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Community-Corporate Partnership (CCP) - Khmer, Cambodia

Date post: 16-Jan-2017
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Community-Corporate Partnership (CCP) in a Broader DakDamInitiative (DDI) So Dane & Oeur Il | Co-Creating & Co-Investing Our Future Our belief: CCP will work well to bring sustainable development for it redistributes inequitable resources and benefits through win-win strategy 18 years US$2,000 18 years US$1,000 3 years US$160 18 years US$1,000 Withdrawal your capital $100 at year 4, free income 15 yrs Northeast Agricultural and Cultural Research Institute (NACRI), ADIC & DC Research

Community-Corporate Partnership (CCP)in a Broader DakDamInitiative (DDI)

So Dane & Oeur Il | Co-Creating & Co-Investing Our Future

Our belief: CCP will work well to bring sustainable development for it redistributes inequitable resources and benefits through win-win strategy

18 years US$2,000 18 years US$1,000 3 years US$160 18 years US$1,000

Withdrawal your capital $100 at year 4, free income 15 yrs

Northeast Agricultural and Cultural Research Institute (NACRI), ADIC & DC Research

At Pact Office, 28 March 2016

គគៀងគរគ្នា តាមរយៈ ការស្រាវជ្រាវ គោយមានការចូលរមួ គ ើមបីគ្វើសកមមភាពMobilizing through participatory action research (PAR)

ODC Office, 31 March 2016

Community Initiatives Fund មូលនិ្ិ គំនិតផ្ដួចគផ្ដើមរបស់សហគមន៌ =$$$

CAFOD’s 7 NGO Partners 20 March 2016

Approach: personal, small group, networkPact workshop (140+ pax)Coming Together for Forests, DiakoniaCenter, PP May 2-3, 2016

MRLG SK 26-27, 2016: 100+ paxes


កសិករតូចតាច ជ្របគសើរាង Small scale farmer


គបើមានថវកិា គលើកថាសហគមន៍គ្នម នសមតថភាព? តតមិនពិត

តប៉ែងគ ើងគ្នា គ ដ្ើ ម្នធាន

គ្វើតស្រសនឹងទឹក គ្វើសឹកនឹងបាយ?

គចះតតជ្របយុទធ តតមិនគចះការពារ

រញុគោយគលោ ច គោចគោយគៅ

គ ើរមិន ល់គគ្នលគៅ ិត ល់មកវញិ

ាន់គ ើងមិន ល់ ី

ការយល់គ ើញគផ្េងគ្នា

Rationale & Philosophy Our World Today:

At organizational level: Ending, shortage, no fund to support, staff turnover, competing for scarce funding resources, etc.

At societal level: Selling land is common: No production, poor housing, poor health & not afford for insurances, drinking, drugs use, advocacy for change but has yet reached the last step before getting exhausted of resources, time, and effort. High dependency of both NGOs and grass-root communities.

Our project in Mondulkiri – ending?

Our project in Ratanakiri – ending?

Our program in Tonle Sap – ending?

Programs of other NGO – ending?

As it is so, what is our dream for development?

ADIC: PAR reflection

ADIC: Going by Flow of Community Life (GFCL),

What Public Private Partnership (PPP)?

What is Corporate Social Responsibility?

Life Lesson from a Palm Sugar Trader !

Sugar Palm Trader

No fund but have everlasting relationship with clients

Constant trading and bring more opportunities

No concerns of their distance

Having consent is their principle of exchange

Know better their clients’ need

Help clients and can make referrals to social services or activities

Important role of protecting our national identity –the palm trees

Promote our cultural heritage – palm sugar making

Maintain organic production

Improve local employment opportunities, etc.

Where do we go?

Exit strategy!

Sufficient support!

It is not my role!

Continue to be dependent!

Defending against development!

Bye bye !!!

No idea, hesitation!

YES/NO? ផ្ោូវពី អូរជ្រា គៅ ពូគង់ តស្រសជ្រពះ តកវសីមា៉ែ

ោក់ោំ ម ឌ្ លគីរ ី


គតើគយើង ជ្របគមើលគមើល ូចគមដច ពីោក់ោំ?

Potential IP Community

Dak Dam initiative

Understanding Dak Dam?

Geographical: GMS/Mekong road, mountainous landscape, border, hub

Culture: Symbol of Bunong Hero, Religion Christian, Buddhism, animism

Majority Bunong Population

Abundant natural resources

Trust & relationship through partnership

What can we add value on this?

Why do we need to disconnect, less interactive when funding end?

Can we make better relationship in a long run?

Project Scope Community-corporate partnership with

specific contractual relationship between 10-20 years

Plantation: cash & industrial crops,

Community Resource Centre – ecotourism, sport, adventure

Genuine sustainable development: co-create & con-invest into our future

Work through the Investment chains




Shareholding of the chains (within & overseas)

DakDamInitiativeScaling out/upInitiated by ADIC & DC Research

Investment chains through Community-Corporate Partnership inagribusiness and ecotourism

10 – 20 years project cycle

Engage different levels of authorities

Link with regional networks for technical and financial support

Sharing of learning and expansion

Up stream

Mid stream

Down stream IID/FMI 2015

Target Area Scaling out/up Community Initiatives

DakDamInitiative (DDI)’ Master Plan, pathways to co-create & co-invest to our dreamNo Particulars Descriptions

A. Agricultural crops Pepper, coffee, passion fruits, avocado , chest nut, banana, corn, durian, orange, grapes, 20ha rice cultivation, wetland rice cultivation near ChreyThom waterfall, sweet watermelon, and inter-crops such potato, carrot, vegetable etc .Linkage up with Royal University of Agriculture’s Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, and Kampong Cham National School of Agriculture (KCNSA), founder’s relatives in Svay Riengwho engage in varieties of agricultural activities, and others.

B. Promotion of indigenous culture

Having social laboratory, make album of our activities to display, collect artifacts (gong) and cultural architecture preservation, traditional rice wine preservation, weaving, etc.

C. Establishing Northeast Agricultural and Cultural Research Institute (NACRI)

A place to learn and have access to water, a place of stay – to use home stays – good to include community people to have benefits, Improve WATSAN by subsidizing them, tourism for help – (Bang Pov in Paris on medical services), Star Kampuchea (existing interns), dental services (Dina), education (Soeun), some fund from our crops can subsidize their basic needs. They can become key clients for our initiative in the future.

D. Statue of Bunong Hero Building a statue of a hero with inscription could be an important legacy for people in this area, and tourists may be very interested to visit, Room

E. Landscape wildflower preservation, organizing cutting flower festival, Pkor Loan, Nacri– SinSisamu Koh Prak etc

F. Eco-tourism and culture Waterfall trekking in small and big circles, motor, golf etc.Green energy- Homestay- Flower Festival- Automatic water pump - Connecting to other landscape. This place is connected to Bousra,

Bousra connect to Sen MonorumG. Hosting (need clear guidelines –covering sanitation, and hygienic food)

- Local and overseas researchers and students- Family Event, homestayed

H. Aquaculture - Pond fish raisingI. Linking with well-known

media (ex. ABC Radio for soliciting contribution)

- Grow flower- The concept of learn to love forest

Integrate Early Child Education & Health, Library

- Linkage Urban children & rural children,

50+ years

Northeast Agricultural and Cultural Research Institute (NACRI)

Shareholders Network


Province:SRP-Dany-Vuth-GayettBTB-Touch, SHV-LinoKgThom-Chantrea

DDI01-2015: $21,000 or 210 Shares/12ha/3families (close)

DDI02-2016: $58,500 or 585 Shares/ 12ha/25families, End of June, extended to August 2016

DDI03-2017: $150,000 Buffer zoon, Area focus /30-50ha/50 families (ongoing)

Models of partnership or co-investment

(1) Contractual farms with interested individual

(2) Renting of community land

(3) Common Property Development Partnership : ecotourism, reserved agriculture land, Community Protected Area (CPA), Community Forestry (CF), Community Fishery (CFi)

Benefit sharing 18 years contract & handover to land owner or community,

50% share between land owner (labor) & investors (money), do not worry about labour, taking care of farm

US$ 100 (one hundred US Dollars) per shares, provide a maximum 5 shares per shareholder per contract form, each shareholder allow to buy several farm

Withdraw initial investment capital for investors

DC Research will charge 5%-10% of annual income from harvest to cover management and operation costs of business, dependent upon scope of business by excluding cost of investment.

No outsider land ownership on this investment


-Community-Corporate Partnership (CCP)

-Community Collective Farm (CCF)

-Community Friendly Forum (CFF)


Future value of investment Return on investmentPepper Café Passon

Estimate Yield per unit ( pole / tree)

year 1 0 0 20

year 2 1 0 30

year 3 2 1 10

year 4 4 2 5

year 5 6 3

year 6 6 4

Following year is constant

Estimate fruid price / Kg 10.00$ 1.50$ 0.5

Estimate return/ plantation

year 1 : seed or bread 3$/pols 1500 0 10,000.00$

year 2 : plus seed 6,500.00$ -$ 15,000.00$

year 3 10,000.00$ 3,000.00$ 5,000.00$

year 4 20,000.00$ 6,000.00$ 2,500.00$

year 5 30,000.00$ 9,000.00$

year 6 30,000.00$ 12,000.00$

year 7 - 18 (11 yrs) by half of this 165,000.00$ 66,000.00$

Grand Total 263,000.00$ 96,000.00$ 32,500.00$

Share 50% 131,500.00$ 48,000.00$ 16,250.00$

ROI 1460% 510% 30%

Risk of market High Low Very low

Pepper Café Passon

Unit Pole Tree Tree

Area unit ha ha ha

Area of invest 0.25 2 2

Number of plantation 500 2000 1000

Cost per unit

Variable Cost 9 2 6

Fixed Cost: Machin 1.5 0.25 2

Others 1.5 0.25 2

Total cost 12.00$ 2.50$ 10.00$

Total cost invesmtne 6,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00

In direct cost: Rate% 12% 12% 12%

Year of ruturn capital 3 4 2

FV = PV x (1+i) ^N or Future Value 8,429.57 7,867.60 12,544.00

co-investment in Dak Dam: US$ 21,000 [2015]

Pepper Café Passon

# shares, 100$ / Share 60.00 50.00 100.00

Each persons = 5 or 500$ 8% 10% 5%

Est. $500 / 18 years 27.78$ 27.78$ 27.78$

Gained = % of income (18 years) 10,958.33$ 4,800.00$ 812.50$

Operation 1,095.83$ 480.00$ 81.25$

Net of income 9,862.50$ 4,320.00$ 731.25$

Estimate per share / 5 shares 2,191.67$ 960.00$ 162.50$

If 1ha

Cost: x4=$24,000/haIncome: x 4 = $ 120,000/ha

គជ្រមច ចំគ្ញ income-cost=$96,000

ផាសេិន0.5$/Kg income $15000-cost $5000=$10,000/ha

កាគហវ income $5000/ha

DakDam Initiative: Summary current investment, 2016New business Initiative

Age harvest Owner # Num Cost / unit US$

Est. costinvest. US$

# Share # Share Selling

# Share Sold

# Share Remain

1.Passion ជ្រកូចវល័ោិ 6 months 25+ Fam & DC 3.5 ha 5,000 17,500 175 75 46 29

2.Pepper គជ្រមច 20 months 5 Families 1,000 poles 12 12,000 120 60 7 53

3.Avocado បឺ 2.5 years 4 Fam &DC 3 ha 3,000 9,000 90 60 36 24

4.Café កាគហវ 2.5 years 3 Fam & DC 3 ha 3,000 9,000 90 50 13 37

5.Banana គចក 12 Months 1 Family 1 ha 1,000 1,000 10 - - -

6. Tea តត 12 Months DC Family 0.5 ha 2000 1,000 10 - - -

7. Durian ្ូគរន 3 years 1 Fam. DC 0.5 ha 3,000 1,500 15 - - -

8. Macadamiaមា៉ែកា 3 years DC Family 1 ha 3,000 3,000 30 - - -

9. Mixed fruit ចំរះុ 4 years DC Family 0.5 ha 3,000 1,500 15 - - -

10. Cacao កាកាវ 3 years DC Family 1 ha 3,000 3,000 30 - - -

Total 12 ha 58,500 585 245 102 143

1.Pepper គជ្រមច 20 months 5 Families 600 poles 12 7,000 70 -

2.Café កាគហវ 2.5 years 3 Fam & DC 2 ha 3,000 6,000 60 -

3. Land Rental 50 years DC Family 10 ha 1,000 10,000 100 - - -

Total 12 ha 21,000 210

Last project 2015

Pepper Farm, early est.Pepper (2015 = 0.25ha or 500 Poles + plan 2016 = 0.25 ha or 500 poles)

Pepper plantation per pole: Cost $12 per pole and returning about $30 to $50

1 hectare need 2,000 - pepper poles

Harvest starts at 2nd year or 20 months of age, do not know how long does it take?.

Each pole provides an average 3 kg-5 kg,

Give high yield at age 10-15 years, experiences in DakDam is more than 20 years

The current price was 10$ per kg.

Total harvest can be at least $30 and up to $50 per pole, which result in about $60,000 - $100,000 per hectare

Total cost of investment: $12 per pole (Seed & planting: $1.5, plowing: $2, Pole=$3, maintain $2.5, others $2)

Coffee & other crops: early est.

Coffee (2015= 2ha or 2,000 Trees + plan 2016 = 4 ha)

Coffee per hectare: Cost $2,500 and returning $3,000 from year 3th until 18 years.

1 hectare need 1,000 coffee trees

Harvest starts at 3rd year and peak yield at age 7, it will keep producing until 18 years old. Lika’s coffee aged 17 years old, it is still producing, and it can be cut and keep growing.

Each tree provides an average 2 kg, which results in at least 2 metric tone/ hectare

The current price was 1.5$-2$ per kg.

Total harvest can be at least $3,000 and up to $6,000 per hectare

Total cost of investment: $2,500 per hectare (Seed & planting: $1,000, plowing: $500, others caring $1,000)


Inter-crops: powder

តផ្ោ តណ្ហា ?

ពិ្ីមងគល ប់គលៀង ទឹកតផ្ោគ ើស្រសស់

ជ្រកូចគជ្រទើង ផាសេិនPassion Fruits

Call for new shareholder.

DDI will launch new crops, we already order crops from Taiwan

Harvest from age of 6 months and yield about 10-25 tone per hectare.

If we expected 0.5$/kg, it will generate 5,000$ - 12,500$ per hectare.

Age from 5-7 years but more productive within two years.

Raw of fruit, jam and oil.

គ ព្ ះគៅកាន់ SEA Game 2023

ទឺកតផ្ោគ ើស្រសស់ ផាសេិន ោក់ោំ

Contact: 016 705 118 / 010 660 020/ 098 283 138

2016=4h, cost 15000Est. 30+tone x 4=120 Tons

Or 120,000 Kg x 1$=?

27 May 2016

ំណំ្ហគផ្េងគទៀត មា៉ែកា គៅឡាក់ ស ូOther crops

Macadamia = 2.5 ha

Chest nut = 2 haCacao Tree

New plan for 2ha

Banana Plantation 10 months to produce fruit, 2000$ / 10 ha, 2time/ month

Fiber, silk of banana tree for handicraft,


Chrey Thom Waterfall

Other 11 Layers of waterfall

Homestay, Dak Dam Community Resort

Flower Festival

Tea Farm/ similar to Chiang Mai

Season Flower,

Cutting flower

Flower Festival & integrate Indigenous Culture

Do we add more design?

ផាា គមា៉ែង 10

ផាា ណ្ហជ្រគី

Wet land rice, buffalo raising (milk production if possible): traditional approach to patrolling and protecting land rights

Technical support & tree nursery

Expanding to new crops and new project areas:

Landscape: Keo Seima Initiative, RatanakiriInitiative for cashew production)

Waterscape: Stung Sen Initiative (sharing equitable access to water and protection, income generation through sanitary bricks from corncobs and coconut shell)

Benefit and Utilization


Management and Performance Measures

DC Research Management, Certified shareholders

Function: BoD (set direction and hire/fire CEO), Founders, Shareholder Council, and CEO

Daily Interaction through blog facebook

Requests approved by CEO

DDI, managed by DC Research, independent of ADIC and Cambodian Organization for Research and Development (CORD). Under the direction of the Board, CEO will make sure that there is sufficient resources and proper allocation for implementation.

What others business chains – Associate?


Manufacturing, processing, packing

Raw material



Bank of investment $$$$

Would you take part in this business?

Call for co-investment, First-come, first-served (FCFS)DDI01-2015: $21,000 or 210 Shares/12ha/3families (close)

DDI02-2016: $58,500 or 585 Shares/ 12ha/25families, End of June, extended to August 2016

DDI03-2017: $150,000 Buffer zoon, Area focus /30-50ha/50 families (ongoing)

Main contact Alternative

So Dane, Chairman of The DC Research, Research Program Coordinator of the ADIC , Office: 855 (23) 6561 777

h/p: 855 (16) 705 118 / 097 7065 118Email: [email protected] ,[email protected]

Chhun Channak, General Manager of The DC Research, h/p: 855 (12) 231 221 / 081 814 242Email [email protected]

Oeur Il, Executive Director of the ADIC www.adicentre.org, Office: 855 (23) 633 014 8 h/p: 855 (11) 743 071, Email: [email protected]

Through funding for our initiative

Program implementation, etc.

Thanks & welcome comments, suggestions or comments
