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Common Errors English for CAT

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  • 8/8/2019 Common Errors English for CAT


    Common Errors in English

    Use the search form below to find words and phrases on this site.

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    abstruse / obtuse

    accede /exceed,

    accept / except,


    accurate / precise

    acronyms and apostrophes,

    actionable / doable ,

    actual fact / actually, ad / add ad nauseum


    adapt / adopt,

    adulteration /adultery,

    adverse / averse,

  • 8/8/2019 Common Errors English for CAT


    advice / advise

    aesthetic / ascetic,

    affect / effect,

    affluence / effluence,

    afterall/ afterwards / afterwords,

    agnostic / atheist,

    aid / aide

    aisle /isle

    alliterate / illiterate

    allude / elude

    allude / refer

    allusion / illusion

    allusive / elusive / illusive

    aloud / allowed

    already / all ready

    altar / alter

    alternate / alternative

    altogether / all together

    alumnus / alumni

    ambiguous / ambivalent

    ambivalent / indifferent

    amongst / among

    amoral / immoral

    amount / number

    anecdote / antidote

    angel / angle

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    anxious / eager

    apart / a part

    apiece / a piece

    appraise / apprise

    apropos / appropriate

    around / about

    artisanal / artesian

    ascribe / subscribe

    aspect / respect

    assure / ensure / insure

    astrology / astronomy

    attain / obtain

    attribute / contribute

    aural / oral

    auger / augur


    avenge / revenge

    avocation / vocation

    away / aweigh

    awhile / a while

    axel / axle


    bail / bale

    bailout / bail out

    ball / bawl

    barb wire/ bob wire

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    bare / bear

    barter / haggle bazaar / bizarre

    beat / bead

    beckon/ call

    benefactor / beneficiary

    beside / besides

    bias / biased

    biweekly / semiweekly

    boarders / borders

    born / borne

    borrow / loan

    both / each

    bought / brought

    bounce / bounds

    brake / break

    breach / breech

    breath / breathe

    bring / take

    Britain / Briton

    broach / brooch

    broke / broken

    brunt / butt

    bullion / bouillon

    by far and away


    cache / cachet

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    callous / callused

    calm, cool

    Calvary / cavalry

    canon / cannon

    canvas / canvass

    capital / capitol

    caramel / carmel

    carat / caret / carrot / karat

    careen / career

    celibate / chaste

    cement / concrete

    censor / censure / sensor / censer

    Champaign / Champagne

    chuck / chunk


    cite / site / sight

    classic / classical

    cleanup / clean up

    clich / clichd

    click / clique close /closed-minded

    coarse / course

    collaborate / corroborate

    collage / college

    compare and contrast

    compare to / compare with

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    complement / compliment

    complementary / complimentary

    connote / denote

    conscience, conscious, consciousness

    continual / continuous

    contrary / contrast

    copywrite / copyright

    core / corps / corpse

    costumer / customer

    could care less /could give a damn

    could of / should of / would of

    council / counsel / consul

    couple / couple of

    credible / credulous

    crescendo / climax

    crevice / crevasse

    crick / creek

    criteria / criterion

    critique / criticize

    crucifixion/ crucifix / cross

    cue / queue

    currant / current

    D damped / dampened

    dateline / deadline

    deformation / defamation

    defuse / diffuse

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    degrade / denigrate / downgrade

    democrat / democratic

    depravation / deprivation

    depreciate / deprecate

    derisory / derisive

    desert / dessert

    deviant / deviate

    device / devise

    dew / do / doo / due

    dialogue / discuss

    differ / vary

    different from/ than

    dilemma / difficulty dire straights

    disburse / disperse

    disc / disk

    discreet / discrete

    disinterested / uninterested

    dissemble / disassemble

    doctorial / doctoral

    dominate / dominant

    doubt that / doubt whether / doubt if

    doubtlessly / doubtless

    dove / dived

    downfall / drawback

    download / upload

    drank / drunk

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    drastic / dramatic

    dredge / drudge / trudge

    drier / dryer

    dribble / drivel drips and drabs

    drug / dragged

    dual / duel

    dyeing / dying


    ecology / environment

    economic / economical

    elicit / illicit

    emergent / emergency

    emigrate / immigrate

    eminent / imminent / immanent

    empathy / sympathy

    emphasize on

    emulate / imitate

    endemic / epidemic

    engine / motor

    English / British

    enormity / enormousness

    enquire / inquire

    ensure / insure

    entomology / etymology

    envelop / envelope

    envious / jealous

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    epic / epoch

    epicenter epigram / epigraph / epitaph / epithet /epitome


    error / err

    espouse / expound / expand

    ethics / morals / morale

    exact/ same

    exalt / exult

    exasperate / exacerbate

    exceptional / exceptionable

    exorcise / exercise

    extend / extent


    fair / fare

    faithful / fateful

    farther / further

    fatal / fateful

    faze / phase

    fearful / fearsome

    feelings for / feelings about

    feint / faint

    female / woman

    fiance / fiancee

    fiscal / physical

    flair / flare

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    flak / flack

    flaunt / flout

    flesh out / flush out


    flounder / founder

    for sale / on sale

    forbidding / foreboding / formidable

    forceful / forcible / forced

    forego / forgo foresee / forsee

    formally / formerly

    forward / foreword

    fortuitous / fortunate

    foul / fowl

    framework / groundwork


    gaff / gaffe

    gamut / gauntlet

    gander / dander /gender

    gibe / jibe /

    gig / jig

    gild / guild

    goal / objective

    gratis / gratuitous

    gray / grey


    grisly / grizzly

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    gull / gall



    hail / hale

    handicap / disability

    hangar / hanger

    hanged / hung

    hark / hearken

    heal / heel

    herbs / spices

    hero / protagonist

    heroin / heroine

    hippie / hippy

    historic / historical

    hoard / horde

    hock / hawk

    humus / hummus

    hundreds / century

    hysterical / hilarious


    idea / ideal

    if / whether

    if I was / if I were

    impertinent / irrelevant

    imply / infer

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    in spite of / despite

    incidences / incidents / instances

    incredible/ incredulous

    Indian / Native American

    infamous / notorious


    insight / incite

    install / instill

    intense / intensive

    interment / internment

    intricate / integral /intrigue

    itch / scratch

    its / its

    J jack / plug

    jam / jamb jerry-built / jury-rigged




    languish /languid

    luxuriant/ luxuriate

    late / former

    later / latter

    lay / lie

    leach / leech

    lead / led

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    least / lest

    leave / levee

    legend / myth

    less / fewer

    lessen / lesson

    liable/ libel

    lighted / lit

    lightening / lightning

    loath / loathe

    loose / lose lustful / lusty

    luxuriant / luxurious


    majority are / majority is

    mantle / mantel

    marital / martial mess/mesh

    masseuse / masseur

    material / materiel

    maybe / may be

    meantime / meanwhile

    medal / metal / meddle / mettle

    mediocre /medium

    methodology / method

    might/ could

    might /ought

    militate / mitigate

    miner / minor

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    pedal / peddle

    pen / pin

    penultimate / next to last


    pernickety / persnickety

    perpetrate / perpetuate

    persecute / prosecute

    personal / personnel

    perspective / prospective


    perverse / perverted

    phantom / fathom

    phenomena / phenomenon

    picaresque / picturesque

    plain / plane

    podium / lectern

    poisonous / venomous

    pole / poll

    pompom / pompon

    populace / populous

    pore / pour

    possessed of, by, with

    prosperity / posterity

    practice / practise

    pray / prey

    precede / proceed

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    precedence / precedents

    precipitate / precipitous

    predominant / predominate

    prejudice / prejudiced

    premier / premiere

    premise / premises

    prescribe / proscribe

    principal / principle

    prioritize/ priority

    proactive probably

    prodigy/ progeny/ protg

    prophecy / prophesy

    prostate / prostrate

    proved / proven

    psychologist / psychiatrist / psychotherapist / psychoanalyst

    purposely / purposefully


    question / ask


    quiet / quite


    rack / wrack

    raise / raze

    rampart / rampant



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    rational / rationale

    ravaging / ravishing / ravenous recreate

    reactionary / reactive

    real / really




    rebelling / revolting

    rebut / refute

    recent / resent



    refrain / restrain

    refute / reject

    regard / regards

    regime / regimen / regiment

    regretfully / regrettably

    reign / rein

    reluctant / reticent


    remuneration /wage/salary


    repel / repulse

    replete / complete

    request / ask

    resister / resistor/registrar

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    reply/ respond

    retch / wretch

    reticent / hesitant

    retrospective / retroactive

    revert / reply

    revolve / rotate

    revue / review

    riffle / rifle

    right / write

    ringer / wringer

    risky / risqu

    rob / steal

    role / roll

    root / rout / route

    rouge / rogue


    rye / wry


    sail / sale / sell

    sarcastic / ironic

    say / tell

    sceptic / skeptic

    seam / seem

    seen / saw

    select / selected

    self-steam self-worth

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    sensual / sensuous

    shear / sheer

    sheath / sheaf

    shimmy / shinny

    shoe-in shone / shown

    shook / shaken

    shrunk / shrank

    silicon / silicone

    soar / sore social / societal

    sojourn / journey

    sole / soul

    spaded / spayed spare of the moment

    specially / especially specie / species

    squash / quash

    staid / stayed

    stalactites / stalagmites

    stand / stance

    states / countries

    stationary / stationery

    stint / stent

    straight / strait

    straightjacket /straight-laced

    stricken / struck

    submittal / submission

    succeed / secede

    suit / suite

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    sulking / skulking

    summary / summery

    suspect / suspicious

    swam / swum

    systematic / systemic


    taken back / taken aback

    taught / taut a : kept in proper order or condition a ~ ship b (1): not loose or

    flabby ~ muscles (2): marked by economy of structure and detail a ~ story

    taut / tout:1. to solicit, peddle, or persuade importunately not meant to ~ you off

    the movie Russell Baker 2: to make much of : promote talk up ~ed as thesummer's blockbuster movie the college's much ~ed women's studies program

    tenant / tenet

    than / then

    that / which

    threw / through

    throne / thrown

    tick / tic: 1 : local and habitual spasmodic motion of particular muscles esp. of

    the face : twitching 2 : a frequent usu. unconscious quirk of behavior or speech

    you know is a verbal ~

    timber / timbre: a : the resonance by which the ear recognizes and identifies a

    voiced speech sound b : the quality of tone distinctive of a particular singing voice

    or musical instrument

    tolled / told

    token / taken

    torturous / tortuous

    toward / towards

    tragedy / travesty


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    troop / troupe

    tussled / tousled


    unchartered / uncharted

    undo / undue

    use / usage/utilize

    use to/used to


    vague/ vogue

    vain / vane / vein


    vary / very

    veracious / voracious


    verses / versus

    vicious / viscous

    circle / cycle


    viola / voila



    wale/wail / whale

    wander / wonder

    warrantee / warranty

    wary / weary / leery

    weak / week

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    weather / whether


    wench / winch

    wince/ winch

    whacky / wacky

    whisky / whiskey

    within / among wont / wont

    wrangle / wangle

    wrapped / rapt wreck/ reck

    X Xmas / Christmas


    Yarn: story, anecdote, narration, narrative, tale; chat, causerie, chin, prose, rap,


    Yearn: long, ache, crave, dream, hanker, hunger, lust, pine, thirst, yen


    Yawn: tedium, boredom, doldrums, dullsville, ennui

    Yen: LONG, ache, crave, hanker, hunger, lust, pine, sigh, thirst, yearn

    yoke / yolk

    you cant have your cake and eat it too

    Non-ErrorsThose usages people keep telling you are wrong but which are

    actually standard in English.

    split infinitives * ending a sentence with a preposition * beginning a sentence with a

    conjunction * between vs. among * over vs. more than * gender vs. sex * who vs.

    that * since vs. because * hopefully * momentarily * lend vs. loan * near miss *

    nonesingular vs. plural * scan vs. skim * off of * gotten vs. got * till vs. til *

    teenage vs. teenaged * reference vs. cite * endquote vs. unquote * feeling bad *

    persuade vs. convince * You shouldnt pronounce the e in not my forte. *

    normalcy vs. normality * aggravate vs. irritate * preventive vs. preventative *

    entitled vs. titled * People are healthy; vegetables are healthful. * Dinner is done;

  • 8/8/2019 Common Errors English for CAT


    people are finished. * Crops are raised; children are reared. * Youve got mail

    should be you have mail. * its cut the muster, not cut the mustard. * its

    carrot on a stick, not carrot or stick. * spitting image * Lions share means all

    of something, not the larger part of something. * connoisseur

    More errors Other strange and amusing word confusions Commonly misspelled words.

    The whole site on one page (ASCII text; the easiest option if youre reading

    through all the entries in order)

    List of commonly made suggestions. Check this before writing.

    Sean Igos Garbage In, Garbage Out: Errors Caused by Over-Reliance on

    Spelling Checkers

    ________________________________________Other Good Resources

    American Heritage Book of English Usage

    AskOxford: An excellent dictionary with many other resources on British


    Worldwide Words: Michael Quinion investigating International English from a

    British Viewpoint

    Daniel Kies Modern English Grammar

    Jack Lynchs Grammar and Style Notes

    Charles Darlings Guide to Grammar and Writing

    Dr. NADs Prig Page

    Ronald B. Standlers Technical Writing Guide

    Garbls Writing Resources On-Line

    UsingEnglish.com: useful resources for those studying English as a second


    English as a Second Language Help Desk at Washington State University

    WWWebster Dictionary (Merriam Webster) provides recorded pronunciations

    Grammar Girls Quick & Dirty Tips for Better Writing Detailed discussion of

    individual points.

  • 8/8/2019 Common Errors English for CAT




    Hazel Tanks Word Lists - The Way Doctors Talk

    Mindy McAdamss Spelling Test

    William Safires self-violating Rules for Writers

    The Eggcorn Database Great collection of misheard words and phrases.

    Demi-Entendres Mixed-up expressions

    The Word Detective interesting essays on word origins

    Geoffrey K. Pullam: 50 Years of Stupid Grammar Advice (an interesting

    critique of Strunk and Whites The Elements of Style.

    Reviews of Common Errors in English Usage

    Source Reference: http://www.wsu.edu
