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Commuter Express 04-22-2010

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  • 8/9/2019 Commuter Express 04-22-2010


    THURSDAY, April 22, 2010 Vol. 3 No. 223 8 pages



    2 5 3

    31 17 40 23 20 39



    I-SHARE ANG SAYASony Ericsson, Ericsson Telecommunica-tions and SM Supermalls donate themobile education van (inset) to UNICEF.From L-R: Millie Dizon, SM-VP for Corpo-rate Communications, Vanessa Tobin,UNICEF Country Representative, DennisManzano, Sony Ericsson General Managerand Ellen Alarilla, Ericsson Head of Mar-keting and Communications present thesymbolic key during the turnover of thespecial van. MICHAEL SUPERALESMICHAEL SUPERALESMICHAEL SUPERALESMICHAEL SUPERALESMICHAEL SUPERALES



  • 8/9/2019 Commuter Express 04-22-2010


    Thursday, April 22, 20102


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    Pagsuporta ni Ampatuan kay Noynoypakulo lang ng kalaban

    PANINIRA lamang sakandidatura ni Liberal Party

    (LP) standard bearer SenadorBenigno Noynoy Aquino, IIIang umanoy pagbibigay ngsuporta ng pangunahingsuspek sa Maguindanao mas-sacre na si Andal Ampatuan,

    Jr.Sa ipinatawag na press con-

    ference ni Andal, Jr., sinabi nitosa mga mamamahayag nasuportado niya raw angkandidatura ni Noynoy dahilnaniniwala ito na tanging angsenador lamang angmakapagbibigay sa kanya ngkatarungan.

    Hanggang ngayon kasi ayhindi pa rin inaamin ni Andal,

    Jr. na si ya at an g ka ny an ggrupo ang responsable sapagpatay sa mahigit 50 kataona kinabibilangan ng mahigitsa 30 mamamahayag noongNovember 23, 2009.

    Sinabi ni Andal, Jr. na kapagsi Noynoy ang nanalo ay tiyakna mapapalaya siya sa

    pagkakakulong kayatnaniniwala daw ito sakakayahan ng senador na

    mabigyan siya ng katarungan.Mariin namang itinanggi ni

    Noynoy ang sinabi ni Andal,Jr. at ayo n pa nga sa sen adoray hindi pa niya nakakakusapang pangunahing suspek samadugo at nakakakilabot naMaguindanao massacre.

    Sinabi pa ng senador naposibleng may nag-utos kayAndal, Jr. na sabihin ang mgaganoong pahayag upangsirain lamang ang kanyangkandidatura dahil alam kasing kanyang mga katunggali namalakas ang dating niNoynoy sa mga botante.

    Alam kasi ng lahat namarami ang nagagalit ngayonsa mga Ampatuan at kahitsinong kandidato angsusuportahan ng angkan ngmga ito ay posibleng magalitdin ang karamihan sa mga

    bota nte .Ang ganitong mga klaseng

    taktika ng mga katunggali niNoynoy ay matatawag natinglumang paraan ng politika

    dahil kahit ano pa ang gawinng mga kalaban ng senador ay

    hindi mababawasan ang mgasupporters ni Aquino bagkusay lalo pa ngangnadaragdagan.

    Sabi pa nga ng mgasumusuporta kay Noynoy,kahit na ano pa ang gawingpaninira sa standard bearer ngLP ng mga katunggali nito sapampanguluhang karera ayhindi sila maniniwala dahilalam nila na malinis angintensyon ni Aquino kaya itotumakbong presidente.

    Halos dalawang linggo nalang ay gaganapin na angeleksiyon kayat inaasahan narin ng mga sumusuporta kayNoynoy na kung anu-anongmaduduming paraan anggagawin ng mga kalaban nitongunit sa halip na masira angkredibilidad ni Aquino ay lalopang lumalakas ang dating ngmga ito sa mga botante.

    * * *Sa mga kabarangay kong

    gustong makilahok sa pitak naito, maari kayong mag-email sabar ang aya ni_i sko @ya hoo .co m.

    MARAMI ang katulad ng mga Ampatuan sa ating pulitika.

    Sila yung makapangyarihang mga pamilya na nililigawanng mga kandidato tuwing eleksyon.Dahil ang ibig sabihin ng en-

    dorsement nila ay siguradongbo to sa ka nd id at on gtumatakbo.

    Hindi sana nabago yun,ganun pa rin sana ngayon sakaso ng mga Ampatuan saMindanao kung hindinabulgar ang massacre ng 57 katao kasama ang ilang mgataga-media sa Maguindanao.

    Bigla hot potato ang mga Ampatuan, walang gustohumawak dahil nakakapaso sa sobrang init. Bigla kiss ofdeath na madikit sa kanila ang pangalan ng kahit sino at

    big la no tha nk you na lan g ang sag ot sa end ors eme nt nainiaalok nila. Ito ang isa sa mga malungkot na katotohanansa pulitika.

    Hanggat napapakinabangan ka okay ka pero pag walaka nang silbi at kung wala ka nang maitutulong, mabilis pasa alas-kwatro kang iiwan at itatatwa pa. Pero huwag natinkalimutan kung bakit naging dambuhala ang mga Ampatuansa Mindanao, lumaki sila nang sobra politically at ang akalanila ay magagawa na nila kahit ano ang gusto nila magingang pumatay ng napakaraming tao in broad daylight.

    Dahil ito sa mga pulitikong sinuportahan nila noon atnagbigay sa kanila ng labis na kapangyarihan na kanilanginabuso. Dahil ito sa mga nanligaw sa kanilang suporta,nanuyo para maging kaibigan nila at nakipagpalitan sa kanila

    ng mga pangako.Ibinigay ng mga Ampatuan sa kanilang mga kaibigangpulitiko ang pinakamimithing boto kapalit ngkapangyarihang pumatay sa marami nating mga inosentengkababayan sa Mindanao at kung hindi pa nasakripisyo ang

    buha y nila , gaya na nga ng 57 kata o na pina tay na para ngmga hayop sa Maguindanao, hindi pa natin nalaman kunggaano na lumaki ang kapangyarihan ng tulad ng sa mgaAmpatuan.

    May panawagan lang sana ako sa mga Ampatuan,ngayong harap-harapan na kung tanggihan ng mga pulitikoang kanilang endorsement bakit hindi nila sabihin sa atinglahat kung sino ang mga pulitiko na lumapit sa kanila at

    bin igy an nil a ng sup ort a noo n.Nasa COMELEC naman ang mga listahan ng mga nanalo

    sa Maguindanao at sa Mindanao noong nakaraang mgaeleksyon, madaling makita ang mga record nito pero di bapagkakataon na para isiwalat ng mga Ampatuan ang tunayna kulay ng pulitika sa Mindanao na kinasasangkutan nila.Pwede ba natin hilingin sa mga Ampatuan na ipakilala nilasa ating mga botante ang tunay na mukha ng mga pulitikona noon ay mga kaibigan nila at ngayon ay naguunahanpara may masabi laban sa kanila para lang makakuha nanaman ng boto? Suntok man sa buwan ang hiling na itopero baka naman pwedeng tulong na lang sana ng mgaAmpatuan sa mas nakararaming mga Pilipino.

    Mag-text po kayo sa akin kung may maidadagdag kayotungkol sa usaping ito. O kaya ay sumulat kayo upangmalaman ko ang inyong nasa puso at isipan, sa aking

    tanggapan sa 2nd Floor, Council building, Quezon City Hallo kaya ay email sa: [email protected]. Pwede rin angtexts sa mga numerong: globe 09272630741 o smart 09215186724.

    Ang mga Ampatuansa ating pulitika

    THE nation observes EarthDay today with many eventslined up in Metro Manila andkey places of the country.

    Department of Environmentand Natural Resources(DENR) and Earth Day Net-work Philippines (EDNP) will

    hold a partnership event incelebration of Earth Day at theSM Mall of Asia Music Hallin Pasay City, marking the 40thyear of the global celebrationfor Mother Earth.

    This years Earth Day cel-ebration will focus on climatechange mitigation and adap-tation measures, DENR offi-cials said.

    For this, we are calling onall Filipinos to take action forthe environment and make themove for a real lifestyle change

    Nation observes Earth Day 2010 todayby enli stin g in the 10 Mill ionMovement campaign forEarth Day 2010 and beyond,Environment and Natural Re-sources Secretary HoracioRamos said.

    With the theme, Hamon ngPanahon: Climate Change,

    Sampung Milyung Solusyon(Kilos Na! Ngayon Na!), thecelebration will start off with acaravan ride of Ms. Earth beau-ties using clean air vehicles.

    The motorcade will startfrom the DENR office atVisayas Avenue, Diliman,Quezon City to the SM Mall ofAsia in Pasay City.

    At the SM Mall of Asia, themain celebration, which willstart at 9 a.m., will be held atthe Music Hall.

    It will be highlighted by the

    presentation of report on theGreen Philippines Agenda byRamos.

    This will be followed by the

    presentation of the 10 MillionMovement Commitments byformer DENR Secretary andEarth Day Network ExecutiveDirector Elisea Bebet Gozun,and the launching of the rec-ognition award for eco-friendly government agenciesand government-owned andcontrolled corporations.

    * * *Rains fel l in Baguio the

    ot h e r da y a n d t h i s ma deweather cooler and more ap-

    pealing to the visitors fromforeign countries like Austra-lia and Europe.

    According to the city tour-ism officer Gabby Keith "ourmonitoring indicates that wecontinue to have a good num-

    be r of loca l an d fore ig n vi si -tors at this time of the year es-pecially with parents of return-ing students for their summerclasses."

    Earlier, the Philippine Atmo-spheric, Geophysical and As-

    tronomical Services Adminis-tration (Pagasa) explained thatthe early rain showers were

    STREETSMARTNi Jonathan Vicente

    bro ugh t by pas sin g cl oud s inthe area due to a system called"high pressure" northeast ofLuzon.

    Baguio temperature rangesfrom 14 to 26 degrees Celsiuswith the least expected rainshowers and cloudy periods.

    In past years, unexpected

    rains during hot months of theyear here happened that theresidents were not surprised

    with the brief downpour thismorning especially at the cen-tral business district.

    Although the prolongeddrought known as "El Nio"phenomenon has caused thecity to experience 30 degreescelsius as the highest tempera-ture this year, the maximum

    temperature since last weekhad already lowered to 25 to26 degrees celsius.

  • 8/9/2019 Commuter Express 04-22-2010


    Thursday, April 22, 2010 3


    Postpone polls, Perlas asks ComelecINDEPENDENT presidential

    candidate Nicanor Perlas hasasked the Commission on Elec-tions to postpone the May 10 elec-

    tions should it fail to addressseveral matters regarding the au-tomated election system (AES).

    Perlas, in his 30-page petition,said the current AES is lackingin several aspects such as an in-dependent source code review,random manual audit prepara-tions, cleansing of voters' list,infallible transmission systems,servers for parties, a verifiablepaper audit trail, ballot securityfeatures, and ballot printing ef-ficiency.

    He said the poll body should"demonstrate in writing" that theComelec has fully addressed all

    the "factual allegations" of hispetition and prove that there isno basis to believe that the fullyautomated election system will

    fail in May.If it fails to "refute" the concernsoutlined, Perlas said the poll bodyshould authorize the installationof a manual count for the posi-tions of president and vice presi-dent at the precinct level beforesending out the digital results.

    But if this is also not possible,he said the poll body should post-pone the polls "until such timethat they are able to assure thatthe elections will be honest, trans-parent, and clean" because a fail-

    ure of elections is bound to cre-ate "a lot of chaos and disorder"in the country.

    FORMER Justice Secretary AgnesDevanadera is allegedly behind the junkingof the murder charges against suspendedAutonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao(ARMM) Zaldy Ampatuan and MamasapanoMayor Datu Akmad Ampatuan.

    Sources inside the Department of Justicesaid Acting Justice Secretary Alberto Agra isthe fair-haired boy of Devanadera. It wasDevanadera who reportedly recommendedAgra to replace her at the DOJ.

    Tao yan ni Agnes. So even if shes no longerthe boss, she still dictates him. She still callsthe shots at the DOJ, a DOJ prosecutor whotalked on condition of anonymity said.

    This paper tried to get the side ofDevanadera but she could not be reached.

    Unconfirmed reports said the Ampatuansreleased P60 million lobby money for prosecu-tors to dismiss the murder charges against them.

    Agra is in hot water for junking the murderraps against the Ampatuans. Various localand international media groups condemnedthe DOJ decision. Outraged journalists will holdvigils to protest the DOJ decision.

    This latest development in the massacrecase surprised family members of the victimswho thought Devanadera was sympatheticwith them.

    Devanadera earlier assured justice for therelatives of the murdered journalists and ci-vilians

    Agra claimed he found no evidence thatZaldy and Akmad Ampatuan were at the sceneof the crime. Zaldy was governor of the Au-tonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao andAkmad mayor of Mamapasano municipal-

    ity at the time of the grisly massacre of mediaworkers, lawyers and members of a rivalpolitical clan.

    OBSCENE DECISIONVolunteers Against Crime and Corruption (VACC) founding chairman Dante

    J imenez leads a protest rally in front of the Department of J ustice assailingSecretary Alberto Agra for junking the case of multiple murders againsttwo members of the Ampatuan clan who were implicated in the masskilling of 57 individuals, including 31 journalists. MARVIN BUSTOS

    Palace preparesfor turnover

    of PresidencyTHE Presidential Manage-

    ment Staff (PMS) will head thecommittee that will facilitate thesmooth turnover ofMalacanang to the newly

    elected president when the termof President Gloria MacapagalArroyo ends on June 30, ac-cording to Executive SecretaryLeandro Mendoza.

    Mendoza said the PMS isprepared for the transition asit has been traditionally a partof the agencys missions toensure that the turnover of theexecutive office goes withouthitches.

    Under the Constitution, thenew President must take his

    oath of office at noon of June30 this year.

    PMS is a specialized unitthat principally provides staffsupport to the President andthe Cabinet. Its specializationranges from economic, social,and political concerns, e.g.,social and economic reforms,poverty alleviation, peopleempowerment, labor, educa-tion, welfare and develop-ment, infrastructure, agricul-ture, trade, industry, tourism,

    environment, judicial reforms,energy, and energizing thebure aucr acy, amon g othe rs.

    Alex Balcoba

    INTERIOR and Local Gov-ernment Secretary RonaldoPuno yesterday said punish-ment should be given to of-ficers and men of the Bureauof Jail Management and Pe-nology who would be held li-able for allowing Datu UnsayMayor Andal Ampatuan Jr. tohold a press conference insidehis detention cell at CampBagong Diwa, in Taguig lastTuesday.

    Puno, in an interview withDZMM radio, said he has or-dered Undersecretary MariusCorpus, the interiordepartment's peace and secu-rity chief, to conduct investi-

    gation on the incident and findout who should be held liablefor the press conference ofAmpatuan, who is being heldfor mass killing of 57 personsincluding 31 journalists.

    According to Puno, he wasshocked upon seeing the pressconference of Ampatuan airedat TV Patrol World.

    He seemed to be relaxed.He did not look like an in-mate. He seemed to be in con-trol of the situation. The eventwas even planned. And itwas taken at an officers roomand not inside his detentioncell, Puno pointed out.

    Kim Pascual

    SILG irked by

    Ampatuan Jr. press con

    LAKAS-Kampi-CMD partyrevealed that stalwarts of otherpolitical parties, after learningthat presidential bet GilbertoGibo Teodoro Jr. is surgingin the surveys, have jumpedship to the ruling party.

    Occidental Mindoro Rep.

    Amelita Villarosa, chairmanof Lakas-Kampi-CMD party,said Negros Oriental 2nd dis-

    trict Rep. George Arnaiz, mem-ber of the Nation alist People sCoalition, is supporting the

    bid of his form er part y-mate .Teodoro was formerly withNPC which was established

    by Teodo ro s unc le bus ine ss-man Eduardo Cojuangco.

    Villarosa made the an-nouncement of Arnaiz sup-port to the former Defense

    Secretary at the Marco PoloHotel in Cebu.

    L a k a s - K a m p i - C M DDeputy Secretary GeneralReggie Velasco, said more stal-warts from other politicalparties have signified their in-tentions to jump ship and

    support Gibos presidentialbid . It is sti ll under negot ia-tion. Alex Balcoba

    Stalwarts of political parties jumping ship to Gibo?

  • 8/9/2019 Commuter Express 04-22-2010


    4 Thursday, April 22, 2010

    NANAKAWANpala si direk PaulSoriano habangnagdi-dinner siya

    noong Biyernes nggabi sa Taste of LARestaurant malapitsa Tomas Morato saQuezon City.

    Natangay anglaptop ng direktor atilan pangmahahalaganggamit. Wala namangnadalang pera angmga mangnanakaw.

    Kaagad na

    sumugod ang dyowani direk Paul na siToni Gonzaga sapinangyarihan nginsidente. Sobrangnag-alala angsinger-actress at TVhost sa sinapit ngkanyang boyfriend.na-appreciatenaman ni direk Paulang pag-aalala ni

    Toni. Imagine, nasashooting si Toni

    pero humingi ito ngbreak para damayanang kanyangboyfriend.

    Hoping si direkPaul na ibalik sakanya ang harddrive na nasacomputer. Kailangankasi niya ito dahilnaroon ang lahat ngkanyangpinaghirapang

    trabaho. Nakikiusapna siya sanagnakaw na kahit

    hard drive man langang isoli sa kanya.Wala naman dawkasi itong silbi sa

    kung sino man angkumuha nito.

    * * *Grabe ang

    detractors ni RayverCruz. Kung anu-anona kasi angimbentong tsismisna ipinupukol sakanya.

    Ang tsika, maygay benefactor dawang aktor.

    Nakakatawa talagaang naninira sakanya. Sobrangdesperate na. Kungmeron, eh, bakithindi nilapangalanan. Dahilba takot sila osadyang wala?

    At ito namangfadir ni SarahGeronimo, talagangkinumpronta siRayver sa back-

    stage ng ASAP.Diumano, dinuro-duro raw ng papa niSarah si Rayver nahindi na langumimik.Pinagsalitaan dawng masasakit ngfather ni Sarah itongsi Rayver. At parangnagbanta pa nasasapakin ito oncena nakitang

    dumidikit-dikit ito sakanyang anak.Kaloka naman

    kung totoo ito.Bakit, ano bangkasalanan angnagawa ni Rayversa iyo? At bakit patibata ay pinapatulanmo. Porke bawalang ama siRayver na

    magtatanggol sakanya ay gaganun-ganunin mo na langsiya?

    At ito namangABS-CBN, bakit nilapinapayagangmangyari ang ganitokay Rayver? Bakithindi nila kayangrendahan ang fatherni Sarah?

    Malaki yata angtakot ng tatay ni

    Sarah na mag-asawa kaagad angkanyang anak.Siyempre, si Sarahang breadwinner attiyak na malaki angmawawala sapamilya niya kapagito ay nakapag-asawa.

    Awang-awa kamikay Sarah kasi kahitna siya ang

    kumikita ay de-numero ang kilosniya. Wala siyang

    yaman na nga aypara namangiginapos ang puso.How sad!

    Sa ama ni Sarah,kung ayaw mongmaligawan ang anakmo, ikulong mo nalang siya sa bahayninyo! Itago monang habang-buhay!

    * * *Bihira kaming

    makainterbyu ngdirektor kaya namanna-impress kamikay direk GB

    Sampedro, ang isasa busiest directorssa bansa. Siya angdirector ng bagongtalk show ng TV 5,ang Paparazzihosted by Ruffa

    better show sa mgaprogramangnabanggit?

    May kanya-

    kanyang strengthyung mga show nayan, eh. Siyempre,ang The Buzz,talagang establishedna show na.Kumbaga, hindi komasasabing bettershow kami kaysakanila.Magkakaibang showyan, eh. Nagkataonlang na ang format

    niya, eh, showbiz,esplika ni direk GBover lunch sa BaangRestaurant saQuezon City noongLunes.

    Pero may


    By Alex Brosas

    Toni, to the rescue sa problem ng jowang si Paul

    Gutierrez, Dolly AnnCarvajal and CristyFermin.

    Napanood naminang pilot episode ngPaparazzi at medyomay katapanganang show comparedsa The Buzz atShowbiz Central oanumang showbizoriented talk show.Does it mean its a

    nakikitang advan-tage si GB saPaparazzi over itscompetitors. Kamisiguro, ang nakikitakong advantage,wala kamingkunwari yung hindimailabas yungbalita. Hindipuwedeng i-kontrolang balita. Puwedenaming i-discussang channel 2 andchannel 7. Sigurokung mga artist mayintriga, kumbagawala kangmasyadong iniisip

    na iniingatan. Siguroproteksyon na rin.Siguro pagdating sacontent, sisiguruhinnaming malakasyung sa amin. Nag-e-experiment dinkami. Gusto naminyung pagiging rawng mga balita,pagiging raw ngtreatment.

    Oo nga naman.Ang Dos at Siyetekasi, madalas nalimited sa mgatalents nila angissue maliban nalamang kung anginvolved ay angmga gaya ni KrisAquino.

    Eh, paano namankung siya namanang maging lamanng balita. Magigingparehas ba siya sa

    treatment?Noong unaynatawa si direk GBsa questions perosumagot din siya.Okay lang. Pareholang. Walangpapaboran.

    Nagto-tour pa saibat ibang filmfestival ang unangindie film ni direkGB, ang Astig.Nagwagi na siyang

    best director saCinemalaya. Astig ispart of theBarcelona FilmFestival from April30 to May 10 atnominated as BestDigital Film saPMPC Star Awardsfor movies. BestDirector nomineenaman si GB saStar Awards for

    Movies at BestMovie Director saGawad URIAN.

    Pinagsalitaan daw

    ng masasakit ng

    father ni Sarah

    itong si Rayver.

    At parang

    nagbanta pa nasasapakin ito once

    na nakitang

    dumidikit-dikit ito

    sa kanyang anak

    freedom. Parasiyang robot nasunud-sunuran sakanyang mgamagulang. Ni hindiniya maranasan angmagka-boyfriend.sobra talaga kamingnaaawa sa dalagangito na ang yaman-

    MarkdeadmaAYAW raw

    makialam ni MarkHerras sanapapabalitangpagkakamabutihanng kanyang ex-girlfriend na siJennylyn Merc adokay Dennis Trillo.Matatandaan nanakunan nglarawan angdalawa namagka-holdinghands habangnamamasyal saHong Kong.

    Ayon satinaguriang badboy of the dancefloor," hindi niyatinanong siJenn yly n tungkolsa mga naglala-bas ang bal ita saumano'y espesyalna relasyon nitokay Dennis.

    Pero ano mandaw angnamamagitan

    ngayon kina Jenat Dennis ay

    magigingsiya paranobya.

    Im haalways foryun nga lsinasabi nnang makmga sinabnegative ikung sinomaninirabast a the yok na ako,niya sa CMinute ng

    news 24nitong Ma




    IBINUNYAG ngayon ng baguh

    na si Andi Eigenmann na ang mgsina John Lloyd Cruz at Jerichonais niyang maging leading man

    Ito ay kasunod ng biglang pagsisa mundo ng showbiz kung saansiyang isasabak sa pelikula.

    Ayon sa baguhang aktres, mana kasing crush ang mga nabangg

    Samantala, labis daw ang pagkni Andi sa balitang isa siya sapaglihian ng Asia's songbird naVelasquez.

    Kung maaalala, bukod kaykabilang din sina Heart Evangeli

    Chiu sa mga nais paglihiansakaling magbuntis na ito sa kasiOgie Alcasid.

    Agua Bendita tsi John Lloy




  • 8/9/2019 Commuter Express 04-22-2010




    sa pagmamabutihan ninaJ ennylynatDennis

    maligayaa dating

    ppyJen. Sana

    gi konga huwagnig sa

    ng mgasues, oman naa kanila,

    re happy" pahayagikaGMA


    Kasabay nito, sanaturang ulat naginawa ni entertain-ment reporter LharSantiago, sinabinito na nagigingconscious na siMark sa kanyangkalusugan mataposmakaranas ng hirapsa paghinga noongnakaraang Linggosa dance numberniya sa PartyPilipinas.

    Maayos na raw

    ang pakiramdamngayon ni Mark

    pero magpapa-tingin pa rin dawsiya sa duktor.Naniniwala angaktor na labis napagod atkakulangan satulog ang nagingdahilan ng masamaniyangpakiramdam.

    Feeling ko overfatigue lang namanpuyat, walangtulog, tapos taping,tapos PartyPilipinas," kuwentong binata. Madalas

    na raw siyangkumakain at

    umiinom ng mgavitamins.

    Ano naman kayaang nagingreaksiyon ni YnnaAsistio na na-uugnay ngayon kayMark nangmalaman angnangyari sa kanyasa Party Pilipinas?

    Sabi ni Ynna,pahinga ng maaga,matulog kapag mayoras. Siyemprekumain, vitamins,

    normally yon, mgabas ic, " paha yag ng

    bi na ta .Excited na rin

    daw si Mark sasusunod niyangproject sa GMA 7na Langit sa PilingMo, kung saanmakaka-sama niyasi HeartEvangelista at JC

    Tioseco.Kakaiba raw

    kasi angmagiging papel

    dito ni Markbil ang exec utiveng isang airline

    company namalayo sakaraniwangkarakter naginagampananniya na streetsmart kid katuladsa Diva.

    Kaya namanasahan na rawang malakingpagbabago sakanyang pana-namit at itsura sa

    soap na Langit saPiling Mo.

    Anuman daw

    ang namamagitan

    ngayon kina

    Jen at Dennis

    ay magiging


    siya para sa

    dating nobya

    ang aktres

    a aktor naosales ang

    at ni Andikaagad na

    tagal niyat na aktor.a-flatteredmga naissi Regine

    Andi ayta at Kim

    i Reginetahang si


    HINDI nagpahuli si Empress Schuck sa mga nakasabayan niyangsina Erich Gonzales at Bangs Garcia dahil tulad ng dalawangnabanggit na young actress ay may sarili na ring teleserye si Em-press at ito ay ang Rosalka kung saan makakapareha niya sina MattEvans at Felix Roco.

    Mula pa lang noong teenager siya na sumalpak siya sa pag-aartistaay talagang mahusay na itong si Empress. Lahat na yata ng role nanaibigay sa kanya ay nagawa niya ng maayosat talagang pinalakpakan at hinangaansiya.

    Wish ni Empress na makasamaniya sa proyekto ang kanyang fa-vorite actress at idol na si Judy AnnSantos na sa ngayon naman ay

    hinay-hinay sa trabaho dahil sadinadalang sanggol sasinapupunan.

    Ani Empress, maramingmagagandang role na nagampanannaman niya ng maayos tulad ngbiktima ng rape, tomboy at war survi-vor. Ang mga ito ay sa episodes ngMaalaala Mo Kaya.

    Pangarap kasi ni Empress na sundanang yapak ng Teleserye Queen.Nakatrabaho na raw niya ang magalingna aktres nung mag-guest siya saGeorge and Cecil nina Juday at Ryan

    Agoncillo, pero naghinayang si Em-press kasi hindi sila nagkaroon ngeksena ni Juday.





  • 8/9/2019 Commuter Express 04-22-2010


    Thursday, April 22, 20106

    Complete the grid so every row, columnand 3 x 3 box contains every digit

    from 1 to 9 inclusively.

    Previous puzzle solution

    Ni McJoe PALAISIPAN Thelma Onego



    1. Una5. Al------;

    Hampaslupa11. Dagit12. Uri ng isda13. Inanyayahan15. Panukat ng Intsik16. Hambing

    17. Kasalanan;Ingles

    18. Katambalni Florante

    19. Bahay ngnagka-camping

    20. Uri ng lamangdagat; Ingles

    21. Bahagi ngpunong kahoy

    22. Amoy sunogna sinaing

    23. Ingay ng manok24. Palayaw ng lalaki25. Lalawigan sa

    Rehiyon 327. Pantukoy28. Taal

    29. Inguya31. Iring32. Poot33. Pantakal ng gatas


    1. Angil

    2. Ginitla

    3. Alimasag4. Pampupol5. Ibanat6. Musmos7. Orihinal8. Bansag sa

    galunggong9. Panalo sa

    pamanuhan10. Sipat14. Harang17. Palabas kung

    mahal na araw19. Titibay

    20. Bayan sa Leyte21. Lalawigan saRehiyon 9

    23. Pang-alis ng umay25. Pugay26. Grado28. Halungkat pag inulit30. Simbolo

    ng galium

    Quality products from Taiwans Biggest Food ConglomerateIN doing business, Taiwan-based

    Asian conglomerate Uni-President

    Enterprise Corporation or UPEC setsthe bar for others to follow. UPEC be-came known as a giant conglomeratein Asia, a leading manufacturer ofinstant noodles, which is one of theirbenchmark products, plus signi ficantexposure in other businesses like thecompany holdings in 7-11 conve-nience stores.

    This is due to the company's "ThreeGood" and "One Fairness" philoso-phy, formulated by UPEC's founder,Mr. Wu Hsiu-Chi. "Three Good" rep-resents "good quality," "good credibil-

    ity," and "good services," while "OneFairness" represents "fair price."UPEC opened Uni-President (Phil-

    ippines) Corporation (UPPC), for-merly Uni-President Foods Corpora-tion, with a view of manufacturing,distributing and marketing only thehighest quality products that consum-ers deserve. Initially, UPPC venturedinto the instant noodles, snacks andbeve rages cate gories.

    For instant noodles, UPPC intro-duced Ho-Mi instant noodles withunique flavors like Chicken and Gar-

    lic, Beef Wanton, and Beef Brisket tocomplement Ho-Mi's fine yet firmnoodles, with special seasoning and

    well-balanced mix of spices for a fullertang, and is fortified with nutrients.

    It is available in ready-to-cook packsand Econobowls. Also, Ho-Mi PancitCanton was introduced, the pancitcanton with a perfect balance of richtaste and exceptional noodle qualitymade only with the finest seasonings.It comes in Classic and Toyomansiflavors.

    Realizing Filipinos' love for tastysnacks, UPPC brought in One MoreCup instant cup noodles to addressyoung consumers' demand for tastynoodle treats with flavors like Seafood,Chicken Curry and Chili Beef, plus a

    thicker soup stock for deeper flavor.One More Cup is available at 7-Elevenstores. The company also came up withNooda Crunch, the first and only ready-to-eat noodle snack in the country. Just

    crush the noodles in the pack, mix inflavor seasoning (cheese or barbecue),

    and shake to mix well. Nooda Crunchis fortified with Vitamin A.The company also launched

    ready-to-drink tea products likeMineShine Milk Tea and Chai Li Wontea to match the fast-paced lifestyleof today's generation of Filipinos.MineShine Milk Tea has choice tealeaves brewed to perfection and care-fully blended with milk for a rich,delicious taste and packed with cat-echins that help prevent diseasesand provide healthy benefits.

    As the 21st century unfolds, UPEC

    emphasizes values of life by provid-ing healthy products and services,committing itself to create a healthyand happy future for its consumersaround the world.

    THE Civil Service Commission (CSC) hasclarified that career positions in the third level

    comprises only those in the Career Execu-tive Service (CES) as enumerated in the 1987Administrative Code, all of whom are appointedby the President.

    In Resolution No. 100623, the CSC soughtto end confusion on the scope of the thirdlevel by declaring that the third level or CESshall only cover the positions ofUndersecretary, Assistant Secretary, BureauDirector, Assistant Bureau Director, RegionalDirector, Assistant Regional Director, Chiefof Department Service and other officers ofequivalent rank as may be identified by theCareer Executive Service Board (CESB), allof whom are appointed by the President.

    It further stated that executive and mana-gerial positions in the career service otherthan the aforementioned shall belong to thesecond level of government.

    In support of its position, the CSC citedprecedent Supreme Court (SC) decisionsclearly stating that only presidential appoin-tees belong to the CES or third level of gov-ernment, most recent of which is the case ofNational Transmission Corporation vs.Venusto Hamoy, J r. (G.R. No. 179255) pro-mulgated on April 2, 2009. In the said case,the High Court ruled that the position of re-spondent Hamoy as Vice P resident for

    Visayas-Mindanao Operations and Mainte-nance belongs to the second level.

    CSC sheds light on issueof third level career positions

    EMPLOYERS are urging the govern-ment to dismantle restrictions and limita-tions on investments and businesses,particularly by reducing the cost of doingbusiness, which could generate the much-needed jobs in the country.

    This recommendation was among thereforms in labor market policies listed inthe resolution which the Employers Con-federation of the Philippines (ECOP) pre-sented Wednesday to President GloriaMacapagal-Arroyo. The resolution was theoutput of the two-day 31st National Con-ference of Employers that ended Wednes-day at Manila Hotel.

    The employers group noted that moreemployment opportunities have to be createdfor a number of entrants to the labor force.

    Recognizing the fact that wealth cre-ation is a function of investments, and jobscan be only be generated through increased

    investments and enterprises, the govern-ment must focus on instituting policy andstructural reforms aimed at creating em-ployment, it said.

    To this end, the ECOP particularly citedthe need to reduce licenses, fees, chargesand permits required by various govern-ment agencies in operating a business.

    The number of days to set-up a businessin the country must be also within the globalaverage of 30 days to cut costs, it said.

    The employers also called for the revi-sions to the Labor Code particularly thepolicy on contracting and subcontracting,policy on night work prohibition for women

    and the law and policy on wage fixing anddetermination.

    ECOP asks GMA to removelimitations on investments

    and business

  • 8/9/2019 Commuter Express 04-22-2010


    Thursday, April 22, 2010 7

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    Our Daily BreadOur Daily BreadOur Daily BreadOur Daily BreadOur Daily BreadSpiridon Louis isnt well known around

    the world, but he is in Greece. Thats becauseof what happened in 1896 when the OlympicGames were revived in Athens.

    During the competition that year, the Greeksdid quite wellwinning the most medals of any nation. But the event that became a sourceof true Greek pride was the first-ever mara-

    thon. Seventeen athletes competed in this raceof 40 kilometers (24.8 miles), but it was wonby Louisa common laborer. For his efforts,Louis was honored by king and country, andhe became a national hero.

    The apostle Paul used running a race as apicture of the Christian life. In 1 Corinthians9:24, he challenged us not just to run but torun to win, saying, Do you not know thatthose who run in a race all run, but one re-ceives the prize? Run in such a way that youmay obtain it. Not only did Paul teach this

    but he lived it out. In his final epistle, hesaid, I have fought the good fight, I havefini shed the race , I have kept the faith (2/Tim. 4:7). Having finished his race, Paul joy-

    fully antic ipated rece iving the victory crownfrom the King of heaven .

    Like Paul, run your earthly race to winand to please your King. Bill Crowder

    As we run in this raceAs our best effort we bringWe are spurred on by the fact

    That we must win for the King. Branon

    The Christians race is not a sprintitsa marathon.

    THE Department of Agrar-ian Reform has expanded itscoverage of occupational

    safety and health program toinclude more agrarian reformben efi ci ari es (ARB s) nat ion -wide.

    The program called Oc-cupational Safety and Healththrough Work Improvementin Neighborhood Develop-ment program (OSH-WIND)aimed at increasing the aware-

    ness of farmers in the differ-ent ways and means of pre-venting accidents and ill-

    nesses caused by wrong prac-tices at home and in the farm.Agrarian Reform Secretary

    Nasser C. Pangandaman saidthe implementation of the pro-gram will be integrated to theexisting programs of DAR inagrarian reform communities(ARCs) like establishment ofhealth clinics, potable water

    supply, electrification andthrough the DARs AgraryongPangkalusugan, a commu-

    nity-based social health insur-ance program of the agency.The OSH-WIND program

    will teach farmers and their fam-ily members steps which can befollowed and done [by farmers]to avoid and protect them fromaccidents and sickness in theirown homes and in the field,said Pangandaman.

    DAR pushes program for farmers health and safety

    ADMIRAL WilfredoTamayo, Philippine Coast

    Guard (PCG) commandant,ordered his men to intensifyits patrol to thwart efforts ofpoliticians or gun smugglingsyndicates to transport ille-gally acquired firearms to beused to sow fear or violencein the country on the May 10elections.

    The PCG has intensified itscampaign in controlling traf-fic of illegal firearms as theelection fever in the countryheightens.

    Tamayo said all operating

    units nationwide are placed

    on heightened alert to closelymonitor possible clandestine

    movement of loose firearmsfrom identified electionhotspots nationwide.

    The PCG strengthens thecomposite team of sea mar-shals deployed on passen-ger ships and other high in-terest vesse ls , intensify in-telligence gathering and de-ploy additional K-9 units tobo ar d an d in sp ec t ve ss el s toinclude unregistered andcolorum vesse ls and thosewatercraf ts or vesse ls notcovered by PCG memoran-

    dum circular on Master s

    Oath of Safe Departure( M O S D ) .

    Tamayo said PCG law en-forcement teams are also di-rected to conduct sustainedseaborne patrols in vulner-able ports, harbors andcoastal and sea areas to aug-ment the local security opera-tions of shipping companies.

    He also ordered his mento coordinate with other gov-ernment law enforcementagencies in the effort to thwartany attempt to transport ille-gal firearms that may be usedfor election-related activities.

    Angelie Escandor

    Coast Guard beefs up patrol vs gun smuggling

    11 accused in Maguindanaocarnage plead not guilty

    NINE police officers and twocivilians entered a plea of notguilty on 57 counts of murder forthe massacre of 57 individualsincluding 31 mediamen inMaguindanao province.

    During a hearing at CampBagong Diwa in Taguig City, the9 policemen identified as PoliceInsp. Rex Ariel Diongon, PO2Saudiar Ulah, PO2 SaudiPasutan, PO2 Hernani SaulongDecipulo, Jr., PO1 Pia Kamidon,PO1 Rainer Ebus, PO1 EsprielitoGiano Lejarso, PO1 HerichManisi Amaba, and Insp.Michael Joy Ynes Macaraeg

    pleaded not guilty on the chargesfiled against them.

    Civilian volunteers TakpanDilon and Esmael Canapia en-tered the same plea.

    The accused present at thehearing numbered to 15 but only11 of them were arraigned andable to enter their plea.

    Jud ge Joc ely n Sol is- Rey es de-ferred the arraignment of the re-maining suspects pending reso-lution of a motion to quash filedlast Tuesday.

    The arraignment for the fourother suspects will be conductedon April 30. Annette Vergel

    Isko to supporters: Vote earlyMANILA Vice Mayor IskoMoreno yesterday called on hissupporters and that of ManilaMayor Alfredo Lim to vote earlyon May 10 so their votes can becounted.

    Morenos appeal came af terreceiving reports that some paidindividuals, mostly members ofa w o m e n s g r o u p i d e nt i f i e dwith the ir pol i t ica l r iva ls , areout to employ dirty tricks thatw o u l d p r e v e nt L i m - M o r e nos u p p o r t e r s f r o m c a s t i ng t he i r

    votes .According to the report,Moreno said the paid cohorts of

    the said politicians will go to theprecincts early and then prolongtheir voting process, since no timelimit has been set for each voter.

    This way, he said, all other vot-ers who are not with the paid sabo-teurs will not be able to make it tothe deadline.

    As Mayor Lim has stated timeand again, it is only during elec-tion day that the gap between therich and the poor is bridged andyet, some unscrupulous politi-cians are out to deprive the people

    of their right to choose whom theywould want to lead the city forthem, Moreno stressed.

  • 8/9/2019 Commuter Express 04-22-2010


    8 Thursday, April 22, 2010

    NCR GYMNASTS BACK-TO-BACK CHAMPIONSGymnasts from the National Capital Region dominated the 2010 Palarong Pambansa WomensArtistic Gymnastics Competition held recently at the Hacienda Luisita Clubhouse in TarlacCity. At the Elementary level, Iya Lucero-Antonio of St. Pedro Poveda College won themost coveted All Around 1st Place Champion Award; Regine Reynosoof St. Paul Pasig , 2nd

    andRachelArellano of the Ramon Magsaysay High School, 3rd, besting 48 gymnasts from16 regions all over the country. At the High School division, Tina Onofre and KhristelPunzalan, both from the Ramon Magsaysay High School, clinched the All Around 1stand 2nd

    place Champion Awards respectively, while Eunice Evangelistaof ICA placed third. Thisyears NCR E lementary and High School tandem made record-breaking success by winningback-to-back in the countrys biggest sporting event, a feat yet unsurpassed by any otherregional contenders in years. The unbeateable NCR Team is ably trained by Coaches TessHenson, Tony Valenzuela, Gilbert Mojica and Limuel Cabrasawan.

    SSC drops St. La Sallefor V-League Qfinals seat

    SAN Sebastian College used

    its power to break through Uni-versity of St. La Salle-Bacolodsnet defense and carve out a 25-12, 25-14, 20-25, 25-17 victoryTuesday in the Shakeys V-League Season 7 at The Arena inSan Juan.

    Jeng Bualee matched the tour-nament-best 27-point outputposted by Adamsons AngelaBenting in its four-set win overSt. Benilde last week with theThai import spiking her gamewith two service aces and one

    block to power the Lady Stags tothe quarterfinals with their sec-

    ond straight win in Group A.

    They thus joined groupmateand defending champion UST inthe next round of the tournamentsponsored by Shakeys Pizza andpresented by PLDT MyDSL.

    USLS, which beat FEU lastweek, dropped to 1-1.

    Despite the win, SSC coachRoger Gorayev expressed his dis-appointment over her wards lack-luster performance in the third set.

    I didnt like the way theyplayed in the third set, saidGorayeb, referring to the Lady

    Stags listless game that saw themtrail by as many as 10 points.

    SA April 24, magaganap angLa Salle-Ateneo game sa Fil-OilFlying V summer tournament.

    Preview na yan ng magiginglakas nila sa darating na UAAP.

    Although paborito pa rin angBlue Eagles, hindi naman dapatisnabin ang malaking develop-ment na nagawa ni DindoPumaren para sa Green Archers line-up.

    Mapuno kaya ang The Arena ng mga green at blue tulad saUAAP? Covered live ng Studio 23 ang larong ito.

    * * *Sa UAAP, sinasabi nilang malakas pa rin ang Ateneo at FEU.Pero hindi na rin puwedeng hindi maging threat ang UP,

    Adamson, at UE.Babalik na si James Martinez sa UE line-up at mabibigyan

    sila ng lakas sa kanilang backcourt sa kanyang pagbabalik.Samantala, nagpalakas ng husto ang National U Bulldogs

    pero di pa namin sila nakikitang maglaro.Pero sa ginagawang massive training ngayon, malamang na

    maging contender na rin sila.Biro mo, umalis na rin ang tropa ng Bulldogs pa-abroad para

    sa kanilangt special training.Kasing bongga na rin sila ng La Salle , Ateneo, at UE na

    lumalabas ng bansa dahil lang sa kanilang summer training.* * *Bawal na raw ang UFC coverage sa TV.Nakakasama raw sa mga bata kasi ginagaya nila.Pero sinabi ni Chairman Consoliza Laguardia ng MTRCB,

    puwede naman bastat kailangan ang airtime ay past primetimena. Ibig sabihin, 10 pm up to 6 am lang.

    * * *Bongga ang inihahandang opening ceremonies ng San

    Sebastian College Recoletos para sa NCAA.Ilang linggo na lang at opening na naman ng NCAA at SSC

    ang siyang host.Letran-SSC agad ang salpukan sa opening day, at pagkatapos

    ay ang magkaribal na JRU at San Beda naman sa second game.

    La Salle-Ateneo battle rekindles



    Sports Valley Jai AlaiSenior B Pelotaris


    Reserves:Ronron, CunananApril 20: 3-8-9Merit Points 3,200

    ANOTHER firstwas recorded inour Sports ValleyJai Alai las t Apri l20 .

    The combina-tion 3-8-9 is com-posed of Spanishpelotaris Zeleta,Erkiaga andJona ta n. Thegames garneredsome 3,200 merit

    points.There is anotherone who tried toenter the trio butstill he is also an-other Spanishplayer Alex. Alexand Jonatan, bothscored six pointsin their names.

    It seems that the38th edition of thegame of a thou-sand thrills meant

    something for theSpanish players.Six times we

    have a trio com-posed purely byFilipino pelotaris.The last was inApril 19 whenFernandez toppedthe 3-4-1 combina-tion with Mersonand Gingone.

    Columbia Trail MastersDuathlon kicks off May 30TO encourage more Filipinos

    to an active and outdoor lifestyle,Columbia Sportswear is launch-ing its Columbia Trail MastersDuathlon series on May 30 at thescenic yet challenging Nuvali ecocommunity in Sta. Rosa, Laguna.

    The Columbia Trail MastersDuathlon series is our way in urg-ing more Filipinos to engage inexciting and challenging outdoor

    sports, said TiffanyBatungbacal, Columbia brandmanager, in Tuesdays PSA forumat the Shakeys UN Avenuebra nch in Manila .

    This event is also part of ourcompanys commitment in rais-ing public awareness to the ben-efits of fit and healthy living andin line with Columbias Welcometo the Greater Outdoors cam-paign, Batungbacal said.

    We want more of our city folk

    to be exposed, witness and ap-preciate our beautiful countryside,and this duathlon series is ourmeans of doing it, she added.

    Not too far from Metro Manila,Nuvali, a 1,700-hectare Ayala-developed property with its roll-ing terrain and picturesque land-scape, is an ideal kick-off site forthe Columbia-sponsoredduathlons, the Columbia brand

    manager said.We aim to take the Columbia

    Trail Masters duathlon series invarious provinces throughout thecountry, Batungbacal said.

    On the other hand, race direc-tor Thumbie Remigio, announcedthat the run-bike-run competitionis open to both both mens andwomens age group categorieswith a total cash pot of P200,000up for grabs plus Columbia pre-mium products for the winners.
