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College English Book One Unit Nine The Brain, The most powerful Computer in the Universe.

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College College English English Book Book One One Unit Nine Unit Nine The Brain , The most The Brain , The most powerful Computer in the powerful Computer in the Universe Universe
Page 1: College English Book One Unit Nine The Brain, The most powerful Computer in the Universe.

College EnglishCollege EnglishBookBook One One

College EnglishCollege EnglishBookBook One One

Unit NineUnit Nine

The Brain , The most powerful The Brain , The most powerful Computer in the UniverseComputer in the Universe

Page 2: College English Book One Unit Nine The Brain, The most powerful Computer in the Universe.

I. Introduction, Discussion, Background information,

1. Lead-in and Introductory Remarks As we know, man can speak, solve difficult problems, and produce creative ideas, and this is all due to the amazing development of the human brain. But, how does the brain really work Various answers have been suggested, and many have been proved unscientific. In recent years, with the aid of modern equipment, scientists have started to uncover the basic processes going on within the brain. Yet most of the secrets remain hidden. The brain, the most complicated of all organs, is still presenting a challenge to scientists today. The text we are going to study is a piece of popular science writing.

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Page 4: College English Book One Unit Nine The Brain, The most powerful Computer in the Universe.

• Discussion • (1)Why is the brain thought to be the most

powerful computer in the universe?

• (2)In what way can we make our brain more active?

• (3)Do you think computer can take the place of the brain?

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• 3.Background information• (1) A word about Aristotle• Aristotle (384-322B.C.), the ancient Greek philosopher, e

ducator, and scientist, was one of the most important and influential thinkers in Western culture. His interests covered a very wide range, and “How does the mind work?” was one of the major problems that captured his attention.

• (2) Memory -- the brain’s main function• The brain stores information from past experience. This is

why we can learn, remember, and think. The brain selects and combines messages from the senses to form, with the participation of memories and emotions, various thoughts and reactions. Man can speak, solve difficult problems, and produce creative ideas because of the amazing development of the human brain.

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Ⅱ. Detailed study of the text• New words1. universe n. the whole creation including everythi

ng existent e.g. -In Middle Ages , people believed the earth t

o be the center of the universe universal adj. 全体的,普遍的,全世界的 e.g. -The pollution of the atmosphere is a univers

al problem e.g. - This machine has a universal use in the ho

me e.g. - They came to a universal agreement as to w

ho should become the chairman

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• 2 . complex : 指组成某事物的元素不仅很多,而且相互的关系或相互的作用也令人眼花缭乱,只有学识深的人或具有专门知识的人才能处理

• complicated : 具有 complex 的一切意义,但更强调复杂得难以解释或理解

• The complex mechanism of a watch• Computer users needn’t understand the complicat

ed process taking place behind the screen • The situation is too complicated for me to explai

n in a few words

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• 3. involve : cause to become connected or concerned

be /get involved in : 被卷入 be /get involved with : 与……混在一起 e.g. - the people involved

- the involved story

-We are all involved in it , whether we like it or not.

- Millions of workers were involved in the general strike.

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• 4. exact : 表示正确的,精确无误,指与事实完全相符,强调各个细节与事实,范例或标准相吻合

correct : 一般用语,指正确的 accurate : 表示准确的,精确的,指通过努力,使

事情达到正确 precise: 在时间,度量等方面精确无误• His answer is quite exact • Give me his exact words • He gave correct answer to the questions • She gave an accurate account of the accident • precise measurement

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• 5. reaction : • 1)response e.g. -The energy released by nuclear reaction is beyond im

agination -His first reaction to his father’s footsteps is to hide the

novel he is reading • 2)opposition e.g. -The policy was carried out with little reaction from th

e people -Anything in opposition to progress is reaction • action and reaction 作用与反作用• react on (upon) sth :The applause reacts on (upo

n) the speaker 对……起反作用• react to : How did your mother react to the news


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• 6. equip : 指为某种目的提供必要的装备和条件,尤其技术和军事上的装备

e.g. -All fishing boats are radio equipped • furnish : 提供(精神,物质或生活上的必需

品) e.g. -They furnished him with food =They furnishe

d food to him • supply : 提供(所需或所缺乏的日用品等)• afford : 承担得起,拿得出(时间),提供给予

• equip with 用……装备  • equip for 为……装备• be equipped for 为……做好准备

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• 7. recent : done or made not long ago

e.g. -Student population at this university has greatly increased in recent years

-Do you have any recent news of Annie?

• in recent times :在近代• new :指存在不久的新型事物• modern :所包含的时间比 长,意思是现代的• recent :指发生或出现不久的事物• Contemporary: 当代

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• 8. recall :• 1)remember e.g.-Can you recall exactly what you saw last night ?• 2)summon back , take back e.g.- The ambassador was recalled to his own country

a month ago - In times of emergency ,solders on leave must be

recalled to duty • remind sb of sth :The picture reminded me of my school da

ys • recall sth to sb :The picture reminded me of my school days • recall doing :I recall meeting this gentleman previousl

y • recall sb to life 使某人苏醒

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• remember : 常用词,指过去事情仍在记忆中,不必费劲就能想起

• recall : 对自己或他人的过去进行着有意的回忆

• remind : 由于受到提醒或启发而想起往事

• He’ll remember this day • Let me recall what he said • Your story reminds me of another

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9.physical :• of the body e.g. -Constant physical exercises lead to a long life -It is impolite to laugh at other’s physical defects • of the matter e.g. -It’s easier to deal with physical difficulties that to dea

l with disagreement among group members -Newton observed the physical world and then drew c

onclusions • of the science of physics e.g. -The Physical Chemistry course has attracted a lot of s

tudents Physical world 物质世界 physical environment 自然

环境 Physical science 自然科学 physical change 物理变化 Physical construction 体格 physical training 体育锻

炼 Physical punishment 体罚 physical examination 体检

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Difficult sentences• 1. It was not until the 18th century that

man realized that the whole of the brain was involved in the workings of the mind: Before 18th century man did not know that the whole of the brain was concerned with the mental activities.

• (1) until: till; to the time of/when -I won't leave until I hear from you. Note: the sentence can be turned into two different emphatic forms as follows: -It is not until I hear from you that I'll leave. -Not until I hear from you will I leave.

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• 2. In the past 50 years there has been a great increase in the amount of research being done on the brain.

• do research on/into: study (sth. such as a subject or area of difficulty) carefully and thoroughly, in order to gain information about it

e.g.The doctors have spent years doing research on the cause of the disease.

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• 3. Mathematicians who have tried to use the computers to cope the way the brain works have found that even using the latest electronic equipment they would have to build a computer which weighed over 10,000 kilos:

• Mathematicians have concluded that they have to use the modern electronic equipment to build a huge computer so that the human's mental activities can be followed.

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• 4. Scientists hope that if we can discover how the brain works, the better use we will be able to put it to: Scientists hope we'll make better use of our brain if we can find out the ways of our mental activities.

• put (something) to use: use (something) e.g. All of the students should put their textbooks to a good use. I think you could have put your money to a better use.

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• 5. Man differs most from all the other animals in his ability to learn and use language: The human is different most from all the other animals in his learning ability and expressing ability.

• differ from: be different from e.g. -The twin brothers differ from each other in their interests. -My proposal differs from yours.

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• 6. Some children learn to speak and read and write when they are very young compared to average children: some children learn to use language at a much earlier age than average children do.

• compared to/with: in comparison with e.g. -Compared to many others you are very lucky indeed. (1) compare … to: be regarded as alike or equal to (2) compare … with: examine (one thing, person, or group) together with (another) to find things that are the same or not e.g. -Shall I compare thee to a summer's day -You cannot compare his new bike with mine.

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• 7. As long as the brain is given plenty of exercise, it keeps its power: If we exercise our brains a lot we'll continue to have the power.

• as long as: if; on condition that e.g. -I am happy as long as you are happy. ii. since -As long as you're here, I'll tell you the truth.

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• 8. It is now thought …: Now people think … similarly:

• -It is known that …; • It has been found that …; • It was reported that …; • It is generally believed that ….

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• 9. But he has also started to look into the workings of that other universe which is inside himself - the human brain: Now the human has begun to research the mental activities of the mysterious world inside ourselves - the man's brain.

• look into: examine; find out facts about e.g. -The President said he was looking into the possibility of setting up a new library. -The government will look into how to reduce unemployment.

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Summary Questions and Concluding Remarks

– Why is the study of the human brain significant?

– Can you describe briefly the development of the research on the human brain?

– In what stage is the research?• The article introduces several different ideas ab

out the workings of the human brains. Some of the present research by scientists on the brain sis explained. Yet, man still had a long way to go to fully explore and utilize the potential of his brain.

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III. Homework• 1. Recite the new words. (P160-P161)• 2. Finish the exercises (P163-4---P167-

11)• 3. Write a short composition on how t

o keep your brain active. (extension of teaching)

• 4. Preview the next unit.

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