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Collingswood Presbyterian Church · 2012. 11. 6. · COLLINGSWOOD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SERVICE FOR...

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Collingswood Presbyterian Church June 29, 2014 30 Fern Avenue, Collingswood, New Jersey 08108 Telephone: 856-854-4523 Fax: 856-854-4460 Website: www.collingswoodpres.com E-mail: [email protected] The Rev. Dr. Katherine G. Killebrew, Pastor William Powell, Director of Music Gretchen Kolecki, Director of Christian Education Joan Hafer, Secretary Chris Keeley, Custodian
  • Collingswood Presbyterian Church June 29, 2014

    30 Fern Avenue, Collingswood, New Jersey 08108

    Telephone: 856-854-4523 ♦ Fax: 856-854-4460

    Website: www.collingswoodpres.com

    E-mail: [email protected]

    The Rev. Dr. Katherine G. Killebrew, Pastor

    William Powell, Director of Music

    Gretchen Kolecki, Director of Christian Education

    Joan Hafer, Secretary

    Chris Keeley, Custodian


    June 29, 2014 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time


    Silent Prayer

    It doesn’t take much, O Lord, for us to be reminded of how we fall short of

    holiness. Only say one word to us and we are brought to our knees.

    Yet you have made us in your image and we reclaim that creation today. Fill

    us, mold us and heal us, forgiving Lord. Amen.


    Welcome and Announcements

    We welcome you in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ! Please sign the

    guest book in the narthex so we can send you a welcome packet.

    Gathering of Prayer Concerns and Joys

    Please raise your hand to share your joys or concerns to be included in

    the prayers of the people this day. You may also write your concern on

    the pink sheets and hand to the Pastor. Please mail a prayer card from

    the narthex to your loved one.

    Centering Music - “Gather Us In” STF #2236

    *Please stand for items marked with an asterisk.

  • Call to Worship Leader: Troubled prophets and struggling families, you listen to our voices, whoever we are. People: There is no one like you, God of the listening heart. Leader: Those who live in fear, and those who look for signs, you fill us with hope and surprises. People: There is no one like you, God of steadfast love. Leader: Seekers of power, as well as those who serve the vulnerable, you challenge us to use our gifts for others. People: There is no one like you, God of all people.

    *Hymn - “Come, Christians, Join to Sing” GTG #267

    *Prayer of Confession Leader: We struggle daily with that human tendency to always do wrong, say hurtful things, turn our back to others. But God will never hold our sins against us or our foolish nature. Let us confess to our God, who frees us forever from judgment, as we pray,

    ALL: In baptism, we are promised new life, God of grace, yet we continue to focus on those old ways which are so comfortable and seductive. We are so good at fooling others that we are convinced we can trick you as well. We have been called to walk with you, and run down those paths paved with foolishness and fears.

    Forgive us, God of steadfast love. You have claimed our lives in baptism, so we might be set free from sin and be raised to new life. Just as you save us, so give us the strength to be willing to take up whatever task you give us, and the faith to be willing to lose our lives for others, so we might find life forever with you, through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

    Silence is kept

  • *Assurance of Pardon Leader: This is the good news: God hears our prayers, our cries, our hearts. And, in Christ, we receive new life. We are free, free to walk in the Light of the Lord. People: So, this is what we will do. We will open our hearts to God's grace; we will live as people who have died to sin and who live for Christ. Amen.

    *Musical response - “Lord, Prepare Me” GTG #701

    *Sharing of the Peace Leader: The peace of Christ be with you. People: And also with you.


    Children’s Sermon (Children Pre-K through 5th Grade may leave for Sunday School.)

    Special Music

    Old Testament Lesson: 2 Samuel 11:1-4 (page 281)

    *Hymn - “Lead On, O King Eternal” GTG #269

    New Testament Lesson: Revelation 3:14-22 (p. 1119)

    “Theme Song “Seven Deadly Sins” Words by James Mitchell (sung to the tune of “Gilligan’s Island”)

    Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale Of Seven Deadly Sins. Each week a different character, and the fix they're in. King David and old Gilligan are not a likely pair, but look within, beneath the skin to find the sin they share (To find the sin they share).

    King David let sloth carry him into adultery, a murdered friend, and in the end a shattered family (A shattered family)

    (continues on next page)

  • We run aground when we are found inviting these things in,

    There's Sloth, of course, and Gluttony, pure anger, and our pride,

    The lure of Lust, Pride and Envy, The Seven Deadly Sins!

    Sermon: “Sin of Sloth: Gilligan and David ”

    The Rev. Dr. Katherine G. Killebrew


    *Litany of Faith

    Leader: “Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the

    Lord.” (Romans 12:11 )

    People: Move us from lukewarm Christians to a church all fired


    Leader: “For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than

    pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of

    righteousness to those who have been trained by it.”

    (Hebrews 12:11)

    People: Stir us up O Lord to know the life that is full and


    Leader: “So that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those

    who through faith and patience inherit the promises.”

    (Hebrews 6:12)

    People: Let us live up to and live into the calling you have given

    to us.

    Leader: “Rise up, you women who are at ease, hear my voice; you

    complacent daughters, give ear to my speech. In little

    more than a year you will shudder, you complacent

    women; for the grape harvest fails, the fruit harvest will

    not come.” (Isaiah 32:9-10)

    Women: Let us rise up and be courageous and strong , serving

    our God our community, family and world.


  • Leader: “And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle,

    encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient

    with them all.” (1 Thessalonians 5:14)

    Men: Let us be bold Men of God, faithfully leading our

    church, our families and the world in the name of


    Leader: “... if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and

    especially for members of his household, he has denied

    the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”

    (1 Timothy 5:8)

    Children/Youth: Help us to be helpful and careful of our

    family. Lord help us to be faithful girls and boys as

    we serve our family, work at school and be kind to our


    Leader: “Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor,

    doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may

    have something to share with anyone in need.”

    (Ephesians 4:28)

    People: Remind us daily of our calling to be your children,

    faithful, graceful and generous.

    Leader: “For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and

    the love that you have shown for his name in serving

    the saints, as you still do. And we desire each one of you

    to show the same earnestness to have the full assurance

    of hope until the end, so that you may not be sluggish,

    but imitators of those who through faith and patience

    inherit the promises.” (Hebrews 6:10-12)

    People: Let us live into the legacy of those faithful members

    who paved the way for us. May we boldly step into the

    future of our faith. Amen

    Offering “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such

    sacrifices are pleasing to God.” Hebrews 13:16


  • Musical Offering

    *Doxology #606 “Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.”

    *Prayer of Dedication

    Prayers of the People

    Leader: The Lord be with you.

    People: And also with you.

    Leader: Let us pray.

    Prayers of Praise, Thanksgiving, and Intercession. All: Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.


    *Hymn: “We Are Marching in the Light of God” GTG #853 *Benediction

    Leader: As you leave this place, remember that you may be the only grace someone will meet this week. People: We go, to share God's graciousness with all. Leader: Remember you may be the only love someone will encounter this week.

  • Please join us in the lounge for iced tea and fellowship time.

    People: We go, to be the love of Jesus for all.

    Leader: Remember you may be the only peace someone will

    find this week.

    People: We go, to share the Spirit of hope and reconciliation

    with all. (c) 2014 Thom M. Shuman


    Go Forward and Serve!

    Be a part of God’s work through CPC!

    Please check the flower book in the Narthex and sign up to dedicate the flowers in the church to honor, or in memory of, a loved one.

    Flowers are needed for 7/6, 7/20, 7/27, and 8/3


  • If you are a visitor, please sign the Fellowship Book in the narthex so we know you are here!

    Sunday, June 29, 2014

    Large print bulletins and hymnals are available for your convenience. If you have difficulty hearing, personal amplifiers are available in the narthex.

    Parents, please pick up a worship activity bag for your children. Please return the bags to the narthex after the service.


    for your service!

    Reader: Linda Herzog

    Deacon of the Day: Erica Werner

    Greeters: Carol & Barry Longmire

    Ushers: Erica Werner & Karen Mazak

    Fellowship Hosts: Louanna Sills & Dawn Norton

    Flowers: the flowers today are given to the Glory of God!

    Sunday School: Children should follow Mrs. Kolecki out after the Children’s Sermon. You may pick your children up in the Jr. Dept. after the service.

    Nursery - There or NO nursery workers today. The nursery will be open with A/C and you can volunteer to work the nursery this sum-mer, but, there will be no paid staff. If you are interested in helping in the nursery please sign up on the sheet on the door in the nursery.



    Sun., 6/29 10:00 am - Worship

    11:00 am - Fellowship - lounge

    Mon., 6/30 7:00 pm - Children’s Community Program

    Meeting . lounge

    Tue., 7/1 7:00 pm - Deacon’s Meeting

    Wed., 7/2 8:00 am - Confirmation Trip to NYC

    7:00 pm - VBS Training - lounge

    8:00 pm - Mission Trip Training - lounge

    Fri., 7/4 OFFICE CLOSED Happy Birthday USA!

    Sun., 7/6 10:00 am - Worship in the Park

    11:00 am - Fellowship - lounge


    Spring of Life Church:

    Sunday - 1:00 - 2:30 pm - Sanctuary

    2:30 - 5:00 pm - Dining Room

    Wed. & Fri. - 8:00 - 9:30 pm - Jr. Rm.

  • This week’s activity will be making a “new earth”. We will read Revelations 21-22 and the kids will make a paper plate earth. We will also

    listen to a Christian Rock radio station while we are working on our project. If you would like to sign up to help one Sunday please see Gretchen Kolecki, Director of Christian Education.

    Up Coming Events:

    VBS: July 6th-10th 6-8pm. Ages 4 years old - entering 5th grade. Please complete a registration sheet for your child. The reg-istration sheet is in the back of the bulletin. A small fee for VBS is $5 per child ($10 per family max).

    If you would like to volunteer to help with VBS please see Gretchen Kolecki

    Please see Gretchen Kolecki, Director of Christian Education to sign up to help with Activity Sundays.

    Also, if you have a child in Sunday School, please join our Facebook page:

    Collingswood Presbyterian Church Sunday School.

    There is NO Youth Group tonight, but, there is a meeting about the Mission Trip on July 1 at 8pm

    after the Junior Counselor training Class which starts at 7pm.

    ****We need your final Massanetta Springs Deposits by July 1.*****

    Up Coming Events: Trip to New York City for Youth and Adults grade 8 and above July 2. Meet at CPC at 8AM

    If you have not done so already, please join our Youth Group Facebook Page:

    Collingswood Presbyterian Youth Group.

  • Session Highlights Summer worship service hours will begin on June 22 for the

    service in Knight Park – service starts at 10:00.

    Shawn Ellis was joyfully accepted into membership. He will be

    baptized on June 15.

    Bell tower repairs are ongoing.

    The property committee is working on an energy saving

    program to reduce energy consumption and cost.

    We look forward to hosting the IHOC overnight in 2015 – from

    March 22 through April 2.

    We are continuing to explore a community outreach program

    for after school care.

    CPC is making plans to host the January 2015 West Jersey

    Presbytery meeting

    Donations for the following items are needed for VBS:

    5 cases of bottled water 3 bags of pretzels 3 dozen unfrosted cupcakes 3 bags of marshmallows

    6 containers of white frosting 2 boxes of raisins

    4 boxes of Graham Crackers 2 large containers of Gold

    Fish Crackers

    We are updating the CPC Directory. If you have

    had a change of address, phone number, or email

    address, please let the office know before July 7th.

    You can either call the office at 856-854-4523 or

    email at [email protected].

    Thank you!





    Birthdays: Jay Sills, Melanie MacCoy, Chris Eife

    Seminarians: Chris McNabb, Buzzy LeCluyse and Richard Aylor

    Those who serve in government, our military personnel, & those who

    work in other countries.

    Our country, our president, and our leaders

    Our troops in Afghanistan and around the world

    Military personnel - Jennifer Riippa

    Kyle Stoy-- who is teaching ESL in Seoul, South Korea

    Those at home or in a care facilities

    Elizabeth Baggett Harry Binder Robert Johnson

    Dorothy Varnum Jean Waitz Art Dickol

    Pray for Health and Wellness

    Ray Burns Sal Ferraro Judy Grantham

    Frank Griffin Sam Jang Do-Soon Bob Lowden

    Carol Rowand Jay Sills Darla Hartman

    Rich Smith The Stone Family Colleen Ellis

    Jeffrey Patterson Lizzy Scotland Bob Whenna

    Carol & Steven Salmon

    Please pick up a prayer card in the narthex and mail it to these loved ones for whom we pray.

    Rev. Debby Brincivalli & Staff of West Jersey Presbytery

    First Presbyterian Church of Salem

    Our PCUSA mission in Malaysia

    Juan G. Hall Presbyterian Church, Cardenas, Cuba

    Njikob Presbyterian Church, Cameroon

    If you are going into the hospital or would like a pastoral visit, please call or have a family member call the church office or one of the deacons or elders.

    If you don’t call, we are going to assume you don’t want a visit!

    Please remember to fill out a new pink form. with each update for the prayer list.
