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Community Panel News - durham-pcc.gov.uk · Recorded anti-social behaviour incidents continue to...

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Durham Police and Crime Commissioner Community Panel News Message from Ron Hogg Issue 1 June 2013 Welcome to the first of what now will be monthly communications with you to share information It is my aim to provide you with regular updates on the performance of Durham Constabulary covering the delivery of my priorities which are detailed below and overall Force performance. This edition contains both the detail for the year end performance as at 31 March 2013 (page 3) and the most up to date figures as at the end of May 2013 (pages 4 and 5) I hope that this information is presented in such a way that you will be able to refer back to the end of year information and be able to compare how the Force is doing on a monthly basis. An explanation is included within this newsletter as to how some of the measures are recorded. Also included are some good news stories from Durham Constabulary relating to work recently undertaken across the Force area. Whilst some of this may not relate to your particular area it hopefully enables you to see what is happening and may give you ide- as to discuss with your local officers! A reminder of my priorities which I have asked Durham Constabulary to deliver: A reminder of my priorities which I have asked Durham Constabulary to deliver: My manifesto commitments: To reduce the impact of domestic abuse, particular- ly violence against women and girls To reduce the impact of hate crime To improve engagement with local communities across the Constabulary area Priorities you have voted for in consultation: To tackle anti-social behaviour To tackle the harm caused to individu- als and communities by alcohol and drugs To improve road safety by tackling careless and dangerous driving, speeding and other related road safety issues
Page 1: Community Panel News - durham-pcc.gov.uk · Recorded anti-social behaviour incidents continue to show a significant decrease; anti-social behav-iour can be linked to criminal damage

Durham Police and Crime Commissioner

Community Panel News

Message from Ron Hogg

Issue 1



Welcome to the first of what now will be monthly communications

with you to share information

It is my aim to provide you with regular updates on the

performance of Durham Constabulary covering the delivery of my

priorities which are detailed below and overall Force performance. This edition contains

both the detail for the year end performance as at 31 March 2013 (page 3) and the most

up to date figures as at the end of May 2013 (pages 4 and 5)

I hope that this information is presented in such a way that you will be able to refer back

to the end of year information and be able to compare how the Force is doing on a

monthly basis. An explanation is included within this newsletter as to how some of the

measures are recorded.

Also included are some good news stories from Durham Constabulary relating to work

recently undertaken across the Force area. Whilst some of this may not relate to your

particular area it hopefully enables you to see what is happening and may give you ide-

as to discuss with your local officers!

A reminder of my priorities which I have asked Durham Constabulary to deliver:A reminder of my priorities which I have asked Durham Constabulary to deliver:

My manifesto commitments:

To reduce the impact of

domestic abuse, particular-

ly violence against women

and girls

To reduce the impact of

hate crime

To improve engagement

with local communities

across the Constabulary


Priorities you have voted for in


To tackle anti-social behaviour

To tackle the harm caused to individu-

als and communities by alcohol and


To improve road safety by tackling

careless and dangerous driving,

speeding and other related road safety


Page 2: Community Panel News - durham-pcc.gov.uk · Recorded anti-social behaviour incidents continue to show a significant decrease; anti-social behav-iour can be linked to criminal damage

Performance Information

The following pages of the newsletter contain information relating to performance by

Durham Constabulary as at 31 March 2013 which is the year end performance (page 3) and

also as at the end of May 2013(page 5).

Crime figures are measured on a rolling 12 month basis therefore the year end figures for

2012/13 as shown on page 3 are measured against the figures for 2011/12 as at the end of

March. You may notice that some of the numbers show a fall as indicated by a minus sign

meaning there has been a reduction in this particular category but the arrows may indicate

that the performance and the direction off travel is static. This is because the

direction of travel is based on the change in the year to date performance at the end of the

month being reported when compared with the change in the year to date performance at

the end of the previous month.

For example If you look at the figure for overall crime in the year end performance table on

page it shows that there has been a reduction of 14.7% however the arrow shows direction

of travel as static. The table below shows the information for all of the year when compared

to 2011/12, as you can see the reductions have all been around 14-15% so that is why the

direction is regarded as static.

Month Year to date


Total Number

Year to date


Total Number

% Change

April 2922 2519 -13.8%

May 6005 5249 -12.6%

June 9045 7756 -14.3%

July 12156 10297 -15.3%

August 15136 12837 -15.2%

September 18000 15299 -15.0%

October 21078 17859 -15.3%

November 24025 20555 -14.4%

December 26796 22946 -14.4%

January 29517 25273 -14.4%

February 32261 37629 -14.4%

March 35260 30090 -14.7%


Page 3: Community Panel News - durham-pcc.gov.uk · Recorded anti-social behaviour incidents continue to show a significant decrease; anti-social behav-iour can be linked to criminal damage


I TaknsJ everything iniD 8.CCOIUnt, I have confidence in the pok:e" {CSEW}

I TaknsJ everything iniD 8.CCOIUnt, I have confidence in the pok:e" {Local)

I% of people who -- llvrt "the police do a good job" (CSEW}

Fople who-- "the police do a good job" {L.ocaQ

I~ of people who •e .w..-. that the poke hold r-egula.-, pubic meeting5 {callltd PACT nwetingB) to dBc.ta!e with me~ of the I pubk the .... ._the "'*'"should be -.g-(LocaiJ

% of people who agr-ee lhallhey .;...-e fa.-ty 01'" very well inlonned about what the ~have been doing m the .. Sil12 rnonlhs'



IASB Incidents-'% change

% of people who agr-ee lhal ..._ police and local council a.-e delliiiiDg dh lhe ASB and Cl"ftte &sues lhillt rnilltta- in this

GOfliRlUnily" (CSEW)

% of people who agree lhlll. "'the police and local council ar-e dtMI.Ing with the .ASB and am. ii!:.'Bue8 that rr..tter- in this GOfliRlUnily" (l..oca~

72. 3~~

7 1 . 1 ~~

60 .3're

58. 6~~

56. 7~--


59. 0~--

5 1 . 3~~

I¢=> I I¢=> I D

I ¢=11 Y=i -


Yd.im satJslaction with WHOLE EXPEREIIICE

Yd.im satJslaction with EASE OF CONTACT

Yd.im satJslaction with ARRIVAL '1..:

Vi::tim satislaction with ACTIONS TM.EN

V"dim salislaction wilh FOLLOW' UP

Vi:tim satislaction with TREA'IIIENT

Crirt*wll dama.ge - ._ change

% of people who pen::eive tt.t vandillhrn and gr-af'lili a...t other- delbet-ale .... rrage In pr-operties, vehicles and other­_,._..,. pr-- (Loca~

'% at people who agree that 'the police can be reled upon to deal with m inor crimes' {Local)

1% cl people who tllink that pilrting is ill pr-oblem (l...ocal} 40 .8% D Domestic abuse D::idents-% ct.nge

rl%_of_pe_ople __ wh_o_lll_i_n_k_tha_t_da_.._--ous--dr-iYI-.-ng-is_a_proble __ m_ll...ocall------------------------,-4-1-. 3-~~-....;:l ==:;1 % at repeat incidents of domestic violence cases reviewed at r.MRM:

1% of people who d'link that speeding vehicles is a problem U-ocall 59. 5~~ I I Hate incidents-% change

F==================================================F====Fr~ I Alcohol---_"" challll" 0 .4% 1 ¢:::~1 1% of people who d'link people driMq and cau&mg nui&ance in public places is 11 problem (Local) 37. 0~~ D

-14.7% ¢:::1 1 a .. ~-%-

I All gftMt detection rate 37.5're ¢:::> 1 B..-111-Y - detection l'1lle

F based crine-% change -14.5% ¢:::1 1 Vehicle crime - ._ change

3 1.0're ¢:::> 1 Vehicllt crime - detection nile

-11.4% -u-1 Pub&c or-del- ollences- % change

I Violence agUts.tthe person - defection rate 62. 2~~ -D-1 Pubk order olliences - detection rate

I SeDJaJ onences - % change -1 3.~~ --o-1 Drug olfences - % change

~ onences- detection rate 42.4~~ -D-1 Drug olfences - detection rate


88 .6% ,L-.....\ ''r-/

96 .9% ,L-.....\ 'r /

88.8% ¢::; 87 .0% ¢;> 8 1.6% u 9 5 .1%

,L-.....\ ''r-/

-12.3~~ lu-33.1%

-57 .3%

2.0% -13.~ In -18.8 ~· I

-14. 1 ~~ ¢:::; 15 .4% ¢=> -6 . 0~~ ¢:::; 20 .5% D -15.8% u 83.7% ID--13.4~~ I 98.6% I¢=;

u __;J.- Please note 1hat lle dil.tl. cOolers~ period Apil, 2012 to March, 2013 9eept bcal su~ datil 'Aflich covers quarErs 2 3nd 3 of 2012 and the Crime ~ral the direction of ~I is IMPROVING C>..et-alllhe drection oftra\oel is DETERIORA TlNG SuNey of England and W~ (CSEW) dillla which is fol" lhe year ending 31sl December, 2012. "There is no direction of ~I for local SLneY dillla as

lhe<"e ~>;we been o nly - ct.tasets to dae.

/··) CMmd the perlomHrx;e i:!5 STA T1C None Direction of travel is AMBIGUOUS , .....

Year End Performance to 31 March 2013


Page 4: Community Panel News - durham-pcc.gov.uk · Recorded anti-social behaviour incidents continue to show a significant decrease; anti-social behav-iour can be linked to criminal damage

Current Performance as at end of May 2013

The latest performance information is shown on page 5 both against the PCC’s priorities and an overview of force priorities. In the 12 months to the end of May, Durham Force area continued to see reductions in all crime types when compared with the 12 months to the end of May, 2012 with most crime types seeing decreases of more than 10%. This has resulted in almost 4,200 fewer victims of crime.

Alongside falling crime levels, outcome rates remain stable in most cases and are amongst the high-est in the country. There have been some crime types which have seen slight falls, for example, violence against the person and burglary, however, these too continue to be some of the highest rates nationally.

Recorded anti-social behaviour incidents continue to show a significant decrease; anti-social behav-iour can be linked to criminal damage and the number of this type of offence has also continued to fall.

Whilst alcohol related incidents have increased by around 5% this can be put down to more robust re-cording of alcohol as an aggravating factor.

This excellent performance is reflected in the high levels of satisfaction Durham Constabulary is cur-rently seeing with at least 88% of victims being satisfied with the service they have received at each stage. These levels have been improved or maintained and the Force is second highest nationally in respect of ease of contact and third in victim satisfaction with the overall experience but is striving to become the best, the trend is certainly in the right direction at this moment in time.

You will notice that public confidence in Durham Constabulary is at 78% just below the national aver-age. This is an identified area for improvement and much work is ongoing not least to ensure that those who have not experienced a service from the police are made aware of what there police are doing in their community and that they can therefore make an informed assessment of confidence.

I also monitor staffing levels which remain above 90% of budgeted posts. The Special Constabulary continues to see a large number of vacancies, as it is our aim to have 200 Specials. Serving Specials are making a significant contribution to policing our communities.

Staff sickness levels continue to improve whilst availability of police officers and police staff remains above 70%.

Crime Type 12 Months to end of May 2012

12 Months to end of May 2013

Difference % Differ-


All Crime 34,502 29,804 -4,698 -13.6%

Victim based crime 30,492 26,300 -4,192 -13.7%

Violence against the person 4,843 4,312 -531 -11.0%

Sexual offences 411 357 -54 -13.1%

Burglary 4,794 3,976 -818 -17.1%

Vehicle crime 3,721 3,318 -403 -10.8%

Criminal damage 7,588 6,768 -820 -10.8%

Metal theft 2,912 1,376 -1.536 -52.7%

Incident Type 12 Months to end of May 2012

12 Months to end of May 2013


% Differ-ence

Anti social behaviour 38,572 30,921 -7,651 -19.8%

Alcohol related incidents 18,517 19,558 1,041 5.6%

Alcohol related anti social behaviour 6,146 4,427 -1,719 -28.0%


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U CM!rall tile direction of tr.Mll is MIPROIIING

.L- \ ... .! CNeral the perfm'nance is STAJIC

['Taking everyth-.g no ac<:<JU .. , 1....., corftlen:e in the poice' (CSEW) [v-.:tim satisf-..clion Nth WHOLE EXPEHENCE I Police ollicer budgetEd I actual posts

~==========================~~~========================~~~ ['Taking everyth-.g no ac<:<JU .. , 1 ...... corftlen:e in the poice' (Loca~ 71.1% I [v-.:tim salisf-..clion Nth EASE OF CONTACT I Police-b..tgeted I aduol posts

~==============================~~~ ~============================~==~~ 1% rtf people who ;og""' tlul 'the poice do a good job' (CSEW) 60.3% I ¢::::; [v-.:tim salisf-..clion Nth ARRIVAL liME IPCSO budgeted I actu.l posts ~==============================~~~ ~============================~==~~ 1% rtf people who ;og""' tlul 'the poice do a good job' (l..oc:a~ 58.6% I [v-.:tim salisf-..clion Nth ACTIONS TAKEN ISpeci;ol Constaldary budgeted I adwl posts


~~;~AC~rtf'!cTpeop~m~eet~le~iii!JS~who~l~t~=~=~::~~e~~~hal~h~~~':~po~ber~lice~"~~~the~';~,~=~·t~:::~bk~iss~·~:"~the~Oigs:cooice~(cd!d~==SG=.=7't.=.~~==0:: ~~Vi=ict=im=sal=islact==io=n=MI=-=h=R>=U.=CJW==u=P=============~==*~~ [No.ofactive-"'

% of people who agree llullhey are tarly or Yef'/ wollnonned about -the 33 4, jv-.:tim satisf-..clion Nth lREAlUENT [No-of~ Walch schemes/-covered by police have been doD~ m the mt 12 rnont115• U.ncal) · •o schemes

1369.78 11362.52 !1!1.5%

781.69 1 735.01 94.0'/,

1 1711.63 98.6%

n 36.0'!.


2,932 77,034[



PRIORiliES 1% of-covered by lleighbourhoodWa!chsehemes

~==========================~==~========================~==~~ [An1Hocialllellavio..-(ASB)--%change - 1 9. 8~. [-D-[[M:oho1Relatedlnoidenls-%chmge [ 5.6''' [-D-

28.8% -u-1

1% rtf people who ;og""' llul 'the poice and local ca....:il are dea1g with the 59.0% I H ll"a ~LocaDwho 1.-. people drinking and COIUS-.g !Usance in pubE places is I I ASB-criMissueslhalmaUerinll*>canm.....-!CSEWl n M~lll 37.0% Al staff sickness (ho..-s perperson) 59.8

l:s:::: .... =.::=:=~'!..':'~~=dealgwilhlhe 51.3% n [cnmn.Jdam--% change 1-10.8''' 1 ~ IPoliceollicer-(hou'Sperpen;on) ~~~~~~~~Mn~~~~~~ww--------------~====

1.,. rtfpeoplewhoth ....... parking ioapr- (l..oc:a~ 40.8% n l •• " .. of-people"'-'"-""who"""'lJJper ...... """"'_.· ..... t ............ ..-.... "a"'lism--.. and_g_r .. allil"-"'i"'and ..... -""" .... -Ll.LJ ......... Il_ __ _il _33_._•~_,_in===' 1Policestalfsickness(haurs perperson) L. ___________________________ _j_===' ~dm!aaetoD(()C)fif;n. vehicles ami olherb.-asn.a arobtem CLDcan . _ .

[No. of road tr.ollic colisions where person(s) kiled or ..eriously ilj..-ed (and"" a 1127191'···· n , _of~ who agree that ~he pofice can be relied upon to deal with m..... IAI staff overtime (holO'& per person) ~·~~~nho~~e~o~f~ai~RMd~~~~~~~~~-~~~========================~, -~-~-~, -~-----~==~ .

IND. of people ka!doroer~ n]Ured onroadtrafticcollisions (and as a 233 I l lllomestO:abuse in:idents-% cha 1 3.1% I l iPoliceollicer oweriine (hous per person) ~·~~~nho~~e~o~f~al~~~p~I~Es~of~nMd~~~~~~~co~~~,~\~================~( 1~3~0~%~.====~· . ~ . . _ .

I% Dfpeoplewhothnlhal dangerousdriwq is a problem(Local) 41.3% I I I% ofrepeall'lcidenlsofdomestic:violl!nc:e"""""rev- a!MARAC [12.3% [ ¢::"; IPolice-........-(hau,.,perper9011) ~==============================~==~

1% rtfpeoplewhothnthal.,_t-.g vetidesisa problem (Loc:a~ 59.5% u jllalel'lcidents-% change 1-17 2' ' u AI staff avaiability

· '' (% of workillQ halO'S available)






rFEM---GUMnY------POUaNI---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,) IPoliceollicer~~('Y.ofww~~ws~~ 71.4%

IAIIcriM-'11. change - 1 3 . 6~. [--CL-[[BirglaJy-% change 1 -17.1 ~' U IPolice-avaEbil~ (% ofworDig hou"'available)

i='j ==============="*j'TH~JI j n Additionalinfornnatioo AllcriM outcome rate 37.6"!. 'r-f BlrglaJy- oulcane rate 14.9"!. ....!.___.!.- AI daa shOII'n is for a rdling twelle morrlh period up tl:

;::1 =======================================================:I=H=i=~ll 1 ...,-.... Crime, incidErll, response and w..RAc- 31st Mar. 2013 V"!din oo..ed crime-% change - 1 3. 7~, 'r-fVetidecrime-% change -10·8~- U Victmsalslac1ioo, pubic con1idence- 31st Ma-ch, 2013 ;=I ===========================~~==~~~ I Sickness, overtime and ...,;l;j)ilit¥ - 30th April, 2013 Victim ba9ed crim"- oul"""'e rate 30.9"/, JJ.- Vetide crim"- outcome rale 20.3% __[J__ Budgeted post daa is as at 30th April, 2013

;=I ===========================~1==~11 I Neighboomaoo w...,hc<Mlfa!leisasat1stl\pli~2013 Violenceagainotlheper.oon-'11. change -11.0'!. __[J__Pmkonll!r-......% chang" -8.9',; _[],...

~==============================~~~ [v-IOlence against the person- oulcome rale 63.1% I ¢::"; [[...-onll!r"""""""- oulcome rate 185.7% [ U r--ISex-.... ------%-change------------13-.1%-r· l .. ¢:::;-rillllrug--,change 1 -9. 1~·· 1 I


42.3% I~ llllrugolfences-oucomerate [98.4% I~

Performance to end of May 2013 contd


Page 6: Community Panel News - durham-pcc.gov.uk · Recorded anti-social behaviour incidents continue to show a significant decrease; anti-social behav-iour can be linked to criminal damage

Items of Interest from Durham Constabulary

In this and future newsletters we will try to bring you information about aspects of the Constabulary’s work to show you the wide variety of things they deal with. In this issue we are covering the Alcohol Harm Reduction Unit (AHRU) and Farmwatch .

Alcohol Harm Reduction Unit (AHRU)

This unit has three main elements to its work:

Alcohol Harm – looks at the wider harm alcohol causes to communities. Durham Constabulary has an officer dedicated to this role. Education is an important feature where staff go into schools and colleges to deliver important messages. Then Unit also manages the Stanley (CAP) Community Al-cohol Programme.

Licensing – an important aspect of the Unit. We are now co-located with Local Authority Licensing departments to improve efficiency and promote partnership working. Offices are at Annand House, Meadowfield, Durham and Darlington Borough Council Licensing Office. Robust licensing enforce-ment is regularly carried out by a multi-discipline team throughout the force area often working throughout the night. Where problems with management of premises are found the Unit will seek a review by the Licensing Committee

Crime – we have a Detective Constable dedicated to building intelligence and investigating crime linked to licensed premises throughout the force area. Links are being made throughout the region to disrupt criminal activity at the earliest opportunity. A recent example of this was the prosecution for drug dealing at Red Velvet, Consett which resulted in its closure. This investigation was led by the AHRU. It was the only premise in the force area to have a ‘Lap Dancing’ license and the owner vol-untarily surrendered it following arrests of staff.

Farm Watch – update on recent operation.

Farm Watch began in the Durham force area in1989 in Teesdale and Weardale and has gone from strength to strength, becoming one of the most successful of its kind in the UK. There are now six schemes in County Durham and Darlington with about 1,600 members from across the rural commu-nity including farmers, gamekeepers and residents.

On 28th May 2013 the Force ran what is the biggest Farm Watch operation to date involving volun-teers from across six police force areas and was judged to be a great success. Durham Constabu-lary officers and police community support officers (PCSOs) together with colleagues from Northum-bria, North Yorkshire, Cumbria, Cleveland and Lancashire took part in the operation which covered a total of 4,000 square miles. In total 225 volunteers participated, supported by 110 officers across the six force areas. On this occasion there were over 300 people watching over the countryside across the whole of the six forces ensuring that criminals who do not operate solely within the borders of County Durham and Darlington were targeted.

Update from Teesdale– Travellers

The Teesdale policing area has been dealing with the annual Traveller migration towards Appleby. Five Temporary Areas of Acceptance have been established and 3 Unlawful Encampments have oc-curred in the area. Road Closure Orders on Bridgegate and Deerbolt (Barnard Castle) have been used to prevent any parking on these particular roads which seemed to prove a success. Over the weekend 31st May – 3rd June we had approximately 110 caravans in Teesdale with about 350 Travel-lers. There has been no Traveller related crime during this period and very few reports of ASB linked to the Traveller migration. Due to one unlawful encampment at Startforth Park we arranged a Special PACT meeting at short notice and brought together the residents of Startforth Park, Deputy Governor from Deerbolt, a member of the Traveller Liaison Services, a County Councillor and a the Chair of the Teesdale Traveller Forum so that all the residents issues and concerns could be addressed.


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Your role as a Member of the Community Panel

Once again I thank you for taking the time to be a member of one of my Community Panels which I see as one the most important links with communities within County Durham and Darlington and here’s a quick re-minder of what I see as your role in assisting me:

To share any information I send to you in these newsletters with your family and friends to enable them to be aware of the excellent work being done by Durham Constabulary and events being organised by my office.

Let me have your views on policing in your local community whether you want to let me know of good work being done to tackle local is-sues or if you have any concerns about the service you are receiv-ing.

In future newsletters I may take the opportunity to consult you on aspects of policing which I need to consider to get your views to assist me in deciding how I am going to proceed.

I will also try to keep you informed of any local meetings which I may be attending e.g. parish council meetings etc to give you a chance to come along.

These are the meetings /events which I am currently scheduled to attend between now and the end of August :

Friday 21 June 2013—5.00-6.00 p.m. Joint Surgery with Helen Goodman MP

Evenwood Children’s Centre, Stones End, Evenwood

Thursday 11 July 2013 – 1.00 p.m. Street PACT, Stanley Town Centre

Monday 15 July 2013 –10.00-11.30 a.m. Community Action Team Walkabout, South Moor

Monday 12 August 2013—7.00 p.m. New Brancepeth Residents meeting

Village Hall, Rock Terrace, New Brancepeth

Wednesday 14 August—16.30 a.m. Walkabout with Kevan Jones MP, South Moor


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Keeping updated on Policing News

How you can keep up to date with policing news for your area:

Police and Communities Together Meetings (PACT)

If you are not already aware Durham Constabulary run PACT meetings across the Force area, to find out the date of the next meeting in your area visit www.durham.police.uk and use the Neigh-bourhood tab to see what is happening in your local area. Each of the following neighbourhood are-as has its own newsletter a link to which can be found on the home page for that neighbourhood:

Barnard Castle: https://www.durham.police.uk/Your-Neighbourhood/Barnard-Castle/Pages/default.aspx

Bishop Auckland: https://www.durham.police.uk/Your-Neighbourhood/Bishop-Auckland/Pages/default.aspx

Chester-le-Street: https://www.durham.police.uk/Your-Neighbourhood/Chester-le-Street/Pages/default.aspx

Consett: https://www.durham.police.uk/Your-Neighbourhood/Consett/Pages/default.aspx

Crook: https://www.durham.police.uk/Your-Neighbourhood/Crook/Pages/default.aspx

Darlington: https://www.durham.police.uk/Your-Neighbourhood/Darlington/Pages/default.aspx

Newton Aycliffe: https://www.durham.police.uk/Your-Neighbourhood/Newton-Aycliffe/Pages/default.aspx

Peterlee: https://www.durham.police.uk/Your-Neighbourhood/Peterlee/Pages/default.aspx

Seaham: https://www.durham.police.uk/Your-Neighbourhood/Seaham/Pages/default.aspx

Spennymoor: https://www.durham.police.uk/Your-Neighbourhood/Spennymoor/Pages/default.aspx

Stanley: https://www.durham.police.uk/Your-Neighbourhood/Stanley/Pages/default.aspx

Durham PCC website: http://www.durham-pcc.gov.uk

Police and Crime Plan: http://www.durham-pcc.gov.uk/Your-PCC/Police-and-Crime-Plan.aspx

Police and Crime Plan video on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/DurhamPCC

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PCC.Durham

Twitter: http://twitter.com/DurhamPCC

Further information - Police & Crime Commissioner

