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Communication is not all about what you say but what other understand”. -Anon Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka
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“Communication is not all

about what you say but what

other understand”.

-Anon Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

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From the moment we get up in the morning, we communicate with others either by speaking or writing. We do this without any hesitation or any problem. Yet when we are asked to speak before a group of people or asked to write a letter, most of us will hesitate to do so. Some of us even fail in communicating properly in such situations. We can cite many reasons for the failure in communication in these situations. Be it fear, fluency in language, unable to understand what the speaker intends to say, etc.,

Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

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Now, let us see what Communication is. Most of the people say that ‘it is transmission of information from one person to another using certain common code’. This is how most of the people understand the meaning of communication.

In fact this is the same as the simplest definition given in Britannica Encyclopedia-“The exchange of meanings between individuals through a common system of symbols.”

Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

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“Communication is an art of being understood”

-Peter Ustinov

Good Communication always

Leads one to personal effectiveness.

Helps one to associate with other people.

Builds better understanding

Builds better interpersonal relationships.

Increases listening ability and

Creates a better environment.

Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

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Many researchers have attempted to explain the process of communication. Each researcher has viewed it from a different perspective. Communication is analyzed at least in fifty different ways and also several models have been developed explaining the process of communication.

Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

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A particular model has served as the basis for many other models i.e., the Linear Model. It is proposed by two Mathematicians known as Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver. They explained that this model consists of SIX Elements.

1. A Source

2. An Encoder

3. A Message

4. A Channel/Medium

5. A Decoder

6. A Receiver.

Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

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Now, Let us look at an example (Dialogue):

Mr. X: May I come in, please?

Mr.Y : Raju likes Sita.

Here, in this dialogue, all the six elements are involved – source/encoder, a message, a channel and a receiver/decoder. But, do you think that communication has taken place?

Both Mr. X and Mr. Y have produced a sentence each. Mr. X tried to communicate some message and Mr. Y said something else. Here the messages are not related to each other. This shows that :

“Communication doesn’t mean only passing of information. It involves the right feedback.”(response)

Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

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Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

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So, here in this model

The sender of a message first frames a thought or an idea in the mind, and then decodes it in suitable language and words. So, the idea is framed and put into a suitable code by the sender forms the message.

The receiver decodes the message and understands it.

Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

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The medium or channel could vary. It

could be letter, email or face to face


The receiver gives feedback i.e., sends

another message back in response to the

message received.

For example take a telephonic talk. A

person is sending messages in a particular

language in which the message is coded;

the telephone is the medium, a person

who is listening to the message and the

receiver’s response.

Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

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Depending on who is involved in the communication,

how many people involved and the code, we classify

communication into different types.

Human Communication.

Non- human Communication.

Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

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Communication may not always be, between two persons. It can be between a human being and an animal or it can be between two animals. For instance, when the master comes home his dog comes near him wagging its tail showing that it is happy to see its master.

The bees go in circles to communicate with the other bees the direction in which the nectar can be found. Even the ants touch each other heads to communicate.

Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

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In this modern electronic world, we also communicate with machines. We give instructions to make our machines work for us. We put our laundry in the washing machine and by pushing the button, we instruct it to wash the laundry and also the operation of the computer.

Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

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Mostly animals communicate either through body movements or sounds or both. It is only limited. Whereas human communication takes many forms --- Language, gestures, body movements, facial expressions, etc.,

In human languages, there are sounds which combine to form syllables, syllables combine to form words and words into sentences, etc., In human communication we have both Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication. Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

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The communication involving language as a means is called Verbal or linguistic communication. Whereas Non-Verbal communication is all external stimuli other than spoken or written words and including body motions, characteristics of appearance, characteristics of voice and use of space and distancing.

Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

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Communication is more than talking. It’s a two-way process of sending and receiving messages: verbally and nonverbally. Communication is vital to personal success. No matter how much you know about communicating, there always seems more to be learned.

At its basic, your message has three main components: visual, vocal and verbal. To improve your communication style, choose one skill to practice daily and after a while it will become natural.

Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

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a) Visual refers to the body language,

eye contact, etc., It forms 55% of the

message delivered. While delivering a

message, eye contact is very important.

If you look at your listeners while

delivering a message or speech , they

may feel that you are interested in them.

Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

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b) Verbal refers to the words that are spoken while

conveying a message. Words carry only 7% of the message. You have to use words very carefully without humiliating others. Because few words have different meanings.

Avoid the “You” attitude. Never point out the listener as ‘You’ because it may hurt them.

c) Vocal refers to the tone, intonation, loudness, etc., Your

tone should match the message. It should not be monotonous. Enthusiasm and Emphasis on certain parts should be added while delivering the message. It forms 30% of your message.

Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

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In order to be the communication effective we need to have 7 C s in our communication. Francis J Bergin advocates the following as 7 Cs of effective communication. They are:

1 ) Clarity

2) Conciseness

3) Candidness

4) Completeness

5) Concreteness

6) Correctness and

7) Courtesy

Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

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1) Clarity:

The principle of CLARITY is the most important in the process of communication. It is always said that a clear mind can communicate effectively. One should use simple words and short sentences in order to express their own ideas. We should use simple language, proper intonation, stresses and pauses.

2) Conciseness:

Brevity is the key to effective communication. In communicating with others we should always be brief. Sometimes when we are speaking we tend to use many words. But a less number of words should be used without letting the essential meaning go.

Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

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3) Candidness:

Communication should always be ‘honest, sincere and frank.’ We should always share our thoughts without any prejudices or bias. “You” attitude should be present in our communication. Being candid also exhibits confidence.

4) Completeness:

While communicating we may miss some parts of our information which we are supposed to speak. So, we should always plan and structure what we have to speak. We should ensure that all the information is given to the listeners.

Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

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5) Concreteness:

Concreteness is nothing but being specific, clear and definite in communicating our ideas. A clear description of the idea or thought should be given to the listeners. We should always avoid using vague words. Especially we should avoid passive voice in our communication.

6) Correctness:

While speaking, we generally tend to make grammatical errors. We may go wrong in the order of using tense. Most frequently, we may go wrong in using pronouns in the indirect speech. Such mistakes should be avoided.

Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

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7) Courtesy:

Being polite is the key feature of effective communication. We should be ASSERTIVE while communicating with others. We should never be rude. Our tone should reflect our respect towards the listener. We should not be aggressive. The key point to be remembered while communicating is that we should never insult or hurt the listener.

An effective communicator will always keep in mind all these 7 Cs in the communication process in order to make it effective.

Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

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Effective communication is always said to be an essential skill in being successful. No matter how good the communication happens in a workplace or among a group of people, it is sometimes very difficult to communicate effectively. This may be caused due to some factors or reasons. In a communication process there is always a chance for the barriers to occur. Let us examine few of these barriers:

Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

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Can you identify any potential barriers to communication?

Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

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Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

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These barriers are caused due to the personal attitudes and conflicts of people in a group or at a workplace. Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

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These may be brought about, by such factors as poor management, lack of consultation with employees, personality conflicts which can result in people delaying or refusing to communicate. The personal attitudes of individual employees which may be due to lack of motivation or dissatisfaction at work, brought about by insufficient training to enable them to carry out particular tasks, or just resistance to change due to entrenched attitudes and ideas.

Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

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Psychological factors such as

people's state of mind. We all tend

to feel happier and more receptive

to information when the sun


Equally, if someone has personal

problems like worries about their

health or any other thing, then this

will probably affect them.

Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

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Physical ailments of people like deafness, ill health, etc., When the person is ill, he/she may not concentrate in listening or speaking. And when a person is deaf he/she will be unable to hear what the speaker is saying. So , in such cases communication does not happen.

Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

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The world has been advancing efficiently with the different technologies all around. Communication techniques have also been undergoing development in order to sustain the pace of the growth and development of the advanced world.

Therefore in the modern professional organizations a great importance is attached to plan and maintain an efficient system of communication. Because 70% to 80% of working time in these professional organizations is spent in communication. Thus, the ability to communicate effectively has become an important job requirement.

Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

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The role of communication in an organization can be seen as a job of bringing all the employees together by establishing commonness among each other. Hence, the role of communication has become the life blood for an individual to work in an organization. For communication stands for a natural activity of all human beings to convey opinions, feelings, information and ideas to others.

Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

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Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

Presentation By

Ms. Sindhura Thallapaka

Academic Consultant

YSR Engineering College Of Yogi Vemana University

