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Codestrong 2012 breakout session hacking titanium

Date post: 06-May-2015
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Hacking Titanium David Bankier Director YY Digital @davidbankier [email protected]
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Hacking Titanium

David BankierDirector

YY Digital@davidbankier

[email protected]

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Code is (mostly) evaluated at runtime

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tabGroup.setActiveTab(1); try { if(current && current.close !== undefined) { current.close(); } current = eval(message.code); if(current && current.open !== undefined) {

tabGroup.activeTab.open(current); } } catch (e) { if(Ti.Platform.osname === 'android') { alert(e.toString()); } else { //iOS Error alert("Line: " + e.line + "\n" + e.message); } }

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tishadow servernode.jsexpress


tishadow appTiSDK (partial)

websockets (socket.io)

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try { if(current && current.close !== undefined) { current.close(); } current = eval(message.code); if(current && current.open !== undefined) { current.open(); } log.info("Deployed"); } catch (e) { log.error(utils.extractExceptionData(e)); }

For More: Forging Titanium - Episode 23

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Code in Transit

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$('#native').click(function() { Cornwall.execute(function() { Titanium.Contacts.showContacts({}); }); });

var start = new Date(); $('#variables').click(function() { var text = 'Hello World'; Cornwall.execute(function(start, text) { alert("Started: " + start +

"\nText: " + text); },start, text); });

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var web_popup = function(a) { alert("Returned 'a' from Native: " + a.a);};

$('#bounce').click(function() { Cornwall.execute(function() { alert("Hello From Native"); Cornwall.callback(web_popup)({a: "A"}); });});

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Cornwall.execute = function (fn, arg) { try { var args = []; for (var i = 1, length = arguments.length; i< length; i++) { args.push(arguments[i]); } Ti.App.fireEvent("cornwall:" + Cornwall.id, {

fn: fn.toString(), args: args

}); } catch (e) { alert(e); } }

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function evalFn(o) { try{ eval("(" + o.fn.replace(/Cornwall.callback\(([^\)]*)\)/g, "(function(o) { __web.evalJS('$1(' + JSON.stringify(o) + ');');})") + ")("+ JSON.stringify(o.args).substring(1).replace("]","") +")"); } catch (e) { alert(e); }};

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var web_popup = function(a) { alert("Returned 'a' from Native: " + a.a);};

$('#bounce').click(function() { Cornwall.execute(function() { alert("Hello From Native"); Cornwall.callback(web_popup)({a: "A"}); });});

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(function() { alert("Hello From Native"); Cornwall.callback(web_popup)({a: "A"}); })()

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function evalFn(o) { try{ eval("(" + o.fn.replace(/Cornwall.callback\(([^\)]*)\)/g, "(function(o) { __web.evalJS('$1(' + JSON.stringify(o) + ');');})") + ")("+ JSON.stringify(o.args).substring(1).replace("]","") +")"); } catch (e) { alert(e); }};

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(function() { alert("Hello From Native"); Cornwall.callback(web_popup)({a: "A"}); })()

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(function() { alert("Hello From Native"); (function(o) { __web.evalJS('web_popup('+ JSON.stringify(o) + ');'); })({a: "A"}); })()

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Apps in Transit

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• Bundles source and assets

• Send bundle to device/s

• Unpack

• Execute


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• Allow require from the applicationDataDirectory

• Do not cache CommonJS modules loaded from applicationDataDirectory

Tweaking TiSDK

For More: Commit: Allows CommonJS from applicationDataDirectory

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tishadow appTiSDK (partial)

Built with Custom Titanium SDK

websockets (socket.io)

tishadow clirewrites, bundles

and sends off your code.

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16 + fs.readFileSync(src).toString() 17 .replace(/Ti(tanium)?.Filesystem.(resourcesDirectory|getResourcesDirectory\(\))/g, "Ti.Filesystem.applicationDataDirectory + '"+app_name.replace(/ /g,"_")+"/'")

Redirect Resources

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18 .replace(/require\(/g, "__p.require(")

Redirect Require Function

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20 .replace(/([ :=\(])(['"])\/(.*?)(['"])/g, "$1__p.file($2$3$4)")

Redirect Assets

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21 .replace(/Ti(tanium)?.API/g, "__log");

Redirect Logs

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15 var src_text = "try { var __p = require('/api/PlatformRequire'), __log = require('/api/Log'), assert = require('/api/Assert'), L = require('/api/Localisation').fetchString;\n"


26 src_text += '} catch(e) { e.file="' + src + '"; __log.error(require("/api/Utils").extractExceptionData(e)); }';

Better Error Handling

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19 .replace(/Ti.Locale.getString/g, "L”)

Dynamic Localisation

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22 if (src.match("_spec.js$")) { 23 src_text = "var jasmine = require('/lib/jasmine-1.2.0');var methods = ['spyOn','it','xit','expect','runs','waits','waitsFor','beforeEach','afterEach','describe','xdescribe'];methods.forEach(function(method) {this[method] = jasmine[method];});" 24 +src_text; 25 }

Fast(er) Testing Iterations

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tishadow appTiSDK (partial)

Built with Custom Titanium SDK

websockets (socket.io)

tishadow clirewrites, bundles

and sends off your code.

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Coding on ANY device

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David Bankier@davidbankier

[email protected]

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Section Title SlidePrelude to next section

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• Item 1

• Item 2

• Item 3

• Item 4

• Item 5

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi

pretium scelerisque nisl, sit amet

viverra mauris mollis nec. Aliquam

sem sem, rutrum non pellentesque

id, tempus sit amet nibh. Morbi nisi

ante, elementum vel facilisis a,

gravida eu libero. In eget porttitor.

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• Item 1

• Item 2

• Item 3

• Item 4

• Item 5

Lorem Ipsum

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• Item 1

• Item 2

• Item 3

• Item 4

• Highlight Item

Lorem Ipsum

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• Item 1

• Item 2

• Item 3

• Item 4

• Item 5

Lorem Ipsum

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• Item 1

• Item 2

• Item 3

• Item 4

• Item 5

Lorem Ipsum

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“Appcelerator Titanium is the

first mobile platform to

combine the flexibility of open

source development

technologies with the power of

cloud services.”

Lorem Ipsum

Jeff HaynieCEO & Co-founder


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