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Comenius Go Green e Journal

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A Comenius project e journalIssue 1 October 2010- January


Schools from Denmark, Belgium, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Poland and Romania are cooperating in the "GO GREEN, GO CLEAN ACT NOW!" Comenius and eTwinning project. The main aims of our project are to educate our pupils to become aware of and interested in their environment and human well-being and become aware that the environmental issue is a world wide problem. The climate protection is perhaps the key challenge the next generation will be facing.

Sennels Skole, Denmark

Sint Jan Berchmansschool Viversel, Belgium

A Demotiko Sxoleio Aradippou, Cyprus

8 Dimotiko Scholeio Neas Smyrnis, Greece

Scuola secondaria di primo grado "G. Borsi", Italy

Agrupamento Vertical de Escolas Diogo Cão, Portugal

Szkola Podstawowa Nr 20 im. Ks. Prymasa Stefana Kardynala Wyszynskiego, Poland

Scoala cu clasele I-VIII Rediu, Romania

We started our project with some common activities. In October the students of all partner schools answered a common and a local questionnaire to find out if they have an environmental behaviour.

After that, they participated in a logo competition. They made their own logos for the project and the best ten logos of each school competed in the first meeting in Romania. The winning logo was made by a student of the Cypriot school.

About our project


A project is born





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The students of the Cypriot, the Greek, the Italian, the Polish and the Romanian schools made calendars for the new year. The Italian school set up the project common website: 2clean2green.wordpress.com

Finally, representatives of all schools participated in the first project meeting that took place in Iasi, Romania from October 31st to November 5th. We visited Horlesti and Rediu schools. We had teaching sessions with the students of both schools, discussed about the educational system in Romania and the project, planted trees in the garden of Horlesti school, watched a show with students singing Romanian songs and dancing traditional dances and met the President of Rediu Commune. We were also guided to places of interest in the city of Iasi by our Romanian colleagues and visited the Romanian countryside.

The next two project meetings will take place in Greece and Cyprus. The 2nd project meeting will be in the 8 Dimotiko Scholeio Neas Smyrnis, in Athens, Greece from 19 to 23 February 2011 and the 3rd in the A Demotiko Sxoleio Aradippou in Cyprus from 23 to 26 February 2011.




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Sennels, December 2010.Hello everyone.

We would like to tell about our work so far in Sennels Skole, Denmark, in our project.

At the beginning of the school year we had 2 weeks called “all children cycle to school”. It was a campaign both for health, exercise, security (helmet and “behavior”) and to bring attention to using your cycle instead of being brought to school by car.

Of course we also had all the children contribute to the big logo-competition.Since then all classes (0. – 7.th) worked more or less with the fundamental problems about waste. We started doing our common questionnaire and this was followed by:

Why do we produce so much waste? What is our “contribution” in DK to the CO2 emissions compared to others (1 person in DK releases ca. 11 ton CO2 a year, a person from Kenya ca. 300 gram). This gives us something to think about. But of course we like to have our food, drinks, toys, computers, cars, bicycles etc. – so what can we do? We have looked a lot into what happens to our waste if we recycle – or if we don’t. What it means to nature. How is waste handled at home, at school, at the recycling centre? If you want, you can see some of the films we watched, following this link. Even if it’s in Danish, we think you understand just by looking.


(Menu is for different materials like paper, glass, batteries etc.)The films tell you how much energy and water can been saved, if we reuse instead of just throwing away in the big garbage bin to end up being burned or sent to a dumping site. I.E.: a magazine weighing 98 gr takes 6½ liters of water and enough electricity to make a light lit for 40 hours to produce, if you produce from “new” paper. 1 glass at 215 gr: 1 liter of water, 16 hours of light from 1 light bulb + CO2

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enough to fill 16 ordinary balloons. A lot can be saved on this account. If we reuse 1 ton of cans we save 10 tons of CO2 emission. And cans are reused to make bicycles, road signs, garden tables and a LOT of different things.3rd grade made waste robots and worked a lot describing and doing mathematics on the subject. You can see their “robots” on the pictures.5th grade made suggestions for labels to put on things to make people reuse. They also made interviews at home to find out about their family waste habits.

2nd, 3rd,4th and 5th grades had a walk around our village and they collected 34 kilos of waste, thrown in nature, in just two hours! And we consider our village clean and nice?. Apart from that, 5th grade worked with powerpoints, investigating about all of your countries to know them/you better. 6th grade is working, right now, with a project about our local area to find out what we do with wind-, solar- etc. power, waste etc. They will be making small videos, powerpoints etc. to show to you later.Love from all the students and staff at Sennels Skole, Denmark.

Referat på dansk:

På Sennels skole har vi siden sommerferien været med I ”alle børn cykler”. Alle klasser har også været med i logokonkurrencen og

udfyldt det spørgeskema, der er lavet, omkring miljø. Mange klasser har arbejdet med affald og genbrug. Dette bl.a. som en del af ”dåserydderen”. Vi har set mange film om affaldssortering, genbrugspladser m.m. og lavet skrot-robotter og meget andet. Vi har også været rundt i Sennels og samle affald. Der blev på bare en time samlet 34 kg!!, som bare var smidt i vores natur. Der er lavet forslag til etiketter, som skal få folk til at genbruge mere.Der er desuden lavet powerpoints med info om vores partnerlande og der er ved at blive lavet en præsentation af Sennels og omegn set med miljø-briller.

by Jytte Gill

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Hi! Italy here!

Our last news are simply enthusiastic! We aren’t new for a Comenius project, but we think it’s a new pleasure every time we approach a new topic. This time we decided to involve children between 11 and 13 years, first two classes in our institution, which includes three levels (lower secondary school).

We started this year producing calendars to be distributed to our European partners during the first meeting in Romania. We also projected a web site for the whole project, a place where everyone can upload material produced (Word texts, Power Point presentations, pictures, videos and mp3 files). This resulted in being a very good tool to disseminate our common work amongst our school in Europe, but also in the Internet. In a

few words, we are visible to all the people who may be concerned in the world. And it looks to be something, doesn’t it?

During the weeks before Christmas we worked to transform all kinds of material we could find at home or in the school into beautiful and new objects. Yes, we gave new birth to old things (pieces of clothes, vases, mirrors, ribbons…) and got original items for a school gift market. Parents and children came to visit our market and bought presents for Christmas. It was a success!



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Our youngest children are practising their writing skill in English. They enjoyed writing messages and cards for Christmas very much. Cards and messages were sent out to our partners and we put the ones which were sent to us under our Christmas tree. About English writing skills: our school has been experiencing CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) methodology for three years up to now. Exploiting all resources we can get through our Comenius project, our students are searching a kind of specific vocabulary about environment and related topics. They worked out a “word-cloud” using Wordle site; this was the result:

These days our students are working on a CLIL module regarding “Green Houses: the Earth Houses”. They found out that “An earth house (also known as an earth berm or an earth sheltered home) is an architectural style characterized by the use of natural terrain to help form the walls of a house. An earth house is usually set partially into the ground and covered with thin growth, and is often intended to have a small ecological footprint. Modern earth houses are built with concrete walls and insulation and there are examples in Switzerland, near Zürich.

The students are now projecting their ideal ecological houses, and as soon as our little architects are ready, we’ll let you see the designs/descriptions.

Think Green!

Your Italian partners from Scuola Borsi-Pazzini


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Salve! Siamo semplicemente entusiasti di partecipare ad un altro progetto Comenius con i nostri amici-partner. Stiamo coinvolgendo ragazzi da 11 a 13 anni d’età, i quali avranno molti mezzi per lavorare all’argomento comune: il rispetto dell’ambiente attraverso la sua conoscenza. Abbiamo un sito che parla per noi, poiché ci serviamo di tecnologie 2.0 per condividere i nostri sforzi. Eccolo:  http://2clean2green.wordpress.com/ .  Visitatelo e ci conoscerete!

by Patrizia Salutij



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Hi everybody! We would like to tell you what we have done so far in the Project:-several meetings with teachers of all levels to inform them about the project/ activities calendar;-common questionnaire;-a leaflet with all the teachers’ names and number of students involved;- logos for the project;

-research works about old partners’ environmental problems (PowerPoint presentations);-carpooling (students are sharing car lifts);-planned a visit to a windmill plant. The visit will take place on 13th of January 2011

-the Portuguese song for the project;-planting trees in Alvão (a mountain devastated by a summer fire);

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-Xmas e-cards:

Love from Portugal!

"Os alunos do Agrupamento Diogo Cão realizaram um conjunto de actividades no âmbito do projecto «Go Green, Go Clean, Act Now»:-responderam a um questionário sobre comportamentos ambientais;-elaboraram logótipos para o projecto;

-pesquisaram na Internet sobre os problemas ambientais nos países parceiros e produziram PowerPoints;-organizaram-se de forma a partilharem os automóveis na ida, regresso a casa e actividades extra-curriculares (carpooling);-organizaram uma visita a um Parque Eólico (Pena Suar), agendada para 9 de Fevereiro;-Convidaram um professor da

Universidade (UTAD) para falar sobre energias renováveis;-produziram uma canção para o projecto a alojar no youtube;-plantaram árvores na Serra do Alvão (recentemente devastada por um incêndio)."

by João Pena Gil




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Γεια σας, Ηi, , Hej, Hallo, Ciao, Olá, Cześć, Alo friends,This is Hellas writing. We are very excited to be partners in the “Go green, go clean, act now!” Comenius & eTwinning projects. We would like to inform you about our work so far.

First we answered the questionnaire, international and local, about our environmental behaviour. The results showed that most of us have an ecologically friendly attitude. However there is a lot more to be done.Then we started making paintings and crafts for our 2011 calendars. The theme of our calendars was “The flora and fauna of Greece”. So, we made paintings of animals and plants you can find in Greece and wrote some information about them.

Since we wanted to send some presents to our Romanian

friends, we made bookmarks with handicrafts of dolphins, the monk seal Monachus monachus and the sea turtle Caretta caretta which live

in the Greek Seas. We also wrote poems in English about them.

Since we wanted to send some presents to our Romanian friends, we made bookmarks with handicrafts of dolphins, the monk seal Monachus monachus and the sea turtle Caretta caretta which live in the Greek Seas. We also wrote poems in English about them.

Six of our students who are of Romanian origin wrote letters in Romanian for the students of Rediu School.

We took part in the logo competition and exhibited our works of art in the entrance of our school for a week.

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We introduced the eco patrol. Two students of the 6th grade, in a green T-shirt with the project logo on the back, advise their students every day during the first break to keep the school premises clean.

There are also a lot of green corners, with pots of flowers and plants, in most of our classrooms

as well as Comenius corners.

In order to reduce and reduce the books and toys our students have at their homes we collected and donated them to a children’s guest house in our area.

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In December we made Christmas cards that we sent to all partner schools.

Finally, we have started working on the environmental issues we will deal with this year: rubbish and recycling, water and the sea, animals and the forest.

Last but not the least we set up our school blog: blogs.sch.gr/8dimnsmyrn/

The next project meeting will be held in our school in February so we are working hard to have a successful meeting with lots of surprises.

LOL and kisses from Nea Smyrni, Athens, Hellas



Ζωγραφιές για το ημερολόγιο με θέμα φυτά και ζώα της Ελλάδας.

Κατασκευή σελιδοδεικτών με δελφίνια, χελώνα Καρέτα Kαρέτα και φώκια Μονάχους Mονάχους.

Γράμματα στα Ρουμανικά προς τους μαθητές του Ρουμάνικου σχολείου.

Οικολογική εφημερία.

Πράσινες γωνιές στις τάξεις.

Χριστουγεννιάτικες κάρτες προς όλα τα εταιρικά σχολεία.

Δωρεά χρησιμοποιημένων βιβλίων και παιχνιδιών σε ίδρυμα της περιοχής μας.

Τέλος δημιουργήσαμε το ιστολόγιο του σχολείου μας: blogs . sch . gr /8 dimnsmyrn /

Οι επόμενες συναντήσεις για το πρόγραμμα θα γίνουν το Φεβρουάριο στο σχολείο μας και στο Κυπριακό σχολείο και εργαζόμαστε πυρετωδώς για να είναι πολύ επιτυχημένες.

by Stavroula Makaronopoulou



http :// www . schools . ac . cy / aradippou 1- dim - la /

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Greetings from sunny Cyprus even it’s snowing in whole Europe!

Our school as a partner of the Comenius project «Go green, go clean, act now!» has taken many activities so far. Some of them are:1. Creation of the Comenius

committee that includes students, teachers and some parents.

2. The logo competition about Comenius. Logos of the students of F grade of our school won the first and second place.

Making of calendar for 2011. All classes worked hard to make calendars. The theme was ecology and particularly SEA, as this is the main theme of the

3. ECO-schools that our schools participates too. In the paintings of the students appear fishes of cypriot sea like dolfins and turtles. Some paintings show the sea beauties and history of Cyrpus like old harbours, ancient ship and Afrodite. The calendars are excibited in school board among others calendars of the participated schools. Some of our calendrars will be given as presents.

4. Christmas Ornaments out of recycled materials. It’s amazing how much beautiful ornaments you can make with recycled materials. Students let their imagination free, searched for ideas in the internet and by using useless -for some- materials, made fancy christmas


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ornaments. A plastic bottle was transformed into a real snowman, plastic ribbons were made fancy stars and other ornaments. Our tree in the garden was decorated with waterproof, beautiful ornaments which above all were made with very low cost.

5. Paper recycle bins. Our town is participating in recycling from the October of 2010. Students and teachers of our school would like to contribute to this effort so decided to create bins for the recycle of papers in the classrooms. Students designed the bins and after created unigue

bins that are original and some are really…funny.

Christmas bazaar. A Christmas bazaar for charity reasons was organized like it is used to do every year. Students followed

6. the principles of a good ecologist. They brought used toys, books, dolls and teddy bears that were in good condition following the tip of the month that the Belgium school suggested which is: Collecting old books, clothes and toys for the second hand market.

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We try to give new life to old things. We stimulate using recycled and second hand things to increase the amount of waste products.

7. You can find many of the activities for the program in the common websitehttp://2clean2green.wordpress.com

Το ‘Α Δημοτικό Σχολείο Αραδίππου συμμετέχει από φέτος στο ευρωπαικό πρόγραμμα Comenius με τίτλο «Go green, go clean, act now!». Το θέμα είναι οικολογικό με σκοπό την ευαισθητοποίηση των

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μαθητών, αλλά και της κοινότητας στα σοβαρά αυτά ζητήματα που αφορούν το περιβάλλον. Το Σχέδιο Δράσης του σχολείου μας για αυτό το πρόγραμμα είναι πλούσιο σε δραστηριότητες. Μερικές από τα δραστηριότητες μας μέχρι σήμερα είναι:

1. Σύσταση επιτροπής Comenius που αποτελείται από μαθητές, δασκάλους και γονείς του σχολείου.

2. Διαγωνισμός λογότυπου ανάμεσα στους μαθητές με θέμα το περιβάλλον. Τα καλύτερα λογότυπα συμμετείχαν στο διαγωνισμό για εξεύρεση του κοινού λογότυπου για όλα τα σχολεία που συμμετέχουν. Το λογότυπο της Δανάης Πάτσαλου του Στ’1 τάξης πήρε το πρώτο βραβείο και της Χρυστάλλας Νικόλας της Στ’1 τάξης το δεύτερο βραβείο.

3. Δημιουργία οικολογικών ημερολογίων για το 2011. Όλες οι τάξεις εργάστηκαν με ζήλο για να δημιουργήσουν πρωτότυπα ημερολόγια με θέμα την οικολογία και συγκεκριμένα τη θάλασσα, αφού αυτό είναι και το θέμα που ασχολείται το σχολείο μας στα πλαίσια του οικολογικού σχολείου (Eco-schools). Η σελίδες των ημερολογίων διανθίστηκαν με υπέροχες ζωγραφιές των παιδιών. Μερικές απεικονίζουν φυτά και ψάρια της Κύπρου μας (χελώνα Καρέτα-καρέτα, δελφίνια) και άλλες δείχνουν τις ομορφιές και την ιστορία της

Κυπριακής θάλασσας (γραφικά λιμανάκια Κερύνειας και Πάφου, το αρχαίο Καράβι της Κερύνειας, η Αφροδίτη). Τα ημερολόγια θα βρίσκονται στο εκθεσειακό χώρο του σχολείου μας μαζί με ημερολόγια των σχολείων των άλλων χωρών. Μερικά από τα ημερολόγια μας θα δοθούν στα συμμετέχοντα σχολεία της Ευρώπης ως δώρο-ανταλλαγή.

4. Κατασκευή χριστουγεννιάτικων στολιδιών για το οικολογικό δέντρο. Είναι εκπληκτικό τι όμορφα στολίδια μπορείς νας φτιάξεις με ανακυκλωμένα υλικά. Τα παιδιά άφησαν ελεύθερα τη φαντασία τους, έψαξαν ιδέες στο διαδίκτυο και παίρνοντας άχρηστα για πολλούς υλικά, κατασκεύασαν αξιοθαύμαστα στολίδια. Μια πλαστική μπουκάλα έγινε αληθινός χιονάνθρωπος, ξύλινα μανταλάκια μετατράπηκαν σε πολύχρωμα αστεράκια και ένα σωρό πλαστικές κορδέλες έγιναν φανταχτερά στολίδια. Το φυσικό μας δέντρο στον κήπο στολίστηκε με τη βοήθεια των γονιών με χριστουγεννιάτικα στολίδια που είναι γερά και αδιάβροχα και κυρίως φτιάχτηκαν... οικονομικά!

5. Κατασκευή Χαρτοφάγων. Η κοινότητα της Αραδίππου εντάχθηκε από τον Οκτώβριο

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του 2010 στο πρόγραμμα της Green Dot για ανακύκλωση. Το σχολείο μας θέλοντας να συμμετέχει ενεργά στην προσπάθεια αυτή αποφάσισε όπως ανακυκλώνει το άχρηστο χαρτί από τις τάξεις. Τα παιδιά σχεδίασαν μερικούς πρωτότυπους κάλαθους για ανακύκλωση χαρτιού –χαρτοφάγοι και έφτιαξαν ακόμη πιο πρωτότυπους και αστείους.

6. Χριστουγεννιάτικο Παζαράκι. Όπως κάθε χρόνο, έτσι και φέτος διοργανώθηκε το χριστουγεννιάτικο παζαράκι με σκοπό τη συγκέντρωση χρημάτων για φιλανθρωπικούς σκοπούς. Οι μαθητές του σχολείου μας όπως εφάρμοσαν τις αρχές ενός καλού οικολόγου.

7. Έφεραν για το παζαράκι επαναχρησιμοποιημένα παιχνίδα και παραμύθια, τσαντούλες, κούκλες και αρκουδάκια που βρίσκονταν σε καλή κατάσταση. Εξαλλου η οικολογική συμβουλή για το μήνα Δεκέμβριο που έθεσε το βελγικό σχολείο, όπως δημοσιεύτηκε στην κοινή μας ιστοσελίδα είναι ‘Συγκεντρώστε παλιά βιβλία, ρούχα και παιχνίδια για την αγορά μεταχειρισμένων υλικών. Δίνουμε νέα ζωή στα παλιά αντικείμενα. Παρακινούμε τη χρήση ανακυκλωμένων και επαναχρησιμοποιημένων υλικών

για να μειώσουμε την ποσότητα των άχρηστων προιόντων.’

8. Πολλές από τις δραστηριότητες του σχολείου μας, καθώς και δραστηριότητες των συνεργαζόμενων σχολείων στο πρόγραμμα Comenius θα βρείτε στην κοινή μας ιστοσελίδα http://2clean2green.wordpress.com

by Panikkos Xiourouppas

1. First assembly: start of the project. Friday 10 September.

At the start of the project, our children met the two brothers John and Frank Earth.  They are very upset because their mother, Mother Earth, is ill. She has high fever ... she's sweating ... she has windiness ... she has to throw up sometimes.  She can't go on like that !

Then Frank and John Earth are inviting the children to watch a special tv journal with them.  The speaker tells about global warming and some symptoms of it. Journalist 'Samantha' shows interviews with children from all around the world. The children testify about their problems, related to global warming: logging the rainforest, extension of the desserts, melting of the polar ice sheet, floods caused by heavy rains ...



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John and Frank Earth are deeply impressed by these testimonies.  They ask the children if they want to help Mother Earth and do something against the causes of climate changes.

 2. Second assembly: Thursday 23 September.

The children of the primary school assemble to tell and show eachother what they have done so far, and what the plans for the near future are * 1 class: projectsong + prevention and recycling of litter* 2 class: endangered species* 3 class: prevention and recycling of litter* 4 class: symptoms, signals (and consequences) of global warming * 5 class: bio-diversity* 6 class: greenhouse effect (glasshouse effect)

 3. Grandparentsfeast: 22 Friday 22 October."The problem with dragons" (written by Debi Gliori)

Thousands of dragons pollute the earth, log the forests and blow fire into the air which causes the melting of the polar ice. The other animals

try to escape and find safe places. So the dragons are left alone which makes them very sad. The other animals promise to come back on one condition: the dragons have to clean up their mess, stop logging the forests and, recycle ...

The children of the kindergarten expressed this story with song and dance in a wonderful show. 

4. Third assembly: how to sort out our litter?  Friday 29 October.

John and Frank Earth invited the children to explain how they can assort their litter. If you sort out well, recycling is possible.The coloured bins were introduced and children were taught how to assort:* Blue = PMD (Plastic bottles and flacons, Metal cans and Drinking bricks)* Red = paper* Green = GFT (Vegetable, fruit and garden waste)* Yellow = glass* Black = the rest of the litter

5. Fourth assembly (22 november):  summary of the visit in Romania + start of the

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Green Charter + week of the litter reduction.

* The children of the primary school looked at pictures of the visit in Romania.* Start of discussing a 'Green Charter': children were made clear why prevention is so important: we want to get rid of the litter mountain in our school. We searched for a good way to control if everyone assort well their litter: introduction of a "Green Police". * 'The week of the litter reduction': activities to reduce litter

6. The children of the kindergarten crafted presents for Christmas with litter.

(Some classes of the primary school made handicraft with litter too)

Flemish text : De Sint Jan Berchmansschool van Viversel  werkte vooral rond "afvalvermindering en afvalpreventie ".Er werden vuilbakken aangekocht om afval te leren sorteren. De kinderen werden bewust gemaakt op welke manierze de afvalstroom naar school kunnen verminderen : boterhammendoos, drinkbus, koekjesdoos....

by Rita Maes &Koen Beerten

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The second project meeting will take place in 8 DIMOTIKO SCHOLEIO NEAS SMYRNIS, ATHENS , HELLAS from

February 19 to February 23 2011.

The third project meeting will take place in the A´DEMOTIKO SXOLEIO ARADIPPOU, ARADIPPOU, CYPRUS from February 23 to February 26 2011.

Next project meetings

Next project meetings

Next project meetings

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Jytte Gill, Denmark

Koen Beerten, Belgium

Rita Maes, Belgium

Panikkos Xiourouppas, Cyprus

Stavroula Makaronopoulou, Greece

Patrizia Salutij, Italy

Ewa Nawrocka, Poland


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João Pena Gil, Portugal

Daniel Lozba, Romania
