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Combined Heat and Power (1)

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  • 7/27/2019 Combined Heat and Power (1)



    Combined Heat and Power

    IntroductionThomas Newcomens steam engine in 1712 launched the Industrial Revolution by

    converting heat to power. Sadi Carnot improved the understanding of these new heat

    engines by postulating that heat engines require more heat input than work output, and

    thus some waste heat must always be rejected.

    Newcomens steam pump Carnots heat engine

    Building on these fundamental relationships between heat and power, modern

    combined heat and power (CHP) technologies:

    utilize the heat produced during power production to heat buildings or

    manufacturing processes, or

    utilize heat produced during manufacturing processes to produce useful power.

    In both of the above cases, utilizing heat that would otherwise be wasted increases the

    overall efficiency of energy utilization. This increased energy efficiency drives

    substantial interest in increasing the number of CHP applications. For example, Ohio

    provides an interesting snap shot of CHP potential. As of 2012, total electrical power

    output of installed CHP applications in Ohio is 766.6 MW. This represents 2.3% of all

    electrical power generation. Nationwide, the average statewide fraction of CHPelectrical power to total electrical power is 8%.

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    Source: Midwest Clean Energy Application Center www/midwestcleanenergy.org

    DOE estimates the technical potential of CHP to be 9,800 MW. Thus, in terms of

    technical potential, Ohio is rated as 5th

    . However, in terms of implementation, Ohio is

    rated as 43rd


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    Candidates for Combined Heat and PowerCogeneration equipment is expensive and is seldom cost-effective for plants with small

    electrical and/or thermal loads. In addition, it is seldom economical for a plant to

    generate its own electricity unless the plant can also use the heat rejected from the

    electrical generation process. Moreover, because of the relatively high cost of co-

    generation equipment, the equipment must run for most of the year in order to pay foritself. Finally, many electric utilities pay less for power generated by their customers

    than the charge for power sold to customers. Thus, cogeneration is typically most cost-

    effective in applications where:

    the demand for both heat and electricity is substantial and nearly continuous

    all heat and electricity generated by the system can be used on site

    the cost of electricity is relatively high

    the cost of fuel is relatively low

    Sizing Combined Heat and Power SystemsIn most cases, electrical utilities can generate and sell electricity for less than the cost of

    purchasing and operating combined heat and power equipment. In these cases,

    combined heat and power equipment only generates net savings when both electricity

    and thermal output can be used. Further, combined heat and power equipment only

    generates the savings needed to pay for the investment when it is operating. Thus,

    except in special cases, combined heat and power systems should be sized based on a

    plants minimum electricity and heating requirements, so that the cogeneration system

    can run continuously at full capacity and all electrical and thermal energy can be



    A combined heat and power system has an electrical efficiency of 40%, and 60% of the

    waste heat can be used in a manufacturing process. Given the load profiles shown

    below for a manufacturing plant, determine the maximum size of the system so that all

    electrical and thermal power can be used.

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    The combined heat and power system can be modeled as shown below, where Qf is fuel

    input, Qw is waste heat, E is electrical output and Qu is useful heat. The electrical

    efficiency is Eff,e = E / Qf and the heat exchanger efficiency is Eff,hx = Qu / Qw1.

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    Combining energy balances and efficiency relations gives the following equation for Qu

    as in terms of E, Eff,e and Eff,hx:

    Qu = E Eff,hx (1 Eff,e) / Eff,e (1)

    For the load profiles shown above, the maximum electrical power that can be utilized

    continuously is 50o kW. From Equation 1, the useable thermal power, Qu, from a CHP

    system with 50o kW electrical power is:

    Based on this calculation, at 500 kW of electrical power output, the useful thermal

    output would be 450 kW. However on a continuous basis, the plant can only use 30 kW

    of thermal power. Thus, useful power of 300 kW becomes the constraint. Solving

    Equation 1 for the electrical power output, E, at the useful thermal power constraint of

    300 kW gives:








    Known E, Solve for Qu


    Eff,e 0.4

    Eff,hx 0.6

    E (kW) 500


    Qu (kW) = E Eff,hx (1-Eff,e) /Eff,e 450

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    Thus, the largest CHP system in which all the electrical and thermal power can be used is

    Emax = 333 kW and Qu,max = 300 kW.

    Types of CHP SystemsMost CHP technologies fall into three categories:

    Steam to Power

    Power to Heat

    Heat to Power

    Steam-to-Power SystemsMany manufacturing processes require large quantities of steam. In these cases, it may

    be economical to generate power from the steam before using it in the process. A

    typical steam-to-power cogeneration system employs a boiler to generate high-pressure

    steam. The high-pressure steam is fed into a turbine to generate shaft work. The shaftwork drives an electrical generator and creates electrical power. Some (or all) of the

    steam is extracted from the turbine at a pressure high enough to be used in the plant.

    The rest of the steam may be extracted at less than atmospheric pressure, condensed

    and returned to the boiler.

    Known Qu, Solve for E


    Eff,e 0.4

    Eff,hx 0.6

    Qu (kW) 300


    E (kW) = Qu / [ Eff,hx (1-Eff,e)/Effe ] 333

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    ~ 50 - 150 psig steam to plant

    CondensorLow-pressure steam

    Make-up water

    Steam turbine performance is typically characterized in terms of isentropic efficiency.

    The isentropic efficiency of a turbine is the ratio of actual energy output to maximum

    energy output from an isentropic turbine. Assume steam enters a turbine at statepoint

    (5) and exits the turbine at statepoint (6). In an ideal isentropic turbine with no internal

    friction or turbulence, the steam would exit the turbine at statepoint (6s), which has the

    same entropy as statepoint (5). Thus the isentropic efficiency, Effturbine, can be defined


    Effturbine = We,actual / We,max = ms (h5 h6) / ms (h5 h6s) = (h5 h6) / (h5 h6s)

    Thus, the enthalpy of steam exiting a turbine (6), can be determined from the entering

    enthalpy h5 and isentropic efficiency as:

    h6 = h5 (h5 h6s) x Effturbine

    According a back-pressure turbine manufacturers, packaged turbine/generator sets

    include the turbine, generator, skid, speed-reduction gears, controls and switch gear.

    The combined efficiency of the speed-reduction gear and the electrical generator is

    about 95%, and the cost of a turbine generator set is about $350 per kW.


    A large coal boiler produces 265,000 pounds per hour of saturated steam at 180 psig,

    for a large plant that operates 8,000 hours per year. The boiler is 80% efficient. The

    boiler feed water is a saturated liquid at 140 F. The boiler is capable of producing steam

    at up to 700 psig. This capability could be utilized to generate electricity while still

    meeting the process heating requirements of the plant.

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    Neglecting flash losses from the deaerator tank, calculate the annual additional cost of

    coal ($/year), annual electricity cost savings ($/year) and net annual savings ($/year)

    from producing 600-psig steam in the boiler and generating electricity from a back-

    pressure turbine / generator set. The isentropic efficiency of a back-pressure turbine is

    65%. The combined efficiency of the speed-reduction gear and the electrical generatoris 95%. The cost of coal is $4.00 /mmBtu and the cost of electricity is $0.06 /kWh.

    Current System

    Proposed System

    BoilerDeaerator Tank

    Feed Water Pump






    Steam Trap






    BoilerDeaerator Tank

    Feed Water Pump







    Steam Trap











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    Current System

    The boiler feedwater (1) is a saturated liquid at 140 F. The steam leaving the boiler (2) is

    a saturated vapor at 195 psia. The boiler is 80% efficient. Thus, current fuel use is:

    Qf1 = ms x (h2 - h1) / Effboiler

    Qf1 = 265,000 lb/hr x (1,199 108) (Btu/lb) / 0.80 = 361 mmBtu/hr

    Assuming that heat to process is delivered through heat exchangers and the condensate

    leaves the heat exchanger (3) as a saturated liquid at 195 psia, the heat delivered to the

    process is:

    Qp= ms x (h2 h3)

    Qp = 265,000 lb/hr x (1,199 353) Btu/lb = 224 mmBtu/hr

    Proposed System

    In the proposed system, steam would enter the turbine (5) as a saturated vapor at 615

    psia. The isentropic efficiency of the turbine is 65%. Thus, the enthalpy of steam exitingthe turbine (6), would be:

    h6 = h5 (h5 h6s) x Effturbine

    h6 =1,203 Btu/lb (1,203 Btu/lb 1,111 Btu/lb) x 65% = 1,143 Btu/lb

    The quality of the steam exiting the turbine (6) at 105 psia and this enthalpy would be

    about 93%. After passing through heat exchangers to deliver heat to process,

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    condensate leaves the process heat exchangers (7) as a saturated liquid at 195 psia. The

    quantity of steam required to produce the same quantity of process heat with steam

    exiting the turbine at this condition would be about:

    ms2 = Qp / (h6 - h7)

    ms2 = 224 mmBtu/hr / (1,143 Btu/lb 353 Btu/lb) = 284,000 lb/hr

    The steam exiting the boiler (5) would be a saturated vapor at 615 psia with an enthalpy

    of about 1,203 Btu/lb. The quantity of fuel required to produce this quantity of steam

    would be about:

    Qf2 = ms2 x (h5 - h1) / Effboiler

    Qf2 = 284,000 lb/hr x (1,203 108) (Btu/lb) / 0.80 = 389 mmBtu/hr

    Net Savings

    The additional fuel for the boiler in the proposed system would be:

    dQf = Qf2 Qf1

    dQf = 389 mmBtu/hr 361 mmBtu/hr = 28 mmBtu/hr

    The annual addition fuel and fuel cost would be about:

    dQf = 28 mmBtu/hour x 8,000 hour/year = 224,000 mmBtu/year

    dCf = 224,000 mmBtu/year x $4.00 /mmBtu = $896,000 /year

    The combined efficiency of the speed-reduction gear and the electrical generator is

    95%. Thus, the electrical output produced by the turbine / generator would be:

    We = ms2 x (h5 - h6) x Effgen

    We = 284,000 lb/hr x (1,203 Btu/lb -1,143 Btu/lb) x 95% / 3,413 Btu/kWh = 4,743 kW

    The annual electricity and electricity cost savings would be about:

    We = 4,743 kW x 8,000 hour/year = 37,944,000 kWh/year

    Ce = 37,944,000 kWh/year x $0.06 /kWh = $2,276,640 /year

    The net annual cost savings would be about:

    $2,276,640 /year - $896,000 /year = $1,380,640 /year

    Simple Payback

    Turbine/generator sets typically include the turbine, generator, skid, speed-reduction

    gears, controls and switch gear, and cost about $350 per kW. If shipping and installation

    doubles the purchase cost, the total installed cost of a 5,000 kW system would be about:

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    [(5,000 kW x $350 /kW)] x 2 = $3,500,000

    The simple payback would be:

    $3,500,000 / $1,380,640 /year x 12 months/year = 30 months

    The overall thermal efficiency of the system, Effthermal, is:

    We = 4,743 kW x 3,413 Btu/kWh / 1,000,000 Btu/mmBtu = 16 mmBtu/hr

    Effthermal = (We + Qp) / Qf2

    Effthermal = [16 mmBtu/yr + 224 mmBtu/hr] / 389 mmBtu/hr = 62%

    Power to Thermal Energy SystemsPower-to-thermal energy systems typically employ a gas turbine, diesel engine or fuel

    cell to generate electrical power. The waste heat from the power generation device is

    then directed to a boiler or heat exchanger which converts the waste heat into useful

    heat for the plant.

    Utilizing Heat from Exhaust Gasses

    A common method to utilize the heat from the hot exhaust gasses from a gas turbine or

    diesel engine is to generate steam or hot water. Standard steam boilers are designed to

    use high-temperature (~3,000 F) combustion gasses at relatively low flow rates. The

    exhaust gas from a turbine is typically at much lower temperatures (600 1,000 F) and

    higher flow rates. Thus, it is advisable to purchase a specially designed boiler for most

    cogeneration systems. Waste heat boilers usually typically have the capacity for

    supplemental heating to provide steam when the turbine is not operating and to boost

    the temperature of the exhaust gasses. The cost of cogeneration boilers is typically

    about $15 per pound of steam per hour.

    The quantity of useful heat reclaimed by a waste heat boiler, Qu, can be calculated as:

    Qu = mex x cpex x (Tex from turbine/engine Tex from boiler)

    where the exhaust mass flow rate, mex, and temperature, Tex from turbine, are typically

    given as turbine performance specifications. The specific heat of natural gas exhaust,

    cpex, is about 0.26 Btu/lb-F.

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    Gas Turbines

    A typical gas turbine cogeneration system is shown below. Ambient air is compressed

    to a high pressure, then heated to further raise the pressure. The hot, high pressure air

    is then expanded through a turbine and discharged to ambient at between 600 F and

    1,000 F. The shaft work generated by the turbine is sufficient to power the compressor

    and turn an electrical generator. The generator set typically includes a speed reductiongear and power conditioning equipment so that the electrical power output is three-

    phase AC power that can be fed directly into the plant.


    Compressor Turbine

    Shaft work

    to compressor



    Qnatural gas

    Ambient airBoiler




    Exhaust at ~375 F

    SteamTurbine exhaust at

    6501,000 F

    Significantly higher efficiency can be achieved by adding a recuperator to pre-heat air

    entering the combustor from the hot exhaust gasses. A schematic of a turbine

    generator set with recuperator is shown below.

    In CHP systems, it is sometimes useful to designate electrical power output from the

    generator with unit kWe and shaft power output from the turbine with unit kW.

    Nominal performance data from turbine generator sets are shown in the table below.

    Nominal performance data were taken at standard conditions of sea level air at 59 F.

    Turbine efficiency and power output degrade at higher elevations and as the inlet air

    temperature increases. In addition, turbine efficiency also declines when the turbines

    Turbine Compressor

    Air InExhaust Out


    Electrical Generator


    Heat Exchanger


    Natural Gas In

    Electricity Out

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    are operated at less than rated output. Gas turbine lifetime is indefinite with proper

    maintenance because maintenance includes replacement parts. Typical maintenance

    costs are about $0.004 /kWh.

    Saturn 20 Centaur 40 Mercury 50

    Electrical Output 1,210 kWe 3,515 kWe 4,600 kWeHeat Rate 14,025 Btu/kWhe 12,245 Btu/kWhe 8,863 Btu/kWhe

    Exhaust Flow 51,890 lb/hr 150,715 lb/hr 140,400 lb/hr

    Exhaust Temp 940 F 830 F 710 F

    Source: www.mysolar.cat.com

    The electrical efficiency of the turbines is given by the reciprocal of the heat rate. The

    Mercury 50 turbine employs a recuperator to preheat air to the burner and has a

    significantly lower heat rate. The electrical efficiency of the Saturn 20 and Mercury 50

    turbine generator sets are about:

    EffSaturn20 = 1 / Heat rate = (1 / 14,025 Btu/kWh) x 3,412 Btu/kWh = 24%

    EffMercury50 = 1 / Heat rate = (1 / 8,863 Btu/kWh) x 3,412 Btu/kWh = 38%


    A turbine generator set has the following performance data.

    Electrical Output: 4,162 kWe

    Heat Rate: 8,544 Btu/kWheExhaust Flow: 136,000 lb/hr

    Exhaust Temp: 663 F

    Calculate the thermal output at 100% load, the energy recoverable by directing exhaust

    gasses through a heat recovery boiler, and the overall thermal efficiency. The exhaust

    gasses leave the boiler at 375 F.

    The fuel energy input, Qf, at 100% load is:

    Qf = 4,162 kW x 8,544 Btu/kWh = 35.56 mmBtu/hr

    The electrical energy output, We, at 100% load is:

    We = 4,162 kW x 3,412 Btu/kWh x 1 mmBtu/ 106

    Btu = 14.20 mmBtu/hr

    The specific heat of the exhaust air is 0.26 Btu/lb-F. The temperature of the exhaust

    leaving a cogeneration boiler is 375 F. The useful energy to the steam, Qu, is:

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    Qu = m cp (Texhaust,turbine Texhaust,boiler)

    Qu = 136,000 lb/hr x 0.26 Btu/lb-F x (663 375) F = 10.18 mmBtu/hr

    The overall thermal efficiency of the system, Effthermal, is:

    Effthermal = (Welec + Qu) / Qf

    Effthermal = [14.20 mmBtu/hr + 10.18 mmBtu/hr] / 35.56 mmBtu/hr = 69%

    Micro Turbines

    Micro turbines with integrated electrical generators with electrical power output

    ranging from 30 kW to 200 kW are also available. Multiple micro turbines can be staged

    in applications with variable loads to reduce part load efficiency losses. A 65-kW

    microturbine may use 0.84 mmBtu per hour of natural gas at full load and discharge 600

    scfm of exhaust air at 800 F.

    30 kW micro turbine


    Reciprocating Engines

    Reciprocating engines fueled by natural gas or diesel fuel can be coupled to electrical

    generators as shown below. These engines range in size from about 10 kWe to 20


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    Diesel engine with electrical generator set. Source: www.cat.com.

    Heat is rejected from reciprocating engines through several pathways. An approximate

    breakdown of heat loss from a diesel powered electrical generation set is shown below.

    In general, heat loss from the hot surfaces of the engine and generator is difficult toreclaim. Heat loss in the exhaust and coolant is easier to reclaim, however the

    maximum temperature of the coolant is generally so low (~ 120 F) that it limits heat

    reclaim possibilities.

    Heat rejection from a diesel generator set at full load (fromwww.cat.com)

    Heat rejection to coolant (total) 21%

    Heat rejection to exhaust (total) 52%

    Heat rejection to after cooler 11%

    Heat rejection to atmosphere from engine 12%Heat rejection to atmosphere from generator 3%


    An 830 kWe diesel generator set consumes 57.6 gal/hr of fuel, produces 6,397cfm of

    exhaust at 847 F. Calculate the rate of useful heat that can be reclaimed from the

    exhaust if the exhaust leaves a heat reclaim heat exchanger at 400 F. Calculate the total

    thermal efficiency of the system. The product of the density and specific heat of

    exhaust gasses is about 0.018 Btu/lb-F and the energy content (HHV) of diesel fuel is

    130,500 Btu/gal.

    The rate of useful heat that can be reclaimed from the exhaust, Qu, if the exhaust is:

    The fuel energy input, Qf, and total thermal efficiency Eff,thermal, are:


    V (cfm) 6397

    pcp (Btu/ft3-F) 0.018

    Tex1 847

    Tex2 400


    Qu (Btu/hr) = V pcp (Tex1 - Tex2) 60 3,088,216

    Qu (kW) = Qu (Btu/hr) / 3,412 905

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    Gas-Fired Reciprocating Engines:

    Gas-fired reciprocating internal combustion engines offer many advantages over other

    technologies for small scale CHP such as low capital cost, easy start-up, high reliability,

    good load-following characteristics, less expensive backup power, and the ability to

    generate onsite power during peak demand periods. Commercially available natural gas

    reciprocating engines produce from 0.5 kW to 10 MW of electrical power.

    Natural Gas Fired Reciprocating Engine. Source:http://www.allforpower.com

    Heat can be recovered from the exhaust gas, intercooling stages, lube oil and jacket

    water. Heat loss from the hot surfaces of the engine and generator is difficult to

    reclaim. Specifications of a typical natural gas-fired reciprocating engine are shown in

    the following table. At full load, 41.5% of fuel energy is converted into electrical power

    and 44.8% into useful recoverable heat. Thus, the total efficiency is 86.3%.


    Vf (gal/hr) 57.6

    HHV (Btu/gal) 130,500

    We (kW) 830


    Qf (Btu/hr) = Vf HHV 7,516,800

    Qf (kW) = Qf (Btu/hr) / 3,412 2,203

    Eff,thermal = (We + Qu) / Qf 0.79

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    Mass flow rates on combustion air and exhaust gases and temperature of the exhaust

    are shown in the following table. This information can be used to determine the amount

    of energy that can be recovered from the exhaust gas stream.


    A natural gas reciprocating engine consumes 1.7 scfm/hr of natural gas at full load, and

    produces 23 lbs/hr of exhaust at 804 F. A facility receives city water at an averageannual temperature of 60 F and is considering installing an 80% effective counter flow

    heat exchanger to produce hot water. Assuming the mass flow rate of water is the same

    as the exhaust gas, what would be the temperature of exiting hot water and the amount

    of energy recovered through the heat exchange process? The specific heats of the

    exhaust gas and water are about 0.26 Btu/lb-F and 1.0 Btu/lb-F respectively.

    Parameter (units) Full Load (100%) Medium Load (75%) Low Load (50%)

    Energy Input (kBtu/hr) 14.73 11.38 8.04

    Gas Volume (scfhr) 1.70 1.31 0.93

    Mechanical Output (bhp) 2.51 1.88 1.26

    Electrical Output (kW) 1.79 1.33 0.88

    Intercooler first stage (kBtu/hr) 1.34 0.75 0.22

    Lube oil (with gearbox) (kBtu/hr) 0.71 0.63 0.55

    Jacket water (kBtu/hr) 1.06 0.90 0.78

    Exhaust gas cooled to 248 F (kBtu/hr) 3.49 2.96 2.28

    Total Recoverable Thermal Output (kBtu/hr) 6.60 5.25 3.83

    Electrical Efficiency 41.5% 39.8% 37.3%

    Thermal Efficiency 44.8% 46.1% 47.7%

    Total Efficiency 86.3% 85.9% 85.0%

    Forward Temperature (F) 194 170 167

    Return Temperature (F) 158 158 158

    Hot water flow rate (gpm) 367 367 367

    Technical Data


    Hot Water Circuit

    Recoverable Thermal Output

    Parameter Value Units

    Combustion air mass flow rate 22.6 lbs/hr

    Exhaust Gas temperature at full load 804 F

    Exhaust Gas Mass flow rate (wet) 23.3 lbs/hr

    Exhaust Gas Mass flow rate (dry) 21.8 lbs/hr

    Exhaust gas volume, wet 310.4 scfhr

    Exhaust gas volume, dry 280.4 scfhr

    Combustion Air and Exhaust Gas Data

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    Heat to Power

    Rankine power cycles use heat to make electrical power. In traditional Rankine systems,the working fluid is water. At atmospheric pressure water boils at 212 F, and the boiling

    temperature increases at the higher pressures that generate more work; thus steam-

    powered Rankine cycles require relatively high temperature heat to be effective.

    In contrast, refrigerants boil at much lower temperatures than water. Thus, Rankine

    cycles using refrigerant as the working fluid are able to generate power using much

    Term Value Units

    Incoming Hot Fluid Temperature, Th1 804 F

    Hot Fluid Mass Flow Rate, mh 0.4 lb/minHot Fluid Specific Heat, cph 0.26 Btu/lb-F

    Incoming Cold Fluid Temperature, Tc1 60 F

    Cold Fluid Mass Flow Rate, mc 0.4 lb/min

    Cold Fluid Specific Heat, cpc 1 Btu/lb-F

    Heat Exchanger Effectiveness, e 80%



    Term Value Units

    Hot Fluid Heat Capacity, Ch = mh * cph 0.1 Btu/min-F

    Cold Fluid Heat Capacity, Cc = mc * cph 0.4 Btu/min-FCmin = min(Ch,Cc) 0.1 Btu/min-F

    Cmax = max(Ch,Cc) 0.4 Btu/min-F

    Heat Transfer, Q = e*Cmin*(Th1-Tc1) 59 Btu/min

    Exiting Hot Fluid Temperature, Th2 = Th1-Q/Ch 209 F

    Exiting Cold Fluid Temperature, Tc2 = Tc1 + Q/Cc 208 F

    Heat Transfer, Q 3,559 Btu/hr


    Incoming and outgoing temperatures of both exhaust (Th1, Th2) and water (Tc1, Tc2) are shown

    in the following diagram.

    804 F 208 F

    209 F 60 F






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    lower temperature heat. These systems are sometimes called organic Rankine

    systems with reference to the organic nature of the refrigerants.

    Many industrial plants generate large quantities of relatively low-temperature waste

    heat. In these cases, low-temperature heat-to-power systems can use the heat to

    generate electrical power.

    Low-temperature organic Ranking cycle. Source:www.transpacenergy.com

    An organic Rankine system that uses heat reclaimed from exhaust gasses is shown in the

    figure below. Heat is reclaimed from hot exhaust by an air-to-liquid heat exchanger.

    The hot liquid leaves the heat exchanger at 265 C and vaporizes refrigerant in the

    vaporizer. The vapor is expanded by a turbine, producing shaft work that drives an

    electrical generator. The warm low-pressure vapor leaving the turbine delivers some

    heat to the low-temperature refrigerant before being condensed in an air-cooled

    condenser. A pump increases the pressure of the low temperature fluid, before it picks

    up heat from the hot vapor leaving the turbine. The fluid then returns to the vaporizer

    and the cycle is repeated.

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    Source: Muller, M. Organic Rankine Cycles, IAC Directors Meeting, San Francisco, CA,


    Another system is shown below. This system can use heat at a temperature as low as

    121 C, and an evaporative cooler instead of an air cooler to condense the working fluid.

    The system use R245fa as the working fluid.

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    Source: Muller, M. Organic Rankine Cycles,IAC Directors Meeting, San Francisco, CA,


    Self-contained modular organic Rankine power systems are now on the market. System

    sizes ranges from about 10 kW to about 300 kW. Typical systems can use hot water in

    the 190 F range or exhaust gasses in the 400 F range. Typical installed system cost is

    about $2,500 per kWe.


    A modular organic Rankine system costs $2,500 /kW and generates 50 kW of electrical

    power 8,000 hours per year. If the electricity generated by the system displaces

    electricity purchased from a utility at $0.10 /kW, calculate the simple payback of the


    Cost savings = 50 kWe x 8,000 hr/yr x $.10 /kWh = $40,000 /year

    Implementation cost = 50 kW x $2,500 /kW = $125,000

    Simple payback = $125,000 / $40,000 /year = 3.125 years
