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Coach Donna Ward - How to Grow Your Email List Using ... · We’ve all heard ‘the money is in...

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Page 1: Coach Donna Ward - How to Grow Your Email List Using ... · We’ve all heard ‘the money is in the list’. That’s your email marketing list. And, that’s why I’m on Facebook!

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Page 2: Coach Donna Ward - How to Grow Your Email List Using ... · We’ve all heard ‘the money is in the list’. That’s your email marketing list. And, that’s why I’m on Facebook!

How to Grow Your

Email List Using


Coach Donna Ward - How to Grow Your Email List Using Facebook facebook.com/AskCoachDonna ©

Page 3: Coach Donna Ward - How to Grow Your Email List Using ... · We’ve all heard ‘the money is in the list’. That’s your email marketing list. And, that’s why I’m on Facebook!

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We’ve all heard ‘the money is in the list’.

That’s your email marketing list. And, that’s why I’m on Facebook!

Facebook is the best platform I’ve used to

grow my email list. This is also where I’ve

found my target audience to be!

Growing your friends, fan base, and

engagement, helps you attract the

attention for your offers and makes it

easier to drive people to your offers.

But it seems that most people don’t know how to use Facebook to grow

their lists effectively and may become frustrated with the whole idea when

they don’t see the results that they want.

I’ll be sharing with you some of the best strategies and my own 7 Step List

Building Blueprint I’ve used for using Facebook to grow your email list.

But why would you want to go through the effort of growing your business’

email list?

To begin with, I’ve read that having a list can literally "Google-proof" your

income. Which I take to mean not relying on Google ads for traffic

and having a business which is profitable and stable even if Google

changed their ads system!

Your email list is one of your business assets that you own and have full

control over.

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For me list building is a continuous flow of prospective clients to my email

from my Facebook profile and pages. I’ll go over that a bit later.

Let’s get you thinking like that – Building your list with Facebook …and

know that this does work, when you work it. Think of your community on

Facebook as traffic for your business and build your relationships.

In this eBook, I’ll be taking you step by step through the list building

flow that you can create.

We’ve all heard ‘the money is in the list’.

That’s your email marketing list.

And, that’s why I’m on Facebook!

But first…If you’ve been in any of my coaching programs – free or

paid…You know I’ll always point out & want you to remember:

The key in marketing is to be crystal clear on who your target

audience is.

If you’re not clear on what your audience wants? Learn what they

want & need, so you can become a more effective marketer!

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What is it you want to understand about your target audience…

• Do They Know Who You Are?

• Do They Trust that You Have Their Best Interests at Heart?

• Do They Associate You with “Value”?

How Is the Money in the Relationship With Your List?

Every visitor to your Facebook page, and everyday an optin offer

needs to be part of building your email list strategy as you

communicate on a regularly planned basis.

Building an email list is something you need to be doing, because

cultivating a list of people who are interested enough in what you do, to

sign up for your email list is power for your business!

It also goes back to knowing your

audience and tailoring your message,

in all your online content – including

email marketing.

Your content and your list building

offers will be reflecting what your

audience wants/needs and your own

end goals.

Knowing what motivates them and

using that knowledge helps you

determine how to describe the

benefits of your offer and in all of your







Page 6: Coach Donna Ward - How to Grow Your Email List Using ... · We’ve all heard ‘the money is in the list’. That’s your email marketing list. And, that’s why I’m on Facebook!

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When I started, I just didn’t understand the

differences between an opt-in page, squeeze

page, capture page, splash page, landing page,

lead magnet page.


These are all can be different names for what I

call an opt-in page.


Opt-in pages and forms can be content upgrades placed strategically

on popular content, or guest interviews to bring in new traffic.

But what is an opt-in page?

It’s an online page that offers something for:

1. Free in exchange for entering your name and email and is

specifically designed to convince your targeted audience to sign up.

- This means you have to be clear about your audience and who you

want to sign up on your list.

Your optin page is where you tell people what you have to offer and

then give them a call to action to sign up to receive it and be on your

list for future updates from you.

I’m not going into how to set up your opt-in page today.

- Let me know if you need help with your opt-in page or free offer.

Of course, now I know that an opt-in page’s only purpose is to capture

information, names and emails, for follow-up email marketing.

• People give you their information in exchange for what you’re offering –

either free or a paid item.

This is all easy for me now, because I’ve created a lot of ‘opt-in pages’.

Opt-in pages are one of the main steps in building your email list.

• You probably already know that.

So, think about that for a moment and write out what you think…

Your number one list building strategy is or could be?

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• You’ll have what is called a ‘lead magnet’.

• Which is an irresistible bribe that is of value to your ideal prospect

in exchange for their contact information.

• You may also use this offline – by getting their email so you can

send this ‘gift of value’ to them.

• It could be an eBook like this, a resource list, video training, etc.

• So maybe you’re networking (offline) and getting a lot of business cards

and adding them to your Gmail account to keep in touch with the people

you’ve met. (Been there, done that)

• You could be holding offline seminars and collecting emails and names.

(Did this also)

• Maybe you’ve used a sign-up sheet at some event, or street fairs, to

collect names and emails. (Again, I’ve done this!)

• And these ideas all work really well. Maybe, Gmail could be

better! ☺

• On your Facebook page, you would want to pin a post so that it’s always

on the top of your Facebook Page.

• When visitors come to your page your top post will be the first

post they see.

• And they’ll be more likely to read it and, if you use this spot for

your lead magnet, opt-in to your list.

Wherever you’re at in the process, take a look at how

you’re growing your email list.

Whatever opt-in offer

you put out there for

your audience, make

a pitch about how this

is valuable to them –

how is it going to help

solve their problems.

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You probably know a bit about list building…

Later in your eBook, I’ll share my 7 Step List Building Blueprint (flow chart)

as your guide and you can check it out to see what pieces of the flow are

missing for you that you might add or improve upon.

When you have an email list, it’s really exciting to have a community of

enthusiastic potential clients interested in what you have to say!

Let’s get going…

Step One - I use my Facebook profile and page…

• You can start growing your email list by converting your current fanbase

on Facebook – On your Facebook Page and your Facebook Profile.

1. Use the Call-To-Action button for your Facebook Community to

subscribe right from your Facebook page

• This means that you can utilize this call-to-action button to generate

interested fans onto your email list.

• Your CTA (call-to-action button) will open to your opt-in page.

• Your Facebook visitors can now sign up for your email list and receive

free and valuable information for you, The Expert.

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2. You’ll want to grow your friends on your profile

Become friends with people that you’re in groups with that are, or could be, a

part of your niche.

3. Grow you Facebook page community (fans)

4. Use your Facebook profile (friends) and pages (fans) to build your list

by inviting friends to online events through Facebook

On your Facebook profile:

• Promote your lead magnet (your free offer) and prompt your friends to

sign up for your list a couple of times a month on your profile.

• Add your offer and URL link to your profile banner. Go ahead and take a

look at my Facebook Profile @ facebook.com/CoachDonnaWard

On your Facebook page:

• Promote your lead magnet on your page – a different one each day/once

a day. So that you don’t become too salesy!

• Share your blog posts – and have an offering in your post to sign up for a


• Add your offer and URL link to your page banner – make it a different

banner with the same URL as your profile!

• Make it easy for fans to join your list by adding a call-to-action on your

Facebook Page. Take a look at my Facebook Page @


From your Facebook profile and your Facebook page:

• Promote Facebook events by inviting your friends and fans to sign up on

an opt-in page to receive more training and value from you.

• You’ll have your opt-in page URL for them to click on and enter

their name and email to receive a freebie that may go along with

your event.

Step One - Using you’re Facebook profile and your page…


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Using Facebook facebook.com/AskCoachDonna


How do I add a Sign Up Form to my Facebook page? < Click to find

out how – step by step with AWeber! Pretty much all email

marketing services offer something similar.

Tip:: AWeber customers can use their

free app to add a sign-up form right to their

page and collect email addresses without

doing any extra work. (The ‘how-to’ link is


You’ll really want to add your sign up form to your Facebook page


You’re building your email list using your Facebook Page and

you can offer you fans an easy way to sign up!

Of course, I recommend Aweber’s email service – go check it out and

start your free 30 day trial @ http://aweber.com/?360411

Once your have your autoresponder (email service) set up -

Adding your sign up form to Facebook is a great way

to turn followers into subscribers!:

Step 2 - Keep It Simple & Make it easy for your fans to sign up

They can sign up for your email list right from your

Facebook Page.

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1. Figure out who your target audience is

2. Identify their pain

3. Where are they at with that pain

4. Create a really valuable free offer, that…

solves their problems

5. Show them how they can get fast results

6. Answer their most urgent question

7. Give them a free “gift” – sometimes called an ethical bribe

to sign up for your email list

8. Go where your audience hangs out and share your juicy

offer that they can’t refuse

Let’s Clarify Your List Building With 8 Simple Steps

The Must-Have Know Your

Audience To-Do List:


♥ Would you buy your product/service

that you’re offering for free?

♥ Are you solving a problem?

♥ What makes you different from


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Step 3 What you need to prepare

– Now is the time to check out my List Building Blueprint…

This is a basic model that many successful business owners

are using to attract and interact with new possible clients.

Review my…

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My 7 Step List Building Blueprint (continued)

This system absolutely works. It’s proven. The only think you have to do?

Work it!

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• Give it time. Let your subscribers build up interest over time by

continuing to provide fresh and relevant content consistently.

• Make a commitment to learn and earn. The only way to make

money using Facebook is through persistence. Like any job, get your

schedule set up and stick to it. Whatever strategy you use, to be

successful, you’ll be taking care of several things each day to get it

going profitably over time.

• Plan out the order and times of what you’ll want do ahead of time.

Remember These Six Guiding


1. Build a strategy that is social by


2. Create an authentic (and not sales-

driven) voice

3. Make it interactive (ask questions,

draw insights from fans on how to

build your business)

4. Nurture your relationships – engage

and generate content they want and

need from you

5. Keep learning

6. Implement continuously

Building your email list is the foundation and can be the strength of

your business. It’s your business garden and requires attention and

care, and the results are so valuable. If you use these ideas, you’ll

be reaping the benefits of building your list for years.

There so many ways to grow your visibility through social media

and get more fans, followers, and friends. But being able to

communicate with your audience through email should always be

your number one priority for your business.

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❖ Then I invite you to join my free Facebook 10 Day Get It Done

Challenge group

And get your Facebook 10 Day Get It Done Challenge email course at

>> www.askcoachdonna.com/facebookchallenge

Thank you for taking the time to read this guide. If you’ve enjoyed

this information and would like to learn more strategies…

Legal Information | Affiliate Disclosure

© 2018 | www.askcoachdonna.com

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc.

Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way.

FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

DISCLAIMER: Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for

that matter). I have the benefit of practicing direct response marketing and advertising since 2008, and have an

established following as a result. The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m

using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but

not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent

effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET OUR INFORMATION.

❖ Whether you’re just starting out on Facebook and/or list building,

you’ll discover Facebook marketing methods to help you

dramatically increase your visibility online.

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About the Author ~ Coach Donna Ward

Well, what Coach Donna offers is this specific system to

gain visibility in the world of social media. And the result

is you get known, you make offers, and your offers get

paid more attention to and you get money coming in.

She helps develop online confidence to market more

effectively and become an online success. Getting results

with your Facebook Posts! Posting awesome content

** Getting more Likes, comments, shares

** Reaching more Fans

** Building your list with offline and online activities

** Growing your business!

You know how some business

owners struggle with social

media and they really don’t

know how to ‘get’ these skills?

So, they spend a ton of time

and money working on and

hiring staff but they never get

any gain for it, which means

that they’re frustrated and not

seeing any ROI.

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I hope that you’ve enjoyed this Business Gift!

If you did enjoy this eBook...

Let me know what else you’d like to see!

See you over at


And Happy Facebooking. Coach Donna
