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Com 102 Lecture 5

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  • 8/2/2019 Com 102 Lecture 5




    22O erator

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    String and ArrayObjects

  • 8/2/2019 Com 102 Lecture 5



    The whole difference between construction andcreation is exactly this:

    that a thing constructed can only be loved after it is

    constructed; but a thing created is loved before it


    Gilbert Keith Chesterton

    2006 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

    The die is cast. Julius Caesar

    Our doctor would never really operate unless it was

    necessary. He was just that way. If he didnt needthe money, he wouldnt lay a hand on you.

    Herb Shriner

  • 8/2/2019 Com 102 Lecture 5



    OBJECTIVESIn this chapter you will learn:

    What operator overloading is and how it makes programs morereadable and programming more convenient.

    To redefine (overload) operators to work with objects of user-defined classes.

    The differences between overloading unary and binary

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    To convert objects from one class to another class.

    When to, and when not to, overload operators.

    To create PhoneNumber, Array, String and Date classesthat demonstrate operator overloading.

    To use overloaded operators and other member functions ofstandard library class string.

    To use keyword explicit to prevent the compiler from usingsingle-argument constructors to perform implicit conversions.

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    22.1 Introduction

    22.2 Fundamentals of Operator Overloading22.3 Restrictions on Operator Overloading

    22.4 Operator Functions as Class Members vs. Global Functions

    22.5 Overloading Stream Insertion and Stream Extraction

    Operators22.6 Overloading Unary Operators

    22.7 Overloading Binary Operators

    22.8 Case Stud : ArraArraArraArra Class

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    22.9 Converting between Types

    22.10 Case Study: StringStringStringString Class

    22.11 Overloading ++++++++ and --------

    22.12 Case Study: A DateDateDateDate Class

    22.13 Standard Library Class stringstringstringstring

    22.14 explicitexplicitexplicitexplicit Constructors

    22.15 Wrap-Up

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    22.1 Introduction

    Use operators with objects (operator overloading)

    Clearer than function calls for certain classes

    Operator sensitive to context


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    Stream insertion, bitwise left-shift


    Performs arithmetic on multiple items (integers, floats, etc.)

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    22.2 Fundamentals of Operator

    Overloading Types for operator overloading

    Built in (intintintint, charcharcharchar) or user-defined (classes)

    Can use existing operators with user-defined types

    Cannot create new operators

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    Create a function for the class

    Name of operator function

    Keyword operatoroperatoroperatoroperator followed by symbol


    operator+operator+operator+operator+ for the addition operator ++++

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    Software Engineering Observation 22.1

    Operator overloading contributes to C++sextensibilityone of the languages mostappealing attributes.

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    Good Programming Practice 22.1

    Use operator overloading when it makesa program clearer than accomplishingthe same operations with function calls.

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    Good Programming Practice 22.2

    Overloaded operators should mimic thefunctionality of their built-in counterpartsforexample, the + operator should be overloaded to

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    , .or inconsistent use of operator overloading, as thiscan make a program cryptic and difficult to read.

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    22.2 Fundamentals of Operator

    Overloading (Cont.) Using operators on a class object

    It must be overloaded for that class

    Exceptions: (can also be overloaded by the programmer) Assignment operator (====)

    Memberwise assignment between objects

    Address operator (&&&&)

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    Returns address of object Comma operator (,,,,)

    Evaluates expression to its left then the expression to itsright

    Returns the value of the expression to its right

    Overloading provides concise notation

    object2 = object1.add( object2 );object2 = object1.add( object2 );object2 = object1.add( object2 );object2 = object1.add( object2 );vs.

    object2 = object2 + object1;object2 = object2 + object1;object2 = object2 + object1;object2 = object2 + object1;

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    22.3 Restrictions on Operator

    Overloading Cannot change

    Precedence of operator (order of evaluation)

    Use parentheses to force order of operators Associativity (left-to-right or right-to-left)

    Number of operands

    e.g., &&&& is unary, can only act on one operand

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    How operators act on built-in data types (i.e., cannot changeinteger addition)

    Cannot create new operators

    Operators must be overloaded explicitly

    Overloading ++++ and ==== does not overload +=+=+=+=

    Operator ?:?:?:?: cannot be overloaded

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    Common Programming Error 22.1

    Attempting to overload a nonoverloadableoperator is a syntax error.

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    Operators that can be overloaded

    ++++ ---- **** //// %%%% ^ &&&& ||||

    ~~~~ !!!! ==== > +=+=+=+= ----==== *=*=*=*=

    /=/=/=/= %=%=%=%= ^=^=^=^= &=&=&=&= |=|=|=|= > >>=>>=>>=>>=

    2006 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Fig. 22.1 | Operators that can be overloaded.

    [][][][] ()()()() newnewnewnew deletedeletedeletedelete

    newnewnewnew[][][][] deletedeletedeletedelete[][][][]

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    Operators that cannot be overloaded

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    Fig. 22.2 | Operators that cannot be overloaded.

    .... .*.*.*.* :::::::: ?:?:?:?:

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    Common Programming Error 22.2

    Attempting to change the arity of an operatorvia operator overloading is a compilation error.

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    Common Programming Error 22.3

    Attempting to create new operators via operatoroverloading is a syntax error.

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    Software Engineering Observation 22.2

    At least one argument of an operator functionmust be an object or reference of a user-definedtype. This prevents programmers from changing

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    Common Programming Error 22.4

    Attempting to modify how an operator workswith objects of fundamental types is a compilationerror.

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    Common Programming Error 22.5

    Assuming that overloading an operator suchas + overloads related operators such as += orthat overloading == overloads a related

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    .can be overloaded only explicitly; there is noimplicit overloading.

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    22.4 Operator Functions as Class

    Members vs. Global Members Operator functions

    As member functions

    Leftmost object must be of same class as operator function

    Use thisthisthisthis keyword to implicitly get left operand argument

    Operators ()()()(), [][][][], ---->>>> or any assignment operator must be

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    overloaded as a class member function Called when

    Left operand of binary operator is of this class

    Single operand of unary operator is of this class

    As global functions

    Need parameters for both operands

    Can have object of different class than operator

    Can be a friendfriendfriendfriend to access privateprivateprivateprivate or protectedprotectedprotectedprotected data

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    22.4 Operator Functions as Class

    Members vs. Global Members (Cont.) Overloaded

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    Performance Tip 22.1

    It is possible to overload an operator as a global,non-friendfriendfriendfriend function, but such a functionrequiring access to a classs privateprivateprivateprivate or

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    functions provided in that classs publicpublicpublicpublicinterface. The overhead of calling these functionscould cause poor performance, so these functions

    can be inlined to improve performance.

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    22.4 Operator Functions as Class

    Members vs. Global Members (Cont.) Commutative operators

    May want ++++ to be commutative

    So both a + ba + ba + ba + b and b + ab + ab + ab + a work

    Suppose we have two different classes

    Overloaded operator can only be member function when its

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    class is on left HugeIntClass +HugeIntClass +HugeIntClass +HugeIntClass + long intlong intlong intlong int

    Can be member function

    When other way, need a global overloaded function

    long intlong intlong intlong int + HugeIntClass+ HugeIntClass+ HugeIntClass+ HugeIntClass

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    22.5 Overloading Stream Insertion and

    Stream Extraction Operators> operators

    Already overloaded to process each built-in type

    Can also process a user-defined class

    Overload using global, friendfriendfriendfriend functions

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    Class PhoneNumberPhoneNumberPhoneNumberPhoneNumber

    Holds a telephone number

    Print out formatted number automatically

    (123) 456(123) 456(123) 456(123) 456----7890789078907890

    251 // Fig// Fig// Fig// Fig 22222222 3: PhoneNumber h3: PhoneNumber h3: PhoneNumber h3: PhoneNumber h

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    251 // Fig.// Fig.// Fig.// Fig. 22222222.3: PhoneNumber.h.3: PhoneNumber.h.3: PhoneNumber.h.3: PhoneNumber.h

    2 // PhoneNumber class definition// PhoneNumber class definition// PhoneNumber class definition// PhoneNumber class definition




    6 #include#include#include#include

    7 usingusingusingusing std::ostream;std::ostream;std::ostream;std::ostream;

    8 usingusingusingusing std::istream;std::istream;std::istream;std::istream;


    10 #include#include#include#include

    11 usingusingusingusing std::string;std::string;std::string;std::string;12

    13 classclassclassclass PhoneNumberPhoneNumberPhoneNumberPhoneNumber

    14 {{{{

    15 friendfriendfriendfriend ostream &operator( istream &, PhoneNumber & );

    17 privateprivateprivateprivate::::

    18 string areaCode;string areaCode;string areaCode;string areaCode; // 3// 3// 3// 3----digit area codedigit area codedigit area codedigit area code

    19 string exchange;string exchange;string exchange;string exchange; //////// 3333----digit exchangedigit exchangedigit exchangedigit exchange

    20 string line;string line;string line;string line; // 4// 4// 4// 4----digit linedigit linedigit linedigit line

    21 };};};}; // end class PhoneNumber// end class PhoneNumber// end class PhoneNumber// end class PhoneNumber


    23 #endif#endif#endif#endif

    Notice function prototypes for overloaded operators

    >> and

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    h b i h f ( )ffh b i h f ( )

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    (2 of 2)

    Enter phone number in the form (123) 456Enter phone number in the form (123) 456Enter phone number in the form (123) 456Enter phone number in the form (123) 456----7890:7890:7890:7890:

    (800) 555(800) 555(800) 555(800) 555----1212121212121212

    The phone number entered was: (800) 555The phone number entered was: (800) 555The phone number entered was: (800) 555The phone number entered was: (800) 555----1212121212121212

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    Error-Prevention Tip 22.1

    Returning a reference from an overloaded operator function is typically successfulbecause coutcoutcoutcout, cincincincin and most stream objects

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    , - .

    reference to an automatic variable or othertemporary object is dangerouscreatingdangling references to nonexisting objects.


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    Software Engineering Observation 22.3

    New input/output capabilities for user-definedtypes are added to C++ without modifying C++sstandard input/output library classes. This is

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    programming language.


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    22.6 Overloading Unary Operators

    Overloading unary operators

    Can overload as non-staticstaticstaticstatic member function with no


    Can overload as global function with one argument

    Argument must be class object or reference to class object

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    Remember, staticstaticstaticstatic functions only access staticstaticstaticstatic data


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    22.6 Overloading Unary Operators (Cont.)

    Upcoming example (Section 22.10)

    Overload !!!! to test for empty string

    If non-staticstaticstaticstatic member function, needs no arguments

    classclassclassclass StringStringStringString{{{{

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    pu cpu cpu cpu c::::

    bool operatorbool operatorbool operatorbool operator!()!()!()!() constconstconstconst;;;;


    !s!s!s!s becomes s.s.s.s.operatoroperatoroperatoroperator!()!()!()!()

    If global function, needs one argument

    boolboolboolbool operatoroperatoroperatoroperator!(!(!(!( constconstconstconst String & )String & )String & )String & )

    s!s!s!s! becomes operatoroperatoroperatoroperator!(s)!(s)!(s)!(s)


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    22.7 Overloading Binary Operators

    Overloading binary operators

    Non-staticstaticstaticstatic member function, one argument

    Global function, two arguments

    One argument must be class object or reference

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    22 7 O l di Bi O t

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    22.7 Overloading Binary Operators

    (Cont.) Upcoming example: Overloading +=+=+=+=

    If non-staticstaticstaticstatic member function, needs one argument

    classclassclassclass StringStringStringString{{{{publicpublicpublicpublic::::

    constconstconstconst String &String &String &String & operatoroperatoroperatoroperator+=(+=(+=(+=( constconstconstconst String & );String & );String & );String & );

    2006 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

    };};};}; y += zy += zy += zy += z becomes y.y.y.y.operatoroperatoroperatoroperator+=( z )+=( z )+=( z )+=( z )

    If global function, needs two arguments

    constconstconstconst String &String &String &String &operatoroperatoroperatoroperator+=( String &,+=( String &,+=( String &,+=( String &, constconstconstconst StringStringStringString

    & );& );& );& );

    y += zy += zy += zy += z becomes operatoroperatoroperatoroperator+=( y, z )+=( y, z )+=( y, z )+=( y, z )


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    22.8 Case Study: ArrayArrayArrayArray Class

    Pointer-based arrays in C++

    No range checking

    Cannot be compared meaningfully with ======== No array assignment (array names are constconstconstconst pointers)

    If array passed to a function, size must be passed as a separate

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    Example: Implement an ArrayArrayArrayArray class with

    Range checking

    Array assignment

    Arrays that know their own size Outputting/inputting entire arrays with >

    Array comparisons with ======== and !=!=!=!=


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    22.8 Case Study: ArrayArrayArrayArray Class (Cont.)

    Copy constructor

    Used whenever copy of object is needed:

    Passing by value (return value or parameter)

    Initializing an object with a copy of another of same type

    Array newArray( oldArray );Array newArray( oldArray );Array newArray( oldArray );Array newArray( oldArray ); or

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    Array newArray = oldArrayArray newArray = oldArrayArray newArray = oldArrayArray newArray = oldArray (both are identical)

    newArraynewArraynewArraynewArray is a copy ofoldArrayoldArrayoldArrayoldArray

    Prototype for class ArrayArrayArrayArray

    Array( const Array & );Array( const Array & );Array( const Array & );Array( const Array & );

    Must take reference

    Otherwise, the argument will be passed by value

    Which tries to make copy by calling copy constructor

    Infinite loop

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    29 // subscript operator for non// subscript operator for non// subscript operator for non// subscript operator for non----const objects returns modifiable lvalueconst objects returns modifiable lvalueconst objects returns modifiable lvalueconst objects returns modifiable lvalue Outline

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    29 // subscript operator for non// subscript operator for non// subscript operator for non// subscript operator for non const objects returns modifiable lvalueconst objects returns modifiable lvalueconst objects returns modifiable lvalueconst objects returns modifiable lvalue

    30 intintintint &&&&operatoroperatoroperatoroperator[]([]([]([]( intintintint ););););


    32 // subscript operator for const objects returns rvalue// subscript operator for const objects returns rvalue// subscript operator for const objects returns rvalue// subscript operator for const objects returns rvalue

    33 intintintintoperatoroperatoroperatoroperator[]([]([]([]( intintintint )))) constconstconstconst;;;;

    34 privateprivateprivateprivate::::

    35 intintintint size;size;size;size; // pointer// pointer// pointer// pointer----based array sizebased array sizebased array sizebased array size

    36 intintintint *ptr;*ptr;*ptr;*ptr; // pointer to first element of pointer// pointer to first element of pointer// pointer to first element of pointer// pointer to first element of pointer----based arraybased arraybased arraybased array

    37 };};};}; // end class Array// end class Array// end class Array// end class Array

    3839 #endif#endif#endif#endif



    (2 of 2)Operators for accessing specificelements ofArray object

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    126// overloaded output operator for class Array// overloaded output operator for class Array// overloaded output operator for class Array// overloaded output operator for class Array Outline

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    127ostream &ostream &ostream &ostream &operatoroperatoroperatoroperator

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    Software Engineering Observation 22.4

    The argument to a copy constructor should bea constconstconstconst reference to allow a constconstconstconst object tobe copied.

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    Common Programming Error 22.6

    Note that a copy constructormust receive itsargument by reference, not by value. Otherwise,the copy constructor call results in infiniterecursion (a fatal logic error) because receiving

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    to make a copy of the argument object. Recallthat any time a copy of an object is required, theclasss copy constructor is called. If the copyconstructor received its argument by value, the

    copy constructor would call itself recursively tomake a copy of its argument!


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    Common Programming Error 22.7

    If the copy constructor simply copied thepointer in the source object to the targetobjects pointer, then both objects would pointto the same dynamically allocated memory. The

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    dynamically allocated memory, and the otherobjects ptrptrptrptr would be undefined, a situationcalled a dangling pointerthis would likelyresult in a serious run-time error (such as earlyprogram termination) when the pointer wasused.


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    Software Engineering Observation 22.5

    A copy constructor, a destructor and anoverloaded assignment operator are usuallyprovided as a group for any class that uses

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    Common Programming Error 22.8

    Not providing an overloaded assignment operatorand a copy constructor for a class when objects ofthat class contain pointers to dynamically

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    Software Engineering Observation 22.6

    It is possible to prevent one object of a classfrom being assigned to another. This is doneby declaring the assignment operator as a

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    Software Engineering Observation 22.7

    It is possible to prevent class objects frombeing copied; to do this, simply make both theoverloaded assignment operator and the copy

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    22 9 Converting between Types

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    22.9 Converting between Types


    Traditionally, cast integers to floats, etc.

    May need to convert between user-defined types

    Cast operator (conversion operator)

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    onver rom

    One class to another

    A Class to a built-in type (intintintint, charcharcharchar, etc.)

    Must be non-staticstaticstaticstatic member function

    Do not specify return type Implicitly returns type to which you are converting


    22.9 Converting between Types (Cont.)

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    22.9 Converting between Types (Cont.)

    Cast operator (conversion operator) (Cont.)


    PrototypeA::A::A::A::operator charoperator charoperator charoperator char *()*()*()*() constconstconstconst;;;;

    Casts class AAAA to a temporary char *char *char *char *

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    static_cast< char * >( s )static_cast< char * >( s )static_cast< char * >( s )static_cast< char * >( s ) callss.operator char *()s.operator char *()s.operator char *()s.operator char *()


    A::A::A::A::operator intoperator intoperator intoperator int()()()() constconstconstconst;;;;

    A::A::A::A::operatoroperatoroperatoroperator OtherClass()OtherClass()OtherClass()OtherClass() constconstconstconst;;;;


    22.9 Converting between Types (Cont.)

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    22.9 Converting between Types (Cont.)

    Casting can prevent need for overloading

    Suppose class StringStringStringString can be cast to char *char *char *char *


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    22.10 Case Study: StringStringStringString Class

    Build class StringStringStringString

    String creation, manipulation

    Similar to class stringstringstringstring in standard library (Chapter 18)

    Conversion constructor

    Any single-argument constructor

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    Example String s1(String s1(String s1(String s1( """"happyhappyhappyhappy"""" ););););

    Creates a StringStringStringString from a char *char *char *char *

    Overloading function call operator

    Powerful (functions can take arbitrarily long and complexparameter lists)

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    50 charcharcharchar &&&&operatoroperatoroperatoroperator[]([]([]([]( intintintint );););); // subscript operator (modifiable lvalue)// subscript operator (modifiable lvalue)// subscript operator (modifiable lvalue)// subscript operator (modifiable lvalue)

    51 charcharcharcharoperatoroperatoroperatoroperator[]([]([]([]( intintintint )))) constconstconstconst;;;; // subscript operator (rvalue)// subscript operator (rvalue)// subscript operator (rvalue)// subscript operator (rvalue)

    52 StringStringStringString operatoroperatoroperatoroperator()(()(()(()( intintintint,,,, intintintint ==== 0000 ) const;) const;) const;) const; // return a substring// return a substring// return a substring// return a substring


    Two overloaded subscriptoperators, for const and

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    gSt gSt gg pope toope top ()(()(()(()( tt,,,, tt 00 ) ;) co st;) co st;) ; // g// etu subst g// etu subst g// g

    53 intintintint getLength()getLength()getLength()getLength() cocococonstnstnstnst;;;; // return string length// return string length// return string length// return string length

    54 privateprivateprivateprivate::::

    55 intintintint length;length;length;length; // string length (not counting null terminator)// string length (not counting null terminator)// string length (not counting null terminator)// string length (not counting null terminator)

    56 charcharcharchar *sPtr;*sPtr;*sPtr;*sPtr; // pointer to start of pointer// pointer to start of pointer// pointer to start of pointer// pointer to start of pointer----based stringbased stringbased stringbased string


    58 voidvoidvoidvoid setString(setString(setString(setString( const charconst charconst charconst char * );* );* );* ); // utility function// utility function// utility function// utility function

    59 };};};}; // end class String// end class String// end class String// end class String


    61 #endif#endif#endif#endif


    (3 of 3)

    non-const objects

    Overload the function calloperator () to return a substring

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    176// overloaded input operator// overloaded input operator// overloaded input operator// overloaded input operator

    177istream &operator>>( istream &input, String &s )istream &operator>>( istream &input, String &s )istream &operator>>( istream &input, String &s )istream &operator>>( istream &input, String &s )


    179 hhhh [[[[ 100100100100 ]]]] // b ff i// b ff i// b ff i// b ff i

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    (7 of 7)

    179 charcharcharchar temp[temp[temp[temp[ 100100100100 ];];];]; // buffer to store input// buffer to store input// buffer to store input// buffer to store input

    180 input >> setw(input >> setw(input >> setw(input >> setw( 100100100100 ) >> temp;) >> temp;) >> temp;) >> temp;

    181 s = temp;s = temp;s = temp;s = temp; // use String class assignment operator// use String class assignment operator// use String class assignment operator// use String class assignment operator

    182 returnreturnreturnreturn input;input;input;input; // enables cascading// enables cascading// enables cascading// enables cascading

    183}}}} // end function operator>>// end function operator>>// end function operator>>// end function operator>>

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    Software Engineering Observation 22.8

    When a conversion constructor is used to perform

    an implicit conversion, C++ can apply only oneimplicit constructor call (i.e., a single user-defined

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    overloaded operator. The compiler will not matchan overloaded operators needs by performing aseries of implicit, user-defined conversions.


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    Performance Tip 22.2

    Overloading the +=+=+=+= concatenation operator with

    an additional version that takes a single argumentof type const charconst charconst charconst char * executes more efficientlythan having only a version that takes a StringStringStringString

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    argument. Without the const c arconst c arconst c arconst c ar version of

    the +=+=+=+= operator, a const charconst charconst charconst char * argumentwould first be converted to a StringStringStringString object withclass StringStringStringStrings conversion constructor, then the

    +=+=+=+= operator that receives a StringStringStringString argumentwould be called to perform the concatenation.


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    Software Engineering Observation 22.9

    Using implicit conversions with overloaded

    operators, rather than overloading operatorsfor many different operand types, often

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    to modify, maintain and debug.


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    Software Engineering Observation 22.10

    By implementing member functions using

    previously defined member functions, theprogrammer reuses code to reduce the amount

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    Error-Prevention Tip 22.2

    Returning a nonnonnonnon----constconstconstconst char reference from anoverloaded subscript operator in a StringStringStringString classis dangerous. For example, the client could use

    '''' ''''

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    in the string.


    22.11 Overloading ++++++++ and --------

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    Increment/decrement operators can be


    Suppose we want to add 1 to a DateDateDateDate object, d1d1d1d1 Prototype (member function)

    Date &Date &Date &Date &o eratoro eratoro eratoro erator++++++++

    2006 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

    ++d1++d1++d1++d1 becomes d1.d1.d1.d1.operatoroperatoroperatoroperator++()++()++()++()

    Prototype (global function)

    Date &Date &Date &Date &operatoroperatoroperatoroperator++( Date & );++( Date & );++( Date & );++( Date & );

    ++d1++d1++d1++d1 becomes operatoroperatoroperatoroperator++( d1 )++( d1 )++( d1 )++( d1 )


    22.11 Overloading ++++++++ and -------- (Cont.)

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    To distinguish prefix and postfix increment

    Postfix increment has a dummy parameter

    An intintintint with value 0000 Prototype (member function)

    DateDateDateDate operatoroperatoroperatoroperator++(++(++(++( intintintint ););););

    2006 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

    d1++d1++d1++d1++ becomes d1.d1.d1.d1.operatoroperatoroperatoroperator++(++(++(++( 0000 ))))

    Prototype (global function)

    DateDateDateDate operatoroperatoroperatoroperator++( Date &,++( Date &,++( Date &,++( Date &, intintintint ););););

    d1++d1++d1++d1++ becomes operatoroperatoroperatoroperator++( d1,++( d1,++( d1,++( d1, 0000 ))))


    22.11 Overloading ++++++++ and -------- (Cont.)

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    Return values

    Prefix increment

    Returns by reference (Date &Date &Date &Date &) lvalue (can be assigned)

    Postfix increment

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    Returns by value

    Returns temporary object with old value

    rvalue (cannot be on left side of assignment)

    All this applies to decrement operators as well


  • 8/2/2019 Com 102 Lecture 5


    Performance Tip 22.3

    The extra object that is created by the postfix

    increment (or decrement) operator can result in asignificant performance problemespecially when

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    . ,

    should use the postfix increment (or decrement)operator only when the logic of the programrequires postincrementing (or postdecrementing).


    22.12 Case Study: A DateDateDateDate Class

  • 8/2/2019 Com 102 Lecture 5


    Example DateDateDateDate class

    Overloaded increment operator

    Change day, month and year Overloaded +=+=+=+= operator

    Function to test for lea ears

    2006 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Function to determine if day is last of month

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    22.13 Standard Library Class stringstringstringstring

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    Class built into C++

    Available for anyone to use

    Class stringstringstringstring Similar to our StringStringStringString class

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    22.13 Standard Library Class stringstringstringstring(Cont.)

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    Class stringstringstringstring

    Header , namespace stdstdstdstd

    Can initialize string s1( "hi" );string s1( "hi" );string s1( "hi" );string s1( "hi" ); Overloaded

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    Class stringstringstringstring (Cont.)

    Substring member function substrsubstrsubstrsubstr s1.substr( 0, 14 );s1.substr( 0, 14 );s1.substr( 0, 14 );s1.substr( 0, 14 );

    Starts at location 0, gets 14 characters s1.substr( 15 );s1.substr( 15 );s1.substr( 15 );s1.substr( 15 );

    Substring beginning at location 15, to the end

    2006 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Overloaded [][][][] Access one character

    No range checking (if subscript invalid)

    Member function atatatat Accesses one character


    s1.at( 10 );s1.at( 10 );s1.at( 10 );s1.at( 10 );

    Has bounds checking, throws an exception if subscript is invalid

    Will end program (learn more in Chapter 16)

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    22.14 explicitexplicitexplicitexplicit Constructors

    I li it i

  • 8/2/2019 Com 102 Lecture 5


    Implicit conversions

    Performed by compiler using single-argument constructors

    Sometimes, implicit conversions are undesirable or error-prone

    Keyword explicitexplicitexplicitexplicit

    2006 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Suppresses implicit conversions via conversion



    Common Programming Error 22.9

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    Common Programming Error 22.9

    Unfortunately, the compiler might use implicit

    conversions in cases that you do not expect,resulting in ambiguous expressions that generate

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    logic errors.

    1031 // Fig.// Fig.// Fig.// Fig. 22222222.16: Fig.16: Fig.16: Fig.16: Fig22222222_16.cpp_16.cpp_16.cpp_16.cpp

    2 // Driver for simple class Array.// Driver for simple class Array.// Driver for simple class Array.// Driver for simple class Array.

    3 #include#include#include#include

    4 usingusingusingusing std::cout;std::cout;std::cout;std::cout;

    5 usingusingusingusing std::endl;std::endl;std::endl;std::endl;


    7 #include#include#include#include"Array.h""Array.h""Array.h""Array.h"



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    9 voidvoidvoidvoid outputArray(outputArray(outputArray(outputArray( constconstconstconst Array & );Array & );Array & );Array & ); // prototype// prototype// prototype// prototype


    11 intintintint main()main()main()main()

    12 {{{{13 Array integers1(Array integers1(Array integers1(Array integers1( 7777 );););); // 7// 7// 7// 7----element arrayelement arrayelement arrayelement array

    14 outputArray( integers1 );outputArray( integers1 );outputArray( integers1 );outputArray( integers1 ); // output Array integers1// output Array integers1// output Array integers1// output Array integers1

    15 outputArray( 3 ); // convert 3 to an Array and output Arrays contentsoutputArray( 3 ); // convert 3 to an Array and output Arrays contentsoutputArray( 3 ); // convert 3 to an Array and output Arrays contentsoutputArray( 3 ); // convert 3 to an Array and output Arrays contents

    (1 of 2)

    2006 Pearson Education,

    Inc. All rights reserved.

    16 returnreturnreturnreturn0000;;;;

    17 }}}} // end main// end main// end main// end main

    Would logically want

    this to generate an error


    19 // print Array contents// print Array contents// print Array contents// print Array contents

    20 voidvoidvoidvoid outputArray(outputArray(outputArray(outputArray( constconstconstconst Array &arrayToOutput )Array &arrayToOutput )Array &arrayToOutput )Array &arrayToOutput )

    21 {{{{

    22 cout

  • 8/2/2019 Com 102 Lecture 5


    The Array received has 7 elements. The contents are:The Array received has 7 elements. The contents are:The Array received has 7 elements. The contents are:The Array received has 7 elements. The contents are:

    0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 0

    The Array received has 3 elements. The contents are:The Array received has 3 elements. The contents are:The Array received has 3 elements. The contents are:The Array received has 3 elements. The contents are:

    0 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 0

    (2 of 2)

    2006 Pearson Education,

    Inc. All rights reserved.

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    Common Programming Error 22.10

  • 8/2/2019 Com 102 Lecture 5


    g g

    Attempting to invoke an explicitexplicitexplicitexplicit constructor

    for an implicit conversion is a compilation error.

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    1091 // Fig.// Fig.// Fig.// Fig. 22222222.18: Fig.18: Fig.18: Fig.18: Fig22222222_18.cpp_18.cpp_18.cpp_18.cpp

    2 // Driver for simple class Array.// Driver for simple class Array.// Driver for simple class Array.// Driver for simple class Array.

    3 #include#include#include#include

    4 usingusingusingusing std::cout;std::cout;std::cout;std::cout;

    5 usingusingusingusing std::endl;std::endl;std::endl;std::endl;


    7 #include#include#include#include"Array.h""Array.h""Array.h""Array.h"




    (1 of 2)

    Using keyword explicit on the

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    9 voidvoidvoidvoid outputArray(outputArray(outputArray(outputArray( constconstconstconst Array & );Array & );Array & );Array & ); // prototype// prototype// prototype// prototype


    11 intintintint main()main()main()main()

    12 {{{{13 Array integers1(Array integers1(Array integers1(Array integers1( 7777 );););); // 7// 7// 7// 7----element arrayelement arrayelement arrayelement array

    14 outputArray( integers1 );outputArray( integers1 );outputArray( integers1 );outputArray( integers1 ); // output Array integers1// output Array integers1// output Array integers1// output Array integers1

    15 outputArray( 3 ); // convert 3 to an Array and output Arrays contentsoutputArray( 3 ); // convert 3 to an Array and output Arrays contentsoutputArray( 3 ); // convert 3 to an Array and output Arrays contentsoutputArray( 3 ); // convert 3 to an Array and output Arrays contents

    (1 of 2)Using keyword explicit on the

    conversion constructor disallows this line to

    erroneously call the conversion constructor

    2006 Pearson Education,

    Inc. All rights reserved.

    16 outputArray( Array(outputArray( Array(outputArray( Array(outputArray( Array( 3333 ) );) );) );) ); // explicit single// explicit single// explicit single// explicit single----argument constructorargument constructorargument constructorargument constructor callcallcallcall

    17 returnreturnreturnreturn0000;;;;

    18 }}}} // end main// end main// end main// end main

    An explicit call to the conversion

    constructor is still allowed


    20 // print array contents// print array contents// print array contents// print array contents

    21 voidvoidvoidvoid outputArray(outputArray(outputArray(outputArray( constconstconstconst Array &arrayToOutput )Array &arrayToOutput )Array &arrayToOutput )Array &arrayToOutput )

    22 {{{{

    23 cout

  • 8/2/2019 Com 102 Lecture 5


    c:c:c:c:\\\\examplesexamplesexamplesexamples\\\\chchchch22222222\\\\FigFigFigFig22222222_17_18_17_18_17_18_17_18\\\\FigFigFigFig22222222_18.cpp(15) : error C2664:_18.cpp(15) : error C2664:_18.cpp(15) : error C2664:_18.cpp(15) : error C2664:'outputArray' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'int' to 'const Array &''outputArray' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'int' to 'const Array &''outputArray' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'int' to 'const Array &''outputArray' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'int' to 'const Array &'

    Reason: cannot convert from 'int' to 'const Array'Reason: cannot convert from 'int' to 'const Array'Reason: cannot convert from 'int' to 'const Array'Reason: cannot convert from 'int' to 'const Array'

    Constructor for class 'Array' is deConstructor for class 'Array' is deConstructor for class 'Array' is deConstructor for class 'Array' is declared 'explicit'clared 'explicit'clared 'explicit'clared 'explicit'

    (2 of 2)

    2006 Pearson Education,

    Inc. All rights reserved.


    Error-Prevention Tip 22.3

  • 8/2/2019 Com 102 Lecture 5


    Use the explicitexplicitexplicitexplicit keyword on single-argument

    constructors that should not be used by thecompiler to perform implicit conversions.

    2006 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
