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Cohesive Marketing Campaign- The Conjuring 2.

Date post: 15-Jan-2017
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Page 1: Cohesive Marketing Campaign- The Conjuring 2.


Page 2: Cohesive Marketing Campaign- The Conjuring 2.

Towards the release of the second instalment of The Conjuring series, the producers created a website for fans to be able to buy tickets and keep up with the release date. By synergising the website with other media platforms such as Ed and Lorrain Warrens website ‘files’ as viewed above and by adding a eerie soundtrack over the website anchors the genre and sensation of the horror. A second way the movie has increased their marketing techniques is by adding a sponsor of the website Rotten Tomatoes, which is a movie rating site. By having their logo onto of the typography of the title of the movie, it anchors the connotation that the produces want to show that this is a famous and worthwhile film to watch due to it being rated by one of the largest movie rating websites. They have also created a scene for the loading page which is of imagery of a zoetrope, which is conventional for horrors such as The Conjuring, as seen in movies such as The Woman in black and the first instalment of The Conjuring. This technique adds to the sensation of the movie being set back in time where this type of toy would be used, thus adding to the overall effect.

The addition of having the external links to the other websites is a conventional way of marketing for movies. This gives the audience a easy outlet to find all information on the movie through all different platforms to use to their own pleasure, making sure that all their audience is able to view it.

The Website.

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The posters.Due to our group also making a poster for our thriller, the research of posters is very important. As we can see through the Conjuring 2 analysis, there is a certain theme which is carried out through all the posters, such as the font. Serif font fits perfectly with the horror genre due to its connotations towards a sharp knife, which is influenced with the shinny silver font colour. This imagery fits the genre, with connotations of death and harm to others. A typical convention is also used through these posters which is the colour black with the addition of fog. This mysterious lingering sensation relates to the presence of the plot of the movie, which is the ghostly satanic creature which is possessing the child and house. The anchorage of the titles also helps draw your eyes to the action/event which is taking place during the main image, for example by pairing the title of The Conjuring 2 with an image of a ghostly nun connotes to the audience the plotline and genre of the movie.

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As you can see above, both posters from the original and the second instalment of the movie are very similar. They are both based in a narrow room, with dark gloomy colour walls and shadows. The impact of creating a symbolism of synergy between the posters signifies to the audience who enjoyed the first instalment that the second is going to have the same thrill and scare factor, however have a higher budget and more technology. This is conveyed through the changes in the posters, such as editing techniques through the addition of the fog and the light pouring through the window. The audience becomes satisfied with the similarities between the poster itself and the typography to the point they are excited to watch the new film.

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Social Media.

• Social media websites are great platforms to market a movie. On all the websites shown, the theme is kept to its original and conveys a imagine of uniformity. This reinforces the movies brand and marketing campaign by trying to make it instantly recognisable to audiences. Social media is also a great form of marketing outlet due to most of their target audience being a member in some shape or form. By releasing these pages, audience feel excited and are able to keep up to date with the trailers and hints towards to films plot.
