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Color Study Journal

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This is our Final Assignment for Color Study.
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Name : Joyce Teoh Mei Kuan

ID : 2014050085

Group : FTG1


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CONTENTS Page 1. WHAT IS COLOR? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 1.1. Color description 1.2. How human can see colors? 1.3. Who found colors? 2. COLOR SYSTEMS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 2.1. Munsell Color System 2.2. RGB Color System 2.3. CMYK Color System 2.4. PMS System 3. COLOR WHEELS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 3.1. Primary Colors 3.2. Secondary Colors 3.3. Tertiary Colors 4. COLOR HARMONIOUS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 4.1. Analogous 4.2. Complementary 4.3. Split-Complementary 4.4. Triad 4.5. Tetrad/Square 5. ACHROMATIC & MONOCHROMATIC --------------------------------------------------------- 16 5.1. Monochromatic 5.2. Achromatic 6. COLOR TEMPERATURE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 6.1. Warm Color 6.2. Cool Color 7. COLOR PSYCOLOGY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 7.1. Color Psychology History 7.2. Meaning and emotions of colors 7.3. Color Psychology as a therapy 8. RATIONALE OF MY ARTWORK ------------------------------------------------------------------ 28 9.1. My Artwork 10. REFERENCES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34

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What Is Color? Color is the phenomenon of light or visual perception that enables one to differentiate otherwise identical objects. Color is the aspect of things that is caused by differing qualities of light being reflected or emitted by them. To see colors, we need light. In short, color is light. All light rays contain color. The electromagnetic waves make up the light. All these waves are spread out from any light source such as the sun. Light waves travel at 186,000 miles or 300,000 kilometers per second. Each color has their own wavelengths, which is the distance between corresponding parts of two of the waves. The longest wavelength of light is red while the shortest is violet; ultraviolet even shorter.

1.1. How you describe colors?

Colors can be called by name, by saturation and by its value or lightness. There are some inter-related terms that used to describe colors: Hue It defines colors in terms of green, red or magenta. Chroma It is about how pure a hue is in relation to gray Saturation It is the degree of purity of a hue. Intensity It is about the brightness or dullness of a hue. Luminance/Value It is the measure of the amount of light reflected from a hue. Hues that

have a higher luminance or value are those hues with a high content of white.

Shade It is the hue that produced by adding black. Tint It is the hue that produced by adding white. Tone It is the hue that produced by adding gray. Grayscale It is a series of neutral colors, ranging from black to white or vice versa. All the above are the color properties. By understanding the color properties, we are able to distinguish and define colors. How well we can adjust colors to our needs depend on how well we understand about color properties.

1.2. How human able to see colors?

First of all, it is because human has eyes. The retinas in human eyes have receptors for color which is called cones or cone cells. Human eye will work together with brain to translate light into color. Color is not inherent in objects. The surface of objects will reflects some colors while absorbs all the others. Therefore, human perceive only the reflected colors. An object appears white when the object reflects all wavelengths and black when it absorbs all the wavelengths.

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There is about 8% of men and 1% of women will experience some form of color impairment. Most people with color deficiencies are not aware that the colors they perceive as identical appear different to other people. Most of them still perceive color but certain colors are transmitted to the brain differently. The most common color impairment is red and green dichromatism which causes red and green to appear indistinguishable.

1.3. Who found colors?

The answer should be the first person on the earth. However, Isaac Newton had brought the world to better understand what color is. Newton was the first to understand the rainbow. By using the white light with a prism, Newton starts resolving it into its component colors: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and Violet. He published a series of experiments that he did in 1674. In the late 1660s, Newton starts to experiment with his “celebrated phenomenon of colors.” At that time, people have a thought that color was a mixture of light and darkness, and that prisms colored light. Newton’s conclusion is the color is the light, not in the glass. The light that people see as white is actually the mixture of all colors of the visible spectrum. Newton discovered that light behaves like waves, bending around objects. When light strikes a prism, different waves of color are bent to different angles which create the rainbow spectrum. Red light bends the least while violet bends the most. Newton discovered this when he was only 22.

Newton’s Color Circle



Newton’s sketch of his crucial experiment (experimentum crucis) in which light from the sun is refracted through a prism.


Sir Isaac Newton




The diagram from Sir Isaac Newton’s crucial experiment, 1666-72.


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Color Systems There are few color systems. One of them is the Munsell Color System. This system was created by Professor Albert H. Munsell during the first decade of the 20th Century. This color system was adopted by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) as the official color system for soil research in the 1930s. Munsell Color System It is the color space that specifies colors based on three color dimensions: hue, value (lightness) and chroma (color purity). Hue There are five principal hues: Red, Yellow, Green, Blue and Violet. Between them

were the intermediate hues: Orange, Yellow Green, Blue Green, Blue Violet and Red Violet.

Value Value indicates the lightness of a color. The scale of value ranges from 0 for pure black (bottom) to 10 for pure white (top). Between them lies color black, white and grays, they are called “neutral colors” because they have no hue. Colors that have a hue are called as “Chromatics colors.”

Chroma Chroma represents the purity of a color. Colors with lower chroma being less pure and will present a more washed out visual effect as in pastels. They are sometimes called “weak”. For colors with high chroma are said to be “highly saturated”, “strong,” or “vivid.” There is no intrinsic upper limit to chroma. For example, fluorescent materials may have chromas as high as 30.

RGB Color System (Additive Color System)

This is a model which red, green and blue light are added together in various ways to reproduce a broad array of colors. Red combined with green light rays will produce yellow, blue and green produce cyan while red and blue produce magenta. When three primary light rays are mixed together, they produce white (light). The color system applies only to devices employing light, such as computer monitors and television sets as the main purpose of RGB color model is for the sensing, representation and display of images in those electronic systems.



CMYK Color System (Subtractive Color System)

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It is a color model used in color printing. It is also used to describe the printing process itself. CMYK refers to the four inks used in color printing: cyan, magenta, yellow and key (black). Black is called as “K” is because in four-color printing, cyan, magenta, and yellow printing plates are carefully keyed, with the key of the black key plate. This model works by partially or entirely masking colors on a lighter usually white background. As per the name subtractive model, the ink “subtract” the brightness from white.



Pantone Matching System (PMS) Color System

This is a system of thousands of numbered swatches. Most of the corporate colors especially on logo are identified with a number from this system. PMS System is a large standardized color reproduction system. This system enables different manufacturers in different locations can all refer to the same system to ensure colors match without direct contact with one another.




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Color Wheels It is a circular arrangement of hues.

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Primary Colors

Red Yellow Blue

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Secondary Colors

Red + Yellow = Orange Yellow + Blue = Green Blue + Red = Violet

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Tertiary Colors

Red + Violet = Red Violet Yellow + Green = Yellow Green Red + Orange = Red Orange Blue + Green = Blue Green

Yellow + Orange = Yellow Orange Blue + Violet = Blue Violet

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Color Harmonies

There are few types of color harmonies


It is the colors schemes that use colors which are next to each other on the color wheel. They usually well matched and will create a comfortable design. Analogous color schemes are normally found in nature. To use it, choose one color to dominate it then the second to support, and the third one is used as an accent.

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It is the colors that are opposite with each other in the color wheel. Complementary colors will create a vibrant look due to high contrast of the two colors. Complementary colors works well if you want something to stand out but they are really bad for text.

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Its color scheme is a variation of the complementary color scheme. Split complementary color scheme has almost the same strong visual contrast as the complementary color scheme but with less tension.

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This color scheme uses colors that are evenly spaced around the color wheel. This color scheme tends to be quite vibrant. The colors used should be balanced to create a successful harmony. Use one color as domination and the other two for accent.

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The rectangle or square color scheme uses four colors arranged into two complementary pairs. This works best if make one color be dominant. Additional attention should be paid to the balance between warm and cool colors.

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Achromatic and Monochromatic

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The term “mono” means a singular object or subject while “chrome” refers to colors. Therefore monochromatic colors refer to all the colors of a single hue which is extended using its shades (by adding black), tones (by adding grey) and tints (by adding white). This color scheme uses variation of lightness and saturation of a single color spectrum. Due the lack of contrast of hue, monochromatic colors will present a more balanced, subtle and peaceful feel.

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Achromatic is the color scheme that lacks strong chromatic content. It is unsaturated and near neutral. Black, white and all grays are included in the list of pure achromatic colors. Neutrals can be obtained by mixing white, black or gray, or by mixing two complementary colors.

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Color Temperature Color temperature is commonly used during the production phase in film and photography. It refers to the characterization of the spectral properties of a light source. Warm colors have a lower color temperature while cool colors have a higher color temperature.

Color temperature’s standard unit of measurement is Kelvin (K). Cool colors normally have a color temperature over than 5,000K while Warmer colors’ temperature normally around 2,700 to 3,000K.

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Warm and cool colors artwork

Starry Night - Vincent Van Gogh

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Color Psychology Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions. – Pablo Picasso Color psychology refers to the study of color as a determinant of human behavior. Basically, color psychology relies on below basic principles:

1. Every color carries their own specific meaning 2. Perception of a color causes an automatically evaluation by the person perceiving 3. The evaluation process forces color-motivated behavior 4. Color usually plays its influence automatically

Color is a powerful psychological tool as by using it, you can either deliver a positive or negative message, or use it to encourage sales, or to calm a crowd. Color psychology is actively used in almost every industry such as politics, sports, education, business, and marketing as well as in medical industry. Color acts as a form of non-verbal communication. Every color has their positive and negative emotions. The positive and negative will usually depend on the tones.

Red Red has the ability to first grab peoples’ attention compare to other colors. It stimulates and raise pulse rate. Red is strong and lively.

Red’s messages:

Love, passion, courage, strength, warmth, energy, basic survival, stimulation, masculinity, excitement, appetite, hot, danger, blood, aggression, visual impact, strain, fire, hell


A person whose favorite color is red is a optimistic people and like to be the center of attention. They are ambitious and competitive. They are achievement orientated. They are the explorers and pioneers of the world. They have a passion and enthusiasm for life. They never afraid to pursue their dreams. They always in hurry. They are hard worker and they specifically enjoy physical labor. They can be aggressive and easy to anger. This is their negative side of passion and energy. They have a strong need for power and control. They can be quite determined when they want something.

Yellow Yellow is the strongest color, psychologically as its wavelength is relatively long enough to be stimulating. The right yellow will lift human spirits and individual self-esteem.

Yellow’s messages:

Optimism, confidence, intelligence, logical thinking, self-esteem, emotional strength, friendliness, creativity, innovation, spirituality, hope, joy,

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depression, anxiety, suicide, emotional fragility, irrationality, illness.


People who prefer yellow has a happy disposition and they are normally cheerful and fun to be with. They are creative. They are a perfectionist. They analyze everything. They are impulsive and make quick decisions but often out of anxiety, rush things rather than taking things at a steady pace. They are independent. They achieve their goals through their mind rather than their physical energy. They tend to hide their emotions. They are good at networking and getting information out of others. They can be deceitful and stubborn. They sometimes arrogant, pretentious and snobbish.

Orange It is the color of social communication. Orange is stimulating because it is a combination of yellow and red. Orange focuses our minds on issues of physical comfort.

Orange’s messages:

Warmth, security, fun, abundance, sensuality, social behavior, vital force, deprivation, frustration, frivolity, immaturity.


A person who loves orange color is normally a warm, optimistic and friendly people. They are a good-natured and a generally agreeable person. They are assertive and determined rather than aggressive. They enjoy partying and socializing and planning all types of social events. They are charming and tend to be a show-off. They get satisfaction from helping other. They are tolerant and accepting of others just the way they are. They are a free spirit who does not like to be tied down. They are not always loyal in their relationships. They are an adventurer. They enjoy being physically active. They are lousy in housekeeping. They can be inconsistent and unpredictable. They may be an unkind practical joker. They are egotistical, self-centered and uncaring.

Green It is the color of balance as being in the centre of the spectrum. Green is the color of nature. It is a restful color.

Green’s messages:

Harmony, nature, water, balance, refreshment, fertility, universal love, rest, restoration, reassurance, youth, environmental awareness, peace, boredom, stagnation, blandness, enervation, possessiveness.


A person who loves green is a practical, down-to-earth person with a love of nature. They are stable and well balanced. They are kind, generous and compassionate. They are intelligent and love to learn. They have a great need to love and to be loved. They are someone who doesn’t hide their feelings.

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They are a good citizen and like to be involved in community group. They have high moral standards and doing the right thing is important to them. They are a loyal friend and a faithful partner. They are strong-willed and do not like to be told what to do by others. They have the tendency to gossip. They love food. They are not a risk-taker and not action orientated. They rather more of an observer. They can be an excellent counselor, psychologist, social worker as they are a good listener. They able to put themselves in the shoes of others. They are generally community-minded people. They can be too self-effacing and sometimes run the risk of being exploited by others. They sometimes tend to envy and jealous on others.

Blue It is the color of the mind. Blue affects human mentally. Strong blues will stimulate clear thought while soft blue will calm our mind and help in concentration. It is therefore being called as color of clear communication. Blue is the world’s favorite color.

Blue’s messages:

Water, sky, intelligence, communication, trust, loyalty, efficiency, serenity, duty, logic, coolness, calm, relax, loneliness, cold, lack of emotion, unfriendliness.


A person who loves blue is conservative, reliable and trustworthy. They are not spontaneous as they always think before they speak and act. They take time to process and share their feelings. They are genuine and sincere. They take their responsibilities seriously. They have a deep need for peace and harmony in their life. They are confident and self-controlled. They can become moody and over-emotional sometimes. They are sensitive and the needs of others caring. They are a rescuer and love to be needed. They don’t like to draw attention to themselves. They prefer to be in the background. They make a loyal and faithful marriage partner. They dislike conflicts in their life but they are often the cause of conflict with others. They can be quite manipulative but in a suitable way. They are sentimental and love things from the past. They cry easily at sad movies. They compare the present to the past, looking to authority figures or other leaders to support their beliefs about the world. They have a thirst for knowledge in order to gain wisdom. They appear knowledgeable in whatever area interests them. They can sometimes be too cautious and worry about every little thing.

Pink Pink represents the feminine principle. It is nurturing and physically soothing.

Pink’s messages:

Unconditional love, physical tranquility, nurture, warmth, femininity, love, sexuality, survival of species, immature, silly, girlish.

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A person who loves pink color is a loving, kind, generous and sensitive to the needs of others. They are friendly and approachable. They are the nurturers of the world. They have a material instinct with a need to protect and take care of others. They are in touch with their femininity. They are romantic and sensual and sensitive. They are optimistic and positive on life. They see the good in everyone. They are methodical and organized. They have youthful appearance, even into old age. They have to learn to become more self-reliant and learn to love themselves.

Violet It is the color of imagination. Violet has the shortest wavelength. Violet is also known as purple. Violet takes awareness to a higher level of thought. It encourages deep contemplation or meditation.

Violet’s messages:

Spiritual awareness, containment, vision, luxury, mysticism, royalty, high range, authenticity, truth, quality, introversion, decadence, suppression, inferiority, immature, impractical.


People who prefer violet or purple tend to be sensitive and compassionate, understanding and supportive. They are a gentle and free spirit. They are creative and like to be individual in most of your endeavors. They love the unconventional. They are idealistic and often impractical with their imagination. They inspire others with their creative thinking. They able to deal positively with adversity. They seek spiritual fulfillment and they always look for the meaning of life. They are a generous giver. They can be secretive. They dislike responsibility. They dislike being part of the crowd. They are a visionary with high ambitions, dreams and desires. They often late for everything as times means little to them. They trust the flow of the Universe to take care of everything. They can sometimes appear arrogant and conceited. They can be selfish and self-indulgent.

Brown Brown is a result of mixing red, yellow and large amount of black. Consequently, it has the same characteristics as black but brown is warmer and softer. Brown represents the earth and the natural world.

Brown’s messages:

Seriousness, warmth, ground, nature, earthiness, reliability, support, comfort, worn.


A person who prefers brown is an honest person. They are steady and reliable and quietly confident. They are friendly and approachable, genuine and sincere. They have a keen sense of duty and responsibility. They are a home body. Family is extremely important to them. They like physical

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comfort, simplicity and quality. They are a loyal and trustworthy friend. They are sensitive to the needs of others and sensitive to criticism by others. They are warm and supportive. They are hard-working and they take life seriously. They like a structured life with everything in its place. They are materialistic. They have a strong need for security and a sense of belonging. They prefer to stay in their own safe little world.

Black Black is all colors, totally absorbed. Black creates protective barriers as it absorbs all the energy coming to you, and it enshrouds the personality. Black is an absence of light due to no wavelength are reflected.

Black’s messages:

Sophistication, authority, style, glamour, security, emotional safety, efficiency, oppression, life and rebirth, coldness, menace, heaviness, death, evil, criminality, hidden aspects, hopelessness.


A person who loves black color is an independent, strong-willed and determined person. Prestige and power are important to them. They may be conservative and conventional. They sometimes may be too serious for their own good. They like to keep people at a distance, guarding their emotions and creating a barrier between themselves and others. They wish to create an aura of mystery and intrigue. They are sometimes self-denial by not allowing pleasure and joy into their life. They love black as it can hide them from the real world. They may have lost sight of their direction in life and are going through a very negative phase.

White It is a contrast of black. White is a total reflection. Basically it reflects the full force of the spectrum into human eyes.

White’s messages:

Light, hygiene, sterility, innocence, clarity, purity, cleanness, simplicity, sophistication, coldness, barriers, unfriendliness.


It is rarely white be the favorite color from childhood. White tend to become a person’s favorite color when they are going through a transitional period in their life, preparing for new beginnings or seeking a new direction in one or more areas of their life. People who love white are neat and immaculate in their appearance. They have impeccable standards of cleanliness and hygiene. They are far-sighted, with a positive and optimistic nature. They are well balanced, sensible and wise. They are cautious, practical and careful with money. They think carefully before acting. They are good in self-control. They are confident and self-assured. They are self-sufficient and a loner. They wish to create simplicity in their life. They hide their flaws from others to give an impression of protection. They may appear to be shy sometimes. They

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need to learn to be more open-minded and flexible and to communicate their needs and desires.

Grey It is an unemotional color. It is the color of compromise as it is neither black nor white. Grey is the transition between two non-colors.

Grey’s messages:

Stable, calm, conservative, boring, elegant, formal, maturity, responsibility, lonely, lifeless


A person who loves grey is neutral about life. They try to protect themselves from the chaotic outside world. They prefer a safe, secure and balanced existence. They are practical and calm. They are cool, conserved and reliable. They are a hard worker. They tend to committed and loyal to their work. They sometime tend to be lacking confidence. They like to be in control of their emotions and avoid experiencing emotional pain by shutting off from their emotions. They tend to make fair and balanced judgments. They may be a good critic.

Gold It is the color of success and achievement. Gold by its nature denotes wealth and prestige in every country. It is represent the power of the sun.

Gold’s messages:

Wealth, success, status, self-worth, wisdom, compassion, charisma, wining, positive, fear of success, fear of wealth, demanding, mean spirited, falseness


They radiate charisma, personality and individuality, making others feel relaxed and valued. People who love gold color are a loving and compassionate person. They often exhibit great spiritual qualities. They love luxury and the best quality in everything. They appreciate life completely. They know exactly the right and wrong and endeavor to follow the right. They are wise and successful, yet practical and honest. With their leadership qualities, they love to share their wisdom and knowledge with others. They are cheerful and outgoing. They tend to be a good listener and this attracts many friends to them. They are quite selective and discriminating in choosing a life partner. They may find difficult to trust others. They may also have unreal expectations. Sometimes they may be over confident.

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Color Psychology as Therapy

Carl Gustav Jung 26 July 1875 – 6 June 1961

Swiss psychiatrist and




Carl Jung was a prominent researcher in color psychology. Jung was interested in the properties and meanings of colors as he sees art as a potential tool for psychotherapy. Through his examination on his patients and his studies of color usage and effects across cultures and time periods, he had developed a language, or code, the ciphers of which would be colors. His studies had led him to develop the art therapy, which an individual can express him or herself through images and colors. This could help patients to recover from trauma and distress. His works has historically let the world know the modern filed of color psychology. Colors are the mother tongue of the subconscious – Carl Jung

Colors have been used to heal during several ancient cultures, including the Egyptians and Chinese through practicing chromotherapy (colourology). In this treatment:

• Red – to stimulate the body and mind as well as to increase circulation • Yellow – stimulate the nerves and purify the body • Orange – to heal the lungs and increase energy levels • Blue – to soothe illnesses and treat pain • Indigo – to alleviate skin problems

Modern Research on Color Psychology There is one study found that most people prefer the color blue, then follow by green, purple and red. It also states that the temperature of the environment might play a role in color preference. People who are warm tend to prefer cool colors while people who are cold prefer warmer colors. Kpop which now getting famous around the world, they play with colors as well. Each artist or singer or group has their own official color. This creates loyalty among fans and by using colors they can attract people whose favourite color is same as they are. For example Super Junior with their official color Sapphire Blue while Girl’s Generation’s official color is pastel rose pink. Business marketers often come out with logos, packaging and corporate colors based on the color psychology studies. They normally will choose the colors based on the color properties and its meanings as color is a non-verbal communication. Sometimes using color, an accurate message could be delivered.

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Rationale of My Artwork My Artwork

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Rationale of my Artwork This painting was drawn based on my personality. Every column of the painting is the reflection of me. The main colors that used in this painting are blue, red, black and green. A small amount of white and yellow also been used in this painting. Blue I use blue color for the column of the girl is because the girl was the representative of me. One of my dreams is to travel alone to all around the world. I can sometimes be very emotional and I am a sensitive people. Blue is not a striking color so it actually reflects my personality. I dislike attention from the crowd. I prefer to be in the backstage instead of performing on the stage. Red Red was mainly used in the emotional faces together with black. One face painted in red while emotions in black and the other were vice versa. This is to show that the face which inside the dark is happier than another one. In fact, it reflects that the reality has made a mask for us to where. No matter you happy or not, you still need to smile in front of everyone and pretend that you are okay which you actually not. Red is striking and stimulating. In front of people, I always look optimistic but in deep of me, I am a passive person. I am a competitive person as I am a 88% achievement oriented people. The 12% I left it for process and experience. Additional, I am an easily angry people and sometimes aggressive. Black Black was used almost in every column of the painting. As above mentioned, I used to hide my emotions and I did this by keeping people at a distance. Other Colors Green, white and yellow were used as well in my painting. Well, I love nature so there were green. I am an observer. I observe things and people. I was once wanted to become a psychologist. I am not a very cheerful person as per yellow but I do make people happy sometimes. I am a perfectionist just like yellow. And sometimes, I can be very stubborn.

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Reference • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color • http://www.crayola.com/for-educators/resources-landing/articles/color-what

-is-color.aspx • http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/color • http://www.worqx.com/color/color_basics.htm • http://www.answers.com/Q/How_does_the_human_eye_see_color • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Munsell_color_system • http://www.colormatters.com/color-and-design/color-systems-rgb-and-cmyk • https://www.pantone.com/downloads/articles/pdfs/L10_315_Defining_Color

_Munsell_en.pdf • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CMYK_color_model • http://www.workwithcolor.com/color-properties-definitions-0101.htm • http://www.tigercolor.com/color-lab/color-theory/color-harmonies.htm • http://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-achromatic-and-vs-

monochromatic/ • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_temperature • http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/C/color_temperature.html • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_psychology • http://psychology.about.com/od/sensationandperception/a/colorpsych.htm • http://www.empower-yourself-with-color-psychology.com/meaning-of-colors

.html • http://www.sfu.ca/~vzammitt/papers/zammitto-digra-TheExpressionsofColou

rs.pdf • http://micco.se/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Micco-Groenholm-on-Color-Af

fects-System.pdf • http://www.answers.com/Q/Who_discovered_colors • http://www.webexhibits.org/colorart/bh.html • http://www.ethos3.com/2014/06/the-history-of-color-psychology/ • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_psychology • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Jung
