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CO3 will be 30 years-old in 2015, which makes our biennial leadership conference for Third Sector Chief Executives, Directors, Trustees and Funders in Northern Ireland even more special. The CO3 Conference will take place in the Slieve Donard Hotel in Newcastle, Co. Down, on Thursday 19th and Friday 20th February 2015.

This year we have added a pinch of magic to the event by securing a prestigious MC, entertainer and international keynote speaker on business and leadership David Meade, who will hypnotise the audience both literally with magical illusion and figuratively by making a valuable contribution to the discussion on leadership excellence.

The conference will address the increasing need to develop radically innovative strategies to respond to upcoming challenges in the Third Sector. As always we will offer a full programme of practical workshops led by specialists in their fields, keynote speeches from highly recognised experts as well as vital networking opportunities. And of course we will host our Leadership Awards event, which will celebrate those outstanding leaders who stir their organisations through financial storms and consistently, year on year, change vulnerable people’s lives for the better.

The conference is an ideal vehicle for corporate sector companies to promote their services to an audience of over 200 CEOs, senior managers, corporate partners and political representatives through sponsorship. There are various packages that you might be interested in, from small-scale but impactful sponsorship (Twitter wall, branding etc) to the most prestigious one, the Conference Platinum Sponsorship package, which provides the highest profile to an exclusive sponsor.

Packages are flexible and we can adapt them to your budget. For further information please do not hesitate to contact me on 028 9024 5356 or send me an email at [email protected]

Previous organisations that have benefitted from sponsorship include:

• Ecclesiastical Insurance• Ulster Bank• Avec Solutions• OCN Northern Ireland• MCE Public Relations• Courtney Consulting• AGE NI• Edwards & Co. Solicitors• Made Not Born• DSD NI• Moore Stephens

Your opportunity to sponsor our Magic of Leadership 2015 Conference

Nora Smith Chief Executive, CO3


Package Cost Page ReferencePlatinum £10,000 8Strand Support £3000 9Fringe Session £2000 11Exhibition Stand £450 - £600 12Exhibition Showcase £1000 13Delegate Badges £500 13Delegate Bags/Folders £1000 14Conference Website £1000 14Twitter Wall £500 14Delegate Bag Inserts £300 14Event Guide Sponsor £1000 15Advertising in event Guide £150 - £500 15Leadership Awards Guide £1000 15Leadership Awards Sponsor £1800 16Host a Table £2000 - £3250 17Sponsor the Entertainment £500 - £1500 17

Sponsorship Opportunities Summary

Please see below summary table of sponsorship opportunities available for our 2015 Leadership Conference and Awards. You can click on the ‘package links’ in the left column to bring you to straight to the relevant page.

Please note that this list is not exhaustive and CO3 will also consider sponsorship ‘in-kind’. To discuss any opportunities that you would like to explore, please contact Nora Smith on 02890 245 356 or [email protected].

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The CO3 biennial Conference and Leadership Awards is the premier event where senior leaders from across the Third Sector come together. The Conference will take place on the 19 and 20 February 2015 at the Slieve Donard Hotel, Newcastle. This unique conference will bring together over 200 charity chief executives and directors and other key figures in Northern Ireland.

The programme for both the CO3 Conference and Awards promises to be highly interactive, engaging, thought provoking, informative and fun!

The theme of our Conference and Awards Ceremony is The Magic of Leadership. We will have a number of high profile keynote speakers, who will bring together views and lessons for the entire audience.

In addition, we will have a series of not to be missed interactive workshops and will hold a ‘Question Time’ panel, that will provide a lively and informed debate. The panel will be made up of a range of high profile Leaders from a range of sectors.

CO3 Conference and Leadership Awards 2015

Great conference - good mix of speakers and presentations.

I found the event motivating and inspiring and taking the time out to attend was very worthwhile. Residential format gave plenty of time for networking particularly at conference dinner.

Well done to all at Co3 for organising. Looking forward to the next one!

Good chance to meet other people working at a senior level in the sector and get a good sense of the issuesfacing them and how this related to our organisation.

Connecting and re-connecting with diverse range of people who all had expertise and experience I can learn from.

Previous delegate feedback:

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Confirmed Speakers and Panel Members

David Meade - host for the conference and awards dinner

David has become one of Europe’s most dynamic, engaging, and sought after keynote speakers with a client list that features some of the world’s most successful organisations.

Working with clients that include PWC, Institute of Directors, Bombardier Aerospace, and Easyjet, David designs custom development programmes that fit the specific needs of organisations large and small.

John Bird, MBE, Founder and Editor in Chief of The Big Issue

John Bird was born into poverty, brought up in care, and has lived through a lot. His life’s journey has included spells as a thief, prison inmate, artist and poet. Now an established writer, political and social activist, published author and advisor to governments on dismantling poverty, John Bird is the force behind The Big Issue, the world’s most successful street magazine. He is an inspirational business leader with an outstanding record of using business as a tool for social change.

Paul Schmitz, Writer, CEO and Campaigner

Paul Schmitz is the author of Everyone Leads: Building Leadership from the Community Up, and CEO of Public Allies, which has advanced the leadership of over 5,000 diverse young adults to strengthen communities, nonprofits, and civic participation across the country. Paul founded Public Allies Milwaukee in 1993, and has been the national CEO since 2000. Paul writes and speaks frequently on leadership, diversity, civic participation, social innovation, collective impact, and community building. As a private volunteer, Paul co-chaired the 2008 Obama presidential campaign’s civic engagement policy group, was a member of the Obama-Biden Transition Team, and was appointed by President Barack Obama to the White House Council on Community Solutions.

Sir Roger Singleton CBE, Managing Director, Lumos

Sir Roger Singleton CBE is the chair of the panel on the Independence of the Voluntary Sector, a team of sector experts established by the Baring Foundation in 2011 to monitor and report on the state of independence in the sector. He is the Managing Director of Lumos, founded and chaired by JK Rowling.

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For a full list of speakers please visit our website by clicking here.


Valerie Watts, Chief Executive, Health & Social Care Board

Valerie Watts took up post as Chief Executive of the Health and Social Care Board in July 2014. Mrs Watts has over 30 years’ public sector experience, beginning her career at the Royal Victoria Hospital where she oversaw competitive tendering for ancillary support services, and having worked in local government since 1989. Most recently, Mrs Watts was Chief Executive of Aberdeen City Council (2011- 2014) and formerly Town Clerk and Chief Executive of Derry City Council (2009-2011) where she was instrumental in securing the UK City of Culture for 2013 and developing a strategic economic masterplan for the North West.

Gavin Megaw, Director, Hanover

Gavin started his career at the Conservative Party where he held a number of senior media roles, including heading up the Party’s rapid rebuttal operation. Gavin is currently a Director at Hanover, an independent consulting firm that specialises in advising global brands, businesses and organisations on reputation, communications and public affairs. He specialises in the provision of senior strategic communications advice, including public relations, issues and change management, and media training. Gavin is presently a member of the PRCA’s PR Council and chair of its Crisis Communications Group.

Les Allamby, Chief Commissioner, Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission -

Les Allamby has been appointed Chief Commissioner at the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission and took up post on 1 September 2014.Les is a solicitor and formerly the Director of the Law Centre (Northern Ireland). He was appointed honorary Professor of Law at the University of Ulster last year and is a trustee of the Community Foundation for Northern Ireland. He was a former Chair of an Advisory group to Human Rights Commission on proposals for economic and social rights within a Bill of Rights for Northern Ireland.He was also formerly the Chair of the Social Security Standards Committee for Northern Ireland, a member of the Legal Services Commission (Northern Ireland) and a member of the Legal Services Review Group.

Frances McCandless, Chief Executive of the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland.

Frances McCandless is Chief Executive of the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland, the non-departmental public body which is responsible for regulating charities and their activities.Frances was appointed to the Commission in April 2010 as its first Chief Executive. Prior to taking up this post, Frances was employed as Director of Policy at NICVA, an umbrella body which provides advice, information and policy analysis to voluntary and community organisations in Northern Ireland. Frances’s career in the voluntary and community sector goes back over 20 years and she has worked with young people, women returning to work, in housing, with older and disabled people and as an international volunteer in Prague with the YMCA.

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The Third Sector is an important part of the local economy and a major driver of economic growth. It is a leading employer, employing just under 30,000 people in Northern Ireland, more than either local government or the agricultural sector. The estimated total turnover accruing from the Third Sector is £1.2bn.

The Conference and Awards dinner will bring together a wide and diverse range of Third Sector Chief Executives providing sponsors and exhibitors with a range of opportunities to demonstrate how their business solutions can help the Third Sector to more effectively deliver their services and ultimately impact on the community we serve.

Sponsorship and/or exhibiting at the CO3 Conference and Leadership Awards will provide your organisation with unparalleled opportunities to engage with senior level leaders in the Third Sector.

We are currently building our 2015 programme, with the introduction of a fringe programme and exhibition showcase sessions. We look forward to working in partnership with our Corporate Partners to run an exciting range of activities as part of the core programme.

We are also extending conference opening hours to allow delegates to network and spend more time in the exhibition during the two days of the conference.

Who will attend?

In addition to the senior leaders from the Third Sector, we will be widening our marketing message to target delegates from a wide range of other organisations. These delegates will include:

• Third Sector Chief Executives• Key decision makers from within the Third Sector• Key decision makers from within government • Departments and Local Councils)• Political leaders, Ministers & MLAs• Academic Leadership Networks• Public body representatives• The Charity Commission for NI• Range of funders.

Why Get Involved?

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This is the highest level of support at the CO3 Conference. Our event partners also benefit from a 12 month programme of engagement.

Conference Support

Being part of the CO3 Conference and Exhibition means your organisation will benefit from:

• Keynote welcome and address at the conference• Opportunity to host your own workshop as part of the core programme which is open and marketed to

all delegates• A unique speaking role, as no other rate of sponsorship affords the opportunity to speak at the

conference • Consultation with CO3 staff to develop content• Regular update of which delegates have booked to attend sessions• Top level branding on all signage at the event• Branding on events communication – both online and print• Exhibition space – choice of premier sites within exhibition hall• Complimentary transferable delegate passes• Five exclusive dinner places at the Awards dinner• Opportunity to insert marketing materials into delegate bags• Pre and Post access to delegate list (subject to data protection requirements)• Inclusion of the logo in the entire publicity related to the run up to the conference and awards,

including the CO3 website, conference marketing literature and press releases• A click through from the company logo on the CO3 website to the preferred location on your website.

Ongoing Partnership

• Complimentary corporate membership from April 2015- March 2016• Opportunity to provide quarterly article for CO3 email briefing • Full page article in the CO3 magazine• Opportunity to hold two meetings with CO3 Executive Members• Up to 15% discount off other CO3 network activities sponsored in 2015/2016• Invitation to CO3 Members’ Day

Cost of this Package: £10,000

Platinum Sponsor

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The CO3 conference will run a number of programme strands throughout the conference. Each of the programme strands is available for sponsorship.

Suggested programme support strands (to be agreed):

Addressing the Cost of Running a Charity

The issue of Third Sector Chief Executives’ pay came under the media spotlight in early 2014. The ‘revelations’ over some Chief Executives salaries have led to negative responses from political and media commentators, indeed some were of the opinion that Charities should be run by volunteers. Whilst there are some excellent organisations which are run exclusively by volunteers who do great work, as a generalisation this viewpoint displays a misconception as to how modern day charities work and what they are there to achieve. The Workshop will consider how Third Sector leaders ‘could do better’ at creating an informed opinion of running a charity in the 21st Century.

Succession Planning: Raising Up the Next Generation of Leaders

What will the Third Sector look like in twenty years? It could be argued that the area of succession planning has been neglected within the Third Sector. However, empowering the next generation of leaders will make our organisations stronger, as we train and support others to handle our responsibilities when we are not there. In order to offer experiences to help staff develop, we have to overcome barriers in our way of thinking and in our organisational processes. The workshop will provide an opportunity to consider and explore the barriers and challenges of succession planning within the Third Sector.

Third Sector governance in the spotlight

The challenges of governing a charity in the modern world demand really effective leadership. This leadership has to come at Board and Executive levels, and it requires good relationships between levels if the organisation is to function well. How many of us are developing clear governance action plans, with Board development to the fore?

Strand Support Package

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Rising to the Financial Challenge

The financial outlook remains difficult for the Third Sector. With Government and Commissioners expecting unprecedented efficiency savings, the Third Sector is having to respond to rising demands on its services with tighter budget constraints. The continued squeeze on public finances is adding pressure to the voluntary and community sector.

This strand explores the significant challenges facing service providers and will aim to offer business solutions to how the Third Sector can turn these difficulties into opportunities.

Reputational Risk in the Third Sector

This workshop will examine a number of areas:

• Charity leaders must be more visible in order to protect the sector’s reputation. The invisible leader cannot connect to and with the public.

• Given the goodwill, donations and tax breaks from which charities benefit, the voluntary sector should accept that it is open to public scrutiny.

• What would you feel defensive about answering if questioned by the media? How would you respond to bad headlines and negative press?

Working with the New Super Councils

Recent local government reforms will be realised in 2015 with the formation of the new council structures. This strand will bring delegates together to discuss practical solutions to the challenges that will emerge in working in these new government arrangements. How can Third Sector organisations work together to address the challenges such as procurement for local services? What are the most effective ways to navigate the new environment? What have we learned so far about the new approach?

Strand Support Package

The strand support package offers organisations the opportunity to link their work with a key issue facing the Third Sector. Support of a strand provides high profile association at the event and an opportunity to work with CO3 over the coming year.

Benefits include:

• Opportunity to Chair a session within one of the programme strands, in consultation with the programme team

• Opportunity to display promotional material and literature within this session• Exhibition space• Branding pre and post conference on the event’s micro site• Branding onsite: signage and on holding slides within this strand session• Branding in the conference guide where this strand is mentioned• One complimentary conference delegate pass• One complimentary exclusive dinner place at the main conference table• Entry in the conference guide.

Cost of this package £3000

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CO3 is delighted to offer organisations the opportunity to run their own sessions to discuss and share aspects of their work.

There will be two sessions available and we are inviting organisations to submit proposals for their ideas. The CO3 Conference Planning Board will meet to review proposals and will appoint sessions which are most relevant to our delegate audience and cover themes not replicated elsewhere in the programme.

The sessions will run both within the core programme and alongside strand sessions. Deadline for submission is December 2014.

Benefits include:

• Opportunity to run your own hour-long session• Two complimentary conference delegate passes• Marketing support for sessions to delegates – pre event and onsite• Listing in the Conference Programme – online and printed• Regular updates on names of delegates who have booked the session• Entry in Conference Guide.

Cost of this package: £2000

Fringe Session - New for 2015

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Exhibition in the Network Village

We are responding to exhibitors’ feedback by ensuring exhibitors have more face-to-face time to engage with delegates. CO3 will create a Network Village to allow delegates more time to peruse the exhibitions and chat to exhibitors and colleagues.

For the first time this will include a full hour lunch break on Thursday. This means an increase of more than 50 per cent in protected break time in the exhibition hall. We are also offering a number of added incentives to delegates that will encourage their attendance to the exhibition space. More will be revealed in due course!

Also in the Exhibition Hall:

• Exhibitor showcase• Internet zone• Live feed of keynote sessions• Refreshments.

Our package is designed to offer value for money and make your planning as easy as possible.

The package includes:

• A large space in the exhibition area (complete with a table and chairs and access to power supply) able to accommodate stands up to full size

• Use of the space for the duration of the conference over the 2 days• Listing in the delegate pack, including contact details• Pre-event link from the event website to your organisation’s website• Entry in the event guide• Lunch and refreshments for two people• Complimentary conference passes for two people to attend conference sessions.

The exhibition does not include a shell scheme.

Note: this package does not include accommodation or attendance at the Leadership Awards Gala dinner (although these can be arranged at preferential rates).

Cost of this package: Premium Stand £600 Stand £450

Exhibition Opportunities

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Delegate Badges, lanyard, pads and pens

This package provides high profile branding on all delegate badges, lanyards, the pen and pads given to delegates in the bags.

Benefits include:

• Prominent branding on all delegate, exhibitor, media and speaker badges and lanyard• Branding on all delegate pads and pens, inserted into delegate bags, 2 conference passes, entry in event


Cost of this Package: £500

Delegate Bags/Folder

Distributed to every delegate when registered, support of the delegate bags provides a highly visible way of displaying your logo throughout the event.

Benefits include:• Logo Brand Presence on all delegate bags• Promotional insert into all delegate bags (up to 4 sides of A4)• 2 Conference delegate passes• Entry in Event Guide.

Cost of this Package: £1000

Exhibitor Showcase

The showcase is only available to exhibitors and provides an opportunity to share a case study or demonstrate a new product or service to delegates in the showcase area within the exhibition hall.

Showcase sessions will take place during breaks and lunchtimes. It will benefit from marketing support pre-event and onsite to effectively promote the session to targeted delegatesExhibition showcase benefits include:

• Opportunity to run a showcase session in the exhibition hall• Two complimentary conference delegate passes• Marketing support for the session pre-event and onsite• Listing in the showcase programme• branding on showcase signage• Entry in event guide.

Cost of this Package: £1000

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Our conference and awards website attracted over 4000 unique visitors with over 117000 hits over a six month period.

This package provides organisations with the opportunity to be directly associated with the event and link to your website and your key messages.

Benefits include:

• Run of site banner on CO3 Conference Webpage• Logo credit on micro site home page• Branding on post event webpage; including speech and presentation download area• Maximum of 5 tweets guaranteed about your organisation’s involvement in the conference• 2 conference delegate passes• Entry in event guide.

Cost of this Package: £1000

Twitter Wall

A new opportunity for 2015, this will allow you to align your organisation with the large rise in the use of Twitter during the conference. A Twitter wall, with a live feed, will be situated in high traffic areas and will be available for branding.

Cost of this Package: £500

Delegate Bag Inserts

Inserting a leaflet in the delegate bags is an excellent way to communicate your message directly with the audience. Each piece of material can be up to 8 sides of A4 and we guarantee a maximum of 6 inserts.

Cost of this Package: £300

Support of Conference Website

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Event Guide Sponsor

This Guide provides delegates with all the information they need to navigate the Conference. The event guide provides a programme overview, and details of supports and exhibitors.

Benefits include:

• Logo on front cover• Full page colour advert on the inside front cover• Two complimentary conference delegate passes• Entry in the ‘supports’ section of the event guide.

Cost of this Package: £1000

Advertising in the Event Guide

Back Cover £500Inside Back Cover £300Double Page Centre Spread £500Advertorial £300Full Page £200Half Page £150

Leadership Awards Guide

This Guide provides delegates with all the information they need in relation to the Leadership Awards Night. The guide will provide an overview of the awards programme, and details of the awards and those nominated.

Benefits include:

• Logo on front cover• Full page colour advert on the inside front cover• Two complimentary conference delegate passes• Entry in the supports section of the event guide.

Cost of this Package: £1000

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Promote your brand with Third Sector leaders and decision makers in Northern Ireland by advertising in our Event Guide.


The 2015 Leadership Awards is a gala dinner black tie event. The dinner will begin with a champagne networking reception and will include after dinner entertainment with the Leadership Awards being presented throughout the course of the evening.

Overall Inspiring Leader Award Sponsor

Not Available - Sponsorship Already Secured

As an exclusive supporter of the awards, you will be able to network with a broad section of the delegate audience, as well as invite guests. In addition our Overall Award Sponsor receives:

• Branding in Communication about the Awards – both online and printed• Branding at the Dinner on Menu Cards• Opportunity to display promotional material in reception areas• Introduction at the Awards Ceremony• Presentation of Overall Inspiring Leader Award• Host a Table with two exclusive dinner places and 6 guests, plus two other places at other tables• 4 Conference passes• Branding and entry in the Awards Brochure.

Leadership Awards Sponsor

As a supporter of the awards, you will be able to network with a broad section of the delegate audience, as well as invite guests. In addition, our Award Sponsor receives:

• Branding in Communication about this particular awards – both online and printed• Opportunity to display promotional material in reception areas• Presentation of this Award• Host a table with 2 dinner places, and 6 guests• 2 Conference passes• Branding and entry in the Awards Brochure.

Cost of this Package: £1800

CO3 Leadership Awards

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The ceremony is attended by key players and decision makers. Each table seats 10 and is great way of entertaining clients, business partners and prospects at our dazzling awards dinner.

You and your distinguished guests will join hundreds to share in the success of the Third Sector, the prestigious awards recognises and rewards excellence. Demand for tables is always high. Please note that we operate a first come, first served system for table booking.

Standard table of 10 (Includes champagne reception, 3 course dinner, prime location choice).

Standard table cost: £2000

Premium table of 10 (Includes the standard package plus premium seating, 2 bottles of champagne and 5 bottles of wine).

Premium table cost: £3250

Host a Table

Sponsor the Entertainment

Throughout the course of the prestigious Awards Gala dinner guests will be entertained. Magic, music and additional surprises and spectacle will entertain guests throughout the evening.

Sponsorship ranges from £500 - £1500

Additional opportunities may become available. CO3 is happy to discuss a package of support with a mix of options as outlined above. To find out more please contact Nora Smith, Chief Executive CO3 on 02890 245 356 or email [email protected].

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