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Communication -Advisory #186 for August 2 -2014

Date post: 03-Jun-2018
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  • 8/12/2019 Communication -Advisory #186 for August 2 -2014


    EastJamaica Conference Communication Department

    74 Constant Spring Road P.O. Box 181 Kingston 10 Jamaica W.I. !"# $8 7 % & ' (4 ) 10%1 ) *+ ,ax $87%& '(4)0(%*. -)ai"# !/cc o m m n ic a ti on ! / c s d a . c o m

    2!3sit!# t tp #55! / c s d a .c o m

    6gst (+ (014

    o# 6"" Pastors+ -"d!rs+ !ad!rs and Crc !m3!rs

    Sinc!r! Cristian gr!!tings

    P"!as! s!! important dat!s and !9!nts o: t! -ast Jamaica Con:!r!nc! o: S!9!nt)da; 6d9!ntists 3!"o2.

    (1) Letter to the Constituency from Dr. Meric Walker, Secretary - EJC

    J"; *0+ (014

    o 6"" Pastors+ -"d!rs and !m3!rs-ast Jamaica Con:!r!nc!

    Co""!ag!s on t! ast!r!ad?art!rs+ tan=s :or ;orcontin!d pra;!rs and ad9ic! as 2! m3"; s!!= to "!ad according to t! ord

  • 8/12/2019 Communication -Advisory #186 for August 2 -2014


    (. GP"!as! not! tat a pictr! o: t! -x!cti9! Committ!! :or (014)(018 2i"" 3! mad!a9ai"a3"! at a "at!r dat!.

    *. H!2 r!asr!r#

    -"d!r @onma;n! 6. A;"!s is no2 t! n!2 r!asr!r o: t! -ast Jamaica Con:!r!nc! o:

    S!9!nt)da; 6d9!ntists. -"d!r A;"!s 2i"" ta=! p o::ic! imm!diat!"; a9ing s!r9!d as t!A!n!ra" anag!r o: t! Boo= and Htrition C!ntr! in St. 6ndr!2 :or a :!2 monts. >!

  • 8/12/2019 Communication -Advisory #186 for August 2 -2014


    *. >ats o:: to Shortwood (Pastor McAnuff) and Grace Church (Pastor Fletcher):orr!sponding to t! ca"" and a9! s!nt in t! LLittle is much *hen +o is in it'contri3tion to assist t! missionari!s 2it t!ir dormitor; :!!. W! "oo= :or2ard tor!c!i9ing sam! as som! missionari!s 2i"" a9! to 2or= at c"!aring t!ir !xp!ns!s2!n t!; r!trn.

    4. P"!as! not! tat docm!nts p!rtaining to M,r!!dom in R!"ationsipsN+ MB!comingPo2!r:" 3; !mpo2!ringN and t! r!sorc! pac=!t :or t! Campaign -nditHo2(014 can 3! 9i!2!d on or 2!3sit! trog tis "in=.C"ic= !r!

    . Fellowship, family and faithfulnessto Aod is t! r!ason 2! pas! Our October!"# retreatis :or tos! 2o ar! int!r!st!d in r!"axation and r!/9!nation o: 3od;+mind and so". Kind"; ca"" or 9isit t! o::ic! to ma=! ;or :irst r!tr!at d!posit. orJQ+ ES Q or cr!dit cards 2i"" 3! acc!pt!d. @on

  • 8/12/2019 Communication -Advisory #186 for August 2 -2014


    cr!dit cards 2i"" 3! acc!pt!d. @on

  • 8/12/2019 Communication -Advisory #186 for August 2 -2014


    (5) !otices from the Eucation De"artment

    1. 6a%ley #ark #re". stuent %ets %o4't scholarshi"7 ! >ag"!; Par= Pr!parator;Scoo" in St. 6ndr!2 is onc! again 3as=ing in som! good n!2s. Kimani Hg!nt+ an

    otstanding Arad! Six 6ci!9!m!nt !st $AS6& p!r:orm!r+ "and!d a co9!t!dgo9!rnm!nt sco"arsip. $R!ad mor!&

    (. Kind"; not! contact in:ormation :or t! -ast Jamaica Con:!r!nc! Pr!parator; Scoo"sand Kings2a; >ig Scoo" a"ong 2it t! tition cost p!r t!rm.

    School: Kingsway High

    Address: 10-12 Osbourne Road,

    Kgn. 5

    Principal: Mr. aron !hi"el#

    $el.: %&2'-2()& school*



    %aronhi"el#/#ahoo.co -


    Tuition: $36,5! "er Term

    School: Kingsway "re#!

    Address: 10-12 Osbourne Road,

    Kgn. 5

    ice Principal: Mrs. Ka#dene Puse#-ernard

    $el.: %&2'-2()&* school %345-

    102'52)-43(0* personal+ail

    %ingsa#highandprep/gail.co* school

    %chappa6a#/#ahoo.co* personal

    Tuition: $36,5! "er


    School: %iramar Kin&er'"re#!

    Address: 2 Miraar 7ri8e, Moran"


    Principal: Mr. 9. +. ingah

    $el.: %410-51)'* personal


    Tuition: $3,! "er


    School: ew Ho#e "re#!

    Address: 5' aes S"ree",


    Principal: Mr. aber" 9orres"

    $el.: %&22-'50)* school %3((-

    1)&))5'-&4(0* personal+ail: %nehopeprep/#ahoo.co*

    school %;orres".laber"/gail.co* personal

    Tuition: $*6,! "er Term

    School: +oo&for& "re#!

    Address: !ood;ord P.O., S".


    Principal: Mr. 7a8e Mcans!" ,"!tc!r and @r.

    Craig Jac=son+ Pro:!ssors at oma inda Eni9!rsit;+ Ca"i:ornia.

    Sunay, /u%ust 15# 6d9!ntists >!a"t Pro:!ssiona"sU Smmit+

    at East Jamaica Conference 9ffice+ St. 6ndr!2+ starting at

    http://ejcsda.com/index.php/ejc-media/latest-news/12-meet-ejc/203-hagley-park-prep-student-gets-gov-t-scholarshipmailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://ejcsda.com/index.php/ejc-media/latest-news/12-meet-ejc/203-hagley-park-prep-student-gets-gov-t-scholarshipmailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/12/2019 Communication -Advisory #186 for August 2 -2014


    '#*0am. opics# W!""n!ss and Wo"!n!ssT Cang! t! Aam! ) ! -::!ct o: Str!ss on

    Cardio9asc"ar @is!as! !tc. R!gistration R!?ir!d# P"!as! s!! !tt!r and ,orm on or

    2!3sit! or ca"" -JC :or mor! in:o.$C"ic= !r!&

    (. !ad!rsip Pro:!ssiona" @!9!"opm!nt S!minarVS!pt!m3!r *)4+ (014. P"!as! s!!2!3sit! :or d!tai"s.

    (:) ;outh Ministries De"artment


    (1=) !otices from the Constituency

    1. Cap!"igts inistr; pr!s!nts A!org! Aordon+ 2it t! "anc o: is s!cond 6"3m )I 2i"" Ao on Satrda; 6gst (+ (014 at !r" Aro9! >ig Scoo" 6ditorim. S!!post!r 3!"o2 :or :rt!r d!tai"s.

    (. ! ,ami"; i:! @!partm!nt o: t! K!ncot S!9!nt)da; 6d9!ntist Crc as p"ann!da omson Cari33!an Cris! tat 2i"" d!part :rom ont!go)Ba; on arc *1+ (01and r!trn 6pri" 7+ (01. ,ami"; m!m3!rs and :ri!nds ar! in9it!d to tis !xciting cris!.,or!most in p"anning 2as to :ind a cris! tat 2o"d originat! in Jamaica+ so tatcrc m!m3!rs and ot!r int!r!st!d p!rsons 2o ar! 2itot a ES 9isa 2o"d not 3!d!ni!d t! pri9i"!g! o: participating in t! cris!. P"!as! s!! :";!r 3!"o2 or ca"" -"d!rPa"!tt! St!2art 8'1)%40 :or :rt!r in:ormation.

    $11) Communications De"artment, #ulic /ffairs an >eli%ious Lierty

    1. 0no*in% your ri%hts7JamaicaUs constittion pro9id!s :or :r!!dom o: r!"igion. a2sand po"ici!s contri3t! to t! g!n!ra""; :r!! practic! o: r!"igion. ! "a2 at a"" "!9!"sprot!cts tis rigt in :"" against a3s!+ !it!r 3; go9!rnm!nta" or pri9at! actors. !Ao9!rnm!nt g!n!ra""; r!sp!cts r!"igios :r!!dom in practic!. ,ind ot mor! in t!coming 2!!=s a3ot t! acta" a2 conc!rning ,r!!dom o: R!"igion.

    (. Latest !e*s ?"ate. R!ad n!2s pdat!s :rom !r! and a3road 3; :o""o2ing tiss!ction o: or 2!3sit! at #Click here for Latest !e*s

  • 8/12/2019 Communication -Advisory #186 for August 2 -2014


    (. B! r!mind!d tat t! P@, 9!rsion o: tis 2!!=Us commnication ad9isor; 2icinc"d!s m"tip"! :";!rs o: ot!r important !9!nts not inc"d!d !r!+ can 3! acc!ss!d:rom [email protected]!3sit! 3;Clickin% 6ere.

    Schedule of Upcoming Conference Dates and Events

    ates E-ent .ocationJuly 31

  • 8/12/2019 Communication -Advisory #186 for August 2 -2014


  • 8/12/2019 Communication -Advisory #186 for August 2 -2014

