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, I t COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS OF RADON MITIGATION TECHNIQUES - j.G. Davidson ABSTRACT Whether it be on schools or office buildings, very 1it1le commercial building mitigation work has been per- {ormed thus far on a regional or national basis. But just ·as residential mitigation has become commonplace, commercial building mitigation will become routine in the near future. In dealing with existing commercial buildings or with commercial buildings under construc- tion, new mitigation techniques will be evolving, as will the retrofitting of residential techniques for commercial application. The following presentation is the result of a recent commercial mitigation in New Jersey. INTRODUCTION In March 1987 a large corporation conducted its own Working Level (WL) measurements at one of its facilities in northern New Jersey. The daughter measurements were made over a 24-hour period using Working Level (WL) mon- itors. Two measurements were made, each in the lower level of the building with a lab area registering .069 WL and an office area measuring .083 WL. At these levels, corporate management felt it needed to undertake remediation, which it initially performed itself. Remediation consisted of sealing all floor cracks, sealing the perimeter wall/slab joint, and painting the block walls. Retesting indicated no change in radon levels, so the company felt the need to call in a profes- sional radon remediation company. The building was ex- amined in September 1987. After a walkthrough of the facility, additional testing and a diagnostic evaluation were recommended. These were performed in late December 1987. The Building A two-story building, partially built into a bank, the building was constructed of 12 in concrete block and was completed in 1955. The building was 118 ft long and 36 ft wide. It had 6600 ft 2 of interior space, the lower level being a lab area having been altered many times, and the upper level being office space. There was also a 1500 ft slab-on- grade conference room. There was no central forced heating or air-conditioning, the heating being baseboard radiation and the air-conditioning consisting of window units. In the lab areas there were no fume hoods. (See Diagram 1.) Retesting Retesting consisted of testing every lower-level room with charcoal canisters. as well as the first floor slab-on-grade conference room. Exposure time for the charcoal canisters was four days. with testing being performed in December. These results are as follows: Location Lab I Lab II Lab III Furnace Room Generator Room 1st Floor Conf. Room Original Reading 51.6 pCi/L 40.8 pCi/L 36.6 pCi/L 23.1 pCi/L 36.1 pCi/L 22.1 pCi/L 143 Lob I Uoer.c.a. va, led ( ConfEaEllCI RDaii /.&O<JE) \Jib .Il. f" ur /'a( e Pico m @- FUlOR DRAill TrJO/'ormer I "-t----- 1 ----- ____ .,.. _____ __, ' Diagram


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ABSTRACT Whether it be on schools or office buildings, very

1it1le commercial building mitigation work has been per­{ormed thus far on a regional or national basis. But just ·as residential mitigation has become commonplace, commercial building mitigation will become routine in the near future. In dealing with existing commercial buildings or with commercial buildings under construc­tion, new mitigation techniques will be evolving, as will the retrofitting of residential techniques for commercial application. The following presentation is the result of a recent commercial mitigation in New Jersey.


In March 1987 a large corporation conducted its own Working Level (WL) measurements at one of its facilities in northern New Jersey. The daughter measurements were made over a 24-hour period using Working Level (WL) mon­itors. Two measurements were made, each in the lower level of the building with a lab area registering .069 WL and an office area measuring .083 WL. At these levels, corporate management felt it needed to undertake remediation, which it initially performed itself. Remediation consisted of sealing all floor cracks, sealing the perimeter wall/slab joint, and painting the block walls. Retesting indicated no change in radon levels, so the company felt the need to call in a profes­sional radon remediation company. The building was ex­amined in September 1987. After a walkthrough of the facility, additional testing and a diagnostic evaluation were recommended. These were performed in late December 1987.

The Building

A two-story building, partially built into a bank, the building was constructed of 12 in concrete block and was completed in 1955. The building was 118 ft long and 36 ft wide. It had 6600 ft 2 of interior space, the lower level being a lab area having been altered many times, and the upper level being office space. There was also a 1500 ft slab-on­grade conference room. There was no central forced heating or air-conditioning, the heating being baseboard radiation and the air-conditioning consisting of window units. In the lab areas there were no fume hoods. (See Diagram 1.)


Retesting consisted of testing every lower-level room with charcoal canisters. as well as the first floor slab-on-grade conference room. Exposure time for the charcoal canisters was four days. with testing being performed in December. These results are as follows:

Location Lab I Lab II Lab III Furnace Room Generator Room 1st Floor Conf. Room

Original Reading 51.6 pCi/L 40.8 pCi/L 36.6 pCi/L 23.1 pCi/L 36.1 pCi/L 22.1 pCi/L


Lob I

Uoer.c.a. va, led ( ConfEaEllCI RDaii /.&O<JE)

\Jib .Il.

f" ur /'a( e Pico m @- FUlOR DRAill

~ TrJO/'ormer ~



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When these measurements were seen, a thorough di­agnostic investigation was begun.

Diagnostic Measurements

A visual examination of wall entry routes revealed nu­merous pipe openings and penetrations in the block, open pipe sleev~s to the exterior ground, openings around elec­trical conduits. and openings around an air shaft duct.

Slab entry routes were minimal except for a floor drain in the furnace room that emptied into a dry well. Here, a grab air measurement was performed which indicated more than 1000 pCi/L. There was also a condensate line emptying into a large open drain pipe.

A number of sub-slab gas samples were collected. These were obtained by drilling a 3/8 in hole through the slab, after which gas was drawn into a cell and analyzed. This is a stan­dard diagnostic technique.

Communication tests were performed in many areas of the slab, but communication was almost non-existent. Freon, being used as a tracer gas, was also injected with little or no transmission under the slab. Maintenance personnel said this was due to large 3 ft by 3 ft sub-slab piers that were poured for heavy equipment to rest on, which caused interference with communication and subsequent pressure field develop­ment.

Gas samples were also taken from cavities inside the painted block walls and ranged from 25 to 1200 pCi/L.

Conclusions for' Selection of Mitigation Techniques

Because a pressure field could not be developed, it was decided that remediation would have to be through wall ven­tilation. Channel venting initially was considered; however, there was a considerable amount of large research equipment obstructing the path that could not be disturbed. The only alternative was block wall ventilation on a large scale. Res­ervations were expressed with this technique because it was a two-story block building. Wall communication tests were performed with vacuum suction and smoke and adequate communication was found in all walls, which was surprising because the wall expanse was so large. Using a rheostat on the vacuum, suction was adjusted for 2 in of water but, at this pressure, communication was poor. This was especially noticeable when the P measurement at 2 in of water dropped off by a factor of 20 in 25 ft (to .1 in water). It was therefore decided that, to achieve better communication, the area of the block from which suction was to be drawn would have to be cut back.

Remediation, therefore, began with hiring a foam in­sulation contractor to foam the course of block 7 ft from the floor ar~und the entire exterior of the building, as well as the center interior partition. All block cores were drilled, but a mistake was made which was discovered afterward-not drill­ing and foaming the 1/2 cores at the ends of the block where the mortar joints were.

After the foaming was completed, all other entry routes were sealed, including jackhammering out the floor drain and installing an airtight trap. Communication tests were then performed using a micromanometer and it was discovered that communication was improved by a factor of 2. This then led the team to design the appropriate number of suction points and fans needed. (See Diagram 2.) Communication tests above the foam line also indicated that there was some leakage of the system, which indicated that the 1 /2 cores at the mortar joint had not been foamed. Cost, however, pre-

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Diagram 2

Shows 3 blockwall suction systems and 1 pressurization system.

Numbers indicate radon levels (in pCi/L) prior to and after remediation.



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vented this from being done. It was decided to install three wall depre surization ysrcms <111d, as an experiment. a pres­·urization system wa·s in ·talleu for the area under the con­fcn:nce room slab . From the building investigation. it was apparent tha t openings through the conference room slab were all ·ealed . If the pres urization system did not work, the second alternative was depressurization. It was hoped that the space could be pressurized with about JO pascals. Using a micromanometer and a rheostat on the fan, levels were obtained that fluctuated between 8 and 15 pascals on a regular basis.

After the systems were operational, the areas were re­tested with charcoal canisters. This testing took place in March with the following results:

Location Lab I Lab II Lab III Furnace Room Generator Room 1st Floor Conf. Room

Reading with System 6.5 pCi/L 5.1 pCi/L 5.6 pCi/L 3.1 pCi/L

12.3 pCi/L 2.1 pCi/L

Why were the levels in the generator room not signifi­cantly reduced? A full diagnostic work-up was performed again, which included freon tests, suction tests of the wall with smoke, gas samples from the walls , etc. What was in­teresting was that none of the walls had any significant radon levels. Gas samples then were taken from the electrical con­duits in the room and it was found that there were more than 1200 pCi/L coming from the open conduits in the electrical pane l boxes . These were then sealed with a one-part urethane foam. The fina l testing i not available at this time. but all rooms were expected 10 be below the EPA guide lines of 4 pCi/L.

Energy Considerations

The four in-line fans that were installed in this project were 1.8 amps (198 W). The life expectancy as per the man­ufacturer is 10 to 12 years. At 1 in static pressure, each fan will consume 82 W per day, or 718 kW per year. At a national average of $. 05 per kW, the yearly cost would be $35. 92 per fan.

Mitigation Costs to Consumer

All testing, diagnostic evaluations. and subsequent re­mediation cost the consumer $21,000. The foam insulation


work cost the contractor $2400. The four systems that were installed as well as the sealing process took five men five days. Diagnostic time spent investigating the problem was about two days for two men.

So What Was Learned?

1. In some cases, residential remediation techniques can be applied to commercial buildings.

2. Foaming courses of block is an expensive procedure but, if done properly, can be very effective.

3. Large inaccessible areas can be successfully mitigated with pressurization.

4. Even the best-laid plans of experienced mitigators can be undone if a source is missed and the problem is not totally diagnosed.


Not all non-residential buildings will call for these tech­niques. Recently, an extensive mitigation was performed on four schools in which mitigation was successful but took a totally different approach. Commercial mitigation is going to be the new frontier of radon and the next few years should prove quite exciting.


1. Working Level (WL) measurements-a unit of measure­ment for documenting exposure to radon decay products. I Working Level is equal to about 200 pCi/L.

2. Communication Tests-communication tests are used to determine the ea e or difficulty with which ga can move through the soil and aggregate under the lab or within a cavity such as a block wall. Typically two holes are drilled 20 ft apart and ·uction applied 10 one hole while micro­manometer measurements are made at the other.

3. Pressure field development-refers to suction points lo­cated in the slab or wall that have the ability of drawing and maintaining suction at other various points remote from the suction point.

4. Channel Venting-a sheetmetal baseboard duct is in­stalled around the entire perimeter of the basement (in­cluding imerior block walls) and covers the joint between the Hoor and wall. Holes are drilled through the interior face of the block at intervals inside this baseboard, and the wall is ventilated by depressurizing the baseboard duct with fans .
