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Columbine Report Pgs 1301-1400

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Brought to you by the investigators athttp://www.columbinefamilyrequest.orgIn December 2000, the Jefferson County Sheriff’s department released the results of their investigation, the largest criminal investigation in the history of the State of Colorado. The 80 investigators involved followed up on over 4,000 leads. Along with their report, the Sheriff’s Department made available over 11,000 pages of evidence. Here, for the first time, we present all these pages as searchable .pdf files.
CONTINUATION o R(pOtting Agel'lC)' Offi<:er Case Report No SUPPLEMENT V JCSO PETERSON 99-76lS-PPPP Connl':Ctlng Case Report No Victim NameOriginalReport Date Thi3aeport COLUMBINE B.S. 7-9-99 l- X llMlJRDER X c - Off<mllC Sfttl.lI.t C1-mi 0 Rec.iJmmertd Ca&C: Review 0 0 Cll\lll't!d by Atrs 0 UnfourJied 0 Closure 0 I_ I I I Sma! No l"': No QuantitY 9r1ilW Nllmli' I asked Mary how she has been doing since the shooting on 4-20-99. She said she had some problems earlier. as did other members of her family, including younger children in her family. Mary said she has seen a counselor. I gave Mary my phone number and asked her to contact me if anyone wanted to talk with a JCSO Victim Advocate. I told her this Victim Advocate would be glad to talk with her or any of her other family members if they so desired in the future. I advised Mary 10 contact me if they did want to visit with one and I would makethe necessary arrangement'! forthem at that time. Mary also said she is going to think back and try to locate more information aboutthe TrenchCoat Mafia,and variousTrench Coal Mafia students. She said if she gets that information she will contact me in the future and relay it to me. DISPOSITION Open, pending further investigation JC.o01- 001301 Officer Unit Number SUpervlWf InitiaLs and Dale Asliign.;d To P.ge A.O, :f-. .-.-. 'l.'J,:::, 1-- •. 1 of .! ORlGl};<\L I NHSTIGAioR VlC11M SERVICES 1°n1u. I ASAF'34198JCSDli674

CONTINUATION o R(pOtting Agel'lC)' OffitIKrlption , I Serial No. WITNESSESJOHN EUGENE BUSCHMANN. DOBI7163410693 WEST ONTARlOAVE.LITTLETON. CO 801273039793132STUDENT COLUMBINE H.S.JANET M. BUSCHMANNSAME ADDRESs/PHONE AS JOHNWORK: ST. JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL18TH AND FRANKLIN ST.DENVER. CO 80210mONE:UNKJOHN M. BUSCHMANNSAME ADDRESSIPHONE AS ABOVEWORK: JEFFCOPLANNING DEPARTMENT100 JEFFERSONCOUNTY PARKWAYGOLDEN, CO 804013032718729INVESTIGATIONOn 71399.at about 1700 hours. I responded to10693 WestOntario Avenue. tocontact and interview John Eugene Buschmann,whois a student at Columbine H.S. This interviewwasinreference totheshooting thatoccurred at Columbine H.5. on4-10-99.John Eugene Buschmann wasinterviewed at hisresidence with hisfather. John M. Buschmann, present. John Buschmann said'lIl 4-2099, hearrived at Columbine H.S. for hisscheduled classes. atabout 0650 hours. Due thefact John had first hour classOfficer Unit Number Supet"iISOf tnitiai5and Date IAssignedTo Page 1LI f) ..-. ",:.r.'" -.1 .f f-I fNVE5TlOAroM:I 0"'" JC-001- 001340ll;tIGINAL. VICTIMSERVICes ASAFHI9SJCSOI167.'ITlNU;\TION a ReportingAgency Repcmng Offleer CeseReport No"vfPLEMENT V JCSO PETERSON 99-7625-SSSSConnecting Cue Report Net VictimNameOriginalR.eport DateThis COLUMBINE B.S. 7-13-99- X 1/MURDER X CI. ..wn Offimc StllmS: Open 0 Recommend Case: Rvlew 0 0 0 Un""","", 0 Closure 0 IQu4nliry I I ' ISmalNo I Vail.le I Vah.l'"Recovued Oamagt'doff. he Went to the lower level of ColumbineH.S. and intothecafeteria/commons area. John said he selecteda table to sit atwhichwas thetable heusuallysirsat. John indicated onthe diagram of theColumbine H.S. cafeteria, the table heselected was"LL." Table"LL" isnext to the stairway. and is inthemiddle of the cafeteria/commons area from northto south. Johnsaidhesat downat the table, and was facingtne stairwaywhichwouldbe inan easterlydirection. Johnsaid there were several otherstudents at and aroundtable "LL." I showed John the photographs of the duffel bag and the propane tank, that were laterrecovered in the Columbine cafeteria/commons area. Johnsaidbedid not see either itemon 4-20-99, either prior to or duringtheshootingincident. He didindicatebe sawpeople carrying bags, but he believed the bags he sawbeingcarriedweresmallerthan duffel bags,andsaidhe couldnot remember whatcolorthebagsbeing carried were. Johnsaidon4-20-99, at approximately0820 hours, he went to second hour class which is on the upper level of Columbine H,S, and near the main door andadministrative offices. John said for third hour class from 0915-10i5 hourshe was in his french class on the lower level ofColumbine H.S. From10151110 hours, Johnsaid he was in his scienceclass locatedon the upper level of the school, From'his class Johnsaidhe wentto fiftb hour geometry class. This classis on the upper levelofColumbine H.S" andis from [115-,205 hours. John reported that on 4-20.99, after gettingto his geometry class, at about 1138 hourshe heardpeoplerunning inthe hallway outsideof his class room. John said he didn't thinkmuch aboutit becausehe believedit was the result of a seniorprank taking place. Johnsaid be then heard people screaming in the hallways, and then heard "IWO pops" which he said itsounded like theywerecomingfromthe direction of the cafeteria/commons area. andsaid theysoundedcloseto his location inhisclass room. Johnsaidoneofhis teacher's, Mr. Ortiz(theotherteacher wasMs. Moore), went outsideof theclass room intothehallwaytosee whatwasoccurring. Hesaid Ms. Moore wastrying 10 lockthedoor between the classroomandthe hallway,He saidwhileMr. Ortizwas gone from the classroom, heheardthree more shots fired. Mr. Ortizthenreturned to theclassroombeforeMs. Moore couldget the doors locked. JohnsaidMr. Ortiz toldthe students to get downunder their deskandsaidtherewere"guys wilh guns" in the school. John saidthe students wereon the floor, under their desk for only a fewseconds, whenMr. Ortiztoldthem10 get out of the school quickly. JOM saidhegot up andexitedhisclass roomandbeganrunning downthehallway. Johnsaid as he ranpast otherclass rooms, he wasopening theotherclass roomdoors and tellingeveryoneinsidetheroomsto get out. JaM saidwhilerunning dowbthe hallway he believes he heard"pings" that sounded likegunshots ricochetingoff students lockers. JaM said he did not see any of theshooters, however. Johntold me exited Columbine H.S, through thedoors on the east side of the school, and southof the mainenrrancezadministrarive offices. Johnsaid he raneastbound, across PierceStreet and intoLeawood Parkafter exitingthe school. JOM saidwhilehe was in Leawood Park he heard severalOfficer StgnlUure UnitVICTtM \'lETt '1ICESAssignedToJC-001 001341?age 1of fASAfH19SJCSDlIotling Om- C..,1lepon No y JCSO PETERSON 99.76ZS-SSSSCQUflcetlng Case RepottNo. victim NameOriginal Reporr Date TIli! !UponCOLUMBINE H.S. 7-13-99- X IIMURDER X 0- Offet::te SlatU!: Ell!fKtonaity Cln,n:d a Recommend Case: Review 0 a CIIt'tll"I!!d: byArrest a Unfounded 0CI"""" 0 IQutmilY IBmtd Name I Dnaiplioll ISerialNo. r= I Vakil!" I ValM ..md more gunshots and approximatelyfive explosionsthat he describedas soundinglike they were coming fromthe west side ofColumbineH.S, near the cafeteria/comrnonsarea, John saidhe lookedtowards Columbine H.5. whenthese noises wereheard,however, he did not see anysuspects. or possible suspectsoutsideof the school. Johnsaid he did not see any suspectsthroughthewindows. nor did he see anyone through the glass inthe doors. John said he stayed in LeawoodPark for approximately 30minuteswith a friendof his by the nameof KyleAshton. John told mesomeone said the shootershad exitedColumbine H.S.,andaltaough he didn't seeanyone, he ranwithKyleAshton, awayfromLeawood Park. He said theyranuntil a friend's mothersawthemandpickedthemup. John couldnot rememberthis person's name. He saidthey were taken to the church locatedatWest KenCaryl Avenue and SouthKendallBlvd., where hecalledhis father, JohnM. Buschmann. Thiscall was madeat 1220hours, on 4-20-99.I askedJohn E. Buschmann what he knewabout the TrenchCoatMafia.the TrenchCoat Maliastudents, and in particular DylanKleboldand Eric Harris. John said he had seen Dylan Klebold in the hallwaysof Columbine H.S. anddescribed Kleboldas'goofy looking:' Johnsaid he remembers DylanKleboldbecause be was tall (estimated6'5" tall) andskinny. HerememberedDylanKleboldbeing alone in the hallways, and said Kleboldwouldwear darkclothingand a trench coat that hung belowhisknees. John said he had seen EricHarrisin the hallways of Columbine H.S, also. and saidEricHarrislooked"meanand feisty."Johnsaidon the Fridaybefore the shooting,4-16-99, ColumbineH.S. had their promassembly. John said Brooks Browngotsometype of an award for what hebelievedwas for literature. The only other thingbe couldtell me about Brooks Brownwasthat he worejeans withholes in them,and woreTvshirts withwordson them, however, hedid not knowwhat these wordswere.I askedJohn E. Buschmann if he hadever seen Isaiah Shoels beingracially harassedor raciallyintimidated. John said he hasneverseenany harassment or racialintimidation towards Isaiah Shoels, andsaid infact IsaiahShoels was"funny" and"everyoneliked Isaiah Shoels."JohnE. Buschmann saidhedid not knowifit wasrelatedto theshooting on4-20-99or if it involved DylanKlebold,EricHarris,or the Trench Coat Matia students. but he said one and half to two weeks prior to the shooting, numerous students lockers atColumbine H.S. were broken intoandthen"super gtued" shut. He alsotold me thata teacher by the name ofMr. Tallaco, whoAssigned ToJC-001.001342 ASAF301198 JCSDJI6i4T1l"UATION C RqIOfting A$CICY Reponing Offictr Case Report NoSli l'PlEMENT Y JCSO PETERSON 99-7625-8888ConnectingCue f(cpQ1"I No. Victim Name OrtJ,iNl Rq7ol't Dace ThisR.eportCOLUMBINE H.B. 7-13-99- X I!MURDER X 0Cb omm.. ",.." """ IDlceptionally C!1lmId Rel:OJnmnd Case: 0R"'lwif::.", !'\l ,k;:::,\ ~ .-I 1..i1614 Number/f'/V' ytC11MSERVICesSUpeT'Visor lmtials andDate Assigxted ToPageof!!DEYLE, LJC.o01001393JBFFZRSON COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OPFICBSUPPLBKBNTAL REPoaTDefenc!a.nt.DatDeputy D.A.Columbine ShootingApril 28, 1999Docket Jhl:lIIl:ler.Ca Jhl:lIIl:ler. 99-7625174A-DN7419DN159a Lauck********************************************************************Deyle, Lyndsie7018 W. Frost PL.Littleton, CO., 80123303/978-9128 (H)303/979-1151, step-parentsCRS studentLyndsie Deyle advised this investigator that she was not in thecafeteria during this incident. She stated that she was in her mathclass and and had not seen anything.Nothing further.--I :(;;;:;Inveliltigator 1,DateDlMANNA. MICHELLETlNUATION 0 Re'pOl"ting Officer CaseR.eport No v JCSO ESTER 99-7625-KConnecting Case No. Viet1m Na,me Origintd R.epon f- 07-l)1-99CO '0011 X Finl Degree Murder Offl.1e SWUl:. X Cleat\!ld o Recommend Case: Review Cl o Clelt'l!:(\ byAI:l'W 0 Unfl1lJnlkd Cl GCSUfe Q IQl.JantilY I8l"arle Name I ":I"" t i S,,,,,WITNESS:DlMANNA, MICHELLE, DOBIlO-19104433 South DevinnyStreetMorrison, Colorado(303) 6971401Work: Columbine High School/mathteacherINVESTIGATION:On Thursday, July I, 1999, at approximately 1200 hours, I contacted witness Dimannaby telephone and informed her that I wascontacting staff andfacultymembers to provide any additional pertinentinformation relativeto this incident. Witness Dimannaprovidedme with the followinginformation.Sheadvisedthat during fifthhour, on April 20, 1999, she was in her officetalkingto anotherteacher, Lori McMullin (unknownspelling on her first name) when she heard yelling and walked into the hallwayarea of the commons, where she overheardsomebody yell, "He' s got a gun." She also indicated tilefire alarm soundedoff at that time. She, with the assistance of severalotherteachers, whose identityare unknown, beganevacuating kids fromthe mathclassrooms. She advised that she noticed thelire doors adjacent to her roomwere closedand studentsWere exitingthe double doors on the southeast comer of the buildingonto South Pierce Street She advised that she was in the building four to live minutes after the lire alarm sounded, helpingevacuatestudents andteachersfromthe area. She saidafter that time she went over to the Leawood Park areaacross Pierce andheard several "popping" noises, approximately live to sixtimes, from !he backsideof the building or the west side oftheschool.She said she observeda police car parked on the street ofthe southeast comer of the student parking 101 and was assistinginescortingstudents across South PierceStreet over to the LeawoodPark area. She, along withStephanie Munson, stayed withnumerous students on the southeastcorner ofWest Fair andSouthPierceStreet. Shesaid Stephanie Munson was a studentthathad been injured and it is unclear as to how she arrived at that particular location. Witness Dtmarma said she stayed withStephanie until the paramedics arrived. at whichtimeshewastransported byambulance. Witness Dimannasaid shewalked alongOffKef Signature

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