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Coding Standard PHP

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  • 8/13/2019 Coding Standard PHP



    Coding StandardFor PHPRevision o!"."Created on! #$%ov%#&"'

    (ast )odi*ied on! "&%+ul%#&"'

  • 8/13/2019 Coding Standard PHP


    Table of Contents

    " ,uthorisation...............................................................................................................................-

    # Revision History..........................................................................................................................

    ' PHP File Formatting.....................................................................................................................

    - Class ames.............................................................................................................................../

    )ethod and Function ames.......................................................................................................0

    / Class (i1rary ames...................................................................................................................2

    0 )ethod ames............................................................................................................................2

    2 Class ,ttri1ute ames.................................................................................................................$

    $ )ethod ,rgument ames...........................................................................................................$

    "& 3aria1le ames.........................................................................................................................$

    "" ,rray 4lement........................................................................................................................."&

    "# Single or Dou1le 5uotes..........................................................................................................""

    "' Re*erence 3aria1les and Functions Returning Re*erences......................................................""

    "- 6lo1al 3aria1les......................................................................................................................""

    " De*ine ames 7 6lo1al Constants............................................................................................"#

    "/ Static 3aria1les......................................................................................................................."#

    "0 Function ames......................................................................................................................"#

    "2 4rror Return Chec8 Policy......................................................................................................."#

    "$ 9races :; Policy......................................................................................................................"'

    #& with ?ey @ords and Functions Policy......................................................................."

    ## Do ot do Real @or8 in A1Bect Constructors..........................................................................."/


  • 8/13/2019 Coding Standard PHP


  • 8/13/2019 Coding Standard PHP


  • 8/13/2019 Coding Standard PHP


    ! Revision "istory

    # P"P $ile $ormatting



    Coding Standard

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    For *iles that contain only PHP codeG the closing tag =IJ> is never permitted.

  • 8/13/2019 Coding Standard PHP


    ,ethod and $un(tion Names

    sually every method and *unction per*orms an actionG so the name should ma8e clear

    what it does! Chec8For4rrors=> instead o* 4rrorChec8=>G DumpDataToFile=> instead o*

    DataFile=>. This will also ma8e *unctions and data o1Bects more distinguisha1le.

    Su**iEes are sometimes use*ul!

    o Max% to mean the maEimum value something can have.

    o Cnt% the current count o* a running count varia1le.

    o Key% 8ey value.

    For eEample! Retry)aE to mean the maEimum num1er o* retriesG RetryCnt to mean the

    current retry count.

    Pre*iEes are sometimes use*ul!o Is% to as8 a question a1out something. @henever someone sees Isthey will 8now

    itKs a question.

    o Get% get a value.

    o Set% set a value.

    For eEample!

  • 8/13/2019 Coding Standard PHP


    se upper case letters as word separatorsG lower case *or the rest o* a word

    First character in a name is upper case

    o under1ars =KNK>


    A* all the di**erent naming strategies many people *ound this one the 1est compromise.


    class ameAneTwo

    class ame

    4 Class .ibrary Names

    ow that name spaces are 1ecoming more widely implementedG name spaces should 1e

    used to prevent class name con*licts among li1raries *rom di**erent vendors and groups.

    @hen not using name spacesG itKs common to prevent class name clashes 1y pre*iEing

    class names with a unique string. Two characters is su**icientG 1ut a longer length is *ine.


    +ohn +ohnsonKs complete data structure li1rary could useJJas a pre*iEG so classes would 1e!

    class +B(in8(ist



    5 ,ethod Names

    se the same rule as *or class names.


    A* all the di**erent naming strategies many people *ound this one the 1est compromise.


    class ameAneTwo


    *unction Do :;O

    *unction Handle4rror=> :;O


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    6 Class Attribute Names

    Class mem1er attri1ute names should 1e prepended with the character KmK.

    ,*ter the KmK use the same rules as *or class names.

    KmK always precedes other name modi*iers li8e KrK *or re*erence.


    Prepending KmK prevents any con*lict with method names. A*ten your methods and

    attri1ute names will 1e similarG especially *or accessors.


    class ameAneTwo


    *unction 3ar,1c=> :;O

    *unction 4rrorum1er=> :;O

    var m3ar,1cO

    var m4rrorum1erO

    var mrameO


    7 ,ethod Argument Names

    The *irst character should 1e lower case.

    ,ll word 1eginnings a*ter the *irst letter should 1e upper case as with class names.


    ou can always tell which varia1les are passed in varia1les.


    class ameAneTwo


    *unction Startour4ngines=Qsome4ngineG Qanother4ngine> :

    this%JmSome4ngine some4ngineO

    this%Jm,nother4ngine another4ngineO


    var mSome4ngineO

    var m,nother4ngineO


    18 9ariable Names

    use all lower case letters

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    use KNK as the word separator.


    @ith this approach the scope o* the varia1le is clear in the code.

    ow all varia1les loo8 di**erent and are identi*ia1le in the code.


    *unction Handle4rror=errorum1er>


    error new As4rrorO

    timeNo*Nerror error%J6etTimeA*4rror=>O

    errorNprocessor error%J6et4rrorProcessor=>O


    11 Array Element

    ,rray element names *ollow the same rules as a varia1le.

    use KNK as the word separator.

    donKt use K%K as the word separator


    i* K%K is used as a word separator it will generate warnings used with magic quotes.

    EamplemyarrK*ooN1arK KHelloKO

    print myarr*ooN1ar worldO 77 will output! Hello world

    myarrK*oo%1arK KHelloKO

    print myarr*oo%1ar worldO 77 warning message

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    1! Single or ouble :uotes

    ,ccess an arrayKs elements with single or dou1le quotes.

    DonKt use quotes within magic quotes


    Some PHP con*igurations will output warnings i* arrays are used without quotes eEcept

    when used within magic quotes


    myarrK*ooN1arK KHelloKO

    elementNname K*ooN1arKO

    print myarr*ooN1ar worldO 77 will output! Hello world

    print myarrelementNname worldO 77 will output! Hello world

    print myarrKelementNnameK worldO 77 parse error

    print myarrelementNname worldO 77 parse error

    1# Referen(e 9ariables and $un(tions Returning Referen(es

    Re*erences should 1e prepended with KrK.


    The di**erence 1etween varia1le types is clari*ied.


    *unction QrStatus=> :;O


    10 %lobal 9ariables

    6lo1al varia1les should 1e prepended with a KgK.


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    1 efine Names ; %lobal Constants

    6lo1al constants should 1e all caps with KNK separators.



    14 Stati( 9ariables

    Static varia1les may 1e prepended with KsK.



    static msStatus &O


    15 $un(tion Names

    For PHP *unctions use the C 6 convention o* all lower case letters with KNK as the word





    16 Error Return Che(/ Poli(y

    Chec8 every system call *or an error returnG unless you 8now you wish to ignore errors.

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    17 while =condition>

    : :

    ... ...

    ; ;

    Traditional niE policy o* placing the initial 1race on the same line as the 8eyword and

    the trailing 1race inline on its own line with the 8eyword!

    i* =condition> : while =condition> :

    ... ...

    ; ;


    ,nother religious issue o* great de1ate solved 1y compromise. 4ither *orm is accepta1leG

    many peopleG howeverG *ind the *irst *orm more pleasant. @hy is the topic o* many

    psychological studies.

    There are more reasons than psychological *or pre*erring the *irst style. that supports 1race matchingG the *irst is a much 1etter style. @hyI

    (etKs say you have a large 1loc8 o* code and want to 8now where the 1loc8 ends. ou

    move to the *irst 1race hit a 8ey and the editor *inds the matching 1race. 4Eample!

    i* =veryNlongNcondition QQ secondNveryNlongNcondition>




    else i* =...> :



    To move *rom 1loc8 to 1loc8 you Bust need to use cursor down and your 1race matching

    8ey. o need to move to the end o* the line to match a 1race then Ber8 1ac8 and *orth.

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    !8 +ndentation;Tabs;Spa(e Poli(y


    while =more input>






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    !1 Parens ()with =ey >ords and $un(tions Poli(y

    Do not put parens neEt to 8eywords. Put a space 1etween.

    Do put parens neEt to *unction names.

    Do not use parens in return statements when itKs not necessary.


    ?eywords are not *unctions. 9y putting parens neEt to 8eywords 8eywords and *unction

    names are made to loo8 ali8e.


    i* =condition>



    while =condition>



    strcmp=sG s">O

    return "O

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    !! o Not do Real >or/ in ?b@e(t Constru(tors

    Do not do any real wor8 in an o1BectKs constructor. method *or an o1Bect which completes construction. Apen=> should 1e

    called a*ter o1Bect instantiation.


    Constructors canKt return an error.


    class Device


    *unction Device=> : 7U initialiMe and other stu** U7 ; *unction Apen=> : return F, eEit=">O

    ,a/e $un(tions Reentrant

    Functions should not 8eep static varia1les that prevent a *unction *rom 1eing reentrant.

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    !# +f Then Else $ormatting


    77 Comment :


    else i* =condition> 77 Comment



    else 77 Comment




    Ane reason is that i* you leave out one o* the signsG the parser will *ind the error *or you. ,

    second reason is that it puts the value you are loo8ing *or right up *ront where you can *ind

    it instead o* 1uried at the end o* your eEpression.

  • 8/13/2019 Coding Standard PHP


    !0 switch$ormatting

    Falling through a case statement into the neEt case statement shall 1e permitted as long

    as a comment is included.

    The defaultcase should always 1e present and trigger an error i* it should not 1e

    reachedG yet is reached.


    case "!


    77 F,(( THRA6H

    case #!


    v getNwee8Nnum1er=>O




    de*ault! ;

    2se of continuebreakand B

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    ! Continue and 1rea8O


    ote! , lot o* code is necessary in order that the pro1lem cannot 1e caught easily 1y

    the programmer.

    From the a1ove eEampleG a *urther rule may 1e given! )iEing continue with 1rea8 in the

    same loop is a sure way to disaster.


    The trou1le is people usually try and stu** too much code in 1etween the ?and :. Here are a

    couple o* clarity rules to *ollow!

    Put the condition in parens so as to set it o** *rom other code

  • 8/13/2019 Coding Standard PHP



    =condition> I *unct"=> ! *unc#=>O



    I long statement ! another long statementO

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    !4 Alignment of e(laration .

    !5 o(ument Null Statements,lways document a null 1ody *or a *or or while statement so that it is clear that the null 1ody

    is intentional and not missing code.

    while =destVV srcVV>

    O 77 3A

  • 8/13/2019 Coding Standard PHP


    !6 o Not efault +f Test to Non-Dero

    Do not de*ault the test *or non%MeroG i.e.

    i* =F,>

    is 1etter than

    i* =*=>>

    even though F,O instead test *or inequality

    with & =F,(S4G AG etc.>. )ost *unctions are guaranteed to return & i* *alseG 1ut only non%Mero

    i* true. ThusG

    i* =TR4 *unc=>> : ...

    must 1e written

    i* =F,(S4 L *unc=>> : ...

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    #8 2sually Avoid Embedded Assignments

    There is a time and a place *or em1edded assignment statements. >>


    process the character


    The VV and %% operators count as assignment statements. SoG *or many purposesG do

    *unctions with side e**ects. sing em1edded assignment statements to improve run%time

    per*ormance is also possi1le. HoweverG one should consider the tradeo** 1etween increased

    speed and decreased maintaina1ility that results when em1edded assignments are used in

    arti*icial places. For eEampleG

    a 1 V cO

    d a V rO

    should not 1e replaced 1y

    d =a 1 V c> V rO

    even though the latter may save one cycle. or/ of ?thers

    Reuse across proBects is almost impossi1le without a common *ramewor8 in place. A1Bects

    con*orm to the services availa1le to them. Di**erent proBects have di**erent service

    environments ma8ing o1Bect reuse di**icult.

    Developing a common *ramewor8 ta8es a lot o* up *ront design e**ort. @hen this e**ort is not

    madeG *or whatever reasonsG there are several techniques one can use to encourage reuse!

    onKt be Afraid of Small .ibraries

    Ane common enemy o* reuse is people not ma8ing li1raries out o* their code. , reusa1le

    class may 1e hiding in a program directory and will never have the thrill o* 1eing shared

    1ecause the programmer wonKt *actor the class or classes into a li1rary.

    Ane reason *or this is 1ecause people donKt li8e ma8ing small li1raries. ThereKs something

    a1out small li1raries that doesnKt *eel right. 6et over it. The computer doesnKt care how

    many li1raries you have.

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    Comment .ayout

    4ach part o* the proBect has a speci*ic comment layout.

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    ,a/e %ot(has Epli(it

    4Eplicitly comment varia1les changed out o* the normal control *low or other code li8ely to

    1rea8 during maintenance. 4m1edded 8eywords are used to point out issues and potential

    pro1lems. Consider a ro1ot will parse your comments loo8ing *or 8eywordsG stripping them

    outG and ma8ing a report so people can ma8e a special e**ort where needed.

    %ot(ha =eywords

    T?? topi(

    )eans thereKs more to do hereG donKt *orget.

  • 8/13/2019 Coding Standard PHP


    77 !?(D64! tmh $/&2"&! possi1le unsa*e type cast

    77 @e need a cast here to recover the derived type.

  • 8/13/2019 Coding Standard PHP


    ## ire(tory o(umentation

    4very directory should have a R4,D)4 *ile that covers!

    the purpose o* the directory and what it contains

    a one line comment on each *ile. , comment can usually 1e eEtracted *rom the ,)4

    attri1ute o* the *ile header.

    cover 1uild and install directions

    direct people to related resources!

    o directories o* source

    o online documentation

    o paper documentation

    o design documentation

    anything else that might help someone

    Consider a new person coming in / months a*ter every original person on a proBect has gone.

    That lone scared eEplorer should 1e a1le to piece together a picture o* the whole proBect 1y

    traversing a source directory tree and reading R4,D)4 *ilesG )a8e*ilesG and source *ile


    ?pen;Closed Prin(iple

    The Apen7Closed principle states a class must 1e open and closed where!

    open means a class has the a1ility to 1e eEtended.

    closed means a class is closed *or modi*ications other than eEtension. The idea is once a

    class has 1een approved *or use having gone through code reviewsG unit testsG and other

    quali*ying proceduresG you donKt want to change the class very muchG Bust eEtend it.

    The Apen7Closed principle is a pitch *or sta1ility. , system is eEtended 1y adding new code

    not 1y changing already wor8ing code. Programmers o*ten donKt *eel com*orta1le changing

    old code 1ecause it wor8sL This principle Bust gives you an academic sounding Busti*ication *or

    your *ears !%>

  • 8/13/2019 Coding Standard PHP


    #0 Server (onfiguration

    This section contains some guidelines *or PHP7,pache con*iguration.


    HTTPNUN3,RS are either ena1led or disa1led. @hen ena1led all varia1les must 1e accessed

    through HTTPNUN3,RS8ey. @hen disa1led all varia1les can 1e accessed 1y the 8ey name.

    use HTTPNUN3,RS when accessing varia1les.

    use ena1led HTTPNUN3,RS in PHP con*iguration.


    HTTPNUN3,RS is availa1le in any con*iguration.

    HTTPNUN3,RS will not con*lict with eEsisting varia1les.

    sers canKt change varia1les 1y passing values.

    # P"P $ile Etensions

    There is lots o* di**erent eEtension variants on PHP *iles =.htmlG .phpG .php'G .php-G .phtmlG

    .incG .class...>.

    ,lways use the eEtension .php.

    ,lways use the eEtension .php *or your class and *unction li1raries.


    The use o* .php ma8es it possi1le to ena1le caching on other *iles than .php.

    The use o* .inc or .class can 1e a security pro1lem. An most servers these eEtensions

    arenKt set to 1e run 1y a parser. .

    Do not rely on automatic 1eauti*iers. The main person who 1ene*its *rom good program

    style is the programmer him7hersel*G and especially in the early design o* handwritten

    algorithms or pseudo%code. ,utomatic 1eauti*iers can only 1e applied to completeG

    syntactically correct programs and hence are not availa1le when the need *or attention to

    white space and indentation is greatest. Programmers can do a 1etter Bo1 o* ma8ing clear

    the complete visual layout o* a *unction or *ileG with the normal attention to detail o* a

    care*ul programmer =in other wordsG some o* the visual layout is dictated 1y intent rather

    than syntaE and 1eauti*iers cannot read minds>. Sloppy programmers should learn to 1e

    care*ul programmers instead o* relying on a 1eauti*ier to ma8e their code reada1le.

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    FinallyG since 1eauti*iers are non%trivial programs that must parse the sourceG a

    sophisticated 1eauti*ier is not worth the 1ene*its gained 1y such a program. 9eauti*iers

    are 1est *or gross *ormatting o* machine%generated code.

    ,ccidental omission o* the second ZZKK o* the logical compare is a pro1lem. The *ollowing

    is con*using and prone to error. i* =a1ool 11ool> : ... ;

    Does the programmer really mean assignment hereI A*ten yesG 1ut usually no. The

    solution is to Bust not do itG an inverse i8e philosophy. : ... ;

    2se if )8* to Comment ?ut Code 1loc8!

    *unction eEample=>


    great loo8ing code

    i* =&> :

    lots o* code


    more code


    ou canKt use ;OO;style comments 1ecause comments canKt contain comments and surely alarge 1loc8 o* your code will contain a commentG wonKt itI

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    #4 ifferent A((essor Styles

    +mplementing A((essors

    There are two maBor idioms *or creating accessors.


    class [


    *unction 6et,ge=> : return this%Jm,geO ;

    *unction Set,ge=age> : this%Jm,ge ageO ;

    var m,geO


    6et7Set is ugly. 6et and Set are strewn throughout the code cluttering it up.

    9ut one 1ene*it is when used with messages the set method can transparently trans*orm

    *rom native machine representations to networ8 1yte order.

    Attributes as ?b@e(ts

    class [


    *unction ,ge=> : return this%Jm,geO ;

    *unction ame=> : return this%JmameO ;

    var m,geO

    var mameO


    E new [O

    77 4Eample "

    age E%J,ge=>O

    rNage QE%J,ge=>O 77 Re*erence

    77 4Eample #

    name E%Jame=>O

    rNname QE%Jame=>O 77 Re*erence

    ,ttri1utes as A1Bects is clean *rom a name perspective. @hen possi1le use this approach to

    attri1ute access.

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    #5 .ayering

    (ayering is the primary technique *or reducing compleEity in a system. , system should 1e

    divided into layers. (ayers should communicate 1etween adBacent layers using well de*ined

    inter*aces. @hen a layer uses a non%adBacent layer then a layering violation has occurred.

    , layering violation simply means we have dependency 1etween layers that is not controlled

    1y a well de*ined inter*ace. @hen one o* the layers changes code could 1rea8. @e donKt

    want code to 1rea8 so we want layers to wor8 only with other adBacent layers.

    Sometimes we need to Bump layers *or per*ormance reasons. This is *ineG 1ut we should

    8now we are doing it and document appropriately.

    #6 Code Reviews

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    #7 Create a Sour(e Code Control System Early and Not ?ften

    , common 1uild system and source code control system should 1e put in place as early as

    possi1le in a proBectKs li*ecycleG pre*era1ly 1e*ore anyone starts coding. Source code control

    is the structural glue 1inding a proBect together.

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    Create a

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    *ormats will cause con*licts with persistent stores or remote message sending then say so.

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    01 No ,agi( Numbers

    , magic num1er is a 1are%na8ed num1er used in source code.

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    0! Thin vs' $at Class +nterfa(es

    How many methods should an o1Bect haveI The right answer o* course is Bust the right

    amountG weKll call this the 6oldiloc8s level. 9ut what is the 6oldiloc8s levelI

    The two eEtremes are thinclasses versus thi(/classes. Thin classes are minimalist classes.

    Thin classes have as *ew methods as possi1le. The eEpectation is users will derive their own

    class *rom the thin class adding any needed methods.

    @hile thin classes may seem clean they really arenKt. ou canKt do much with a thin class.
