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Carlo Bonamico Why everyone is excited about Docker (and you should too...) [email protected] - NIS s.r.l. [email protected] – Genova Java User Group Twitter: @carlobonamico MILAN november 28 th /29 th 2014
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Carlo Bonamico

Why everyone is excited about Docker (and you should too...)

[email protected] - NIS [email protected] – Genova Java User Group

Twitter: @carlobonamico

MILAN november 28th/29th 2014

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Didn't you hear these at least once? Can you deploy my application? It's for Linux...

Yes, but which distribution? release? patch?

Why the deploy failed? Didn't you test the app? Yes, but the production environment is slightly different

The new version is having some issues, can you rollback to the previous one, please? Yes, but it will take some hours – if John hasn't already

gone home – in that case he'll do it on monday

Can you debug this production problem? Yes, but I need an hosted DEV environment as I can't

run all the needed VMs on my laptop

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In the beginning...

We moved from physical server to VMs performance and

resource usage issues

Got more security and hardware independence but creating a VM

still takes time

Some hosting / cloud providers took advantage of kernel-level virtualization LXC OpenVZ

But out-of-reach of the common man Dev Try setting up LXC...

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Then in 2013 (please fake drum roll)

Solomon Hykes (@solomonstre) started Docker as an internal project within dotCloud.com hosting to make Linux Containers an order of magnitude easier and more powerful, too

Open Sourced in March 2013 in a week, it went to the top projects on GitHub


A catalyst for innovative work on containers shortly, several other key projects converged

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Fast Forward to mid-2014

Major Open Source project with contributions from all the big names in IT Google, RedHat, OpenShift, Ubuntu ...

DotCloud → Docker Inc. https://www.docker.com/

All cloud big and small names are in a rush to provide Docker hosting Amazon, CloudFoundry, Linode, Digital Ocean… and Microsoft !

both for Azure and soon for the new Windows Server...

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But why should I join the party?

In short, Docker makes creating Development Test and Production

environments an order of magnitude simpler faster and completely portable

across both local and cloud infrastructure

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Docker hello world...

What's happening here? user@laptop:~$ docker pull ubuntu:14.04.1

user@laptop:~$ docker run ubuntu:14.04.1 echo "Hello World"

Hello World

And here? user@laptop:~$ docker run ­t ­i ubuntu:14.04.1 /bin/bash

root@d1fa8fcb4518:/# ls

bin  boot  dev etc  home  lib lib64  media  mnt  optproc  root  run  sbin  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var

root@d1fa8fcb4518:/# python

bash: python: command not found


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Behind the scenes...

I run the docker cli (Command Line Interface )user@laptop:~$ docker run ­t ­i ubuntu:14.04.1 /bin/bash

the CLI connects to docker daemon by REST API, which asks the Linux kernel to create a new container


and runs /bin/bash in it, soroot@d1fa8fcb4518:/# ls

bin  boot  dev etc  home  lib lib64  media  ...

lists the filesystem of the container (!= from host OS)root@d1fa8fcb4518:/# python

bash: python: command not found

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So what's inside Docker?

Isolation layer based on kernel namespaces separate process trees, network, user IDs and mounted

file systems

Resource isolation through cgroups CPU, memory, block I/O and network

Standard interface through libcontainer based on libvirt, LXC and systemd-nspawn

And more...

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How are data & containers stored?

AUFS Another Union Filesystem possibly other snapshotting fs (zfs) / block device (LVM)

Layered approach rootfs → kernel layer bootfs → a Linux distribution emacs apache application

Copy-on-Write approach – à la subversion (SVN)

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Containers, Images and Index

A Container is a running instance can run 100-1000 containers per host

An Image is a static snapshot in turn based on a series of layers unique hash for each layer, so

Images are basically versioned (think git) can be tagged ubuntu:14.04.1 can be updated by applying layer deltas

Images can be stored in an Index local and remote indexes (think maven / npm repos)

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So a container is like a lighter/better Virtual Machine?


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VM vs Container

A Virtual Machine needs an hypervisor and a full OS inside

Bigger footprint RAM needed Storage space

Tend to be slower 2 filesystems, 2 OSes

Strong resource management

A Container talks to the host kernel

Smaller footprint no RAM needed for

Guest OS differential storage

Tend to be faster direct CPU access

Less sophisticated resource management

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VM vs Container

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Great! but tell me about security

Are containers less secure than Vms? the answer is nuanced... https://docs.docker.com/articles/security/

Can I use Docker in Production? Sure! many Internet companies trust it

But a container still needs good System Administration & InfoSec practices! limiting privileges, avoiding unsecure defaults, etc...



Avoid This!

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Docker workflow

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Start with a dockerfile

Define an image for running Tomcat 7 inspired by https://registry.hub.docker.com/_/tomcat/

FROM java:7­jre

RUN groupadd ­r tomcat && useradd ­r ­­create­home ­g tomcat tomcat

ENV CATALINA_HOME /usr/local/tomcat


RUN mkdir ­p "$CATALINA_HOME" && chown tomcat:tomcat "$CATALINA_HOME"


USER tomcat



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Dockerfiles - continued

ENV TOMCAT_TGZ_URL https://www.apache.org/dist/tomcat/tomcat­$TOMCAT_MAJOR/v$TOMCAT_VERSION/bin/apache­tomcat­$TOMCAT_VERSION.tar.gzRUN curl ­SL "$TOMCAT_TGZ_URL" ­o tomcat.tar.gz \

&& curl ­SL "$TOMCAT_TGZ_URL.asc" ­o tomcat.tar.gz.asc \

&& tar ­xvf tomcat.tar.gz ­­strip­components=1 \

&& rm bin/*.bat \

&& rm tomcat.tar.gz*


CMD ["catalina.sh", "run"]

Public repo of Dockerfiles, with automatic build http://dockerfile.github.io/  

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Building an image

Build the image from the Dockerfiledocker build .

You can then do further edits, then docker build . 

And archive the image locallydocker commit 38b73dfecc3c docker­simple­samples­web

And tag itdocker tag 47432ccfea81 docker­simple­samples­web:1.0

List local imagesdocker images

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Starting a container

Start a container interactivelydocker run ­i ­t docker­simple­samples­web /bin/bash

Start a container as a daemon using defaul entrypoint

docker run ­d docker­simple­samples­web:1.0

Check running containersdocker ps

And stopping it docker stop <<id>>

Check also stopped containersdocker ps ­a

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Attaching to a running container

Using nsenterdocker inspect ­­format "{{ .State.Pid }}"   


nsenter ­­target $PID ­­mount ­­uts ­­ipc ­­net ­­pid

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Storing and Sharing data

Creating a Container to host a data Volume#Dockerfile

FROM busybox

VOLUME /var/lib/mysql

CMD /bin/sh

Create the Imagedocker build ­­tag carlobonamico/datastore

Create the Containerdocker run ­d ­name pgsql_data ­v /var/lib/pgsql/ carlobonamico/datastore

Attach the volume to another containerdocker run ­d ­volumes­from pgsql_data cb/postgres­db

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To the Central Registrydocker push carlobonamico/docker­simple­samples­web

need a free account on https://hub.docker.com/


Tag and publish to a private repository docker tag 8dbd9e392a96 my­local­repo:5000/docker­simple­samples­web

You need https://github.com/docker/docker­registry

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Deploy to the cloud

On cloud serverdocker pull carlobonamico/docker­simple­samples­web:2

Run itdocker run ­d carlobonamico/docker­s...­samples­web:2

Upgrade itdocker pull carlobonamico/docker­s...­samples­web:2.1

Run itdocker run ­d carlobonamico/docker­s...­samples­web:2.1

Rollback to previous versiondocker run ­d carlobonamico/docker­s...­samples­web:2

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So what do I get?

If I am a Dev recreate complex environments on a laptop

If I am a Tester easy to recreate applications deployments and data

If I am an Ops person less configuration effort more standardization

In general lots of pre-packaged components


quickly deploy (groups of) packages even multiple versions at the same time

But many other benefits

to come...

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Docker and DevOps

Docker gives a common, seamless collaboration model and workflow between Dev and Ops clearer separation of responsibilities

Docker and DevOps by Gene Kim https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaHbtEeu37M

DevOps is a software development method that stresses communication, collaboration and integration between software developers and IT professionals, as a response to the interdependence of Dev and Ops. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DevOps

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Docker helps Continuous Delivery

4 Practices of Continuous Delivery (from the book) Build binaries only once

package them in containers

Same mechanism to deploy to every environment and move the containers across environments

Smoke test your deployment, & If anything fails, stop the line!

Continuous Delivery of value to users through a constant flow of incremental product/service improvements along the entire pipeline Idea → Implementation → Test → Deploy → Prod


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Docker helps with CD's 8 principles

Releasing/deploying MUST be repeatable and reliable containers 

Automate everything! docker is fully scriptable and has an API

If somethings difficult or painful, do it more often containers are quick to deploy many times a day

Keep everything in source control including dockerfiles!

Done means “released” it's containers all the way to production

Build quality in! containers support frequent and realistic testing

Everybody has responsibility for the release process see DevOps slide...

Improve continuously

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What do I put in a Docker image?

The traditional Way VM-like approach

SSH, init.d several apps in the same container

http://phusion.github.io/baseimage-docker/ https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/phusion/baseimage/ Useful in the transition phase or to run existing SW

The Docker Way run a service per container purists say a single process per container!

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From a single container

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To many containers

Two key drivers Scalability Microservices

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Componentization via Services Organized around Business Capabilities Products not Projects Smart endpoints and dumb pipes Decentralized Governance Decentralized Data Management Infrastructure Automation Design for failure Evolutionary Design

Instead of big, monolitic, black-hole-like single appimplement a network of collaborating simple services


“a bit like SOA, but done right”

It looks like Docker is a perfect match!

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SOLID Design Principles

Apply @unclebobmartin S.O.L.I.D. principles to entire architecture Separation of Concerns → microservices Open for extension, Closed for modification →

Immutable Infrastructure never “change” a container: add a new one with the new version then discard the old one


Liskov Substitution Principle → APIs, service contracts Interface Segregation Principle → micro-APIs Dependency Inversion Principle → container linking

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Linking containers

Run a DB and give it a name

docker run ­d ­­name db postgres:9.3.5

Run a Web serverdocker rm ­f carlobonamico/web

does not see the db

Run a Web Server linked to the DB with automatic local dns alias registration

docker run ­d ­P ­­link db:db carlobonamico/d­s­s­web

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Principles of Package Design How do I split functionality across Containers?

REP The Release Reuse Equivalency Principle The granule of reuse is the granule of release

CCP The Common Closure Principle Classes that change together are packaged together

CRP The Common Reuse Principle Classes that are used together are packaged together

ADP The Acyclic Dependencies Principle The dependency graph must have no cycles

SDP The Stable Dependencies Principle Depend in the direction of stability

SAP The Stable Abstractions Principle Abstractness increases with stability

Thank you again, Uncle Bobhttp://butunclebob.com/ArticleS.UncleBob.PrinciplesOfOod 

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Managing Development and Production clusters

Fig http://www.fig.sh/ create DEV environm.

fig.ymlweb:  build: .  command: catalina .sh run  links:   ­ db  ports:   ­ "8000:8000"db:  image: postgres

Then (think vagrant-up) fig up 

open source https://github.com/g


manage prod clusters use it on Google

Compute Engine or download on


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Ansible and Docker

So I do not need a configuration management system anymore?

Well, you still need to

Create images Manage the Docker host

Ansible to the rescue!

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Simple yet incredibly powerful Open Sourceconfiguration management and orchestration tool Infrastructure as data


Ansible can support Docker in two ways http://www.ansible.com/docker

1) Manage the docker host with docker module e.g. create a container running Tomcat

docker: image=centos command="service tomcat6 start" ports=808

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Building Images with Ansible

2) Copy and launch ansible playbook in Dockerfile http://www.ansible.com/2014/02/12/installing­and­building­docker­with­ansible


Use base image with ansible from https://registry.hub.docker.com/repos/ansible/

FROM ansible/ubuntu14.04­ansibleMAINTAINER yournameRUN git clone http://github.com/user/myapp.git /tmp/myappWORKDIR /tmp/myappADD inventory /etc/ansible/hostsRUN ansible­playbook myapp.yml ­c localEXPOSE 22 3000ENTRYPOINT [“/home/app/tomcat/bin/catalina.sh run”]

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So, where do I start?

Try the samples https://github.com/carlobonamico/docker­simple­samples

Great interactive tutorial at https://docs.docker.com/ https://docs.docker.com/articles/dockerfile_best­practices/

Try Docker in the Cloud with Koding ide


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Cloud architectures http://sites.oreilly.com/odewahn/dds­field­guide/ http://12factor.net/

Microservices https://skillsmatter.com/conferences/6312­mucon  http://douglassquirrel.com/microservices/

Distributions to put around and inside a container? https://coreos.com/

Docker and Windows http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/docker­and­microsoft­integrating­docker­with­windows­server­and­microsoft­azure

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Thank you!

Other presentations http://www.slideshare.net/carlo.bonamico/presentations

Follow me on Twitter @carlobonamico

updates on Docker, Ansible, Continuous Delivery and some AngularJS!

Contact me [email protected] / [email protected]

My company http://www.nispro.it

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Running on Mac/Windows

Boot2docker A minimalistic VM – just SSH + docker http://boot2docker.io/

Download and launch the installer https://github.com/boot2docker/windows­installer/releases/latest

Launch docker Boot2Docker Start
