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Colleague Magazine Winter 2008

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Pepperdine University's graduate school of education and psychology alumni magazine. Art Director: Gayle Wheatley
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Using New Tools to Create a Dynamic Classroom PEPPERDINE UNIVERSITY Graduate School of Education and Psychology Winter 2008 Volume 25, No. 4 Future Learning | Sojourner Truth Academy | Bilingual Educating | SignShine | Rock the Docs

GSEP Colleague Winter 2008 1

Using New Tools to Create a Dynamic Classroom

P E P P E R D I N E U N I V E R S I T Y Graduate School of Education and Psychology

Winter 2008 Volume 25, No. 4

Future Learning | Sojourner Truth Academy | Bilingual Educating | SignShine | Rock the Docs

The Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education and Psychology (GSEP) aims to give students the tools they need to become effective practitioners and instruments of positive change in their communities. Curriculum for the academic programs is developed with a practical emphasis, and our partnerships with schools, health institutions, and related organizations offer our students the opportunity to engage in hands-on learning. In line with this mission, GSEP has brought on leadership to promote the importance of Future Learning Environments. An important part of future learning is classroom technologies, and I am proud to say that we are at the forefront of exploring this significant initiative.

In addition, GSEP has adopted two other key initiatives, the Urban Initiative and Healthy Relationships. The Urban Initiative seeks to prepare students in both the education and psychology divisions for the challenges of working in underserved, urban communities for the long-term. Our Healthy Relationships initiative stems from the Boone Center for the Family’s valuable research on the factors that contribute to developing healthy relationships. Going forward, the Colleague magazine will provide progress updates on each of these three initiatives so you can see how our work here at GSEP is making a difference.

As a further testament to GSEP’s commitment to provide service and our students’ mission to live a life of purpose, our alumni continue to pioneer programs to enhance the community both locally and abroad. I am proud of the risks our students are taking, whether it involves building a creative school program in urban Los Angeles, exploring cultural competency in Nepal as a result of globalization, or bettering the higher education system in war-torn Afghanistan.

I am continually impressed and inspired by the efforts of our faculty, staff, and students to support our initiatives and so many other innovative projects, and look forward to sharing our successes with you on each of these fronts.

Margaret J. Weber, Ph.D.Dean

L e t t e r F r o m t h e D e a n

GSEP Colleague Summer 2008 3

14 16Future Learning

GSEP Explores Future Learning Environments



t a b L e o F C o n t e n t s

Departments04 Initiatives

06 News

20 Class Notes

22 Donor Roll

Perspectives18 Academy for Recording Arts By Jennifer Murphy

19 Research Visit to Nepal By Jeffrey Lee

19 State of Education in Afganistan By Dr. Mirwais Azizi

GraDuate sChooL oF eDuC ation anD PsyChoLoGy

AdministrationDean Margaret J. WeberAssociate Dean, Psychology Robert A. deMayo Associate Dean, Education Eric R. HamiltonEditor Jaya Bhumitra

Managing Editor Jennifer Scharnikow

Art Director Gayle Wheatley

Creative Director Brett Sizemore

Director of Alumni Relations Claudette LaCour

Photographer Ron Hall

Copy Editor Vincent Way Contributing Writers Dr. Mirwais Azizi, Jaya Bhumitra, Dr. Rhonda Brinkley-Kennedy, Dr. Ken Canfield, Dr. Eric Hamilton, Vanessa Jahn, Jeffrey Lee, Dr. Jennifer Murphy

The Pepperdine Colleague© is published two times per year by the Graduate School of Education and Psychology and the Office of Alumni Relations. The opinions expressed in the Colleague do not necessarily reflect those of the University or its management.

Please send address changes and alumni updates to:

Pepperdine ColleagueGSEP Alumni Office6100 Center DriveLos Angeles, CA 90045Tel. 310.568.5510E-mail: [email protected]

To contact the Colleague editor, e-mail: [email protected].

Winter 2008 Volume 25, No. 4

Bilingual Educating

MAETC Alumna Receives Award

for Bilingual Educational


SignShineELA Alumna

Encourages Early Communication

with Children through Sign


Rock the DocsEducational Technology

Student Develops

Documentary Curriculum

10 12Sojourner Truth

AcademyELA Alumni Open

Charter School for Underserved Students in New


4 GSEP Colleague Winter 2008

G s e P i n i t i a t i v e s

The Urban InitiativeCelebrates its inaugural event

The Graduate School of Education and Psychology (GSEP) has had a long tradition of engagement with its urban neighbors. For more than 50 years, GSEP has been preparing teachers, administrators, and mental health workers for service in the Greater Los Angeles area. Building on that history of service, the Urban Initiative was developed to deepen the link between GSEP professional preparation programs and the education and mental health needs of those in urban settings.

To launch the joining of GSEP’s current work and future projects under this new initiative, GSEP celebrated the Urban Initiative Inaugural Event on October 7 on the rooftop of the Union Rescue Mission, one of the Urban Initiative’s partner organizations. The evening included a reception and program, attended by GSEP faculty, staff, students, and alumni, as well as community leaders from Los Angeles’ urban centers.

Alma Salazar, Director of Education and Workforce Development at the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce and UNITE-LA, hosted the event, which featured two keynote speakers, Faye Washington, Chief Executive Officer, YWCA of Greater Los Angeles and Rhonda Brinkley-Kennedy, Psy.D., MFT, newly-appointed Director of the Urban

Initiative. The program was enhanced by testimonials from GSEP alumni and current students working in urban settings.

Dr. Brinkley-Kennedy shared her vision of how the Urban Initiative will continue to build knowledge, inspire service, and create change: “GSEP is in an individual position to take a leadership role in both developing research and training to assist mental health professionals, administrators, and educators for the unique challenges that exist in urban areas. We aim to give our students the tools not only to serve, but to empower under-resourced families and communities.”

Host Alma Salazar, Direc tor of the Educat ion and Work force Development Task Force for Greater Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce and UNITE-LA, energizes the crowd.

Keynote Speaker Faye Washington, CEO, YWCA of Greater Los Angeles,

engages the audience.

GSEP Colleague Winter 2008 5

G s e P i n i t i a t i v e s

Leah Melber (M ’93)Informal Learning and Field Trips: Engaging Students in Standards-Based Experiences Across the K-5 CurriculumThis book brings together tools and information to guide young learners through educational journeys outside the classroom. Based on constructivist philosophy and inquiry-based learning, the manual includes activities for language arts, math, science, social studies, and fine art lessons. Sections related to English language learners and special education students are also included. (Corwin Press, 2007)

Dennis Palumbo (M ‘88)From Crime to Crime: Mind-Boggling Tales of Mystery and MurderThis entertaining collection of mystery short stories features endearing characters and suspenseful storylines. Palumbo was formerly a television and screen writer who later pursued a master’s in Counseling Psychology, and now uses his experiences as a licensed marriage and family therapist in private practice as inspiration for concocting the clever capers that appear in his fiction writing. (Tallfellow Press, 2008)

Researches the Impact of Quality Relationships and Healthy FatheringQuality relationships are the building blocks of healthy families, and healthy families are the pillars of vibrant communities. This truth is being realized through the work of the Boone Center for the Family (BCFF), and in particular through its fatherhood initiative which is promoting healthy fathering throughout Los Angeles.

In partnership with Children’s Institute, World Impact, and a host of other non-profits, BCFF is taking the lead in providing training, programming, and benchmarks to boost the quantity and quality of fathering in the region.

Why is this of such concern? Consider the following: Children growing up in a home without a dad are much more likely to drop out of school, make poor grades, commit delinquent acts, engage in drug and alcohol use, receive welfare, marry early, and go through a divorce as an adult.

Almost 60 percent of all children under the age of eighteen will spend at least part of their childhood living apart from their fathers.

Conversely, children who feel a closeness to their father are twice more likely to enter college or find stable employment after high school, 75 percent less likely to have a teen birth, 80 percent less likely to spend time in jail, and half as likely to experience depression.

A four-decade study found that when dads encourage their daughter s to excel and achieve and were emotionally close to their sons, the daughters were more successful in school and their careers, and the sons achieved greater status later in life.

The conclusion is obvious: when fathers are equipped, encouraged, and challenged to be m ore involved in their children’s lives, everybody wins: dads, moms, sons, daughters, and the fatherless. In addition households, neighborhoods, schools, and communities will experience less stress and disruption. The strategic nature of healthy fathering cannot be underestimated because, like mothering, it has the power to shape generations.

b o o n e C e n t e r for the family

Dr. Susan HallCourtroom Modifications for Child Witnesses: Law and Science in Forensic Evaluations This book closely examines the legal and psychological adjustments that can be made for child witnesses. The book comprises a unique combination of legal knowledge and psychological expertise, reflecting Dr. Hall’s background in both fields. Dr. Hall hopes the book will be used by mental health professionals and lawyers alike, for the good of every child witness passing through the legal system. (American Psychological Association, 2008)

Dr. Stephanie Woo and Dr. Carolyn KeatingeDiagnosis and Treatment of Mental Disorders Across the Lifespan This comprehensive text is aimed at students and professionals alike. Chapters cover symptoms, prevalence, diversity of sufferers, and legal and ethical issues unique to the treatment of specific disorders. At the end of each chapter about broad clinical disorders, the authors have included an in-depth look at one example, such as post-partum depression. (John Wiley & Sons, 2008)

Dr. Diana Hiatt-MichaelTeaching, Curriculum, and Community InvolvementThis book delves into topics such as satisfaction in teaching, curricular-decision-making, schools as learning communities, and parent involvement in American public schools. As a professor with Pepperdine University for close to 35 years, Hiatt-Michael’s latest book is dedicated to her nearly 100 dissertation students. She has been honored by the American Educational Research Association with the 2004 Outstanding Contributions Relating Research to Practice Award in the interpretive scholarship category and served as editor of the Promising Practices monographs. (Information Age Publishing, 2008)

Dennis Palumbo

Crime Crime to


M i n d - b o g g l i n g Ta l e s o f M y s t e r y

a n d M u r d e r


This intriguing collection of short stories features brain-twisting tales of murder and

mayhem that will keep readers guessing until the very end… or will they? All the clues

are provided just add ingenuity. Match wits with such unlikely amateur sleuths as:

• The Smart Guys Marching Society, a group of suburban “Desperate Husbands”

who stumble into — and love — crime-solving.

• A brilliant female psychologist whose session with a patient threatens to turn deadly.

• A penniless patent clerk named Albert Einstein, who gets caught up in the search

for a turn-of-the-century serial killer...

Baffling, amusing and suspenseful, From Crime to Crime is bound to captivate mystery

buffs of every kind.

“ In updating the legendary Isaac Asimov’s crime solving Black Widowers, Palumbo adds

a touch of Neil Simon to the mix, gathering his odd quintet of armchair sleuths each

Sunday for deli, arguing and solving impossible crimes. Male bonding has seldom been

more entertaining. A sparkling assemblage.”

—Dick Lochte, author of Croaked! and Sleeping Dog

“ Dennis Palumbo’s gang of affable husbands solves some daunting mysteries with a combination

of clever deduction and sly humor that is very appealing. Lots of fun.”

—April Smith, author of the latest

FBI Special Agent Ana Grey mystery, Judas Horse.

“Dennis Palumbo’s stories are fun to read: smart, well-written and delightfully original.”

—Peter Lefcourt, author of The Manhattan Beach Project.

“Palumbo’s contemporary characters dig into these classic, brain-teasing whodunnits with

humor and wit. It’s a feast for crime-story lovers of all stripes.”

—Bobby Moresco, writer/producer Crash; Million Dollar Baby



From Crime to CrimeP



From Crime to Crime

faCulty authors

alumni authors

6 GSEP Colleague Winter 2008

Dr. Elizabeth Reilly, Associate Professor of Educational Leadership, attended a research trip to Afghanistan in March and April to study women in leadership. This research was a companion study to the work she was supporting as Chairperson for Dr. Mirwais Azizi, now a graduate of the Doctor of Education in Educational Technology program, on the state of education in Afghanistan today.

Dr. Reilly interviewed dignitaries from the Afghanistan National Assembly, as well as the Minister of Women’s Affairs, whose responsibility it is to meet the national

goals of including women in civil society and leadership positions.

Dr. Reilly reported that, “The nation must continue to grapple with policies that presently institutionalize gender inequities, from admission to universities to adequate support for those women placed in positions of leadership. However, as the international community continues to engage with Afghanistan in authentically collaborative ways, women have the opportunity to serve as a model for inclusion that embraces the best of Afghanistan’s cultural and religious traditions.”

Women in Leadership on Research Trip to AfghanistanDr. elizabeth reilly ex amines

G s e P n e W s

Margaret Riel, Ph.D., Visiting Faculty in the education division was honored with the world’s most prestigious distance learning award from the United States Distance

Learning Association (USDLA). Dr. Riel is best known for her research and development of collaborative learning models and communities o f p r a c t i c e . S h e h a s s t u d i e d interactive learning environments w i t h a f o c u s o n co l la b o r at i ve l e a r n i n g , f a c i l i t a t e d, b u t n o t controlled, by technology. The result of her work is the development of m o d e l s o f n e t w o r k l e a r n i n g , s p e c i f i c a l l y “c r o s s - c la s s r o o m

collaboration” and “electronic travel” designs, with the goal of creating contexts for teacher and student learning.

Of her recognition, Dr. Riel says, “Any award for teaching is shared equally with the students, and the students at Pepperdine are some of the most engaged, motivated learners that I have taught.”

Dr. Riel took home the Gold level award for Online Technology in Higher Education in the category of Best Practices for Excellence in Distance Learning Teaching. The USDLA Awards were created to highlight distance learning instructors, programs, and professionals who have achieved extraordinary results through the use of online, videoconferencing, satellite, and blended learning delivery technologies.

Dr. Margaret Weber, Dean of the Graduate School of Education and Psychology, noted that, “This is a wonderful recognition of Dr. Riel’s development and support of the virtual learning environment and the learning experiences she provides for our students.”

Dr. margaret riel honoreD for Excellence in Distance Learning Teaching

gseP WelComes Dr. eriC hamilton as Associate Dean of Education Whether it’s helping to lead the charge for mathematics education reform or promoting the role of technology in transforming formal and informal education, Eric Hamilton, Ph.D., is conceptualizing the future of learning. A former division director with the National Science Foundation, international speaker, and

researcher in the development of innovative learning technologies, Dr. Hamilton now shares his vision as Associate Dean and Professor of Education at the Graduate School of Education and Psychology (GSEP).

“We have a nationally unique niche at GSEP in terms of our interdisciplinary approach, the communities of

research and learning that we nurture, and in how we a p p l y s c h o l a r s h i p t o complex educational and other organizational settings,” says Dr. Hamilton. “I want to help us refine and expand that niche.”

GSEP Colleague Winter 2008 7

G s e P n e W s

The Boone Center for the Family’s (BCFF) Savvy Chic fundraiser returned for a fifth year to celebrate fashion, fare, and friends in support of healthy relationships and strong families. On November 12, a large group of women, and some brave men, gathered at The Beverly Hills Hotel for a luncheon, silent auction, and fashion show to honor the 2008 Friends of the Family Award recipient, Helen M. Young. Helen Young's life has intertwined with Pepperdine University for more than 65 years. As a graduate of the second graduating class of George Pepperdine College; wife of M. Norvel Young, the second President of Pepperdine University; and Founding Benefactor of BCFF, Helen has devoted and sacrificed much for her belief in Christian service and education.

"There is no greater need in our country or in our churches than strong families," commented Helen.

The Boone Center for the Family, a division of the Graduate School of Education and Psychology, is the recipient of proceeds from the event, which was produced by the Friends of the Family League, an auxiliary of the Center.

gseP honors life of former stuDent and U.S. Marine Ricardo CrockerMembers of the Pepperdine University and Santa Monica communities came together in July to honor the life of Ricardo A. Crocker, a student of the Master of Arts in Education program at the Graduate School of Education and Psychology (GSEP), whose life was tragically lost during his service in the Iraq war. Crocker was a Major in the Marines, member of the Santa Monica Police Department, and participant in the Police Activities League program, which fosters trust between youth and the men and women of the Santa Monica Police Department in a safe and nurturing environment.

Those in attendance included Maria Garcia Crocker, Ricardo’s sister; Timothy Jackman, Santa Monica

Chief of Police; Phil Sanchez, Santa Monica Deputy Chief of Police; Debbie Anderson, Investigative Analyst, Santa Monica Police Department; Gary Hanson, Pepperdine University Executive Vice President; Margaret Weber, Dean of GSEP; Patty Loggins,

Santa Monica Police Activities League (PAL), Human Services Administrator, and eight youth involved with the PAL program.

The way Crocker lived his life and valued others is a shining example to all.

boone Center for the family's Savvy Chic Fundraiser Supports Healthy Relationships

8 GSEP Colleague Winter 2008


society was on the verge of a golden age in education, how would we know? What if a golden age was only one of

many possible paths we could follow, but by no means inevitable? By having a sense of what is possible in the future, we can imagine it more clearly, we can shape it, and we can hasten it. The process of understanding what the future might hold can have a powerful effect in shaping what the future will hold. One of the defining themes this year for the Education Division of the Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education and Psychology (GSEP) is Future Learning Environments. Through various research and development efforts, GSEP is poised to play an important international role in

helping to shape new directions for schools.

For example, GSEP’s Online Master of Arts in Educational Technology (OMET) program has been a widely copied pacesetter in opening up not only the content areas of educational technology, but also in creating the communities of practice that are increasingly viewed as crucial to future learning. The image that many hold of technology as a way of isolating students with faces glazed in front of a screen is giving way to recognizing the profound possibilities of technology to bring people together in meaningful ways we never thought possible. The OMET program features what visiting professor Dr. Margaret Riel has dubbed “learning circles” that form

online (virtual) and face-to-face (“F2F”) communities that are well poised to advance the University’s mission of purpose, service, and leadership. The learning circles approach in OMET is the subject of an expansion grant to Dr. Riel by the American Evaluation Association (AEA). In fact, the virtual/F2F approach to building these communities has been shared in other programs within GSEP, and one of the challenges that the Education Division faces involves incorpora t ing such innovat ions systematically in its interdisciplinary offerings. The division’s overall array of graduate programs in teacher education, organizational leadership and change, adminis t rat ion, and educat ional technology models the kind of cross-


GSEP Explores Future Learning Environments



“How can virtual humans advance the

educational interaction of real humans?”

There are many other questions about how combinations of new

technologies can create high-performance

learning environments whose possibilities

are only vaguely understood now.

GSEP Colleague Winter 2008 9

disciplinary thinking that will be needed i n s t r u c t u r i n g f u t u r e l e a r n i n g communities.

The OMET experience and the Education Division’s structure are two elements of a broad set of init iat ives explicit ly advancing future learning communities. This past June, associate dean of education Dr. Eric Hamilton cochaired a symposium at Germany’s well-known Knowledge Media Research Centre (KMRC) on the role of social software (mul t ip laye r lea rning and game environments, Facebook, Wikipedia) in future learning environments. This symposium was supported by a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to Dr. Hamilton and a grant from the German government to KMRC director Friedrich Hesse. At the symposium, Dr. Hamilton outlined a theory for future learning communities. The theory involves themes that use terms like “sightlines,”

“self-regulation,” “modeling,” “hybrids,” “per sonalizat ion,” “inte rac t ional bandwidth,” “cognitive density,” and

“flow.” Not all of these have an especially futuristic sound or feel to them, but large shifts hinge on each. This framework has been shared in conference keynote addresses in England and was a principal feature of other symposia Dr. Hamilton led in Japan, Singapore, and Uganda in 2007, with additional support from NSF and Microsoft Research.

Much of this work involves technology, but compelling environments of the future will be characterized by new ways of thinking about learning. Here again, Pepperdine is exerting a leadership role. A recent book coedited by Dr. Hamilton, Foundations for the Future in Mathematics Education, includes chapters from an international slate of authors sharing research on a more systems- and need-driven approach to teaching one of our country’s education trouble spots, mathematics instruction. Technology is not the main driver—that there are collaborat ive t eams s t ruc tur ing mathematical solutions to real problems

is much more important. The approaches discussed in this volume form the basis for a large engineering consortium grant from NSF, involving Pepperdine, the U.S. Air Force Academy, the University of Pittsburgh, the University of Minnesota, Purdue University, California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, and the Colorado School of Mines.

Another initiative directed at future learning communities is a complex research and development project funded by a new grant to GSEP by the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute for Education Science. This project, called Agent and Library Augmented Shared Knowledge Areas (ALASKA), is high-tech oriented and uses new notions of how teachers might function in the future. ALASKA integrates various technologies such as intelligent tutoring s y s t ems wi t h animate d ava t a r s , collaborative networks, tablet computing, and digital libraries of instructional content created by teachers and students. Pepperdine is carrying out this project with Granada Hills Charter High School in Los Angeles Unified School District. One element of ALASK A will be implemented in a calculus course that Dr. Hamilton will teach in Seaver College in Spring 2009, and will include research funding both by Seaver and Microsoft Research. ALASKA represents an opp o r tuni t y to b lend emerg ing technologies in unique ways. One question the grant poses is, “How can virtual humans advance the educational interaction of real humans?” There are many other quest ions about how combinations of new technologies can create high-per formance learning environments whose possibilities are only vaguely understood now.

To understand the broad array of possibili t ie s , a s izable group o f international leaders has worked together to formulate an international virtual network of researchers who explicitly focus on future learning environments. Many of these pacesetters met at the

Graziadio Executive Center this past March, and numerous projects have emerged from that meeting, including an effort to advance some of the work at Pepperdine in meetings that Dr. Hamilton will lead in Uganda and South Africa this fall.

What might the future hold? Pepperdine holds a mission of purpose, service, and leadership with a firm conviction that scholarship and faith feed one another. GSEP is uniquely positioned to help advance and carry out a creative vision for the future within this mission, one that reflects a humane, redeeming, and high performance set of possibilities that may indeed reflect and help lead to an exciting new era for schools and learning. n


10 GSEP Colleague Winter 2008

ELA Alumni Open Charter School for Underserved Students in New Orleans

in theFinding

N ew graduates don’t often leave school and immediately open their own dynamic learning institution, but that’s exactly what alumni Kristin Moody and Channa

Cook did when they launched Sojourner Truth Academy, a charter school for underserved students in New Orleans.

GSEP Colleague Winter 2008 11

ELA Alumni Open Charter School for Underserved Students in New Orleans

Moody and Cook met as teaching colleagues at the Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies in Los Angeles Unified School District. At the time, Moody was enrolled in the Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education and Psychology program for a Master of Science in Administration and Preliminary Administrative Services Credential, Educational Leadership Academy (ELA), which she completed in the winter of 2006. Moody’s successful experience with the program inspired Cook to apply, and she completed her degree in the spring of 2007.

Moody had always dreamed of opening an alternative high school, and that was one of the primary drivers of her enrollment in ELA. “The program, as a whole, was integral to my feeling comfortable pursuing and defending a project as extensive as Sojourner Truth Academy. My teachers’ support of my project and belief in me boosted my confidence and inspired me to pursue a path of leadership. I became aware that I was able to accomplish whatever I set my mind to accomplish.”

In contrast, Cook never thought she would be opening a school the year after finishing her degree. But while Moody was the catalyst for the idea, both alumni were fully committed once they visited New Orleans in March 2007 for a volunteer trip. While there, they both saw the need for quality education, high expectations, and a supportive environment for adolescents. They were disappointed to see so many teenagers treated as if they could not succeed. Of the experience, Moody says, “We came home from the trip and took all the best practices we had heard about and witnessed first-hand and compiled them into the rough draft of Sojourner Truth Academy.”

Sojourner Truth (formerly Isabella Baumfree 1797-1883), the namesake and role model for Sojourner Truth Academy, was a woman who took on multiple roles in her life: activist, abolitionist, suffragist, orator, pioneer, and mother. Drawing from Truth’s masterful ability to pursue a balance between self-improvement and community uplift, Moody and Cook incorporated into Sojourner Truth Academy a system of higher education that would encourage students to become aware of the community around them and find ways to make an impact by helping others.

Moody describes Sojourner Truth Academy as “an open-enrollment high school that will prepare its students for college and to be leaders for positive change in New Orleans.” Moody explains the significance of such a categorization: “An open-enrollment high school with high expectations is relatively unheard of in New Orleans. As a result, we have higher than average numbers of at-risk and historically underserved students. The challenge is great, but the students are already exceeding our expectations. These kids are redefining themselves, and we can’t wait to see how they change their own communities with the new tools they’re being given.”

In addition to co-founding the school, Moody and Cook retain leadership positions in the administration; Moody acts as Operational Support, while Cook acts as Principal. Cook says that her participation in ELA contributed to what she has created at Sojourner Truth Academy: “The overall emphasis on leadership, rather than administration and management, is what was most important for me about the ELA program; as an instructional leader at Sojourner Truth Academy I remind myself that leadership is my main goal.”

Sojourner Truth Academy is off to an inspiring start. The school year began with full rosters and a long waiting list – impressive for a new charter school. Moody is confident that the future looks bright: “There is no question that Sojourner Truth Academy will not only make its mark in New Orleans as a school that enables at-risk students to lead their communities and go to college, but will also show the rest of the nation the power of well-trained, thoughtful teachers, and administrators when coupled with kids who refuse to give up.” For more information on Sojourner Truth Academy, visit http://www.nolatruth.org/. n

“An open-enrollment high school wit h high expectations is relatively unheard of in New Orleans. As a result, we have higher t han aver a ge number s of at-risk and historically underserved students. The challenge is great, but t he student s are already exceeding our expectations.”

12 GSEP Colleague Winter 2008

Of the honor, Limb says, “I was surprised to receive an award that had never before been offered to any GSEP alumnus. I was very honored at the opportunity to be a role model for future GSEP students. It was an unforgettable experience to attend the ceremony with my family and among my fellow alumni, students, faculty, and CABE board members.”

Limb had spent four years working in marketing before deciding that she could make more of a difference working with children in education. She enrolled in GSEP on the

Dual Language learning for a Melting Pot society

MAETC AluMnA RECEivEs AwARd foR BilinguAl EduCATionAl ExCEllEnCE

HannaH Limb, alumna of the Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education and Psychology’s (GSEP) Master of Arts in Education with Teaching Credential program, broke new ground as the recipient of the first Visionary Award given by the Pepperdine California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE) at its annual conference, March 6-8 in San Jose, California. GSEP initiated the award in recognition of alumni service in accordance with the mission of GSEP and CABE to promote educational excellence and social justice for all.

GSEP Colleague Winter 2008 13

recommendation of a friend and GSEP alumnus. Limb says that the move changed the course of her future.

“The GSEP program was a tremendously fulfilling experience. My professors diligently supported and trained all the students to be the best educators for our future generations to come,” Limb said. “Through my courses and student teaching, I gained a better understanding of what it meant to be a highly qualified educator who is sensitive and aware of individual student needs. My student teaching experience at three different schools provided unique opportunities to work with a wide spectrum of students composed of all socio-economic levels including special needs students.”

Limb’s interest and experience in working with bilingual educators serving children in California made her an exceptionally qualified candidate for the award. Formerly, Limb was a committee member in the development of the Korean Language Arts Standards published by the Asian Pacific and Other Languages and Dual Language Office of the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). These important standards guide instruction in all Korean Dual Language classrooms within LAUSD and have also been referenced by other school districts throughout California and the nation.

Currently, Limb sits on the curriculum development committee where she is developing the Korean curriculum based on the Korean Language Arts Standards. Her work with bilingual educators in California has also been presented at the Dual Language Institute and the Korean Language Arts Professional

Development Workshop. In addition, Limb enjoys teaching third grade Korean Dual Language at Third Street Elementary School in LAUSD.

Though Limb’s plate seems full, she isn’t content to stop there. Her next steps include pursuing a doctoral degree, as well as an administrative credential. Limb explains, “With these degrees, I hope to make a difference in the education world. I take great joy in interacting with other bilingual educators and sharing the best practices by thinking of ways to promote our expanding program that is benefiting countless numbers of bilingual students in the state and nation.” n

14 GSEP Colleague Winter 2008

“A baby uses language very early on – when it cries, for example. Speech only develops at 16 months, but a baby can say so much before then. Why wait two years to have a conversation with your child?”

ELA ALumnA EncourAgEs EArLy communicAtion with chiLdrEn through sign LAnguAgE


GSEP Colleague Winter 2008 15

babyEtEL LEit was pregnant with her first child when she conceived the idea for SignShine. Leit, who had always been interested in languages, wanted to teach her daughter Hebrew, Leit’s native language. However, because Leit’s husband didn’t speak Hebrew himself, she felt she needed to come up with an alternative form of communication that the three of them could share. That is when she discovered sign language.

While traditionally used for the hearing-impaired, Leit learned that sign language is also useful for babies that have the cognition to communicate and the muscular ability to use body language, but not necessarily the vocal ability to form words. “A baby uses language very early on – when it cries, for example. Speech only develops at 16 months, but a baby can say so much before then. Why wait two years to have a conversation with your child?” questions Leit. To emphasize her point, Leit describes how her second child started asking for milk and grapes at just seven months using sign language.

With this in mind, Leit founded SignShine, whose focus is to support the development of healthy young minds through play, music, and communication. SignShine provides families and professionals with the skills to connect with babies and children in meaningful and interactive ways, using American Sign Language for language acquisition, early literacy skills, and brain development. “Research shows that children that start signing as babies have a 12-point higher IQ by the age of eight,” Leit offers.

But signing can be beneficial for older children as well, even up to the age of 10. “Children that sign are better readers,” says Leit. “Because everything is very visual in first and second grades, children in that age group in particular can benefit from the visual cues that are a part of signing.”

Leit graduated from the Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education and Psychology with a Master of Science in Administration and Preliminary Administrative Services Credential, Educational Leadership Academy (ELA) in July 1999. She says that participating in this program brought out the leader within her. She had always had an entrepreneurial spirit, but the hands-on program gave Leit a step-by-step approach to beginning a business, including writing a mission statement, establishing effective relationships with coworkers, and remaining true to the original vision.

“It’s been almost 10 years and I still to back to the lessons I learned in ELA – how to resolve conflict, the best way to time projects,” Leit says. “But it was the personal relationships with the instructors that really taught me to trust myself and pursue something about which I am so passionate.”

At the moment, Leit is focused on expansion. She is writing two books, a parenting book (due in 2009), and a guide for using sign language with autistic children (Signing for Love, also due in 2009). In addition, Leit just launched an international website (www.BabySignShine.com) to build on the current website (www.SignShine.com). The international site offers numerous resources for families, pre-school and elementary school educators, therapists, and psychologists from around the world that are looking for classes or programs, pictures and videos, and the latest research in signing. SignShine is even starting to educate other instructors to take the trademarked SignShine method into their own communities.

“SignShine is about helping families to communicate,” Leit explains. “I want people worldwide to know about this beautiful parenting method because it goes beyond teaching the signs themselves – it teaches how to use the signs on a daily basis to establish routine, how to effectively promote language development, and how to develop a positive relationship between parent and child.” n

16 GSEP Colleague Winter 2008


GSEP Colleague Winter 2008 17

brEtt ScHnEidEr has always been passionate about video production, writing, editing, and documentary filmmaking. However, more often than not, those passions were often relegated to spare moments of watching and applauding other people’s work. That changed over these last few years, as Schneider started working on video projects with the 11th and 12th grade students at The Institute for Collaborative Education, a small public school in New York City where he teaches technology. The goal was to teach the students how to utilize the proper techniques in each of these artistic fields. Still, with only four video cameras available to the school, Schneider was not immediately able to turn his vision into a reality.

That’s when Schneider saw that Best Buy had put out a grant through which 50 schools in the country could receive $10,000 worth of equipment from Best Buy stores. A light bulb went off. Sch-neider applied for the grant, and was selected as a recipient for what he coined his “Rock the Docs” Documentary Cur-riculum. Schneider describes “Rock the Docs” as “an expanded curricular set of units that introduce students to the pro-cesses of documentary filmmaking. These units are tag-teamed with aca-demic subject matter and students engage in first-hand documentary film-making to communicate the subject they are examining.” This involves the stu-

dents’ identifying issues, research-ing their topics, writing original copy, producing segments, directing the filming, and digitally editing the videos in their school’s technology lab.

The program is unique because, as Schneider explains, “The curriculum provides accessibility and curricular differentiation to students who aren’t always successful in classroom activities. The intense physical, tactile, and kinetic aspects of the filming and editing have connected with some students with intense attention deficits and emotional problems. For classes as a whole, it provides a meaningful way to use the world as classroom and practice inquiry-based learning.”

Schneider, currently a student in the Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education and Psychology’s (GSEP) Educational Technology doctoral program, graduated from the Online Master of Arts in Educational Technology program (OMET) in 1999. “The GSEP exper ience expanded my focus , enabling me to see a path to both maximize my own potent ia l and unleash that potential in others,” said Schneider. “My time in OMET inspired me to create a constructionist classroom with the students. However, bringing

my creative arts in te res t s more

f u l l y i n t o t h e classroom remained

a scary venture.”

Schneider goes on to say that the doctoral program was particularly helpful for moving beyond these fears: “Several of the professors urged us to look for ways of combining our passions and developing new educational ventures. I discovered that it was possible to help both myself and others with actualization through these technological and creative efforts. GSEP helped inspire a vision toward meaningful professional service that is dually transformative for both the giver and recipient.”

With the grant, Schneider was able to purchase more than twenty cameras and additional equipment that are used by classes and student clubs. Of the future of “Rock the Docs” Schneider says, “Currently my focus is to develop the curricular and extra-curricular aspects of the program and make it more fully-fledged at the school site where I teach and serve as Assis tant Pr incipal . However, my hope in time is to expand the program and make it available to help other educators and youth who would like to document the world around them and create change.” n

“theGSEP experience

expanded my focus, enabling me to see a path to

both maximize my own potential and unleash that potential in others,” said Schneider. “my time in OmEt inspired me to create a constructionist classroom with the students. However, bringing my creative arts interests more

fully into the classroom remained a scary

v e n t u r e .

18 GSEP Colleague Winter 2008

G s e P P e r s P e C t i v e s

This last summer proved to be a challenging one for the Academy for Recording Arts (ARA). In July we found out that we were effectively shut down, but the students, parents, community members, and staff were not going down without a fight. After eight weeks of looking for answers, the school found a new home with Hawthorne School District on September 5, just 10 days from the first day of school. As the executive director of the school I could not have been more proud of the work that was done in such a short amount of time to save our school.

ARA is a charter school residing in a warehouse in the Hawthorne School District, with approximately 150 students who attend in order to experience a unique education, emphasizing media arts as a medium to learn. This includes lessons in graphic arts on Mac computers, video curriculum, and recording in a state-of-the-art recording studio. Our curriculum incorporates a number of technological tools like My Access!, a computer program that gives immediate feedback to student writing, and Kaplan computer programs to help students learn to take tests required for college admissions. Students also master the use of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, iMovie, and GarageBand, and have the opportunity to learn Final Cut Pro, Logic, and ProTools.

Many of these students come from backgrounds that I never dreamed existed except for my work here, and they are my heroes as they walk into school rising above their personal struggles. Some have been pushed out of traditional schools, been abused

by the people who were supposed to take care of them, or joined gangs so they have a bit of control in their lives, but all have chosen to attend school here, and so we are a family. Our nontraditional structure coupled with a student to staff ratio of 15:1 allows us to meet our students’ needs both educationally and emotionally. Our use of media to allow students to really tell their story with the tools with which they are familiar gives us insight into how to best reach individual students.

Technology can be an incredible educational tool, particularly for this generation of teens who grow up with a familiarity with technology even if they don’t have the resources at home. With a 1:1 student to computer ratio, ARA allows students to utilize technology as a springboard for education and an outlet for the difficult experiences our students face everyday.

Our goal is to become a part of the fabric of our community—every year we hope to reach more of our community, and offer more services to the community. This may involve later moving to a new space which can be expanded into a community building, developing a parent booster club, and fostering relationships with local elementary and junior high schools. We are excited about the prospect of developing an environment that is a safe place for our students and an instrument of positive change where we live.

aCaDemy for reCorDing arts givesStudents an Education in Technology and LifeBy Dr. Jennifer Murphy, graduate of the Doctor of Education in Educational Technology program (2005) and Master of Arts in Teaching as a Profession program (1998)

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GSEP Colleague Winter 2008 19

In The World Is Flat, author Thomas Friedman describes how modern technology is flattening the world that Christopher Columbus discovered was round. As jobs are outsourced and local job markets become global, it is increasingly important for educators in the 21st century to help students navigate their way through the highly political world.

That is why I am interested in cultural competence, the development of skills by individuals and systems to live and work with, educate, and serve diverse individuals and communities. It is the willingness and ability of a system to value the importance of culture in the delivery of services to all segments of the population. In the summer of 2008, my colleague Heather Guay (California State University, Fullerton) and I embarked on a research expedition to assess the various ways teachers and students develop cultural competency in schools in Nepal.

Hidden from the rest of the world, Nepal is a landlocked country enclosed within the rugged Himalayas. Literacy rates are significantly lower in rural areas; those who live in remote mountain villages are often a day’s walk from health and education services. Formal schooling in Nepal is constrained by economic and cultural factors such as a bias against educating girls and a need for children to work at home or in the fields. The culture is rich and very different from our Western world.

With the support of a generous fellowship from the Fund for Teachers, Guay and I traveled for three weeks, visited seven schools, and discovered a wide variety of examples of developing cultural competency that are documented on the project Web site. Our investigation studied how Nepalese teachers embrace both modern and Western influences, while upholding the rich cultural traditions of Nepal.

This unique project and experiential journey has the potential to break the bonds of traditional learning, while increasing each project member’s cultural competency. As members interact with each other, relationships will form and opportunities will emerge that will engage each of the members to be better teachers and learners. The project’s findings will be shared with the Arthur F. Corey Elementary School community in Buena Park, California, where Guay teaches fifth grade and I teach third grade, and where our colleagues and students prepared letters for the Nepalese children throughout 2007-2008. I hope to extend this project by taking several other teachers from Corey Elementary to Nepal in the near future.

To see photographs and learn more about my research expedition to Nepal, visit http://projectnepal.net.

DoCtoral stuDent exPloresCultural Competency in Research Visit to NepalBy Jeffrey Lee, candidate in the Doctor of Education in Educational Technology program

eDuCational teChnology graDuateStudies State of Education in AfghanistanBy Dr. Mirwais Azizi, graduate of the Doctor of Education in Educational Technology program (June 2008)

I was born in Kabul, Afghanistan, in 1973. D ur ing t he ear ly 1970 s, Afghans were hopeful about the future. The economy was thriving, there was a burgeoning tourist trade, people were working, and food was plentiful. Sadly, all that c h a n g e d i n 1 9 7 8 , w i t h t h e communist revolution and the Soviet invasion of 1979.

By the end of 1979, we lef t our beautiful home and possessions in

Kabul for Los Angeles, with the hopeful anticipation of one day coming back. The Soviets left Afghanistan in 1989, and the civil war started between various factions in order to gain control of the country. In 1996, the Taliban came to power. Because of the Taliban’s ruthless style of governance and its support of terrorist group al-Qaida, the United Nations placed Afghanistan under an embargo, which caused the Afghan society to collapse. By the end of 2001, a coalition of military units from the international community invaded Afghanistan, and the Taliban were ousted from power. In May 2003, I returned to Kabul for the first time in 25 years, only to find that,

after decades of civil unrest, Afghanistan was left with several generations that were uneducated, in poverty, and mentally and emotional ill.

I believe that education is the cornerstone of any society that wants to end corruption and see its people prosper. For these reasons, I was inclined to return to Kabul, to examine the circumstances surrounding the state of education in Afghanistan today. After much preparation and planning, I made the trip in March of this year, along with my chair, Dr. Elizabeth Reilly. While there, we witnessed the extreme conditions of poverty, illiteracy, diverse language, and customs as well as extreme ethnic loyalties that have hindered the future prosperity for education in Afghanistan.

The purpose of my qualitative study was to better understand the role Afghan leaders of higher education take in order to meet the challenges of the 21st century. My research explored and examined the roles, beliefs, and leadership styles of these people. I had the privilege of meeting various government ministers and university deans and chancellors, as well as several parliamentarians. I found that key challenges included leaders with limited experience in higher education and a lack of motivation, insufficient organization and resources, ethnic biases, and a lack of security. Yet, with effective leadership and hard work, the country can rebuild. I hope that with enthusiasm, effort, and reform, it will be possible to implement the changes to create an effective higher education system in Afghanistan.

20 GSEP Colleague Winter 2008

G s e P C L a s s n o t e s

’08 John Zimmerman, ed.D. organizational Leadership, was elected to the board of directors and as chair of the audit committee for integrated silicon solution, inc., a publicly traded company (nasDaQ: issi) with significant operations in China, taiwan, and india. he has also been selected as a participant in the association to advance Collegiate schools of business (aaCsb), bridge to business Program at the university of Florida, a program for postdoctoral work in business education. he currently teaches at the university of southern nevada in their newly launched mba program.

Rebecca Puebla (Robertson) is interim assistant principal, Los angeles County office of education in the juvenile courts at female institutional settings.

Gretchen Janson, m.s. in administration, is assistant principal of Zela Davis elementary school in the hawthorne unified school District.

Benjamin Roberson, m.s. administration, is dean of students at Pacifica Christian high school in santa monica, California.

’07 Robert Martellacci, omet, president and publisher of mindshare Learning—strategic Learning & technology solutions, publishes the online magazine The MindShare Learning Report. in June 2008, the mindshare Learning team was honored with a nomination for the mississauga technology awards in the “best in technologies” small business category for the innovative use of technology in launching the national e-newsletter.

Sabina Chopra was married to binu vaidyan on august 24, 2007.

’06 Rene Hernandez-Cardenache, Psy.D., is assistant professor of Clinical Psychiatry and neuropsychiatry at the university of miami Department of Psychiatry and behavioral sciences. he is the clinical coordinator of the Clinical Psychology service at the uhealth Psychiatry at Coconut Grove Clinic and the neuropsychology assessment Clinic at the mental health hospital.

Jose Lopez is currently a therapist (mFt intern) for starview in Long beach, California, working as part of their Full-service Partnership program, an intensive mental health service program that works with children and their families, Jose noted that he was the only bilingual (spanish) therapist on his team and there is great need for spanish-speaking therapists.

’05 Angela (Balsiger) Kahn is now a fully licensed marriage and Family therapist working in private practice in

Los angeles, California. she specializes in treating adults and teens with self-injurious behaviors. she gives presentations to schools, counseling centers, Ptas, and organizations to help educate the public about this psychological issue.

Juliet Ballard, ed.D. organizational Leadership, has recently published her dissertation titled Factors Affecting Retention of First-Year Science and Engineering Students at the University of Michigan. it is available through amazon.com. ballard is with the university of michigan health system Cardiovascular Center, where she serves as CvC marketing and communications specialist.

Tod A. Burnett, ed.D. organizational Leadership, was appointed in september 2008 as the ninth president of saddleback College in mission viejo, California.

George Douglas Warriner, ed.D. educational technology, passed away rercently. he was a member of Cadre 8. he is survived by his wife, Pam.

’04 Jennifer Trubenbach, omet, was featured in People magazine for her humanitarian efforts. the seven-page article, included in the september 12, 2008 edition, highlights trubenbach’s work with operation of hope, of which she is executive director. operation of hope has performed more than 2,000 free facial reconstructive surgeries for kids in need in ecuador and africa.

Brian J. Brady, ed.D. organizational Leadership, has been named general manager of the imperial irrigation District. brady has a doctoral degree in organizational leadership from GseP.

Don Barthelmess gave the 29th annual Faculty Lecture at santa barbara City College. he discussed the diving technologies that emerged in santa barbara during the 1960s. the lecture is considered the highest honor for a santa barbara City College faculty member and is based on a scholarly subject of general interest.

Sarah Stuchell (ba ‘01), m.a. Clinical Psychology, opened her own counseling practice with locations in malibu and newport beach. she is finishing her Ph.D. at Loma Linda university.

’03 Stefanie Bernritter, m.a. General Psychology, a personal life and business coach, has published her first book and was recently interviewed about it by Artist Interviews magazine. stephanie is giving 20 percent of proceeds to save the Children (a nonprofit organization that helps children in the u.s. and around the world). although the book is titled She, it is a collection of verse for both sexes.”she” offers an insightful

look into the complexities of women as well as the discussion of human emotion.

Terri Warren Dobrofsky, m.a. education, married richard scott Dobrofsky on may 28, 2006.

Leola L. Oliver, m.s. administration, is assistant principal of Global education academy, a Los angeles unified school District Charter school.

Nova Reed, m.a. Psychology, opened a second office location for step stones for Life in Fashion island, newport beach. step stones for Life is a life-coaching business dedicated to helping you live with vitality, achieve your highest potential, and create satisfying, healthy, and loving relationships. nova continues to serve clients at her office in Coto de Caza in orange County.

’01 Amy Levy, m.a. education, launched amy Levy Public relations (aLPr) as a full-service communications and public relations practice to help organizations grow through strategic and creative methods.

’98 Dale J. Mitchell, ed.D. institutional management, is superintendent of Fallbrook union high school District.

John Gillham, m.s. administration and ’09 ed.D organizational Leadership candidate, is the Los angeles County office of education coordinator in beginning teacher programs. he goes to LaCoe after 10 years in the norwalk-La mirada unified school District.

Cynthia Mauzerall, m.a. Clinical Psychlogy, and her husband brad welcomed their second child ellie marie in november 2006. Cynthia is currently a counselor at the College of idaho in Caldwell and also works at the Lee Pesky Learning Center one day a week as a counselor for persons who learn differently.

’97 Edward Fiszer, m.s. administration, released an updated version of his third book Daily Positives: Inspiring Greatness in the Next Generation. he and his wife asela also welcomed alexander Peter Fiszer into the world on July 29, 2007.

Mauri-Lynne Heller, m.a. Clinical Psychology, contributes regularly to the OC Register. in honor of Father’s Day, in their issue of June 12, 2008, the newspaper published a very touching story that she submitted. mauri-Lynne heller is a licensed marriage and family therapist and doctoral candidate at newport Psychoanalytic institute, where she is also a member of the Writing and research task Force. her Web site is at www.mlheller.net.

G s e P C L a s s n o t e s

GSEP Colleague Winter 2008 21

’95 Marilyn Simpson, Psy.D. and m.a. General Psychology, was awarded the California Psychological association’s silver Psi award. the silver Psi is given to “psychologists who have made a significant and sustained contribution to the association”. marilyn has been active in the san Gabriel valley chapter of CPa for many years. on a personal note, marilyn simpson was married to bill Wright in June and has relocated to the bay area.

Byron Mello, m.a. education, has been named maryknoll school boys’ basketball program coordinator and varsity head coach in april. mello received a master’s degree in education from Pepperdine university’s Graduate school of education and Psychology.

’93 Michael McCambridge, m.s. administration, was granted tenure at California Lutheran university as associate professor of education.

’92 Tom Johnstone, ed.D. institutional management, is superintendent of Wiseburn school District serving students in hawthorne and unincorporated areas of Los angeles County.

Lori Strother, m.a. Psychology, became licensed as a psychologist in march 2007. she also gave birth to a beautiful baby boy the same month.

’91 Ned Doffoney, ed.D. institutional management, was selected as chancellor of the north orange County Community College District beginning July 1, 2008. Doffoney was honored as a Distinguished alumnus.

Stan Mantooth, m.s. administration, is superintendent of ventura County schools.

’88 Leanne Neilson, m.a. General Psychlogy and Psy.D. ‘92 (also seaver College b.a. ‘85), associate provost for graduate/adult programs and accreditation at California Lutheran university, became interim provost on april 1, 2008.

Dennis Palumbo, m.a., Counseling Psychology, recently published a new book of short stories called From Crime to Crime. most of the stories are narrated by a California therapist which would make this an interesting read for GseP alumni. Palumbo is a former screenwriter (My Favorite Year; Welcome Back, Kotter, etc.), now a licensed mFt specializing in counseling creative people. his last book was Writing from the Inside Out (John Wiley), and he also writes for numerous magazines and newspapers, including the New York Times, the Los Angeles

Times, and The Lancet. he also provides commentary for nPr’s All Things Considered.

’85 Charles Helmers, ed.D institutional management, who passed away, was the focus of an article published in The Signal-Santa Clarita Valley, on may 8. the article titled “For helmers, a short tenure, Lasting Legacy” focused on his enduring contributions and impression as an educator. helmers earned a doctorate degree in education from GseP.

’84 Marilyn Korostoff, m.a. administration, was honored as the recipient of the 2008 Distinguished Faculty award at California state university, Long beach, given for sustained excellence in teaching.

’80 Gary Bowers, m.a. education, retired after 35 years teaching history and u.s. military history in 2007. he spent the last 27 years at Los alamitos high school where he was recognized seven times in Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers. his career was inspired by Pepperdine professor Diana hiatt-michael.

’79 Phillip L. Alvarado, m.s. education, has been selected by the board of education of the santa maria-bonita school District to as superintendent-elect to take the helm of the 19 school district in January 2009. he has served as the assistant superintendent of instructional services since 1998 and has worked with the district since 1979. he is a native of santa maria, California, and attended schools in the district.

’76 Richard Newton, m.a. education, published his first children’s book titled One Bat- Two Bats in 2007. the publisher was tate Publishing.

’53 Shirley Renee Roozen, b.a. George Pepperdine College, m.a. education, school of education, passed away in october 2007. she taught math and science for the Palos verdes unified school district for 28 years. she is survived by her husband of 37 years, Keith roozen, four children, and 11 grandchildren.

faCulty anD stuDentsFaculty member, Susan Hall, assistant professor of psychology, and GseP alumna ’08, Meghan Owenz, gave a presentation titled “i didn’t go to graduate school for research! assessing and bridging the research-practice gap,” at the american Counseling association Conference in honolulu, hi in march 2008.

Reyna Garcia-Ramos, associate professor of education, and GseP student Khoa Ngo – 2010 -presented their paper, “Constructing new Futures: after-school for Parents, students and teachers,” at the 14th annual international roundtable on school, Family and Community Partnerships in march 2008 in new york City.

Thema Bryant-Davis, assistant professor of psychology, and graduate students Shaquita Tillman (GseP ma 2007), Heewon Chung (GseP 2015), and Sheila Shervey (GseP ma 2008) presented at the annual association of Women in Psychology Conference in san Diego in march.

Former faculty member, Terence R. Cannings is retiring as dean of California Lutheran university. Cannings served as associate dean of education at GseP for nine years.

‘10 - student Kongit Farrell, maCLP program, debuted an original stage presentation provides a framework of post-modern narratives not given a voice in contemporary media. the play was staged at two roads theatre in studio City.

‘11 - Daniel Ibarrondo was named the director of corporate, foundation and government relations at southeastern university. ibarrondo is completing his dissertation for a doctorate of education degree from Pepperdine university’s Graduate school of education and Psychology.

‘14 - Current Psy.D. student, Rogelio Serrano, LmFt, started a private practice business in orange, Ca. he specializes in psychological services for men of all ages and offers therapy for children and families as well, in english or spanish.

Grant John Hagiya, current student in organizational Leadership, has been named bishop of the n.W. methodist Churches.

’12 – Megan Stang, current doctoral student on organizational Leadership was awarded the Leadership award for her service to the Division of student affairs at Cal Poly Pomona.

Kanika White, doctoral student in education administration, Leadership and Policy, is principal of abraham Lincoln elementary school is Compton unified school District.

Don St. Clair, doctoral candidate organizational Leadership, was chosen as the Chairman of the valley economic Development Center (veDC) board of Directors. veDC is the largest nonprofit busness development corporation in the region. he has served on the board for three years. he is vice president of marketing for Woodbury university.

22 GSEP Colleague Winter 2008

D o n o r r o L L


mrs. Gail m. Deering 1990 EP Dr. nancy m. Durhamms. susan K. Giboney 1962 PC Dr. vichai Krisdathanont mrs. anita m. Landis 1972 PCDr. Clara m. Lincoln 1990 EP mr. michael t. okabayashi Dr. Doreen s. oleson 1991 EP 1986 EPDr. robert C. PaullDr. susan F. rice 1986 EP Dr. margaret J. Weber


Dr. Fereshteh amin 2006 EP Dr. hasty arnold 1961 PC 1985 EPDr. robin bailey-Chen 2007 EP Dr. robert m. Canady Dr. Charles a. Clifford mrs. Kathy a. Danhakl 2002 EP mrs. Jacquelin D. Dedona 1949 PC Dr. robert a. Demayo ms. mathilda Fenner 1977 EP mrs. Jeannie m. Flint 1976 EP mrs. Dorothea F. Gales 1942 PC ms. marian W. Guirguis 2005 SM Dr. Jesse W. hall 1975 EP mrs. harriett a. henely 1976 EP mrs. tracy L. Jackson Dr. Camy s. Kingston 2001 EP ms. Catherine L. Kort 1996 EP ms. Claudette t. LaCour Dr. Douglas Leigh Dr. Dennis W. Lowe 1977 UV 1975 SEmrs. Patricia e. Lucas 1976 EP Dr. Farzin madjidi 1991 EP 1988 SMmr. Daniel start 1978 EP Dr. Chester h. mcCall Dr. John F. mcmanus 1982 SM mr. harry r. nelson 1950 PC

mrs. Faye Pinkett 1976 UV Dr. sylvia G. rousseau 1999 EP Dr. June h. schmieder-ramirezthe honorable Jack a. scott 1991 EP Dr. edward P. shafranske Dr. marilyn J. simpson 1995 EP 1989 EPDr. Karen s. snyder 2000 EP mrs. allie e. tegner 1947 PC 1968 PCmrs. Doris m. tomlin 1952 PC mrs. Patsie L. trowbridge 1952 PC 1955 PCDr. William J. Watkins 1962 PC 1987 EPmr. Jeremy n. White 1994 EP Dr. Duncan s. Wigg Danhakl Family Foundation


mr. John L. baker mr. neville m. brown 1996 EP 1990 SEms. elaine Feuermann-baker 1994 EP ms. Cheryl L. Juniel 1989 EP 1989 EP


ms. yolanda aguerrebere 1983 EPDr. samson J. alfi 2002 EPmr. robert K. barnes 1952 PCmr. Darrell F. bever 1955 PCDr. Gitu bhatia 2000 EP Dr. michael L. botsford mr. Floyd t. buchanan mr. henry L. burns 1975 EP mrs. Pamela J. Cain 1999 EP 1997 EP Dr. russell F. Carr 1997 EP mrs. C. m. Channel 1975 EP ms. Linda n. edmond 1988 EP 1988 EP ms. norma J. Flakes 1977 EPmr. John D. Foster 1949 PC mr. brian h. hall 2000 SMms. Carol a. harrison 1985 EPmrs. Linda y. henderson 2002 EPmr. James J. ingersoll 1987 EP ms. Judy L. ingoldsby 1982 EP Dr. Karen Kallay 1989 EP mr. Donald W. Kobabe ms. Laura a. LaFerr 1999 EP 2000 EP mrs. ingrid n. Lake 2002 EP 2002 EP ms. nancy m. Lippert 2001 EPms. martha h. margulis 1999 EP 1999 EP mr. Dwight D. mcbride 2005 EP mr. Jeffrey W. mcCollam 1999 EP Dr. Wanda L. mctyeire 2004 EP 1977 EP 1977 EPmr. marden e. mull 1986 EPms. Karen a. ormsby 1975 EP Dr. La vera otoyo 1984 EP mrs. Diane e. Pardue 1982 EPmr. monroe r. Perry 1973 EPDr. George a. reams 1992 EP

IN MEMORIAMadjunct faculty member, Kristy Finzer, sadly passed away on september 27 after being involved in a car accident. Finzer was a licensed marriage and family therapist and Program manager for exodus recovery maCt Program. she was also a national alliance for the mentally ill Family to Family facilitator and an activist in breaking the stigma of mental illness. in addition, Finzer was active in other non-profit agencies, serving on the board of Directors of step up on second in santa monica and the Gay and Lesbian elder housing and on the leadership council of the american society on aging. Finzer had taught in the Psychology Division since 1992. she was dedicated to the welfare of her students and her contributions to GseP were many.

adjunct faculty member in the education division, Raleigh Philp, recently passed away, sadly. throughout his career as an educator, raleigh taught at every level of public and private school from grade through graduate school. he spent a year in medical research, was a Fulbright scholar in morocco, a consultant for the California state Department of education’s health related programs, and received the California Presidential award for excellence in science teaching. raleigh devoted his academic efforts to studying brain research and was captivated by the application of neuroscience to learning. he was committed to helping educators better understand adolescent brain development and motivating teachers to use brain-compatible learning styles. he conducted learning workshops on the subject nationwide.

GSEP Thanks Alumna Merilyn B. O’Neal for Establishing $100,000 Student Scholarship

GseP received a $100,000 gift from alumna Merilyn O’Neal to establish a merit-based scholarship for graduate students in educational administration. o’neal received an m.s. in school business administration in 1981 and went on to have a distinguished career as comptroller in the riverside County school District. as the recipient of a scholarship herself, o’neal is giving backing to Pepperdine to provide financial assistance to outstanding students who want to serve school districts as administrative leaders.


PP school of Public Policy

eP Graduate school of education and Psychology

SE seaver

SL school of Law

PC George Pepperdine College

SM Graziadio school of business and management

UV Pepperdine university (1972-1982)

GSEP Colleague Winter 2008 23

D o n o r r o L L

mrs. Cheryl saunders 2004 EP 2004 EP 1984 EPmrs. marilynn m. shirreffs 1949 PC Dr. evangelina C. stockwell 1991 EP ms. mara L. taylor 2006 EP 2003 EP mr. Duraiyah thangathurai 2006 EPmr. Dan m. thompson Dr. Linda m. thor 1986 EP 1971 PC mrs. nanette e. vaughan 1990 EP mrs. Jacque Lyne C. Wallace 1954 PC Dr. robert F. Wemheuer 1975 EP 1979 EP Dr. Katherine Wolf 1982 EP ms. veronica a. Zofchak 1987 EP 1984 EP 1987 EP


mr. mitchel n. townsend 2007 EP Dr. Karyn e. trader-Leigh 2000 EP mr. Jonathan D. trost 1988 EP ms. Cindy h. tseng 2007 EP mr. Padraic m. tune 1999 EP Dr. beulah underwood 1976 EP Dr. marlene W. valter 1996 EP 1991 EP miss elayne y. vanasse 1980 EP Dr. Lynn W. velazquez 1998 EP 1993 EP 1990 SM ms. Linda b. venable 1994 EP mrs. Diana L. villafana 1979 EP Dr. bobbi villalobos 2000 EPmr. James e. vils 2000 EP Dr. Lauren e. Walters 2006 EP 2000 EP 1999 EP 1990 EPLt. Col. William L. Waters 1977 EP ms. susan b. Weidig 1998 EP Dr. David L. Whitney 1978 UV 1983 EP Dr. Linda Wicks 1993 EP mr. anthony L. Williams 2002 EP 2002 EP ms. Jacqueline Williams 1991 EPms. Gwendolyn L. Wilson 1977 EPms. virginia C. Winkler 2007 EPms. shirley a. Woo 1957 PCms. Winnie e. Wortham 1976 EPms. sheryl m. yamada 1991 EPmrs. alicia m. yarak 1996 EPms. Lakisha a. young 2001 EPmrs. Donna J. Zappa-Wheeler 1982 EPms. Cherilyn Ziemer 2007 EP

BOONE CENTER FOR THE FAMILYmr. John L. baker mrs. Lee beauregard Pat and shirley boonemrs. sheila K. bost California Community Foundation Cardinal health Foundation mrs. Carol a. Crisp mrs. michelle r. Fozounmayeh 1996 SEmr. James m. Gamblin mrs. susan K. Giboney 1962 PCmr. Dillard r. harwell mrs. sara y. Jackson 1974 SE

mrs. rowena G. Killion mrs. holly Kinyon mrs. Jean Klein Dr. Dennis W. Lowe 1977 UV 1975 SEmr. stephen W. mcbeth moriah Foundation, inc. northrop Grumman Foundation mrs. mary alice reed mrs. Jennifer a. ricker 1976 SE mr. David a. roesler mr. michael y. Warder Dr. margaret J. Weber WellPoint Foundation


air Canada alameda Family Funeral & Cremation inc. alberoni sewing machine, inc.mrs. Gloria b. alesso Dr. milka ambrus american Girl arbonne international arthur J. Gallagher & Co. ms. Patricia m. atkisson 1995 SE mrs. nena baer ms. Pamela baker mrs. mary ann bang mr. thomas J. barrack 2005 SMDr. maryan K. baskinmrs. marilyn e. baumeistermrs. sandra L. beauchamp-treliving Dr. William W. beazley 1981 SMmrs. stephanie beazley bedhead Pajamas mrs. Linda L. beisswanger mrs. Jennifer L. bennett 2000 EPmr. George L. benzonmr. James h. berrymr. a. r. berryman 1962 PC 1967 PCms. vanessa blockmrs. marsha a. bohnett ms. stephanie bollenbachermrs. rosemary h. boothmrs. ann borden mrs. Juanita o. borderudmrs. ana bostmrs. sheila K. bost bradford renaissance Portraits branches Communications inc. ms. rachel brand brentwood General store mr. Dale a. brown 1964 PCambassador Keith L. brown mrs. arletta n. buchman mrs. stephanie C. buckley mrs. Laura burdge mrs. noelle C. burkey

mrs. Cynthia J. burleson ms. Pearl o. burns mr. andrew busch mrs. natalie F. bush mr. Joseph m. Cadwallader mrs. naida Cadwallader Caffe D’amore Calabasas magazine California specialized equipment systems, inc. mrs. Christine b. Campbell 1988 EPmr. Greg Campbell mrs. Denise Capri ms. nancy m. Carnahan Catering by Field mrs. Jeannette m. Chandler Chef eric’s Culinary Classroom Chevron matching Gift Program Chez mimi restaurant Children’s book World mrs. valerie Cigler Citigroup, inc. Classic Kids Photography ClearPlay, inc. Close encounters Paintball u.s.a. mrs. bonnie s. Coleman mr. rogg Collins mrs. Kathleen Colombano ms. angela W. Colson Coogie’s beach Cafe Corniche travel Group County of Los angeles mr. Jerry s. Cox 2000 semrs. Kay Cox ms. ruth e. Crooker mrs. anne marie m. Crotty 1998 SEms. yolanda r. Cunning 2003 SMmrs. Julie Curtiss mrs. sally Davenport mr. hal David mrs. teran Davis De La Croce Jewelry ms. sonia m. De Lano-regier 1994 SEDean Kiser Designs mrs. Jacquelin D. Dedona 1949 PCmrs. anita Del Grande mrs. niki DeLano ms. nanci Denney-bergin ms. salameh r. Dibaei mrs. onnalee o. Doheny mrs. Joyce s. Dostart mr. Louis W. Drobnick 1991 SMDuke’s malibu Dr. Kenneth r. Durham mrs. Kimberley eastmanmrs. trudy edwardsmr. Chip eggers

D o n o r r o L L

24 GSEP Colleague Winter 2008

eharmony.commrs. eva elkinsmr. sydney engelernst & young Foundationexecutours travel servicems. sherry L. Falknermrs. mary Jane FiliceFleming’s Prime steakhouse & Wine barmrs. susanna C. Forestms. Kirsten L. FoxFoxfield riding schoolmr. steve Fraasamrs. victoria Fraasamrs. virginia a. Freeman Fresh Dining Friends of sheriff Lee baca mrs. Leslie a. Frost 1997 SMmrs. Debbie Furtado mrs. Linda m. Gage mrs. sharon Garapedian mr. richard Garber mrs. Joline m. Gash 1992 SEGateway advisors, inc. mrs. sharon a. Gee ambassador bruce s. Gelb George and reva Graziadio Foundation Gerald oppenheimer Family Foundation mrs. susan K. Giboney 1962 PCmr. terry m. Giles 1974 SLmrs. betty F. Glass 1976 UVGo Kart World Golf italia Couture, LLC mr. andy Granatelle ms. maria Greenberg mrs. elizabeth Guasti ms. marian W. Guirguis 2005 SMmrs. tamara h. Gustavson Guy matthew salon and Day spa, inc. mrs. anita b. hall mrs. Joyce hameetman mrs. mary Jo hardman mrs. hildegard harris harry Frank scolinos, attorney at Law mr. Dillard r. harwell Dr. Jack W. hayford mr. michael h. henley mrs. trellys m. henley mrs. michelle hiepler 1989 SLmrs. Karen D. hill mr. s. Keith hinkle 1997 SLambassador Glen a. holden 1988 EPmrs. Geannie holden-sheller hollywood Chamber of Commerce mrs. Janet b. holstrom mr. robert W. holstrom home Creations

huemme Family Foundation, inc.mrs. Wendy hughes ibm Corporation J. Paul Getty museum mrs. sara y. Jackson 1974 SEmrs. Jane D. Jackson mr. robert G. Jackson Johanna spinks master Portraits mrs. Katherine Julias mr. asad Jumabhoy mrs. Judi Jurkowski Dr. marta b. Kalbermatter tooma mrs. Paulette Kardashian mr. John D. Katch 1960 PCmrs. Linda D. Katch 1961 PCmrs. Loretta m. Katch 1985 SEms. Jennifer Kell mr. edward t. Kelly mrs. michelle Kent Kidsbizz mrs. rowena G. Killion mr. bruce m. Klumph mrs. Debra a. Klumph mrs. barbara m. Knight Kodak theatre ambassador Lester b. Korn ms. Catherine L. Kort 1996 EPms. Claudette t. LaCour mr. Charles r. Lande mr. Franklin K. Lane mrs. beverly Lau Laura m. Jewelry mrs. margaret J. Leake Learn about Wine Dr. bernice L. Ledbetter 2005 EPms. Donna Lewis mrs. rosemary Licata LifeWay mr. art Linkletter 1978 SEmrs. Lois Linkletter Lola Cosmetics London sole mrs. Deborah Long mrs. betty Lowe Colonel michael e. Lowe mr. max Lucado Lucky strike Lanes mrs. Charlene D. machen mrs. Paquita L. machris mr. Gavin macLeod mr. michael makri margie & robert e. Petersen Foundation marix tex mex restaurants, inc. mr. rafael a. martinez De sanzomrs. Jana m. mcbethms. Charlene D. mcCaskey

mrs. Jennifer mcintyremrs. alyson mcKenziems. Wendy L. meusermichael stars, inc.Dr. Charlene u. millermrs. Lynda m. millermimi’s Cafemr. alejandro mirallesmrs. marnie D. mitzemr. Christopher D. montanmoonlitemrs. tina h. mosbeyms. Dolores moviusDr. William m. narva mrs. Gloria s. nelund mr. Patrick m. nesbitt mrs. Lani a. netter 1975 EPms. Carolyn P. nicks 1989 EPnorthrop Grumman Foundation mr. Frank J. novarro mr. hugh o’brian ogden’s Cleaners mrs. Kimberly okabayashi mr. michael t. okabayashi oliva trattoria ms. Julie r. oliver mrs. annette e. oltmans once upon a Family optical shop of aspen ms. susan overman Pacific Park mr. Geoffrey h. Palmer 1975 SL mr. Christopher W. Parkening mrs. theresa Parkening mrs. Corleen r. Parmelee 2001 SL 1998 SLmrs. hannah r. Parmelee 2002 SE mrs. elise m. Pasetta Pat boone enterprises, inc. Pat boone Foundation, inc. mrs. Joyce J. Penner mrs. marla Pennington-rowan mrs. Lucy L. Perrin mrs. beth L. Perry-helfert 1997 SE Pierre skin Care institute mrs. nancy F. Pippin ms. mari Pletoms. Cat J. Pollon mrs. Jutta Portzel mrs. Claudia b. Preston mrs. theresa Quimby mrs. mary alice reed ms. beatrice L. restifoDr. susan F. rice 1986 EP mrs. Jennifer a. ricker 1976 SE ms. Deborah rockefeller rockwell and marna schnabel Foundationrodale Publishing

D o n o r r o L L

GSEP Colleague Winter 2008 25

mrs. Denice e. roesler rowley Portraiture mrs. Clarisa C. ru 1991 SE mrs. Garianne C. rubenstein 1979 SE 1983 SEmr. Jay h. rubenstein 1977 SEmrs. amy Jo runnels 2000 SEmr. Duke runnels 1979 SEmrs. Ginger runnels 1975 SEDr. Charles b. runnels mrs. Deborah russell mrs. Deborah L. ruth saddle Peak Lodge mrs. sandra J. schmidt 2012 SMmrs. elvira schneider mrs. Connie scolinos scolinos, sheldon & nevell Dr. emily scott-Lowe 1976 SEmrs. margaret a. sheppard mrs. sylvia sherwood mrs. anne shipley mrs. D’nisa h. simmons 1995 SM Dr. marilyn J. simpson 1995 EP 1989 EPmrs. marilyn D. simpson mrs. Jennifer G. sittel mrs. beatrice m. sizemore mrs. Coco skouras mrs. Connie slade ms. Constance slade mrs. sandra soares mr. Lindsey P. spaethespaethe advisors, inc. ms. Johanna spinks Dr. rosa m. spivey mrs. Janet m. squirems. rosemarie stackmr. Greg stanislawski star-maker Products mrs. alice m. starr mrs. sharon L. steele 1990 SEmr. Guy t. steuart mr. stephen m. stewart mrs. nancy C. stone mr. nicholas h. stonnington mrs. Dorothy b. straus mrs. Pamela L. stringer the honorable robert D. stuart sunset ranch hollywood stables, inc. susan Jane mrs. Jennifer tash the armand hammer Foundation the beverly hills hotel the bush Family revocable trust the Cobb Family Foundation, inc.the Justin Dart Family Foundationthe malibu Colony Co.the Pet headquartersthe schneider Family trust, CGa

the Warehouse restaurantmrs. anne tippensmrs. Lois e. titustoyota motor sales, usa, inc.tra di noi ristorantemrs. robin trentomrs. Glenna K. trimblemr. thomas J. trimblemrs. sheryl D. turnertuscany il ristoranteunited Way, inc.ms. Joanne vandergeestviva mart, inc.mr. roger Wackerms. Cameo Wallace 1987 SEms. Charity n. Wallace 1997 SEmrs. Carol a. Wallacemr. robert m. Wallacems. adriana Walton mrs. Cheryl L. Wardermr. michael y. Wardermrs. ann s. Warford 1993 EP 1966 PCmr. Daniel a. WeberDr. margaret J. Weber mrs. susan D. Wehbamrs. allyson F. Weinbergmrs. ellen L. Weitman Wells Fargo Foundationmrs. Karen L. Whitney mrs. Gail m. Wilburn 2005 EPmrs. Carla D. Williamsmrs. mary b. Williamsmrs. Deborah WolstenholmeWood-Claeyssens FoundationWorth Collectionmr. Lacy a. Wrightms. shifra Wylder Dr. Jere e. yates mr. brayton W. yerkesmrs. Patricia L. yomantas mrs. helen m. young 1999 SE 1939 PC


Dr. W. D. baird mr. John L. baker Dr. William s. banowsky 1994 EP 1979 SEmrs. susan K. Giboney 1962 PC mr. hari n. harilela 1988 SM Dr. Diana b. hiatt-michael mr. adam s. Kaplan 1997 EP mrs. Janice a. Pinkowski mr. Charles J. Pippin 1983 SM mrs. Claudia b. Preston mr. Jay h. rubenstein 1977 SE Dr. James r. Wilburn 1982 SM mrs. Patricia L. yomantas


ms. bettye J. Webb 1974 EPDr. Jack D. Weber 1991 EPDr. margaret J. Weber ms. Doris i. Weinert 1991 EPms. ilene s. Weingarten 2005 EPmr. Charles F. Weiss 1989 EPms. rachael K. Welborn 2006 EP ms. betty J. Wells 1977 EP Wells Fargo Foundation ms. Caitlin a. Welsh 1999 EPDr. steven J. Wentland 2006 EP mrs. nora o. Wheeler 1996 EPms. elaine C. White 1991 EPDr. David L. Whitney 1978 UV 1983 EP ms. nancy Whitson 1994 EPmr. John r. Wigert 1982 EP mr. talmadge L. Wiggins 1977 EP Lt. Col. Joseph W. Wilimek 1978 EP ms. Kellie J. Wilks 2004 EP Dr. ann W. Wilks-Penrod 1975 EP 1979 SM 1984 EPms. Cheryl L. Williams 1991 EP ms. barbara J. Williams 1975 EP mr. bobby Williams 1975 EPmrs. sophia G. Williams 1975 EPDr. edna D. Wilson 1987 EP 1965 PCms. Carina m. Wilson 2007 EP mr. todd r. Wilson 2003 EP ms. Kevan r. Wisniewski 1996 EP ms. L. J. Witte 2006 EP 1992 EPms. ashley r. Wolowitz 2006 EP ms. sophia P. Wong 2001 EP ms. athol W. Wong 1999 EP ms. brigette Wong 1998 EP mr. Chad K. Wood 1997 EP 1996 EPmrs. nicolee a. Woodring 1975 EP ms. Winnie e. Wortham 1976 EP mr. Garry L. Wright 1981 EP ms. olivia L. yahya 2006 EP ms. sheryl m. yamada 1991 EP ms. Joan s. yen 2006 EP mrs. annette J. yensen 2003 EP Dr. Ziegfred young 1983 EP 1988 EP mr. Christopher J. young 2005 EP mrs. Linda J. young 2001 EPDr. Josef G. Zacher 1991 EP ms. Catherine v. Zanzinger 1999 EP mr. Daniel J. Zavala 1976 EPms. veronica a. Zofchak 1987 EP 1984 EP

mrs. Jennifer mcintyremrs. alyson mcKenziems. Wendy L. meusermichael stars, inc.Dr. Charlene u. millermrs. Lynda m. millermimi’s Cafemr. alejandro mirallesmrs. marnie D. mitzemr. Christopher D. montanmoonlitemrs. tina h. mosbeyms. Dolores moviusDr. William m. narva mrs. Gloria s. nelund mr. Patrick m. nesbitt mrs. Lani a. netter 1975 EPms. Carolyn P. nicks 1989 EPnorthrop Grumman Foundation mr. Frank J. novarro mr. hugh o’brian ogden’s Cleaners mrs. Kimberly okabayashi mr. michael t. okabayashi oliva trattoria ms. Julie r. oliver mrs. annette e. oltmans once upon a Family optical shop of aspen ms. susan overman Pacific Park mr. Geoffrey h. Palmer 1975 SL mr. Christopher W. Parkening mrs. theresa Parkening mrs. Corleen r. Parmelee 2001 SL 1998 SLmrs. hannah r. Parmelee 2002 SE mrs. elise m. Pasetta Pat boone enterprises, inc. Pat boone Foundation, inc. mrs. Joyce J. Penner mrs. marla Pennington-rowan mrs. Lucy L. Perrin mrs. beth L. Perry-helfert 1997 SE Pierre skin Care institute mrs. nancy F. Pippin ms. mari Pletoms. Cat J. Pollon mrs. Jutta Portzel mrs. Claudia b. Preston mrs. theresa Quimby mrs. mary alice reed ms. beatrice L. restifoDr. susan F. rice 1986 EP mrs. Jennifer a. ricker 1976 SE ms. Deborah rockefeller rockwell and marna schnabel Foundationrodale Publishing

“I attribute so much of my personal

and professional growth to the

people and programs at GSEP.

Through the Colleagues, I have

the opportunity to give something

back to the Pepperdine community.” 5 Cheryl Saunders, M.A. ‘84

2008 Education Distinguished Alumnus Award Recipient

Lydia Ledesma-Reese, Ed.D

Lydia Ledesma-Reese, Ed.D., received the Distinguished Alumna Award at the Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education and Psychology commencement

on June 21, 2008. Ledesma-Reese has held the presidency of two community colleges, Oxnard College in Oxnard, California, and Skagit Valley College in Mount Vernon, Washington. She was the first Latina president in higher education in Washington State.

Prior to her appointment at Skagit Valley, Ledesma-Reese served as acting president of Hartnell College in Salinas, California, where she served previously as vice president and assistant superintendent. She held other academic and administrative appointments at De Anza College, Cerritos Community College, and the University of California, Irvine.

Known nationally for her outstanding leadership, Ledesma-Reese was recognized by President Ronald Reagan in 1987 for her community leadership, and in 2006 was the recipient of the National Community College Hispanic Council’s Outstanding Community College Leader Award. She also

received the Courage Leadership Award from the Ventura County chapter of the League of Latin Citizens.

In addition to her distinguished career in education, Ledesma-Reese is notable for her many community leadership roles. She currently serves on the editorial board of Hispanic Outlook magazine and the boards of the United Way of Ventura County and the Central Coast Southern Region of the Girl Scouts. She has served on the boards of the American Association of Community Colleges and of the National Community College Hispanic Council, of which she was president from 1997 to 1999.

Ledesma-Reese attended Cerritos, Cypress, and Saddleback Community Colleges, earning her associate of arts degree in liberal studies in 1976. She received her bachelor’s degree in speech communication from California State University, Fullerton in 1978, and completed her master’s degree in intercultural/international communications in 1980. She received her doctor of education in institutional management from Pepperdine University in 1987 and has completed postdoctoral studies at Harvard University.

• •

In Education and Psychology careers, professional relationships are integral to growth and success. Recognizing this, Pepperdine’s Graduate School of Education and Psychology (GSEP) named its alumni organization Colleagues. The relationships that you formed as a student don’t have to end after graduation. Through GSEP Colleagues receptions, lectures and enrichment offerings, we advance the spirit of collegiality between alumni, faculty, and current students.

Colleagues fosters meaningful connections with opportunities to mentor current students or recent graduates and to volunteer their expertise with some of the GSEP’s community partners.

Your annual membership in Colleagues helps GSEP with our most important initiatives:

• Graduatestudentfellowshipsandscholarships • Recruitmentopportunitiestoattracttopstudents and faculty • State-of-the-artfacilities,technology,and research library

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If you have questions regarding Colleagues, please contactClaudetteLaCourat(310)[email protected]@pepperdine.edu.

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scholarships and other forms of academic support for current students

and networking opportunities to assist alumni in career advancement.

Our alumni are critical part to Pepperdine’s success and we look forward

to continually advancing the influence and reputation of Pepperdine in

our local community.” — Dr. Ed Shafranske, Professor, Psychology

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GSEP Colleague Winter 2008

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