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Cold War Patterns Anti communism Anti colonialism Western Economic Cooperation.

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Cold War Patterns Anti communism Anti colonialism Western Economic Cooperation

Cold War Patterns

Anti communismAnti colonialism

Western Economic Cooperation

Scientific and Tech AdvancesEnvironmental Decline

• Transportation and Communication• Computer Advances• Genetics & Medical Advances• Environmental Issues– Depletion of Non renewable energy sources• Oil & minerals

– Pesticides DDT– Nuclear energy

United States Economic Dominance

• Allied powers formed the IMF & World Bank & GATT– International Monetary Fund

• “to encourage international economic growth and free trade”

• World Bank– International Bank of Reconstruction and Development

• GATT– General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

• Created to reduce tariffs and other trade barriers – Particularly important to the United States

World ModernizationEconomic Disparity

• From 1960 to 1990 consistent decline in income for the poorest nations

• The IMF and Creditor-Debtor Relationship– Money lending to developing nations– Debt increased – IMF demands

• Domestic financial reforms • Politically unpopular austerity programs• “Balanced” budgets• More private enterprise

Food & Famine Post WWII• World per capita

food production increased– Poverty &

malnourishment increased

• 1980s Philippines– ½ the crops exported

by mostly U.S. Corporations

– Most children there were malnourished


Famine• 1970-80s– China– Bangladesh– India– Cambodia– The Sahel (South of the Sahara)– Eastern Africa– Southern Africa

• 1982 UNICEF estimated 40,000 children died/day– Hunger related disease, poor

health, poor sanitation


• Peasants forced from land they once farmed, as corporations converted it to the production of export crops

• Peasants migrated into cities, creating slums– Latin America 1980s 10% of landowners owned

90% of the farm land, Majority of peasants owned none at all.

Growing Economic Interdependence

• Growing power of multinational corporations lessened control of individual nations over their own economies– Businesses increasingly operated on a Global scale• Chase Manhattan• Standard Oil• United Fruit Company• McDonalds, KFC

– Growing service sector of the world economy

Rebellions & Conflicting Ideologies

• International Anti-Colonial movement– Rebellion against white male control & Hegemony• Africa• Asia• Latin America• United States

Socialism & Anti-Communism

• Western Europe– Dominated by moderate socialist or moderate

conservative parties– Socialists favored sweeping social welfare

measures, less hostile towards the Soviet Union, willing to grant independence to colonies• Overall, heirs of the progressive tradition of support for

civil rights & individual liberties

United States Conservativism

• United States– Socialism repressed & dismantled by the

government– Split between conservatives and liberals• Progressives wanted government to protect civil rights

of the minorities and address needs of the poor, were sympathetic to peaceful co-existence with the Soviet Union and China

– Conservatives sought more power for the government and executive on behalf of corporations and the wealthy

Anti-communism leaders

• Asia• Africa• Latin America– Opposed communism, democracy, civil liberties– Opposed to social reforms & redistribution of

property• Military dictatorships Supported by the

United States


• WWII weakened Western Imperialist Control• Growing disenchantment with Imperialism in

Western Nations– Cost of maintaining an empire– Depletion of resources

• Resistance of colonized– Asia, Africa, Latin America– Massive impoverishment

Soviet Union & U.S.

• Sent economic and military aid, military advisers, troops in covert operations to support friendly governments or political factions– Many new leaders feared being trapped in neo-

imperialism by cooperating with superpowers– Also feared being trapped in imperial struggles

• When the elephants fight, it’s the grass that get’s trampled

– Many 3rd world leaders formed a non-aligned or neutral nations

Policy of Non-alignment

• First Conference in 1961• 1968, 101 nations took part in the 8th conference– Called for new economic order to lessen economic

disparity between nations and people• To ensure "the national independence, sovereignty,

territorial integrity and security of non-aligned countries" in their "struggle against imperialism, colonialism, neo-colonialism, racism, and all forms of foreign aggression, occupation, domination, interference or hegemony as well as against great power and bloc politics".

Gamal Abdel Nasser

• 1954 Overthrew a corrupt monarchy in Egypt– King Farouq supported by Britain

• Promised to rescue Arab nations from imperialist domination

• Policy of non-alignment or neutralism

Nasserism & the “Eisenhower Doctrine”

• Feared the spread of Nasserism throughout the oil rich middle east

• In 1957 the “Eisenhower doctrine” pledged to defend Middle eastern Countries “against overt armed aggression from any nation controlled by international communism. – Anti communist rhetoric supplied the justification for

maintaining governments that supported the west’s need for oil.

– International CIA Suppression

The Marshall Plan and NATO

• Institutions designed by the US to implement containment in Europe.– Marshal Plan• massive economic aid to western Europe.

– NATO• military assistance/alliance involving the US and non-

communist European nations to resist potential soviet military advance.• To protect the economic interests of the United States

and allies (western regional and international cooperation)

Warsaw Pact

• The soviet union reacted by creating the Warsaw Pact, – military alliance with 7 European communist

nations.• Cold war division of Europe in place, 35 more years of

stand off and fear of nuclear war.

United States Covert Operations

• Eisenhower the military budget was reduced, relying on nuclear capabilities and covert action. – Elevated psychological warfare and informational

programs into major cold war weapons– Radio broad castes globally and programmed in more

languages– Covert Action & economic leverage (embargo & Trade &

Aid)• The US Information Agency – Coordinate anti communist informational and propaganda


Covert Action and economic leverage

• Shift of focus to 3rd world

– CIA covert action and economic leverage replaced overt military confrontation as its primary foreign policy

• Less expensive, less visible, less likely to provoke public controversy.

• Elevated psychological warfare and Information programs into weapons

• Funded radio free Europe

School of the Americas

• US offered 3 billion dollars in economic aid to friendly nations a year

• Trained 225,000 representatives from nations in anticommunism and police tactics– Contributed to the development of military


Algeria• France not willing to grant independence

– The National Liberation Front fought a bloody war against the French (1954 – 1962)• 1 million Algerians killed• 1,000s of French casualties• Divided French society in much the way Vietnam did the United States

– Colons were 10% of the population– France established secret army to fight those who supported

independence– FLN attacked urban centers populated by Colons– French bombed villages, removed families from the countryside,

tortured suspects– General De Gaulle took power in 1958 in France, negotiated – Independence achieved 1962


• France granted all of West African colonies independence– Senegal under Leopold Senghor – Ivory Coast– Nigeria, military president, Yukubu Gowan

• Military dictatorships predominated & Maintained close economic ties with France

Africa Today

• United States Intervention– USAFRICOM or AFRICOM– Involved in 53 African Nations– Operational by September 30, 2008

• Guise of Anti-terrorism– Fighting terrorism world wide– Spreading democracy and western institutions
