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Codes and Conventions of Film Trailers

Date post: 22-Feb-2017
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Code and Convention of Film Trailer
Page 1: Codes and Conventions of Film Trailers

Code and Conventionof Film Trailer

Page 2: Codes and Conventions of Film Trailers

Most films will make a trailer and realise it weeks before the film is replayed in cinemas by combining clips from the film A film trailer

will usually last between 2 – 3. Although some action and horror films make shorter trailers made up of short quick clips of the film to create mystery and/or suspense.

Page 3: Codes and Conventions of Film Trailers

Sometimes before the trailer has even started, it will display information to let that audience know who the trailer is suitable for and sometimes even the

rating of the film. It gives an idea of that the film / trailer is going to involve and is there so that no one who is unsuitable

will watch it.

Page 4: Codes and Conventions of Film Trailers

Production LogosIt is common that the film trailer will present film production logos within

the first few seconds of the trailer. This can benefit the film as the audience may associate the current trailer with a film they have already watched as they have seen that logo presented in that other film/trailer. If they enjoyed the previous film, they are more likely to watch another

by that production.Having the production logo also gives an idea of what that film is going to be like, for example Walt Disney tend to produce family films and for

films for children.

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Music in film trailers show the pace of the film as well as setting an atmosphere and creating the

genre.Voiceovers are also popular within film trailers

as they guide the audience through the film plot and can be used to introduce characters. A voice

over can sometimes even be one of the characters introducing themselves, their life and

the other characters within the film that accompany them.

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Most trailers will introduce the main characters of the film so that the audience can relate and

connect to them. Having individual similarities will make the audience more likely to want to watch

the film.Also, if the film has famous actors/actress’ that have been in previous successful films, they will

shown in the trailer accompanied by a caption with their name so that their reputation benefits the film.

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Film Title The film title tends to be presented at the end of the film so that the

audience have to watch the whole trailer before they know what film it is. All trailers contain a film title so the audience know what to

watch if they enjoy the trailer. How the title is presented depends on what genre the film is, for

example Insidious presents a creepy looking title to portray the creepy, spookiness of the film itself. The blood red against the black represents the danger in the film. Where as comical films such as

Ted and Mean Girls tend to have simple title fonts in primary colours (red/green) presented in their trailer.

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The film trailer will usually end with the release date of the film in the same font and colour as the title. With more up to

date films, there will usually be hashtags and websites linked to the film so that the

audience can get involved and find out more about the film.
