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Communication for Customer service

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Course 2009-10. Communication and Customer service for Hospitality. 1st Term. Presntation, practices and answers.
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COMMUNICATION “Communication is one of the most persuasive, important, and complex aspects of human life.” (Littlejohn, 2002, p.3) 1
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“Communication is one of the most persuasive, important, and complex aspects of human life.” (Littlejohn, 2002, p.3)


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INFORMATION: is the content of a message, the sensations we receive from the medium in which we find ourselves. It is composed of 3 parts:

COMMUNICATION: is the action of transmitting information. Its components are.

A good professional of the hospitality industry has to be good at communication through technology and at interpersonal communication, that is why we will study what kinds of communication there are and how to be good at them. In hospitality activities different models of communication are used according to each situation taking into account:

•The objectives•The people involved in the process•The context

Communication with the client has to be bidirectional, there has to be a feedback, the client has to be a receiver but also a messenger. This means that the most important thing is to listen!!.

A good professional of the hospitality industry has to be good at communication through technology and at interpersonal communication, that is why we will study what kinds of communication there are and how to be good at them. In hospitality activities different models of communication are used according to each situation taking into account:

•The objectives•The people involved in the process•The context

Communication with the client has to be bidirectional, there has to be a feedback, the client has to be a receiver but also a messenger. This means that the most important thing is to listen!!.

All communication has information but not all information is communication.


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1.SENDER: the person who transmits a message, the subject of the communication

2. RECEIVER: the person who receives the message.

3.MESSAGE: the content of the transmission. Some times it can be distorted for multiple reasons; that is why we have to try to transmit messages in a positive way even though their content is negative.

Ex1. Positive way: “we will find a solution to your problem.” Negative way: “Your problem has no solution.”Ex2. Positive way: “you won’t loose anything trying to do it.” Negative way: “anything you do will be useless.”


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4. MEDIUM or CHANNEL :this is the instrument we use to establish communication. i.e. radio, tv, internet, etc.

5. NOISE, OBSTACLES, BARRIERS: something or someone that makes communication unsuccessful or impossible. I.e interferences when talking on the phone, someone interrupting a conversation between two people, or when one of the two people involved in the communication is thinking of something other than what the second person is saying.

6. CODE: the group of symbols used to transmit a message. It is important to choose the correct code in order to have a good communication according to the receiver. The language is a code, if our client speaks English we must choose the English language as a code in order to achieve a good communication. 14

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7. ENCODING AND DECODING: (Stuart Hall) This is the process by which a message is understood.

8.FEEDBACK: This is the response of the receiver


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Here the elements of communication are a) Source: A’s brainb) Sender: the transmitting device that A uses to communicate with B (e.g. mouth, hands, eyes, gestures etc.)c) Message: the idea or thought conveyed by conversation, expression etc. d) Channel: the medium through which the message travels (e.g. air, sound waves, light waves etc.)e) Receiver: The receiving device used by B to receive the message (e.g. B’s eye, ear etc.) f) Destination: B’s brain g) Feedback: the response from Bh) Noise source: the words or actions of person ‘C’ that interrupts the communication between person ‘A’ and person ‘B’

Model of communication

According to Claude Shannon (1916- ), the basic elements of any general communication system includes the following: a) Source b) Sender c) Message d) Channel e) Receiver f) Destination and g) Noise source

An Illustration:

Let us consider that person ‘A’ and person ‘B’ are communicating with each other. Person ‘C’ interrupts the communication between A and B (illustrated in figure 1)


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INTERACTIVE COMMUNICATION: in customer service there are 2 main functions of communication:

1. DIRECT INFORMATION SERVICE. In this situation informants (senders) need the client to be communicative and capable of expressing his/her needs clearly.You can use different mediums, from words to written documents or Internet.

2. COMPLAINTS AND ENQUIRIES SERVICEIn these situations it is important to establish a verbal communication and that the data and documents of the case are registered in written language.

Someone who wants to work in a hotel has to take into account that establishing a clear, fluent and appropriate communication is fundamental to obtain good results.

Establishing the right channels in the customer service department is one of the most important tasks of the service.


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2. TYPES OF COMMUNICATION according to the sense used

• There are 3 senses implied in the communication process:




• Taste and smell can also be considered. • Also we have to consider common sense, which is the most important for customer service.

Therefore we can establish 4 types of communication:


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1. Auditory communication.

Messages are perceived through the sense of hearing. Words, music, sounds and noises take part in this type of communication.

In the hospitality sector we can establish auditory communication through different media according to activity and objectives:

Direct conversation or face to face communication

Phone conversation

Radio broadcasting, etc.


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2. Visual communication.

Messages are perceived through sight. Sign, gestures and images are very important when communicating. There are different media:




Slides, etc.

Complaint forms


Leaflets 20

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3. Tactile communication

Messages are perceived through the sense of touch.

Affection is conveyed through tactile sensations. Shaking hands or tapping someone’s shoulder can have positive or negative effects, so it is necessary to be very respectful in this matter and know cultural conventions.

There are different mediums:


Touching someone, etc.

Greetings at meetings and negotiations


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4. Multichannel communication

Messages are perceived through different senses at a time. There are different media through which this is possible:





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3. TYPES OF COMMUNICATION according to the people involved

Human communication is the field dedicated to understanding how people communicate. It may be broadly classified as,

a) Intrapersonal Communication : people communicating among themselves (e.g. daydreaming, reading aloud)

b) Interpersonal Communication: people communicating with others.

c) Group Dynamics: communication within groups

d) Organizational Communication: Communication within an organization

e) Cross cultural communication: Communication across cultures


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An analysis:

From the illustration and the listed components of communication, it can be interpreted that communication is not just what we say. Communication may occur by means of conversations, expressions, gestures or visual sense.

But effective communication occurs only when the three important aspects of communication are in the right proportion :

1) visual (used in seeing: the visual sense)

2) audio (pertaining to, or employed in the transmission, reception, or reproduction of sound) and

3) kinesics (the study of body movements, gestures, facial expressions, etc., as a means of communication)

Therefore, in general, human communication may be defined as,

“the process in which all of the three important aspects of communication are involved in the right proportion, in order to exchange information between humans in an effective manner.”

“the process in which all of the three important aspects of communication are involved in the right proportion, in order to exchange information between humans in an effective manner.” 25

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According to Dr. Steele, the precondition for lies in effective communication.

The 7 preconditions for success: (Dr. Steele, 2006)

1.Pay Attention: Always pay attention when someone communicates.

2. Mutual Needs: All Communication is based on mutual needs.

3. Circular communication – All communication is circular in nature.( e.g. Giving feedback based on actions or deeds)

4. Communication is language based: For example, in the field of technology we may have a problem where the managers do not understand technical jargon.

5. Purpose: It is necessary to know the purpose of communication in a conversation. Knowing the purpose provides a better focus.

6. One needs to be cooperative but not competitive

7. Human communication is an art and not a science.



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4. Business Communication techniques for effective communication


Think before speaking, establish a logical path. Express yourself in a clear and correct manner taking into account

the reciever’s characteristics: language, cultural position, etc. In order to choose the correct code.

Always use positive forms of expression, do not be pessimistic, be

ASSERTIVE. Emit one message at a time, do not mix contents. Do not give more

information until you know the receiver has understood your last message.

Use, in each case, the right channel to establish communication. Avoid “bad vibrations”, avoid noise sources that can make

communication difficult to establish. In interpersonal communication always choose a close way of

communciation. It is better to smile and give confidence to the client (keeping distance) 27

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Avoid losing the message; pay attention and try to understand what it means.

If necessary, Inform the sender that his/her message has not been conveyed so that he/she can clarify it.

Ask for an explanation from the sender of the message about things which are unclear.

Aknowledge that his/her message has been received.


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Corresponding with your customers is useful in:

Giving information about events we may organize. Sending information about campaigns. Writing an apology. Sending leaflets or catalogues. Informing him/her about the results of any

procedures he/she may have asked for. Sending forms. Etc.



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When writing a letter we have to take into account:

The reason for the letter. The objectives of the letter. Information about the receiver/s Organizing your ideas about what you want to say and how. Write in a clear manner, avoiding difficult sentences. You must include 4 parts:

a. Introduction, to capture the receiver’s attention.

b. The body which explains why are you writing. We must adopt the receiver’s prespective. It is better to give first the bad news and the good news last.

c. The conclusion in accordance with the body of the letter.

d. The closing with a final sentence, i.e. “looking forward to…” Read and chek your draft. Personalize your letter. Register it. Send the letter through the appropriate channel: urgent mail, registered mail, regular mail,



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When speaking on the telephone you should take into account:

When you call: Make sure we have the right number noted down. You should often update

directories. Have documents, information and arguments ready. Pick up the phone, wait for the tone, dial the number , identify yourself and your

company and ask for the person or department you want to talk to. Allways identify yourself and your company first. Identify the person you are talking to. If we don’t talk to the person we wanted to, note down name and position of the

person we are speaking with. It is useful to have a notebook for registering your calls. Some companies use forms

for this purpose.


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When you answer the phone:

• Pick up the phone and identify yourself and your company, i.e “Hotel Royale, Maria Gonzalez speaking, how can I help you?”

• Your tone of voice must be positive. The person calling us should feel that we are glad to receive his/her call.

• If the person the caller wants to speak to is not available, you must note down the message and let the caller know that you will pass on his/her message.

• If we have to note down names and surnames, check spelling to avoid mistakes.


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C. THE INTERVIEWIn a customer service job we will often use this technique.

If there is a previous appointment:• Make sure you know the name of the person or people that will come to the interview, position and institutions to which they belong.• Search complementary information about the institution.• Make sure you know the Interview objectives.

If there is no previous appointment:• Ask for the visitor’s business card.• Listen to his/her proposal.• Make a fast evaluation. • Do not make any decisons on the move. Study the case carefully and engage in giving an answer in a stated period of time.

If you are in a customer service position. • Say hello to the person we are assisting.• Identify him or her and identify yourself. • Listen carefully to understand the reason for the query.• Ask for any explanations necessary to understand it fully. • If possible, offer an answer inmediately, otherwise give a time limit to offer an answer. • Note down the result of the interview on a card including the data of the visitor and the reason for the visit. • Say goodbye politely. 33

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•If you have a free choice of topic - choose a subject you know well. At the end of your presentation, you will be asked to answer additional questions, so it helps if you are knowledgeable about, and comfortable with, your subject area.

•Think about your audience - how you can keep their attention? Pitch the content of your presentation at the appropriate level for your audience.

•Structure your presentation well and stick to it - make sure there is a clear introduction, a body and a conclusion. Assessors will be looking for a well-structured talk, with a logical flow and a clear beginning, middle and end.

•Do not cram too much onto your slides - just use bullet points and key words. You want your audience to listen to what you are telling them, not just to read ahead. Liven up your slides with pictures, photos, graphs and where appropriate.

•Do not go into too much detail - be clear and concise and keep to time.

•At the beginning - remember to introduce yourself and your presentation confidently at the beginning,

•Do not read from a prepared script - glance briefly at notes or prompt cards instead.

•Practice beforehand - if you can, and familiarize yourself with the AV equipment.

•At the end - be sure to end your presentation confidently, rather than coming to a dead stop when you run out of things to say. Even if you are nervous and glad to have got it out of the way, make a brief and clear conclusion, summarizing what you have presented and then say something like: ‘That concludes my presentation. Thank you for listening. Are there any questions?’

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Useful expressions for presentations

Parts Expressions

Introduction •Good morning, my name is … and I am going to talk about …•My talk is in three parts: 1. ..., 2. …, 3…•There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation.

Main body •Let’s start with ….•Now I’d like to move on to …•Another point is that…•Also …•Finally …

Visuals •As you can see in the picture…•This graph shows you…•This chart illustrates…•Take a look at …

Summarizing •That brings me to the end of my presentation. I've talked about…•To summarize, I…•In conclusion: …

Closing •Thanks a lot for your attention, are there any questions?•Thank you for listening , and now if there are any questions, I would be pleased to answer them.

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1. Messenger (Source)2. Receiver (Destination)3. Message4. Medium or Channel5. Noise source6. Code7. Encoding/Decoding8. Feedback

2. TYPES OF COMMUNICATION according to the sense used


3. TYPES OF COMMUNICATION according to the people involved

a) Intrapersonalb) Interpersonal c) Group Dynamics d) Organizationale)Cross cultural





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Here the elements of communication are a) Source: A’s brainb) Sender: the transmitting device that A uses to communicate with B (e.g. mouth, hands, eyes, gestures etc.)c) Message: the idea or thought conveyed by conversation, expression etc. d) Channel: the medium through which the message travels (e.g. air, sound waves, light waves etc.)e) Receiver: The receiving device used by B to receive the message (e.g. B’s eye, ear etc.) f) Destination: B’s brain g) Feedback: the response from Bh) Noise source: the words or actions of person ‘C’ that interrupts the communication between person ‘A’ and person ‘B’

PACTICE 1: elements of communication


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a) Intrapersonalb) _______________________c) Group Dynamics: d) _______________________e)Cross cultural



1. Messenger (Source)2. ________________3. Message4. ________________5. Noise source6. Code7. Encoding/Decoding8. ____________


a. ____________b. ____________c. ____________d. ____________


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Complete the sentences:

1.A letter is a type of communication that involves the ___________ sense2.In customer service is important to have _____________ from your client. 3.When communicating we use a ____________, in our case it is English Language which is composed with the alphabet. 4.Not all _____________ is _____________, but all ___________ has ___________5.There are _____ types of communication according to the people involved: ____________________________________________________________6.The sender is the person who __________________ information.7.Encoding and decoding is __________________________________________8.An email is ______________ communication.9.A video conference is ___________________ communication. 10.Pinching someone’s arm is __________________ communication.11.Success depends on __________________________________12.In customer service there are 2 functions of communication: _______________and _____________________13. Some of the possible channels of communication are: ______________________________________________________________________________________14. The channel is the same as the __________________


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PRACTICE 4What does the picture refer to? What type of communication is it?


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Answer the questions:

1.What shall we do if we don’t understand the message our customer wants to convey?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2.What are the main purposes of correspondence? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3.What parts should a letter include? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4.What shall we do when we can’t talk to the person we wanted to on the phone?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. When speaking on the phone what shall we do when noting names down?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6.What should we take into account when we are working in a customer service position?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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Read the following letter. 1.Identify the main parts. 2.Does it follow the tips for writing letters? How?3.Draft an answer to the letter following the tips.4.Here are some tips to write a letter of apology :



Mr. John Maters34 Arlington St.1322 SF CA. USA

Mr. Pedro FuentesCustomer Service ManagerHotel Liburn1234 Main St. 2346 Liburn, GA September 24th 2009 Dear Mr. Fuentes:

I am a frequent traveler and have been a loyal customer of your hotel for many years because I appreciate your emphasis on value and excellent service. Yet a recent episode at your hotel has made question my loyalty.

I stayed in your Lilburn, Georgia hotel, room 103, from Monday, September 1 through Thursday; September 4. Throughout my stay my towels were consistently dirty, and the bathroom plumbing was faulty. To make matters worse, one of my neighbors was extremely loud and entertained visitors until 3 A.M. I complained to the Front Desk Manager, Arnik Stahl, and requested another room but was told there were no other rooms available. No one from the hotel spoke to my noisy neighbor on my behalf. Despite my repeated complaints, it was not until the third day of my stay that the plumbing was fixed and my towels refreshed. Because of the noise, I was unable to sleep comfortably for two nights, and hence, my business meetings were far more stressful than they needed to be.

I am writing to encourage you to improve your customer service. It is extremely distressing for a loyal frequent traveler to experience such poor service.

I enjoy staying at your hotel for a number of reasons. Overall the atmosphere makes me feel as comfortable as if I were home. I hate having my positive feelings about your hotel ruined by one visit. I hope this problem will be corrected price to my next visit.  Sincerely,

John Maters

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First Sample ParagraphI was most concerned to receive your letter dated _____________ regarding__________

Main Body Sample ParagraphRespond to each issue raised in this part of your letter...Apologise when appropriate... I appreciate how frustrating…Show empathy -Emphasise what you have done or can do...The company aims to consistently deliver a professional service to our customers and I would like to state that on this occasion the level of service you received was  unacceptable.

Closing Sample ParagraphsCreate the correct lasting impression – the last thing you say, will be the first thing the customer remembers Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention and I sincerely hope that that you will have no further cause for any complaint in relation to our service.I apologize for the annoyance/inconvenience that this may have caused to you. The company is actively working to improve service levels and your feedback has proved to be invaluable.  

Letter Heading / Company logoAddress Details

Tel. DetailsFax Details

Email Address

Reference Number: Date

Customer Address Details

Dear xxxx,                  Re:First Paragraph

Second and Subsequent Paragraphs

Closing Paragraph Yours sincerely, John Brown


Apology: sample letter

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PRACTICE 7 (with qualification)

You are going to prepare a short presentation on one aspect of effective communication.a.Search the internet:

a.1. Choose a video from next page. Tell the teacher which video have you chosen.

a.2. Watch the video and take notes.a.3. Look for pictures which may support your presentation.

b.Write the ideas in order on a piece of paper and decide how will you divide the information in different slides.

c.Write your presentation with Power Point.



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1. http://www.videojug.com/film/how-to-talk-to-people-better-communication-skills (better communication skills) 4.222. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFA-yzmhDIU&feature=related (easy, with text. Interpersonal communication))3.033. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8VhV-1oCjA (easy, with text. Know your message, fear control in oral

presentations)4.064. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ShBKooOOlE&NR=1 (with text conversation skills)6.355. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfPJuoQFjF4&feature=related (with text, what the listener wants) 7.156. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjO6TKE6Lbs&feature=related(with text, gesture)7.087. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTC6tqXDY1k&feature=related (with text, day dreaming, telephoning, complaining,

etc)6.318. http://www.videojug.com/film/how-to-remember-peoples-names(This gives you silly and useful tips on how to remember

people’s names ) 4.169. http://www.videojug.com/film/how-to-complain-successfully(This gives you information about how to complain ) 3.1110. http://www.videojug.com/film/how-can-i-make-a-good-first-impression-2 (A body language expert gives tips on how to

make a good first impression)2.35 11. http://www.videojug.com/film/how-to-stop-laughing-at-an-inappropriate-time(how to avoid laughing) 2.5512. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulhxeWpcFok&feature=PlayList&p=4ECD7AF7340C2400&index=7(stress in a

sentence and different meanings)2.2513. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_N1Cmt_QB0&feature=related (very funny, bad language!)1.1314. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mi6h8zktO1s&feature=related (body language, gestures)1.4015. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9YTxff3pHU&feature=fvw (body language)6.08



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PRACTICE 4 SOLUTIONSWhat does the picture refer to? What type of communication is it?

Intercultural communication

Interpersonal com

Complaint formVISUAL COM

Braile editingTACTILE COM

Face to face comAuditory com/visual



Tapping someone’s shoulderTACTILE COM


Telephone conversationAUDITORY COM

Intrapersonal com



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PRACTICE 3 SOLUTIONSComplete the sentences:

1.A letter is a type of communication that involves the VISION sense2.In customer service is important to have FEEDBACK from your client. 3.When communicating we use a CODE, in our case it is English Language which is composed with the alphabet. 4.Not all INFORMATIONis COMMUNICATION, but all COMMUNICATION has INFORMATION5.There are 5 types of communication according to the people involved: INTRAPERSONAL, INTERPERSONAL, GROUP DYNAMICS, ORGANIZATIONAL AND CROSSCULTURAL.6.The sender is the person who TRANSMITS information.7.Encoding and decoding is THE PROCESS BY WHICH WE TRANSMIT AND UNDERSTAND A MESSAGE8.An email is VISUAL communication.9.A video conference is MULTICHANNEL communication. 10.Pinching someone’s arm is TACTILE communication.11.Success depends on EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION12.In customer service there are 2 functions of communication: DIRECT INFORMATION SERVICE and COMPLAINTS AND ENQUIRIES SERVICE13. Some of the possible channels of communication are: VIDEO, RADIO, AIR, TV, INTERNET, LETTER, FAX,…14. The channel is the same as the MEDIUM


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PRACTICE 5 solutions

Answer the questions:

1.What shall we do if we don’t understand the message our customer wants to convey?We have to let him/her know that we didn’t understand and ask any doubts we may have.

2.What are the main purposes of correspondence? Sending information, leaflets, infor of any events, apologysing, inform of procedures,

3.What parts should a letter include? Adresser, addressee, heading, date, intro, main body, conclusion, close line name and signature

4.What shall we do when we can’t talk to the person we wanted to on the phone?Note down name and position of the person we are talking to

5. When speaking on the phone what shall we do when noting names down?Check spelling, read back

6.What should we take into account when we are working in a customer service position?•Say hello to the person we are assisting.• Identify him or her and identify yourself. • Listen carefully to understand the reason for the query.• Ask for any explanations necessary to understand it fully. • If possible, offer an answer inmediately, otherwise give a time limit to offer an answer. • Note down the result of the interview on a card including the data of the visitor and the reason for the visit. • Say goodbye politely

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a.You work for the “Hotel Royale”, a 3 star hotel in Barcelona, and you are in charge of the phone. A possible customer is going to call you to ask for information .

Think about possible questions, invent a possible answer and take notes(i.e. prices, location, conditions (breakfast, room facilities, etc.)

Remember to ask about his/her personal data (name, email, phone). Offer to make a reservation. Follow the tips given!

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b. You are interested in spending a weekend at the “Hotel Royale” in Barcelona. Think of possible questions and take notes before calling. (i.e. prices, location, conditions (breakfast, room facilities, etc.)Give your personal data or say politely you don’t want to give it. Accept or reject the offer for a reservation. Follow the tips given!
