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Commonwealth Constitution of Australia

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Commonweal th of Australia Constitution Act (The Constitution) This compilation was prepared on 25 July 2003 taking into account alterations up to Act No. 84 o !"## [Note: This compilation contains all amendments to the Constitution made by the Constitution A lterations specified in Note 1 Additions to the text are shown in bold type Omitted text is shown as ruled throuh! $repared %y the &ice o 'egislati(e )rating* Attorney+,eneral-s )epartment* an%erra  
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Commonwealth of Australia Constitution


(The Constitution)

This compilation was prepared on 25 July 2003

taking into account alterations up to Act No. 84 o !"##

[Note: This compilation contains all amendments to the Constitution

made by the Constitution Alterations specified in Note 1

Additions to the text are shown in bold type

Omitted text is shown as ruled throuh!

$repared %y the &ice o 'egislati(e )rating*

Attorney+,eneral-s )epartment* an%erra 

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ontentsCo"erin clauses

! /hort title  see Note !1......................................................................

2 Act to etend to the ueen-s successors............................................

3 $roclamation o ommonwealth  see Note 21...................................

4 ommencement o Act......................................................................

5 &peration o the onstitution and laws  see Note 31.........................


# epeal o 6ederal ouncil Act  see Note 41......................................

8 Application o olonial 7oundaries Act........................................... .

" onstitution  see Note !1...................................................................

Chapter #$The %arliament

%art #$&eneral! 'egislati(e power  ..............................................................................

2 ,o(ernor+,eneral.............................................................................

3 /alary o ,o(ernor+,eneral..............................................................

4 $ro(isions relating to ,o(ernor+,eneral...........................................

5 /essions o $arliament. $rorogation and dissolution.........................

early session o $arliament.............................................................

%art ##$The 'enate# The /enate  see Note 51....................................................................

8 ualiication o electors....................................................................

" 9ethod o election o senators  see Note 1......................................

!0 Application o /tate laws..................................................................

!! 6ailure to choose senators.................................................................

!2 :ssue o writs.....................................................................................

!3 otation o senators...........................................................................

!4 6urther pro(ision or rotation  see Note #1........................................

!5 asual (acancies  see Note 81...........................................................

! ualiications o senator  ...................................................................

!# ;lection o $resident.........................................................................

!8 A%sence o $resident.........................................................................

!" esignation o senator  .......................................................................

20 <acancy %y a%sence...........................................................................

2! <acancy to %e notiied.......................................................................

22 uorum.............................................................................................

23 <oting in the /enate..........................................................................

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%art ###$The ouse of epresentati"es24 onstitution o =ouse o epresentati(es........................................

25 $ro(ision as to races dis>ualiied rom (oting.................................

2 epresentati(es in irst $arliament..................................................

2# Alteration o num%er o mem%ers...................................................

28 )uration o =ouse o epresentati(es.............................................

2" ;lectoral di(isions  see Note "1.......................................................

30 ualiication o electors..................................................................

3! Application o /tate laws................................................................

32 ?rits or general election................................................................

33 ?rits or (acancies..........................................................................

34 ualiications o mem%ers..............................................................

35 ;lection o /peaker  .........................................................................

3 A%sence o /peaker  .........................................................................

3# esignation o mem%er  ...................................................................

38 <acancy %y a%sence.........................................................................

3" uorum...........................................................................................

40 <oting in =ouse o epresentati(es.................................................

%art #*$+oth ouses of the %arliament4! ight o electors o /tates...............................................................

42 &ath or airmation o allegiance.....................................................

43 9em%er o one =ouse ineligi%le or other .......................................

44 )is>ualiication...............................................................................

45 <acancy on happening o dis>ualiication.......................................

4 $enalty or sitting when dis>ualiied...............................................

4# )isputed elections...........................................................................

48 Allowance to mem%ers....................................................................

4" $ri(ileges etc. o =ouses.................................................................

50 ules and orders..............................................................................

%art *$%owers of the %arliament5! 'egislati(e powers o the $arliament  see Notes !0 and !!1


52 ;clusi(e powers o the $arliament................................................

53 $owers o the =ouses in respect o legislation................................

54 Appropriation 7ills..........................................................................

55 Ta 7ill...........................................................................................

5 ecommendation o money (otes...................................................

5# )isagreement %etween the =ouses..................................................

58 oyal assent to 7ills........................................................................

5" )isallowance %y the ueen.............................................................

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0 /igniication o ueen-s pleasure on 7ills reser(ed........................

Chapter ##$The ,xecuti"e &o"ernment! ;ecuti(e power  


2 6ederal ;ecuti(e ouncil..............................................................

3 $ro(isions reerring to ,o(ernor+,eneral.......................................

4 9inisters o /tate............................................................................

5 Num%er o 9inisters.......................................................................

/alaries o 9inisters........................................................................

# Appointment o ci(il ser(ants.........................................................

8 ommand o na(al and military orces............................................

" Transer o certain departments.......................................................

#0 ertain powers o ,o(ernors to (est in ,o(ernor+,eneral..............

Chapter ###$The -udicature#! Judicial power and ourts


#2 Judges- appointment* tenure* and remuneration...............................

#3 Appellate @urisdiction o =igh ourt...............................................

#4 Appeal to ueen in ouncil  see Note !21......................................

#5 &riginal @urisdiction o =igh ourt.................................................

# Additional original @urisdiction.......................................................

## $ower to deine @urisdiction............................................................

#8 $roceedings against ommonwealth or /tate..................................

#" Num%er o @udges............................................................................

80 Trial %y @ury....................................................................................

Chapter #*$.inance and Trade8! onsolidated e(enue 6und............................................................

82 ;penditure charged thereon...........................................................

83 9oney to %e appropriated %y law....................................................

84 Transer o oicers..........................................................................

85 Transer o property o /tate...........................................................

8 ustoms* ecise* and %ounties1  see Note !31................................

8# e(enue rom customs and ecise duties1  see Note !31................

88 niorm duties o customs..............................................................

8" $ayment to /tates %eore uniorm duties.........................................

"0 ;clusi(e power o(er customs* ecise* and %ounties.......................

"! ;ceptions as to %ounties................................................................

"2 Trade within the ommonwealth to %e ree.....................................

"3 $ayment to /tates or i(e years ater uniorm taris......................

"4 )istri%ution o surplus.....................................................................

"5 ustoms duties o ?estern Australia...............................................

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" 6inancial assistance to /tates...........................................................

"# Audit...............................................................................................

"8 Trade and commerce includes na(igation and /tate railways........................................................................................................

"" ommonwealth not to gi(e preerence............................................

!00 Nor a%ridge right to use water .........................................................

!0! :nter+/tate ommission...................................................................

!02 $arliament may or%id preerences %y /tate....................................

!03 ommissioners- appointment* tenure* and remuneration.................

!04 /a(ing o certain rates.....................................................................

!05 Taking o(er pu%lic de%ts o /tates...................................................

!05A Agreements with respect to /tate de%ts...........................................

Chapter *$The 'tates!0 /a(ing o onstitutions...................................................................

!0# /a(ing o $ower o /tate $arliaments.............................................

!08 /a(ing o /tate laws........................................................................

!0" :nconsistency o laws......................................................................

!!0 $ro(isions reerring to ,o(ernor .....................................................

!!! /tates may surrender territory.........................................................

!!2 /tates may le(y charges or inspection laws....................................

!!3 :ntoicating li>uids..........................................................................

!!4 /tates may not raise orces. Taation o property o

ommonwealth or /tate..................................................................

!!5 /tates not to coin money.................................................................

!! ommonwealth not to legislate in respect o religion......................

!!# ights o residents in /tates............................................................

!!8 ecognition o laws etc. o /tates...................................................

!!" $rotection o /tates rom in(asion and (iolence..............................

!20 ustody o oenders against laws o the ommonwealth...............

Chapter *#$New 'tates!2! New /tates may %e admitted or esta%lished.....................................

!22 ,o(ernment o territories................................................................

!23 Alteration o limits o /tates............................................................

!24 6ormation o new /tates..................................................................

Chapter *##$/iscellaneous!25 /eat o ,o(ernment.........................................................................

!2 $ower to =er 9a@esty to authorise ,o(ernor+,eneral to

appoint deputies  see Note !41........................................................

vi Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act

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Chapter *###$Alteration of the Constitution!28 9ode o altering the onstitution  see Note !1................................



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An Act to constitute the Commonwealth of

Australia"th July !"001

?=;;A/ the people o New /outh ?ales* <ictoria* /outh Australia*

ueensland* and Tasmania* hum%ly relying on the %lessing o Almighty ,od*

ha(e agreed to unite in one indissolu%le 6ederal ommonwealth under the

rown o the nited Bingdom o ,reat 7ritain and :reland* and under the

onstitution here%y esta%lishedC

And whereas it is epedient to pro(ide or the admission into the

ommonwealth o other Australasian olonies and possessions o the ueenC

7e it thereore enacted %y the ueen-s most ;cellent 9a@esty* %y and withthe ad(ice and consent o the 'ords /piritual and Temporal* and ommons* in

this present $arliament assem%led* and %y the authority o the same* as ollowsC

1 'hort title  see Note !1

This Act may %e cited as the ommonwealth o Australia

onstitution Act.

0 Act to extend to the ueen2s successors

The pro(isions o this Act reerring to the ueen shall etend to

=er 9a@esty-s heirs and successors in the so(ereignty o the nitedBingdom.

3 %roclamation of Commonwealth  see Note 21

:t shall %e lawul or the ueen* with the ad(ice o the $ri(y

ouncil* to declare %y proclamation that* on and ater a day therein

appointed* not %eing later than one year ater the passing o this

Act* the people o New /outh ?ales* <ictoria* /outh Australia*

ueensland* and Tasmania* and also* i =er 9a@esty is satisied

that the people o ?estern Australia ha(e agreed thereto* o

?estern Australia* shall %e united in a 6ederal ommonwealth

under the name o the ommonwealth o Australia. 7ut the ueenmay* at any time ater the proclamation* appoint a

,o(ernor+,eneral or the ommonwealth.

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lause 4

4 Commencement of Act

The ommonwealth shall %e esta%lished* and the onstitution othe ommonwealth shall take eect* on and ater the day so

appointed. 7ut the $arliaments o the se(eral colonies may at any

time ater the passing o this Act make any such laws* to come into

operation on the day so appointed* as they might ha(e made i the

onstitution had taken eect at the passing o this Act.

5 Operation of the Constitution and laws  see Note 31

This Act* and all laws made %y the $arliament o the

ommonwealth under the onstitution* shall %e %inding on the

courts* @udges* and people o e(ery /tate and o e(ery part o the

ommonwealth* notwithstanding anything in the laws o any /tateDand the laws o the ommonwealth shall %e in orce on all 7ritish

ships* the ueen-s ships o war ecepted* whose irst port o

clearance and whose port o destination are in the ommonwealth.

6 7efinitions

The Commonwealth shall mean the ommonwealth o Australia

as esta%lished under this Act.

The States shall mean such o the colonies o New /outh ?ales*

 New Eealand* ueensland* Tasmania* <ictoria* ?estern Australia*

and /outh Australia* including the northern territory o /outhAustralia* as or the time %eing are parts o the ommonwealth*

and such colonies or territories as may %e admitted into or

esta%lished %y the ommonwealth as /tatesD and each o such parts

o the ommonwealth shall %e called a State.

Original States shall mean such /tates as are parts o the

ommonwealth at its esta%lishment.

8 epeal of .ederal Council Act  see Note 41

The 6ederal ouncil o Australasia Act* !885* is here%y repealed*

 %ut so as not to aect any laws passed %y the 6ederal ouncil o

Australasia and in orce at the esta%lishment o the


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lause 8

Any such law may %e repealed as to any /tate %y the $arliament o

the ommonwealth* or as to any colony not %eing a /tate %y the

$arliament thereo.

9 Application of Colonial +oundaries Act

Ater the passing o this Act the olonial 7oundaries Act* !8"5*

shall not apply to any colony which %ecomes a /tate o the

ommonwealthD %ut the ommonwealth shall %e taken to %e a

sel+go(erning colony or the purposes o that Act.

Constitution  see Note !1

The onstitution o the ommonwealth shall %e as ollowsC

The Constitution

This onstitution is di(ided as ollowsC

hapter :FThe $arliament

$art :F,eneral

$art ::FThe /enate

$art :::FThe =ouse o epresentati(es

$art :<F7oth =ouses o the $arliament

$art <F$owers o the $arliament

hapter ::FThe ;ecuti(e ,o(ernment

hapter :::FThe Judicaturehapter :<F6inance and Trade

hapter <FThe /tates

hapter <:FNew /tates

hapter <::F9iscellaneous

hapter <:::FAlteration o the onstitution

The /chedule

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Chapter #$The %arliament

%art #$&eneral 

1 ;eislati"e power

The legislati(e power o the ommonwealth shall %e (ested in a

6ederal $arliament* which shall consist o the ueen* a /enate* and

a =ouse o epresentati(es* and which is hereinater called The

 Parliament * or The Parliament of the Commonwealth.

0 &o"ernor<&eneral

A ,o(ernor+,eneral appointed %y the ueen shall %e =er

9a@esty-s representati(e in the ommonwealth* and shall ha(e and

may eercise in the ommonwealth during the ueen-s pleasure*

 %ut su%@ect to this onstitution* such powers and unctions o the

ueen as =er 9a@esty may %e pleased to assign to him.

3 'alary of &o"ernor<&eneral

There shall %e paya%le to the ueen out o the onsolidated

e(enue und o the ommonwealth* or the salary o the

,o(ernor+,eneral* an annual sum which* until the $arliament

otherwise pro(ides* shall %e ten thousand pounds.

The salary o a ,o(ernor+,eneral shall not %e altered during his

continuance in oice.

4 %ro"isions relatin to &o"ernor<&eneral

The pro(isions o this onstitution relating to the

,o(ernor+,eneral etend and apply to the ,o(ernor+,eneral or

the time %eing* or such person as the ueen may appoint to

administer the ,o(ernment o the ommonwealthD %ut no such

 person shall %e entitled to recei(e any salary rom the

ommonwealth in respect o any other oice during hisadministration o the ,o(ernment o the ommonwealth.

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5 'essions of %arliament= %roroation and dissolution

The ,o(ernor+,eneral may appoint such times or holding thesessions o the $arliament as he thinks it* and may also rom time

to time* %y $roclamation or otherwise* prorogue the $arliament*

and may in like manner dissol(e the =ouse o epresentati(es.

#ummonin$ %arliament 

Ater any general election the $arliament shall %e summoned to

meet not later than thirty days ater the day appointed or the return

o the writs.

 &irst session

The $arliament shall %e summoned to meet not later than simonths ater the esta%lishment o the ommonwealth.

6 >early session of %arliament

There shall %e a session o the $arliament once at least in e(ery

year* so that twel(e months shall not inter(ene %etween the last

sitting o the $arliament in one session and its irst sitting in the

net session.

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The $arliament Chapter #

The =ouse o epresentati(es %art ###


/ection 2

%art ##$The 'enate 

8 The 'enate  see Note 51

The /enate shall %e composed o senators or each /tate* directly

chosen %y the people o the /tate* (oting* until the $arliament

otherwise pro(ides* as one electorate.

7ut until the $arliament o the ommonwealth otherwise pro(ides*

the $arliament o the /tate o ueensland* i that /tate %e an

&riginal /tate* may make laws di(iding the /tate into di(isions and

determining the num%er o senators to %e chosen or each di(ision*

and in the a%sence o such pro(ision the /tate shall %e oneelectorate.

ntil the $arliament otherwise pro(ides there shall %e si senators

or each &riginal /tate. The $arliament may make laws increasing

or diminishing the num%er o senators or each /tate* %ut so that

e>ual representation o the se(eral &riginal /tates shall %e

maintained and that no &riginal /tate shall ha(e less than si


The senators shall %e chosen or a term o si years* and the names

o the senators chosen or each /tate shall %e certiied %y the

,o(ernor to the ,o(ernor+,eneral.

9 ualification of electors

The >ualiication o electors o senators shall %e in each /tate that

which is prescri%ed %y this onstitution* or %y the $arliament* as

the >ualiication or electors o mem%ers o the =ouse o

epresentati(esD %ut in the choosing o senators each elector shall

(ote only once.

/ethod of election of senators  see Note 1

The $arliament o the ommonwealth may make laws prescri%ingthe method o choosing senators* %ut so that the method shall %e

uniorm or all the /tates. /u%@ect to any such law* the $arliament

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Chapter #  The $arliament

%art ###  The =ouse o epresentati(es


/ection 24

o each /tate may make laws prescri%ing the method o choosing

the senators or that /tate.

'imes an places  see Note 1

The $arliament o a /tate may make laws or determining the times

and places o elections o senators or the /tate.

1? Application of 'tate laws

ntil the $arliament otherwise pro(ides* %ut su%@ect to this

onstitution* the laws in orce in each /tate* or the time %eing*

relating to elections or the more numerous =ouse o the

$arliament o the /tate shall* as nearly as practica%le* apply to

elections o senators or the /tate.

11 .ailure to choose senators

The /enate may proceed to the despatch o %usiness*

notwithstanding the ailure o any /tate to pro(ide or its

representation in the /enate.

10 #ssue of writs

The ,o(ernor o any /tate may cause writs to %e issued or

elections o senators or the /tate. :n case o the dissolution o the

/enate the writs shall %e issued within ten days rom the proclamation o such dissolution.

13 otation of senators

As soon as may %e ater the /enate irst meets* and ater each irst

meeting o the /enate ollowing a dissolution thereo* the /enate

shall di(ide the senators chosen or each /tate into two classes* as

nearly e>ual in num%er as practica%leD and the places o the

senators o the irst class shall %ecome (acant at the epiration o

the third year three years@ and the places o those o the second

class at the epiration o the sith year six years@ rom the

 %eginning o their term o ser(iceD and aterwards the places osenators shall %ecome (acant at the epiration o si years rom the

 %eginning o their term o ser(ice.

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The $arliament Chapter #

The =ouse o epresentati(es %art ###


/ection 2

The election to ill (acant places shall %e made in the year at the

epiration o which within one year before the places are to

 %ecome (acant.

6or the purposes o this section the term o ser(ice o a senator

shall %e taken to %egin on the irst day o January -uly ollowing

the day o his election* ecept in the cases o the irst election and

o the election net ater any dissolution o the /enate* when it

shall %e taken to %egin on the irst day o January -uly preceding

the day o his election.

14 .urther pro"ision for rotation  see Note #1

?hene(er the num%er o senators or a /tate is increased or

diminished* the $arliament o the ommonwealth may make such pro(ision or the (acating o the places o senators or the /tate as

it deems necessary to maintain regularity in the rotation.

15 Casual "acancies

  : the place o a senator %ecomes (acant %eore the epiration o

his term o ser(ice* the =ouse o $arliament o the /tate or which

he was chosen shall* sitting and (oting together* choose a person to

hold the place until the epiration o the term* or until the election

o a successor as hereinater pro(ided* whiche(er irst happens.

7ut i the =ouses o $arliament o the /tate are not in session at

the time when the (acancy is notiied* the ,o(ernor o the /tate*with the ad(ice o the ;ecuti(e ouncil thereo* may appoint a

 person to hold the place until the epiration o ourteen days ater

the %eginning o the net session o the $arliament o the /tate* or

until the election o a successor* whiche(er irst happens.

  At the net general election o mem%ers o the =ouse o

epresentati(es* or at the net election o senators or the /tate*

whiche(er irst happens* a successor shall* i the term has not then

epired* %e chosen to hold the place rom the date o his election

until the epiration o the term.

  The name o any senator so chosen or appointed shall %e certiied

 %y the ,o(ernor o the /tate to the ,o(ernor+,eneral.

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Chapter #  The $arliament

%art ###  The =ouse o epresentati(es


/ection 24

15 Casual "acancies  see Note 81

#f the place of a senator becomes "acant before the expirationof his term of ser"ice@ the ouses of %arliament of the 'tate for

which he was chosen@ sittin and "otin toether@ or@ if there is

only one ouse of that %arliament@ that ouse@ shall choose a

person to hold the place until the expiration of the term= +ut if

the %arliament of the 'tate is not in session when the "acancy is

notified@ the &o"ernor of the 'tate@ with the ad"ice of the

,xecuti"e Council thereof@ may appoint a person to hold the

place until the expiration of fourteen days from the beinnin

of the next session of the %arliament of the 'tate or the

expiration of the term@ whiche"er first happens=

here a "acancy has at any time occurred in the place of a

senator chosen by the people of a 'tate and@ at the time when

he was so chosen@ he was publicly reconiBed by a particular

political party as bein an endorsed candidate of that party

and publicly represented himself to be such a candidate@ a

person chosen or appointed under this section in conseuence

of that "acancy@ or in conseuence of that "acancy and a

subseuent "acancy or "acancies@ shall@ unless there is no

member of that party a"ailable to be chosen or appointed@ be a

member of that party=


(a) in accordance with the last precedin pararaph@ amember of a particular political party is chosen or

appointed to hold the place of a senator whose place had

become "acantD and

(b) before taEin his seat he ceases to be a member of that

party (otherwise than by reason of the party ha"in

ceased to exist)D

he shall be deemed not to ha"e been so chosen or appointed

and the "acancy shall be aain notified in accordance with

section twenty<one of this Constitution=

The name of any senator chosen or appointed under this

section shall be certified by the &o"ernor of the 'tate to the&o"ernor<&eneral=

#f the place of a senator chosen by the people of a 'tate at the

election of senators last held before the commencement of the

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The $arliament Chapter #

The =ouse o epresentati(es %art ###


/ection 2

Constitution Alteration Senate Casual acancies" #$%%  became

"acant before that commencement and@ at that commencement@

no person chosen by the ouse or ouses of %arliament of the'tate@ or appointed by the &o"ernor of the 'tate@ in

conseuence of that "acancy@ or in conseuence of that "acancy

and a subseuent "acancy or "acancies@ held office@ this section

applies as if the place of the senator chosen by the people of the

'tate had become "acant after that commencement=

A senator holdin office at the commencement of the

Constitution Alteration Senate Casual acancies" #$%% @ bein a

senator appointed by the &o"ernor of a 'tate in conseuence of 

a "acancy that had at any time occurred in the place of a

senator chosen by the people of the 'tate@ shall be deemed to

ha"e been appointed to hold the place until the expiration offourteen days after the beinnin of the next session of the

%arliament of the 'tate that commenced or commences after he

was appointed and further action under this section shall be

taEen as if the "acancy in the place of the senator chosen by the

people of the 'tate had occurred after that commencement=

'ubFect to the next succeedin pararaph@ a senator holdin

office at the commencement of the Constitution Alteration

Senate Casual acancies" #$%%  who was chosen by the ouse

or ouses of %arliament of a 'tate in conseuence of a "acancy

that had at any time occurred in the place of a senator chosen

by the people of the 'tate shall be deemed to ha"e been chosento hold office until the expiration of the term of ser"ice of the

senator elected by the people of the 'tate=

#f@ at or before the commencement of the Constitution

 Alteration Senate Casual acancies" #$%% @ a law to alter the

Constitution entitled GConstitution Alteration Simultaneous

 Elections" #$%% H came into operation@ a senator holdin office

at the commencement of that law who was chosen by the ouse

or ouses of %arliament of a 'tate in conseuence of a "acancy

that had at any time occurred in the place of a senator chosen

by the people of the 'tate shall be deemed to ha"e been chosen

to hold office:(a) if the senator elected by the people of the 'tate had a term

of ser"ice expirin on the thirtieth day of -une@ One

thousand nine hundred and se"enty<eiht$until the

expiration or dissolution of the first ouse of

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/ection 24

epresentati"es to expire or be dissol"ed after that law

came into operationD or

(b) if the senator elected by the people of the 'tate had a termof ser"ice expirin on the thirtieth day of -une@ One

thousand nine hundred and eihty<one$until the

expiration or dissolution of the second ouse of

epresentati"es to expire or be dissol"ed after that law

came into operation or@ if there is an earlier dissolution of

the 'enate@ until that dissolution=

16 ualifications of senator

The >ualiications o a senator shall %e the same as those o a

mem%er o the =ouse o epresentati(es.

18 ,lection of %resident

The /enate shall* %eore proceeding to the despatch o any other

 %usiness* choose a senator to %e the $resident o the /enateD and as

oten as the oice o $resident %ecomes (acant the /enate shall

again choose a senator to %e the $resident.

The $resident shall cease to hold his oice i he ceases to %e a

senator. =e may %e remo(ed rom oice %y a (ote o the /enate* or 

he may resign his oice or his seat %y writing addressed to the


19 Absence of %resident

7eore or during any a%sence o the $resident* the /enate may

choose a senator to perorm his duties in his a%sence.

1 esination of senator

A senator may* %y writing addressed to the $resident* or to the

,o(ernor+,eneral i there is no $resident or i the $resident is

a%sent rom the ommonwealth* resign his place* which thereupon

shall %ecome (acant.

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/ection 2

0? *acancy by absence

The place o a senator shall %ecome (acant i or two consecuti(emonths o any session o the $arliament he* without the permission

o the /enate* ails to attend the /enate.

01 *acancy to be notified

?hene(er a (acancy happens in the /enate* the $resident* or i

there is no $resident or i the $resident is a%sent rom the

ommonwealth the ,o(ernor+,eneral* shall notiy the same to the

,o(ernor o the /tate in the representation o which the (acancy

has happened.

00 uorum

ntil the $arliament otherwise pro(ides* the presence o at least

one+third o the whole num%er o the senators shall %e necessary to

constitute a meeting o the /enate or the eercise o its powers.

03 *otin in the 'enate

uestions arising in the /enate shall %e determined %y a ma@ority

o (otes* and each senator shall ha(e one (ote. The $resident shall

in all cases %e entitled to a (oteD and when the (otes are e>ual the

>uestion shall pass in the negati(e.

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/ection 24

%art ###$The ouse of epresentati"es 

04 Constitution of ouse of epresentati"es

The =ouse o epresentati(es shall %e composed o mem%ers

directly chosen %y the people o the ommonwealth* and the

num%er o such mem%ers shall %e* as nearly as practica%le* twice

the num%er o the senators.

The num%er o mem%ers chosen in the se(eral /tates shall %e in

 proportion to the respecti(e num%ers o their people* and shall*

until the $arliament otherwise pro(ides* %e determined* whene(er

necessary* in the ollowing mannerC

GiH a >uota shall %e ascertained %y di(iding the num%er o the

 people o the ommonwealth* as shown %y the latest

statistics o the ommonwealth* %y twice the num%er o the


GiiH the num%er o mem%ers to %e chosen in each /tate shall %e

determined %y di(iding the num%er o the people o the /tate*

as shown %y the latest statistics o the ommonwealth* %y the

>uotaD and i on such di(ision there is a remainder greater

than one+hal o the >uota* one more mem%er shall %e chosen

in the /tate.

7ut notwithstanding anything in this section* i(e mem%ers at least

shall %e chosen in each &riginal /tate.

05 %ro"ision as to races disualified from "otin

6or the purposes o the last section* i %y the law o any /tate all

 persons o any race are dis>ualiied rom (oting at elections or the

more numerous =ouse o the $arliament o the /tate* then* in

reckoning the num%er o the people o the /tate or o the

ommonwealth* persons o that race resident in that /tate shall not

 %e counted.

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The =ouse o epresentati(es %art ###


/ection 2

06 epresentati"es in first %arliament

 Notwithstanding anything in section twenty+our* the num%er omem%ers to %e chosen in each /tate at the irst election shall %e as


 New /outh ?ales........................................... twenty+threeD

<ictoria.......................................................... twentyD

ueensland.................................................... eightD

/outh Australia............................................... siD

Tasmania........................................................ i(eD

$ro(ided that i ?estern Australia is an &riginal /tate* the num%ers

shall %e as ollowsC

 New /outh ?ales........................................... twenty+siD

<ictoria.......................................................... twenty+threeD

ueensland.................................................... nineD

/outh Australia............................................... se(enD

?estern Australia........................................... i(eD

Tasmania........................................................ i(e.

08 Alteration of number of members

/u%@ect to this onstitution* the $arliament may make laws orincreasing or diminishing the num%er o the mem%ers o the =ouse

o epresentati(es.

09 7uration of ouse of epresentati"es

;(ery =ouse o epresentati(es shall continue or three years rom

the irst meeting o the =ouse* and no longer* %ut may %e sooner

dissol(ed %y the ,o(ernor+,eneral.

0 ,lectoral di"isions  see Note "1

ntil the $arliament o the ommonwealth otherwise pro(ides* the$arliament o any /tate may make laws or determining the

di(isions in each /tate or which mem%ers o the =ouse o

epresentati(es may %e chosen* and the num%er o mem%ers to %e

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%art ###  The =ouse o epresentati(es


/ection 24

chosen or each di(ision. A di(ision shall not %e ormed out o

 parts o dierent /tates.

:n the a%sence o other pro(ision* each /tate shall %e one


3? ualification of electors

ntil the $arliament otherwise pro(ides* the >ualiication o

electors o mem%ers o the =ouse o epresentati(es shall %e in

each /tate that which is prescri%ed %y the law o the /tate as the

>ualiication o electors o the more numerous =ouse o $arliament

o the /tateD %ut in the choosing o mem%ers each elector shall (ote

only once.

31 Application of 'tate laws

ntil the $arliament otherwise pro(ides* %ut su%@ect to this

onstitution* the laws in orce in each /tate or the time %eing

relating to elections or the more numerous =ouse o the

$arliament o the /tate shall* as nearly as practica%le* apply to

elections in the /tate o mem%ers o the =ouse o epresentati(es.

30 rits for eneral election

The ,o(ernor+,eneral in ouncil may cause writs to %e issued or

general elections o mem%ers o the =ouse o epresentati(es.

Ater the irst general election* the writs shall %e issued within ten

days rom the epiry o a =ouse o epresentati(es or rom the

 proclamation o a dissolution thereo.

33 rits for "acancies

?hene(er a (acancy happens in the =ouse o epresentati(es* the

/peaker shall issue his writ or the election o a new mem%er* or i

there is no /peaker or i he is a%sent rom the ommonwealth the

,o(ernor+,eneral in ouncil may issue the writ.

34 ualifications of members

ntil the $arliament otherwise pro(ides* the >ualiications o a

mem%er o the =ouse o epresentati(es shall %e as ollowsC

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The =ouse o epresentati(es %art ###


/ection 2

GiH he must %e o the ull age o twenty+one years* and must %e

an elector entitled to (ote at the election o mem%ers o the

=ouse o epresentati(es* or a person >ualiied to %ecomesuch elector* and must ha(e %een or three years at the least a

resident within the limits o the ommonwealth as eisting at

the time when he is chosenD

GiiH he must %e a su%@ect o the ueen* either natural+%orn or or

at least i(e years naturaliIed under a law o the nited

Bingdom* or o a olony which has %ecome or %ecomes a

/tate* or o the ommonwealth* or o a /tate.

35 ,lection of 'peaEer

The =ouse o epresentati(es shall* %eore proceeding to the

despatch o any other %usiness* choose a mem%er to %e the /peaker o the =ouse* and as oten as the oice o /peaker %ecomes (acant

the =ouse shall again choose a mem%er to %e the /peaker.

The /peaker shall cease to hold his oice i he ceases to %e a

mem%er. =e may %e remo(ed rom oice %y a (ote o the =ouse*

or he may resign his oice or his seat %y writing addressed to the


36 Absence of 'peaEer

7eore or during any a%sence o the /peaker* the =ouse o

epresentati(es may choose a mem%er to perorm his duties in hisa%sence.

38 esination of member

A mem%er may %y writing addressed to the /peaker* or to the

,o(ernor+,eneral i there is no /peaker or i the /peaker is a%sent

rom the ommonwealth* resign his place* which thereupon shall

 %ecome (acant.

39 *acancy by absence

The place o a mem%er shall %ecome (acant i or two consecuti(emonths o any session o the $arliament he* without the permission

o the =ouse* ails to attend the =ouse.

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/ection 24

3 uorum

ntil the $arliament otherwise pro(ides* the presence o at leastone+third o the whole num%er o the mem%ers o the =ouse o

epresentati(es shall %e necessary to constitute a meeting o the

=ouse or the eercise o its powers.

4? *otin in ouse of epresentati"es

uestions arising in the =ouse o epresentati(es shall %e

determined %y a ma@ority o (otes other than that o the /peaker.

The /peaker shall not (ote unless the num%ers are e>ual* and then

he shall ha(e a casting (ote.

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/ection 2

%art #*$+oth ouses of the %arliament 

41 iht of electors of 'tates

 No adult person who has or ac>uires a right to (ote at elections or

the more numerous =ouse o the $arliament o a /tate shall* while

the right continues* %e pre(ented %y any law o the ommonwealth

rom (oting at elections or either =ouse o the $arliament o the


40 Oath or affirmation of alleiance

;(ery senator and e(ery mem%er o the =ouse o epresentati(es

shall %eore taking his seat make and su%scri%e %eore the

,o(ernor+,eneral* or some person authorised %y him* an oath or

airmation o allegiance in the orm set orth in the schedule to

this onstitution.

43 /ember of one ouse ineliible for other

A mem%er o either =ouse o the $arliament shall %e incapa%le o

 %eing chosen or o sitting as a mem%er o the other =ouse.

44 7isualification

Any person whoC

GiH is under any acknowledgment o allegiance* o%edience* or

adherence to a oreign power* or is a su%@ect or a citiIen or

entitled to the rights or pri(ileges o a su%@ect or a citiIen o a

oreign powerD or 

GiiH is attainted o treason* or has %een con(icted and is under

sentence* or su%@ect to %e sentenced* or any oence

 punisha%le under the law o the ommonwealth or o a /tate

 %y imprisonment or one year or longerD or 

GiiiH is an undischarged %ankrupt or insol(entD or 

Gi(H holds any oice o proit under the rown* or any pension

 paya%le during the pleasure o the rown out o any o the

re(enues o the ommonwealthD or 

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/ection 24

G(H has any direct or indirect pecuniary interest in any agreement

with the $u%lic /er(ice o the ommonwealth otherwise than

as a mem%er and in common with the other mem%ers o anincorporated company consisting o more than twenty+i(e


shall %e incapa%le o %eing chosen or o sitting as a senator or a

mem%er o the =ouse o epresentati(es.

7ut su%section Gi(H does not apply to the oice o any o the

ueen-s 9inisters o /tate or the ommonwealth* or o any o the

ueen-s 9inisters or a /tate* or to the receipt o pay* hal pay* or a

 pension* %y any person as an oicer or mem%er o the ueen-s

na(y or army* or to the receipt o pay as an oicer or mem%er o

the na(al or military orces o the ommonwealth %y any person

whose ser(ices are not wholly employed %y the ommonwealth.

45 *acancy on happenin of disualification

: a senator or mem%er o the =ouse o epresentati(esC

GiH %ecomes su%@ect to any o the disa%ilities mentioned in the

last preceding sectionD or 

GiiH takes the %eneit* whether %y assignment* composition* or

otherwise* o any law relating to %ankrupt or insol(ent

de%torsD or 

GiiiH directly or indirectly takes or agrees to take any ee or

honorarium or ser(ices rendered to the ommonwealth* or

or ser(ices rendered in the $arliament to any person or /tateD

his place shall thereupon %ecome (acant.

46 %enalty for sittin when disualified

ntil the $arliament otherwise pro(ides* any person declared %y

this onstitution to %e incapa%le o sitting as a senator or as a

mem%er o the =ouse o epresentati(es shall* or e(ery day on

which he so sits* %e lia%le to pay the sum o one hundred pounds to

any person who sues or it in any court o competent @urisdiction.

48 7isputed elections

ntil the $arliament otherwise pro(ides* any >uestion respecting

the >ualiication o a senator or o a mem%er o the =ouse o

epresentati(es* or respecting a (acancy in either =ouse o the

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The =ouse o epresentati(es %art ###


/ection 2

$arliament* and any >uestion o a disputed election to either

=ouse* shall %e determined %y the =ouse in which the >uestion


49 Allowance to members

ntil the $arliament otherwise pro(ides* each senator and each

mem%er o the =ouse o epresentati(es shall recei(e an

allowance o our hundred pounds a year* to %e reckoned rom the

day on which he takes his seat.

4 %ri"ilees etc= of ouses

The powers* pri(ileges* and immunities o the /enate and o the

=ouse o epresentati(es* and o the mem%ers and the committeeso each =ouse* shall %e such as are declared %y the $arliament* and

until declared shall %e those o the ommons =ouse o $arliament

o the nited Bingdom* and o its mem%ers and committees* at the

esta%lishment o the ommonwealth.

5? ules and orders

;ach =ouse o the $arliament may make rules and orders with

respect toC

GiH the mode in which its powers* pri(ileges* and immunities

may %e eercised and upheldD

GiiH the order and conduct o its %usiness and proceedings eitherseparately or @ointly with the other =ouse.

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/ection 24

%art *$%owers of the %arliament 

51 ;eislati"e powers of the %arliament  see Notes !0 and !!1

The $arliament shall* su%@ect to this onstitution* ha(e power to

make laws or the peace* order* and good go(ernment o the

ommonwealth with respect toC

GiH trade and commerce with other countries* and among the


GiiH taationD %ut so as not to discriminate %etween /tates or parts

o /tatesD

GiiiH %ounties on the production or eport o goods* %ut so thatsuch %ounties shall %e uniorm throughout the


Gi(H %orrowing money on the pu%lic credit o the ommonwealthD

G(H postal* telegraphic* telephonic* and other like ser(icesD

G(iH the na(al and military deence o the ommonwealth and o

the se(eral /tates* and the control o the orces to eecute and

maintain the laws o the ommonwealthD

G(iiH lighthouses* lightships* %eacons and %uoysD

G(iiiH astronomical and meteorological o%ser(ationsD

GiH >uarantineD

GH isheries in Australian waters %eyond territorial limitsD

GiH census and statisticsD

GiiH currency* coinage* and legal tenderD

GiiiH %anking* other than /tate %ankingD also /tate %anking

etending %eyond the limits o the /tate concerned* the

incorporation o %anks* and the issue o paper moneyD

Gi(H insurance* other than /tate insuranceD also /tate insurance

etending %eyond the limits o the /tate concernedD

G(H weights and measuresD

G(iH %ills o echange and promissory notesD

G(iiH %ankruptcy and insol(encyDG(iiiH copyrights* patents o in(entions and designs* and trade


GiH naturaliIation and aliensD

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The =ouse o epresentati(es %art ###


/ection 2

GH oreign corporations* and trading or inancial corporations

ormed within the limits o the ommonwealthD

GiH marriageDGiiH di(orce and matrimonial causesD and in relation thereto*

 parental rights* and the custody and guardianship o inantsD

GiiiH in(alid and old+age pensionsD

(xxiiiA) the pro"ision of maternity allowances@ widows2 pensions@

child endowment@ unemployment@ pharmaceutical@

sicEness and hospital benefits@ medical and dental ser"ices

(but not so as to authoriBe any form of ci"il conscription)@

benefits to students and family allowancesD

Gi(H the ser(ice and eecution throughout the ommonwealth o

the ci(il and criminal process and the @udgments o the courts

o the /tatesDG(H the recognition throughout the ommonwealth o the laws*

the pu%lic Acts and records* and the @udicial proceedings o

the /tatesD

G(iH the people o any race* other than the a%original race in any

/tate* or whom it is deemed necessary to make special lawsD

G(iiH immigration and emigrationD

G(iiiH the inlu o criminalsD

GiH eternal aairsD

GH the relations o the ommonwealth with the islands o the


GiH the ac>uisition o property on @ust terms rom any /tate or person or any purpose in respect o which the $arliament has

 power to make lawsD

GiiH the control o railways with respect to transport or the na(al

and military purposes o the ommonwealthD

GiiiH the ac>uisition* with the consent o a /tate* o any railways o 

the /tate on terms arranged %etween the ommonwealth and

the /tateD

Gi(H railway construction and etension in any /tate with the

consent o that /tateD

G(H conciliation and ar%itration or the pre(ention and settlement

o industrial disputes etending %eyond the limits o any one/tateD

G(iH matters in respect o which this onstitution makes pro(ision

until the $arliament otherwise pro(idesD

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%art ###  The =ouse o epresentati(es


/ection 24

G(iiH matters reerred to the $arliament o the ommonwealth %y

the $arliament or $arliaments o any /tate or /tates* %ut so

that the law shall etend only to /tates %y whose $arliamentsthe matter is reerred* or which aterwards adopt the lawD

G(iiiH the eercise within the ommonwealth* at the re>uest or with

the concurrence o the $arliaments o all the /tates directly

concerned* o any power which can at the esta%lishment o

this onstitution %e eercised only %y the $arliament o the

nited Bingdom or %y the 6ederal ouncil o AustralasiaD

GiH matters incidental to the eecution o any power (ested %y

this onstitution in the $arliament or in either =ouse thereo*

or in the ,o(ernment o the ommonwealth* or in the

6ederal Judicature* or in any department or oicer o the


50 ,xclusi"e powers of the %arliament

The $arliament shall* su%@ect to this onstitution* ha(e eclusi(e

 power to make laws or the peace* order* and good go(ernment o

the ommonwealth with respect toC

GiH the seat o go(ernment o the ommonwealth* and all places

ac>uired %y the ommonwealth or pu%lic purposesD

GiiH matters relating to any department o the pu%lic ser(ice the

control o which is %y this onstitution transerred to the

;ecuti(e ,o(ernment o the ommonwealthD

GiiiH other matters declared %y this onstitution to %e within theeclusi(e power o the $arliament.

53 %owers of the ouses in respect of leislation

$roposed laws appropriating re(enue or moneys* or imposing

taation* shall not originate in the /enate. 7ut a proposed law shall

not %e taken to appropriate re(enue or moneys* or to impose

taation* %y reason only o its containing pro(isions or the

imposition or appropriation o ines or other pecuniary penalties* or 

or the demand or payment or appropriation o ees or licences* or

ees or ser(ices under the proposed law.

The /enate may not amend proposed laws imposing taation* or

 proposed laws appropriating re(enue or moneys or the ordinary

annual ser(ices o the ,o(ernment.

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The =ouse o epresentati(es %art ###


/ection 2

The /enate may not amend any proposed law so as to increase any

 proposed charge or %urden on the people.

The /enate may at any stage return to the =ouse o epresentati(es

any proposed law which the /enate may not amend* re>uesting* %y

message* the omission or amendment o any items or pro(isions

therein. And the =ouse o epresentati(es may* i it thinks it*

make any o such omissions or amendments* with or without


;cept as pro(ided in this section* the /enate shall ha(e e>ual

 power with the =ouse o epresentati(es in respect o all proposed


54 Appropriation +illsThe proposed law which appropriates re(enue or moneys or the

ordinary annual ser(ices o the ,o(ernment shall deal only with

such appropriation.

55 Tax +ill

'aws imposing taation shall deal only with the imposition o

taation* and any pro(ision therein dealing with any other matter

shall %e o no eect.

'aws imposing taation* ecept laws imposing duties o customs

or o ecise* shall deal with one su%@ect o taation onlyD %ut lawsimposing duties o customs shall deal with duties o customs only*

and laws imposing duties o ecise shall deal with duties o ecise


56 ecommendation of money "otes

A (ote* resolution* or proposed law or the appropriation o

re(enue or moneys shall not %e passed unless the purpose o the

appropriation has in the same session %een recommended %y

message o the ,o(ernor+,eneral to the =ouse in which the

 proposal originated.

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/ection 24

58 7isareement between the ouses

: the =ouse o epresentati(es passes any proposed law* and the/enate re@ects or ails to pass it* or passes it with amendments to

which the =ouse o epresentati(es will not agree* and i ater an

inter(al o three months the =ouse o epresentati(es* in the same

or the net session* again passes the proposed law with or without

any amendments which ha(e %een made* suggested* or agreed to

 %y the /enate* and the /enate re@ects or ails to pass it* or passes it

with amendments to which the =ouse o epresentati(es will not

agree* the ,o(ernor+,eneral may dissol(e the /enate and the

=ouse o epresentati(es simultaneously. 7ut such dissolution

shall not take place within si months %eore the date o the epiry

o the =ouse o epresentati(es %y eluion o time.

: ater such dissolution the =ouse o epresentati(es again passes

the proposed law* with or without any amendments which ha(e

 %een made* suggested* or agreed to %y the /enate* and the /enate

re@ects or ails to pass it* or passes it with amendments to which the

=ouse o epresentati(es will not agree* the ,o(ernor+,eneral

may con(ene a @oint sitting o the mem%ers o the /enate and o the

=ouse o epresentati(es.

The mem%ers present at the @oint sitting may deli%erate and shall

(ote together upon the proposed law as last proposed %y the =ouse

o epresentati(es* and upon amendments* i any* which ha(e %een

made therein %y one =ouse and not agreed to %y the other* and any

such amendments which are airmed %y an a%solute ma@ority o

the total num%er o the mem%ers o the /enate and =ouse o

epresentati(es shall %e taken to ha(e %een carried* and i the

 proposed law* with the amendments* i any* so carried is airmed

 %y an a%solute ma@ority o the total num%er o the mem%ers o the

/enate and =ouse o epresentati(es* it shall %e taken to ha(e %een

duly passed %y %oth =ouses o the $arliament* and shall %e

 presented to the ,o(ernor+,eneral or the ueen-s assent.

59 oyal assent to +ills

?hen a proposed law passed %y %oth =ouses o the $arliament is presented to the ,o(ernor+,eneral or the ueen-s assent* he shall

declare* according to his discretion* %ut su%@ect to this onstitution*

that he assents in the ueen-s name* or that he withholds assent* or

that he reser(es the law or the ueen-s pleasure.

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/ection 2

 *ecommenations +, -overnor-eneral 

The ,o(ernor+,eneral may return to the house in which it

originated any proposed law so presented to him* and may transmit

therewith any amendments which he may recommend* and the

=ouses may deal with the recommendation.

5 7isallowance by the ueen

The ueen may disallow any law within one year rom the

,o(ernor+,eneral-s assent* and such disallowance on %eing made

known %y the ,o(ernor+,eneral %y speech or message to each o

the =ouses o the $arliament* or %y $roclamation* shall annul the

law rom the day when the disallowance is so made known.

6? 'inification of ueen2s pleasure on +ills reser"ed

A proposed law reser(ed or the ueen-s pleasure shall not ha(e

any orce unless and until within two years rom the day on which

it was presented to the ,o(ernor+,eneral or the ueen-s assent

the ,o(ernor+,eneral makes known* %y speech or message to each

o the =ouses o the $arliament* or %y $roclamation* that it has

recei(ed the ueen-s assent.

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/ection 24

Chapter ##$The ,xecuti"e &o"ernment 

61 ,xecuti"e power

The eecuti(e power o the ommonwealth is (ested in the ueen

and is eercisa%le %y the ,o(ernor+,eneral as the ueen-s

representati(e* and etends to the eecution and maintenance o

this onstitution* and o the laws o the ommonwealth.

60 .ederal ,xecuti"e Council

There shall %e a 6ederal ;ecuti(e ouncil to ad(ise the

,o(ernor+,eneral in the go(ernment o the ommonwealth* andthe mem%ers o the ouncil shall %e chosen and summoned %y the

,o(ernor+,eneral and sworn as ;ecuti(e ouncillors* and shall

hold oice during his pleasure.

63 %ro"isions referrin to &o"ernor<&eneral

The pro(isions o this onstitution reerring to the

,o(ernor+,eneral in ouncil shall %e construed as reerring to the

,o(ernor+,eneral acting with the ad(ice o the 6ederal ;ecuti(e


64 /inisters of 'tate

The ,o(ernor+,eneral may appoint oicers to administer such

departments o /tate o the ommonwealth as the

,o(ernor+,eneral in ouncil may esta%lish.

/uch oicers shall hold oice during the pleasure o the

,o(ernor+,eneral. They shall %e mem%ers o the 6ederal

;ecuti(e ouncil* and shall %e the ueen-s 9inisters o /tate or

the ommonwealth.

 "inisters to sit in %arliament 

Ater the irst general election no 9inister o /tate shall hold oice

or a longer period than three months unless he is or %ecomes a

senator or a mem%er o the =ouse o epresentati(es.

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/ection 2

65 Number of /inisters

ntil the $arliament otherwise pro(ides* the 9inisters o /tateshall not eceed se(en in num%er* and shall hold such oices as the

$arliament prescri%es* or* in the a%sence o pro(ision* as the

,o(ernor+,eneral directs.

66 'alaries of /inisters

There shall %e paya%le to the ueen* out o the onsolidated

e(enue 6und o the ommonwealth* or the salaries o the

9inisters o /tate* an annual sum which* until the $arliament

otherwise pro(ides* shall not eceed twel(e thousand pounds a


68 Appointment of ci"il ser"ants

ntil the $arliament otherwise pro(ides* the appointment and

remo(al o all other oicers o the ;ecuti(e ,o(ernment o the

ommonwealth shall %e (ested in the ,o(ernor+,eneral in

ouncil* unless the appointment is delegated %y the

,o(ernor+,eneral in ouncil or %y a law o the ommonwealth to

some other authority.

69 Command of na"al and military forces

The command in chie o the na(al and military orces o theommonwealth is (ested in the ,o(ernor+,eneral as the ueen-s


6 Transfer of certain departments

&n a date or dates to %e proclaimed %y the ,o(ernor+,eneral ater

the esta%lishment o the ommonwealth the ollowing departments

o the pu%lic ser(ice in each /tate shall %ecome transerred to the


 posts* telegraphs* and telephonesD

na(al and military deenceD

lighthouses* lightships* %eacons* and %uoysD


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/ection 24

7ut the departments o customs and o ecise in each /tate shall

 %ecome transerred to the ommonwealth on its esta%lishment.

8? Certain powers of &o"ernors to "est in &o"ernor<&eneral

:n respect o matters which* under this onstitution* pass to the

;ecuti(e ,o(ernment o the ommonwealth* all powers and

unctions which at the esta%lishment o the ommonwealth are

(ested in the ,o(ernor o a olony* or in the ,o(ernor o a olony

with the ad(ice o his ;ecuti(e ouncil* or in any authority o a

olony* shall (est in the ,o(ernor+,eneral* or in the

,o(ernor+,eneral in ouncil* or in the authority eercising similar 

 powers under the ommonwealth* as the case re>uires.

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/ection 2

Chapter ###$The -udicature 

81 -udicial power and Courts

The @udicial power o the ommonwealth shall %e (ested in a

6ederal /upreme ourt* to %e called the =igh ourt o Australia*

and in such other ederal courts as the $arliament creates* and in

such other courts as it in(ests with ederal @urisdiction. The =igh

ourt shall consist o a hie Justice* and so many other Justices*

not less than two* as the $arliament prescri%es.

80 -udes2 appointment@ tenure@ and remuneration

The Justices o the =igh ourt and o the other courts created %y

the $arliamentC

GiH shall %e appointed %y the ,o(ernor+,eneral in ouncilD

GiiH shall not %e remo(ed ecept %y the ,o(ernor+,eneral in

ouncil* on an address rom %oth =ouses o the $arliament in

the same session* praying or such remo(al on the ground o

 pro(ed mis%eha(iour or incapacityD

GiiiH shall recei(e such remuneration as the $arliament may iD

 %ut the remuneration shall not %e diminished during their

continuance in oice.

The appointment of a -ustice of the ih Court shall be for a

term expirin upon his attainin the ae of se"enty years@ and a

person shall not be appointed as a -ustice of the ih Court if

he has attained that ae=

The appointment of a -ustice of a court created by the

%arliament shall be for a term expirin upon his attainin the

ae that is@ at the time of his appointment@ the maximum ae

for -ustices of that court and a person shall not be appointed as

a -ustice of such a court if he has attained the ae that is for

the time bein the maximum ae for -ustices of that court=

'ubFect to this section@ the maximum ae for -ustices of any

court created by the %arliament is se"enty years=

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/ection 24

The %arliament may maEe a law fixin an ae that is less than

se"enty years as the maximum ae for -ustices of a court

created by the %arliament and may at any time repeal oramend such a law@ but any such repeal or amendment does not

affect the term of office of a -ustice under an appointment

made before the repeal or amendment=

A -ustice of the ih Court or of a court created by the

%arliament may resin his office by writin under his hand

deli"ered to the &o"ernor<&eneral=

Nothin in the pro"isions added to this section by the

Constitution Alteration &etirement of 'udges" #$%%  affects the

continuance of a person in office as a -ustice of a court under

an appointment made before the commencement of those


A reference in this section to the appointment of a -ustice of the

ih Court or of a court created by the %arliament shall be

read as includin a reference to the appointment of a person

who holds office as a -ustice of the ih Court or of a court

created by the %arliament to another office of -ustice of the

same court ha"in a different status or desination=

83 Appellate Furisdiction of ih Court

The =igh ourt shall ha(e @urisdiction* with such eceptions and

su%@ect to such regulations as the $arliament prescri%es* to hear anddetermine appeals rom all @udgments* decrees* orders* and


GiH o any Justice or Justices eercising the original @urisdiction

o the =igh ourtD

GiiH o any other ederal court* or court eercising ederal

 @urisdictionD or o the /upreme ourt o any /tate* or o any

other court o any /tate rom which at the esta%lishment o

the ommonwealth an appeal lies to the ueen in ouncilD

GiiiH o the :nter+/tate ommission* %ut as to >uestions o law


and the @udgment o the =igh ourt in all such cases shall %e inaland conclusi(e.

7ut no eception or regulation prescri%ed %y the $arliament shall

 pre(ent the =igh ourt rom hearing and determining any appeal

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/ection 2

rom the /upreme ourt o a /tate in any matter in which at the

esta%lishment o the ommonwealth an appeal lies rom such

/upreme ourt to the ueen in ouncil.

ntil the $arliament otherwise pro(ides* the conditions o and

restrictions on appeals to the ueen in ouncil rom the /upreme

ourts o the se(eral /tates shall %e applica%le to appeals rom

them to the =igh ourt.

84 Appeal to ueen in Council  see Note !21

 No appeal shall %e permitted to the ueen in ouncil rom a

decision o the =igh ourt upon any >uestion* howsoe(er arising*

as to the limits inter se o the onstitutional powers o the

ommonwealth and those o any /tate or /tates* or as to the limitsinter se o the onstitutional powers o any two or more /tates*

unless the =igh ourt shall certiy that the >uestion is one which

ought to %e determined %y =er 9a@esty in ouncil.

The =igh ourt may so certiy i satisied that or any special

reason the certiicate should %e granted* and thereupon an appeal

shall lie to =er 9a@esty in ouncil on the >uestion without urther


;cept as pro(ided in this section* this onstitution shall not

impair any right which the ueen may %e pleased to eercise %y

(irtue o =er oyal prerogati(e to grant special lea(e o appeal

rom the =igh ourt to =er 9a@esty in ouncil. The $arliamentmay make laws limiting the matters in which such lea(e may %e

asked* %ut proposed laws containing any such limitation shall %e

reser(ed %y the ,o(ernor+,eneral or =er 9a@esty-s pleasure.

85 Oriinal Furisdiction of ih Court

:n all mattersC

GiH arising under any treatyD

GiiH aecting consuls or other representati(es o other countriesD

GiiiH in which the ommonwealth* or a person suing or %eing sued

on %ehal o the ommonwealth* is a partyDGi(H %etween /tates* or %etween residents o dierent /tates* or

 %etween a /tate and a resident o another /tateD

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/ection 24

G(H in which a writ o 9andamus or prohi%ition or an in@unction

is sought against an oicer o the ommonwealthD

the =igh ourt shall ha(e original @urisdiction.

86 Additional oriinal Furisdiction

The $arliament may make laws conerring original @urisdiction on

the =igh ourt in any matterC

GiH arising under this onstitution* or in(ol(ing its interpretationD

GiiH arising under any laws made %y the $arliamentD

GiiiH o Admiralty and maritime @urisdictionD

Gi(H relating to the same su%@ect+matter claimed under the laws o

dierent /tates.

88 %ower to define Furisdiction

?ith respect to any o the matters mentioned in the last two

sections the $arliament may make lawsC

GiH deining the @urisdiction o any ederal court other than the

=igh ourtD

GiiH deining the etent to which the @urisdiction o any ederal

court shall %e eclusi(e o that which %elongs to or is

in(ested in the courts o the /tatesD

GiiiH in(esting any court o a /tate with ederal @urisdiction.

89 %roceedins aainst Commonwealth or 'tate

The $arliament may make laws conerring rights to proceed

against the ommonwealth or a /tate in respect o matters within

the limits o the @udicial power.

8 Number of Fudes

The ederal @urisdiction o any court may %e eercised %y such

num%er o @udges as the $arliament prescri%es.

9? Trial by FuryThe trial on indictment o any oence against any law o the

ommonwealth shall %e %y @ury* and e(ery such trial shall %e held

in the /tate where the oence was committed* and i the oence

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/ection 2

was not committed within any /tate the trial shall %e held at such

 place or places as the $arliament prescri%es.

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/ection 24

Chapter #*$.inance and Trade 

91 Consolidated e"enue .und

All re(enues or moneys raised or recei(ed %y the ;ecuti(e

,o(ernment o the ommonwealth shall orm one onsolidated

e(enue 6und* to %e appropriated or the purposes o the

ommonwealth in the manner and su%@ect to the charges and

lia%ilities imposed %y this onstitution.

90 ,xpenditure chared thereon

The costs* charges* and epenses incident to the collection*management* and receipt o the onsolidated e(enue 6und shall

orm the irst charge thereonD and the re(enue o the

ommonwealth shall in the irst instance %e applied to the payment

o the ependiture o the ommonwealth.

93 /oney to be appropriated by law

 No money shall %e drawn rom the Treasury o the ommonwealth

ecept under appropriation made %y law.

7ut until the epiration o one month ater the irst meeting o the

$arliament the ,o(ernor+,eneral in ouncil may draw rom theTreasury and epend such moneys as may %e necessary or the

maintenance o any department transerred to the ommonwealth

and or the holding o the irst elections or the $arliament.

94 Transfer of officers

?hen any department o the pu%lic ser(ice o a /tate %ecomes

transerred to the ommonwealth* all oicers o the department

shall %ecome su%@ect to the control o the ;ecuti(e ,o(ernment o 

the ommonwealth.

Any such oicer who is not retained in the ser(ice o theommonwealth shall* unless he is appointed to some other oice

o e>ual emolument in the pu%lic ser(ice o the /tate* %e entitled to

recei(e rom the /tate any pension* gratuity* or other

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/ection 2

compensation* paya%le under the law o the /tate on the a%olition

o his oice.

Any such oicer who is retained in the ser(ice o the

ommonwealth shall preser(e all his eisting and accruing rights*

and shall %e entitled to retire rom oice at the time* and on the

 pension or retiring allowance* which would %e permitted %y the

law o the /tate i his ser(ice with the ommonwealth were a

continuation o his ser(ice with the /tate. /uch pension or retiring

allowance shall %e paid to him %y the ommonwealthD %ut the

/tate shall pay to the ommonwealth a part thereo* to %e

calculated on the proportion which his term o ser(ice with the

/tate %ears to his whole term o ser(ice* and or the purpose o the

calculation his salary shall %e taken to %e that paid to him %y the

/tate at the time o the transer.

Any oicer who is* at the esta%lishment o the ommonwealth* in

the pu%lic ser(ice o a /tate* and who is* %y consent o the

,o(ernor o the /tate with the ad(ice o the ;ecuti(e ouncil

thereo* transerred to the pu%lic ser(ice o the ommonwealth*

shall ha(e the same rights as i he had %een an oicer o a

department transerred to the ommonwealth and were retained in

the ser(ice o the ommonwealth.

95 Transfer of property of 'tate

 ?hen any department o the pu%lic ser(ice o a /tate is transerredto the ommonwealthC

GiH all property o the /tate o any kind* used eclusi(ely in

conneion with the department* shall %ecome (ested in the

ommonwealthD %ut* in the case o the departments

controlling customs and ecise and %ounties* or such time

only as the ,o(ernor+,eneral in ouncil may declare to %e


GiiH the ommonwealth may ac>uire any property o the /tate* o 

any kind used* %ut not eclusi(ely used in conneion with the

departmentD the (alue thereo shall* i no agreement can %e

made* %e ascertained in* as nearly as may %e* the manner in

which the (alue o land* or o an interest in land* taken %y the/tate or pu%lic purposes is ascertained under the law o the

/tate in orce at the esta%lishment o the ommonwealthD

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/ection 24

GiiiH the ommonwealth shall compensate the /tate or the (alue

o any property passing to the ommonwealth under this

sectionD i no agreement can %e made as to the mode ocompensation* it shall %e determined under laws to %e made

 %y the $arliamentD

Gi(H the ommonwealth shall* at the date o the transer* assume

the current o%ligations o the /tate in respect o the

department transerred.

96 [Customs@ excise@ and bounties!  see Note !31

&n the esta%lishment o the ommonwealth* the collection and

control o duties o customs and o ecise* and the control o the

 payment o %ounties* shall pass to the ;ecuti(e ,o(ernment o

the ommonwealth.

98 [e"enue from customs and excise duties!  see Note !31

)uring a period o ten years ater the esta%lishment o the

ommonwealth and thereater until the $arliament otherwise

 pro(ides* o the net re(enue o the ommonwealth rom duties o

customs and o ecise not more than one+ourth shall %e applied

annually %y the ommonwealth towards its ependiture.

The %alance shall* in accordance with this onstitution* %e paid to

the se(eral /tates* or applied towards the payment o interest on

de%ts o the se(eral /tates taken o(er %y the ommonwealth.

99 Iniform duties of customs

niorm duties o customs shall %e imposed within two years ater

the esta%lishment o the ommonwealth.

9 %ayment to 'tates before uniform duties

ntil the imposition o uniorm duties o customsC

GiH the ommonwealth shall credit to each /tate the re(enues

collected therein %y the ommonwealthD

GiiH the ommonwealth shall de%it to each /tateC

GaH the ependiture therein o the ommonwealth incurred

solely or the maintenance or continuance* as at the time

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/ection 2

o transer* o any department transerred rom the /tate

to the ommonwealthD

G%H the proportion o the /tate* according to the num%er oits people* in the other ependiture o the


GiiiH the ommonwealth shall pay to each /tate month %y month

the %alance Gi anyH in a(our o the /tate.

? ,xclusi"e power o"er customs@ excise@ and bounties

&n the imposition o uniorm duties o customs the power o the

$arliament to impose duties o customs and o ecise* and to grant

 %ounties on the production or eport o goods* shall %ecome


&n the imposition o uniorm duties o customs all laws o the

se(eral /tates imposing duties o customs or o ecise* or oering

 %ounties on the production or eport o goods* shall cease to ha(e

eect* %ut any grant o or agreement or any such %ounty lawully

made %y or under the authority o the ,o(ernment o any /tate

shall %e taken to %e good i made %eore the thirtieth day o June*

one thousand eight hundred and ninety+eight* and not otherwise.

1 ,xceptions as to bounties

 Nothing in this onstitution prohi%its a /tate rom granting any aid

to or %ounty on mining or gold* sil(er* or other metals* nor romgranting* with the consent o %oth =ouses o the $arliament o the

ommonwealth epressed %y resolution* any aid to or %ounty on

the production or eport o goods.

0 Trade within the Commonwealth to be free

&n the imposition o uniorm duties o customs* trade* commerce*

and intercourse among the /tates* whether %y means o internal

carriage or ocean na(igation* shall %e a%solutely ree.

7ut notwithstanding anything in this onstitution* goods imported

 %eore the imposition o uniorm duties o customs into any /tate*or into any olony which* whilst the goods remain therein*

 %ecomes a /tate* shall* on thence passing into another /tate within

two years ater the imposition o such duties* %e lia%le to any duty

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/ection 24

chargea%le on the importation o such goods into the

ommonwealth* less any duty paid in respect o the goods on their


3 %ayment to 'tates for fi"e years after uniform tariffs

)uring the irst i(e years ater the imposition o uniorm duties o

customs* and thereater until the $arliament otherwise pro(idesC

GiH the duties o customs chargea%le on goods imported into a

/tate and aterwards passing into another /tate or

consumption* and the duties o ecise paid on goods

 produced or manuactured in a /tate and aterwards passing

into another /tate or consumption* shall %e taken to ha(e

 %een collected not in the ormer %ut in the latter /tateD

GiiH su%@ect to the last su%section* the ommonwealth shall creditre(enue* de%it ependiture* and pay %alances to the se(eral

/tates as prescri%ed or the period preceding the imposition

o uniorm duties o customs.

4 7istribution of surplus

Ater i(e years rom the imposition o uniorm duties o customs*

the $arliament may pro(ide* on such %asis as it deems air* or the

monthly payment to the se(eral /tates o all surplus re(enue o the


5 Customs duties of estern Australia

 Notwithstanding anything in this onstitution* the $arliament o

the /tate o ?estern Australia* i that /tate %e an &riginal /tate*

may* during the irst i(e years ater the imposition o uniorm

duties o customs* impose duties o customs on goods passing into

that /tate and not originally imported rom %eyond the limits o the

ommonwealthD and such duties shall %e collected %y the


7ut any duty so imposed on any goods shall not eceed during the

irst o such years the duty chargea%le on the goods under the law

o ?estern Australia in orce at the imposition o uniorm duties*and shall not eceed during the second* third* ourth* and ith o

such years respecti(ely* our+iths* three+iths* two+iths* and

one+ith o such latter duty* and all duties imposed under this

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The =ouse o epresentati(es %art ###


/ection 2

section shall cease at the epiration o the ith year ater the

imposition o uniorm duties.

: at any time during the i(e years the duty on any goods under

this section is higher than the duty imposed %y the ommonwealth

on the importation o the like goods* then such higher duty shall %e

collected on the goods when imported into ?estern Australia rom

 %eyond the limits o the ommonwealth.

6 .inancial assistance to 'tates

)uring a period o ten years ater the esta%lishment o the

ommonwealth and thereater until the $arliament otherwise

 pro(ides* the $arliament may grant inancial assistance to any /tate

on such terms and conditions as the $arliament thinks it.

8 Audit

ntil the $arliament otherwise pro(ides* the laws in orce in any

olony which has %ecome or %ecomes a /tate with respect to the

receipt o re(enue and the ependiture o money on account o the

,o(ernment o the olony* and the re(iew and audit o such

receipt and ependiture* shall apply to the receipt o re(enue and

the ependiture o money on account o the ommonwealth in the

/tate in the same manner as i the ommonwealth* or the

,o(ernment or an oicer o the ommonwealth* were mentioned

whene(er the olony* or the ,o(ernment or an oicer o theolony* is mentioned.

9 Trade and commerce includes na"iation and 'tate railways

The power o the $arliament to make laws with respect to trade and

commerce etends to na(igation and shipping* and to railways the

 property o any /tate.

Commonwealth not to i"e preference

The ommonwealth shall not* %y any law or regulation o trade*

commerce* or re(enue* gi(e preerence to one /tate or any partthereo o(er another /tate or any part thereo.

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Chapter #  The $arliament

%art ###  The =ouse o epresentati(es


/ection 24

1?? Nor abride riht to use water

The ommonwealth shall not* %y any law or regulation o trade orcommerce* a%ridge the right o a /tate or o the residents therein to

the reasona%le use o the waters o ri(ers or conser(ation or


1?1 #nter<'tate Commission

There shall %e an :nter+/tate ommission* with such powers o

ad@udication and administration as the $arliament deems necessary

or the eecution and maintenance* within the ommonwealth* o

the pro(isions o this onstitution relating to trade and commerce*

and o all laws made thereunder.

1?0 %arliament may forbid preferences by 'tate

The $arliament may %y any law with respect to trade or commerce

or%id* as to railways* any preerence or discrimination %y any

/tate* or %y any authority constituted under a /tate* i such

 preerence or discrimination is undue and unreasona%le* or un@ust

to any /tateD due regard %eing had to the inancial responsi%ilities

incurred %y any /tate in conneion with the construction and

maintenance o its railways. 7ut no preerence or discrimination

shall* within the meaning o this section* %e taken to %e undue and

unreasona%le* or un@ust to any /tate* unless so ad@udged %y the

:nter+/tate ommission.

1?3 Commissioners2 appointment@ tenure@ and remuneration

The mem%ers o the :nter+/tate ommissionC

GiH shall %e appointed %y the ,o(ernor+,eneral in ouncilD

GiiH shall hold oice or se(en years* %ut may %e remo(ed within

that time %y the ,o(ernor+,eneral in ouncil* on an address

rom %oth =ouses o the $arliament in the same session

 praying or such remo(al on the ground o pro(ed

mis%eha(iour or incapacityD

GiiiH shall recei(e such remuneration as the $arliament may iD

 %ut such remuneration shall not %e diminished during their

continuance in oice.

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/ection 2

1?4 'a"in of certain rates

 Nothing in this onstitution shall render unlawul any rate or thecarriage o goods upon a railway* the property o a /tate* i the rate

is deemed %y the :nter+/tate ommission to %e necessary or the

de(elopment o the territory o the /tate* and i the rate applies

e>ually to goods within the /tate and to goods passing into the

/tate rom other /tates.

1?5 TaEin o"er public debts of 'tates

The $arliament may take o(er rom the /tates their pu%lic de%tsas

eisting at the esta%lishment o the ommonwealth* or a proportion

thereo according to the respecti(e num%ers o their people as

shown %y the latest statistics o the ommonwealth* and maycon(ert* renew* or consolidate such de%ts* or any part thereoD and

the /tates shall indemniy the ommonwealth in respect o the

de%ts taken o(er* and thereater the interest paya%le in respect o

the de%ts shall %e deducted and retained rom the portions o the

surplus re(enue o the ommonwealth paya%le to the se(eral

/tates* or i such surplus is insuicient* or i there is no surplus*

then the deiciency or the whole amount shall %e paid %y the

se(eral /tates.

1?5A Areements with respect to 'tate debts

(1) The Commonwealth may maEe areements with the 'tateswith respect to the public debts of the 'tates@ includin:

(a) the taEin o"er of such debts by the CommonwealthD

(b) the manaement of such debtsD

(c) the payment of interest and the pro"ision and

manaement of sinEin funds in respect of such debtsD

(d) the consolidation@ renewal@ con"ersion@ and redemption of 

such debtsD

(e) the indemnification of the Commonwealth by the 'tates

in respect of debts taEen o"er by the CommonwealthD and

(f) the borrowin of money by the 'tates or by the

Commonwealth@ or by the Commonwealth for the 'tates=

(0) The %arliament may maEe laws for "alidatin any such

areement made before the commencement of this section=

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Chapter #  The $arliament

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/ection 24

(3) The %arliament may maEe laws for the carryin out by the

parties thereto of any such areement=

(4) Any such areement may be "aried or rescinded by the parties


(5) ,"ery such areement and any such "ariation thereof shall be

bindin upon the Commonwealth and the 'tates parties thereto

notwithstandin anythin contained in this Constitution or the

Constitution of the se"eral 'tates or in any law of the

%arliament of the Commonwealth or of any 'tate=

(6) The powers conferred by this section shall not be construed as

bein limited in any way by the pro"isions of section one

hundred and fi"e of this Constitution=

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/ection 2

Chapter *$The 'tates 

1?6 'a"in of Constitutions

The onstitution o each /tate o the ommonwealth shall* su%@ect

to this onstitution* continue as at the esta%lishment o the

ommonwealth* or as at the admission or esta%lishment o the

/tate* as the case may %e* until altered in accordance with the

onstitution o the /tate.

1?8 'a"in of %ower of 'tate %arliaments

;(ery power o the $arliament o a olony which has %ecome or %ecomes a /tate* shall* unless it is %y this onstitution eclusi(ely

(ested in the $arliament o the ommonwealth or withdrawn rom

the $arliament o the /tate* continue as at the esta%lishment o the

ommonwealth* or as at the admission or esta%lishment o the

/tate* as the case may %e.

1?9 'a"in of 'tate laws

;(ery law in orce in a olony which has %ecome or %ecomes a

/tate* and relating to any matter within the powers o the

$arliament o the ommonwealth* shall* su%@ect to this

onstitution* continue in orce in the /tateD and* until pro(ision is

made in that %ehal %y the $arliament o the ommonwealth* the

$arliament o the /tate shall ha(e such powers o alteration and o

repeal in respect o any such law as the $arliament o the olony

had until the olony %ecame a /tate.

1? #nconsistency of laws

?hen a law o a /tate is inconsistent with a law o the

ommonwealth* the latter shall pre(ail* and the ormer shall* to the

etent o the inconsistency* %e in(alid.

11? %ro"isions referrin to &o"ernor

The pro(isions o this onstitution relating to the ,o(ernor o a

/tate etend and apply to the ,o(ernor or the time %eing o the

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/ection 24

/tate* or other chie eecuti(e oicer or administrator o the

go(ernment o the /tate.

111 'tates may surrender territory

The $arliament o a /tate may surrender any part o the /tate to the

ommonwealthD and upon such surrender* and the acceptance

thereo %y the ommonwealth* such part o the /tate shall %ecome

su%@ect to the eclusi(e @urisdiction o the ommonwealth.

110 'tates may le"y chares for inspection laws

Ater uniorm duties o customs ha(e %een imposed* a /tate may

le(y on imports or eports* or on goods passing into or out o the

/tate* such charges as may %e necessary or eecuting theinspection laws o the /tateD %ut the net produce o all charges so

le(ied shall %e or the use o the ommonwealthD and any such

inspection laws may %e annulled %y the $arliament o the


113 #ntoxicatin liuids

All ermented* distilled* or other intoicating li>uids passing into

any /tate or remaining therein or use* consumption* sale* or

storage* shall %e su%@ect to the laws o the /tate as i such li>uids

had %een produced in the /tate.

114 'tates may not raise forces= Taxation of property of

Commonwealth or 'tate

A /tate shall not* without the consent o the $arliament o the

ommonwealth* raise or maintain any na(al or military orce* or

impose any ta on property o any kind %elonging to the

ommonwealth* nor shall the ommonwealth impose any ta on

 property o any kind %elonging to a /tate.

115 'tates not to coin money

A /tate shall not coin money* nor make anything %ut gold andsil(er coin a legal tender in payment o de%ts.

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/ection 2

116 Commonwealth not to leislate in respect of reliion

The ommonwealth shall not make any law or esta%lishing anyreligion* or or imposing any religious o%ser(ance* or or

 prohi%iting the ree eercise o any religion* and no religious test

shall %e re>uired as a >ualiication or any oice or pu%lic trust

under the ommonwealth.

118 ihts of residents in 'tates

A su%@ect o the ueen* resident in any /tate* shall not %e su%@ect in

any other /tate to any disa%ility or discrimination which would not

 %e e>ually applica%le to him i he were a su%@ect o the ueen

resident in such other /tate.

119 econition of laws etc= of 'tates

6ull aith and credit shall %e gi(en* throughout the ommonwealth

to the laws* the pu%lic Acts and records* and the @udicial

 proceedings o e(ery /tate.

11 %rotection of 'tates from in"asion and "iolence

The ommonwealth shall protect e(ery /tate against in(asion and*

on the application o the ;ecuti(e ,o(ernment o the /tate*

against domestic (iolence.

10? Custody of offenders aainst laws of the Commonwealth

;(ery /tate shall make pro(ision or the detention in its prisons o

 persons accused or con(icted o oences against the laws o the

ommonwealth* and or the punishment o persons con(icted o

such oences* and the $arliament o the ommonwealth may make

laws to gi(e eect to this pro(ision.

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Chapter #  The $arliament

%art ###  The =ouse o epresentati(es


/ection 24

Chapter *#$New 'tates 

101 New 'tates may be admitted or established

The $arliament may admit to the ommonwealth or esta%lish new

/tates* and may upon such admission or esta%lishment make or

impose such terms and conditions* including the etent o

representation in either =ouse o the $arliament* as it thinks it.

100 &o"ernment of territories

The $arliament may make laws or the go(ernment o any territory

surrendered %y any /tate to and accepted %y the ommonwealth*or o any territory placed %y the ueen under the authority o and

accepted %y the ommonwealth* or otherwise ac>uired %y the

ommonwealth* and may allow the representation o such territory

in either =ouse o the $arliament to the etent and on the terms

which it thinks it.

103 Alteration of limits of 'tates

The $arliament o the ommonwealth may* with the consent o the

$arliament o a /tate* and the appro(al o the ma@ority o the

electors o the /tate (oting upon the >uestion* increase* diminish*

or otherwise alter the limits o the /tate* upon such terms and

conditions as may %e agreed on* and may* with the like consent*

make pro(ision respecting the eect and operation o any increase

or diminution or alteration o territory in relation to any /tate


104 .ormation of new 'tates

A new /tate may %e ormed %y separation o territory rom a /tate*

 %ut only with the consent o the $arliament thereo* and a new

/tate may %e ormed %y the union o two or more /tates or parts o

/tates* %ut only with the consent o the $arliaments o the /tates


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/ection 2

Chapter *##$/iscellaneous 

105 'eat of &o"ernment

The seat o ,o(ernment o the ommonwealth shall %e determined

 %y the $arliament* and shall %e within territory which shall ha(e

 %een granted to or ac>uired %y the ommonwealth* and shall %e

(ested in and %elong to the ommonwealth* and shall %e in the

/tate o New /outh ?ales* and %e distant not less than one hundred

miles rom /ydney.

/uch territory shall contain an area o not less than one hundred

s>uare miles* and such portion thereo as shall consist o rownlands shall %e granted to the ommonwealth without any payment


The $arliament shall sit at 9el%ourne until it meet at the seat o


106 %ower to er /aFesty to authorise &o"ernor<&eneral to appoint

deputies  see Note !41

The ueen may authorise the ,o(ernor+,eneral to appoint any

 person* or any persons @ointly or se(erally* to %e his deputy or

deputies within any part o the ommonwealth* and in thatcapacity to eercise during the pleasure o the ,o(ernor+,eneral

such powers and unctions o the ,o(ernor+,eneral as he thinks it

to assign to such deputy or deputies* su%@ect to any limitations

epressed or directions gi(en %y the ueenD %ut the appointment o 

such deputy or deputies shall not aect the eercise %y the

,o(ernor+,eneral himsel o any power or unction.

108 Aboriines not to be counted in recEonin population

  :n reckoning the num%ers o people o the ommonwealth* or o a

/tate or other part o the ommonwealth* a%original nati(es shall

not %e counted.

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Chapter #  The $arliament

%art ###  The =ouse o epresentati(es


/ection 24

Chapter *###$Alteration of the Constitution 

109 /ode of alterin the Constitution  see Note !1

This onstitution shall not %e altered ecept in the ollowing


The proposed law or the alteration thereo must %e passed %y an

a%solute ma@ority o each =ouse o the $arliament* and not less

than two nor more than si months ater its passage through %oth

=ouses the proposed law shall %e su%mitted in each /tate and

Territory to the electors >ualiied to (ote or the election o

mem%ers o the =ouse o epresentati(es.

7ut i either =ouse passes any such proposed law %y an a%solute

ma@ority* and the other =ouse re@ects or ails to pass it* or passes it

with any amendment to which the irst+mentioned =ouse will not

agree* and i ater an inter(al o three months the irst+mentioned

=ouse in the same or the net session again passes the proposed

law %y an a%solute ma@ority with or without any amendment which

has %een made or agreed to %y the other =ouse* and such other

=ouse re@ects or ails to pass it or passes it with any amendment to

which the irst+mentioned =ouse will not agree* the

,o(ernor+,eneral may su%mit the proposed law as last proposed

 %y the irst+mentioned =ouse* and either with or without anyamendments su%se>uently agreed to %y %oth =ouses* to the

electors in each /tate and Territory >ualiied to (ote or the

election o the =ouse o epresentati(es.

?hen a proposed law is su%mitted to the electors the (ote shall %e

taken in such manner as the $arliament prescri%es. 7ut until the

>ualiication o electors o mem%ers o the =ouse o

epresentati(es %ecomes uniorm throughout the ommonwealth*

only one+hal the electors (oting or and against the proposed law

shall %e counted in any /tate in which adult surage pre(ails.

And i in a ma@ority o the /tates a ma@ority o the electors (otingappro(e the proposed law* and i a ma@ority o all the electors

(oting also appro(e the proposed law* it shall %e presented to the

,o(ernor+,eneral or the ueen-s assent.

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The $arliament Chapter #

The =ouse o epresentati(es %art ###


/ection 2

 No alteration diminishing the proportionate representation o any

/tate in either =ouse o the $arliament* or the minimum num%er o 

representati(es o a /tate in the =ouse o epresentati(es* orincreasing* diminishing* or otherwise altering the limits o the

/tate* or in any manner aecting the pro(isions o the onstitution

in relation thereto* shall %ecome law unless the ma@ority o the

electors (oting in that /tate appro(e the proposed law.

#n this section@ Territory means any territory referred to in

section one hundred and twenty<two of this Constitution in

respect of which there is in force a law allowin its

representation in the ouse of epresentati"es=

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:* A..* do swear that : will %e aithul and %ear true allegiance to =er

9a@esty ueen <ictoria* =er heirs and successors according to law.

/& =;'$ 9; ,&)


:* A..* do solemnly and sincerely airm and declare that : will %e aithul

and %ear true allegiance to =er 9a@esty ueen <ictoria* =er heirs and

successors according to law.

GN&T;C 'he name of the in$ or ueen of the nite in$om of -reat ritain an relan forthe time +ein$ is to +e su+stitute from time to time. H

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Notes to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 

Table of Acts

Notes to the Commonwealth of Australia

Constitution Act

Note 1

The ommonwealth o Australia onstitution Act Gthe onstitutionH as shown

in this compilation comprises the onstitution amended as indicated in the

Ta%les %elow.

Table of Acts

Act Number

and year


of Assent

Constitution Alteration (Senate Elections) 1906  1, 1907 3 Apr 1907

Constitution Alteration (State Debts) 1909 3, 1910 6 Aug 1910

Constitution Alteration (State Debts) 1928  1, 1929 13 Feb 1929

Constitution Alteration (Social Services) 196  81, 1946 19 Dec 1946

Constitution Alteration (Abori!inals) 196"  55, 1967 10 Aug 1967

Constitution Alteration (Senate Casual #acancies) 19""  82, 1977 29 July 1977

Constitution Alteration ($etirement of %u&!es) 19""  83, 1977 29 July 1977

Constitution Alteration ($eferen&ums) 19""  84, 1977 29 July 1977

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Notes to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 

Table of Amendments

Table of Amendments

a! " ae or #$serte a%! " a%e$e rep! " repeale rs! " repeale a$ subst#tute

&ro'#s#o$ a((ecte )o* a((ecte

+! 13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a%! No! 1, 1907

+! 15!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rs! No! 82, 1977

+! 51!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a%! No! 81, 1946 No! 55, 1967

+! 72!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a%! No! 83, 1977

+! 105!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a%! No! 3, 1910

+! 105A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a! No! 1, 1929

+! 127!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rep! No! 55, 1967

+! 128!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a%! No! 84, 1977

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Notes to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 

Note 11

Note 2

o(ering lause 3FThe $roclamation under co(ering clause 3 was made on

!# /eptem%er !"00 and pu%lished in -aette !"0!.

Note 3

o(ering lause 5F  see also the #tatute of estminster Aoption Act 1942 .

Note 4

o(ering lause #FThe ollowing Acts ha(e repealed Acts passed %y the

6ederal ouncil o AustralasiaC

 efence Act 1903 GNo. 20* !"03H* s.

 %earl &isheries Act 1952 GNo. 8* !"52H* s. 3 G %earl &isheries Act 1952 repealed

 %y Continental #helf 78ivin$ atural *esources: Act 196)* s. 3H

#ervice an ;<ecution of %rocess Act 1901 GNo. !!* !"0!H* s. 2 Gsu%se>uently

repealed %y #ervice an ;<ecution of %rocess Act 1963* s. 3H.

Note 5

/ection #FThe num%er o senators or each /tate was increased to !2 %y the

 *epresentation Act 19)3* s. 3.

Note 6

/ection "FThe ollowing /tate Acts ha(e %een passed in pursuance o the

 powers conerred %y s. "C

State Number Short title How affected

Ne* +outh -ales No! 73, 1900 'e&eral Elections Act1900 

+s! 2, 3, 4, 5 a$ 6a$ the +cheulerepeale by No! 9,1903 *hollyrepeale by No! 41,1912

No! 9, 1903 Senators Elections Act190

(still in force)

.#ctor#a No! 1715 'e&eral Elections Act1900 

/epeale byNo! 1860

No! 1860 Senate Elections (*imesan& +laces) Act 190

/epeale byNo! 2723

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Notes to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 

Note 12

State Number Short title How affected

No! 2399 Senate Elections (*imes

an& +laces) Act 1912 

/epeale by

No! 2723No! 2723 Senate Elections (*imes

an& +laces) Act 191, /epeale byNo! 3769

No! 3769 Senate Elections (*imesan& +laces) Act 1928 

/epeale byNo! 6365

No! 6365 Senate Elections Act 19,8 (still in force)

uee$sla$ 64 .#c! No! 25 *he +arliament of theCommonwealthElections Act an& theElections Acts 188, to1898 Amen&ment Act of1900 


3 *! .!No! 6

*he Election of Senators Act of 190

/epeale by 9 l#!! No! 20

9 l#! !No! 20

*he Senate Elections Actof 1960 

(still in force)

+outh Austral#a No! 834 *he Election of Senators Act 190

(still in force)

-ester$ Austral#a No! 11, 1903 Election of Senators Act190

(still in force)

as%a$#a 64 .#c! No! 59 *he 'e&eral Elections Act1900 

/epeale by 26eo! .! No! 3

3 *! .!No! 5

*he Election of Senators Act 190

/epeale by 26eo! .! No! 3

26 eo! .!No! 3

Senate Elections Act 19, (still in force) 

Note 7

/ection !4F6or the pro(isions applica%le upon the increase in the num%er o

senators to !2 made %y the *epresentation Act 19)3* see s. 3 o that Act.

Note 8

/ection !5FThe proposed law to alter the onstitution entitled KConstitution

 Alteration 7#imultaneous ;lections: 19((= was su%mitted to the electors in each

/tate o the ommonwealth on 2! 9ay !"##C it was not appro(ed %y a ma@ority

o all the electors (oting in a ma@ority o the /tates. #ee -aette !"##* No.


Note 9

/ection 2"FThe ollowing /tate Acts were passed in pursuance o the powers

conerred %y s. 2"* %ut ceased to %e in orce upon the enactment o the

Commonwealth ;lectoral Act 1902C

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Notes to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 

Note 11

State Number Short title

Ne* +outh -ales No! 73, 1900 'e&eral Elections Act 1900 

.#ctor#a No! 1667 'e&eral -ouse of $e.resentatives #ictorianElectorates Act 1900 

uee$sla$ 64 .#c! No! 25 *he +arliament of the CommonwealthElections Act an& *he Elections Acts 188,to 1898 Amen&ment Act of 1900 

-ester$ Austral#a 64 .#c! No! 6 'e&eral -ouse of $e.resentatives /estern Australian Electorates Act 1900 

Note 1

/ection 5!FThe ollowing :mperial Acts etended the legislati(e powers o the


halin$ nustr, 7*e$ulations: Act 1934* s. !5

-eneva Convention Act> 193( * s. 2

 ;mer$enc, %owers 7efence: Act 1939* s. 5

 Arm, an Air &orce 7Annual: Act 1940* s. 3.

Note 11

/ection 5! G(iiHFThe ollowing Acts ha(e %een passed %y the $arliaments

o the /tates to reer matters to the $arliament under section 5! G(iiHC

State Number Short title How affected

Ne* +outh -ales No! 65, 1915 Commonwealth +owers(/ar) Act 191, 

p#re 9 Ja$ 1921see s! 5

No! 33, 1942 Commonwealth +owers Act 192 

p#re see s! 4

No! 18, 1943 Commonwealth +owers Act 19

p#re see s! 4

No! 48, 1983 Commonwealth +owers(eat ns.ection) Act198

(still in force)

No! 182, 1986 Commonwealth +owers('amil 3aw4Chil&ren)

 Act 1986 

(still in force)

No! 61, 1992 utual $eco!nition (5ewSouth /ales) Act 1992 

(still in force)

No! 104, 1992 Commonwealth +owers(State an7in!) Act1992 

(still in force)

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Notes to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 

Note 12

State Number Short title How affected

No! 100, 1993 Commonwealth +owers

(+oultr +rocessin!) Act 199

(still in force)

No! 1, 2001 Cor.orations(Commonwealth+owers) Act 2001

(still in force)

No! 114, 2002 *errorism (Commonwealth+owers) Act 2002 

(still in force)

.#ctor#a No! 3108 Commonwealth +owers(Air 5avi!ation) Act1920 

/epeale byNo! 4502

No! 3658 Commonwealth Arran!ements Act 1928(+art )

&art /epeale byNo! 4502 &arts /epeale by No!6223

No! 4009 Debt Conversion

 A!reement Act 191(5o 2)

(still in force)

No! 4950 Commonwealth +owers Act 19

Not procla#%e toco%e #$to operat#o$a$ ca$$ot $o* beso procla#%e

No! 92, 1986 Commonwealth +owers('amil 3aw4Chil&ren)

 Act 1986 

(still in force)

No! 2, 1993 utual $eco!nition(#ictoria) Act 199

(still in force)

No! 59, 1996 Commonwealth +owers(n&ustrial $elations) Act 1996 

(still in force)

No! 6, 2001 Cor.orations

(Commonwealth+owers) Act 2001

(still in force)

No! 14, 2003 *errorism (Commonwealth+owers) Act 200

(still in force)

uee$sla$ 12 eo! .!No! 30

*he Commonwealth+owers (Air 5avi!ation)

 Act 1921

/epeale by 1 eo!.! No! 8

22 eo! .!No! 30

*he Commonwealth3e!islative +ower Act191

/epeale by No! 46,1983

7 eo! .!No! 19

Commonwealth +owers Act 19

p#re see s! 4

14 eo! .!No! 2

*he Commonwealth+owers (Air *rans.ort)

 Act 19,0 

(still in force)

No! 37, 1990 Commonwealth +owers('amil 3aw4Chil&ren)

 Act 1990 

(still in force)

No! 67, 1992 utual $eco!nition(ueenslan&) Act 1992 

(still in force)

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Notes to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 

Note 11

State Number Short title How affected

No! 43, 2001 Cor.orations

(Commonwealth+owers) Act 2001

(still in force)

No! 79, 2002 *errorism (Commonwealth+owers) Act 2002 

(still in force)

+outh Austral#a No! 1469,1921

Commonwealth +owers(Air 5avi!ation) Act1921

/epeale byNo! 2352, 1937

No! 2061,1931

Commonwealth3e!islative +ower Act191

(still in force)

No! 3, 1943 Commonwealth +owers Act 19

p#re see s! 5

No! 89, 1986 Commonwealth +owers('amil 3aw) Act 1986 

(still in force)

No! 72, 1993 utual $eco!nition (South Australia) Act 199

(still in force)

No! 21, 2001 Cor.orations(Commonwealth+owers) Act 2001

(still in force)

No! 50, 2002 *errorism (Commonwealth+owers) Act 2002 

(still in force)

-ester$ Austral#a No! 4, 1943 Commonwealth +owers Act 19

/epeale by No! 58,1965

No! 57, 1945 Commonwealth +owers Act 19, 

/epeale by No! 58,1965

No! 30, 1947 Commonwealth +owers Act 19: Amen&ment Act 19" 

/epeale by No! 58,1965

No! 31, 1947 Commonwealth +owers

 Act 19,: Amen&ment Act 19" 

/epeale by No! 58,


No! 73, 1947 Commonwealth +owers Act 19,: Amen&ment Act (5o 2): 19" 

/epeale by No! 58,1965

No! 81, 1947 Commonwealth +owers Act 19,;19": Amen&ment(Continuance) Act 19" 

/epeale by No! 58,1965

No! 53, 1995 utual $eco!nition(/estern Australia) Act199, 

(still in force)

No! 7, 2001 Cor.orations(Commonwealth+owers) Act 2001

(still in force)

No! 53, 2002 *errorism (Commonwealth+owers) Act 2002 

(still in force)

as%a$#a 11 eo! .!No! 42

Commonwealth +owers(Air 5avi!ation) Act1920 

/epeale by 1 eo!.! No! 14

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Notes to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 

Note 12

State Number Short title How affected

No! 46, 1952 Commonwealth +owers

(Air *rans.ort) Act 19,2 

(still in force)

No! 62, 1966 Commonwealth +owers(*ra&e +ractices) Act1966 

p#re see s! 2

No! 5, 1987 Commonwealth +owers('amil 3aw) Act 198" 

(still in force)

No! 33, 1993 utual $eco!nition(*asmania) Act 199

(still in force)

No! 20, 1994 Commonwealth +owers('amil 3aw)

 Amen&ment Act 199

(still in force)

No! 39, 2001 Cor.orations(Commonwealth+owers) Act 2001

(still in force)

No! 68, 2002 *errorism (Commonwealth+owers) Act 2002 

(still in force)

Note 12

/ection #4F #ee %riv, Council 78imitation of Appeals: Act 196)* %riv, Council 

7Appeals from the ?i$h Court: Act 19(5 and Birmani ( aptain ook ruises

$ty. 'td No. 21 G!"85H !5" ' 4!.

Note 13

/ections 8 and 8#Fthe headings or these sections ha(e %een added or

compilation purposes.

Note 14

/. !2F #ee clause :< o the 'etters $atent relating to the &ice o

,o(ernor+,eneral* pu%lished in -aette !"84* /334.
