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Community and Family Studies HSC Enrichment Day · CAFS HSC Enrichment Day – Social Impact of...

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Community and Family Studies HSC Enrichment Day

Community and Family Studies HSC Enrichment Day

CAFS HSC Enrichment Day – Social Impact of Technology


Syllabus Content – Slides 2 and 3

Activity 1: Write down what you know and questions you have about this area of the HSC CAFS Social Impact of Technology syllabus. Know .................................................................................................................................................................................


Want to know .................................................................................................................................................................................





CAFS HSC Enrichment Day – Social Impact of Technology


Reasons for Technological Development – Slide 5

Activity 2: Brainstorm how transport technology has improved and evolved over the years.

Cars Trains

& Buses

Air &


CAFS HSC Enrichment Day – Social Impact of Technology


Reasons for Technological Development – Slide 6

Activity 3: Mobile phones are constantly changing and being updated to meet consumer demand. What features would you like your mobile to have in the future?

CAFS HSC Enrichment Day – Social Impact of Technology


Reasons for Technological Development – Slide 7

Activity 4: Examine how economic benefit and the global community have impacted the emergence of online counselling.

Online Counselling

Economic Benefit Global Community

CAFS HSC Enrichment Day – Social Impact of Technology


Reasons for Technological Development – Slide 8

Activity 5: Complete the questions below.

1. What is the social problem being addresses in this clip?


2. How many drivers will be in a car accident within their first year of driving?


3. What are the government costs associated with car accidents?


4. How does S Drive work?


5. What are some of the features of S Drive?


6. What percentage are crashes in S-Drive regions down by?


CAFS HSC Enrichment Day – Social Impact of Technology


Factors Affecting Access to and Acceptance of Technology – Slide 9

Activity 6:

Identify how three factors affect the access to and acceptance of technology. Provide an example to support your answer.

Explain the reasons why availability and acceptance of technology varies. ................................................................................................................................................................................




Factor affecting access to and acceptance of



E.g. Economic Status

Those with a lower socioeconomic status may accept technology but not have the finances to purchase it as it is a low priority. Those with higher socioeconomic status may ensure they are up to date with technology e.g. latest mobile phone.

CAFS HSC Enrichment Day – Social Impact of Technology


Factors Affecting Access to and Acceptance of Technology – Slide 10

Activity 7: Whilst watching the short clip make a list of the feelings the older man felt about not understanding how to use the mobile as well as how his education impacted how he tried to use the technology.

Feelings related to not being able to access the technology

How did education impact the individual’s ability to access the technology?











At the end of the clip the man states he does not want to use any more technology. Why does he say

this? .....................................................................................................................................................................

How can technology designers help the aged be more accepting of technology?


CAFS HSC Enrichment Day – Social Impact of Technology


Factors Affecting Access to and Acceptance of Technology – Slide 11

Activity 8: Do you agree with the statement on the slide? Why/Why not? ................................................................................................................................................................................


Share your thoughts on this quote with the person next to you.

CAFS HSC Enrichment Day – Social Impact of Technology


Activity 9: Read the following scenarios and on the following page identify the factors that have influenced the person’s access to and acceptance of technology.

Scenario 1 – Jason is 14 years old and has recently bought a pre-paid mobile phone to stay in contact with his friends. All of the other boys in his group have one.

Scenario 2 – Eve and Bill are an elderly couple who have retired in a rural area. They both require modifications to their home to function effectively, but are not sure if they can justify the cost.

Scenario 3 – Molly and Sam are young adults who are planning to start a family. Molly suffers from endometriosis and is considering IVF. Sam’s religion is against any form of reproductive technology.

Scenario Factor/s that have influenced the persons access to and acceptance of


Scenario 1

Scenario 2

Scenario 3

Develop your own scenario of how any of the 8 factors influence an individual’s access to technology. .................................................................................................................................................................................




Develop your own scenario of how any of the 8 factors influence an individual’s acceptance of technology. .................................................................................................................................................................................




CAFS HSC Enrichment Day – Social Impact of Technology


Take Home Activities

The following activities can be done at home as part of your study in preparation for the HSC:

Activity 1: Watch the video link: http://tinyurl.com/hqnhw8q Using the video as a stimulus debate whether technology is a want or a need in a teenager’s life.

Activity 2: Practice writing a response to the following HSC exam question under exam conditions using the knowledge you have gained from this session.

How can age and education affect an individual’s access to and acceptance of technology?

Activity 3: Review the following article about Bulk Billed IVF. http://www.mamamia.com.au/ivf-clinic-to-bulk-bill/

Bulk Billed IVF is happening. This is why it is such a big deal 21 July 2014

Article by Kate De Brito

This is huge news for families. IVF treatment is about to get affordable.

Primary Health Care’s first bulk-billed IVF service in Australia opens today in Sydney. If other clinics are rolled out across Australia, this is the start of something big.

There are tens of thousands of women in Australia undergoing IVF. Women who have had trouble conceiving, for whatever reason. Women who are using their own eggs, and women who are not. Women who have never met the right partner, but know without a doubt that they want to have children. Women hoping desperately that this time, this round, they will be successful.

And for every woman undergoing IVF, the expense is huge.

In fact, for some women who have trouble conceiving, the prohibitive costs mean that IVF isn’t an option at all.

CAFS HSC Enrichment Day – Social Impact of Technology


Primary Health Care opens its first clinic today in Sydney, and will cut the average out-of-pocket expenses for patients to about $500. That’s compared to the average of $4000 in private clinics. The average cost for an IVF treatment is actually approximately $8000, with Medicare covering half of that cost.

According to The Daily Telegraph, the bulk-bill clinic has already had up to 300 inquiries from families who desperately want children. Primary Health Care chief executive Dr Edmund Bateman told The Daily Telegraph, “If the medical procedure has an item number (with Medicare) we will bulk-bill it and you will pay nothing for it”.

He also said that the clinic opening in Sydney would be conducting 5,000 cycles per year – but that the number of cycles could double if there was the demand for it.

Mamamia once published a letter from a reader about watching friends struggle to become pregnant with IVF, and the emotional, physical and financial toll it was taking on them.

They wrote, “I am writing to express my extreme distress at what appears to be the most expensive lottery ticket in town for over 40s these days – IVF… At around $10k a cycle, that is a lot of money on a chance that is less than one in ten. I am seeing marriages crumble, hearts break, hormones go wild and mental and physical devastation as a result of every cycle that doesn’t produced much longed for babies.”

Mamamia contributor Wendy Squires has also written in the past for The Age on the toll it can take on a person. Squires wrote about a friend, “She was also broke, having re-mortgaged to keep up with the expensive procedures (minus the government rebate, the average cost for a cycle is $3000). Her relationship was suffering and career neglected”.

IVF is a huge emotional and financial commitment, and for many women it’s not easy. Bulk-billed IVF is a game-changer.

Access Australia chief executive Dr. Sandra Dill told The Daily Tele, “If it is true there would be greater equity of access for treatment because there won’t be any additional costs”. Primary Health Care will be making IVF more accessible for women who might otherwise never have a chance of undergoing such a procedure; and decreasing the financial burden for women who will be struggling with the emotional toll of IVF.

Anything that makes IVF a little bit easier for women who fiercely want to be mothers, is a development that should be applauded.

CAFS HSC Enrichment Day – Social Impact of Technology



1. Discuss how economic status has impacted an individual’s ability to access IVF in the past.

2. Evaluate how the introduction of bulk billed IVF will impact couples accessing assistive reproductive technology.

Supplementary Material

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJonPMa4Lic - a short clip on robots that have been developed that can care for the elderly.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FllatV75lw - a short clip on assistive technology available for the aged with disabilities.

http://tinyurl.com/hznkh6g - article on a prosthetic arm made out of lego.

http://tinyurl.com/hlffj2s - article on a bionic spine.

http://www.abc.net.au/catalyst/stories/4407325.htm - a 1 hour news story on the effects wifi could have on our health.

http://aca.ninemsn.com.au/article/9081624/tech-kids - a short clip on how technology is changing the ‘face’ of school.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9c623nWZ3I - a short clip on the Samsung S drive which has the ability to save lives on the road.

http://tinyurl.com/hboe5fv - a newspaper article about how Australians find having the latest technology important.

http://tinyurl.com/hhj6x8z - an article on how technology is making it difficult to escape from domestic violence.

http://tinyurl.com/zhb3an3 - an article on whether we will become a cashless society thanks to technology.

CAFS HSC Enrichment Day – Social Impact of Technology


Notes: ...............................................................................................................................................................























