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Communiqué 45

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Communiqué 45
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YEAR 8 STUDENTS RISE TO THE CHALLENGE Year 8 Design and Technology students demon- strated their excellent design skills when the college hosted a National Faraday Challenge Day in February. A number of secondary schools from the Burton upon Trent area came to de Ferrers to take part in the challenge which focussed on designing and making an automatic feeding device for table tennis balls. The students were marked throughout the day at every stage of development. We are delighted to say that the two Year 8 teams came first and second. Their score of 161 points ranked them sixth nationally, a position that we are all very proud of. COME FLY WITH DE FERRERS Year 11 Travel and Tourism students recently visited The J.A.R.E flight-school near Birmingham and had an opportu- nity to be cabin crew for the day. All of the students performed well and completed part of their BTEC Travel and Tourism assess- ment while they were at the cen- tre. Students had a go at a num- ber of simulator activities including evacuating through the overwing exit and serving in-flight lunch. A number of the group are going on to study Travel and Tourism next year- so next time you’re flying abroad, look out for the de Ferrers team. DE FERRERS – LEADING IN LEARNING Since September, the college has been working with educationalist Alistair Smith to develop its learning skills programme called Learning to Learn. Alistair has been described as “the UKʼs leading trainer in modern learning methods”. He has developed the award winning Accelerated Learning model, founded the ALITE company and is the designated Learning Consultant to the English Football Association. On the 10th March de Ferrers hosted a training session for Staffordshire and Derby City schools in which Alistair provided an input on the ʻEssentials of Learning to Learnʼ and our staff provided an insight into how to intro- duce Learning to Learn to a school. This was followed on 20th March with a Learning to Learn conference at the Ricoh Arena, Coventry. Again, our staff provided inputs on aspects of learn- ing, but groups of students also made significant con- tributions. The Senior Choir was invited to provide entertainment during lunchtime and a group of Media Studies students covered the confer- ence with a blog, a newspaper front page which was distributed to dele- gates and a video which was shown as the final item. Dear Parents I would like to thank par- ents for encouraging students to attend our additional Saturday and weekday G.C.S.E tuition sessions. This has been very successful in ensur- ing the completion of course- work. The students, some invited and some simply vol- unteering, attended in large numbers. It was very pleasing to see Year 11, 12 and 13 having their official col- lege photograph taken. Attendance, behaviour and stan- dard of dress were very good. I would like to see them wearing their uniform with as much pride on a ‘normal’ day! Next term will be very important for those students taking external examinations. The Easter holiday is critical for exam preparation for our senior students. Year 9 will be taking SATs in June next term, under examination conditions. These tests will be marked inter- nally and will form part of our important teacher assessment. I was very pleased to welcome our German partner school to de Ferrers. Students and staff from this school have spent a week with us. The partnership dates back to 2003 and students involved direct- ly and indirectly, get a great deal out of the week. There have been many more exciting opportunities, events and trips, some of which are highlighted in this selection. We look forward to summer – enjoy your Easter break! an instant impact in enhancing PE pro- vision both within curriculum time and for our extra-curricular clubs and teams. We are already seeing the benefits in raising the level of our sporting achievements. The offi- cial opening was a fitting way to cele- brate the new facili- ty and the impact it is already having and will continue to have on PE provi- sion for years to come. principal@deferrers M A York Principal deFerrers.COMmuniqué deFerrers.COMmuniqué Number 045 Easter 2009 COMMUNICATING THROUGHOUT DE FERRERS SPECIALIST TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE PROJECT TANZANIA 2010 - SEE PAGE 3 On Wednesday 4th March 2009, the new Sports Hall on Trent Campus was officially opened by one of Britainʼs greatest ever athletes. The guest of honour was the current Triple Jump World Record holder and past Olympic, World, European and Commonwealth Champion, Jonathan Edwards, who completed the official opening. SPORTS HALL OFFICIAL OPENING SPORTS HALL OFFICIAL OPENING Over one hundred of our students demonstrated their skills at trampolining, table tennis, and in the new fitness suite and classroom based sessions during the morning. Students from Years 1 and 2 from all of our Partner Primary Schools were involved in a Sports Hall Athletics competition which was run by our Year 11 Sports Leaders. Jonathan Edwards spent time speaking to all stu- dents, and gave an inspiring and thought provoking speech. He also took time to sign autographs and have pho- tographs with students (and a few staff!). The new facili- ties have had Communiqué www.deferrers.com
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YEAR 8 STUDENTS RISETO THE CHALLENGEYear 8 Design and Technology students demon-strated their excellent design skills when thecollege hosted a National Faraday Challenge Dayin February.A number of secondaryschools from the Burton uponTrent area came to de Ferrersto take part in the challengewhich focussed on designingand making an automaticfeeding device for table tennisballs. The students were

marked throughout the day atevery stage of development. Weare delighted to say that thetwo Year 8 teams came first andsecond. Their score of 161points ranked them sixthnationally, a position that weare all very proud of.

COME FLY WITH DE FERRERSYear 11 Travel and Tourismstudents recently visited TheJ.A.R.E flight-school nearBirmingham and had an opportu-nity to be cabin crew for the day.All of the students performedwell and completed part of theirBTEC Travel and Tourism assess-ment while they were at the cen-

tre. Students had a go at a num-ber of simulator activitiesincluding evacuating throughthe overwing exit and servingin-flight lunch. A number of thegroup are going on to studyTravel and Tourism next year- sonext time you’re flying abroad,look out for the de Ferrers team.

DE FERRERS –LEADING IN LEARNINGSince September, the college has been workingwith educationalist Alistair Smith to develop itslearning skills programme called Learning toLearn. Alistair has been described as “the UKʼsleading trainer in modern learning methods”. Hehas developed the award winning AcceleratedLearning model, founded the ALITE companyand is the designated Learning Consultant to theEnglish Football Association.On the 10th March deFerrers hosted a trainingsession for Staffordshireand Derby City schools inwhich Alistair provided aninput on the ʻEssentials ofLearning to Learnʼ and ourstaff provided an insightinto howto intro-duceLearningto Learnto aschool.This wasfollowedon 20thMarchwith aLearningto Learn conference at theRicoh Arena, Coventry.

Again, our staff providedinputs on aspects of learn-ing, but groups of studentsalso made significant con-tributions. The Senior Choirwas invited to provideentertainment duringlunchtime and a group of

MediaStudiesstudentscoveredthe confer-ence witha blog, anewspaperfront pagewhich wasdistributedto dele-gates and

a video which was shownas the final item.

DearParentsI would liketo thank par-ents forencouragingstudents to

attend our additionalSaturday and weekday G.C.S.Etuition sessions. This hasbeen very successful in ensur-ing the completion of course-work. The students, someinvited and some simply vol-unteering, attended in largenumbers.It was very pleasing to see Year 11,12 and 13 having their official col-lege photograph taken.Attendance, behaviour and stan-dard of dress were very good. Iwould like to see them wearingtheir uniform with as much prideon a ‘normal’ day!

Next term will be very importantfor those students taking externalexaminations. The Easter holidayis critical for exam preparation forour senior students. Year 9 will betaking SATs in June next term,under examination conditions.These tests will be marked inter-nally and will form part of ourimportant teacher assessment.

I was very pleased to welcome ourGerman partner school to deFerrers. Students and staff fromthis school have spent a week withus. The partnership dates back to2003 and students involved direct-ly and indirectly, get a great dealout of the week. There have beenmany more exciting opportunities,events and trips, some of whichare highlighted in this selection.

We look forward to summer –enjoy your Easter break!

an instant impact in enhancing PE pro-vision both within curriculum time and forour extra-curricular clubs and teams. We arealready seeing the benefits in raising thelevel of our sporting achievements. The offi-

cial opening was afitting way to cele-brate the new facili-ty and the impact itis already havingand will continue tohave on PE provi-sion for years tocome.


M A YorkPrincipal

deFerrers.COMmuniquédeFerrers.COMmuniquéNumber 045 Easter 2009


P R O J E C T T A N Z A N I A 2 0 1 0 - S E E P A G E 3

On Wednesday 4th March 2009, the new Sports Hall on Trent Campus wasofficially opened by one of Britainʼs greatest ever athletes. The guest ofhonour was the current Triple Jump World Record holder and pastOlympic, World, European andCommonwealth Champion, JonathanEdwards, who completed the officialopening.


Over one hundred of our studentsdemonstrated their skills at trampolining,table tennis, and in the new fitness suiteand classroom based sessions duringthe morning. Students from Years 1 and2 from all of our Partner PrimarySchools were involved in a Sports HallAthletics competition which was run byour Year 11 Sports Leaders. JonathanEdwards spent time speaking to all stu-dents, and gave an inspiring andthought provoking speech. He also tooktime to signautographsand have pho-tographs withstudents (anda few staff!).The new facili-ties have had


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PSFASpring is here, the daf-fodils are blooming, theblossom is ….blossom-ing….. and Easter isjust around the corner.Soon it will beChristmas! Meanwhile,the PSFA is still to beseen working like busylittle bees here andthere, organisingevents, providinglicensed bars and gen-erally fundraising hardand fast.Since our very successfulQuiz Night in January wehave provided the licensedbar at the Evening of the Artson 27th February and then weheld a Bingo night on 17thMarch at Dove Campus. Thislatter event was on StPatrickʼs Day so, to keep inthe spirit of the thing, we hadIrish music playing in betweensessions, a bag of potatoesas one of the raffle prizes (noexpense spared there then)and a visiting leprechaun,commonly known as GeoffRimmer, calling out the num-bers….. There was a rumourthat the rest of the committeemembers were going to per-form a little Riverdance oftheir own ….. but, that wasjust a rumour thankfully!

So, on to future events:We look forward to seeing youat the Spring Concert at Doveon Wednesday 1st April wherewe will be once more provid-ing the refreshments. Then,we hope to be advertising anevent to take place onMonday 4th May – pleasewatch out for further informa-tion shortly to come out in theform of letters to parents andalso on the website.

Donʼt forget that the PSFAhas a large stock of second-hand uniform which is avail-able for sale should anyonebe interested. Please con-tact the school for furtherinformation and to arrangea time to come and have alook.

Anita McLeanChair

On Friday 27thFebruary, contempo-rary artist Ian Cookvisited the college.He worked with studentsfrom Year 7 and 8 in themorning creating largecolour wheels using paintand remote control cars. In

Artist Ian Cook visits college HillfieldHouse LogoCompetitionFive students have beenshortlisted in a logo com-petition by StaffordshireCounty Council for theirefforts over the last fewweeks. Charlotte Holland,Jade Adams, HayleyWoodhall, Jason Duttonand Kunal Manek havehad their work selectedand one of them will seetheir design used onposters, signage and print-ed material. The logo is forHillfield House, a carehome inBurton whichis set to openits doors inthe comingmonths.

the afternoon, Ian gaveseminars to Year 10 BTECstudents and Sixth Formartists. All the students whotook part thoroughlyenjoyed the day and werevery inspired by Ian'sunique style of "Auto-draw-ing".

Move It DanceExhibitionThis has been quite a busyterm for members of theDance Club. On SaturdayMarch 7th, sixteen of ourYear 9, 10 and 11 studentswent to London to take partin the “Move It” Exhibition.During the day they had theopportunity to take part inworkshops led by profession-al dancers as well as watch avariety of performances. Thestandard was extremely highand all of the students bene-fited from the experience.

Transitions DanceCompanyOn March 17th a group of staffand students went to see theTransitions Dance Company atthe Brewhouse Arts Centre.This young, dynamic groupperformed three contemporarypieces all choreographed byrenowned artists from acrossthe world.The members of Dance Clubhave continued withrehearsals and will be per-forming in the Spring Concert.

MATHEMATICSIN ACTIONWITH YEAR 12A group of Maths ALevel students wentto see a show organ-ised by MathsInspiration.The event included threeunique speakers, eachspecialising in a differentarea of Mathematics. Theyoffered us an insight intohow Maths can be used ina variety of interestingways, such as strategiesfor winning Who Wants ToBe A Millionaire, the statis-tics involved in O.J.Simpsonʼs murder trial andthe Mathematics behindjuggling.Overall, we thought theshow was very enjoyable,although we werenʼt sokeen on Mr. Orchardʼsʻscenic routeʼ ofNottingham on the waythere. We certainly all feelmathematically inspiredand our juggling skills haveimproved too!

Duke of Edinburgh's Award

For the first time ever Burton OpenAward has enrolled over fifty Goldcandidates this year. They are busi-ly arranging their Expedition andResidential sections of their award,and also undertaking various fundraising events to help raise moneyfor their expedition. Recently theyhave helped Sainsbury's with bagpacking, and managed to raise over£1000.00. They then shared themoney raised equally betweenthemselves and Comic Relief. Goodluck to all Gold candidates on theirexpedition.

We have also enrolled over sixtyBronze candidates and over eightySilver candidates this year. Theyare also preparing for the start ofthe expedition season.

We are also looking forward to ourannual Presentation Evening,which again this year will be heldat the Town Hall in October.


INCLUSION 2020De Ferrers was superbly represented at a recent Inclusion 2020conference held at the Pirelli Stadium on 10th February. Theconference focussed on how Inclusion should move forward infuture years and was the third conference in the series.

Organisers had been keen to getinput from students whose edu-cation was already being bene-fited by current inclusionstrategies with a view to gettingtheir ideas for the future.Hamza Mahmood (Year 7) MeganSiner (Year 11) and Tom Roberts(Year 13) went along to providethe delegates with some veryincisive and inventive ideas.

The conference was given a visu-al aspect with the exceptionaldrawing skills of one of the pre-senters who managed to capturethe essence of the ideas visuallywith highlighters, chalks andinks on one wall; the finishedpiece provided an excellentgraphic portrayal of the day’sdiscussion. A welcome ruleimposed for the conference wasthe banning of techno-babble,gobbledygook and abbrevia-tions; this proved problematicfor some delegates but in itselfwas an excellent example ofInclusion.

Those present were first askedto consider what schools wouldbe, could be and should be likein the year 2020. This was themoney no object, every wishbeing granted and ideal school

GermanExchange 2009On the 23rd March deFerrers welcomed thirtyGerman students fromthe ʻSchule amLuisenhofʼ as part of theannual exchange pro-gramme between the twoschools.The German students enjoyedday trips to London, Blackpooland Nottingham before attend-ing de Ferrers for three days.Our students, in Year 10 andabove, met their penpals at awelcome breakfast held by thecollege on the first morning,and then the Germans fol-lowed their English partners toall lessons.It was fantastic to see friendsreunited as our students mettheir international penpalsonce again, or in the case ofthe Year 10 students meetingtheir penpals for the first timeafter months of writing. Afarewell party on their finalevening was enjoyed byeveryone involved and was awonderful way to end the 2009exchange. The German visitthis year has been a greatsuccess, following on from ourfantastic trip to Germany lastyear. Well done to all of ourstudents who took part.

De Ferrers SignLanguage ClubDe Ferrers Sign Language Club (dFSLC) hashad a busy year this year.Our current group of studentsput in a lot of work during theAutumn term to take part inthe Big Sing, a national eventto organise one million chil-dren singing simultaneously(the previous record of293,978 children was set in2005). dFSLC performed thesong ʻYou Gotta Beʼ byDesʼree in sign language, atremendous effort to learn thisquite challenging song in onlythree weeks.The signing choir then per-formed at the Senior CitizensʼParty in December with signedperformances of Silent Nightand White Christmas.Three members of the choirEmma Barlow, Amber Bourneand Amy Whipp (all Year 7)also performed both songs atthe Carol Concert held in TrentHall. This was very brave ofthem as they were the onlythree on the stage and wereabsolutely fantastic.Since then we have moved onto other songs in addition tolearning everyday sign lan-guage. Owing to the hysteriaspawned by the film MamaMia we are currently learningto sign the title song.It is really encouraging to seethe students showing such aninterest in sign language andwe are continually getting newstudentspopping infor a fewsessionsalong withour regulargroup.



As part of our ongoing com-mitment to equipping stu-dents with life based skills,nominated Year 10 and 11students complete linkbased courses at BurtonCollege, throughout theyear. Skills cover a widerange of areas, includingCar Maintenance,Construction, Hairdressing,Business and Retail. Thestudents are able to reflecton the skills acquired whenchoosing pathways for theirfuture careers.

of the future which led to somevery interesting and creativeideas. De Ferrers students volun-teered several of their own ideasduring this session based upontheir own experiences.

We then moved back in time (orforward if you prefer) to the year2011 and this time our brief wasto decide where Inclusion couldrealistically be then. The onlycriterion was that the strategieschosen had to be achievable inthe intervening two years.During this session our studentsworked with groups of adultsand once again showed theirincisive understanding ofInclusion.

After the lunch break, our stu-dents sadly returned to collegefor their afternoon lessons butnot before receiving the gratefulthanks of everyone there. Theirinput had been extremely valu-able and had added a uniquedynamic to the conference whichhad been appreciated by all.

The afternoon session focussedon where Inclusion is now: itsprogress, the various strategiesin use, its shortcomings and itssuccesses.


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After a tough appli-cation process, thefinal nineteen adventur-ers have been chosen!Together we will beembarking on the WorldChallenge expedition toTanzania in July 2010:a three week trip to theregion around ArushaNational Park. Duringthe three-week periodwe plan to spend almosthalf of the time in a localcommunity doing somemuch needed charitywork. Although this hasyet to be finally decidedby the team, possibleprojects include buildingand restoration workwithin a school or help-ing introduce clean watersupplies to the localcommunity. We may alsotry our hand at teachingEnglish within one of theschools during our stay.We will have the oppor-tunity to meet a commu-nity of Tanzanian people,and immerse ourselvesinto the very differentAfrican culture.

HEALTH AND SOCIALCARE COMPETITIONThe Year 13 Health and Social Care classhave organised a Health and Social Carelogo competition for students in Years 10 –13. This was organised to raise funds for thelocal voluntary service, Harvey Girls.Harvey Girls supports moth-ers and mothers-to-be thatare under the age of twentyone in Burton. Its aims areto support young mums,develop parenting skills,discuss issues that affectyoung people and to havefun!

Their website, if anyonewould like more information,is www.harveygirls.btik.com.After carefully consideringall the entries the difficultdecision was made andRebecca Upton of 10.6 wasdeclared the winner. A big

thank you to every-one that enteredand congratulationsto Rebecca! Shereceived £5 in cashand the knowledgethat her logo willnow be used torepresent theHealth and SocialCare Department.



Building relationships by working as part of a team,taking responsibility for what could potentially be 'lifesaving actions' and acquiring new skills, were all partof the exciting scheme, in which four of our Year 8students took part at Burton Fire Station, over thepast ten weeks. The course was testing and helpedthe boys grow in self confidence.Callum Russell, Josh Brunton and Reece Ford suc-cessfully completed the course, with Bradley Shawbeing named 'Student of the Course'. Congratulationsto all four boys!

Four Year 11 and twoYear 9 students havespent six afternoonsworking responsibly aspart of a team, to learnthe skills of basic carmaintenance with the'Pit Stop' project.Faced with problems

about the car working,the boys used reason-ing and resourceful-ness to ensure the carwas made roadworthy.The skills acquired bythe boys will certainlybe of use in the future.Well done, boys!

Another substantial part of theexpedition is the personalchallenge: a climb up MountMeru which stands at 4,566m,70 kilometres west of MountKilamanjaro in the heart of theArusha National Park. After allthat hard work, we might justhave a little time to rest, relaxand reflect on our achieve-ments, possibly on an organ-ised safari or during a trip tothe island of Zanzibar, just offmainland Tanzania.

Although we will be accompa-nied by an experienced WorldChallenge leader whilst inTanzania, we are very muchencouraged to be an inde-pendent group of students.Over the next fifteen monthswe are organising events, bothon our own and as a team, inorder to raise £3,500 each toget to Tanzania. We are work-ing on numerous fund raisingevents that we hope will getyour support. So far we haveheld a Year 7 disco, bag packedin local supermarkets, held abingo-night and a car wash, allof which have been a greatsuccess. The ’Project Tanzania200’ club is also half way into aten week run, where everymember of the club has thechance to win a weekly cashprize of £50. If you would liketo support our cause and jointhe club for the next ten week

allocation, please let us know.You may also be interested insupporting some of our otherupcoming events. Theseinclude a Soul Evening plannedfor April 24th (tickets availablefrom both campus receptions)and a Race Night on Saturday27th June.

We would like to take thisopportunity to say a hugethank you to ReMIT (seebelow) who have agreed to beour main team sponsor for theexpedition. Their support hasalready given us a great boosttowards our total fundraisingtarget and their logo will soonadorn our new challenge t-shirts. We would also like tothank the Punch CommunitySpirit Project for their willing-ness to sponsor our rucksacksduring the expedition andcompanies such as Coors,Branston Golf Club, TamworthSnow Dome, Swadlincote Ski-Centre, Marks and Spencers,Staples and Planters who havekindly donated raffle prizes forour fund-raising events.

We understand that time ormoney is not easy to come byfor any of us, but any dona-tions or help you can offer theteam would be greatly appreci-ated. If you are not able tohelp but you know someonewho can, or may wish to spon-sor the project, please don’t

hesitate to contact us at [email protected] telephone us on 01283239936. Thank you for takingthe time to read this article,we will keep you posted on anyup-coming events!

Did youknow………… 44% of people in ruralareas do not have accessto safe water.… Some women are forcedto walk over 10 km to awater well each day.… Only 77% of childrenattend primary school anda mere 4% attend second-ary school.… Children may have towalk over 10 km on theirown to get school eachday.… Each school receives£3.78 per student –annually!… At best the teacher-student ratio is 1:50

Project Tanzania 2010CommuniquéCommuniqué

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QWERTY AT THENATIONAL TRADE FAIRThe Young Enterprise group, Qwerty, decid-ed to take on the challenge of the nation atStratford upon Avon on Saturday 21st March.After leaving college before8 in the morning they spentan industrious journey inthe minibus adding the fin-ishing touches to Qwertybands and Qwerty phoneholders. They joined sev-enty seven teams fromaround the UK in setting uptheir market stall close toShakespeare's birthplace.

A busy days trading startedat 10.00am and continueduntil 3.00pm with plenty ofpassing trade from interna-tional visitors to Stratford.The sales team gainedcompliments on their tech-nique and the judges wereimpressed with the profes-sionalism of the studentsand their stall. Given thatsales of the products wereactually made to the

judges, Qwerty must defi-nitely have got theirapproval, even though theydidn't win. Since the TradeFair they have given apresentation to the CollegeTechnology Managementgroup, along with anothergroup, Conscience, andcame into College on thestaff Inset Day in order toraise the profile of the com-pany and its products withthe whole de Ferrers staff.

The groups are now await-ing the overall results ofthe judging in order to seewhether they have made itthrough to the next roundof the competition - theArea Presentation Eveningto be held at ThomasAlleyne's in Uttoxeter onThursday 23rd April.

The Community Cohesion ProjectThe Project is a threecentre collaborativeproject between deFerrers, Croydon Collegeand Rushcroft School inWaltham Forest.� Year 10 students completed anumber of lessons about commu-nity cohesion - looking at cohe-sion issues in Burton. This hasbeen completed with two Year 10classes, who will use this projectas their 'active participant'coursework.

� Some of these students wereselected to represent de Ferrers totalk about the community cohe-sion issues in the conference thatwas organised by Croydon College.In this conference, students hadthe opportunity to discuss com-parative community issues inWaltham Forest, Croydon andBurton. Students also had theopportunity to meet SylviaLancaster (her daughter was beat-en to death because she was aGoth). Sylvia gave a talk about herdaughter and the circumstances ofher death. This had a massiveimpact on students. Students werethen asked to start planning theircommunity cohesion projects – deFerrers students coming up withthe idea of ‘tackling differences inour community’.

� When students came back toschool both classes planned andorganised events to ‘tackle differ-ences’. One class decided that weneed to tackle younger studentsbefore coming up to de Ferrers. Toachieve this , they decided tomake up a ‘smarties play’ – withthe message that we may all bedifferent on the outside, but areall the same on the inside - weshould celebrate each other’s dif-ferences not be scared of them.These plays were shown to John ofRolleston and William Hutson thisweek and were very successful,

William Hutson asking students toshow the play to the rest of theschool.

� The second class decided totackle the negative perception ofteenagers in Burton. Their idea wasto complete some good deeds inthe community and become ‘goodyhoddies’. Students plan on com-pleting some bag packing in asupermarket, going into an OAPhome to complete some gooddeeds and some litter picking.There may also be an opportunityof helping with some council gar-dens towards the summer.

� The Burton Mail has reported asmall article on what students aredoing and would like to reportagain when the ‘goody hoody’activities are taking place.

� On 25th February de Ferrers stu-dents held a Community CohesionProject conference to discuss theimpact that their projects will haveon the local community. De Ferrersstudents discovered that CroydonCollege is tackling negative mediaattention and Waltham Forest areshowcasing a play about tacklingknife crime. The students used thisconference as an opportunity toshare ideas on one another’s proj-ects.

� Long term we would like toimplement some kind of ‘communi-ty cohesion ‘ project into all KS4Citizenship lessons and follow upon the work that has already beenimplemented at de Ferrers.

� The multi-centre project that wehave been working on will be madeinto a resource for otherCitizenship teachers to use. Therewill be resources, video footage ofprojects and opinions and advicefrom staff and students of how totackle ‘community cohesion’ inschools.

� Students will get to see the finalresources and film in June when weall meet up for one last time inCroydon.

Trent CampusSt Mary’s DriveBurton upon TrentDE13 0LLTelephone: 01283 239936Fax: 01283 239950

e-mail: [email protected]

Dove CampusHarehedge LaneBurton upon TrentDE13 0ASTelephone: 01283 239961Fax: 01283 239971

de FerrersSpecialist Technology CollegePrincipal: Mr M A York BA (Hons) BEd MBA

SPORTMusic Notes INTERNATIONALENTERPRISE DAYAT KEELEUNIVERSITYOn Friday 6th March agroup of Year 10 studentsrepresented our college at aday of InternationalEnterprise organised by theRoutes into LanguagesOrganisation. Their briefwas to meet with a localbusiness and produce a TVadvert for that company in aforeign language (in thiscase French).They were allocated a smallbusiness called ʻPingoartʼ,which reproduces photo-graphs onto canvas andgreetings cards, and immedi-ately set to work finding outabout the products and brain-storming ideas for their advert.They worked extremely hardall day coming up with a verycreative and humorous advertwhich they then performed forthe panel of judges in theafternoon.Unfortunately they did notemerge as the overall winnersbut we were very proud ofthem as they were the onlygroup who attempted to deliv-er the script from memory; allthe other schools, includingthe winning school, read outtheir scripts from promptcards!So a big ʻthank youʼ and ʻwelldoneʼ to Olivia Bennett,Connor Elliott, HannahThompson, Megan Taylor,Sam Moorcroft, Tom Price andCharlotte Beddoe.

HOCKEYOn Friday 20 March a squadof Year 7 and 8 girls andboys represented de Ferrersin a District HockeyTournament. The squadplayed very well and afterthree wins and two drawswere named as the winners.The results were as follows:V Robert Sutton B – won 2–0V Robert Sutton A – draw 1–1V John Taylor A – draw 1–1V Granville – won 3–0V John Taylor B won 3–0

BASKETBALLCongratulations to allinvolved with Basketball thisyear. We have had an amaz-ing season and the resultsdemonstrate the standardand commitment that wehave as a college. Resultsfrom the County Finals willbe in the next issue of theSports news!RESULTS:SIXTH FORM:League Champions!!League:de Ferrers 87 – 26 ThomasAlleynesde Ferrers 107 – 56 John Taylorde Ferrers 74 – 43 PauletCounty cup:(1st round) de Ferrers 98 – 13Mary Hill (Stoke)(QF) Sir Graham Balfour 45 – 84de Ferrers(SF) Stafford 60 – 100 de Ferrers(Final) To be arranged!

YEAR 11:League: Runners up!!de Ferrers 36 – 39 Paulet

de Ferrers 60 – 41 William Allitde Ferrers 101 – 4 Robert Suttonde Ferrers 130 – 15 Abbot BeyneCounty Cup:(1st round) de Ferrers 46 – 38Netherstowe(SF) de Ferrers 41 – 71 Stafford

YEAR 10:League: League Champions!!de Ferrers 36 – 33 ThomasAlleynesde Ferrers 81 – 46 John Taylorde Ferrers 121 – 7 William Allitde Ferrers v Granville (de Ferrerswin by default)County Cup:(1st round) de Ferrers 81 – 46John Taylor(QF) de Ferrers v Cannock Chase(de Ferrers win by default)(SF) de Ferrers 37 – 35 ThomasAlleynes(Final - To be arranged!

YEAR 9:League: Runners up!!de Ferrers 26 – 8 ThomasAlleynesde Ferrers 28 – 6 William Allitde Ferrers 22 – 26 John TaylorCounty Cup:(1st round) de Ferrers 28 – 6Thomas Alleynes(QF) de Ferrers 42 – 36 KingEdward VI (Stafford)(SF) de Ferrers v Haywood High(to be arranged)

Picture: 6th form Basketball team, who are undefeated this year!(From left) Aiden Hyde, Josh Lovatt, Will Atherton (From right) RickyShilvock, Ben Peacock, Tom Whitfield

The Evening of the Arts,back in February, was agreat success - a fullTrent Hall enjoyed per-formances from music,dance and drama groupsas well as wonderful dis-plays of artwork.The Senior Choir was hon-oured to be asked to per-form at the recent L2National Conference atCoventry's Ricoh Arena.They performed five songsin front of a very apprecia-tive audience of over twohundred delegates andhave since received verypositive feedback.Sunday 5th April seesDeFJO departing college at8.00am to make thejourney to the BirminghamConservatoire for theRegional Festival of MusicFor Youth. We are hopingthat the addition of aflautist and vocalist toour ranks will give us theedge to take us forward tothe National Festival inJuly. We'll keep you post-ed.We look forward to seeingyou at our summer produc-tion, 'Little Shop ofHorrors', in July.Rehearsals are now wellunderway and tickets willbe on sale in the not toodistant future.

The squad consisted ofEmily Abel (Captain)Liam Goode (Vice-Captain)James Jenkins (Goalkeeper)Laura BaileyVicky HawardGrace WinfieldaleAlex MooreDan FeatherstoneJacob BaileyTom BorringtonOur top goal scorers were LiamGoode 4, Alex Moore 4, DanFeatherstone 2. The college hasbeen awarded a trophy and thestudents all received winnersmedals.

WEDNESDAY 8TH -SATURDAY 11TH JULYThe Hall, Dove Campus,Harehedge Lane,

Burton upon Trent

The Hall, Dove Campus,Harehedge Lane,

Burton upon TrentPerformace begins 7.30pm

de FerrersSpecialist Technology College

Tickets£5(£4 concessions)






Dove &Trent Campuses

