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College Mag Analysis

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College Mag Analysis College Mag Analysis
Page 1: College Mag Analysis

College Mag AnalysisCollege Mag Analysis

Page 2: College Mag Analysis

This very simplistic front cover truly inspired my idea of layering part of the image over part of my text.

This photo seems very fresh and bright, with the use of natural scenery and minimal make-up (or so they wish you to believe).

The text either side of the model is very basic, using a text like Arial, with an initial Short title, followed by a small sentence revealing what it is about. The mast head on this immediately stands out with the use of bright red, and although this is stereo typically a tabloid-like attribute, this is counter acted with a very stylish simplistic photo, natural lighting, background and delicate typography.

time (in Probably the most famous college magazine of all America). Such an established title can afford to cut a larger part of their mast head off with their model.

Although this is a simplistic cover, it is extremely identifiable as a sports mag. Their model is dressed in the football gear, clenching a football. On a white background, that whole magazine really jumps of the page and catches attention. This mag doesn’t conform to typical magazine attributes. The left third is empty, and reveals only the ‘E’ from ESPN, which although could be risky for other less known magazines, will probably still be recognisable to an audience – especially if that audience is a fan of sports.

Page 3: College Mag Analysis

A very, very abstract college magazine indeed. There’s a character from the film ‘nacho libre’, a man with a sword, the symbol from the show ‘heroes’ and a woman try is look both intellectual and sexy. There are small squares in the background which seem to represent a text book or a rubix cube. A small creature from Space Invaders is in the corner. All this small images dotted around the page all suggest this is a magazine for ‘geek’s’ or those interested in pretty stereo typical teenage things. The bright greens and yellow make the magazine stand out, and reveal just how abstract this magazine is.

The most basic cover iv ever seen I think. Title, year and 3 small bullet points are all it consists of. The picture in the background suggests an upper class college. This upper-class college might be the reason for its simplistic magazine design, it would possibly be the only magazine available at the college, or is advertised in predominate places so a colourful busy front cover isn't necessary to draw in readers.

Page 4: College Mag Analysis

This contents page design really gave me some ideas for my own. The slanted text is different to other contents pages, and other photos being in place as well as the top main header is really effective. Although there is lots of plain background, this is still really effective at making the text clear and stand out. Typography is simplistic yet stylish, and offers a small paragraph of information below each title, which I took to be an excellent feature as it draws more readers in through curiosity.

Basic, basic, basic. It is, it’s basic isn't it. White background, san serif text – black, and a few pretty little pictures. Now, this doesn’t , make it bad. The basic text on a white background makes information easily distinguishable and clear to follow. Each piece is sectioned with numbers. This would be a useful style if your magazine was a more intellectual one, offering information perhaps not for entertainment usage.
