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Coaches Packet · Coaches Packet Instructional Level Tables of Contents 1.Coaches Code of Conduct...

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Coaches Packet Instructional Level Tables of Contents 1. Coaches Code of Conduct 2. Head Coach Overview 3. Team Administration 4. Field Prep and Cleanup 5. COVID-19 Safety and Changes 6. League Rules
Page 1: Coaches Packet · Coaches Packet Instructional Level Tables of Contents 1.Coaches Code of Conduct 2.Head Coach Overview 3.Team Administration 4.Field Prep and Cleanup

Coaches Packet Instructional Level

Tables of Contents

1. Coaches Code of Conduct 2. Head Coach Overview 3. Team Administration 4. Field Prep and Cleanup 5. COVID-19 Safety and Changes 6. League Rules

Page 2: Coaches Packet · Coaches Packet Instructional Level Tables of Contents 1.Coaches Code of Conduct 2.Head Coach Overview 3.Team Administration 4.Field Prep and Cleanup



1. Iwillemphasizethephilosophyoftheleagueandconcentrateonthedevelopmentofeachplayer’sbaseballability,ratherthanwinningorlosing.

2. Iwilltreateachplayeraccordingtotheiragegroupandphysicalabilities,rememberingthatplayersdevelopatdifferentratesbothphysicallyandemotionally.

3. Iwillleadbyexampleindemonstratingfairplayandgoodsportsmanshiptoallmyplayers.4. Iwillworktoensuresafeconditionsforallparticipants.5. IwilllearntherulesthatapplytomydivisionofplayaccordingtotheCMYBA,andIwillteachthem

tomyplayers.6. Iwilldomybesttomaketheplayingexperienceenjoyableforeveryplayeronmyteam,

rememberingthattheprogramisforthechildren.7. Iwillencourageandleadbyexampletoberespectfulofthegame,opposingteams,andumpires.8. Iwillnotuseanyprofane,obsceneorabusivelanguageatorinfrontofthechildren.9. Iwillavoidunsportsmanlikeconducttowardsanyofficial,opposingteam,fanorparent.10. Iunderstandthatthereistobeabsolutelynosmoking,tobaccochewing,oralcoholuseattheCMYBA

fields.11. IwilltreatallCMYBAequipmentandfieldswithrespect,byneverabusingorusingthefacilitiesina

mannertheywerenotintended.12. IunderstandthattheCMYBACoachesCodeofConductappliesatalltimes,evenatfieldsand

tournamentsnotrunbyCMYBA.IhavereadtheCMYBACoachesCodeofConductandagreetoadheretotherulesandregulations.IunderstandthatifIshouldbefoundinviolationoftheCMYBACoachesCodeofConduct,IwillbesubjecttothedisciplineclausesintheCMYBABy-Laws.___________________________________ __________________________________ __________SignatureofCoach PrintedNameofCoach Date

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1. FirstandforemostthisisaRECREATIONAL/INSTRUCTIONALleague.Wedowanttoencouragecompetitionandwinning,butthatisnotourpriority.AsaCMYBAcoach,weexpectyoutofocusonthefundamentalsofbaseballandmakesureeverykidisenjoyingthegame.Youarethefirstcontactthesekidswillhave,andourgoalistohavethemwanttocontinuetolearnandplaythegameofbaseball.

2. PriortobecomingacoachyouwillhavetopasstheAct33/34Clearances.Formsareprovidedonourwebsite.3. Asacoachyouwillbeexpectedtoattendatleast6monthlyleaguemeetingsthroughouttheyear.Thisisdonesothatyou


4. Asacoachyouwillberequiredtoissueapost-datedcheckfortheamountof$75.Thischeckistobeturnedinuponreceiptofyourteamequipmentbagandfieldlockkey.Thischeckisnotcashedandwillbedestroyed,providedallofyourequipmentandthefieldlockkeyisreturnedtotheleague.Otherwisethecheckwillbecashed.

5. AsacoachyouwillneedtoattendtheCoachesWorkDays.ThisincludestheSpringFieldMaintenanceSetUpandtheFallFieldMaintenanceTearDown.Informationandthedateswillbepostedontheleaguewebsitewww.cmyba.org

6. Asacoachyouareexpectedtohavetheballfieldspreppedbeforeandaftereachofyourgames.SeetheFieldPreparationhandout.

7. UnderstandthatyouwillberepresentingCMYBAeachtimeyoutakethefield.Weaskthatyoualwayskeepinmindthekids.Thisreachesbeyondourfields,toanyleaguegamesandoutsidetournaments.SeetheCoachesCodeofConducthandout.

8. Knowtherulesforyourdivision.Pleasereviewthemnotonlywithyourassistantcoaches,butwithyourparentsaswell.Assimpleasthismaysound,notmanygivethismuchthought.Thiscanavoidthemostbasicofconflicts.SeetheDivisionRuleshandout.

9. Oneofthemoreimportantconditionsofacoachistokeepopencommunicationwithallofyourparents.Weencourageyoutohaveateammeetingwithyourparentsoratworstaninitialemailwelcomingthekidstoyourteamandgivingthemasmuchinformationaspossible.Andalwayskeepintouchwiththemthroughouttheseason.ThisisalsocoveredintheBaseballCoachingKitandtheTeamAdministrationForm.

10. Directanyquestions,conflictsorconcernstoyourDivisionVP.Ifhecannotanswerorresolvetheissue,itwillbebroughttotheBoard.Whenissuesdoarise,weaskthatasacoachyoukeepthebestinterestsoftheleagueinmind.IfatallpossiblekeepemotionstoaminimumandinformtheLeagueasapofthependingissues.Thiswaywecanaddresstheissueandmoveon.



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o Contacttheparentsofyourplayersbyphoneasap.o Organizeandgathercontactinformationfortheentireroster.o Sendoutane-mail,brieflyoutliningyourbackgroundandcontactinformation.Includefieldlocationsandthe



o ReviewallLeaguehandouts.Especiallyyourspecificdivisionrules.o Contactanyparentthatshowedinteresttohelpcoachand/ortheTeamMom.


o Knowhowmuchtimeyouhaveandutilizeitwisely.o Researchbasicpracticedrills,ie..pastexperience,books,internet,etc.o Comeupwithanitinerary,sopracticeisorganizedandproductive


o Beginbymeetingwiththekids.o Introductionso Giveyourexperienceandbackgroundo Emphasizeskilldevelopmentandhavingfuno Gooverthegameruleso Gooverdugoutrules

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o Conductpracticeo Baseballdrillso Usepositivereinforcement

o Endpracticebymeetingwiththeparentso Formallyintroduceyourself,goals,andphilosophyo Provideacopyoftheroster(optional)o Informthemwhattheywillneedtoprovide.Whitebaseballpants,cleats,glove,andbat.Suggesttheir

ownhelmet.Theleaguedoesprovideteambattinghelmets.o Discusstheplayingfieldslocationsandscheduleo Discusstherulesofyourdivisiono TalkabouttheCodeofConducto Talkaboutparentresponsibility

o Practicewiththeirchildreno Havetheirchildattendallpracticesandgames-notifyinadvanceifgoingtomisso Arrivetoallpracticesandgames15-30minutesprioro Allowyoutocoach-noyellingattheirkidsduringthegame,keepeverythingpositiveo Allconcernstobeaddressedtothecoachinacivilmanner


o Communicatetotheparentsonaweeklybasiswithregardstoupcominggamesandleaguenewso Justlikeyourpractices,cometothegameswithlineupsandplayerrotationsalreadyprepared.o Attheendofeverygame,meetwithyourplayers.Gooverthepositivesinthegame.

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o Thepregamemaintenanceisprimarilythehometeamscoaches’responsibilitybutthevisitingcoachescanareexpectedhelpoutwhenpossible.Themoreeveryoneworkstogethertheeasierit’llbeoneveryone.Don’tsitinthedugoutonyourphonewhileothercoachesareworking.

o Whenpreppingthefieldyoushouldarriveatthefieldasearlyaspossibleorsendanassistantcoachinyourplace.Undernormalconditionsyouwillneedatleast20minutestoprepthefield.Wetconditionswilltakemuchmoretime(uptoanhour).

o Preppingthefieldincludespossiblydraggingtheinfield(sometimesaspikedrag),rakingthebasepits,settingthebasesattheproperdistanceforyourlevelofplayandliningthefield.Thestringshouldbeusedforthefoullinesandthebatterboxtemplateaswell.

o Therewillbeahanddragbehindeverybackstop.TheheavierfulldragislocatedintheFieldEquipmentBuildingbehindfield2.Thefulldragcanbepulledusingthe4wheeldriveutilityvehicle(Gator).Thespikedragisalsolocatedinthisbuildingbehindfield2.

o HandtoolsalongwiththefieldmarkerscanbefoundintheFieldshedsorFieldEquipmentBuildingbehindfield2backstop.ThebagsoffielddryandlinemarkerwillbeintheindividualfieldboxeslocatedateachfieldaswellasintheFieldEquipmentBuilding.Ifyouusethelastbagoffielddryorlinemarkerpleaserestockthefieldboxwiththepropersupplies.



o Althoughpostgamemaintenanceisprimarilythevisitingcoaches’responsibilityjustlikethepregameprepeveryonecanhelp.o Rakethebasepits(fillinwithdirtwhennecessary),makesurefieldboxesareclosedandanyequipmentisproperlystored.o HOMEANDAWAYCOACHES,CLEANOUTYOURDUGOUTOFANYBOTTLES,WRAPPERSORANYOTHERGARBAGE


o Asthehometeamyouareresponsibleforcheckingthefieldsduringperiodsofraintoseeifitisplayablebutifthevisitingcoachisabletodothisthatwouldbegreatalso,worktogethersoyoucannotifytheparentsandtheleagueassoonaspossible.

o Ifitwilltakemorethantwobagsoffielddryorifyousinkwhilewalkingonthefieldyouwillneedtocancelthegame.o IfthegameistobecanceledyoumustcontacttheSchedulingDirector.Ifagameiscanceleditisyourresponsibilitytogetwiththe


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Coaches COVID-19 Updated Policies General Information:

• Season runs from June 22nd to July 31st • No playoffs this season • Encouraging coaches to schedule an additional practice per week • Adults and children are recommended to wear masks; not required to do so in Green status (players are

recommended not to wear in the field) *Instructional and Shetland coaches should wear masks if in close proximity

• Purchasing liquid cleanser/sanitizer and spray bottles for each field to spray dugouts and bleachers in between games

• At least two additional volunteers per team per game: • Chaos Director: assist with monitoring the kids in the dugouts and keep equipment together in their

designated areas (players will have assigned seats) • Safety Coordinator: In charge of keep team’s baseballs separated, sanitizing equipment (as needed),

wiping down rakes after use, spray the dugouts and bleachers, etc. Player Safety (MUST be followed to be in compliance with CDC Recommendations)

• All players are recommended to bring reusable water bottles with names on them to be kept in their bags • No food (i.e. seeds, gum, candy) will be permitted during the games • All bags will be hung/placed on the outside of the dugout fences spaced apart • All equipment must be kept in their bags after use (with the exception of bats) • No bats, gloves, hats, etc. are to be shared by the players • Large tubs of sanitizer to be placed in each dugout for players and coaches • Catchers

o Shetland & Pinto - Eliminate catching position to avoid cleaning gear o Mustang/Bronco

§ Encourage the kids to bring their own catcher’s gear § Designate two players to catch for three innings per game § If possible, consider keeping the same kids at the catcher’s position to avoid having to

sanitize masks and equipment Gameplay

• Before games: o Have players report no more than 30 minutes before a game to warm-up o If battings cages are used, have Chaos Directors monitor social distancing and players should not

help pick up baseballs o Wait until the previous team has vacated before reporting to field and had the chance to be

sanitized o During warm-ups, home team will start the game on the field vs. going to dugout o Players will enter the field through the outfield fences and leave from behind the dugouts o Coaches will give a player their assigned number for the game – this is the number that they bat,

sit, and place their items at on the fence

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Gameplay continued

• During games:

• While batting, the bleachers would be used to separate players (no spectators) • Players would have assigned seats in these areas and there will be signs posted for where players

should stand when “On-Deck” and “In the Hole.” • Chaos Managers would help keep kids to their assigned areas and keep the kids moving to their

areas • Each inning one to two players will be designated as foul ball retrievers (prompted to use baseball

glove to pick up the ball to be sanitized) • No handshakes, high-fives, etc. from coaches, assistants, or players. • All coaches will maintain social distancing while coaching bases or from the outfield • Scorekeepers will keep a book from their seat or safe distance away (areas behind Falconi 1 and 2

will be closed)

• After games: • Please try to leave the fields as soon as possible to give time to sanitize between games. • In place of handshakes, players will tip caps to each other while lined up on the baselines. • Make sure all equipment is stored properly and dugouts are clean!


• Umpire and one coach from each team will review rules • Umpire will call balls and strikes from behind the pitcher and will wear a mask for all levels of baseball. • Each team will provide baseballs for their team when in the field. I would suggest each team have 6

baseballs available. (2 new and 4 used) • Coach will provide baseball when the previous ball is hit out of play. Umpires will not carry or handle any

baseballs. • Pony games will have 1 umpire only.

Other Information

• ALL players must have a signed waiver before practicing or playing – NO WAIVER, NO BASEBALL! • Spectators will have assigned areas at each field...they should not be sitting near the players. • Players should only go to the concessions for drinks only – no food in the dugouts or the field!

On the night of your first practice:

1. Have your team report to the designated areas at each field for uniform pickup to drop off signed waivers, service checks, and get uniforms.

2. Begin with a brief meeting (observing safe social distancing) with parents and players – review the policies of where to put bags, bleachers, etc.

3. Encourage parents to volunteer! We need help for this season to work! 4. Get to work!

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1. Games will be 4 innings long. No score will be kept. No win/loss records are kept. Bases are set at 50 feet.


3. USA BASEBALL stamped or TEE BALL stamped bats only with a maximum barrel size of 2 5/8”. 2 3/4” barrels are not permitted at any level of play.

4. An inning consists of half of each team’s lineup batting once. EXAMPLE: Visiting team has 10 players

present and home team has 12. In the top of the first inning 5 players would bat for the visitors. In the bottom of the first inning, 6 players would bat for the home team. In the top of the second inning, the 5 players that didn’t bat in the first will take their turn. In the bottom of the second, the 6 players that did not bat in the first will take their turn.

5. Each player will hit off the tee and advance one base at a time. Halfway through the season if you would

like coach pitch to the players, please use the following SHETLAND RULES: Each batter will be thrown ONLY 6 PITCHES. Coach should pitch from approx. 20 feet away on one knee. If the player does not hit a fair ball by the sixth pitch, the ball shall be put on a tee. DO NOT take the bucket of balls out and place it in the field of play while you pitch, take six baseballs out with you to be pitched or take three then pitch them twice if needed. There is no reason to have a bucket of balls on the field during the game.

6. Instructional level all batters and baserunners are will be considered safe and advance one base at a time

even if an out is made.

7. The last hitter of each inning shall run around all the bases.

8. Each team shall use a full infield except catcher, no catcher position at the Instructional and Shetland levels. The rest of the roster shall be put in the outfield. No player sits the bench unless for disciplinary reasons.

9. The pitcher must without exception wear a HEART GUARD.

10. The outfielders shall play at least 20 foot behind the infield. Do not use rovers.

11. There should be a minimum of 2 coaches in the field directing the kids on what to do. When your team is at

bat there should be a coach pitching and a coach at both 1st and 3rd base.

12. Rotate positions, each inning, each game. Try to have a rotation setup so that every player can play every position over the course of the season, unless you feel there is a safety concern.

13. After each game if there’s time, run a relay where one team lines up at home plate and the other at 2nd

base, each team starts holding a baseball and each player takes a turn running all the way around the bases, and a player cannot leave until the previous player touches their base. This teaches the kids how to run the bases and they have fun. There should be a coach at every base helping the kids make good turns at the bases and keeping the other kids back from the running lanes.

14. After each game or relay have the teams line up and tip caps.

15. Line the field prior to the game with batter’s boxes, foul lines and a pitching position line approx. 25 feet

away home plate so the player playing the pitcher position knows where to stand

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2020 INSTRUCTIONAL LEVEL (4 YEAR OLDS) RULES At the Instructional Level, the expectation is for the players to understand and learn:

• THROWING MECHANICS • Keep throwing arm above elbow. • Look where we throw. • Step with correct foot.

• CATCHING THROWN OR FLY BALLS • Catch with fingers to sky. • Move feet to catch ball

• CATCHING GROUND BALLS • Keep feet at least as wide as shoulders. • Catch ball in center of body (get in front of ball) • Get the glove on the ground. • Bring throwing hand down on top of ball after catch. (Like an Alligator)

• HITTING • Proper foot placement. Fix feet after every swing. • Knees bent and feet parallel to home plate. (No closed or open stances). • Start with hands up by the ear. Do not teach back elbow up. • Stride to pitcher, and then swing by pulling bat knob to the ball. • Teach the kids not to throw the bat after hitting the ball.

LEARN THE POSITIONS - Consider finishing each practice by gathering your kids at home plate and one at a time tell them to run to a certain position until all the positions are filled. Then bring those players back in and do it again with other players. Start with infield and as the season progresses move to the outfield. Each player will be given a uniform that consist of a jersey and hat. Each player is responsible for getting baseball pants, socks, helmet with facemask, bat, glove and non-metal baseball cleats. Please encourage your kids to have their shirts tucked in their pants, have their hats on forward and socks pulled up.

Batting helmets with a full-face cage are mandatory for all

Instructional Level CMYBA registered players.
