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Price: £2.50 June 20 – June 26, 2014 • No. 2373 • www.coinslot.co.uk
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Price: £2.50

June 20 – June 26, 2014 • No. 2373 • www.coinslot.co.uk028 DOND Midas Touch_test 15/06/2014 22:26 Page 1

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Industry news 4Seaside amusements 9Category C machines 10B2B Listings 30Latest machine charts 33Classified ads and opps 34Comment & Analysis 38Newsweek 40


“European governmentsneed to understand thatwe (the land-basedsector) need a fair taxa-tion regime and certainflexibility to adapt ourproducts to the increas-ingly fast changing needof our customers.”

Pubs set to enjoy footfa

Anational hotel and restaurantchain has set its sights on coin-

op stronghold Skegness. EastLindsey District Council has con-firmed it has been approached bya developer interested in bring-ing a national name to the resort.

Portfolio holder for economicregeneration Coun Craig Leylandtold local press: “A developerwishes to bring a major nationalhotel and restaurant chain toSkegness. The site they have iden-tified for this development is PierField. The developer is not yet ina position to formally name thehotelier or restaurateur.”

Coun Leyland added: “No deci-sion has been made to sell the siteand any development would besubject to the full and properplanning process, with signifi-cant public consultation. Thecouncil is excited to consider theproposal, which could create asignificant number of all-year

round jobs and raise the profileand appeal of Skegness as aresort.”

Butlins’ resort director of 14years Chris Baron said it wasexcellent news for the town. Hesaid: “It sends out a clear, positivemessage that Skegness is open forbusiness. It’s excellent news forthe town. I’ve always thought thatwith Skegness being one of thetop five seaside resorts in thecountry, it is disappointing wedon’t have national hotel repre-sentation operating in the town.If we want the conference tradethen we need to have these devel-opments and then other busi-nesses in the town will benefit.”

Coun Leyland said: “In recentyears Skegness has lost manywell-known national brands fromthe high street, such as Marks andSpencer. The interest this devel-oper is showing in Skegnessshows a renewed confidence in

SINGLE SITEClose to a third of people -many of them women - are setto enjoy the World Cup 2014from the comfort of the UK’sbars and pubs, according torecent research.Forty-three per cent of thepeople who say they will takein games in bars and pubs arewomen, trade consultant CGAStrategy’s poll of 600 shows.Overall, around a quarter ofbar and pub viewers will goand watch games in theselocations even when Englandisn’t one of the teams playing.The results were released onthe first day of the World Cup,June 12.“Televised football continuesto be one of the strongestassets for pubs to drive footfalland create an atmospheretypically unavailable at home,”said CGA Strategy commercialdirector Tom Lynch. Otherresearch suggests bars and

pubs could see beer sales goup 35 per cent while the WorldCup is on. During the 2010World cup, managed pubs sold1,058 extra pints of beer, onaverage, while England werestill in the tournament. Saleshit their peak in the last groupqualifying match, in which theteam faced Slovenia.Lynch said that the researchindicates that internationalfootball brings in diversedemographics in a way notoften seen for TV football inpubs “and arguably for pubs ingeneral”. This offers achallenge to the conventionalwisdom that World Cups “areall about blokes in the pubdrinking lager,” he added.World Cups are actually moreabout a large-scale globalevent that brings mixed groupstogether, possibly in a way thatno other does, believes Lynch.“It’s an opportunity for puboperators and drinks

Skegness set for ‘majorRESORT REPORT

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Clampdown ensuresthere’s no bluffing the law


Category C makes its mark

June 20 - June 26, 2014 • No. 2373 • www.coinslot.co.uk39


footfall boom

K-based Soundnet, one ofEurope’s leading suppli-ers of audio and visual

content to bars, clubs and othervenues has been acquired byTouchTunes Interactive Net-works, the largest in-venue inter-active entertainment network inNorth America.

Soundnet operates throughoutthe UK and Europe and since 2000has been providing audio andvideo content to digital jukeboxesand background music services invenues across the region. Earlierthis year, the company extendedits exclusive UK jukebox agree-ment with the Official ChartsCompany to supply its digital juke-boxes with the Official SinglesChart. Soundnet also recentlylaunched the soundjack mobileapp that allows consumers toselect and play songs from a smart-phone. This acquisition marksTouchTunes’ entry into the Euro-pean market.

Soundnet will continue towork exclusively with SoundLeisure in the UK supporting andgrowing the business together.With the continued success of theVHUB jukebox and the news thatit is now the best-selling jukeboxin the UK, Soundnet is looking for-ward to the future.

The acquisition complementsTouchTunes’ current businessand adds a further 13,000 jukeboxsites in Europe to TouchTunes’existing 60,000 bars, clubs andrestaurants across North America.The transaction is the first of anumber of expected expansioninitiatives as TouchTunes contin-ues to develop and grow its prod-uct base and geographic reach.

Charles Goldstuck, presidentand chief executive officer ofTouchTunes (pictured) said: “I amdelighted at the prospect of work-ing with Simon Davis and his tal-ented team at Soundnet. Ourexpansion into Europe is a prior-ity for TouchTunes, and ourcoming together with Soundnetis the beginning of that strategy.”

Alan Newham, European man-aging director of TouchTunessaid: “Recent improvements inthe state of the jukebox marketin the UK make this an opportunetime for TouchTunes to expandinto this important market. Thisacquisition helps lay the founda-tions for TouchTunes’ growthstrategy across Europe.”

Simon Davis, MD of Soundnet,

concluded: “I am delighted to havesigned this deal with TouchTunes.It has always been my ambition towork with the global market lead-ers and I look forward to the newchallenges and much success.”

The terms of the deal, whichsees another UK company oper-ating in the broader coin-opindustry come under overseasownership, are undisclosed.

Soundnet acquiredby TouchTunes


UK-based Soundnethas certainly made animpression in the worldof music content. Somuch so, that worldgiant TouchTunes hasdecided to buy it. Agreat tribute to Britishinginuity, and a realindicator that musiccontinues to make itsmark in the industry.

manufacturers to engage orre-engage consumers in thevirtues of the great Britishpub.” Other findings are that47 per cent of people withplans to watch the World cupin bars and pubs are in the 25to 34 age group. Furthermore,a greater number ofrespondents - 50 per cent -have indicated they go to bars

and pubs for Premier Leaguegames, compared to theproportion set to go for WorldCup games.The Centre for Retail Researchrecently produced a reportwhich forecast that footballfans will be spending £2.58m inshops, restaurants and pubsduring the World Cup ifEngland get to the final.

the economy in the area.”His sentiments were echoed

by Baron, who said: “Nationalretail chains looking at Skegnesswill hopefully reconsider, if wecan encourage large hotel chainsto come. It will help us put Skeg-ness back on the map.”

The two believe that if theinterest shown materialises, itcould spark other possible devel-opments in the traditional sea-side town, widening its appeal

and creating jobs.Baron concluded: “It would be

a multi-million pound invest-ment into the town and wouldcreate competition among busi-nesses to drive up their standards.These hotel chains have massivedatabases of customers whichthey send offers out to, but cur-rently Skegness has not been intheir thought processes. I’m surethey’ll be some opposition to it,but I just can’t see a downside.”




Now RetailerApproved

major hotel chain’ boost

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4 Coinslot June 20 - June 26, 2014


Email: [email protected]

arrison Lesiure, whichowns the Bridlington-based Grade II listed Floral

Pavilion complex, the Bayside FunPark amusement arcade, Jerome’sRestaurant and a pair of ice creamkiosks, entered administration lastmonth, with workers fearing fortheir livelihoods. After six monthsof negotiation, however, jointadministrators Brian Johnson andAbigail Jones of Fisher Partnershave been able to secure all 14jobs and the employment of tem-porary workers.

The company opened a BurgerKing franchise in 2007 which hadto close due to a decline in customat ‘great expense’ to the firm.

Johnson told local press: “Har-rison Leisure has borrowed fromits bank in 2007 to build a two-storey unit on land it held on along lease and to purchase aBurger King franchise. Unfortu-nately, the opening of the fran-chise coincided with the onset ofthe recession in 208 and visitornumbers fell dramatically.

“The franchise had to be closed

at great cost to the company anddespite efforts to market and sellthe business last year, no offers orexpressions of interest were forth-coming. In an effort to save thebusiness, preserve jobs and max-imise recoveries for the creditors,the directors and shareholders,through Harrison Leisure Acqui-sitions Ltd, set about the processof raising funds through a securedpeer-to-peer lender and negotiat-ing with the bank to buy out itsdebt and then buy the businessand assets as a going concern

from the Administrators.“After six months of negotia-

tion the deal was concluded withthe Joint Administrators on May16, 2014.”

Johnson concluded: “The dealhas ensured that a significant partof the Bridlington seafront hasavoided being boarded up, the jobsof 14 permanent employees havebeen preserved as well as the jobsof temporary employees taken onin the summer season and the ulti-mate realisation has been max-imised from the secured creditor.”


Bridlington coin-opstaff jobs ‘safe’

Workers atBridlington-basedentertainment venueshave been told thattheir jobs are safe,despite HarrisonLeisure, thecompany whichowns them, goinginto administration.



Tom Happ is exiting Suzo-Happ Group, the manu-

facturer and distributor ofcomponents for amuse-ment, vending and gamingmachines. Happ hasworked for the parts housefor 28 years, most recentlyas executive vice-president.His father, Frank Happ,established Happ Controlsin 1986.

The Suzo-Happ Groupwas formed in 2004 by themerger of Happ Controlsand Suzo International,which was founded 60years ago in The Nether-lands. After the Suzo-Happmerger, the groupexpanded with the additionof Advanced ElectronicSystems, StarpointElectrics and DynamicsChinatec.

The combined organisa-tion has attained a globalposition in the amusementand gaming componentsand accessories market,serving more than 20,000customers around theworld. “Tom is leaving topursue other opportunitiesoutside the amusementindustry and start the nextchapter of his very success-ful career,” said Suzo-Happchief executive JamesBrendel in a statementreleased by the company.

He concluded: “We wishTom luck in his new endeav-ours and are truly gratefulfor the positive impact hehas had on Suzo-Happthrough all of the manypositions and capacities hehas served in throughoutthe years. Tom will be trulymissed.”


The importance ofpromoting Cate-

gory C gaming hasnever been morepressing, accord-ing to Project

managing direc-tor Tony Boulton.He commented:“The B3 market has

plateaued andalthough there is

always the chance of abreak through model

changing the entiregaming land-

scape, morelikely I thinkwe have toaccept this is

now a mature genre whichoffers very limited oppor-tunities for growth andwith no prospect of legisla-tive changes in the pipeline.

“Category C, which formany years has been theengine room for AGCs andbingo clubs, is essentiallythe only area that offers thepotential to grow revenueand as an industry we mustwork towards developingthe right product andallowing new modelswhich come to market theprecious commodity oftime in order to engagewith players.”

Boulton believes that theopportunity for growthneeds to be nurtured care-fully. “There can be nodoubt that £100 representsan attractive jackpot,” hestated, “but as with all newprize levels it inevitablytakes time to develop theright game profiles. What’srequired are equal meas-ures of patience, collabora-tion and a commitment tomake things happen bothon and off the gaming floor.The collective mindset hasto be underpinned by posi-tivity and the entire supplychain should be sharinginformation and insight in

order to come up withplayer-centric games.

“Venues have a require-ment to keep the offer freshin order to be competitiveon the high street and toencourage more people towalk across the thresholdand experience what issafe, secure value formoney entertainment. Myconcern is that if we don’twork to this or to a similaragenda we run the very realrisk of wasting a scarce andvaluable opportunity tocreate revenue within thelow stake gaming spacethat is unique to AGCs andbingo clubs.”

Project calls for a joined-up approachto maximise Cat C opportunityCONTENT

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CATEGORY C New stakes and prizes, newinnovation and new ideas - how is the UK CatC sector evolving? 10

Cheshunt manbecame the firstperson in the UK to

be jailed for running amoney laundering schemein connection with theoperation of an illegal pokerden after he was prose-cuted by Enfield Council.He is also subject to confis-cation of assets under theProceeds of Crime Act.

Ahmet Melin ofCheshunt was found guiltyof five offences of moneylaundering under the Pro-ceeds of Crime Act 2002 onThursday April 10. On June3 at Wood Green CrownCourt he was sentenced to15 months imprisonmentfor each offence to run con-currently.

The trial judge told Melinthat a prison sentence was“inevitable” pointing outthat the money he madewas not going back into thebusiness and he was payingit into his own account andthat modest people frommodest backgrounds usedthe club as well as profes-sional gamblers.

He added that Melin hada long standing involve-ment with gambling clubs,that the operation was runillegally from the start withpoker as its main function,

that Melin was constantlypushing the boundariesthrough the use of falseaccounts, minutes and min-imising his own role andthat Melin regarded it as thelocal authority’s job to stophim from breaking the law.

Melin was prosecutedafter Enfield Councilenforcement officers foundthe Big Bluff Private Mem-bers Club in Green Lanes,Palmers Green was actuallya front for an illegal pokerclub and not a non-profitmaking private membersclub in line with its ClubGaming Permit.

Commercial poker oper-ations require a casinolicence and Enfield Coun-cil’s policy is not to issuecasino licences to proper-ties in the borough.

Because Big Bluff wasoperating large poker tour-naments and all the profitsfrom them were illegal theyamounted to criminalassets under the Proceedsof Crime Act because Melinwas withdrawing moneyfrom the club for his ownpurposes.

The club was raided in2012 by Enfield Council’sLicensing Enforcement andTrading Standards Teams,the Gambling Commission

and the MetropolitanPolice. The Big Bluff PrivateMembers Club has sincestopped operating.

Enfield Council’s Cabi-net Member for Environ-ment, Cllr Chris Bond, said:“Enfield Council took swiftand decisive action whenwe found out the Big BluffPrivate Members Club wasa front for an illegal pokerden. I’m pleased EnfieldCouncil’s LicensingEnforcement, Trading Stan-dards and legal teamsworked effectivelytogether to bring this pros-ecution which sends outthe very clear message thatwe do not tolerate any ille-gal gambling in this bor-ough. We will continue totake firm action againstanyone stupid enough tobreak the law in Enfield.”

Nick Tofiluk, the Com-mission’s director of regu-latory operations(pictured), concluded: “Thisis an excellent example ofhow a local authority withGambling Commission sup-port is dealing with illegalgambling in whatever guiseit is presented. The messageis simple - if you offer pokerin a club and are breakingthe law, action can and willbe taken.”


Poker club owner fails tobluff the letter of the law

AThe GamblingCommission andthe arm of the lawhave played awinning hand in theirbattle to countermoney launderingand illegal gambling.In a legal first, thewinning pot wasimprisonment for theformer owner of theBig Bluff poker cluband a serious air ofcaution for the pokerfraternity.

Aman has been jailed following a police incident onthe roof of an amusement arcade in Bridlington last

week.Michael John Campbell, of no fixed abode, appeared

before magistrates in Beverley last week charged withassault by beating, harassment and using threatening orabusive behaviour, in connection with the incident.Campbell pleaded guilty to all three charges and wasjailed for 26 weeks.

Police negotiators rushed to the seafront last week,after Campbell refused to come down from the roof ofthe Forum on Esplanade.

Campbell, who had been drinking, climbed on to theroof of the Forum, after a female alleged she had been

assaulted by a man who was inside Wetherspoons ear-lier in the evening.

Police wanted to speak to him regarding the allegedassault, but he refused to come down. Two police nego-tiators talked to him, while other officers closed thepromenade temporarily when the matter was beingdealt with.

An ambulance and the fire brigade were on standby,should Campbell have injured himself or becomestranded. He was brought down safely into police cus-tody and was taken to Scarborough General Hospital asa precautionary measure.

Man arrested afteramusement arcaderoof stand-offARREST

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Amid ongoing concern over thecost of business rates to pubs,

the BBPA has submitted a seriesof proposals to the governmentfocused on helping smaller pubpremises. The proposals are con-tained in a submission to theDepartment for Communities &Local Government and HM Treas-ury, following their issue of a dis-cussion paper on the future ofbusiness rates last month.

The BBPA’s core proposalinvolves raising the threshold atwhich small businesses aredefined. At present, the UniformBusiness Rate has a rateable valuethreshold of £18,000(£25,500 in London).

In the 2013 AutumnStatement, Retail Relief wasintroduced for propertieswith RVs of £50,000 andbelow. This threshold couldbe used for the Uniform Busi-ness Rate split betweenlarge and small

businesses, says the BBPA. For anew threshold to have a positiveimpact, there would probablyneed to be a wider differentialbetween the rates bills for largeand small businesses.

The BBPA also wants radicalchanges which would force localauthorities to be more transpar-ent, and list the reliefs that areavailable to businesses on theirbills. The paper also reiterates theneed for revaluations to keep up-to-date with trends in the market,and the continued use of a‘turnover’ approach to determine

an equivalent rental valueas the most suitable

option for the pubsector. It should bemade easier for pubsto be revalued if theireconomic circum-stances alter.

The BBPA acknowl-edges that some

of these

measures would come at a cost.There would need to be either areduction in revenue generatedfrom the business rates system, orlarger businesses would need toshoulder more of the burden.Alternatively, more businessessuch as those which operate on-line businesses would have to bebrought within the scope of thebusiness rates system.

Brigid Simmonds, BBPA chiefexecutive, commented: “In thepast year, the government hastaken action to help pubs strug-gling with their rates bills. How-ever, at up to ten per cent of pubbusiness costs, rates remain a hugeburden, and more reform isneeded to get the burden down. Ihope The Treasury makes thisissue a priority. We also need tomake it easier for pubs to be reval-ued if their economic circum-stances alter and not just due tothe current definition of a ‘mater-ial change’.”

BBPA submits proposalsto help small businessesPUBS

hester-based com-pany Deckchair-stripes, headed by

Maria Hopwood, hasinvested more than £25,000into a new business venturewhich includes the acquisi-tion of all 6,000 of Blackpoolbeach’s iconic deckchairs.

Traders, residents andtourists on Blackpoolseafront said the news was a“shame” - and the sale of thedeckchairs spelt the end ofpart of the resort’s proud her-itage.

Holidaymaker DavidEccles from Wigan said:“When I was a child the firstthing my mum and dad didwhen we came to Blackpoolwas to get a deckchair, but

that seems to be a thing of thepast now. I don’t know whythe council would want toget rid of their deckchairs,but it seems fewer peopleuse them, and that’s a sign ofthe times.”

Judith Tunnicliffe, fromLeeds, added: “It’s a shamebecause they are an iconicpart of Blackpool. But theimprovements along thePromenade have givenpeople more choice when itcomes to seating.”

Promenade trader PaulCarpenter, owner of Rockand Gift Shop, said: “When Iwas a kid I used to seedeckchairs on the beach formiles, and Blackpool isfamous for that, so it’s sad.

They’ve taken away a bit ofthe heritage.”

Collette Campbell, of GiftsGalore, added: “They will bemissed. It’s a beautiful daytoday and they would all havebeen rented out if they werehere. They still need a fewbecause there’s not enoughseating on the Prom.”

A thousand windbreakersand 150 ticket machineshave also been bought fromthe council.

Hopwood said: “HeritageDeckchair Hire was bornefrom a mixture of high cus-tomer demand and the fan-tastic opportunity presentedby Blackpool Council. It wasby chance we came acrossthe disused beach items from

Blackpool Council, and wetook it as a sign to go forthwith the new business ven-ture. We’re utterly thrilled tobe in a position to keep theiconic chairs in use - it wouldbe an absolute travesty tolose this institution of theBritish summer.”

The deckchairs are nowavailable for hire for events,weddings, party venues andconcerts.

Blackpool Council said thedeckchairs had been put intostorage in September 2011when their popularitydeclined because people pre-ferred to sit on the Spanishsteps built into the £100mnew Promenade.

Coun Graham Cain, cabi-

net member for tourism andleisure, said: “For decades thedeckchairs were a familiarsight. However, over time theywere used less and less untilthe service ceased in 2011. Thenew design of the seafrontmeans people have moreplaces to sit than previously.

“We found the majorityof people would sit on thenew benches or the Spanishsteps and there was nolonger a demand for thedeckchairs. The chairs hadbeen in storage for the pastthree years but we recentlysold all 6,000 of them. It isalways a shame when tradi-tions like this fade away butit is just a sign of the chang-ing needs of our visitors.”

Blackpoolcouncil sellsentire stock ofdeckchairsClaiming adramatic drop indemand,BlackpoolCouncil has soldoff its entire stockof 6,000deckchairs to aprivate company.Entrepreneur MariaHopwood hasbought them andplans to restore thecanvas beachfurniture which shewill hire out or sell.


Admiral Taverns has teamed upwith bookmaker Coral to offer

both licensees and pubgoers freeWorld Cup bets. Designed to drivefootfall to pubs and get customersengaged with live televised footballmatches, the World Cup FootballJackpot promotion will givelicensees a certain quota of freebets - for both them and their cus-tomers.

The initiative will run in almost200 selected Admiral Tavernspubs, all of which are within a half-mile radius of a Coral betting shop.Participating pubs have been given200 £1 free bet coupons to offercustomers to predict the outcome- win, lose or draw - of 15 matchesfrom the World Cup group stages.In addition, customers watchingany one of England’s three groupmatches live in a participating pubcan use one of 100 £5 free betcodes on their smartphone via theCoral website.

Admiral commercial manager

Simon Eyles told pub trade press:“The World Cup is a fantastic trad-ing opportunity for pubs all overthe country, especially givenBrazil’s pub-friendly time-zone,and it offers licensees a chance toengage with current customersand to attract new ones.” Headded: “Some in the industry mightregard bookmakers as somethingof a competitive threat but webelieve there are some greatopportunities to build partner-ships, and believe this initiative willserve as a great platform for fur-ther collaboration between Admi-ral and Coral.”

Pubco and bookmaker inWorld Cup promo



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ast week, the Scottish Par-liament debated problemgambling, with Stuart

McMillan (Scottish National Party,pictured) asking the Scottish gov-ernment what action it is takingto promote awareness of problemgambling, given its impact oncommunities.

Derek MacKay (ScottishNational Party) responded: “Irecently led a summit that consid-ered one aspect of the issue: theprevalence and concentration ofbetting shops in our town centres.Following the summit, we are con-sidering a range of proposals thatare aimed at tackling the problem.For example, we are looking atwhat planning policy can deliver.

“Together with the otherdevolved administrations, werecently wrote to the United King-dom government to encourage itto maximise all the options thatare available to address the publichealth concerns that are associ-ated with gambling.”

McMillan added: “The minister

will be aware that I recentlysecured a members’ businessdebate on problem gambling andfixed-odds betting terminals. Isubsequently wrote to all 32 localauthorities to ask them to con-sider inviting speakers from Gam-

blers Anonymous into schools tospeak to pupils. A number ofauthorities, including InverclydeCouncil, agreed to do that.”

He then asked: “Does the minis-ter agree that providing educationfor young people on the dangersof gambling is important? Does hewelcome the move by councils todo that? Can he say more about histhinking as a consequence of thesummit that he led?”

MacKay answered: “The summitwill produce a report of all theissues that we discussed. We heardfrom many experts and directlyfrom communities, and weworked closely with local authori-ties. The Scottish Governmentagrees that a preventativeapproach to problem gambling isimportant. The preparation ofyoung people for adulthoodinvolves alerting them to risks. Wethank Mr McMillan for his proac-tivity on the issue and hope thatlocal authorities, in partnershipwith us, will do all that they can doto raise awareness of the risks.”

Scottish Parliament debates furthermeasures to prevent problem gambling


Arecent report from theOffice for National Statis-

tics shows that the trend for arise in visits to the UK by over-sees residents is continuing,while the number of visitsabroad by UK residents hasfallen slightly.

Holiday visits to the UKremain strong and have risenby 18 per cent from Januaryto April this year as com-pared to 2013. Furthermore,higher numbers of Brits arechoosing to holiday at home.

The new ONS report sup-ports this trend, with statis-tics showing that the recentrise in visits and earningsfrom overseas visitors to theUK has continued, and wereseven per cent higher in theFebruary to April period thanthey were the year before.

Meanwhile, holiday visitsto the UK remain strong andhave risen by 18 per centfrom January to April thisyear. With staycations on therise, the number of visitsabroad made by Brits hasfallen by one per centbetween February-April 2014as compared to the sameperiod in 2013.

Barclays’ head of hospi-tality and leisure Mike Saulstated: “Destination UKcontinues to be a majordraw and with recentresearch forecasting over-seas tourist spend in the UKgrowing by 34 per cent to£27bn by 2017, this trend isset to go from strength tostrength.

Overseasvisitor andstaycationlevelscontinue to rise


A debate in the ScottishParliament last weekhighlighted howendangered the gamblingenvironment has becomethanks to the furore overFOBTs. Despite every singleprevalence studyconfirming evidence of alow propensity of problemgambling, media hungryMPs have driven theirprofiles on the back of ananti-campaign bolstered bygeneral hostility to fixedodds terminals.Unfortunately, this blurringof willing ignorance anddismissal of facts is gettingworringly close to affectingthe broader industry.


Operators in CanveyIsland and Southend are

on alert after an armedrobber stole hundreds ofpounds from a localarcade.

A masked man burst into

Benfleet Amusements onTuesday last week ataround 7pm and threat-ened staff with a knife hewas carrying.

Terrified, they gave theattacker a small three-figure sum in cash and hefled from the premises.

Detective sergeant PhilSmith of Essex Police said:“Whilst he managed to getaway with only a relativelysmall amount of cash hecaused fear and traumawith staff at the arcade.

“We are appealing forwitnesses or anyone who

knows the suspect to comeforward to identify thisperson.”

The suspect was wear-ing a balaclava, blue jeansand a t-shirt. He is believedto be white, aged in his mid-30s and about 5ft 6ins talland of stocky build.

Warning after knifeman robs Essex arcade

The Gambling Commission haspublished further changes to

the Licence Conditions and Codesof Practice that apply to licensedgambling operators.

These changes, which takeeffect on or after 1 August 2014,relate to improvements on the dis-play of licensed status for gamblingwebsites, notification of suspi-cious activity report unique refer-ence numbers to the Commission,controls on the use of paymentprocessors, and requirements forgreater transparency on the risksto customer funds.

The changes follow extensivepublic consultation and theannouncement of new controls.The publication of all these LCCPchanges ensures operators have atleast three months in which tomake any necessary adjustments inorder to comply. It also ensures thatthose applying for licences follow-ing enactment of the Gambling(Licensing and Advertising) Bill areclear what is required of them fromthe outset.

In addition to these changes,there is a further review tostrengthen those licence condi-

tions and codes and associatedtechnical standards relating toresponsible gambling. This is beingled by Gambling CommissionerRachel Lampard.

The Commission will releaseinformation on the testing strategyfor compliance with its remotegambling and software technicalstandards in May. This will include,for example, changes to allow forthe transition of games currentlyoffered in the British market bythose presently licensed overseas.The Commission will also be con-sulting on an updated and slightly

expanded edition of its Statementof Principles which sets the frame-work within which the Commis-sion works.


Commission publishes further changes to LCCP


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9Coinslot June 20 - June 26, 2014


Email: [email protected]


Cross-party support isgrowing amongst MPs

for an early day motionbacking the campaign toreduce VAT for the tourismindustry

So far 16 MPs havesigned the EDM, whichcalls on chancellor GeorgeOsborne to introduce asector-specific VAT reduc-tion for certain tourism-related products,including accommodationand attractions.

It has been signed by anumber of coastal MPs,including Brighton Pavil-ion’s Caroline Lucas,Torbay’s Adrian Sandersand Worthing West’s PeterBottomley.

The Cut Tourism VATcampaign aims for areduction of VAT from 20per cent to five per centfor hotel accommodationand other tourism relatedservices.

The UK is one of onlyfour EU countries that donot offer a reduced rate,and Cut Tourism VATbelieves doing so wouldstimulate employment,growth and investment.

The group has the back-ing of more than 500 busi-nesses and is led byButlins operator BourneLeisure Group, attractionsoperator Merlin Entertain-ments and the British Hos-pitality Association.

28 MPs debated theproposal in February butTreasury minister DavidGauke rejected their calls,saying there was no evi-dence linking VAT ratesand tourism activity.

he two men that left Mar-gate’s Dreamland amuse-ment park with a bill for

more than £30,000 have been sen-tenced at Canterbury Crown Court.

Michael Nelson, 22, a Canterburyresident, was given a 20-month jailsentence - suspended for two years- after he admitted burglary.

He was also put under partialhouse arrest for six months and isunable to leave his home between7pm and 7am.

Richard Champion, 21, also ofCanterbury, received a two-year jailsentence for handling stolen goods,possessing an offensive weaponand being in breach of a suspendedsentence.

Passing the sentences, JudgeHeather Norton told the two men:“These premises are well-known toeveryone in Kent. It is also wellknown how often these premisesare targeted by thieves.

“It is in some respects an iconiclocation and one in which thepeople of Margate deserve to havemoney spent on, in order to restoreit to its former glory. They don’tdeserve to have it wrecked.”

A heritage development officialtold the court that a “significant”amount of damage had beencaused to brickwork andpipework in the women’s toiletson the Dreamland site.

Brass balustrade items, whichhad a low resale value, were in factthe original 1930s fittings andwould cost more than £30,000 toreplace, the court also heard.

Prosecutor John O’Higgins saidother break-ins had occurred at theamusement park since it closeddown and the total figure of £30,000couldn’t “be put at the door” of justNelson and Champion.

He told the court that three menwere seen acting suspiciously near

the site on July 6 last year: “One manwas inside Dreamland and metalwas being passed to two others whowere on the outside and placed intotwo containers.

“The police were called andwhen they arrived the three wereseen standing next to a metal bincontainer with ornamental fixingsinside and a blue barrel containingother metal.”

O’Higgins said the three ran away

and Nelson crawled underneath alorry, but when one of the officerswent up to the vehicle, Nelson cameout and casually tried to walk away.

He added: “Unfortunately he wascovered in dirt and was arrested.He later told police: ‘I didn’t donothing.’”

Champion was arrested afterpolice found a letter at Nelson’shome indicating the pair wereknown to one another.


An amusement park oper-ator has spoken out

against the decision toreduce opening hours atHayling Island’s touristinformation centre.

The centre used to beopen seven days a week,including certain bank holi-days, but Havant BoroughCouncil said it saw fewervisitors during weekendslast year.

Marshall Hill, a co-ownerof Funland Hayling Island

said the decision wouldhave a negative impact ontourism at the resort andmade little sense.

He told local press: “It’sridiculous to stop providing

visitor information at week-ends. If the council needs tosave money, the centreshould be closed at quiettimes, not during busy week-ends in the tourist season.”

The centre is now openMonday to Friday 9am to5pm, but will be closed onSaturday, Sunday and bankholidays.

During the peak season,from July 28 to September6, it will only be open from9am to midday on Saturday.

The centre is now one ofthe only places in the areato find out about accommo-dation, attractions andplaces to eat, after the onein Havant was closed to savethe council £93,000 a year.

Robin Walton, who leads

the Discovering Haylingheritage group, said: “Theremight be a case of closing itup until Easter but thenthroughout the summerand early autumn, I wouldhave thought it was veryshort-sighted in lights of thedevelopments we havearound the Second WorldWar. It’s very sad.”

Bob Haddock, who runsHayling Seaside Railway,commented: ‘We shouldsupport the tourist industry,which brings about £60mper year into the borough.’

MPs supportgrows fortourism VAT motion

Metal robbery leavesDreamland with £30,000 billAMUSEMENT PARK

The sentencing of two men will be little comfort for theDreamland amusement park, after their actions cost itthousands of pounds.

Operator speaks out over touristoffice opening hours


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Since the outcome ofthe government’s Tri-ennial Review raisedthe maximum jackpot on Cat C ma-chines to £100, different venueshave reported varying results. Pubgoers are responding well to thechanges, showing a renewed inter-est in the sector, while AGC goershave been less keen, thanks to thediverse range of machines alreadyon offer.

Mixed resultsCat C products produced before 31August 2007 are defined as legacymachines by the Gambling Com-mission and require a minimum pay-out of 70 per cent. Newer breeds ofCat C games are subject to no mini-mum payout regulations, but mustclearly communicate to the player

their category, payoutpercentage andwhether they are com-pensated or random.

Antique regulationsCat C games areincreasingly beingproduced withboth the onlineand land-basedsectors in mind.With the right ap-plication of intelli-gent design,games can be developed that are asuccess with both cabinets and mo-bile platforms.

Two-pronged assault

Essential Guide to... Category C

Essential Guideto Second HandMachines Next Week

JUNE 20 - JUNE 26, 2014

10The Essential

Guide to Category Cmachines

31B2B listingsand industrymarketplace

33This week’s



sales, job andbusiness


ome months into the era of £100 jack-pots, Blueprint Gaming is happy toreport that even its initial batch of

converted games are performing well. “Wehave been looking at the various game pro-files and in reality we are in a good place, withall of our new £100 games and converted£70 games performing at the top end of themarket,” said sales and operations manager,Andy Hall.

The company has reached this positiveposition thanks to an uncompromising atti-tude towards originality. “We believe ininnovative game design rather than copy-ing other games in the market,” said Hall.“This is vital to the long term earning poten-tial of a game and to the longevity of thismarket sector.” Even Blueprint’s back cata-logue has seen increased performance fol-lowing the introduction of the new stakesand prizes. “We have also seen a growth inincome across some of our older titles onour digital platform as the balance of staketo payout delivers a more balanced gamedelivery,” said Hall.

Part of the secret behind Blueprint’sstrong Category C results are found in theway in which it designs games for the onlineand bricks-and-mortar industries. “Blue-print is unique in the way in which it is setup,” said Hall, “having a development streamfor our digital products which starts in theonline world and is then filtered downthrough each category through to Cat C.”

This creates a range of benefits, not lim-ited to the ability to gather customer feed-back and build a brand identity before

games hit the floor in land-based operations.“The strength of customer recognition isclear to see for us,” said Hall, “but we have torecognise that not all coin-op players playonline and we must ensure that we take intoaccount the drivers for player interactionacross all mediums.”

With the online market open to usersfrom around the world, Blueprint’s design-ers are careful to make sure that the gamesthey create appeal to specific markets andspecific players. “It is key that game design-ers take into account the players in eachsector and what drives their play patterns,”said Hall. “In every sector and across eachtype of venue play styles will change andtaking a one size fits all clearly wouldn’t anddoesn’t work.”

Blueprint has recently been focussed onbringing community and multi-player CatC titles to market, trumpeting their poten-tial to boost the cashbox in new and excit-ing ways. “We believe that the possibilityfor players to share in each other’s good for-tune is an obvious driver of the popularityof these types of games,” said Hall, “but youcannot take away from the fact that the basegame has to hold the appeal of the playersto start with.”

The company is on the verge of launch-ing its first games designed with this philos-ophy in mind. Prioritising the single-playerquality as well as the multi-player potential.“Our Community game has been built onthis basis,” said Hall, “and we are looking for-ward to getting the first units out on sitewithin the next week.”


Unique strategy theblueprint for successProducts old and new are posting good results for Blueprint Gaming, as the company looks to leadthe charge with innovations in multi-player and online gaming.


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Essential Guide to ... Category CSector Overview

he Category C sector, or AWP if youprefer, as evidenced by themachines and content showcased

in Coinslot this week, has staged somethingof a renaissance on the back of the long-overdue Triennial prize uplift to £100.

Major players in this significant coin-opsoft gambling genre have some seriouslystrong offers despite the much-advertiseddecline of the traditional UK pub. The obvi-ous positive response to pub closure ratesis of course that it’s as much about thecream rising to the top as it is about theunfairness of the Smoke Ban, the price of apint and the fact that adults with smart-phones can play casino games any time, anyplace anywhere. Furthermore, as a numberof coin-op stakeholders have brought tothe attention of Coinslot, the pubs that havesurvived tend to be popular, well-fre-quented and keen to site as much Cat Centertainment as is permitted.

With the above challenging backdrop,latest £1/£100 stake and prize levelsnotwithstanding, the Cat C sector hasdeveloped into a multi-strand concern thatlooks strong enough to support the needsof pubs of all types, rather than becomingfragmented to the point of collapse. Let’s

not forget, as well, that there are plenty ofAGCs and bingo halls that have Cat Cmachines on site and both the above stylesof venue have been keen to get involvedwith taking the latest available equipment.

While the timing of the latest CategoryC prize uplift within, while not perfect, gaveJanuary’s EAG International a bit of a boostin terms of prototype products and talk ofpotentially full cashboxes, the recent ParkAvenue Open Day saw a number of market-ready machines, illustrating the industry’sfaith in the sector.

Given its maturity in the marketplace, theCategory C sector now boasts many dis-tinctive styles. hi-tech, lo-tech, reel-based,video-based, community and the latest ini-tiative Cat C Lite, with the unifying elementsbeing the £1-£100 stake and prize level andgameplay which continue to tread a fineline between its skill and random elements.Compendiums are becoming much moremainstream too and let’s not forget the inno-vative digital platform iPub either, whichhas encouraged a wider player base. The uni-fying factor of all the above, however, is anability to entertain a large customer demo-graphic with relatively easy-to-understandgameplay and features.

In addition to the Cat C machinesdeployed in the 49,000 pubs across the UK,there are a further 47,000 AWPs across allgambling sectors in the UK (AGC, bingo,LBO and casino) according to the latestavailable BBPA and Gambling Commissionfigures. Add to the above numbers those inoperation in working men’s clubs and serv-ice stations and one could reasonably esti-mate that there are more than 100,000 CatC machines on site in the UK. Despite coin-op contraction, therefore, a massive oppor-tunity exists for healthy competition andadditional innovation.

Judging by evidence based on the North-ern Showcase, the South West Show andPark Avenue - and of course the sheervolume of new Cat C products seen in thisvery publication in recent weeks, domes-tic manufacturers, distributors and sup-plier know precisely how to meet theneeds of both the operator and the player.

The bottom line is that the AWP sector isnow the proud owner of a prize figure thatactually means something, and because ofthis it can build on the hard work it hasundertaken ever since the maximumpayout would only just about pay for yourtaxi fare home.



We do like to bebeside the Cat C side

An ever-growing band of coin-op stakeholders have enjoyed the boost that January’s Triennial hashanded them, reinforcing the underlying belief that AWPs can continue to be prolific cashbox earners,regardless of their guise in terms of what is ultimately presented to the player.


• Growing numbers of manufacturers anddistributors getting involved in the pro-gression of the sector

• £1 now universally seen as an ‘impulsespend’, therefore £1/£70 stakes stillacceptable to players

• Cat C is very much ‘part of the furniture’in pubs, AGCs and bingo, therefore veryapproachable/non-intimidating from aplayer perspective


• Competition from other forms of digitalentertainment

• Reduced consumer spend •Value for money from player’s perspec-

tive can still be questionable in certainsubgenres


• Community, compendium, video-basedand multi-stake games on the rise

• £100 prize level is a meaningful amountto players and has afforded developersgreater creativity

• Updatable content viadongles/CDs/online lessens need forshipping, reducing costs and making iteasier to bring new games to market


•Mobile gaming on tablets/smart-phones/laptops

• More pubs becoming food-led


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Essential Guide to ... Category CMarket Analysis

From what I’ve seen at Park Avenue, the Pines hotel inChorley (home of the Northern Showcase) and

advertised in this very publication, the UK coin-opindustry has once again proved that it can producecompelling games that the public is prepared to pay forin order to play.

The Cat C (or AWP) sector is has long establisheditself as a soft gambling staple and an inevitable by-product of its longevity is that it has become one of themost varied categories in the UK coin-op sector.

While reel-based play still remains, familiarity in thecase of the AWP hasn’t bred contempt. We all know thatthis style of gameplay won’t last forever, but the fact ofthe matter is that this pub staple now serves a dual pur-pose. It’s still the quintessential pocket-money changeentertainment product, but now carries a top prize thatis actually worth chasing.

Continued research and development with referenceto broadband connections, online updates, the synergybetween coin-op and apps and the interconnectivity ofproducts across an entire estate is of course being rig-orously carried out behind the scenes, yet the future forCat C gameplay has not been written. Without doubt, theAWP has already started its journey on the digital path,which will hopefully lead us all to a full cashbox at theend of the rainbow.

When, eventually, the digital AWP becomes the norm,there’ll be plenty of nostalgic mentions of thosemechanical reels that have paved the way for futuredevelopment and creation. Furthermore, there areplenty of respected stakeholders in the industry thatbelieve that to do away with the mech reel altogetherwould be an act of folly.

We do know, however, that the UK coin-op sector isconsistently good at producing games that stand up toboth player scrutiny and the test of time – and often thisis down to increased discussion with distributors whohave built up good relationships with operators.

It doesn’t take me to tell you that the most recent£1/£100 products that have emerged from the UK’s lead-ing manufacturers are actually pretty good. In thissector, by and large, the products speak for themselves.

forewordalex lee


Category Cproduction linesgatheringmomentumWe’re now beginning to see a whole newbatch of inventive Category C games rollingoff UK production lines, six months sincedevelopers and manufacturers were first ableto get their teeth into the new stakes andprize levels.

oinslot: How have operators responded theintroduction of the new £100 games?Tony Glanville: We knew from the reaction we

received at EAG if the product was good, there was ahealthy demand from the market. Our sales so far onCategory C product have been strong and our year-on-year sales have seen a significant uplift since the newjackpots were introduced. This is a clear indication thatthe players are responding positively to the new jack-pots and operators are sourcing product to meet thedemand from the players.

CS: What effect has the increased jackpot had on theoverall health of the Cat C sector?TG: The introduction of a new jackpot brings an instantrush to the market across all sectors. The pub marketwas first to move after the introduction of £100 games,as there was an abundance of upgrade kits availableand a range of new games.

For the AGC and bingo market the process was slower,with a smaller amount of £100 product available at thetime of introduction. The majority of new games for theAGC and bingo sectors were fed into the market in theSpring. Our first major success with a single player prod-uct for the AGC sector was with Astra’s R-Cade, a stun-ning compendium of games from the Astra and Bell FruitGames camps, which has now been followed up by HotSpot Deluxe, itself another compilation of games. Bothproducts offer the operator and player flexibility andchoice with a range of games covering non-complexgame styles as well as feature packed high-tech games,so on a single carpet space the player is offered the fullspectrum of game styles within one product.

CS: What changes in machine design have younoticed since the new stakes and prizes were intro-duced?TG: In the AGC and bingo markets we have seen inter-esting developments with stakes and prizes. A lot ofresearch was undertaken last year, with operators andplayers, and the consensus was that 30p and £25 wasthe best balanced stake and prize ratio within the AGCand bingo sectors. As a result manufacturers looked toblend this into their new game offerings.

Astra on the Bullion Bars and Party Time Streaks fixedthe stake at 30p, with the main prize being £25. Thisvalue can then repeat producing a ‘roll’ of wins, withthe player being informed to watch out for ‘the streak’which produces a £100 award. Project took a similarapproach to the stake, fixing it at 30p, but allowed the

player to play for a £100 win. Empire were not pre-scriptive and offered their Gold Run Arena in a multistake format. The operator could have the product withthe £25 main award, with repeats similar to Astra, oroffer the maximum award of £100 on both the baseand top games.

The other key area that has changed is the commer-cial approach, with suppliers recognising that opera-tors would be faced with a significant capital outlay andin a large number of cases would be unable to reclaimthe VAT. To help, suppliers provided differentapproaches to ease the burden. For example, Projectallowed operators the ability to swap a game within 90days of purchase. Astra and Empire, on their multi-playerproducts, presented operators the option to purchaseover a six month period, thereby spreading the cost andessentially offering a ‘pay as you earn’ facility. Bothapproaches were warmly received by the market andProject, Astra and Empire should be applauded for theirforesight and willingness to support the industry.

CS: What is the attraction of community and multi-player style Cat C games?TG: Our main focus with the introduction of the £100has been with multi-player games from Astra andEmpire. These styles of products offer a sense of theatreto the venue they are in. The machines are big and boldand have that all important ‘walk up factor’.

From the players perspective, the thrill of achievingthe top feature is the key to the game. The Astra andEmpire multi-players have a similar top feature whichinvolves a secondary set of reels that, once triggered,spin off and keep going until a losing combination isbrought into view. The players love that feeling of antic-ipation, not knowing how many times those giant reelsare going to spin and drop in wins.


A newdawn forCat C RLMS sales director Tony Glanville seesa buoyant future for Cat C, with multi-playermachines and game compilations leadingthe charge.


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Essential Guide to ... Category CMarket Analysis


The change in Cat C jackpots has lead to more than just increasedplayer engagement. Companies new to the sector have been stimu-

lated to bring their own unique approaches to the market, driving innova-tion and quality

Chief among these new adopters is 24 Seven Gaming, which brought aselection of Vegas-style machines to operators around the country.“Overall we believe that the increased jackpot has been a positive one,especially for new entrants into the market place like us,” said managingdirector Simon McCarthy. The company’s early success has also beenboosted by a demand for variety in pubs and AGCs. “The customers andretailers alike are very supportive of a varied supply chain, therefore ourproduct has as much chance as any other product in the field to achievemarket acceptance,” noted McCarthy.

24 Seven has seen players respond well to the range of products ithas designed especially for the £100 jackpot, with a wide selection ofgames a key component of it’s success. “In our opinion players haveaccepted the new £100 prize in the UK Cat C sector, as we have seen agood response to it,” said McCarthy. “The uplift in both the game per-formance and the diverse game styles that have resulted have beenextremely encouraging. In fact, the increase in stake and prize on theCat B4 (£400) has been more challenging.”

Cat C players come from a wide range of backgrounds and are playinggames in a diverse range of venues. Attempting to cater for this variableselection has been a challenge, but one that 24 Seven has risen to.

“The game style on Cat C product is somewhat ‘bespoke’ as we try tocater for the diverse player base,” said McCarty, “and it is all about enter-taining the player and giving them some ‘fun time’ on the product. We arein the amusement with prizes business, so we are guided by how ourproduct is accepted by the player base.”

The company has been able to meet the unpredictable needs of playersby maintaining an ongoing open dialogue with its operator customers.“We have a range of design options and directions to offer the player,”said McCarthy, “so keeping close to the site feedback is imperative for us- this guides us in our future games design process.” This includes ideasthat have not yet made their way to market for 24 Seven, but which couldbear fruit in future. “The community and multi-player aspect of Cat C issomething that we as yet have not engaged with,” notes McCarty. “Wehave a watching brief on this aspect of the business.”

A strong startfor 24 SevenRelative newcomer 24 Seven Gaming has foundsuccess in Cat C by appeasing a diverse player base withhigh quality design.

he Young’s estate of pubs made a boldand wholehearted leap into the newera of £100 Cat C machines, opting to

replace its entire portfolio of machines withnew models. “In order to try to achieve maxi-mum player impact for the new £100machines we took the decision not to haveany on-site conversions of existing £70models,” said commercial manager Bill Epsley.

However, with the early part of the year anaturally quieter season for the UK’s publichouses, it has taken time for players to take tothese new machines in earnest. “January isgenerally recognised as being a quieter timeof the trading year, so perhaps it is not theideal time to launch any new product,” saidEpsely, “but even taking the [new set ofmachines] into account it still took a fewweeks following installation before our cus-tomers started to recognise the attractive-ness of the £100 prize.”

Taking the opportunity to upgrade its hard-ware across the board has also resulted inadded benefits, as the advances in technol-ogy made over the past few years are intro-duced into the £100 machines. “I think one ofthe greatest benefits I’ve noticed is that oflive/active hoppers which have greatlyreduced the need for refilling,” said Epsely.“This has delivered a real benefit, particularlyin tenanted and leased estates where, histori-cally, regular refills were generally at bestirregular and at worst non-existent.”

Epsley believes that gaming machines inYoung’s pubs are fighting a tough battleagainst the pull of bookmaker’s Fixed OddsBetting Terminals, but that Cat C games stillhave the potential hold player’s attention. “Ithink we all recognise that our player basehas shrunk significantly over the last decade

or so, particularly since the proliferation ofFOBT’s,” he said, “but for pub goers I think theCat C machine still provides the opportunityto have that little ‘flutter’” in comfortable sur-roundings whilst enjoying a drink withfriends or colleagues.”

Looking ahead, the future for Cat Cmachines in modern pubs is not rosy, withthe types of venues most commonly associ-ated with these games going slowly out offashion. “I think we need to accept that Cat Cmachines, and indeed leisure machines ingeneral, have historically tended to be a keyfeature of the traditional ‘wet-led’ pub,” saidEpsely, “but the pub world has been evolvingand post-smoking ban these venues continueto be the most vulnerable to either closure orre-positioning as food focussed operations.”

With landlords needing to adapt to stayafloat, the increase in food-centric establish-ments is creating an environment that is lessfriendly to gaming machines. “Many pubs arenow serving a much wider customer base byoffering good restaurant quality food agreater selection of drinks,” said Epsley. “Allwithin a comfortable and contemporary envi-ronment, far removed from the smoky male-dominated pubs of the past and therefore,often, the presence of any machines in these‘new’ venues can stand out and conflict withthe ambience they seek to create.”

In order to secure the future of Cat C games,and pub-based gambling in general, Epsleynotes that it is important to establish a regu-lar schedule of governmental evaluation. “Ithink most will welcome the return of the tri-ennial review of stakes and prizes,” he said,“as it sets a formal timetable and removesuncertainty for manufacturers, operators andend-users alike.”


Mixed fortunes forCat C at Young’s Young’s has fully embraced the new generation of Cat C products,despite tough times for the wet-led pubs in which leisure machinestraditionally flourish.


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Essential Guide to ... Category CMarket Perspectives

oinslot: How have your venues communi-cated the increased jackpot to your cus-tomers and their players?

Peter Davies: Our customers in the pub sector haveused a variety of marketing material and media topromote the new £100 jackpot. Typically this hasincluded machine header boards, posters, beermats, tent cards and, in some cases, direct emailcampaigns.

In addition pub staff have received briefing infor-mation to allow them to actively inform customersof the new jackpot. This method is easily the mostsuccessful form of promotion and should be a con-tinual process.

Staff engagement with machine players is keyto maximising machine profits. By identifying,recognising and informing customers of newgames and features as they arrive in venue, retail-ers can ensure continued interest, repeat visits andan influx of new players. At Gamestec, we provideconsiderable support for our customers in termsof product awareness and will continue todevelop and refine this backing to ensurebest ‘bang for buck’.

CS: What innovations will help to furtherboost the Cat C sector?PD: When considering what we would liketo see regarding game and technologydevelopments and innovations, it broadlyfalls into three main categories. Firstly, weaim to ensure that machine players comeback to play our games. The second objectiveis attracting and keeping new players and,thirdly, improving operational efficiencies.

There are a number of innovations already inoperation or development that are worthy ofnote. They include products such as iPub,Gamestec’s digital gaming platform,which offers players choice ofgames they would not ordi-narily find in pubs such ascasino style slots,roulette and pokeralongside Deal orNo Deal. All ofthese gamestyles repre-sent an appeal-ing offer tonew players.A perfectexample isWin Fallfrom Bell-Fruit Games.

It delivers an exciting blend of traditional reels, highquality digital display and an incredibly strongbrand/licence.

Operationally, we utilise processes such as intel-ligent float management, which greatly helps toensure that machines run optimally and reducesthe need for manual refloats.

We would like to see exciting new game designsthat fully embraces the new jackpot levels andappeals more widely to players, supporting a strongcross sector and brand recognition to give thesecustomers a truly focussed all-encompassing expe-rience. We also want to see improved ‘on machine’marketing and advertising areas to promote newgames and features. Furthermore, we need toembracing social media to encourage communitybased play that contributes to enhanced entertain-ment and better value for money. Additionally, there

has to be an improved focus onplayer recognition and loy-

alty rewards.Elsewhere, we look

to improved machineperipherals and soft-ware security andadopting a for-ward thinkingand progressiveapproach to align-ing an analogueand digital offerwith a common plat-form which sup-ports technology,game design and

i m p o r t a n t l yplayer pro-



Gamestec highlightsinnovation priorities

Gamestec commercial director, Peter Davies, tells Coinslot how his company hashelped to put £100 Cat C machines at the forefront of people’s minds and alsotouches on innovations that are driving the sector toward new horizons.

Coinslot: How have players responded the introduc-tion of the new £100 games?

Craig Beer: The early indications suggest that where thepub market has replaced previous £70 jackpot machineswith £100 versions there has definitely been an uptakein the net cashbox revenue. That appears to be particu-larly the case with dedicated £1 stake on some digitalofferings. The complication comes in locations such asbingo halls, AGCs and FECs where players are presentedwith a much broader choice of variable stake and prizeoptions. In order to address this we have tried to offer amore ‘legacy’ style game with a £25 jackpot which canrepeat up to seven times.

CS: Would you encourage further revisions of the Cat Cstakes and prizes in the future?CB: Yes - it is imperative that we continue to seek paritywith the LBOs in whatever form that takes. We have tobe conscious, too, that the last review of machine stakesand prizes took significantly longer than the TriennialReview process that we had become accustomed to.

CS: What challenges in game design have you noticedsince the new stakes and prizes were introduced?CB: It is difficult to persuade players to migrate fromtheir ‘favourite’ legacy style games, which claim to offera better stake-to-prize ratio. However, this is what we aretrying to do with games offering 19 repeat wins from aslittle as £10 through to games offering three repeat winson £50 games.

CS: What are the features that make Cat C an attractiveproposition for players, when compared to machines ofa different category?CB: Being able to repeat the jackpot in various amountsalways appeals to the player. We are also firm believers inthe concept that players are able to go home happyregardless of the amount they have won, so long as theyhave won something!


Building aCat C Empire Making the new generation of £100 gamesa success has presented Empire Gameswith challenges, but, as director CraigBeer explains, the team are meeting themhead on with a slew of creative ideas.


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Essential Guide to ... Category CMarket Perspectives


ith the era before a Cat C £100jackpot firmly consigned tothe past, manufacturers such

as Reflex Gaming have been given thespace to demonstrate their true poten-tial. “The sector is now in full swingdelivering new games designedspecifically for the £100 level, ratherthan updating historic models,” saidmanaging director Quentin Stott, “andthis has seen some manufacturersmove ahead of others. I’m delightedto say that Reflex has released sometruly fantastic models since the intro-duction of £100.”

The rate of adoption for thesemachines designed exclusively for theupdated stakes and prizes was initiallystymied by a desire to retrofitmachines already in the field. “The new£100 jackpot level has been wellreceived by the player,” said Stott. “Atthe time, there was a lot of pressure forthe industry updating, so manymachines which were already in themarket, but that is now behind us andwe have had positive feedback fromthe players.”

The success of Reflex’s newmachines has been built, in part, on thecompany’s wholehearted adoption ofa multi-stake structure. Depending onhow much a player wagers on each

spin, different reel bonuses and winlines become available. “We have foundthat the new prize level has been wellreceived by players and a multi-stakeapproach has worked well for us,”noted Stott.

With players now appearing to befirmly in favour of the new £100 jack-pot, there’s a temptation for the indus-try to rest on it’s laurels, but Stottbelieves that this would be a mistake.In his view, the gaming communityshould continue to gather material thatsupports further revisions to Cat Cstakes and prizes.

“We’re now working in a world of‘evidence-based’ changes to stakes andprizes,” he said. “It’s vital that manufac-turers, operators and retailers work inharmony, pooling information, so thatwe can present a robust argument forchange in future.” He argues that nomatter how strong a new machine is,players will eventually hunger forsomething new and that the industryneeds support from Westminster toremain afloat. “It’s clear we’re in a fash-ion-based industry and things need tochange and be refreshed on a regularbasis to keep our player base engaged,”said Stott. “Our aim has got to be todemonstrate this to our regulators andpolicy makers.”


Multi-line successfor Reflex Gaming

Following a period oftransition following theintroduction of the new£100 jackpot, the CatC market is respondingwell to the innovativemachines emergingfrom Reflex Gaming.

Widely regarded as one of the UK industry’s lead-ing machine experts, Nigel Davis, head of

machines at Praesepe, believes the approachadopted by the company to the £100 jackpot ispaying dividends. “The impact has been very posi-tive indeed,” he said, “and overall we are verypleased at the way in which the manufacturers haveinterpreted the £100 opportunity and the responsethe games have received from our customers.”

This success has emerged off the back of aproactive study undertaken by the company duringlate 2013. “The focus group research we undertooklast autumn, and which we shared with our col-leagues in the manufacturing sector at November’sMachine Symposium, has proved incredibly useful,”said Davis. “It has helped us to gain the maximumbenefit from the new jackpot and, as importantly,helped us to avoid the pitfalls which our playerssignposted in the research. Our key strategy hasbeen to introduce new games on £100 and not toconvert existing and popular games from £70 to£100. We see £100 as being the best offer to date andone which can compete, and indeed beat, thatoffered by legacy machines.”

Although the first thing that will attract players tothe new Cat C games may well be the increasedjackpot, Praesepe understand that to really engagethe player, you must build a game that’s exudesquality at every stage. “From the outset we took thestrategic decision not to focus on thenew jackpot level but to focus onnew games,” said Davis. “We haveused every channel possibleincluding digital, SMS, POSwindow displays, stickers,posters, tent cards, as well asour new Jackpot FM internetradio station to push home themessage. We have also made cer-tain that our customer-facing staffare fully briefed and aware of newgame deployments in advanceof them going live. Thehuman element ofbeing able to askstaff how agame plays isreally impor-tant but fre-quentlyover-looked.”


£100 jackpothits the markfor Praesepe

A dedication to game over jackpot hasmade the £100 jackpot Cat C machinesan early winner for nationwide operators,Praesepe.

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Essential Guide to ... Category CProducts

The Category C sector contin-ues to be extremely important

for Reflex Gaming. The companycurrently has three machines forthe single site sector; namelyEastern Promise, Hot Shots andFiddle A Fortune.

Eastern Promise has a three-reel base game and offers multiplestake options from 25p to £1. On25p only one win line is active andon 50p and £1, five win lines areactivated. Players must spin in afruit win or collect numbers toadvance up the trail to the cashmatrix, where they can either col-lect or exchange to play the fea-ture. Normal feature entry can beboosted via a red jackpot symbolon reel three. Once in the feature,players collect three lamps to acti-vate the super board, allowing theplayer to collect Super Shots andMega Shots. The Sheik’s Featureis a Take It or Leave It style playedwith either one or two grids open.

Hot Shots has a snooker themeand a multi stake option withspins every game on 50p and £1stakes, offering the player thechance to build up wins andenhanced feature games. With a25p start the bonus board is notactive, but it is activated on thehigher stakes. Players must lightthree Trophies to activate themoney feature and light more toeliminate the lower values. ThePrize Money feature is a Take It orLeave It style feature and playersmust collect Mega Cash Shots inthe game to add cash to the MegaCash Meter.

Fiddle ‘A’ Fortune takes playersto the Emerald Isle. Once again itoffers multi-stake/multi-win-lineoptions, with one win line becom-ing active on 25p, five win lines on50p and five win lines and a bonusred feature active on £1. NormalFeature entry may be boosted to

Super Start or Mega Start via thered Fiddle a Fortune symbol onreel three.

For the arcade sector, ReflexGaming has the Apollo £100 digi-tal Category C housed in theattractive Starlight cabinet. This isa 5 game, single monitor, videocompendium featuring three reel-based games, one poker and aroulette, namely: Lady Luck, BankRaid, Lady Luck Around TheClock, Poker Mania and Roulette.All of these games offer a multistake (25p/50p play), with a £100jackpot.

“Reflex remains dedicated toproviding quality Category C andCat C Lite products to the singlesite and arcade and bingo sec-tors. It is still a fashion-led areaand very competitive, however,now that the £100 jackpot hasbedded down, we are seeing asteady growth,” said managingdirector Quentin Stott.

ell-Fruit Games, and its sister com-pany QPS, have a brace of strongperforming games for the Category

C sector with Deal or No Deal Midas Touchand Bank Job the Getaway respectively.According to the Nottingham-based manu-facturer, both titles are showing plenty ofpromise on test. The former has beenapproved by Marston’s with the latterachieving approval from Mitchells and But-lers.

The Bell-Fruit model is the latest in anillustrious line-up of games bearing theincredibly successful Deal or No Dealbrand. It comes loaded with an array ofexciting features designed tokeep players entertainedand coming back for more.Included is the GoldenGame feature, which acti-vates if, after playing Deal orNo Deal, the player’s box hasa gold phone symbol lit.When the golden phonesymbol appears players canexchange their win to playthe Golden Game and go forthe Mega Streak.

The QPS model, Bank Jobthe Getaway, comes tomarket with an instantlyrecognisable Cops ‘n’ Rob-bers theme. The test facingplayers is to beat the ‘bob-bies’ and escape the ‘chop-pers’ as they play for swagbags and big prizes. Bothgames are geared up for thenew £100 jackpot are areswitchable to Category Dstake and prize configura-tion if desired.

Commenting on thetwo games - and the CatC sector in general - Bell-Fruit sales and market-ing director JohnMcLoughlin said: “We’reobviously delighted withthe response from theplayer base to our newmodels which are showing

a healthy performance on test. Our gamedesign team has a rich heritage of produc-ing great Cat C titles and these two latestmachines demonstrate that perfectly.”

He added: “More generally on Cat C, ithasn’t gone unnoticed at Bell-Fruit theopportunities arising from the acquisitionof the Nobles’ arcades by our parent theAstra Gaming Group. One of the key bene-fits of this deal will be the ability to workwith the Nobles team on new productdevelopment and testing. That process willdrive more innovation and result in bettergames for our customers; it’s something weare all genuinely excited about.”


Two strongperformers fromBFG and QPSThe ever-popular Deal or No Deal licence continues to pay dividendsfor Bell-Fruit Games as they prepare to debut a new crime-themed Cat C title.

Relfex flexes itsCat C muscleReflex Gaming continuesto make good on itscommitment to the Cat Cmarket, with a host of newgames for the single site andarcade sectors.


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Empire’s latest assault on the Category Csector comes in the form of Gold Run.

According to the company, this new model,with its upright style, is designed to keep play-ers entertained for hours on end. It is avail-able in both Category C and Category Doptions.

Explaining the basic appeal of the game,Empire managing director Craig Beer com-mented: “Gold Run offers a traditional stylegame format with some exciting enhance-ments that we feel are sure to keep the play-ers guessing as to why wins appear to comeout of nowhere.”

Players spin the reels in the hope that theycan gain either winning symbols featuring a

range of single, double and jackpot ‘Gold Bars’.They also have the added benefit of nudgesto help them or the chance of gaining a ‘GoldRun’ symbol on the middle reel sandwichedbetween two gold bars. Achieving this affordsaccess to the ‘Gold Run’ top box feature wherebigger wins and more theatre await.

Wins continue to be spun onto the win lineand the awards accumulated into the player’sbank display. Should the player gain the ‘GoldRun’ on the centre reel, this is the part of thegame where the ‘Gold Run’ streak really kicksin. In summary, Beer concluded: “This is amust-have game that will definitely stand thetest of time and will be popular with playersfor years to come.”


Latest Empire modelset to run and runEmpire is hoping to spark a gold rush with it latest machine, a jackpotfilled Cat C machine that promises long-lasting enjoyment.

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Essential Guide to ... Category CProductsRLMS SALES

hen Astra released the iconic Party Timeand Bullion Bars titles as £100 versions atEAG 2014, it caused a real stir within the

AGC and Bingo operating fraternity. Almost everyarcade or bingo hall in the UK features one orboth of these outstanding games on previouslyintroduced jackpots.

Astra gave great thought to the reintroductionof these games, as they recognised that existingproduct in the marketplace needed upgradingand replacing. This need was driven by wear andtear on well loved machines. Party Games andBullion Bars have been real workhorses in theCat C sector for a significant amount of time andwith their existing machines showing their age,many operators were keen to find replacements.They required something that appealed to play-ers as a game, provided visual impact and utilisedthe latest technology to provide a sound and reli-able operating platform.

Astra decided that the best thing to do wasbring back the old favourites, now housed in thenew WOW cabinet, which provided the visualimpact and reliable technology, along with theadded bonus of being able to offer awards of upto £100.

“Astra was sensitive to the player’s needs andbalanced the game in such a way that the feel ofwas reminiscent of its old favourites, so the tran-

sition for the player from the older product tothe new Bullion Bars and Party Time Streaks waseffortless,” said RLMS sales director, TonyGlanville.

They were also very mindful of the operator’sneeds in a challenging economic environment.The company reduced the price of the multi-player games, making them far more affordableto operators and introduced a repayment pack-age over a six month window, smoothing the pay-ment schedule and allowing operators to ‘pay asthey earn’.

Astra also recognised that operators need tohave flexibility within the product and offeredthe operator not just the £100 version, but alsothe capability to switch the machine to 20p/£10- which currently only attracts MGD at the fivepercent rate - and also the ability to switch to Cat-egory D at 10p/£5. This also provided operatorsthe facility to move the machine around theirvenues or estates, allowing the product’s flexibil-ity to enhance its residual market value.

“The Party Time and Bullion Bar Streaks are the‘reel deal’ and offer a premium product with greatin-built flexibility, coupled with a very attractivecommercial proposition,” said Glanville. “If youhave not got one yet you really need to be speak-ing to the team at RLMS Sales, so you don’t missout on this fantastic opportunity.”

The boys areback in townRLMS has in stock two of Astra’s classic machines, repurposed for the new£100 Cat C jackpots and ready to replace their well loved ancestors.

At Storm Games the pub and club markets havealways been, and continue to be, the company’s

core. As a company, Storm Games has one of thelargest portfolios of digital titles for the pub market,being one of the first companies to show a real com-mitment to the sector by investing in digital gaming,almost a decade ago.

Storm believe that they are bucking the trend eco-nomically in 2014, reporting a a strong year for thecompany to date as it continues to sell large volumesof both the licensed ‘Eyegames’ Cat C offering andthe unlicensed ‘Street Casino’ Cat C / B4 switchableproducts.

Storm have also now launched a Cat C lite packageand a new and updated

Paragon and InfinitiCat C conversion kits,with new contentlaunching every quar-ter on all our productranges.

Richard Sheldon,managing director,commented: “Ourinvestment in new staffand premises is payingdividend for us. We havea big line up of newgames in the pipelineincluding our biggestgame to date ‘CaptainCashfall’ as well as newhi-tec digital slots andother content too. In addi-tion, our Popeye brandedgames continue to serveus well and new Popeyegames will also be avail-able towards the end of thesummer.

“Storm Games has nownearly 3,000 digital kiosks inthe Cat C and B4 market andhigh quality content isimportant to our customersin maintaining our cashbox’sand this is one of the manyreasons our customersremain so loyal and our

sales continue to grow,year on year”


Storm GamesCat C goesfrom strengthto strengthThe Cat C offering from Storm Gameshas helped propel the company into apositive position midway through 2014, withmore releases to come as the year unfolds.


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Astra Games has quite literally hit the spotwith its latest offering for the Cat C

market, in the form of Hot Spot Deluxe.Designed from the ground up to entertainplayers in the arcade and bingo sectors, thismachine represents Astra’s latest release inthe iconic FV623 cabinet.

Hot Spot Deluxe brings player choiceright to the fore, with a pre-loaded selectionof no less than 18 games accompanied byAstra’s innovative ‘wall package’ that allowsthe operator to showcase as little or as manytitles as required.

Explaining more about Hot Spot Deluxewas sales and marketing director Alan

Rogers. He noted that: “With its stunningarray of entertaining game titles, this latestAstra launch can be tailored to suit therequirements of any operator and bring afresh touch to their venues.

“The current game pack comprises acompelling mixture of top performing CatC titles from the Astra Games and Bell-FruitGames stables. They feature alongside somebrand new games that are simply bristlingwith exciting new features. With trails,roulette gambles and free spins, there reallyis something for every player. Housed in theFV623 cabinet, with its slim lined designand vibrant artwork, this machine is ready

to add an enticing new gaming dimensionto any arcade or bingo hall.”

Rogers was also keen to emphasise thepositive impact that the new £100 payouthas had on the Cat C genre. “As with any Tri-ennial Review, there were equal levels ofhigh expectation and uncertainty as to howthe market would respond to a £100 Cat Cjackpot,” he said. “We’re happy to say thatthe players have really warmed to the newpayout and, interestingly, we’re even begin-ning to see players who had drifted over toLBO style products migrating back to Cat C.Evidently, in Cat C, they see a game that canbe both rewarding and entertaining to play.”


Astra hits the spot with Hotspot DeluxePlayer choice is key for Astra with its new AGC and bingo release, Hot Spot Deluxe, offering up to 18different Cat C titles designed for the new £100 jackpot.



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Essential Guide to ... Category CProductsBLUEPRINT GAMING

lueprint Gaming has pioneereddigital Category C product in theUK with its King of Games com-

pendium, which is consistently provid-ing high income levels and driving evergrowing numbers in the pub sector. Thesuccess of King of Games, housed in theGauselmann Genie cabinet, is due to theconstant focus on content managementand updates, with new titles and provencross-platform, top-performing slotsbuilding on this strong base.

Of the current crop, Luck of the Irish,

a five winline multi stake game, is per-forming very strongly, as is SuperspinsBar X. Golden Pharaohs, a slot-style gameand casino style games, like HotpotRoulette the Chase the Ace, are becom-ing increasingly popular with players.Blueprint Gaming has added a new game,Black Jack, in which players try to beatthe dealer to win the jackpot.

“The implementation of the £100 jack-pot went incredibly smoothly and nowwe are seeing great cashbox returns onthe new prize levels,” says Simon Barff,

The diversity and fast-response afforded by digital Cat C machines has driven Blueprint Gaming todeliver a strong range that appeals to all players.

Blueprint leads thedigital charge

Blueprint Gaming continues to bringfresh ideas to the Category C sector

with its latest releases. This has been a great year for Blueprint,

with a series of high performing titlesincluding Alice and the Mad Hatter andPaddy’s Payday, which received full retailerapprovals.

These were followed by Viva Las Vegas,which dazzled players with its multiple lap-ping boards and Roulette Riches second-ary feature. Viva Las Vegas once againbagged a full house of approvals, confirm-ing the strength and depth of the com-pany’s products and the design capabilitiesof the Betcom team - who are the brainsbehind the Blueprint reel-based products.

Alice and the Queen of Jackpots revisitsthe popular Wonderland theme and isalready gaining strong retailer supportafter proving its prowess over an extendedtest period.

“The strength of our machines is driventhrough innovative game design,” saidSimon Barff, managing director of Blue-print Gaming’s machine division. “We donot the follow the premise of some othersuppliers who simply turn out copies ofexisting titles. We have seen time and againthat this provides only short-term returnswith shorter site life and reduced residualvalues. Manufacturing should be about thequality of the products, game innovationand player satisfaction, not plagiarism.”


Innovationis key forBlueprintThe reel-based products fromBlueprint Gaming continue tochampion originality over relianceon re-working the company’sexisting back catalogue.

B managing director of BlueprintGaming’s machine division.

“What sets King of Games apartfrom other digital compendiums isthe quality and strength of the gamecontent. We are constantly monitor-ing the games that players enjoy andusing that information to feed backinto the games design process, allwhile taking successful titles fromone sector and translating themacross to provide players with the bestin class. It is vital to ensure that thereis a true balance of game styles on eachmachine to entice both core andcasual players.”

Blueprint has now introduced anew digital Category C compendiumcalled Super Slots 100, which ishoused in the attractive chrome-sur-round Genie cabinet. Designed todrive new footfall and additional VTP,Blueprint are already seeing goodearly results across a number of retail-ers’ estates.

Andy Hall, Blueprint’s sales andoperations manager reported: “Thiscompendium was driven from theknowledge gained from our con-nected estate and the strength of ourslot games on the existing King ofGames compendium. Blueprint hasbeen workingclosely withretailers in thepub sector tobring a differ-ent mix of gamecontent to theenvironment.We are seeingthat slots-stylegames candrive addi-tional incometo sites andbring backlapsed players.We are seeinge x t r e m e l ye n c o u r a g i n gVTP andincome levelsand will roll outadditional unitsover thecoming weeks.”

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Jabro Games has added a brand new cab-inet, The Jab Cab, to its existing range.

The product was originally designed byJem Symmonds and then re-engineered byJabro Games with a number of improve-ments. The new cabinets are being built atthe Jabro factory in South Wales and ordershave already been delivered for the UK andexport markets in Europe. Jabro now offera range of four different cabinets to choosefrom, with four categories on offer: Cat C,B4, B3A and D. Operators can simply selectthe category and choose whichever cabi-net that is right for their requirements.

The Jackpot £100 Cat C and Jackpot£400 B4 models are available direct fromJabro, offering easy payment terms to bothold and new customers. Since launchingthe new dual screen digital products ear-

lier this year the Cat C/Cat B4 products havebecome best sellers. Some of the latestgames to appear on the Jackpot £100 and£400 models are Storm Bar X, a popular ver-sion of the classic with a freespins feature,and Dragons Gems, a new 20 line slot withtransforming symbols.

For the club, bingo and arcade market,Jabro highly recommends its casino styledome top cabinet with high capacityhopper and note validator fitted as stan-dard. These are ideal for locations lookingfor a complete ‘casino in the club’ styleproduct. Jabro are offering both the Cat Cand B4 packages with a range of higher per-centage payout versions to suit morevenues. The company now also offers itsrange of products with the option ofupgrading to the NV11 note recycler for

note payout functionality.Building on the success of its latest

range of multigame Cat C and B4 prod-ucts, Jabro will be both building and sell-ing a new product called Street CasinoLite. The machine has ben developed inassociation with Storm Games and isnow available as a new 20p play £10Jackpot Category C product, which isalso switchable to a 10p play £5 Jack-pot Category D product. Street CasinoLite is priced from £1695.

This new low stakes product qualifiesfor the five percent Machine Games Dutyand has a switchable percentage to suitpub, bingo and arcade venues. StreetCasino Lite features five games on themenu, including Bar-X and Popeyebranded titles.


Hit the jackpot with JabroNew entries into the Cat C and Cat C Lite markets has positioned Jabro as an exciting provider of highquality gaming entertainment.

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Essential Guide to ... Category C

4 Seven is taking a fresh approach to the CategoryC sector with its second game for single sites, WokAround the Clock. First seen at EAG, this game has

been designed with Heber (Pluto 6) technology and it ishoused in the new Orbit Plus cabinet, which 24 Seven hashad designed in collaboration with it’s manufacturing part-ner. The new cabinet comprises of an integral pay tray alongwith an innovative door-frame, which has the option forillumination.

“We believe that the new game and cabinet continues toshow our long-term commitment to the UK Cat C analoguemarket place,” adds Simon McCarthy, managing director.“Wok around the Clock sees 24 Seven take a completelydifferent approach in a bid to explore the new possibilitiesof the £100 prize. We wanted to take our game design to a

different level with several additional features to maximiseplayer enjoyment.”

In a bid to support the independent operator, 24 Sevenhas also made Wok around the Clock available to be builtby G-Squared Games. This offers operators the possibilityto take advantage of trade-ins, if they so desire. For newmodels of Wok Around the Clock, operators can contact 24Seven’s experienced distribution partners, Wessex Coinand Blue Monkey Gaming.

“Wok Around the Clock has performed extremely well onsite trial and we are already receiving orders for the next stageof retailer testing. We are very happy with the twin-prongedapproach of putting the game out in the Orbit Plus Cabinetand via G-Squared Games. We believe that this reflects thecurrent needs of the Category C sector,” concludes Simon.



24 Seven prepares to Wok Around the Clock24 Seven is so confident about its new game that it wants to get it into the hands ofoperators around the country as soon as possible. So much so that they are bringing in apartner to offer the game via part exchange, along with the company’s usual suppliers.

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Harlow Leisurezone is undergoing a£400,000 redevelopment programmethat will see the installation of a three-storey children’s soft play centre. Thework - due to finish in July - is a joint proj-ect between facility development com-

pany Alliance Leisure,leisure design and buildspecialist Createability,and supplier the SoftBrick Company.

Expansion for HarlowLeisurezone

The labour market is continuwith employment rising, uneclining and the number of inalso falling. These figures dem

silience and flexibilmarket and points tstrong positive growquarter of this year- DAVID KERN, CHIEF ECONOMIST AT THE


Coinslot JUNE 20 - JUNE 26, 2014


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As part of its global collaboration initia-tive in the creation of standards for the

gaming industry, The Gaming Stan-dards Association (GSA) has estab-lished a satellite office in Brussels,Belgium.

“Work in the creation of GSA’s OnlineGaming Standards is progressing at a fastpace, and Europe has been a leader in theadoption of regulation for online gamblingand betting,” the association stated.

“With theestablishmentof an office inEurope, GSAwill be workingand consulting with all stakeholders fromboth the regulatory and policy domain aswell as the industry.”


Jersey Jack Pinball has announcedthat pinball ‘sound master’ David Thiel

has joined the team.

taff members from InnovativeTechnology’s European Officeswere in Oldham on Friday night to

see the company receive the Queen’sAward for Enterprise: International Trade2014 from the Lord Lieutenant of GreaterManchester Warren Smith.

The evening got off to a great start witha bucks fizz reception in the sunshine,before the Lord Lieutenant presented theofficial Queen’s Award to Chairman DavidBellis MBE and managing director AidanTowey. After a few official photographs tomark the occasion, guests enjoyed athree-course meal and danced the nightaway into the early hours.

Marketing executive Dayna Patterson,who organised the event, said: “Wewanted to arrange a really good party tocelebrate our third Queen’s Award and I

think we achieved this. It is always greatto bring staff from the UK, Ireland, Ger-many, Russia and Spain together. We allhad a brilliant night and everyone wenthome with a commemorative coin mark-ing the birth of HRH Prince George ofCambridge a fitting tribute to mark ourQueen’s Award for Enterprise: Interna-tional Trade 2014.”

Towey stated: “The Queen’s Awards areone of the most prestigious businessaccolades in the UK and we are honouredto have received the award this year.Being the third Queen’s Award in the com-pany’s history we wanted to mark theoccasion with a party for all of our Euro-pean staff, celebrating not only theQueen’s Award but three years’ of excep-tional growth and record sales.”

He added: “By the end of the year we

Innovative enjoys Queen’sAward celebrations


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t is continuing to strengthen,rising, unemployment de-mber of inactive peoplefigures demonstrate the re-and flexibility of the UK jobsnd points to continuedositive growth in the secondf this year.


Tourism body VisitBritain islooking to encourage overseasvisitors to venture beyondLondon and explore what elsethe UK has to offer. Its new re-port, The Beyond LondonChallenge, looks at a variety of strategiesto entice visitors from both mature andemerging markets to all parts of the coun-try. “We need to encourage people tocome back time after time,” said VisitBri-tain’s director of strategy Patricia Yates.

Looking beyond London

Coinslot JUNE 20 - JUNE 26, 2014

Thiel is working on The Hobbit pinballgame, which will be released later thisyear and distributed in the UK throughPinball Heaven.“The Jersey Jack Pinball sound system isfantastic, and with a headphone jackplayers will discover that it is even morefun to play pinball when you can hear yourgame,” Thiel stated.


Competition from lottery play seems tobe endemic across the globe, sound-

ing a warning signal not just to the amuse-ments industry but also the regulators,particularly the UK’s, who seem so indif-ferent to the argument that the majority ofgambling comes in the shape of theNational Lottery. Surprise, surprise, lot-teries made a bright start to 2014, withfirst-quarter on first-quarter sales increas-ing by 8.9 per cent, the best opening to anew year since 2012. According to thelatest report from the World LotteryAssociation, the growth in global lotterysales was again grounded in strong per-formances from the Asia-Pacific and LatinAmerican regions, with additional contri-butions from the North American marketand, surprisingly, the European region.

Sales among participating European

lotteries increased by 4.2 per cent onaggregate in the first three months of2014, as against the first three months of2013. The silence that could almostdeafen you whilst reading your copy ofCoinslot is that coming from the anti-gaming and gambling lobby whose tightlipped shtummer stance is disappointingto say the least. Has anyone consideredthe fact that the stench of problem gam-bling emanating from the National Lotteryis actually not Chanel No 5, and that thosewho suggest so have not lost their senseof smell - the’ve just read the catalogue ofofficial reports and surveys on problemgambling that confirm time and time againthat lotteries, especialy governmentbacked ones, are more dangerous thanarcade machines?

will have a new state of the art head officebuilding and with expansion very much inour current plans we have a number ofexciting career opportunities across theglobe.”

Next month, David Bellis MBE andPeter Dunlop will represent InnovativeTechnology at Buckingham Palace whenthe Queen invites all of this year’s winnersfrom across the UK to a reception at thePalace to recognise their outstandingbusiness success.


Email: [email protected]

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Coinslot JUNE 20 - JUNE 26, 2014


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Throughout June, HarryLevy Amusements is

offering free delivery of thecompany’s Ticket Housecrane.

This house-shaped,single player crane gives aprize every time by pickingup bundles of tickets. It isideal for players who arekeen for a few more tickets for thatspecial redemption prize.


Return to Pharahoh’s Gold is the latestSWP machine from Supernova

Games. Available in the UK through RLMS

Sales, the game follows the tremendoussuccess of Skill Ball Zings, which becameyet another example of Supernova

breathing new life into an iconicgame.

Based on £1 play, playershave to use their skill in shoot-

ing coins to drop them into apot of gold, as well asother symbols which

can either win addedtime or even cash

wins.As Gold coins are

collected in the pot,other symbols have tobe avoided which could

empty their collection. Atthe end of the allotted time, there is a fur-ther game of skill, whereby the player hasto shoot a swinging pendulum target inorder to release the winnings. Successincreases with practice.


On-site cash machines result in maxi-mum return for minimum effort, and

DC Payments has the ideal solution for allamusement and gaming venue operators.

“A fully managed cash machine isideal for sites where there is a highdemand for cash and when you wantyour ATM machine to have absolutely nocall on your own resources or man-power,” the company said. “Simply geton with running your business and let DCPayments look after all aspects of man-aging your cash machine and keep itworking hard for you.


Thieves stole cash from a till and fruitmachine at St Albans City FC bar in

the early hours of Monday morning June16. Police were called to Clarence Park at3.30am after the alarm went off and a wit-ness saw a group of men running awayfrom the building.

The thieves forced open the storeroomand gained access in to the main buildingand the bar area, where they stole around£200 from the till and fruit machine. No-one was found following an area search.

PICREF: 2373-clarencepark


Mitchells & Butlers (M&B), one of theUK’s largest operator of managed pubs

and restaurants, has acquired the majority ofthe activities of the Orchid Group, including173 predominantly freehold pubs and theOrchid head office. The purchase price, paidentirely in cash, is £266m. In addition to the173 pubs - of which 158 are freehold or longleasehold - M&B said the transaction wouldresult in cost savings and synergies of atleast £6m a year due to the “rationalisation ofsupport functions and combination pur-chasing”. Commenting on the deal, AlistairDarby, chief executive of M&B, said: “Theacquisition of the majority of the Orchidestate will accelerate Mitchells & Butlers’growth and present significant opportunities

for value creation through cost savings, syn-ergies and the conversion of Orchid pubs toMitchells & Butlers brands.

The owners of Orchid have retained anumber of leasehold sites. As M&B hasacquired the company’s head office, it hasagreed to provide services to these sites fora period of up to 15 months.

Looking to the future of the acquiredproperties, M&B said it intends to add 77 ofthe venues to its Heartland portfolio of‘value’ pubs. “Many of these sites haverecently received investment and will beable to continue trading at their currentstrong sales and profit levels, further bene-fiting from purchasing synergies as a part ofthe enlarged M&B group,” the companystated. “A small number may be consideredfor disposal.”

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AnalysisSponsored by


CATEGORYB3 (£2/£500 Max.)

CATEGORYD (10p/£5 Max.)

CATEGORYB4 (£2/£4000 Max)

AGCsThis LastWeek Week Name / Manufacturer

1 2 Slotto 500 Astra2 1 Magic Lotto Ultra Novomatics3 3 King of Slots Blueprint4 4 Triple 8 Barcrest5 7 Triple 7 Barcrest6 - Casino King TS22 Project7 6 Lady Luck Reflex8 5 Mega Bars Big Hit Project9 - Big Party Astra10 9 Rainbow Riches Community Cash Barcrest

Based on data supplied by a representative number of UK sitesSupplied by RLMS Sales

Members clubsThis LastWeek Week Name / Manufacturer

1 1 Alice Queen of Hearts Reflex2 2 Cops Judgement Pay BFG3 3 Flamin’ 400 Reflex4 4 Street Casino 2014 Storm5 5 Public Enemy Reflex

Based on data from representative sites. Supplied by sector professional

FEC - familyThis LastWeek Week Name / Manufacturer

1 1 Bullion Bars (3 Player) Astra2 2 Party Time Classic (3 Player) Astra3 6 DOND (3 Player) Bellfruit4 4 Golden Games (3 Player) Mazooma5 5 Adders And Ladders (4 Player) Vivid6 3 Rainbow Riches (3 Player) Empire7 7 Party Games (4 Player) Astra8 8 Party Time Arena (4 Player) Astra9 9 Party Time (3 Player) Astra10 10 Goldrush Stampede (4 Player) Mazooma

Based on data from four sites Amusement Equipment Co Ltd

FEC - adultThis LastWeek Week Name / Manufacturer

1 1 Magic Games U/R Novomatic2 2 Free Play 70 Project3 3 Magic Games S/D Novomatic4 4 Pure Gold Project5 5 Super Big 7 S/D Electrocoin6 6 Party Time Arena (4 Player) Astra7 - Win Wall Celebrity Astra8 - Magic 7’s Electrocoin9 9 Party Time Classic (3 Player) Astra10 10 Rainbow Riches Party Barcrest

Taken from a representative number of sites around the UKSupplied by Amusement Equipment Co Ltd

CATEGORYC (£1/£100 Max.)

AGCsThis Last

1 1 Encore T7 (GP3) SG Gaming2 2 Encore T7 (GP2) SG Gaming3 3 Magic Games 100 Ultra Novomatic4 - Encore T7 (GP1) SG Gaming5 8 X3000 Multigame Amatic6 7 Magic Games 3 Novomatic7 - Free Play 70 Project8 6 Triple 7 (GP3) SG Gaming9 - Find the Lady 2 card Project10 9 Bullion Bars Streak Astra

Based on data from a minimum of 10 locations. Supplied by Praesepe



UK Box Office ChartThis LastWeek Week Name

1 - 22 Jump Street 2 1 Maleficent 3 2 X-Men: Days of Future Past 4 3 Edge of Tomorrow 5 4 A Million Ways to Die in the West 6 5 Godzilla 7 - D-Day 70 Years On: Live from the Royal Albert Hall 20148 7 Postman Pat: The Movie 9 - Grace of Monaco 10 6 Bad Neighbours




UK Jukebox ChartHighest Earning Tracks on Sound Leisure jukeboxesThis Last

1 1 Waves (Robin Schulz Remix) Mr Probz2 2 Hideaway Kiesza3 4 Summer Calvin Harris4 5 Happy Pharrell Williams5 6 Stay With Me Sam Smith6 3 All Of Me John Legend7 7 Nobody To Love Sigma8 - Sing Ed Sheeran9 8 I Will Never Let You Down Rita Ora10 - Wiggle Jason Derulo feat. Snoop Dogg

Based on data supplied by Soundnet



AlbumsThis Last

WeekWeek Name

1 - 48:13 Kasabian2 2 Ghost Stories Coldplay3 1 In The Lonely Hour Sam Smith4 - Lazaretto Jack White5 - Whispers Passenger6 - Blue Smoke - The Best Of Dolly Parton7 4 Caustic Love Paolo Nuitini8 5 A Perfect Contradiction Paloma Faith9 8 Hank Hank Marvin10 9 Xscape Michael Jackson

DownloadsThis Last

WeekWeek Name

1 - Ghost Elle Henderson 2 1 Sing Ed Sheeran 3 3 Wasted Tiesto ft Matthew Koma 4 2 Stay With Me Sam Smith5 23 Salute Little Mix6 - Noble England Rik Mayall7 8 Wiggle Jason Derulo ft Snoop Dogg8 4 Waves Mr Probz 9 5 All Of Me John Legend 10 3 I Wanna Feel Secondcity

Single siteThis LastWeek Week Name / Manufacturer

1 1 DOND Winfall BFG2 2 DOND Lucky Streak BFG3 3 DOND Powerplay BFG4 4 DOND The Big One BFG5 5 Worminator QPS6 7 DOND Pure Gold BFG7 6 Bank Job - Rob the lot QPS8 8 DOND Crazy Chair Gold BFG9 9 Mega Rich BFG10 10 DOND Time to Play BFG

Taken from a representative number of sites around the UKSupplied by national operator



Coinslot JUNE 20 - JUNE 26, 2014

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Page 36: Coinslot 2373 digital



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Page 38: Coinslot 2373 digital

38 Coinslot June 20 - June 26, 2014


This week’s look at inwest coast and an

media watchalex lee

McNally calls for renewed Blackpo

commentalex lee

hile the ALMR andthe BBPA do theirbit for the pub

sector, BACTA is prettycommitted to UK pubs too- and for several good rea-sons, certainly too many tolist in a comment piece asshort as this one.

In addition to the obviousbenefits of having a quietpint or two and socialisingwith friends and/or family,there’s some seriously goodcoin-op entertainment onoffer down the boozer. Iknow this for a fact as despitemy days of top shelf runs andyards of ale being long gone,I still pop down the localfrom time to time to samplethe wares both behind thebar and on the AWP, SWP, pooltable and jukebox.

Let’s not forget the smallmatter of the World Cupeither. Even if England havecrashed to their second suc-cessive inglorious defeat bythe time you read this, that’sno reason to stay in and bemiserable. Besides, it wouldhardly be the first time. Idon’t know if this mirrorsanyone else’s view, but Iquite enjoy watching a highquality neutral game in theenvirons of a pub. At least Iknow my remaining fewhairs won’t turn grey withthe stress.

Of course, my personallove for pubs and bars goesabove and beyond thesimple pleasure of drinkingbooze. Let’s not forget thatpubs contain some of thegreatest coin-op entertain-ment there is. I still enjoy the

ritualistic behaviour arounda pool table, such as estab-lishing if it’s winner stays on,do two shots carry and howmany shots do I get on theblack in the event of a foul.Furthermore, as a self-con-fessed quiz addict - andwannabe know-all - I’mrather partial to shoving afew coins in the nearest SWP.

I hope that BACTA contin-ues to work closely with thelikes of the IOA, the BBPA andthe ALMR in order to betterdeal with the issues affectingpubs and bars. Not only am Ia fan of pubs per se, but thecoin-op entertainmentwithin - and the behaviour itelicits from those who getinvolved - has always been aconstant source of fascina-tion for me. Take coin-opaway from a lot of pubs andthose premises wouldn’t behalf the places they are.

For coin-op in publichouses to really succeed, it’snot necessarily about rein-venting the wheel or formu-lating the ‘killer app’, butmore about working collab-oratively to maximise thosecashbox takings. In the sameway that UK holidaymakersmust make the effort to visitdomestic seaside locations(and it seems they’re doingjust that based on all therecent statistics), we must allfind time to pop down theboozer - and encourageothers to join us. Remember,if you’re driving, the moneyyou save by not gettingleathered can always go inthe AWP, the SWP, the juke-box or the pool table.

Find timeto call in atyour local

Blackpool’s thwarted casinodream needs to be revived if

the resort is to become a toptourist destination once more,it has been claimed, accordingto the Blackpool Gazette.

Lord McNally of Blackpoolmade a passionate rallying callto encourage government min-isters to sit up and take noticeof the problems the town isfacing.

He warned the resort risksreaching the point of no returnunless immediate action istaken to revitalise the economyand bring in more people.

In a speech at the House ofLords, he listed the failedcasino bid as a “missed oppor-tunity” but said there are plansthat could create much-neededjobs in the resort if they areproperly supported by the Gov-ernment. Among them he listedthe Lancashire Enterprise Part-nership’s draft growth deal toboost the county’s economy by£3bn over the next 10 years.

Lord McNally said: “I worrythat, without concerted effortby both local and national gov-

ernment, the town could reacha tipping point which wouldmake regeneration impossible.I still believe that the casinooption should be revisited torevitalise the economy and touse Blackpool’s unique brandname to create a multi-activityresort, as has happened withmany successful regenerationsaround the world. Blackpoolurgently needs a coherent andco-ordinated programme ofmeasures which will reversethe decline and create a benigncircle of confidence andgrowth.”

Blackpool Council said littlehad changed since the casinobid was thrust back into thespotlight earlier this year whenDavid Cameron told TheGazette he would “lookfavourably” on a fresh licenceapplication and the council wasstill looking to speak to theGovernment about the issue.

At the time, council leaderSimon Blackburn said: “Wewould welcome the opportunityto discuss this further and toconsider how this might help us

to develop the Central Stationfor the benefit of Blackpool’sresidents and economy.”

A council spokesman addedthat council bosses were stilllooking to have a conversationwith the Government about thematter, adding: “Our opinionhas not changed.”

Elsewhere, tourist beachesacross the Norfolk region arewearing sunny smiles afterbeing given Blue Flag awards -six months after they weregiven a black eye by the worststorm surge for 30 years,according to the Eastern DailyPress.

The region’s Blue Flagbeaches are as follows -

Cromer - The archetypalbucket and spade beach, closeto the landmark holiday pierand crab boat fleet, which isalso a popular spot for surfersenjoying and learning theirsport.

Sheringham - A beach ofshingle and sand set among therocky sea defences, over-looked by colourful beach huts,with a trail of maritime heritage


“Quick gameon the fruity,


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39Coinslot June 20 - June 26, 2014

eek’s look at industry-related stories brings contrasting fortunes for the east coast, thecoast and an old bingo hall in Dundee.

The European Gaming andAmusement Federation, Euromat,gathered in Bucharest,Romania, on May 31 to holdits annual general meetingand discuss the direction ofboth terrestrial and onlinegambling.


quote unquote

”ackpool supercasino bid


Email: [email protected]

museums on the promenade.Mundesley - Sandy shores

have made the seaside village apopular bathing spot since Vic-torian times, with cafes, barsand putting on the clifftopabove.

Sea Palling - Remoter thanthe main resorts, but a realfavourite with families seekinga quieter location among thedunes, and with sands boostedby offshore reefs.

Southwold Pier - A sandybeach, overlooked by colourfulbeach huts and close to South-wold’s many cafés, shops, pubsand restaurants as well as thetown’s thriving pier and boatinglake.

Lowestoft South ClaremontPier - A swathe of fine sandybeach that is popular with fami-lies and close to the attractionsof this typical seaside resort,including a Victorian puttinggreen, amusements and theClaremont Pier.

Determined efforts all alongthe coast have repairedsmashed proms to restore facil-ities needed to win the acco-

lade. The district council’s cabi-net member for the coast AngieFitch-Tillet said: “It is some-thing for the community to beproud of. The clear-ups haveinvolved volunteer litter pickersas well as council staff and con-tractors in a team effort.”

After the worst storm surgefor 30 years in Decembersmashed seafronts, she justwanted to get the promscleaned up and holes filled in tomake them safe.

“Winning the awards is a bigboost to promoting ourtourism,” added Fitch-Tillett.

The awards are handed outby the Keep Britain Tidy group,whose coastal awards co-ordi-nator Lynsey Atherton said: “Itis incredible that sites havebeen cleared up ready to wel-come the visitors.”

Extra checks were done afterthe December damage toensure resorts initially judgedchecked last summer hadbounced back.

North Norfolk’s four was on apar with Poole, Torbay,Bournemouth, Tendring along

with the Isle of Wight - whichtopped the overall table withfour Blue Flags and 13 seasideawards.

And finally, the derelict bingohall, once the Rialto cinema, inDundee, could soon be demol-ished to make way for 12 flats ifa planning application byRamsay’s Properties is suc-cessful, according to theCourier.

Site owner Ramsay McBainsaid: “I’m Lochee (in westDundee) born and bred so it isgood to do something for myhome town, as it were. I remem-ber when the Rialto was a bingohall. It was a local institution.”

The Rialto Cinema opened in1928 and was the first in the cityto show “talkies”. It closed in1962 and was converted to abingo hall.

“It sounds as though Park Avenue was a high quality event with some amazing newproducts and a high calibre of visitor. I couldn’t make it, so when I asked Joyce to bemy representative, I actually only meant in a chatting and drinking wine kind of way.”


This year’s Euromat generalassembly reiterated the call

for effective regulation of thegambling sector - in otherwords, regulation that wouldensure a level playing fieldacross the industry and suc-cessfully tackle illegal gambling.

Against the backdrop of therapid rise of online gambling,land-based gambling operatorscannot compete when Euro-pean governments continue tointroduce regulations thatcreate preferential frameworksfor the online sector both interms of regulatory require-ments and taxation leaving theland-based sector at an unfairand unjustified disadvantage.

Annette Kok, president ofEuromat, stressed the fact that:“European governments needto understand that we (the land-based sector) need a fair taxa-tion regime and certainflexibility to adapt our productsto the increasingly fast chang-ing need of our customers.”

Looking back on the pastyear, Euromat engaged with theEU institutions in Brussels,ensuring that Euromat’s call fora level-playing field wasincluded as the EU looks morecarefully into the regulation ofonline gambling. At the sametime the Federation continuesto provide assistance tonational members.

A unified voice of supportwas given to the Hungariansector where national legisla-tion eradicated the gamingmachine industry outside casi-nos overnight. Euromat contin-ues to monitor ongoinglegislative processes across the

EU, and raise awareness withthe relevant national authori-ties - in particular when onlineoperators are benefitting frompreferential treatment.

Euromat members were alsojoined on this occasion by twodistinguished guest speakers.Member of the European Parlia-ment Cristian Bu oi (Romania)gave an overview of the Euro-pean Parliament’s views ongambling and highlighted theneed for a level playing field forall gambling activities acrossthe EU.

The President of the newlycreated National Office for Gam-bling in Romania (ONJN), OdetaNestor, discussed further on theissue of regulating online gam-bling and her plans for the ONJN.The meeting was also attendedby one of the ONJN’s directors,Marius Pantea, reflecting thegood collaboration that Euro-mat and its Romanian memberassociations, ROMSLOT andAOPJNR, have with the nationalregulator.

The Federation released itsannual industry figures, whichserved to underscore the diffi-cult period the industry isfacing due, in part to the rise ofonline gambling and the EU-wide recession. The figuresshow that between 2010 and2011 turnover across the EU fellby 3 per cent to€20,820,406,000.

This year’s meeting also sawthe re-election of Annette Kok(Netherlands) as president,Helmut Kafka (Austria) as firstvice-president, and RobertoDongiovanni (Belgium) astreasurer of the federation.

Euromat discussesfuture of Europeangambling markets

“US-based family dining and entertain-ment company Chuck E. Cheese’s expectsvirtual tickets to become an increasinglylarger part of the redemption market in thenext 10 years.”


“Domestic tourism could give the UK’seconomy a £15bn boost in 2014, as thenumber of Britons taking a holiday at homehas more than doubled in three years.”


“ENADA (the Italian coin-op trade show) isan indispensable expo for the sector andwhich I obviously hope will grow in thefuture, as it is a real driving force for ourbusinesses.”


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Page 40: Coinslot 2373 digital

40 Coinslot June 20 - June 26, 2014


egistration is nowopen for the 2014edition of EiG, which

takes place at Arena Berlin,Germany on October 21-23.The organisers believe thatEiG is “no longer a conven-tional conference”. “EiG isabout freedom,” Clarionstated. “The freedom tothink, the freedom toexplore, the freedom toengage and the freedom tomeet in the way that suitsyou as a consumer of infor-mation and insight. EiG 2014is now a vibrant, contempo-rary global gaming space.” PLAY BALL!

he fifthannualUK Pin-

ball Party takesplace at thePuma DaventryCourt Hotel in Northampton-shire on August 29-31. Thisyear’s guest of honour isgame design legend Barry

Oursler, who wasresponsible fordesigning a host ofclassic pinballgames, includingSolar Fire, Defender,Cyclone, Pin-Bot,

Hurricane, Dirty Harry, Jack-Bot and Junkyard. Ourslerwill be on-hand all weekendto meet Party guests and

sign autographs and will beour special guest speaker forthe gala dinner on the Satur-day night.


he European Vend-ing Association(EVA) has announced

the date for its annual gen-

eral meeting and confer-ence. The event is celebrat-ing its 20th outing this year,with members from the con-tinent’s vending sectordescending on the BelgianComics Museum for a day oftalks that includes a reviewof the show’s two decades ofhistory. The EVA AGM 2014 isscheduled to take place in

Brussels on the 11 Decem-ber, 2014.



Email: [email protected]

JUNE 201418-20 Asian Attractions Expo,

China National Convention Centre,

Beijing, China www.iaapa.org/


JULY 2014

8-10World Gaming Executive

Summit W Hotel, Barcelona, Spain


AUGUST 201412-14Australasian Gaming

Expo Sydney Exhibition Centre, Syd-

ney, Australia www.austgaming-


SEPTEMBER 20142-4Entertainment Arena Expo,

Romexpo Fair Ground, Bucharest,

Romania www.earena.ro

2-4Playfair at SALTEX 2014 Royal

Windsor Racecourse, Windsor, UK


23-25Euro Attractions Show,

RAI Exhibition Centre, Amsterdam,

Netherlands www.iaapa.org/eas

30-2 LIW 2014 NEC, Birmingham,

UK www.liw.co.uk

EDITORIALEditor: Alex LeeEmail: [email protected] Tel: 07772 280 299Assistant Editor:James Walker Email: [email protected]: 07816678021Managing Editor:Ken Scott Email: [email protected]: 01273 699 900ADVERTISING SALESKathryn NorrisEmail: [email protected]: 01204 396 397Fax: 01204 392 748SUBSCRIPTIONSSarah HaworthTel: 01204 396 397DIGITAL VERSIONMarc LawtonEmail: [email protected]: 01204 396 397PRODUCTIONDesigner: Gina LloydEmail: [email protected] Production &Pre-Press:Dave RoderickEmail: [email protected]: John SullivanGB Media Corporation Ltd,Bolton Technology Exchange,33 Queensbrook,Bolton, BL1 4AY Tel: 01204 396 397Fax: 01204 392 748

Email: [email protected] Executive:Emilie BeauTel: 01204 396 397OFFICESEditorial and Production:3rd Floor, 20 New Road,Brighton, East Sussex BN1 1UF (UK)Tel: 01273 699 900Advertising andSubscriptions:Coinslot International, Bolton Technology Exchange,33 Queensbrook,Bolton BL1 4AY Tel: 01204 396 397Fax: 01204 392 748

Opinions expressed in this publication shouldnot be regarded as the official view of GBMedia Corporation Ltd, except where stated.Views, opinions and recommendationscontained in this publication are put forwardfor consideration only. No action should betaken in reliance upon any such views,opinions or recommendations. Neither GBMedia Corporation Ltd nor contributorsaccept any responsibility for any lossoccasioned to any person howsoevercaused or arising as a result of or inconsequence of action taken or refrainedfrom in realiance on the contents of thispublication.

Notes for contributors: Coinslotwelcomes the submission of articles forconsideration by the editor with a view topublication. Submission of an article wil lbe held to imply that the article containsoriginal unpublished work which GB MediaCorporation Ltd may lawfully publish. Allsubmissions are made at the owner’s risk.© GB Media Corporation Ltd, 2013All rights strictly reserved. No part of thispublication may be reproduced, stored ina retrieval system, or transmitted in anyform or by any means without the priorwritten permission given, full acknowl-edgement of author, publisher and sourcemust be given.

Dates announced for Enada RomeR

Newsweeknada Rome is returning in October toplaudits from the country’s amusementtrade association, SAPAR.

The 42nd edition of Enada Rome will be heldfrom October 15-17 at the Italian capital’s Fieradi Roma expo centre.

The event is set to bring the latest in gaming,video lottery terminals and amusements toItaly, with tickets now on sale to all industryrepresentatives.

Enada organisers recently hosted the Assem-bly of the Delegate Members of SAPAR – Italy’snational association of public recreationalattraction equipment.

SAPAR chairman Raffaele Curcio said he wasvery satisfied with the participation in the

assembly. “It is an excellent omen, consideringthe future of the sector, which is awaitingencouraging responses on behalf of the cur-rent government,” Curcio said. “In fact, the deli-cate Article 14 of the Fiscal Bill which foreseesimportant intervention by the executive in thegaming sector is at the approval stage.”

According to SAPAR’s national secretary,Corrado Luca Bianca, Enada remains a vital out-let for the country’s gaming industry. “[It is] anindispensable expo for the sector, and onewhich I obviously hope will grow increasinglythe in the future, as it is a real driving force forour businesses.”




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