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Cold WeatHer ij Snaps Arcticse all 15cr atnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt705q4rk76p/data/0438.pdf · Intensely...

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y THE INTERIOR JOURNAL jE C WALTON H H HENNINGER Ol Wayne County li a candidate for 8tate Trtaa- urer sublets to the action or the Democratic p rlr a M F NORTH t It a csndUite for the Democratic nomination for t Representative of Lincoln county Subject to the ac Itonot the puty J M ALVERSON i It a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Rep f resentative of Lincoln county subject to the adleR of the pod f Democratic Ticket For Railroad Commissioner f C C MCHORD For Circuit Judge M C SAUFLEY For Commonwealths Attorney JbHN SAM OWSLEY JR ON the anniversary of hie first jear as editor and owner of tbo Lexington Democrat Mr W P Walton eaye Ono year ago today the present owner of the Democrat obtained control of tbo paper tbe purchase dating from the Oth day of January During moat of the time he has not slept on tho downy patba of eaae nor baa he exactly tailed through bloody scat but he hal gotten there all the eame and today the Lexington Democrat la aa much a fIxturo in Lexington as the handsome court houso It aika no favors that It It not entitled to and novor bends tbo pregnant binges of the knee that thrift may follow fawning In a word It la aa Independent aa a woodaawyer loves its friends and pities lta enemies and Intenna to keep In the middle of the road no matter what sonot a gun may- Jletolo tho way GBOXQE C MORGAN who was nomI- nated ¬ for cltv attorney of Lexington by the democrats didnt deserve what he got ID fact he proves hlmeelf any ¬ thing but a democrat In promising to give the city printing to that half breed papar tho Lexington Herald which fights democracy except when theres something In sight Morgan evidently got on tbo wrong ticket and If be doesnt mend hie wage the demo orate will give him a lesson In Novem- ber ¬ that be will not soon forget A liD- o led democrat who chooses to help a republican paper In preference to a straight forward democratic organ which helped nominate him and whit he expects to further assist him Into office should be In the ropubllcan par ¬ ty and the sooner bo gets tbero the better It will bo for democracy SENATOR VESTS appeal to Congress to remove the tariff on coal as a human itarian Intervention on behalf of tho poor who are suffering for the want of fuel was eloquent and full of fooling Although the measure was proposed by Senator Lodge a republican it Is doubtful whether It will be passed for the reason that even such a humanita ¬ rian act would afford an object lesson as to the relations between the tariff add the consumers that tho high pro ¬ tectionists do not want The school of protection desires none but Its own text books Meanwhile the prices of coal go higher and higher and the wants of tbe poor more urgent Coulda greater Infamy be possibly practiced In the name of the law TOE editor of the Central Record makes tho startling statement that be baa never asked a person to take his paper The fact that be has a large aubdcrlptlon list Is conclusive proof that the people want hie paper and are going to have it whether the editor wants them to take It or not Over in these dlggens we not only Bilk the good people to subscribe but Implore them to do so and sometimes threaten them with death and destruction if they do not plank down the dough and sub- scribe for a year or so But all papers are not as good as Brer Lundram for If they were the publishers of thorn would have av ermotb sailing as does that splendid gentleman TUB roll call of millionaire Senators In the 58th Congress will stand about aa follows Clark Banna Depew Platt Kean Dryden Elklns Bard Renee Perkins Wottmore Proctor Scott Quay Alger and Addlcka Per haps about one Senator In every six le- a real live millionaire WILl IOItP takes the cake aa a news- paper ¬ town There are three publica ¬ Lions there viz Wllmore Times pub llsned by Louis Pllcber Soul Winner edited by Dr E O Guerrant and the Asbury Journal edited by Rev J W Hughes All these and the town la not much larger than Hustonvtlle TilE examination of an Egyptian mummy 2000 yoar old revealed the fact that death was causbd by appendicitis This is proof of two things viz Appen ¬ dicitis Is not a now disease and that the poor Egyptian suffered tortures IN these gloriously good times wood le selling at 18 per cord at Marshall trio while coal can hardly be obtained for love or money Hurrah for Teddy It 4 NEW JERSEYS leading Industry la the manufacture of corporations to do business In other States Last year was not a very good year for the crea ¬ clan of trusts but the State received from Uline fees nearly halt a million dollars Two years ago It received twlca as much The annual taxes on corporations previously chartered to gather with tho filing of tees on new creations gave the State 14000000 The object of getting charters from New Jersey Delaware or West Vir ¬ ginia la to evade proper reatrlctlooa elsewhere Imposed MORE than 4000000 American farm ¬ ers now have the benefit of tho rural froe delivery and the amount of mall they receive has been more than doub- led ¬ since the system was adopted During the past year tbo system cost the government about 824000000 and with this amount the postofOco depart- ment has been able to give excellent satisfaction WITH automobiles reduced In price from 11500 to 1700 oven newspaper mon can afford tolook at one as It pissea by POLITICAL W J Bailey was Inaugurated aa governor of Kansas ExGov W J Stone of St Louis wan nominated for U S Senator to succeed Senator Vest It la rumored that Representative Richardson may resign his seat In the next Congress on account of duties cos ncctod with a Masonic office A Now Mexico delegation beaded by Gov Otoro la In Washington to make a vigorous fight for tho admission of that Territory to Statehood Abram S Hewitt former Mayor of New York City Is dying He is 81 years old served 12 years In Congress and was the organizer of the Cooper UnionCol L D Tyson of Knoxvllle waa elected speaker of the Tennesae Houso of Representatives The deadlock was broken on the Slit ballot Pray with drawing I Opponents to tbo Statehood Bill In the Senate acknowledge their Inlet tlon of continuing debits if possible until the appropriation bills sidetrack the measure Complaint has gone up from the Ne- gro ¬ politicians of Indianapolis that they have received but thrqe places at the hands of the Legislature though be- hold the balance of power In Marlon county Thomas M Sharp of Nicholas bis has announced his candidacy for Rep rcsentatlve from the counties of Nich ¬ olas and Robertson subject to the pri ¬ mary July 18 He Is tbe present Rep ¬ tentative The democratic committee of tho 3rd jddtclal district met at Kuttawa and ordered a primary held on May 0 tho date of the State primary for the pur- pose ¬ of nominating candidates for clr ¬ cult judge and Commonwealths attor ¬ neyA sensation was sprung when tbo democratic caucus of tbe Tennessee Legislature was held to elect a State Controller An opponent of Controller King a candidate for reelection charged him with covering up a short ¬ age In the books of a county officer THIS AND THAT Dr J A Dixon a Glasgow banker III deadHon John B Carpenter is dead In Hart county John Cox a bank president of Jonet boro Tone dropped dead Sheriff flees of Bibb county Ala was shot to death by a Negro A second child of Sheriff Fodee of Warren county died of scarlet foyer William Russell aged 17 and Miss Nora Cotton 15 were married in Fay otto The price of PitUburg coal was ad- vanced two cents a bushel In Louis ¬ ville The coal famine In Chicago contin ¬ ues and a number of deaths have re- Butted ¬ Ono person was killed and a hall doin hurt in a dynamite explosion at Holmcsburg Pa John D Rockefeller is spending hun ¬ dreds of thousands on BO Immensocoun try estate near New York A municipal coal yard may be estab ¬ lished at Indianapolis on account of the high prices demanded by dealers Tbe Illinois Central Railroad Com ¬ pan has placed orders for 91500000 worth of cars car wheels and castings Mrs Henry Hughes of Mason coun ¬ ty was burned to death by her clothes catching fire from a burning pan of grease Fire which destroyed Fayerweather Ladows belting manufactory In New York caused a loss of nearly a million dollars Gov Durbin of Indiana is addrcsc Ing requests to the railroads of his State to give coal tbo right of way over other freight Hon W G Gossum former repre ¬ sentative of tbe general assembly from Warren county was found dead In bed at bis home near Glasgow While out hunting rabbits William McDaniel aged 24 married was acct ¬ dentally shot and killed by a compan ¬ ion near ElllottsvlUe McDaniels cousin was killed in the earns manner ono month agog Leslie Combs has left for Guatemala Intensely cold weather Is reported from the Northwest and West Europe msy have another royal scan ¬ dal Count De Lonyay has loft his wife the Princess Stephanie of Aus ¬ tinHungary No reason la given Four crop of corn are produced year ¬ ly in Cuba The first crop Is planted in December and the fourth crop Is harvested In Decembe- rTried to Conceal It Its the old story of murder will e- ony in this case theres no crime A wo man feels run down has backache or dy spepsla and thinks its nothing and tries to hide it until she finally breaks down Dont deceive yourself Take Electric Hitters at once It has a reputation for outing Stomach Liver and Kidney trou ¬ bles and will revivify your whole system The worst forma of those maladies will quickly yield to the curative power of Electric Hitters Only COc and guaran teed by all druggists HEW LIVERY STABLE s W BnIE t SH1ros JUNCTION CITV w KY p TintGlass Turnouts at Reasonable Rates Special Attention to Traveling Mon Grain and Stay For Sale Hustonville Property for Sale I nlll over at private sale my property situated on the north of Main oa east eWeof College street In Iluitonrllle Ky consisting of hotel and livery stable end vacant lot This property1s well ar- ranged for hotel or bout and Livery table on same a nice livery barn t3xS and al ouballdiagsneeer for hotel and livery va ¬ rant lot for private residence It desired Sverlaitles water la abundance Property b well arranged for privets residence ar- a now rented for that It you want good paying In Iluatoavlll call OB or D B Oarpeater llustor fine Xj L R Hughes Secretary a Treasurer Control Kentuc- kyeaIEstateExtangi TITLE CO Stanford Ky No J House snd lot In BUnfordtteranraihill porck la in rear rsrJen pod nelgbtnrheo close to churrkrs a d school lor imill fam ¬ ily ITIcoJMO No l Small torn 37 aerie 5 miles Irons Man ford HouMOl four good rooms tusk porch soil 1 mands Oood Urn lid other ulldla In eooJ pair Cut 1Alxlllda well JranJd aO sun In one sera In fruit tree tilt In gray ought iimmmtatoeriloll at bargslo sod un at UrValn Clone to school sd f hHr li SiS W3 acre tad adjoining sold for 110 and I U Thtstssbaryin- No 3llouN and lot In Stanford lions Mil slun fire room wood stable and 5 urn of tan well fenced Oae of prettiest building lots in town room nugh In trout br two other coUsgci or a S ton troauoull be butte to the eotlag and be mde a btautlful home Will be sold cheap as Ib owntr mat bays monty No 4 Two story tram dwelling 7 room hall and wands coal gsrden fencing and nous ID nod repair For ule er rent Irlce reasonable No S 1toueand lot In Stanford Thtie room andlrontrorch Oood garden and UMs Uood repair Will be sold ehe No 7 House sod lot In Stanford 14 storm 5 rooms Oood ftrin smoke end cull houses only S3GO bo SFsrra ot Mserre JK mitre lrom Bon- d on county road 2Srn cultlnllon eevt- psolurex In good orchards and rest In llinbvr Two small OtllIN bare andoytbolldlnjs well Mend and lenclnf r1rl d bought st your price as ownet UT s In IndUnsso lls and here No Afannpfrx1scnroarmUn frosStaa ford on era lo wlnnrnelbtfmothyelndorvstud 109 v bed In Cue blurt tee Is cut In < well sod sprlhg lee dpoodetlwodwelllegagood bun an4l out LulldlDCI quutenof rolls botb deelllps being on tlh lenty fruit tree ad enough tlmlter to make GOOO poIli A splendid bluiegraes form and only 20 mmulee drive from tb- mtyat Owner of sae farm adjolnlig ebb baa recently refused JU err acre Woail tbls u 131 CO per acre No 1129 acres land with DceeMsry Improve menu H mile from Slsntord Dwelling veranda hall and porch Large barn smoke hoSe etc Well stared and fenced and buildings III good repair Irlre reasonable No t2 JwelUng of lU rod pofc- essery o outbul dlags and garlen Afro tug two IIDr store room 2azW test lower room supplied Itb rouotnheicti etc alter In nd Small sloraoom ale elatero and well on poi lot lak of lure One taUe from IsUnTord llulldlnp In 001 repair end dwelling originally root 1tt1l- Ond tor our 1100 WII sell both fur JMO or will rent or sell s p rstely No 1S230 acre farm 3i mile of Crab Orchard KY llrlck dwelling broom two tenet houses two buns will cod spring near dwelltag farm In- Berate of cultivation 150 attN slyer bottom land good fencing troll etc Pile 13750 an acre II 100 acre ol land on Lancaster street In- CrabOrcbrdopJtWlttlprlags In no Ira nementsexcept birD aboadtD8 01 stock witty Pretlkst building lita to town Prlfe t3WINo15A nice cottage and lot on Laocutf- fItreetlluatord7 rooms nod cistern pie tool I1COO will sull for tlOOO NonA farm ef its urn near Huilonilllo Dwelling of tight rooms bill vennda etc One tenant house stock bun Urge tobacco barn and other outbuildings Cistern and nod well In the rd coil water ta every add on the plan Farm cut 15 seren fields and nt clau laid No 1IOnn of 160 acres situated near Kings vllle Ky j CO acre In calthatloo 39 In Umberiest ID IfUIt well watered two ood tarns and other oUIbulll11aC1j good repAIr welllngromaarotlve I Dew is w thin 800 yart or three chutcha- 0o1p01tome and C 11 depot Property lei oa lit and county rod sod II moet Inn In that Mtllon WI will sail the whole rum lor K400 or la rrrsls of not lees than so acres to sultpurchuer This Is ccrtanly chap property No 63Frm ot 75 scree near Wneabuig- Dlllngi good barnto Well watered tenting aad in rroducth lime eland la good aetthtnrhoodclose to school lId on good road Price 5700 NotA farm of 300 acres In Lincoln county Three goo dwellings S good turns ad other out ¬ buildings each bouse barn etc stout the renter of 100 acres All on county road J4 mile from church school and postouioe Laln and well watrtd This Is a good ad would sull two or tbr e fsiullle that might want to come from tbe same neighborhood Irlce reasonable No 55A farm of 103 acres In Casey county Ky One sod onehslf story dwelling with six roomy good barn ant other outbuildings blity acres In cultlratlon 4S acres In timber fruit trees etc a well on county rood dose to cburcbea- acbool eta Irlce only IGOO Zo Mrm of tie acres la Casey couat Two ItOry tram dwelling two l barns and other ulldlsge In good repaIr Iplcndld tobacco land and In good community A bargain at flOO No MFarm of 115 acre In Casey county A aetl twoitory 8 room frame dwelling a old dlllac In 1lr codltlon and other out dings On county rood splendid tobacco land well waured two wells spring etc This 1s a tI- I1rabl borne Irlce 11500 w wonMr t H e N 4t e eef 11 p w N e y i gplA w 0i J t b yy F eN1 ve 11 1 f t i 0 O ij r ea I I The Grand Leaders ii1 o 1 s l1 s Cold WeatHer Snaps tk 1 t llN Childrens Heavy Calf Shoes worth 125 at 98c Mens Heavy Boots worth 2 at 139 te Mens Heavy Underwear at 25c Mens Heavy Lined Buckle Arcticse worth 125 at89c J Mens Storm Arctics worth l at 6ge i Ladies 25c all Yarn Hose at 19 Cts Ladies 20c Underwear at 15cr Mens all wool Underwear worth 1 at 79c i i 6 Ladies Heavy Dress Skirts at 448 5 Ladies Heavy Dress Skirts at 298 tt o4Mens 15 Overcoats at Only 975 J l i l Mens 12 Overcoats at 825 Mens 6 Overcoats at 425 i Heavy Blankets at 98c and 125 i OgTRemember the Grand Leader wants your trade and if Good Prices and Fair Treatment cut a fig i = ri ure this should be your trading placee e m THE a GRAND LEADER 1tt e i S O LEVYManaper I a HAYS LEVY Props e c 1 e e 1 ae ae s i5 Y OI f N4i e tea ec e Bcaper greek 01161 Gas go Tbo Beaver Creek Oil A Gas Company whoso chief place of business Is Hustonville Lincoln county Ky at a meeting of lit Hoard of Di ¬ rector Dec 1 ltX2 Increased Its capital atock pursuant to a vote of the stockholders from 5000 to 125000 Tho company stow otter to the public MO share of this new stools at Us par value of 110 per shoro Tho oompany desire to make a rank Mate wont upon the occasion of this ottering so that investors may know precisely what they arc doing tat At the meeting clove referred to the Hoard declared a stock dividend of 100 por cent to Its then stockholders who hold the then entire capital stock of COO shares In effect thus doubling the amount of stock of each share holder This was done as an out of Justice to the Investors whojiad put their monoy Into un untried experiment and who had borne all the risks and burden of making that experiment and it was based upon tho fact that this experi ¬ a ment had resulted in a pronounced success the only three wells drilled being steady producers of a fine quality of illuminating oil and the further facts that tho pipe line had been corn plated and the company Vas then delivering oil 41 at the wells at 09 cents per barrel and that the t company on the day of the meeting had acquir ed another 100 acres of territory In tho Heaver Creek field thus exactly doubling the corapa nys territory Tho effect of this dividend It will be understood requires new subscribers to pay In effect twlco as much for their stookas did tho old Notwithstanding this it is sub ¬ mitted that tho present otter seems a most tempting one 2d Tho three wells now drilled ocoupy only 10 acres or onetwentieth of our territory This territory is conceded by practical oil men to be by far the most promising in Wayno No be Flay acres nest Pleasant Point Kjr Prime house t rooms sod larch tlarn and olbsr outbuildlnp Scrola cultivation nse In tin her Well Soil yards from poslofflcoKhool and church Ists well on and In corn munltr Irlce 0 W days buyer rr 250 orlOO acre farm dtuatei from one to three mile from toa Moo buyer rur about 100 acne situated Irani one to but toll with or without Improvements Al- arb0luforan15000to10000tarot doto town No U Four llowland Kr Price 1100 eaeu No 19 90Ji acres of Unit near Crab Orchard chap oO Twostory house I rooms hslKrcranda II acre Isnd axJjolnlneln titanford llop arty In good repair water and 1I1h1 In bouse cia Urn at door Beautiful home lrlc 11000 No22 lfousofavroomaporchone acre f ground and nod stable One mile rum town 1200 No 2J Farm ot 1 H acra5tallfrom StinforJ Prone dwelling of 7 reoinst 2 t t ras ODe a stable and wagon combined tb Ii hn sn ixtra cood Irame wllh rattle shed attached liam especially arnDced rr curlDl tobatoo Alai hennery and core nib tinorchar Fenclap In good repair Well watered etc Thut rare bu ban occupied l 7 a former own ¬ er 17 oan and Is well sod improved Is In mile otpostomes church and school UnUil for 1902 lor halt f ram rent end Is cultivated In- corn wheat tobacco and cloter title Ierfrct- Owtprneansowner11500 as county records will show No 21 Dwelling of 4 rooms with 20 acres land In Morelsncl flood tarn and necessary outbuild t welts la N sllS 1 orchard and 2 acres IDtrbtrrles Immediate pouesslon 1rlcefMO No 21 Frame boJcl lerp room double verse das bII larx 2 story storeroom 30 loot Irons boUlj up stairs suits roatlnftreel 2 nice cottages nicely furnished papered sod painted 4 rooms and veranda each A large barn on same used aa liver stable Hoo1 gardeD acAai lot feet front 200 eel deep All p1 this properly ts In London Ky alid Is a fine chance for some one to mate money Proprietor has refused to rent Prtpertr for 130 per mouth Oa account of 111 health of bis wife only reason for stlllcs proprietor desires to exchang grfarns la Lincoln county No l1A turn orUII acre In Oarrard county S tulles front Laacaster Ky All In clorer and bluecrasa except lOscrev no wasteland lead waterI b S rod and bJlucbN through the plceTbo land ts rick od- produeUllrow bemp aDd toba ffewlyfrne- d locust posts A good orchard ImprOTements a WOOO tw tor7 room frame dwelling In each room pantries cellar ele nwly ooTered sod punted tenant boos bun and other oulbuUdlngs all In good oooditlo In good neighborhood near church school depot oefoma ant store within Ott yards or pue- h4 plan wl W sold cheap county We may reasonably expect and do Ionfldently oxpttet to be able to show to our ilockholdors In the near future 25 or 30 wells as good as or better titan than the present f ones We owe a complete pumping outfit which U now being operated lontbe rounllnnll which has the capacity of pumping 30 wellsj The three wells now bolng pumped era believed to bo steady and permanent producers at tho t rate of 10 barrels each per day This moans at the prlro we are at prostnt recolvlng a not Income above all expense of lift per day or 10000 i cr annum or an annual dividend on the stock already Issued 110000 rind to IMS Is sued 15000 of 00 per cent As other welt arc drllltfd In which will bo done as oxi > cdl tlously ai possible this dividend will lw pro portlonately augmonlod Within 12 months from this date wo are hopeful and oven coatI ¬ lent of earning 150 per eonU upon overt dollar of tho steak to bo issued and that our sttAik will be worth 3100 per share on the 3rd Wo have decided to issue additional stock tanking the entire markotI 115000 bollovlng that this amount tho dally earnings of tho wells pumped will bo sufficient to enable oompa ¬ ny to develop Ita territory as rapidly as Is dc slrablo 4 The company territory situate on hoar or Greek Wayne county Ky is surrounded now by 40 produoing wolls pumping from 5 to 400 barrol each per day and distant from us CO yards to 3 miles These companies art1 own ¬ ed and operated by tho Penn Lubricating Co Tho Kontuojy to Ohio Oil Co tho South Ken lucky 011 Co Tho Cumberland Oil Co tho Al phaOil Co and tho Sanders Oil Co Any further Information or even an exami ¬ nation of our books will bo cheerfully afford ¬ ed pontons desiring to Invest upon lion to the undersigned J C BARKER nppllonI 3 M OWENS Jan 8 1003 et 1 If LI CHANGE W W Willicm and L n Hughes Imvo purchas 11 lIrliiturcI I II I I larger cities selecting m I t BARGAINS I Tgoot L I WITHERS FURNITURE yours OMPANJ 11 fa etellbl elesolabs saa 11s w eaters If you need Printing of Any Kind Give this office a trial FARM FOR SALE 1Jl I dcslro to sell my farm of 100 aorta loca- ted ¬ on Knob Lick K mllo of Knob Lick Station nil all No1 farming land near ¬ ly half of which U In cultivation tho re ¬ malodor in BlueOrnsj line on It a good substantial dwelling good barn and other outhouse Well watered by cistern springs and pond Those donlrlag to buy a small taint do well to pea my placeI B W OIVEN3 Kr r
Page 1: Cold WeatHer ij Snaps Arcticse all 15cr atnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt705q4rk76p/data/0438.pdf · Intensely cold weather Is reported from the Northwest and West Europe msy have another royal


H H HENNINGEROl Wayne County li a candidate for 8tate Trtaa-

urer sublets to the action or the Democratic p rlra


t It a csndUite for the Democratic nomination fort Representative of Lincoln county Subject to the ac

Itonot the puty

J M ALVERSONi It a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Repf resentative of Lincoln county subject to the adleR of

the podf

Democratic Ticket

For Railroad Commissioner


For Circuit Judge


For Commonwealths Attorney


ON the anniversary of hie first jearas editor and owner of tbo LexingtonDemocrat Mr W P Walton eaye

Ono year ago today the present ownerof the Democrat obtained control of

tbo paper tbe purchase dating from

the Oth day of January During moatof the time he has not slept on thodowny patba of eaae nor baa he exactly

tailed through bloody scat but he halgotten there all the eame and todaythe Lexington Democrat la aa much afIxturo in Lexington as the handsomecourt houso It aika no favors that ItIt not entitled to and novor bends tbopregnant binges of the knee that thriftmay follow fawning In a word It la

aa Independent aa a woodaawyer lovesits friends and pities lta enemies andIntenna to keep In the middle of theroad no matter what sonot a gun may-

Jletolo tho way

GBOXQE C MORGAN who was nomI-


for cltv attorney of Lexington bythe democrats didnt deserve what hegot ID fact he proves hlmeelf any ¬

thing but a democrat In promising togive the city printing to that halfbreed papar tho Lexington Heraldwhich fights democracy except whentheres something In sight Morganevidently got on tbo wrong ticket andIf be doesnt mend hie wage the demoorate will give him a lesson In Novem-


that be will not soon forget A liD-

o led democrat who chooses to help arepublican paper In preference to astraight forward democratic organwhich helped nominate him and whithe expects to further assist him Intooffice should be In the ropubllcan par ¬

ty and the sooner bo gets tbero thebetter It will bo for democracy

SENATOR VESTS appeal to Congressto remove the tariff on coal as a humanitarian Intervention on behalf of thopoor who are suffering for the want of

fuel was eloquent and full of foolingAlthough the measure was proposed bySenator Lodge a republican it Is

doubtful whether It will be passed forthe reason that even such a humanita ¬

rian act would afford an object lessonas to the relations between the tariffadd the consumers that tho high pro ¬

tectionists do not want The school ofprotection desires none but Its own textbooks Meanwhile the prices of coalgo higher and higher and the wants of

tbe poor more urgent Coulda greaterInfamy be possibly practiced In thename of the law

TOE editor of the Central Recordmakes tho startling statement that bebaa never asked a person to take hispaper The fact that be has a largeaubdcrlptlon list Is conclusive proofthat the people want hie paper and aregoing to have it whether the editorwants them to take It or not Over inthese dlggens we not only Bilk the good

people to subscribe but Implore themto do so and sometimes threaten themwith death and destruction if theydo not plank down the dough and sub-

scribe for a year or so But all papersare not as good as Brer Lundram forIf they were the publishers of thornwould have av ermotb sailing as doesthat splendid gentleman

TUB roll call of millionaire SenatorsIn the 58th Congress will stand aboutaa follows Clark Banna DepewPlatt Kean Dryden Elklns BardRenee Perkins Wottmore ProctorScott Quay Alger and Addlcka Perhaps about one Senator In every six le-

a real live millionaire

WILl IOItP takes the cake aa a news-


town There are three publica ¬

Lions there viz Wllmore Times publlsned by Louis Pllcber Soul Winneredited by Dr E O Guerrant and theAsbury Journal edited by Rev J WHughes All these and the town la notmuch larger than Hustonvtlle

TilE examination of an Egyptianmummy 2000 yoar old revealed the factthat death was causbd by appendicitisThis is proof of two things viz Appen ¬

dicitis Is not a now disease and thatthe poor Egyptian suffered tortures

IN these gloriously good times wood

le selling at 18 per cord at Marshalltrio while coal can hardly be obtainedfor love or money Hurrah for Teddy


NEW JERSEYS leading Industry la

the manufacture of corporations to dobusiness In other States Last yearwas not a very good year for the crea ¬

clan of trusts but the State receivedfrom Uline fees nearly halt a milliondollars Two years ago It receivedtwlca as much The annual taxes on

corporations previously chartered togather with tho filing of tees on new

creations gave the State 14000000The object of getting charters fromNew Jersey Delaware or West Vir¬

ginia la to evade proper reatrlctlooaelsewhere Imposed

MORE than 4000000 American farm ¬

ers now have the benefit of tho ruralfroe delivery and the amount of mallthey receive has been more than doub-



since the system was adoptedDuring the past year tbo system costthe government about 824000000 andwith this amount the postofOco depart-ment has been able to give excellentsatisfaction

WITH automobiles reduced In pricefrom 11500 to 1700 oven newspapermon can afford tolook at one as Itpissea by


W J Bailey was Inaugurated aa

governor of KansasExGov W J Stone of St Louis

wan nominated for U S Senator tosucceed Senator Vest

It la rumored that RepresentativeRichardson may resign his seat In thenext Congress on account of duties cosncctod with a Masonic office

A Now Mexico delegation beadedby Gov Otoro la In Washington tomake a vigorous fight for tho admissionof that Territory to Statehood

Abram S Hewitt former Mayor of

New York City Is dying He is 81

years old served 12 years In Congressand was the organizer of the Cooper

UnionColL D Tyson of Knoxvllle waa

elected speaker of the Tennesae Housoof Representatives The deadlock was

broken on the Slit ballot Pray withdrawing I

Opponents to tbo Statehood Bill In

the Senate acknowledge their Inlettlon of continuing debits if possibleuntil the appropriation bills sidetrackthe measure

Complaint has gone up from the Ne-


politicians of Indianapolis that theyhave received but thrqe places at thehands of the Legislature though be-

hold the balance of power In Marloncounty

Thomas M Sharp of Nicholas bishas announced his candidacy for Reprcsentatlve from the counties of Nich ¬

olas and Robertson subject to the pri ¬

mary July 18 He Is tbe present Rep ¬

tentativeThe democratic committee of tho 3rd

jddtclal district met at Kuttawa andordered a primary held on May 0 thodate of the State primary for the pur-


of nominating candidates for clr ¬

cult judge and Commonwealths attor¬

neyAsensation was sprung when tbo

democratic caucus of tbe TennesseeLegislature was held to elect a StateController An opponent of ControllerKing a candidate for reelectioncharged him with covering up a short ¬

age In the books of a county officer


Dr J A Dixon a Glasgow bankerIII

deadHonJohn B Carpenter is dead In

Hart countyJohn Cox a bank president of Jonet

boro Tone dropped deadSheriff flees of Bibb county Ala

was shot to death by a NegroA second child of Sheriff Fodee of

Warren county died of scarlet foyerWilliam Russell aged 17 and Miss

Nora Cotton 15 were married in Fayotto

The price of PitUburg coal was ad-

vanced two cents a bushel In Louis ¬

villeThe coal famine In Chicago contin ¬

ues and a number of deaths have re-



Ono person was killed and a halldoin hurt in a dynamite explosion atHolmcsburg Pa

John D Rockefeller is spending hun ¬

dreds of thousands on BO Immensocountry estate near New York

A municipal coal yard may be estab ¬

lished at Indianapolis on account ofthe high prices demanded by dealers

Tbe Illinois Central Railroad Com ¬

pan has placed orders for 91500000worth of cars car wheels and castings

Mrs Henry Hughes of Mason coun ¬

ty was burned to death by her clothescatching fire from a burning pan ofgrease

Fire which destroyed FayerweatherLadows belting manufactory In New

York caused a loss of nearly a milliondollars

Gov Durbin of Indiana is addrcscIng requests to the railroads of hisState to give coal tbo right of way overother freight

Hon W G Gossum former repre ¬

sentative of tbe general assembly fromWarren county was found dead In bedat bis home near Glasgow

While out hunting rabbits WilliamMcDaniel aged 24 married was acct ¬

dentally shot and killed by a compan ¬

ion near ElllottsvlUe McDanielscousin was killed in the earns mannerono month agog

Leslie Combs has left for GuatemalaIntensely cold weather Is reported

from the Northwest and WestEurope msy have another royal scan ¬

dal Count De Lonyay has loft hiswife the Princess Stephanie of Aus ¬

tinHungary No reason la givenFour crop of corn are produced year ¬

ly in Cuba The first crop Is planted

in December and the fourth crop Is

harvested In Decembe-

rTried to Conceal It

Its the old story of murder will e-

ony in this case theres no crime A woman feels run down has backache or dy

spepsla and thinks its nothing and triesto hide it until she finally breaks down

Dont deceive yourself Take ElectricHitters at once It has a reputation for

outing Stomach Liver and Kidney trou ¬

bles and will revivify your whole system

The worst forma of those maladies will

quickly yield to the curative power of

Electric Hitters Only COc and guaran

teed by all druggists


s W BnIE t SH1ros


TintGlass Turnouts at Reasonable RatesSpecial Attention to Traveling Mon

Grain and Stay For Sale

Hustonville Property for Sale

I nlll over at private sale my propertysituated on the north of Main oaeast eWeof College street In IluitonrllleKy consisting of hotel and livery stableend vacant lot This property1s well ar-

ranged for hotel or bout andLivery table on same a nice liverybarn t3xS and al ouballdiagsneeerfor hotel and livery va ¬

rant lot for private residence It desiredSverlaitles water la abundance Propertyb well arranged for privets residence ar-

a now rented for that It youwant good paying In Iluatoavlllcall OB or D B Oarpeater llustorfine Xj

L R Hughes Secretary a Treasurer

Control Kentuc-


TITLE COStanford Ky

No J House snd lot In BUnfordtteranraihillporck la in rear rsrJen pod nelgbtnrheoclose to churrkrs a d school lor imill fam ¬

ily ITIcoJMONo l Small torn 37 aerie 5 miles Irons Man

ford HouMOl four good rooms tusk porch soil 1

mands Oood Urn lid other ulldla In eooJpair Cut 1Alxlllda well JranJd aO sun In

one sera In fruit tree tilt In grayought iimmmtatoeriloll at bargslo sod un

at UrValn Clone to school sd f hHr liSiS W3 acre tad adjoining sold for 110 andI U Thtstssbaryin-

No 3llouN and lot In Stanford lions Milslun fire room wood stable and 5 urn of tanwell fenced Oae of prettiest building lots in townroom nugh In trout br two other coUsgci or a S

ton troauoull be butte to the eotlag and bemde a btautlful home Will be sold cheap as Ibowntr mat bays monty

No 4 Two story tram dwelling 7 room halland wands coal gsrden fencing and nous ID

nod repair For ule er rent Irlce reasonable

No S 1toueand lot In Stanford Thtie roomandlrontrorch Oood garden and UMs Uoodrepair Will be sold ehe

No 7 House sod lot In Stanford 14 storm 5rooms Oood ftrin smoke end cull houses onlyS3GO

bo SFsrra ot Mserre JK mitre lrom Bon-d on county road 2Srn cultlnllon eevt-psolurexIn good orchards and rest In llinbvr Two

small OtllIN bare andoytbolldlnjs well

Mend and lenclnf r1rl dbought st your price as ownet UT s In IndUnssolls and here

No Afannpfrx1scnroarmUn frosStaaford on era lo

wlnnrnelbtfmothyelndorvstud 109v bedIn Cue blurt tee Is cut In <

well sod sprlhg leedpoodetlwodwelllegagood bun an4l out

LulldlDCI quutenof rollsbotb deelllps being on tlh lenty fruit tree

ad enough tlmlter to make GOOO poIli A splendidbluiegraes form and only 20 mmulee drive from tb-

mtyat Owner of sae farm adjolnlig ebbbaa recently refused JU err acre Woail tbls u131 CO per acre

No 1129 acres land with DceeMsry Improvemenu H mile from Slsntord Dwelling

veranda hall and porch Large barn smokehoSe etc Well stared and fenced and buildingsIII good repair Irlre reasonable

No t2 JwelUng of lU rod pofc-esseryo outbul dlags and garlen Afro tug two

IIDr store room 2azW test lower room suppliedItb rouotnheicti etc alter In nd

Smallsloraoom ale elatero and well on poi lot

lak of lure One taUe from IsUnTord llulldlnpIn 001 repair end dwelling originally root 1tt1l-Ond tor our 1100 WII sell both fur JMO orwill rent or sell s p rstely

No 1S230 acre farm 3i mile of Crab OrchardKY llrlck dwelling broom two tenet housestwo buns will cod spring near dwelltag farm In-

Berate of cultivation 150 attN slyer bottomland good fencing troll etc Pile 13750 an acre

II 100 acre ol land on Lancaster street In-

CrabOrcbrdopJtWlttlprlags In no Iranementsexcept birD aboadtD8 01

stock witty Pretlkst building lita to town Prlfe

t3WINo15A nice cottage and lot on Laocutf-fItreetlluatord7 rooms nod cistern pie toolI1COO will sull for tlOOO

NonA farm ef its urn near HuilonillloDwelling of tight rooms bill vennda etc Onetenant house stock bun Urge tobacco barn andother outbuildings Cistern and nod well In the

rd coil water ta every add on the plan Farmcut 15 seren fields and nt clau laid

No 1IOnn of 160 acres situated near Kingsvllle Ky j CO acre In calthatloo 39 In UmberiestID IfUIt well watered two ood tarns and otheroUIbulll11aC1j good repAIr welllngromaarotlveI Dew is w thin 800 yart or three chutcha-

0o1p01tome and C 11 depot Property lei oalit and county rod sod II moet

Inn In that Mtllon WI will sail the whole rumlor K400 or la rrrsls of not lees than so acres tosultpurchuer This Is ccrtanly chap property

No 63Frm ot 75 scree near Wneabuig-Dlllngi good barnto Well watered tentingaad in rroducth lime

eland la good aetthtnrhoodclose to schoollId on good road Price 5700

NotA farm of 300 acres In Lincoln countyThree goo dwellings S good turns ad other out ¬

buildings each bouse barn etc stout the renterof 100 acres All on county road J4 mile fromchurch school and postouioe Laln and well

watrtd This Is a good ad wouldsull two or tbr e fsiullle that might want to comefrom tbe same neighborhood Irlce reasonable

No 55A farm of 103 acres In Casey county KyOne sod onehslf story dwelling with six roomygood barn ant other outbuildings blity acres In

cultlratlon 4 S acres In timber fruit trees etca well on county rood dose to cburcbea-

acbool eta Irlce only IGOO

Zo Mrm of tie acres la Casey couat TwoItOry tram dwelling two l barns and other

ulldlsge In good repaIr Iplcndld tobaccoland and In good community A bargain at flOO

No MFarm of 115 acre In Casey county A

aetl twoitory 8 room frame dwelling a old

dlllac In 1lr codltlon and other outdings On county rood splendid tobacco land

well waured two wells spring etc This 1s a tI-

I1rabl borne Irlce 11500

w wonMr

t H e N 4t e eef 11p wN

e y i gplAw 0i J tb yy F

eN1 ve11 1 ft i 0 O ijr eaI

I The Grand Leaders ii1o


s l1s

Cold WeatHer Snaps tk 1


Childrens Heavy Calf Shoes worth 125 at 98cMens Heavy Boots worth 2 at 139 te

Mens Heavy Underwear at 25cMens Heavy Lined Buckle Arcticse worth 125 at89c

J Mens Storm Arctics worth l at 6ge i

Ladies 25c all Yarn Hose at 19 CtsLadies 20c Underwear at15crMens all wool Underwear worth 1 at 79c ii 6 Ladies Heavy Dress Skirts at 448

5 Ladies Heavy Dress Skirts at 298 tt

o4Mens 15 Overcoats at Only 975 J li l Mens 12 Overcoats at 825

Mens 6 Overcoats at 425i Heavy Blankets at 98c and 125

i OgTRemember the Grand Leader wants your trade andif Good Prices and Fair Treatment cut a fig i =

ri ure this should be your trading placeeem THEa GRAND LEADER 1tt


i S O LEVYManaper Ia HAYS LEVY Propse c 1e e

1 ae ae s i5 Y OI f N4i e teaec e

Bcaper greek 01161 Gas go

Tbo Beaver Creek Oil A Gas Company whoso

chief place of business Is Hustonville Lincoln

county Ky at a meeting of lit Hoard of Di ¬

rector Dec 1 ltX2 Increased Its capital atock

pursuant to a vote of the stockholders from

5000 to 125000 Tho company stow otter tothe public MO share of this new stools at Us

par value of 110 per shoroTho oompany desire to make a rank Mate

wont upon the occasion of this ottering so

that investors may know precisely what they

arc doingtat At the meeting clove referred to the

Hoard declared a stock dividend of 100 por

cent to Its then stockholders who hold the then

entire capital stock of COO shares In effect thusdoubling the amount of stock of each shareholder This was done as an out of Justice to

the Investors whojiad put their monoy Into un

untried experiment and who had borne all the

risks and burden of making that experiment

and it was based upon tho fact that this experi ¬ a

ment had resulted in a pronounced success the

only three wells drilled being steady producersof a fine quality of illuminating oil and the

further facts that tho pipe line had been corn

plated and the company Vas then delivering oil

41 at the wells at 09 cents per barrel and that the

t company on the day of the meeting had acquired another 100 acres of territory In tho Heaver

Creek field thus exactly doubling the corapa

nys territory Tho effect of this dividend It

will be understood requires new subscribers topay In effect twlco as much for their stookasdid tho old Notwithstanding this it is sub¬

mitted that tho present otter seems a mosttempting one

2d Tho three wells now drilled ocoupy only

10 acres or onetwentieth of our territoryThis territory is conceded by practical oil men

to be by far the most promising in Wayno

No be Flay acres nest Pleasant Point Kjr

Prime house t rooms sod larch tlarn and olbsroutbuildlnp Scrola cultivation nse In tinher Well Soil yards from poslofflcoKhooland church Ists well on and In corn

munltr Irlce 0W days buyer rr 250 orlOO acre farm dtuatei

from one to three mile from toa Moo buyer rurabout 100 acne situated Irani one to but toll

with or without Improvements Al-arb0luforan15000to10000tarot doto town

No U Four llowland KrPrice 1100 eaeu

No 19 90Ji acres of Unit near Crab Orchardchap

oO Twostory house I rooms hslKrcrandaII acre Isnd axJjolnlneln titanford lloparty In good repair water and 1I1h1 In bouse cia

Urn at door Beautiful home lrlc 11000

No22 lfousofavroomaporchone acre fground and nod stable One mile rum town

1200No 2J Farm ot 1 H acra5tallfrom StinforJ

Prone dwelling of 7 reoinst 2 t t ras ODe

a stable and wagon combined tb Ii hnsn ixtra cood Irame wllh rattle shed attachedliam especially arnDced rr curlDl tobatoo Alaihennery and core nib tinorcharFenclap In good repair Well wateredetc Thut rare bu ban occupied l 7 a former own ¬

er 17 oan and Is well sod improved IsIn mile otpostomes church and school UnUilfor 1902 lor halt fram rent end Is cultivated In-

corn wheat tobacco and cloter title Ierfrct-Owtprneansowner11500 as county records willshow

No 21 Dwelling of 4 rooms with 20 acres landIn Morelsncl flood tarn and necessary outbuild

t welts la N sllS 1 orchard and 2 acresIDtrbtrrles Immediate pouesslon 1rlcefMO

No 21 Frame boJcl lerp room double versedas bII larx 2 story storeroom

30 loot Irons boUlj up stairs suitsroatlnftreel 2 nice cottages nicely furnishedpapered sod painted 4 rooms and veranda each Alarge barn on same used aa liver stable Hoo1gardeD acAai lot feet front 200eel deep All p1 this properly ts In London Ky

alid Is a fine chance for some one to mate moneyProprietor has refused to rent Prtpertr for 130 permouth Oa account of 111 health of bis wife onlyreason for stlllcs proprietor desires to exchanggrfarns la Lincoln county

No l1A turn orUII acre In Oarrard countyS tulles front Laacaster Ky All Inclorer and bluecrasa except lOscrev no wastelandlead waterI b S rod and

bJlucbN through the plceTbo land ts rick od-

produeUllrow bemp aDd toba ffewlyfrne-d locust posts A good orchard

ImprOTements a WOOO tw tor7 room framedwelling In each room pantries cellarele nwly ooTered sod punted tenant boosbun and other oulbuUdlngs all In good oooditloIn good neighborhood near church school depotoefoma ant store within Ott yards or pue-h4 plan wl W sold cheap

county We may reasonably expect and doIonfldently oxpttet to be able to show to ourilockholdors In the near future 25 or 30 wellsas good as or better titan than the present fones We owe a complete pumping outfitwhich U now being operatedlontbe rounllnnllwhich has the capacity of pumping 30 wellsjThe three wells now bolng pumped era believedto bo steady and permanent producers at tho t

rate of 10 barrels each per day This moansat the prlro we are at prostnt recolvlng a notIncome above all expense of lift per day or10000 icr annum or an annual dividend onthe stock already Issued 110000 rind to IMS Issued 15000 of 00 per cent As other weltarc drllltfd In which will bo done as oxi>cdltlously ai possible this dividend will lw proportlonately augmonlod Within 12 monthsfrom this date wo are hopeful and oven coatI ¬

lent of earning 150 per eonU upon overt dollarof tho steak to bo issued and that our sttAikwill be worth 3100 per share on the

3rd Wo have decided to issueadditional stock tanking the entiremarkotI115000 bollovlng that this amounttho dally earnings of tho wellspumped will bo sufficient to enable oompa ¬

ny to develop Ita territory as rapidly as Is dcslrablo

4 The company territory situate on hoaror Greek Wayne county Ky is surroundednow by 40 produoing wolls pumping from 5 to400 barrol each per day and distant from usCO yards to 3 miles These companies art1 own¬

ed and operated by tho Penn Lubricating CoTho Kontuojy to Ohio Oil Co tho South Kenlucky 011 Co Tho Cumberland Oil Co tho AlphaOil Co and tho Sanders Oil Co

Any further Information or even an exami ¬

nation of our books will bo cheerfully afford ¬

ed pontons desiring to Invest uponlion to the undersigned


Jan 8 1003et

1 If LI

CHANGEW W Willicm and L n Hughes Imvo purchas 11

lIrliiturcI IIII

I larger cities selectingm

I t




OMPANJ 11fa etellbl elesolabs saa 11s w eaters

If you need

Printing of Any Kind

Give this office a trial


I dcslro to sell my farm of 100 aorta loca-ted


on Knob Lick K mllo of Knob LickStation nil all No1 farming land near ¬

ly half of which U In cultivation tho re ¬

malodor in BlueOrnsj line on It a goodsubstantial dwelling good barn and otherouthouse Well watered by cistern springsand pond Those donlrlag to buy a smalltaint do well to pea my placeIB W OIVEN3 Kr r
