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COMMUNICATION THEORY - GBV · 2015-01-30 · 3. Ideology and Communication Theory 47 Stuart Hall 4....

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SAGE BENCHMARKS IN COMMUNICATION COMMUNICATION THEORY VOLUME 1 General Approoches to Communication and the Processing of Communication on the Intra-Individual Level Edited by Peter J. Schulz ISAGE loo Angeles 1 London 1 New Def1i Siigapore 1 Wasl*iglon DC
Page 1: COMMUNICATION THEORY - GBV · 2015-01-30 · 3. Ideology and Communication Theory 47 Stuart Hall 4. The Model of Language as Organon 61 Karl Bühler 5. Pragma-Dialectical Theory of



VOLUME 1 General Approoches to Communication and the Processing of

Communication on the Intra-Individual Level

Edited by

Peter J. Schulz

ISAGE loo Angeles 1 London 1 New Def1i

Siigapore 1 Wasl*iglon DC

Page 2: COMMUNICATION THEORY - GBV · 2015-01-30 · 3. Ideology and Communication Theory 47 Stuart Hall 4. The Model of Language as Organon 61 Karl Bühler 5. Pragma-Dialectical Theory of


Appendix of Sources Editors Introduction Peter J. Schulz

xi xxi

Volume I: General Approaches to Communication and the Processing of Communication on the

Intra-Individual Level


1. Symbolic lnteraction: An Approach to Human Communication 3 Herbert Blumer

2. Narration as a Human Communication Paradigm: The Case of Public Moral Argument 19 Walter R. Fisher

3. Ideology and Communication Theory 47 Stuart Hall

4. The Model of Language as Organon 61 Karl Bühler

5. Pragma-Dialectical Theory of Argumentation 71 Fraru H. van Eemeren

6. Framing: Toward Clarification of a Fractured Paradigm 111 Robert M. Entman

Processing of Communication on the Intra-Individual Level

2. Focussing on the Communicator and the Message

7. The Logic of Message Design: Individual Differences in Reasoning about Communication Barbara J. O'Keefe

8. A Cognitive Approach to Human Communication: An Action Assembly Theory John 0. Greene

9. An Approach to the Study of Communicative Acts Theodore M. Newcomb

Processing of Communication on the Intra-Individual Level

3. Focussing on the R.ecipient




10. Attitudes and Cognitive Organization 195 Fritz Heider

11. The Principle of Congruity in the Prediction of Attitude Change 201 Charles E. Osgood and Percy H. Tannenlxwm

Page 3: COMMUNICATION THEORY - GBV · 2015-01-30 · 3. Ideology and Communication Theory 47 Stuart Hall 4. The Model of Language as Organon 61 Karl Bühler 5. Pragma-Dialectical Theory of

vi Contents

12. Actions and Attitudes: The Theory of Cognitive Dissonance 219 Joel Cooper, Robert Mirabile and Steven J. Scher

13. Attribution and Comrnunication: Are People "Naive Scientists" or Just Naive? 237 Alan L. Sillars

14. Social Judgment Theory 269 Donald Granberg

Processing of Communication on the Intra-Individual Level

4. Focussing on the Effects

15. An Overview of Persuasibility Research lrving L. Janis and Carl 1. Havland

16. The Frarning of Decisions and the Psychology of Choice Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman

17. The Pragmatic Perspective of Human Comrnunication: A View from System Theory B. Aubrey Fisher

Volume Il: Communication between People

1. Focussing on the Communicator

18. Communicating under Uncertainty Charles R. Berger

19. Dimensions of Compliance-gaining Behavior: An Empirical Analysis Gerald Marwell and David R. Schmitt

20. Notes on a Natural History of Fads Rolf Meyersohn and Elihu Katz

21. The Diffusion of an Innovation among Physicians James Coleman, Elihu Katz and Herbert Menzel

22. The Communication of Diagnostic Information by Doctors to Patients in the Consultation Peter J. Schulz

2. Focussing on the Message









23. Compliance without Pressure: The Foot-in-the-Door Technique 87 Jonathan L. Freedman and Scott C. Fraser

24. Reciprocal Concessions Procedure for Inducing Compliance: The Door-in-the-Face Technique 101 Robert B. Cialdin~ Joyu E. Vincent, Stephen K. Lewis, Jose Catalan, Diane Wheeler and Betty Lee Darby

25. The Contribution of Speech Act Theory to the Analysis of Conversation: How Pre-Sequences Work 119 Fran~is Cooren

Page 4: COMMUNICATION THEORY - GBV · 2015-01-30 · 3. Ideology and Communication Theory 47 Stuart Hall 4. The Model of Language as Organon 61 Karl Bühler 5. Pragma-Dialectical Theory of

26. Relationships as Dialogues Leslie A Baxter

3. Focussillg Oll the Recipiellt

Contents vii


27. To Think or Not to Think: E:xploring Two Routes to Persuasion 175 Ri.chard E. Petty, John T. Cadoppo, Alan J. Strathman and Joseph R. Priester

28. The Heuristic-Systematic Model of Social Information Processing 217 Alexander Todorov, Shelly Chaiken and Marlone D. Henderson

29. Problematic Integration Theory 239 Austin S. Babrow

30. Resistance to Persuasion Conferred by Active and Passive Prior Refutation of the Same and Alternative Counterarguments 265 William J. McGuire

31. From Intentions to Actions: A Theory of Planned Behavior 277 IcekAjzen

4. Focussing Oll the Effects

32. Nonverbal E:xpectancy Violations: Model Elaboration and Application to Immediacy Behaviors Judee K. Burgoon and Jerold L. Hale

33. Dialogical Wisdom, Communicative Practice, and Organizational Life J. Kevin Barge and Martin Little

34. Toward a Theory of Family Communication Ascan E Koemer and Mary Anne Fitzpatrick

35. Interpersonal Effects in Computer-mediated lnteraction: A Relational Perspective Joseph B. Walther





Volume m: Communication in Organi7.ations and Groups

1. Focussing Oll the Communicator

36. The Two-Step Flow of Communication: An Up-to-Date Repon on an Hypothesis 3 Elihu Katz

37. The Influentials: Back to the Concept of Opinion Leaders? 21 Gabriel Weimann

38. Group Decision-making as a Structurational Process 33 Marshall Scott Poole, David R. Seibold and Robert D. McPhee

39. The Evolution and Current Status of the Functional Perspective on Communication in Decision-making and Problem-solving Groups 69 Dennis S. Gouran. Randy Y. Hirokawa, Kelly M. Julian and Geoff B. Leatham

Page 5: COMMUNICATION THEORY - GBV · 2015-01-30 · 3. Ideology and Communication Theory 47 Stuart Hall 4. The Model of Language as Organon 61 Karl Bühler 5. Pragma-Dialectical Theory of

viii Contents

2. Focussing on the Message

40. Notes towards a Description of Social Representations Serge Moscovici

41. Perspectives on Group Argument: A Critical Review of Persuasive Arguments Theory and an Alternative Structurational View Renee A Meyers and David R Seibold

42. Critical Theory Stanley Deetz

43. The Communicational Basis of Organization: Between the Conversation and the Text James R Taylor, Franfois Cooren, Nicole Giroux and Daniel Robichaud

3. Focussing on the Recipient

44. Collective Mind in Organizations: Heedful Interrelating





on Flight Decks 249 Karl E. Weick and Karlene H. Roberts

45. Opinion Spirals, Silent and Otherwise: Applying Small-Group Research to Public Opinion Phenomena 277 Vincent Price and Scott Allen

46. The Network Level of Analysis 299 Peter R Monge

47. Self-Efficacy: Toward a Unifying Theory of Behavioral Change 329 Albert Bandura

4. Focussing on the Effects

48. Gossip and Scandal Max Gluckman

49. The Social Identity Theory of Intergroup Behavior Henri Taifel and John C. Turner

50. Communication in Interpersonal Relationships: Social Penetration Processes Dalma.s A Taylor and lrwin Altman

Volume IV: Mass Communication

1. Focussing on the Communicator

51. A Conceptual Model for Communications Research Bruce H. Westley and Malcolm S. MacLean Jr.

52. Social Control in the Newsroom: A Functional Analysis Warren Breed






Page 6: COMMUNICATION THEORY - GBV · 2015-01-30 · 3. Ideology and Communication Theory 47 Stuart Hall 4. The Model of Language as Organon 61 Karl Bühler 5. Pragma-Dialectical Theory of

53. Objectivity as Strategie Ritual: An Examination of Newsmen's Notions of Objectivity Gaye Tuchman

54. Tue Structure of Foreign News Johan Galtung and Mari Holmboe Ruge

2. Focussing on the Message

55. Information Theory and Mass Communication Wübur Schramm

56. Up and Down with Ecology - Tue "Issue-Attention Cycle" Anthony Downs

57. International News: Intra and Extra Media Data Karl Erik Rosengren

58. Instrumental Actualization: A Theory of Mediated Conflicts Hans Mathias Kepplinger, Hans-Bernd Brosius and Joachim Friedrich Staab

59. Theoretical Foundations of Campaigns William J. McGuire

3. Focussing on the Recipient

Contents ix








60. Consensus and Mass Communication 183 Louis Wirth

61. Tue Role ofTheory in Uses and Gratifications Studies 203 Jay G. Blumler

62. Exposure to Political Content in Newspapers: The Impact of Cognitive Dissonance on Readers' Selectivity 223 Wolfgang Donsbach

63. Tue Theory of Public Opinion: Tue Concept of the Spiral of Silence 24 7 Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann

64. Media Priming Effects: Accessibility, Association, and Activation 279 David Domke, Dhavan V. Shah and Daniel B. Wackman

4. Focussing on the Effects

65. Mass Communication, Popular Taste, and Organized Social Action 303 Paul E Lazarsfeld and Robert K. Merton

66. Tue Obstinate Audience: Tue Influence Process from the Point of View of Social Communication 321 Raymond A Bauer

67. Communication and Social Change 337 Bruce H. Westley

68. Living with Television: Tue Dynamics of the Cultivation Process 355 George Gerbner, Larry Gross, Michael Morgan and Nancy Signorielli

69. Mass Media Flow and Differential Growth in Knowledge 379 P.J. Tichenor, GA Donohue and C.N. Olien

70. Information, Values, and Opinion 391 John Zaller
