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Colortrac Cx40 Utilities Service Manual

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manual scanner
Colortrac is the Trading Name of Colortrac Ltd and Colortrac Inc, incorporating Tangent and ANAtech. Colortrac Ltd Registered no. 2443087 in England. Registered Office: 115c Milton Road, Cambridge, UK
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SmartLF Cx40 ScannerCx40m, Cx40c & Cx40e

Utilities Program Instructions

Revision 1.0

©Colortrac Ltd 2006

This document should not be copied withoutprior permission from:

Colortrac Ltd.Kings Hall,St. Ives Business Park,St. Ives,Huntingdon,Cambridgeshire,PE27 4WY.United Kingdom.

Tel: +44 (0)1480 464618Fax: +44 (0)1480 464620


Colortrac Ltd makes no warranty with respect to this document and disclaims any impliedwarranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Information in this document issubject to change without notice. Colortrac Ltd assumes no responsibility for errors that mayappear in this document.

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Chapter Description Page

1 Installation of the SmartLF Cx40 Utilities 7

2 Running The Utilities in the Engineering Menu 6

3 Internet Updates 8

4 Driver Installation 10

5 Normalisation and Stitch 11

5.1 Factory Normalisation 11

5.2 Manual Stitch 12

5.3 Reset Flash to Factory 17

5.4 Save Dat File 18

6 Motor Speed 20

7 USB 21

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1 Installation of The SmartLF Cx40 Utilities Program

To assist with any work or upgrades to the Cx40 scanner, an ‘all in one’ utilities program has beencreated. Whereas the old 4080 scanners had individual programs to run, this is a passwordedutility that is available to run on the customers PC. The customer can install the utilities program,as there are limited options on there for them to use. For example, the normalisation process andability to check the driver and firmware of the scanner. The passworded section is for distributorsengineers to use, and must not be given to an end user or customer without permission fromColortrac Ltd.

NOTE: 4080 utilities can NOT be used to work on the Cx40 scanners, and vica versa. Only usethe Cx40 utilities for Cx40 scanner as instructed in this manual.

There are 2 main ways of installing the software, from the scanner installation CD or from theSupport SmartLF Cx40 service CD.

1. Insert Installation CD/ Service CD into PC.

2. On the installation CD run and follow the Utilities set up.

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3. On the service CD, locate the setup.exe in the Cx Utilities folder and follow the instructions.

NOTE:If there is already a version of the Utilities already on the PC, it’ll need to be un-installed beforeattempting to install this version, however, it isn’t necessary to upgrade this program unlessspecifically requested by support.

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2 Running the Utilities in the Engineering Menu.

The user utilities will allow an end user to normalise the scanner, as well as checking the firmwareand driver version and speed check the USB connection.

1. To run the utilities program, locate the shortcut in the start menu.

2. The user screen will allow for the scanner to be normalised and for the auto calibration to beset to ‘Never’, ‘hourly’, ‘daily’ or ‘monthly’.

3. To run the normalisation, insert the calibration target supplied with the scanner glossy sidefaced down. Click the ‘Full Normalisation’ button and allow it to run. This takes about 5minutes, and the target will move through the scanner during this time. Remove the targetwhen completed.

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4. Right clicking within the main control panel will bring up a password box. Enter the passwordprovided by the support department. This password is not available for end users or non-approved distributors. Contact [email protected] with your details for this password.

5. The engineering menu opens on the Drivers version page. This just informs of the firmwareand driver versions being used by the scanner and PC at the present time.

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3 Internet Updates.

1. To check for newer versions of the firmware and/or the driver, click the ‘Check for Updates’button. The PC has to have Internet access for this to operate.

2. If no updates are available, red crosses will show, and no further action can take place.

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3. If there are newer versions of firmware and/or driver, a green tick will appear and thedownload and install update button will appear. This will allow the new version to be installed.

If the download and install update fails to install the driver, the .cab file can be saved to the PCand updated in the device manager in the normal way. The file can be opened like a zip file and itcontains the .inf file needed in device manager.

NOTE: Once the firmware and driver has installed correctly, re-boot the scanner and PC beforecontinuing to use scanner.

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4 Driver Installation.

1. To install the firmware or driver without internet connection, firstly save the appropriate .cabfile which contain the latest firmware or driver on to the PC, see previous instruction on how todo so. Or the cab files may have been sent from Colortrac Technical Support.

2. Click the ‘Install…’ button for which ever one you are installing and locate the file, this will theninstall in the appropriate location

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5 Normalisation and Stitch

5.1 Factory Normalise

1. Factory normalisation is exactly the same as the full normalisation in the customerengineering menu, but the calibration figures are held in memory to work along side the auto-calibrate function.

2. Run this after changing any or all of the CIS arrays, particularly if the customer has the auto-calibrate switched on.

3. Insert the target proved with the glossy side down and click the ‘Factory Normalise’ button.Remove target on completion.

NOTE: If the target has been lost or is badly damaged, a sheet of ordinary printer paper can beused, but it must be the full width of the scanner, without any joins, and about 19” in length andmust be white and good quality.

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5.2 Manual Stitch

1. Open up the ‘SmartLF Manual Stitch TARGET. pdf’ that is found in the utilities folder on theSmartLF Cx40 Service CD in the ‘Cx40 Utilities’ folder. Print it out on a large format printer, ongood quality paper, setting the PDF reader to print full size, with no ‘fit to paper’ instructions. Itshould print out at 36” x 24” approx.

2. Open ScanWorks or above and set the scan perimeters to 400dpi (or 600dpidepending on PC ability), greyscale, 40” x 25” and set the ‘Media Handling’ to ‘rewind onSave/delete’. ScanWorks and Cx40 Utilities need to both be left open during this adjustment.

Will indicate the stitch pointsif the target is inserted as


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3. Insert the manual stitch target face down into the scanner with the horizontal lines going intothe scanner first. Position the printed target about 3 ½” from the Right Hand scan edge.

4. By pressing the scan button on the already opened ScanWorks, the scanner will scan thewhole target. Zoom into the horizontal lines at each stitch point to check for misalignmentusing the normal zoom method in the ScanWorks software.

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5. Starting with CIS 1 & 2, correct the stitch at this point before working along the 5 stitch points,i.e. stitch 2 – 3 ; stitch 3 – 4 & 4 – 5. Adjust the FB ( front/back) stitch before the LR(Left/Right).

6. At CIS stitch point 1 & 2, try changing the figure on CIS 2 higher or lower to adjust the FBstitch between the two CIS arrays. Stitch values can only be positive numbers and the lowestdenomination is ‘0’. It is important that before re-scanning the media, the ‘Set Stitch’ buttonMUST be press. The media should have rewind itself (if the ‘media handling’ is set to do so),press ‘scan’, if it looks worse try changing the value to go the other way from the originalvalue and ‘set stitch’ and re-scan. If it looked like the image was getting better, change thevalue again the same way and set and re-scan.

7. Use the following as an indication as to which way to set the FB figures:

FB out, decrease figurefor CIS 2.

FB out, increase figurefor CIS 2.

Good Stitch


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8. Adjust CIS 2 to correct stitch point 1 – 2, then adjust CIS 3 to adjust the stitch point 2 – 3, andso on until all the CIS arrays are FB aligned.

9. When you have finished adjusting the FB stitch between all the CIS arrays, then adjust the LRof these arrays.

10. At CIS stitch point 1 & 2, try changing the figure on CIS 2 higher or lower to adjust the LRstitch between the two CIS arrays. Stitch values can only be positive numbers and the lowestdenomination is ‘0’. It is important that before re-scanning the media, the ‘Set Stitch’ buttonMUST be press. The media should have rewind itself (if the ‘media handling’ is set to do so),press ‘scan’, if it looks worse try changing the value to go the other way from the originalvalue and ‘set stitch’ and re-scan. If it looked like the image was getting better, change thevalue again the same way and set and re-scan.

11. Use the following as an indication as to which way to set the LR figures:

LR out, decrease figurefor CIS 2.

LR out, increasefigure for CIS 2.

Good Stitch


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12. Adjust CIS 2 to correct stitch point 1 – 2, then adjust CIS 3 to adjust the stitch point 2 – 3, andso on until all the CIS arrays are LR aligned.

13. When all the FB and LR stitch points look to be good, exit the engineering menu software.The scanner is now ready for use.

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5.3 Reset Flash to Factory

This option allows the scanner to be returned to the settings it had when it left the factory. If theflash has become corrupted for whatever reason, usually because of an incorrectly used utility ortrying to run a SmartLF 4080 utility on the scanner.

1. Press the ‘Reset Flash to factory’ button.

2. Then click OK to return to the user menu.

3. Run a full normalisation (in the user menu) after download has been completed.

Do so only at the request of Colortrac Technical Support, and this is usually instructed followingsupport receiving a dat file from you to confirm that the scanner is corrupted (see 5.4 page 18 forinstructions on creating the dat file)

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5.4 Save Dat File.

To assist support in knowing what is happening to the scanner displaying a fault, a dat file can becreated and e-mailed to [email protected] where support can open this file and know whatstatus of the scanner. This will be asked for at the beginning of every support call.

1. Click the ‘Save Dat File’ button.

2. Locate a locattion to save the file to, enter the serial number of the scanner that you aretaking the data from, e.g. ‘C2606001.dat’. Click ‘Save’

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3. Open up your e-mail system and attach the saved ‘C2######.dat’ file and send [email protected] with an explanation of problem, if one had not already given to thesupport desk.

4. The support department well reply with a suggestion of fault repair to the e-mail which sentthe ‘C2######.dat’ file.

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6 Motor Speed

Used to set the motor speed in cases where the speed might need adjusting. The motor speed isthe time it takes the media to pass through the scanner correctly to create the right image.

1. Enter the adjusted value.

2. Click ‘Update Motor Speed’

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SmartLF Cx40 scanners will only work with USB2. To check the PC has the correct connection,this program will measure the speed and inform you if it is correct, or if you need to get USB2compatibility. This is also available to end users in the un-passworded utilities.

1. Click the ‘USB Speed Check’ button

2. The program will return a message to indicate if the speed is USB2 or if it needs updating.
