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Coffee Script

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Michał Taberski Coffee Script an easy way to do JavaScript piątek, 3 grudnia 2010
Page 1: Coffee Script

Michał Taberski

Coffee Scriptan easy way to do JavaScript

piątek, 3 grudnia 2010

Page 2: Coffee Script


What is it?

How it can help us?

Overview (a bunch of examples)

Using CoffeeScript with Rails



piątek, 3 grudnia 2010

Page 3: Coffee Script

What is CoffeeScript ?

!= !=

General idea

piątek, 3 grudnia 2010

Page 4: Coffee Script

What is CoffeeScript ?

language designed to be compiled into JavaScript

piątek, 3 grudnia 2010

Page 5: Coffee Script

What is CoffeeScript ? - 2

language designed to be a compiled into JavaScript

code compiles one-to-one into the equivalent JS

piątek, 3 grudnia 2010

Page 6: Coffee Script

What is CoffeeScript ? - 3

language designed to be a compiled into JavaScript

code compiles one-to-one into the equivalent JS

syntax take advantages of modern OO languages like Ruby, or Python

piątek, 3 grudnia 2010

Page 7: Coffee Script

What is CoffeeScript ? - 4

language designed to be a compiled into JavaScript

code compiles one-to-one into the equivalent JS

syntax take advantages of modern OO languages like Ruby, or Python

cooperate with already existing JS libraries (like jQuery, Facebook JS SDK, Google API etc.)

piątek, 3 grudnia 2010

Page 8: Coffee Script

What is CoffeeScript ? - 5

language designed to be a compiled into JavaScript

code compiles one-to-one into the equivalent JS

syntax take advantages of modern OO languages like Ruby, or Python

cooperate with already existing JS libraries(like jQuery, Facebook JS SDK, Google API etc.)

pass through JSLint without warnings =)

piątek, 3 grudnia 2010

Page 9: Coffee Script

How it can help us ?

less lines of code with better readability,

code easy to understand, and maintain

standard code encapsulation and variables protection (no var anymore)


piątek, 3 grudnia 2010

Page 10: Coffee Script

How it can help us ?

less lines of code with better readability,

code easy to understand, and maintains

standard code encapsulation and variables protection (no var anymore)

but... even if you are writing code in CoffeeScript you should know how JavaScript`s concepts work

piątek, 3 grudnia 2010

Page 11: Coffee Script


piątek, 3 grudnia 2010

Page 12: Coffee Script



square = (x) -> x * xcube = (x) -> square(x) * x



fill = (container, liquid = "coffee") -> "Filling the #{container} with #{liquid}..."

source: http://jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/

piątek, 3 grudnia 2010

Page 13: Coffee Script

Examples - 2


square = (x) -> x * xcube = (x) -> square(x) * x


var cube, square;square = function(x) { return x * x;};cube = function(x) { return square(x) * x;};



fill = (container, liquid = "coffee") -> "Filling the #{container} with #{liquid}..."


var fill;fill = function(container, liquid) { if (liquid == null) { liquid = "coffee"; } return "Filling the " + container + " with " + liquid + "...";};

source: http://jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/

piątek, 3 grudnia 2010

Page 14: Coffee Script

Examples - 3


song = ["do", "re", "mi", "fa", "so"]

singers = {Jagger: "Rock", Elvis: "Roll"}

matrix = [ 1, 0, 1 0, 0, 1 1, 1, 0]

kids = brother: name: "Max" age: 11 sister: name: "Ida" age: 9



var kids, matrix, singers, song;song = ["do", "re", "mi", "fa", "so"];singers = { Jagger: "Rock", Elvis: "Roll"};matrix = [1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0];kids = { brother: { name: "Max", age: 11 }, sister: { name: "Ida", age: 9 }};

source: http://jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/

piątek, 3 grudnia 2010

Page 15: Coffee Script

Examples - 4


mood = greatlyImproved if singing

if happy and knowsIt clapsHands() chaChaCha()else showIt()

date = if friday then sue else jill

options or= defaults

Conditional Assigment


var date, mood;if (singing) { mood = greatlyImproved;}if (happy && knowsIt) { clapsHands(); chaChaCha();} else { showIt();}date = friday ? sue : jill;options || (options = defaults);

source: http://jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/

piątek, 3 grudnia 2010

Page 16: Coffee Script

Examples - 5


class Animal constructor: (@name) ->

move: (meters) -> alert @name + " moved " + meters + "m."

Classes (yeahh !!!)

source: http://jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/


var Animal;Animal = function() { function Animal(name) { this.name = name; } Animal.prototype.move = function(meters) { return alert(this.name + " moved " + meters + "m."); }; return Animal;}();

piątek, 3 grudnia 2010

Page 17: Coffee Script

Examples - 6


class Animal constructor: (@name) ->

move: (meters) -> alert @name + " moved " + meters + "m."

class Dog extends Animal sound: 'woof woof'

Classes inheritanceJavaScriptvar Animal, Dog;var __hasProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, __extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (__hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor; child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child;};Animal = function() { function Animal(name) { this.name = name; } Animal.prototype.move = function(meters) { return alert(this.name + " moved " + meters + "m."); }; return Animal;}();Dog = function() { function Dog() { Dog.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } __extends(Dog, Animal); Dog.prototype.sound = 'woof woof'; return Dog;}();

piątek, 3 grudnia 2010

Page 18: Coffee Script

Examples - 7


Account = (customer, cart) -> @customer = customer @cart = cart

$('.shopping_cart').bind 'click', (event) -> @customer.purchase @cart


var Account;Account = function(customer, cart) { this.customer = customer; this.cart = cart; return $('.shopping_cart').bind('click', function(event) { return this.customer.purchase(this.cart); });};


source: http://jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/

piątek, 3 grudnia 2010

Page 19: Coffee Script

Examples - 8


Account = (customer, cart) -> @customer = customer @cart = cart

$('.shopping_cart').bind 'click', (event) -> @customer.purchase @cart


var Account;Account = function(customer, cart) { this.customer = customer; this.cart = cart; return $('.shopping_cart').bind('click', function(event) { return this.customer.purchase(this.cart); });};


Account = (customer, cart) -> @customer = customer @cart = cart

$('.shopping_cart').bind 'click', (event) => @customer.purchase @cart


var Account;var __bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; };Account = function(customer, cart) { this.customer = customer; this.cart = cart; return $('.shopping_cart').bind('click', __bind(function(event) { return this.customer.purchase(this.cart); }, this));};

source: http://jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/

piątek, 3 grudnia 2010

Page 20: Coffee Script

Using CoffeeScript with Ruby on Rails


installed Node.js with packed manager npm

piątek, 3 grudnia 2010

Page 21: Coffee Script

Using CoffeeScript with Ruby on Rails


installed Node.js with packed manager npm

installation CoffeeScript compiler

Gemfilenpm install coffee-script

piątek, 3 grudnia 2010

Page 22: Coffee Script

Using CoffeeScript with Ruby on Rails

add gem Barista

Gemfilegem 'barista', '>= 0.5.0'

piątek, 3 grudnia 2010

Page 23: Coffee Script

Using CoffeeScript with Ruby on Rails

add gem Barista

Gemfilegem 'barista', '>= 0.5.0'

run rake task

Consolerails generate barista:install

piątek, 3 grudnia 2010

Page 24: Coffee Script

Using CoffeeScript with Ruby on Rails

add gem Barista

Gemfilegem 'barista', '>= 0.5.0'

run rake task

Consolerails generate barista:install

create folder

app/mkdir coffeescripts

piątek, 3 grudnia 2010

Page 25: Coffee Script

Using CoffeeScript with Ruby on Rails

store scripts in /app/coffeescripts/

use *.coffee extension

run dev server (or trigger any request)

JS files are generated dynamically

you can preview those files in default JS folder/public/javascripts/

piątek, 3 grudnia 2010

Page 26: Coffee Script

It`s nice, isn`t it ?


discussion time

piątek, 3 grudnia 2010

Page 27: Coffee Script


Official website of the projecthttp://jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/

Github repo with source codehttps://github.com/jashkenas/coffee-script

underscore.js implemented in CoffeeScript (nice example of good CS code)http://jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/documentation/docs/underscore.html

Barista gem website, and repohttps://github.com/Sutto/barista

piątek, 3 grudnia 2010
