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Codes and conventions paul carter.

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Codes and Conventions. By Jordyn Gi bb.
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Codes and

Conventions.By Jordyn Gibb.

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Forms of factual Programming.News Broadcast.

When in a newsroom –or just observing, should that be on TV, computer, films- there are specific things that people automatically associate with the News. All different kinds of things that should be found within a newsroom. Some of these being;

-A well exposed presenter that looks professional and serious. However there can be presenters that are more light hearted. -A desk. There is always typically a large desk that a presented is situated behind.-An array of papers. This goes with the desk, on it, usually is a pile of papers that would include information that the presenter would require to present effectively. They can either be in a neat pile or laid out across the surface.

-A back drop. Behind the presenter is always a screen that shows different things. Sometimes it’s like a window showing the outside, other times it’s a window into the behind the scenes. You can see all the other staff going about their days, doing what they have to do. But the screen sometime also changed to emphasis and assist a story.

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There are many different type of Television shows that have different codes and conventions/ formats. INVESTIGATIVE SHOWS.Social.Infotainment. RealityEducational.Wildlife.Special

Interest.Make-over Magazine.Discussion.Review.Chat Show.

Social shows, are things like ‘Hunted,’ where people are able to interact Via social media to communicate about that show. They express opinions and views.

Infotainment shows are like, ‘The One Show.’ It’s where they give you a mix between Information and entertainment. They’re not completely serious.

Reality TV is shows like, ‘Geordie Shore and Made in Chelsea.’ Shows that try and express the realism of life.

Educational, shows like, ‘Educating Cardiff, Countdown, Antiques Roadshow,’ shows that have educational purposes and are informative.

Wildlife is shows like, ‘Wildlife Specials,’ TV shows the specialize in nature and the Wildlife side of things.

Special interest shows like, ‘

Make-Over shows such as, ‘60 minutes makeovers,’ are based around shows that revolved around, obviously, makeovers. Any kind, home, life, appearance.

Magazine shows have similar properties as Infotainment does, ‘The One Show,’ again, is a good example.

Discussion shows, for example, ‘Question time and Loose Women,’ are focused around having deep conversations, talking about things.

Review show’s are designed to discuss products, TV shows, New released movies, anything that requires people to give their opinion, shows like, ‘Watch Dog, Top Gear.’Chat Show’s main focus is entertainment. They’re usually funny and not very serious. Good examples of this is, ‘Jimmy Fallon, Alan Carr, Jonathan Ross.’

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Documentary Genre’s

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INVESTIGATIVE.Investigative, is probably the most common form of documentary that there is mainly because it’s primary focus is to start of with a question and/or a statement and then use the film to answer and/or prove. They try and give in depth reports and take things from unseen angles. Like the word suggests, in an documentary that is investigating a certain subject/ topic.

(The power of nightmares – 2004)

RFK Must Die -2007https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blP_ojEbR5o

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Ethnological.Ethnological documentary is looking into peoples lives, characteristics, societies and cultures – the different kinds of people that live and then comparing the relationships between them. It uses scientific and analytical viewpoints.


Examples of documentaries.

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EXPOSITORY MODE.This form of documentary tends to use ‘The Voice of God.’ This means that it has a narrator that speaks over the footage but is never seen. It’s the unseen narrator’s responsibility to portray across the emotion that is supposed to be felt during the film- this is done by the tone of voice.

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Observational Mode.This mode is pretty self explanatory –it’s purely observational. The director – the guy behind the camera is just that, someone who holds the camera. They’re never seen nor are they heard. This makes this specific mode much more authentic as it is focused on what is happening and the words that people are saying. The main techniques that are used within this type of documentaries are long takes, continuity editing and the footage being raw and original.


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INTERACTIVE.With this style it means what it says –it’s interactive. It’s the complete opposite of ‘observational’ as the direction is completely involved with the movie. They’re interacting with the audience via talking directly to the camera, they can converse with anyone that they want to get maybe opinions, facts. It’s considerable strength is most definitely the relationship the director has with their interviewee.

Supersize Me – Sep 10th 2004

The Greatest Movie Ever Sold – Oct 11th 2011.

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This is the form of documentary that re-tells a true story but has added dramatized qualities to make it more film-like. They use techniques that have been used within Fiction film making. This includes Actors, Special effects. And sometimes it even includes the voice of GOD.

‘Touching the Void’ is a veryGood example of this. The film Was released in 2003

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The Greatest Movie Ever Sold.
