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Communicating Effectively With Boss

Date post: 03-Mar-2016
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Understand what it means to manage up and why it is importantDiagnose your manager’s work style and your own work styleDevelop strategies for managing your manager

of 26

  • Communicating Effectively with your BossWendy Hamilton HoelscherLearning and Organizational Development

  • ObjectivesUnderstand what it means to manage up and why it is importantDiagnose your managers work style and your own work styleDevelop strategies for managing your manager

  • Management DefinedManagement is a discipline an organized body of knowledge and as such is applicable everywhere it is also culture. Management is a social function and embedded in a culture of values, customs, and beliefs of an organization Peter Drucker

  • Best Boss, Worst BossGroup 1: What were some of the qualities and of quirks of the best boss you ever had?

    Group 2: What were some of the qualities and quirks of the worst boss youever had?

  • Managing up means

    focusing on the relationship with your boss to obtain the best results for you, your boss and your organization

  • The Managerial ConundrumManagers are typically hired for their technical competence and then rewarded with managerial responsibilities.BUT ---There is no Management Fairy to make new managers managers

  • Lets Begin Think about your relationship with your current boss

    What works wellWhat doesnt workWhat keeps you awake at nightWhat keeps your boss awake at night

  • Unskilled at Boss Relationships(from Lombardo and Eichinger)Not comfortable with bossesMay be tense in bosss presenceMay not be open to coaching or direction from the bossProblems dealing comfortably with authorityPoor boss relationship gets in the way of personal productivity

  • Skilled at Boss Relationships (from Lombardo and Eichinger)Responds and relates well to bossesWould work harder for a good bossIs open to learning from bosses who are good coaches and who provide latitudeLikes to learn from those who have been there beforeEasy to challenge and develop, comfortably coach-able

  • Overused Skill Boss Relationships (from Lombardo and Eichinger)Over-dependence on bosses and high status figures for advice and counselMay shut out other sources of feedback and learningPicks the wrong boss to model

  • Some Causes for Poor Boss RelationshipsBoss doesnt think you are as good as you think you areYou think the boss has the job you shouldLarge gap in skills leading to undervaluing/ not respecting the other (either direction)Mismatches in ethics, values and integrityMismatches in management practicesMismatches in style, philosophy, pace and motivationPoor communication in both directions

  • Circle of Influence/Circle of ConcernCircle of ConcernCircle of Influence

  • Key FactorsUnderstanding your bosss work styleUnderstanding your bosss goals and prioritiesUnderstanding how your role links to your managers work and organizational success

  • Management Styles: LogicPrefers detailed analyses and factsBe able to answer tough questionsExplain processes and methodologyBe correct!

  • Management Style: Visionary/CreativePrefer top and bottom line discussionsEngaged through discussion, questionsBrainstorm rather than data dumpCant be done not in the vocabularyEmphasize positives

  • Management Styles: RelationshipValues connection and collaborationDiscusses work and life outside workBe prepared to discuss how implementation of an idea will impact the team

  • Management Style: EgoDriven and competitiveShow how ideas benefit the manager and/or the teamWill modify what you do to put own stamp on the resultsSmells fear, be confident

  • Management Styles: Action OrientedTask focusedCan do and will more than othersEverything a priorityDiplomatically push back to get realistic goals and timelines

  • Management Style: PerfectionistValues getting things done right with highest qualityRequests do-oversHave others look over your work before handing it offDont take it personally

  • Work Styles: Your BossFormal or informal?Briefed in writing or brainstorming?Energized or annoyed by sidebars?Hands on or regular, informal updates?Energized or avoids conflict?Decisive or open-ended?

  • Work Styles: YouFormal or informal?Briefed in writing or brainstorming?Energized or annoyed by sidebars?Hands on or regular, informal updates?Energized or avoids conflict?Decisive or open-ended?

  • Managing Up Speed BarsUnderstand your bosss wants/needsUnderstand your wants/needsAgree to clear expectationsUnderstand how you like to be managedRemember to deliver the good newsBe appropriate but dont sugar-coat bad newsPick your battles and words carefullyHelp manage time yours and theirsYou do have the power to make things better!

  • The TriggersWhat sets your boss off?What are your bosss hot buttons?What does your boss do when a hot button is triggered?What sets you off?What are your hot buttons?What do you do when a hot button is triggered?

  • Some Advice from FYINo loose lipsDepersonalize and be neutralLearn from the situationRealize it could be youCareers are made and broken on adversityFace the bossStrike a bargain with yourself to do your best your career will continue past this boss

  • Keys to Managing a Rocky Boss RelationshipWork to leave behind the least amount of long-term noise for yourself and the organization.Keep your head down.Focus your communications with the boss on work-specifics.Think of five ways to accomplish anything and try them all!Access your network for performance help.

  • Putting it All Together: An ActivitySelect one issue with your boss that, if resolved, will make your work life betterDiagnose your boss and diagnose yourself using work styles, management styles and triggersIdentify ways to manage up to resolve this issueIdentify one thing you can do immediately to resolve your boss issue

    Take a few minutes to jot down this information. Bullet points are fine. Spelling and punctuation not important, no one will see this but you. This is designed to give you something for you to make practical use of the course content.
