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Community Living Connections: Impact and Support Needs

Date post: 22-Mar-2017
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Community Living Connections Live Your Best Life Home is ultimately not about a place to live but about the people with whom you are most fully alive. Home is about love, relationship, community and belonging, and we are all searching for home. ~ Erwin McManus 6515 Watts Rd, Madison, WI 53719 | (608) 661-7999 | fax (608) 661-7998 | www.clconnections.org Rela�onships, community connec�ons and a sense of belonging ma�er to all human beings. Our mission at Community Living Connec�ons is to support in- dividuals who experience intellectual and developmental disabili�es to live their best life in their own home and in the community. We partner with people with disabili�es to live meaningful and full lives. At CLC, we are commi�ed to serving people through- out their life�me, changing and adap�ng our services over �me as a person’s needs and desires change. We believe that all people have the right to live in a home of their own and to choose where and with whom they live. An essen�al truth is that we all need to have access to community life, experience a sense of belonging and the opportunity to build las�ng rela�onships in order to truly live our best life! Community Living Connec�ons, a local 501(c)3 non-profit organiza�on, con�nues to remain a leading edge provider for adults with intellectual and developmental disabil- i�es. We are excited to share with you- our friends- key ini�a�ves designed to keep Community Living Connec�ons at the forefront of community living services now and into the future. Like most non-profit organiza�ons, CLC has financial needs that are not totally cov- ered by current revenue sources. Since CLC incorporated in 2004, public funding for the people we support has decreased by 20%. During that same �meframe, individual needs of the people we serve has increased in both complexity and cost due to aging and changing support needs. As a result, it has become increasingly challenging to provide the necessary, and life changing, services to our clients. To help us live our mission, and meet increasing community needs CLC is ac�vely fundraising to cover the growing funding gap to ensure essen�al support required by people with disabili- �es to live their best life is available to your community members. Iniave One would secure $100,000 of funding to assist us in remaining responsive to crisis and changing needs of adults with disabili�es in your community. 56% of the people supported by CLC are over 55 years old and aging needs will only con�nue to increase. A 2011 na�onal study by AARP and the Brookings Ins�tute found that 89% of Americans, 65 and older, want to remain in their home as they age. We believe that this is true for people with or without an intellectual disability. Support needs and/or aging issues can change quickly, requiring CLC to immediately and nimbly respond to some- one’s need for addi�onal supervision or 1:1 a�en�on to ensure safety. o A giſt of $75 ensures CLC can provide emergency overnight support in the hospital, or in a person’s home, by a trusted and trained team member who knows the person.
Page 1: Community Living Connections: Impact and Support Needs

Community Living Connections Live Your Best Life

Home is ultimately not about a place to live but about the people with whom you are most fully alive. Home is about love, relationship, community and belonging, and we are all searching for home. ~ Erwin McManus

6515 Watts Rd, Madison, WI 53719 | (608) 661-7999 | fax (608) 661-7998 | www.clconnections.org

Rela� onships, community connec� ons and a sense of belonging ma� er to all human beings. Our mission at Community Living Connec� ons is to support in-dividuals who experience intellectual and developmental disabili� es to live their best life in their own home and in the community. We partner with people with disabili� es to live meaningful and full lives. At CLC, we are commi� ed to serving people through-out their life� me, changing and adap� ng our services over � me as a person’s needs and desires change. We believe that all people have the right to live in a home of their own and to choose where and with whom they live. An essen� al truth is that we all need to have access to community life, experience a sense of belonging and the opportunity to build las� ng rela� onships in order to truly live our best life!

Community Living Connec� ons, a local 501(c)3 non-profi t organiza� on, con� nues to remain a leading edge provider for adults with intellectual and developmental disabil-i� es. We are excited to share with you- our friends- key ini� a� ves designed to keep Community Living Connec� ons at the forefront of community living services now and into the future.

Like most non-profi t organiza� ons, CLC has fi nancial needs that are not totally cov-ered by current revenue sources. Since CLC incorporated in 2004, public funding for the people we support has decreased by 20%. During that same � meframe, individual needs of the people we serve has increased in both complexity and cost due to aging and changing support needs. As a result, it has become increasingly challenging to provide the necessary, and life changing, services to our clients. To help us live our mission, and meet increasing community needs CLC is ac� vely fundraising to cover the growing funding gap to ensure essen� al support required by people with disabili-� es to live their best life is available to your community members.

• Initi ati ve One would secure $100,000 of funding to assist us in remaining responsive to crisis and changing needs of adults with disabili� es in your community. 56% of the people supported by CLC are over 55 years old and aging needs will only con� nue to increase. A 2011 na� onal study by AARP and the Brookings Ins� tute found that 89% of Americans, 65 and older, want to remain in their home as they age. We believe that this is true for people with or without an intellectual disability. Support needs and/or aging issues can change quickly, requiring CLC to immediately and nimbly respond to some-one’s need for addi� onal supervision or 1:1 a� en� on to ensure safety.

o A gift of $75 ensures CLC can provide emergency overnight support in the hospital, or in a person’s home, by a trusted and trained team member who knows the person.

Page 2: Community Living Connections: Impact and Support Needs

Community Living Connections Live Your Best Life

Board of DirectorsRuss DeckerPresident

Amy ZastrowVice President

Kelly EdwardsTreasurer

Ann Miller HolmanSecretary

Mary UmbeckDirector

Katie RodgersDirector

Marty PfeifferDirector

John ElliotDirector

Terri JasenDirector

• Initi ati ve Two would secure $50,000 of funding to increase programming that supports the wellbeing and community inclusion of adults with disabili� es in Dane County. CLC’s capacity to help individuals par� cipate in community life, and expe-rience the opportunity to build and maintain meaningful rela� onships, is in jeop-ardy and the need is growing. 90% of the people supported by CLC require some level of assistance to access their community safely. 60% of the people we support require supervision/monitoring 24 hours per day. It is crucial that CLC is able to ensure that your neighbors con� nue to have the individualized support necessary to visit a family member, a� end church, take an art class or par� cipate in a sport-ing event.

o A gift of $50 ensures one person can travel to visit their aging parent who is no longer able to visit them. A gift of $100 helps one person with a disabili-ty receive transportati on for necessary errands for one month.

Community Living Connec� ons has a rich and dis� nguished reputa� on in our community. As the largest residen� al provider specializing in community based supports for adults with intellectual and developmental disabili� es in Dane County we are deeply commit-ted to our values. On average, CLC provides 28,000 hours of direct in home support each month and we employ 275 staff who work � relessly to ensure individualized and quality services. Our belief in suppor� ng the “whole” person to achieve their hopes and dreams, over their life� me, sets us apart. Your support of these key ini� a� ves will benefi t our en� re community by increasing inclusion and diversity. Will you help us strengthen our community?

Please consider a generous gi� to Community Living Connec� ons today. Your dona� on will have a direct impact on the experiences of people with intellectual and developmental disabili� es in your community. Gi� s of all types and sizes are welcome and appreciated. All dona� ons are tax-deduc� ble and all donors are recognized in CLC’s eNewsle� er, on CLC’s website, Social media, and Event materials. Ways to give include:

• Sponsor our annual Celebra� ng Connec� ons event held on April 26, 2017 at the Coliseum Bar. Check out our event page h� p://bit.ly/Celebra� ngConnec� ons

o Sponsorships include � ckets to the event, levels include: Gold Sponsors ($2,000) receive 6 complimentary � ckets Silver Sponsors ($1,000) receive 4 complimentary � ckets Bronze Sponsors ($500) receive 2 complimentary � ckets

• A gi� of cash or check allows you to take the maximum income tax deduc� on and allows us to put your gi� immediately to work. To donate online go to www.clconnec� ons.org/donate-now.php

• A mul� -year pledge: make a larger gi� , spread out your dona� on over 2 years.• A planned gi� , such as a charitable bequest in your will or trust, allows you to

leave a legacy through Community Living Connec� ons, Inc.

“A deep sense of love and belonging is an

irreducible need of all people. We are biologically, cognitively, physically and spiritually wired to love, to be loved, and to belong. When those needs are not

met, we don’t function as we were meant to.”~ Brene Brown

Shelley DeNureDirector of Operations(608) [email protected]

Jen SquireExecutive Director(608) [email protected]

Jenny StaebellDev/Comm Manager(608) [email protected]

6515 Watts Rd, Madison, WI 53719 | (608) 661-7999 | fax (608) 661-7998 | www.clconnections.org
