVING BELT,Neither Heat or Dampness affects



Steam Navigation Co.



BATES. .Commander

Will ran regularly to Maalaea, Maui, and Konaana Kau, Hawaii.


CAMERON .. Commander

Leaves every Tuesday at 5 p. m. for Nawiliwili,Koloa, Eleele and Waimea. Returning, will leaveNawiliwili every Saturday at 4 p. m.,aniving atHonolulu every Sunday at 5 a. m.


Will run regularly to Hamoa, Maui, and Kukui-hael- e,

Honokaa and Paaubau, Hawaii.


Leaves every Saturday at 8 a. m. for Walanae,Oahn, and Hanalei and Kilauea. Kauai, Return-ng- ,

leaves Hanalei every Tuesday at 4 p. va., andtouching at Waialua and Waiauae Wednesdays,and arriving at Honolulu same day at 4 p.m.


Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai.

T. R. FOSTER, lTfr-sidellt- .

J. Exa, 5;vap7-l- y




'MARIPOSA' & 'ALAMEDA.'Will leave Honolulu aud San Francisco on the

FIRST and FIFTEENTH of each month.

PASSENGERS may have their names bookedin advance by applying at the office of the Agents.

PASSENGERS by this line are hereby notifiedthat they will be allowed 250 pounds of baggageFREE by the Overland Railway when travelingEast.

EXCURSION TICKETS for round trip, $125.Good to return by any of the Company's steamerswithin ninety days.

MERCHANDISE intended for shipment by thinline will be received free of charge, in the Com-pany's new warehouse, and receipts issued forsame. Insurance on merchandise in the ware-house will be at owners' risk.




Pacific Mail Steamship Co.

For San Franco apcCity of Sydney, .On or about August 30th

For Auckland and SyZealandia On or about September 5th

383-tfw- tl


STEAMER KINAU,(King, Commander),

Leaves Honolulu as per following schedule,touching at lanaina, maaiaea, juakena, Mahu- -

kona, KawaihaeLaupahoehoe, Hilo and Keauhnu:Tuesday, June 2J, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, June 30, Hilo and way ports.Tuesday, July 7, Hilo and way ports.Tuesday, July 14, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, July 21, Hilo and way ports.Tuesday, July 28, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, August 4, Hilo and way ports.Tuesday, August 11, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, August 18, Hilo and way ports.Tuesday, August 25, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, September 1, Hilo and way ports.Tuesday, September 8, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, September 15, Hilo and way ports.Tuesday, September 22, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, September 29, Hilo and way ports.PASSENGER TRAINS will connect with the

Kinau at Mahukona.The Kinau WILL TOUCH at Houokaia and

Paaubau on down trips from Hilo for Passengersu a signal is made irom the snore.


(Davies, Commander)

Leaves Honolulu every Monday at 4 p. m. torKaunal:akai,KahuluI, every week; Huelo, Hana

and Kiranuiu, Keanae, jfokulau and Kau everyother wfek. Returning, will stop at the aboveports, arriving back Saturday mornings.

For mails and passengers only.

STEAMER KILAUEA HOU,(Weisbarth, Commander),

Will leave regularly for Paaubau, Koholalele,OOkaia, Kukaiau, Honohina, Laupahoenoe, Hakalan and Onomea.

STEAMER MOKOLI,(McGregor, Commander),

Leaves Honolulu each Monday at 5 p. m. forKaunakakai, Kamalo, Pnkoo, Lahaina, Moanul,Halawa, YVailan, Pelekunu and Kalaupapa. Re-turning, leaves Pukoo Friday 6 a.m. for Honolulu,arriving Saturday morning.

The Company will not be responsible for



ADVOCATES, ETC.Office Honolulu Hale, adjoining: the Post-183-11- 20


CECIL BROWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LA- W AND.Public, Campbell's Block, Merchant

street. 189-Iym- 20

A. ROSA,A TTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUB--J. LIC. Office with the Attorney General, Alii

olanl Hale, Honolulu, H. I. mr28-J2-t- l



NOTARY PUBLIC.Real Estate in any inrt or theBought, Sold and Leased on CommissionLoans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn.

No. 27 JIJEKCIIAXT STREET,Gazette Block, Honolulu. 371-- tf


IN FOWLER'S YARD, 61 AND 63 HOTELThe only one dollar house in Hono- -

lulu. Rooms per night, 25 cents rooms perweek, $l. 186-n-l8


TWO ENTRANCES. ELEGANTLYrooms. Spacious grounds and line

location. Terms reasonable.200-n2- 2 MRS. DAVID OXLEY.



fee and Cakes, 10 Cents ; Meals, 25 Cents ; Boardf4 50 per week. 193-- tf

COSMOPOLITAN RESTAURANT, 62 HOTELstreet, Jun Hee, proprietor. The best cook

in the city has opened the above restaurant.Everything neat and clean. Table supplied with

the best the market affords. Wire gauze doorsmake the place cool and fly proof. 221-t- l

Mrs. Robt. Lovk. Fbkd. Johnson.

LOVE'SSteam Bakery,


C' for Ship Bread executed at short uatice.Old bread rebaked. Every description of plainand fancy bread and biscuits. Fresh Butter,Island orders promptly attended to.

COFFEE SALOON AND CHOP HOUSE inconnection. Cool, airy room. Attentive waiters.Everything first-class- -, at reasonable rates.

197-no- 20 .

Astor House Dining Rooms,

73 Hotel street, near Fort.

Hot and Cold LuucheN n Specialty.

Try our meals in the new Private . Dining:Room. Luxurious living.

190-t- f GEO. CAVANAGH, Proprietor.

PIONEERSteam Candy Factory

AND BAKERY.F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook and Bker.Hotel street. 117 tf Telephone 74

YOSEMITE ROLLER FLOUR.The Undersigned beg leave to announce that

they are now manufacturingFAMILY AND BAKERS' FLOUR,

ny tne iSMiKK uullkk process, and areprepared to till orders, guaranting complete satisfaction. Our flours have gained an enviable reputation on the Pacific Coast, and among bakers andgeneral consumers are more popular that anyother. Address orders to

SPLIVALO A FORMA N,No. 415 Battery street, San Francisco, Cal.

az.i jyio amos

DESIRING TO SEND BANANASPARTIES Island fruits to friends and relativeson the Coast, can have the same delivered atdestination by paying cost and charges to

HENRY DAVIS.Manager California Produce and Provision Com

pany. 343 sel&w


The undersigned have formed a copartnership under the firm name ofCiiAus Spreckels & Co., for thepurpose of carrying on a Bank of!Savings and Deposits, and for transacting a general Banking and Exchange business at Honolulu, andsuch other place icr the HawaiianKingdom as may be deemed advisable.

CliAUS Spreckels.Wm. G. Irwin.

Honolulu, April 15, 1885.

Referring to the above, we beg toinform the business public that ourBanking establishment will be openedfor the transaction of business onMonday, May the 4th, when we willbe prepared to receive deposits in ourSavings Bank.

We will also be prepared to makeloans, discount approved notes, andpurchase exchange at best marketrates.

We will receive deposits on openaccount, make collections and con-duct a general Banking and. Ex-change business.

Our arrangements have been com-pleted, so that we" can draw exchangeon the principal parts "of the world.105-- tf CiiAus Spreckels & Co.

Ju. IJ. TOUSSAINT,Wishes to announce to the- - TRAVELING

PUBLIC that he will open on

Saturday, June 6, 1885,

Elegant Sample Parlor at HILO, where every-thing in the line of any


None but the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars kept.

slept. I roused up, however, at an exclamation on the part of my neighbor.

"Hold on there, my son ! Jist drap themboots!"

"I wa3 only jest gwine to black 'em, boss.""Drap 'em."They drapped."Jest gwine to pull them spur3, I reckon.

Now, don't monkey around my camp takingthings no more. If you want anything, speakfor it. If you can't speak, make signs, if ycucan't make signs, shake a bush. You h'arme?"

"Yes sah."After this, silence. The wheels and rails

again sang together; and the car again keptapproving time, and presently I slept without interruption.

Our Cholera Facilities.Texas Sittings.

The average American editor does notseem to be afraid of the cholera. He justwrites what he pleases about it. Tae rea- -sons why the journalist does not dread thecholera are severaL

In the first placo, it is a well known factthat intelligent and careful people, who liveon a plain light diet, and not much of it,and who lead upright lives, are reasonablysafe, even in the midst of contagion. Thosewho live on a spare diet cannot well bespared, but the cholera spares them, never-theless. This lets most editors out.

All authorities agreo that the avoidance offear is necessary to keep the system in acondition to ward off the blows of the chol-era microbe. The fearlessness which, theaverage American editor displays in tauntingEngland for her cowardio in not declaring

- war, demonstrates what a plucky set we are.Unless the cholera microbe is insured for itsfull value against risk of accident, he hadbetter stay where ha is.

The cholera epidemics in France, Spain andItaly last year were very serious, as the presshas very little influence in those countries.During the middle ages, the cholera microbehad it all its own way, because there was nopress to restrain it.

This Seats the Old IJutton Trick.Boston Transcript.

"I beg your pardon," said a slouchilydressed individual, reaching for a bur whichadhered to the coat sleeve of a gentlemanjust ahead of him; there s a bur on yourcoat, sir; permit me to remove it."

"Thank you; no consequence," said thegentleman, himself removing the bur.

The impecunious one struck an attitude,told the regulation story of hunger, and preferred a request for ten cents, with which tobuy bread. He got the money, but still lingered.

"What is it, my man?' asked the gentle- -man.

"Please, sir," replied the tramp, "you havemy bur in your hand. I'd like it, if youpleas. It is my capital, you know."

"Your capital V"Yes, my capital; you see, I sticks it on to

a cove what looks downy, you know, andtnen I steps up and takes it oir. SometimesI only get3 thanks for my trouble,

.and some- -

Y1 Mitttimes i aonx get inai mucn; ana tnen somaof 'em comes down handsome. Yes, bos3.that's my capital; couldn't do business without it; have to shut up shop, you know."

Fitting the Keyhole Around the NightKey.

Buffalo CourierBrown arrived home somewhat late the

other night after a convivial supper withfriends. Mrs. B., like a dutiful wife, sat upuntil her liege lord should come in. Fromone side of the door she heard the protractedfumbling with tha keyhole, which her huband from the ether side was with difficultytrying to fit around the night key. Finallythe key sprang the latch, and the delinquenthusband pushed open the door to find himselfface to face with his anjjry partner. Wishing to cover him completely with confusion,the aggrieved wife pointed to the key whichwas still in the door, and, with an air of grimsatisfaction, remarked : "You seem to haveforgotten your key." Brown had now re-covered his humor, and, appreciating thefact that sha had been a silent listener to hisprolonged manoeuvers, retorted: "Well, mydear, you don't think I went to all thattrouble to get the key in merely to x ull itright out again, do you?"

The Hat of Most Importance.Detroit Free Press. 1

""What ! In mourning she exclaimed, asshe entered the car and caught sight of anacquaintance.

"Yes.""Some one deadf"Yes.""Well, that's too bad! Died of pneumonia,

I suppose.""No of brain fever.""Dear me, but that's awful! How do you

like my new natf

rugated IroD, Plain Iron and Basket Fence Wire, Plain and Perforated SuJ

Galvanized Wire Cloth, Centrifugal Wire Cloths, Centrifugal Bulbar S;

Blake Pump Company .Patent Rubber Valves and Springs, I. 1 1.

inch to 2 inch, 3 and 4 ply. Steam Packing, round, square id t;styles, Anvils, Vises, Hydraulic Hams, Jack Screws, Paris Steel Breaking p5ft

boss plow yet; Molisse Furrowing and Breaking Plows, all hize, Cn!tin!:fl,I.

Hoes, Gang Plows, Planters' Hoes, our own make, inch Goose MU

Planters' Hoes, Shovels, Spades, Rakes, Forks, Scoops, 15nsh KcytLw, MCane Knives, our own make and superior quality; Lawn Mewtrs, Euadfc'

Cart Axles, Fairbank's Scales, three sizes; Grindstones, all sizes, Aief,Ej

Pick and Ax Mattocks, Pick Axes, Horse Shoes, Machine Bolts, all sfjlengths, a full and superior line of Shelf Hardware, Bnilders' Hardwar- e- j

Locks, Buts, Screws, Hinges, Staples, Tacks, Brads, etc., Thm oliK

Bailey's Patents, etc., Machinists' tools of all kinds, Hammers, etc.. Pi j

and Glass. I

White Lead And Zinc, Rubber Paint, Boiled and Raw Oil, Valcfitiw'te

a Liiitfi' ttliil Vhi icil Avuriuittii 4


paints in Oils, Cband- -j

Tin and Hollow Vare, ':





Peanut. Castor " teltf--



the editorial rooms of The Leader." 'I want to bring a friend up here to

meet vou w.' he remarked toPuffer.

" 'Glad to meet anv friend of yours ' re--rponded the editor.

" 'He is a friend of yours, too,' repliedSloan. 'He greatly admires your editorials.There is one peculiarity about him,though.'

" 'What's thatr -" 'He's deaf as a clam. He can't hear it

thunder. He doesn't know it's raining until he misses his umbrella- - lie is verytouchy on that point, and you had betterhave some paper and a pencil ready for hkuwhen he comes, and act as if you alwaysknew he was deaf. It will make him feeleasier.'

"Tho next day at noon Sloan and his visitor entered The Leader office. Puffer waswaiting for them. Sloan took their cards,and gave Puffer's to Gambol, and vice versa.Uoth men smiled at each other encouragingly, and, producing pads of paper big enoughto write a president's message on, sat downbeside the editorial desk.

" 'I em glad to meet you,' wrote Puffer onhis pad.

"Gambol took the scrawl and looked at it,first out of one eye and then out of the other.A puzzled look came over his face. Finallyhe turned the paper upside down, and alight of intelligence broke over his countenance. Taking up his pencil, he wrote:

" 'I am exceedingly sorry to hear it. Didyou ever try Simpson's extract?" and handed "

it back to Puffer."When Puffer read this, Ids mouth opened

with astonishment. He took his pencil andwrote on the bottom of the sheet:

" 'I don't want any extract. I am notsick. I simply said I was pleased to meetyou.'

"Then he shoved the paper over to Gam-bol, and waited for a reply. If Gambol waspuzzled at the first communication, he wasin reality .stricken dumb at the second. Heglanced appealingly at Sloan, who was atthat moment attentively looking at a picture on the wall, with his handkerchief inhis mouth to smother his laughter. Finallyhe struck what seemed to him to be a clue,and he wrote in reply:

" 'Yes, thanks, don't care if I do; butdon't you think we had better go to lunchfirst?'

"Then he handed back the roll to the editor, and smiled a smile of mingled self-sat-is

faction and relief."When Puffer saw the answer his disgust

rose beyond his control. He rose up in hischair, took the paper and handed it to Sloan.

" 'See here, Sloan!' he shouted, 'See whatthis grandson of a lunatic has written. Thiscross-eye- d fool evidently doesn't understandhis own language. What in Tophet did youwant tp bring such a strabismic ass up tothis oflice to see me for? Here, take thispaper and write to him that I am sick today, or dead, or anything, and don't wantto write any more ; and the next time "yubrine a deaf and dumb idiot up here to seeme just let me know, and Til run out oftown for a week or so.'

" "That's all right!' yelled Gambol, as hedanced around the table. 'That's all right,but if I wrote a hand like yours I'd print myletters. I'd spell them out on my fingers. I'dhire a schoolboy to write for me. I'd --'

" 'Say,' gasped Puffer, 'ain't you deaf f

"Say," gasped Puffer, "aint you deaf?"" 'No,' replied Gamtol; 'ain't you?"Then both men looked at each other a

minute and simultaneously exclaimed:'Where's Sloan f

"But Sloan was a wisa man. He wa--


A Suspicious Dog Story.(Hartford Times.J

A. Danbury paper tells an astonishingstory of a do owned by Thomas Mitch i ,who lives on the line of tho Shepaug -

road. The dog had a habit of chasing drains,and one day-recentl- as. caught by hwheels and lost - a piece of his tail T.hours later he picked it up, carried it .

some distance, and buried it as carefully ushe would a Lone.

The suspicious feature of the story Is ttata bnepaug rauroaa tram ever ran last.enough to catch a do.

Versatility.Dansville Breeze.

The mosquito is a queer b:rd. He is versatile. He can turn his hand to almost any-thing, and do it quickly, too. When yousee one balancing on nis tiptoes, like a girlcrossing a muddy walk, you would swoi --

he was all legs. When he dodges from ou3of your ears to the other like chain lightningyou are confident that instead of legs theyare all wings. At midnight, when all tLaworld is hushed and still, and he Datientlvwaits by your bedside until vou dr.;Dasleep, so that his impending operationsmay not disturb you, he sings his happ,contented littla dittv to whiletime, and then you are certain that ha is allvoice, w nen ne lignts down on you and begins to explore your anatomy, to find outwhat you are stubbed with, you swear on astack of bibles of the new version, Oxforuedition, price $3 that legs, wings, voiceand all had turned into red-h- ot drfllinf-toolsi- , An

soaked in pork brine. When youstrike where he was and hit where he is notyou think he has smelted the whole businessinto a combination of Bessemer steel springs,oil tempered. Yes, the mosquito Is a wholetcol chest, with monkey wrench and oil canthrown in, and a portable forge to Jteej histools hot.

Turpentine, Patent Dryers, a large variety of smallLamps, Lanterns, a large variety, Stationery Inks,

BLUE DENIMS, 8, 9 and 10 oz. at bottom rates.

FINE RED SALMON, iu barrels.




New Good Expected per Ktemlii Alum"'



Co. and fcaniue' 5 (

149 tr


Successors to JUIlIIiiffhmu fc


Double Furrow


Light SSteel Plos

I'nhnl.i Plantat ion t. r xfiS.

'It is the BEST BREAKING ri.OW I ever used." 1. 1 KHHPlantation. unVolWN

Tbe VERY BEST BREAKING PLOW I ever used in tbis or

HORNER, I.ahali:a, Maui.The new comer rattle J on in this fashion. for 20 minute?, and then left the car. As it

New Goods received per ''Morning Star" and other laU Brn: h';'e aorxiRanees and Tinware; Refrigerators and Ice Chests; House "";. ,and Lanterns; Soap and Candles. Balance of consignment oj t !


Paint Oil, Turpentine, Varnishes. California Wind Mills, the he i

Hardware and Agricultural Implements. Correspondence soutm r


started again after leaving her on the cross-walk she made vigorous motions to the conductor, and when he had brought the vehicleto a halt she said:

"Won't you please ask that lady friend ofmine if it wa her husband or one of thechildren who died ? I forgot to find out!"

She didn't find cut on that trip.

The Heat Sewing Machine.ISomerville Journal.

There is a good deal of dispute as to whichof the many varieties of sewing machines inthe market is the best, but nearly everybodyteems to agree that a bright-eye- d brunette,about 18 years and 120

.pounds, possesses, . cer--

i 1 A -

5152-ap- 7 ly


Lumber aDoors, Sash and Blinds. All kinas of BUILDERS'

Corrugated Iron, Portland Cement; STEEL NAILS


tain auvanuiges uiac are rivaled by noother make.

Another Panorama.- . Chicago Herald.

Tho Berlin painters, Bracht, Koch andRochling, who executeJ the huge panoramaof the tattle of Sedan, have received a com-mission to paint the battle of Chattanooga onthe same seals. The artists are" to spend twomonths in Tennsssae studying the theatre oftha conflict, end then return to Berlin,frhsre the picture is to be painted.


ncl Co 1

hard'aBE'to ucb cuperio

freight or packages unless roceipted for, norpersonal baggage unless plainly marked. Not

responsible for money or jewelry unless placed Incharge of the Purser.

All possible care will be taken of Live Stock, butthe Company will not assume any risk of accident.

SAMTj. G. WILDER, PresidentS. B. ROSE, Secretary.

OFFICE Corner Fort and Queen streets.rS9

They tin not Stretch.Stronger than Leather,

Better than Rubber,Wllil OUTULST BOTH.

For Sale in Honolulu155-t- f myt

Also, A LES, BEERS, and Ell kinds of FANCYDRINKS served la best style.

2S2 dtf&w more.
