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Commward 2014

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Review on discussions carried out during Media and Communications Award arranged by Brand Forum Bangladesh in 2014
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WELCOME SPEECH The award ceremony started with the host Nazim Farhan Chowdhury addressing the guests. He mentioned about the history of Brand Forum, how this platform has came into being as well as the sponsors behind the organizing of such an event. The audience was then addressed by a welcome speech from Dr. Syed Ferhat Anwar, Professor, IBA, Dhaka University. He mentioned about the importance of performance and communication of Brand stories in the field of Marketing as well as some factors affecting the effectiveness of the agencies in Bangladesh. SESSION 1 Speaker: Partha Sinha, Director & Chief Strategy Officer, Publicis South Asia. Mr. Partha Sinha started his presentation with the concept of Reward Moment in ads like those part at the end of an ad where a woman after passing through several stages of transformation becomes a crowned beauty queen or a man passing through several stages of hardship attains success. He talked about the same aesthetics and same scenarios prevailing in the industry. For example in India, when marketers and ad agencies had started to target both Bollywood and Family values together and make a mix, they decided to portray Kajol as the model who would be a loving and caring mother. The result: Kajol was doing all sorts of family products advertisement starting from durables, toothepaste, food items (soups) to Alpenliebe. Then he moved on to talk about 3 major errors present day marketers are making: 1. Following the same process 2. Tendency to Oversimplify

WELCOME SPEECHThe award ceremony started with the host Nazim Farhan Chowdhury addressing the guests. He mentioned about the history of Brand Forum, how this platform has came into being as well as the sponsors behind the organizing of such an event. The audience was then addressed by a welcome speech from Dr. Syed Ferhat Anwar, Professor, IBA, Dhaka University. He mentioned about the importance of performance and communication of Brand stories in the field of Marketing as well as some factors affecting the effectiveness of the agencies in Bangladesh. SESSION 1Speaker: Partha Sinha, Director & Chief Strategy Officer, Publicis South Asia. Mr. Partha Sinha started his presentation with the concept of Reward Moment in ads like those part at the end of an ad where a woman after passing through several stages of transformation becomes a crowned beauty queen or a man passing through several stages of hardship attains success. He talked about the same aesthetics and same scenarios prevailing in the industry. For example in India, when marketers and ad agencies had started to target both Bollywood and Family values together and make a mix, they decided to portray Kajol as the model who would be a loving and caring mother. The result: Kajol was doing all sorts of family products advertisement starting from durables, toothepaste, food items (soups) to Alpenliebe. Then he moved on to talk about 3 major errors present day marketers are making:

1. Following the same process 2. Tendency to Oversimplify 3. Forgetting to Ask the Key Question: Is it DifferentHe remarked, Every communication starts with consumer insights and ends with consumer validation. Every process starts with insights then developing a creative strategy and then through consumer group testing and consumer group survey consumer validation about the ad or campaign is obtained. But the problem is you cant ask the same type of people the same question in exactly the same way; because every time you will get the same answer. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results.

Oversimplification Complex is another problem. There is a distinction between simplicity and simplification. Some false notions among the marketers are: Consumer is moron. So, lets make things more simplified for them. People believe in exaggeration. Great product window is the final pudding (i.e. it is what will make your product sold). But, in reality, consumers love a balance; a balance between simplification and complexity. Marketers need to find that right balance. Now, Is it different? Does the communication have some innovative ideas and wow factor in it? The key communications characteristics are 3: 1. Truth2. Relevant3. DifferentThen he moved on to discuss about the shift of businesses from setting USPs (Unique Selling Proposition) to ESPs (Emotional Selling Propositions). USPs have been always about products and their unique distinguishing factors but ESPs deal with natural focus in customer understanding and the pursuit of relevance, truth & difference at the same time. He talked about the Tyranny of Consumer Insight. Too much importance has been given to focused groups which often leads to unfocussed findings. This is because, companies and agencies are always going to the middle category of customers in order to take account of the outliers. But by doing that they are losing the focus from the main customer group who probably lie within those outlier zones. Category follower and Category leaders both type of customers can give better inputs. In this aspect, he gave examples of luxurious handbags used by ladies. It is like holding up a mirror to the consumers an urge to them to go and buy different companies products. But if everybody looked the same, we would get tired of each other. There has never been so hard and fast rule. But, whats happening is that, processes are becoming supreme; Means are overriding the end. We are looking for a formula for differentiation, but probably none of such exists. There are efforts and structural interventions to codify the things. These are being guided by the pre, during and post research findings and also the attempt to not move away from the norm.

We should be aware of the codes; especially when they turn into clich and clichs are blind spots and blind spots are counterproductive; because your brands lose meaning then. Ravi Shastris initial coding for different types of shots generated huge attention but since they have become a clich now, they have lost their original appeal and have become a blind spot. Emphasis on reaching target audience should be given priority. Hashtags may not always be the solution, they are just another codification of communication. We should drive our efforts to make brand the centre of consumer conversation. Why do the most cars look same now? Cars look the same, because, they pass through the same wind tunnel. In marketing, most of the ads are now passing through the same wind tunnel. So, differentiation is needed to make an impact but those differentiation should matter business wise i.e. cost effectiveness of real brand differentiation should be ensured. The job of the marketers is not to sell but to make people want to buy. People hates the salesmen but they surely love an influencer giving them options to make a good buy. If everything in the market scenario is same for the marketing agencies then essentially it becomes a Game of Resources. One who has better access to resources will come out with better results. So, an individual agency should have this differentiated positioning in order to overcome these resource barriers. Brands always use a reference point of positioning. One common characteristic of all the successful brands in the recent times is Brand leadership rather than customer followership, e.g.- Steve Jobs with his Apple led the consumers with his innovation and marketing. Research only talks about the rear view mirror, talk about unmet desires. But while driving, most of the time one has to look through the windshield. So, branding should focus on what is being done and what will be done to meet those desires. Commit to Insight from Multiple Sources. Insights now a days, have taken different forms. There are brand insight, category insight, consumer insight, communication insight, product insight etc. Using insights from multiple sources products like luxury sports watches have manufactured and branded. Insights can come from any place. First we need rededication of ourselves and indulge in redecoration of brands.Brand Insights have forgotten to create assets for the Brand. Why in the Market a 30 year old Brand and a 2 year old brand would look the same? What is the single most important part of Marketing mix that is essential to ensure a better chance of success in the market place? It is the ownership of a point of view. Siddharth Banarjee There are convention brands and then there are conviction brands. John Gerzeman and Ed Lebar their book called The Brand Bubble talked about 3 essential ingredients for a brand: Vision Innovation DynamismJean Marie Dru in his book Disruption, mentioned about bringing in differences. Otherwise, the things sound like the same mundane ones in the minds of customers. Not all Consumers are created equal. It is a pyramid; there are leaders, there are followers and then there are the rest. Followers are cheaper but less valuable. Brands need to target the leaders. Test in the market but not in the test tube. Because, the tests for persuasion, relevance and credibility in a controlled environment would not necessarily produce expected results. Rather going to market and run a beta test might. All the game developers and the programmers have their beta version of games and programs; why cant we, the marketers have our own Beta versions? Marketers and agencies should look to the future and not the past. You will make accidents more if you look at the rear view mirror more compared to whats ahead of you. Hurry up. Because, nobody has time; But in the process dont make it meaningless. Follow the 40/70 rule: Dont take action if you have enough information to give you less than a 40 % chance of being right; but dont wait until you have enough facts to be 100% sure, because by then it is almost always too late. Today, excessive delays in the name of information gathering breeds information paralysis. Procrastination in the name of reducing the risk actually increases the risk. Collin Powell, former US Secretary of State. He then explained about the Inexperience Vs Experience as well as Brief Vs Research conundrum. He pointed out the difference between Brand Management and Brand building. He asked, whether, FMCGs should actually need to go through such lengths of emotional labor to find out the ESPs. They can easily lead the brand. He talked about Brand Custodianship. If you have a big dream you have to lead , create new offerings. Its always been a either you lead or you follow scenario.He ended the presentation with a question to the aspiring marketers and agencies. What do you want to become? Where do you want to see yourselves, in the Vanguard or in the Guards Van? Most of us often end up being in the Guards Van.

SESSION 2 Speaker: Santosh Ramesh Desai, Managing Director & CEO Futurebrands India Ltd. Mr. Santosh started his presentation with the process of locating insights in human minds rather than in business arena. Insights should have a resonance with human application in mind. Insights are flashes of clarified understanding. It connects the dots and give us a pattern. Why insights? Because often marketers face these 3 problems: Sterility of strategy Process trap Same pond same fishSo, insights are to convert understanding into a lever to prise opportunities. The strongest brands in recent times have been created by identifiable societal individuals like Steve Jobs & Richard Branson. Insight is not a committee process. It originates in individual minds Harness it. Marketing when narrowly defined, it is a way of selling things. Language of Marketing reeks of pseudo-science. There are many hypotheses propositions, 4 Ps and many other things. But what is most important is to make the meaning valuable to consumers. Add soda water and a meaning surplus; there you go, the Coca-cola. We are always compulsive to make a meaning out of something. We see meaning everywhere. Nothing in the world can simply be.Social change is a big picture; small, tiny changes are continuously going on. Its often difficult to capture everyday reality in focused groups which becomes relatively easy when contemplated in individual minds. Lets look at an ad of IKEA titled Unboring. The old table lamp was dumped and a new lamp was brought in. Now, the new lamp always remain connected with the family being a part of their joy & happiness but the old lamp is standing alone in the dark and is getting wet in the rain. The ad is telling us how we see & put emotions together. We have put our emotions toward a poor inanimate object being inspired by the story of old & faithful. So, meaning already exists in our mind. Meanings in other cases are constructed by different light & sound. But, how is this meaning made or constructed? Most of the time it is done invisibly and the insights make the invisible layers meaningful. Then he moved on to discuss about the 10 principles:

Its about People not the Consumers. Consumer world is a hateful world. It is filled up with a tendency to always consume in other words voraciousness. Sometimes the real truth cant be obtained from them. But people, they are always a great source of insights. Market for hope; understand the segment, their practitioners and most importantly dont get Marketing Divorce. For example, Lipsticks alone wont make the sales but marketing hopes will. Interrogate the obvious. Ask the most overlooked, most stupid questions. Like, Why is a Teddy Bear cute? Is it because of his eyes or fluffy body? Neither. Why is there cuteness in babies? Is it due to their soft skins and soft cheeks? Neither. Its all because of their vulnerability which catches into our eyes in the form of cuteness. When you cuddle a teddy bear or a baby, its the sense of giving and having support you try to feel. When you are looking at a teddy bear or a baby, its not the teddy bear or the baby that is cute. Its their big defenseless eyes that make them look cute in our eyes. Why is Black & White Realistic? Reality is colorful. So why do we still look for B & W? Because B & W is coded for reality Why do Schools have Uniforms? Why does a uniform exist in the first place? Mens attire is conventionally thought to be formal, one that would symbolize power. Then why soldiers have decorated uniforms, decorated shoes? ; Because, on a soldier decoration is acceptable. Their roles are defined. However, information matters. A security guard wearing the same dress would not get the same respect as that of a soldier.Why does a court have a fixed place with fixed appearance and dress codes for judges and the lawyers? Because courts are based on a myth that here human beings play the act of god to ensure justice. So, it is converted into a theatre; judge wears a robe and the defense and the plaintiffs take on opposite sides. People get to believe in an authority, a higher power. Get beyond the proximate. Renowned Biologist Steven Pinker talked about 2 things: Proximate & Ultimate. Why skunks stink? Most of the common people dont go beyond the proximate reason. The ultimate reason is skunks use this as a defense mechanism. One pitfall for marketers is to stop at the approximate insight. But if we do that, we never arrive at the ultimate answers. Why do we photograph things? If you notice you will see, these things are called, to acquire, capture, shoot or take. Today people while visiting places capture photos continuously and thereby getting very little time to enjoy the beauty itself. It is to have a symbolical acquisition. People desire to have some form of ownership. These photos are a measure of immortality, a record of your living to the next generation. This is the ultimate reason behind taking the photos.

What is a watch? Why do we wear it on wrists? Watch symbolizes the power of time to which all of us are slaves; so we voluntarily wear watches. Besides, industrialized society imposes this institutionalized power of time through the use of watches. Huge meanings are associated with watch. Sometimes there is a culture and tradition of passing them down through generations, sometimes they mark as a symbol of coming of age, at other times they are just symbol of pride & masculinity. Marketing mechanism should target these ultimate reasons, not the mere proximate reason of keeping time. In marketing you have to begin with distrust in all category labels and rules. Why doesnt the moon fall down? Because we have been made to believe that it is a celestial body, it belongs to the sky and so it will never fall down to the ground. How it stays up is not a question anymore. Thus with the process of asking questions and then through the process of determining exclusion possibility, you can create category labels and build a brand into something that is premium. Modern retail must look a certain way. Theres always emptiness in consumers hearts and they will always have the urge to fill that up. Emptiness of scary thoughts demands to be filled up with happiness. Similarly nobody told that fashion needs to be seasonal. There are many people who wear almost similar types of clothes all throughout the year. But there has always been an inherent emptiness, an urge to look different, to stand out from the crowd in the hearts of consumers. Thats why the concepts of fall collection and summer collection in fashion have come in. For example: The Indigo Brand in India is doing the same thing. Some customers will always have the emptiness in their hearts for getting bargains and getting a cheaper price. They dont want to care about the amount provided if the price is cheaper. Low cost airlines offer such experiences. Being cheaper is about giving less. Challenge the universality of any idea. Stereos were invented to hear music but they came at the expense of suffering of other people around. Headphones challenged the convention and became popular as it does not cause any disturbance for the people around. Only the listeners get to listen. So, look for the opposite motivations. Make the codes easy to understand. Picture of a rural house and a toilet (shown in inset) outside the house in nearby area might not convey the right message of health & hygiene. An inset is a form of code. Unless your target audience are familiar with the codes, your message will be difficult to transmit. Cultures have an impact on the message. Meaning of food is different in Western & Eastern world. In the West, food is an adorned object; there the presentation is important. You will find such examples in Masterchef competitions. But, in the East its the intrinsic appeal of the food which holds preference; people love foods that are fresh and served hot.Sequential Vs Simultaneous: In the west, people have dinner or lunch course-wise. But in the east, people take everything together. Marketers need to understand and address these sequential and simultaneous views while marketing. Similar examples can be given in the field of Separation of senses Vs Combination of senses. For example, sauces are given after the meal is cooked but the masalas are given while the meal is being cooked. Marketers also need to understand the things like Human estimation Vs objective precision, Cultural health Vs Scientific health, Health as a balance Vs Health as a measurable protection. There is a difference between nurturing and providing nutrients. Use Culture as a Category. Maggi used the sub-continental use of spices and masalas and positioned itself as a masala noodles. Asian paints associated itself with the continent of Asia. In India home specially the patriarchal household is revered at a high position. People here believe that, they come from their homes and they belong to their ancestral households. These are the acts of renewal in notions of fertility prosperity and individual possession. Har Ghar Kuch Kahta Hay. Every house has a story. Marketers need to target those stories and thereby make their brands a part of the culture. Go to the basics. Coke has tried many things but in the end it has gone back to its old branding philosophy. Royal Enfield bikes have brought us back to the basics of motorcycles the rough and toughness of machines. Look for a new shift in society that you can connect to. But, dont assume or extrapolate lazily. Few examples are: Fast Track, Paper Boat, Tata Tea etc. Fast tracks are promoting the idea of moving on and not to get reduced or slowed down in the career path. Paper Boat is a nice packaging company; their packaging are now bringing back the nostalgia of childhood in the minds of many middle class and higher middle class Indians. Amplify the barely audible whispers. Hitler did the same thing with the Germans. He just brought forward the whispers of German supremacy from the back of the mind of German people and said it out loud. Because if it is not loud, no whisper would cause a stirring among peoples minds, a buzz, which is required for a brand to develop. Everyday life is the mother vessel of all insights. Why there always have to be a straight line in hair parting and pant lining? Seeking insights from these sorts of common everyday life scenarios are very helpful. Observing the shifts in mass behavior is much better than to talk with ten people in a focus group. Use Fantasy and Imagination. In India we cannot expect cinema to be a taste of real life, but it is a wonderful taste of fantasy which is what clients look for. You need to understand the customers emotions, learn about their fantasies and imaginations, apply them and then come back and check the results. Use of Subjectivity should be there in combination of fluidity, openness, and free ranging associations. There will be failures but you should not fail to understand the insights from failures. There will always be waste; waste of time and resources. You can never find out what is the least amount of time & resources that you need to spend on an idea. Besides, if you try to follow the conventions and try to do only what works for sure, you may never reach the heights you dream of. Insights offer a offer a friendly win-win solution for both the customers and the companies. So, companies as the clients while working with marketing agencies should give them ample time to elicit useful insights because nothing can come close to deep insights. He ended the presentation with a concluding remark It is not is seeking new landscapes; it is about seeing the world with new eyes. SESSION 3Panel Discussion 1Topic: Its All About Production!Moderator: Nazim Farhan Chowdhury, Managing Director, Adcomm Ltd. Panel members:Maksud Hossein, Director, 465 picturesAshfaq Uzzaman Bipul, Film Director, Half Stop Down Production. Sharfuddin Ahmed Chowdhury, Head of PR & Communications, Banglalink.Syed Gausul Alam Shaown, Chief creative Officer & Managing Director, Grey Advertising Bangladesh Limited. Piplu R Khan, Director and Managing Director, Applebox Films Ltd.A video was shown portraying the daily lives and works of people behind the production in marketing agencies. Some common problems across different agencies have been pointed out: Life security of the crews Travelling problems Shortage of Time Lack of a Film Institute Production in our country has come a long way. However there is still no platform. The industry is a vibrant and young one. Differences in resources available are setting the agencies apart. Quantity/Volume of work has gone up but the same high standard and quality are expected. So, we need to find a balance. Plans and Projects everything, have become much better than that in the past. But Clients want the agencies to conform to the system & regimentation they provide. But, if sufficient flexibility is injected into the process, much better outputs can be generated. On one hand, the clients are demanding agility of services but on the other hand they often are not providing enough resources to avail the required technologies. Supply of Talent is another major issue. Everybody wants to become a Director. But, there are other growing regions in the industry. One can opt for becoming a costume director, art director etc. Investment in youngsters has begun. There are often 1 year paid internships for them. They come and take care of the brands; they have interesting stuffs and ideas but still in many ways probably their capacities are still unused. Fear & Rush; these 2 things according to panelists, are mainly affecting the industry compared to availability of money and resources. Its the fear of losing clients and the rush to have things done within a tight schedule is affecting the quality of work. Syed Gausul Alam Shaown pointed out a common misunderstanding that, agency people waste time idly and prolongs a work. But, in reality they are not sitting idle and passing time; they are engaged in exercising their minds and generating ideas. Creative thinking takes time; Clients have to understand this. Story and Script should align. And for that, there should be collaboration & involvement from both the sides of clients and agencies. Advertising Directors to Critiques are like Architects to Civil Engineers. There is always a minimum time required for the preparedness of mind in order to make it ready for the creative design. Clients should understand this. And the system should be less rigid. Marketing departments in bigger client organizations are also losing control in the decision making process. Emphasis on ensuring the quality and clarity in decision making process has been given in the panel discussion. Panelists mentioned about the lack of common industry parameters and the lack of common platform. Each agency is doing work as per their individual parameters. Their learning procedures are also different. Industry has become saturated. Agencies are getting works amounting from BDT 1.5 Lacs to BDT 1.5 Crore. However, most of the agency selection decisions are mostly impulsive. Transparency has to be brought about in this field. Cost Awareness is another problem. Often we see investors and clients not knowing that, there are posts like art assistants, lighting assistants etc. They also may not be aware that, it costs the same BDT 15 K for a make-up artist to put makeup on a single person and to put the same on 40 persons. Specialization & Team Building are two things that should be focused on. Everybody is versatile in the industry. Specialization can provide an agency here a great deal of differentiation aspects. Team building is another issue. Even for small geeks, sometimes big teams are needed. Projects are not available all the time during a month. But when they are available in the next month, these team members need to be financially compensated. Clients should understand these real life constraints.There are no training institutes and film artists guilds as well There is no practice of having insurance for safety of instruments and people involved throughout the industry. Sometimes even six men are needed to move around a large camera and safeguard it. They cant even have their lunches properly as they have to look after the camera. In this way costs are increasing but efficiency is decreasing. Few points have been pointed out through the panelists discussions which are necessary for the industry growth: Co-operative attitude between the client and the agency. The Brand is not an orphan. The responsibility lies on both the client and the agency. Work of the creative people should be looked at from both mental and physical perspective. Disturbing the creative people unnecessarily will just hamper the idea generation process. Democracy & Transparency in decision making should be incorporated. Both Clients & Agencies should be clear about the boundary up to which they can conduct their activities. And this boundary should come through mutual understanding. There should be an institution for continuous talent supply Insurance policy for the industry should be established. Serious investments should come from clients (investors) if they expect quality works of global standards. Efficient expenditure should be there. Supporting equipments should be modern and up to the global mark. Clarity of the Budget should be established. Things have to be developed from bottom up. Clients should be informed and the agencies should have justification for the activities they are conducting.SESSION 4Speaker: Henry S. Tenedero, Council Director, International Learning Styles Network & President Centre for Learning & Teaching Styles Phillipines. After the lunch, Henry S. Tenedero made the audience feel lively by instructing them to stand up, then patting on the next personss back telling them they are brilliant; which was followed by a shoulder massage. As a result, the audience regained the focus on the session quickly. He started the presentation saying The real convention is not here, it is where you start touching people's hearts. Actually, the heart of communication is the communication with heart in mind. Marketing is all about life and it is life that makes up the marketing. Wife wants more money for shopping from Husband that is one form of marketing; children want money from father that is also a form of marketing. Even smile is a form of communication which you can use for marketing. People love to talk. They find hopes and inspiration among themselves. They are often guided by a spirit of inclusiveness and bonding to each other. In communication, the most important thing that we often forget while focusing on the process is the customers brain and how they work. There is the left part of the brain which is analytical and then there is the right part of the brain which is creative. Do the children with the same father study in the same way? No, they dont. Although they come from the same genes, there are differences in structure of their analytic left and the creative right brain. So, they think differently and study in different ways.Same is with the communication for customers. You cant feed the same pill to all. To some those might prove as toxins. We all know about the boring subjects we read in our lives. Many would say that, they are mostly the science subjects e.g. Physics, Chemistry & Biology. But the reality is the subjects are always neutral they are neither funny nor boring. Its the presentation styles of the course instructors that have made these subjects boring. It's not what you pitch; it's how you pitch what you own. Its not what you eat or what you wear but its how you eat what you eat or how you wear what you wear. People generally learn 80% from what they see and the rest 20% from what they hear. So, you have to create an appeal to customers eyes.All companies have the mission, objective about their products but people have their own value and purpose. Marketers should learn to find them out and they should respect them. Here comes the concept of Circle Marketing. Focus on the purposes and values of a circle and create appeal to them. This will build the brand in their minds. He asked the marketers to move from success to significance in their personal lives. They should ask them continuously, Am I happy inside? This is job becoming a love and a passion; otherwise it will just turn into stress. In this short life, you will never know the breadth of life unless you have the spirit in you.He then moved on to discuss different activities of Phillipines Marketing Association as well as the successful arrangement of Asian marketing congress earlier in January 2014. He talked about 3 Basic things in societal Marketing: People Profit PlanetUnderstanding communication & leadership: Ask these questions: Who you are? What do you do? Seek the values, opinions and beliefs. These are your symbols.Is it clearly communicated what to expect and what is to expect? Its not what you teach; its how you teach what you know. Your grades will not define you, its your character that will define you. No amount of success will make you special that humbleness will. Its your attitude that will determine your altitude. Problems are Purposeful Roadblocks Offering Beneficial Lessons (to) Enhance Mental Strength. We look at the things as we are. We listen to the things that we understand. We appreciate things differently at different stages of our lives.Passion is an inside job. Its easy to get skills but for gaining powerful mindsets and insights, passion is necessary. Without passion, its most likely that you will become unsuccessful.What are your passions? It can be your Job Family Exercise Reading/Pastime Appearance Home FriendsThe best way to touch a childs life is to touch the child itself. You need to remember this emotional notion while touching the lives of customers. Hold on to the friends whom you can communicate further. Mental health issues often prevent us from seeing powerful attributes of our minds. We should redefine the meaning of intelligence. Intelligence comes in different forms. We need to acknowledge that. Dont look for the similarity and conformity. You have always the right to be different.He then told a story about the mountain climbing competition among a group of young dogs. Many other dogs specially the old ones also gathered around the mountain feet to cheer the participating dogs. As the young dogs were climbing the mountain, the older dogs in the mountain base started to talk negatively and pointed out the immense difficulty in reaching the mountain peak. Oh! Way too difficult. They will never make it to the top. Not a chance they will succeed. The mountain is too high. But one should have had the belief that you can make it. Power of failure will not stop them. They should have a beating desire to achieve their targets. As time went by, more and more dogs got tired and stopped climbing. But theres this one dog who wouldnt give up. Eventually he reached the top of the mountain. Then all others naturally wanted to know about how he kept on moving amidst huge difficulties, disturbances & distractions. It turned out that the winner was biologically deaf. He ended the presentation with few suggestions for the marketers: See the beauty in every human soul Never listen to the negatives and pessimistic views because they take away your most valuable dreams and wishes from the ones that you have in your heart. Always think of the power that the words have. Because everything you fear and dread will have an effect on you. Be deaf when people tell you that you cant fulfill your dreams. Always know that you can do it. Be positive in your heart and mind. There are two sides of a brain: analytic and creative side. How do you understand the public and target market will set the course of your marketing activities. In life destiny is defined by character. Listen to the inspiring leaders Problems will always be there but the possibilities are even bigger.

SESSION 5 Speaker: Allein G Moore, Founder Ad Asia, Award Winning Creative Director, Ex-President, Singapore Creative Awards, Designers Association of Singapore. He started his presentation emphasizing the importance of 3 things in a marketers life: Creative Bubble Imagination ConfidenceLife is not a black and white one. There has to be color splash in it. Marketers should target that and for that you need to bring in your creativity and innovation.We need encouragement to recognize people and their talents. Everybody is a graduate in Singapore but the formal educational institutions often crush the creativity. And without creativity you cant get innovation. But where did the creativity go? Kids are naturally creative; they play with sands and bricks and builds things. However as they grow up in schools and colleges they are made to sit on benches, rules, regulations and norms are imposed on them and the creativity begin to decline. And after that, as they enter into the cubicle office culture, their creativity declines further to a critical state. They become slaves to a routine world. Creativity goes away as soon as the freedom of thoughts is lost. All children are great artists. They just grow out of it. Pablo Picasso 2 heads are better than one but you need to talk; you need to have a meaningful conversation. This is why brainstorming is a bad idea. Often in a company such type of session involves Chairman, Vice-Presidents attending the meeting. The young marketing executives as a result naturally become frightened by such heavy prescience and decide to play it safe. So, it is often seen, traditional and common ideas are mostly coming out of such sessions the ones like lets spend more money on research or like lets spend more money on branding. But identification of the specific problem areas and suggestion of unique innovative solution which are supposed to be the ulterior motives of an organization, do not usually take place in a brainstorming session. You need to have someone out there whos not going to judge you. Only then your ideas will flow freely.10 Minutes to Creativity Draw on Life Experiences. Bring in the colors of life in your works. Find out what people feel. Develop and emotional attachment of the brands with the people.Go read a book, read a novel. Novels attach you to the characters lives. This will help you to have an insight.Fall in love, explore the emotions. Dont waste time. It runs out eventually. Keep Exploring. Look at the market researches. Tap into the experiences of friends and families. And read articles on branding product category. View Competitors ads. Review the past ads. Often good ideas are buried in the old copies. Dont be satisfied with the first idea. While writing headlines, write at least 100 lines. This might actually be more than what number of lines you might require to arrive at a great idea; but the question is, how do you know that, headline no. 25 is a great idea?. So, keep moving. You cant stop too soon. You need to have patience putting it altogether. Less Jigsaw and More Quilt. Try to solve the puzzle and see where it takes you. The more you join up the pieces, the more you will be able to see the big picture. Blend Ideas. University of Illinois developed touch screen technology in 1972 and Motorola invented the mobile phone in 1973. IBM blended both ideas and brought touch screen mobile phones in 1993.May be there is not anything left to create or maybe there are only few things left to create. So, for the ideas, you need to add them up, stitch them together. This way you will get the new ideas. Repackage the ideas into something you really want to have. How this idea is best expressed? Be media neutral. Understand the opportunities and restrictions. What works for twitter might not work in the same way for Facebook and Youtube. Relax. Marketers need to fill the world with ideas. So, lie down and relax. One of the main things about an idea is to go sit somewhere and write it down Relaxation is the state where ideas start to mature. So, its very important to have that time to rest for the marketing people. It can be called as Creative Retreat. 10 Steps to Greater Creativity Embrace all ideas no matter how silly they are and from what sources they have come. Tap into life experiences. Know your product Know and appreciate your audience. It keeps you in track. Relax. Allow a quiet time for ideas to fermentate and mature. Share ideas with the positive minded people. Accept Criticism. But drop out the negative ideas. Spend time preparing for your presentation. Ideas have to be sold. So, take time, learn and then sell. Fight to retain the ideas from the acceptance to execution. Its easier to get ideas lost, but harder to make them sustain. Use research to measure & tweak the data.Lastly whatever you do ask this testing question, Is it pleasing? Use colors, make the packaging nice. Make it attractive. Work on yourself. You yourself is a product/brand. Every day you are going to work on your brand. Try and improve that personal brand. Bosses and Clients will not often approve of your great ideas and briefs are often logical presentation of what is needed. Its very hard to object against these factors. So, better develop a good working relationship with them. He ended the speech by providing some great insights on seeking feedback. Your last idea might not be the best idea. So, thrive continuously and have a partner who will criticize you and judge you objectively. Be open to these constructive criticisms. Dont be egotistical.SESSION 6Panel Discussion 2Topic: Developing Communications That Deliver.Moderator: Syed Gausul Alam Shaown, Chief creative Officer & Managing Director, Grey Advertising Bangladesh Limited. Panel members:Partha Sinha, Director & Chief Strategy Officer, Publicis South Asia.Santosh Ramesh Desai, Managing Director & CEO Futurebrands India Ltd. Allein G Moore, Founder Ad Asia, Award Winning Creative Director, Ex-President, Singapore Creative Awards, Designers Association of Singapore. Kanishka Chakraborti, EVP, Bitopi Advertising Ltd. Moderator initiated the discussion by asking the question What is delivery? Desai mentioned that, it is the communication of value followed by a success. Within MNC it means to deliver work within time. Its all about creative indulgence not formulating boring strategies. There should also be Clarity in presenting the solution to a problem.Allein remarked that, success of delivery depends on creating a good brief and acting on it. Theres not one answer. You have to know, Whats the objective? You also have to know the right questions to ask. Moderator then brought up the client-agency dilemma in understanding of the brief and setting objectives. He pointed out the differences between the creative peoples agenda and the companys agenda He asked the panelists about how they would draw the line and come to a solution in this aspect? Sinha then mentioned about the importance of finding the specific reason behind the creation of an ad. He also emphasized the importance of correlating the cause and effect. Only then communication becomes responsive. And the purpose once decided, you can develop the brief and act on it. Moderator then asked about how we would arrive at the final check point? How we would decide that the delivery is effective?Kanishka Chakraborti in this aspect pointed out a common misconception among the clients that, ads have become the Cure it all. But actually it is not. There are other forms of delivery as well. You need to differentiate because at the end of the day all normality and commonalities would go away. Moderator then asked about how brief is vital in the communication process? Allein remarked that, advertising is not a clear cut business. You have to get results. There are and will always be lots of arguments between clients and agencies but most of the confusion would probably go away if there is a brief. It is like a map. If you dont know where to go then you will always wonder over how will you go there? And even if you ultimately reach there without any map, then it is by absolute luck. So, from both the creative side and the client side, brief is vital. He also gave a basic outline of the brief. It should include this necessary background information: Purpose Basis Reason According to Allein, the purpose of the ad will be to make it right and make it acceptable.

Moderate then asked about the Target Audience. Kanishka Chakraborti then mentioned about the importance of finding out, Whats the single most important thing you want to say. Whats that one dominating message you want to convey? What are the supporting reasons? Following this line of questioning will help the creative reasoning. Allein then mentioned about the importance of input-output relationship in the process. He said that, you will get results in correspondence with what you have put in. Moderator then referring to Allens statement regarding input-output relationship asked the panelists whether creative agencies get that enough input, that enough exact information they have asked for.Desai in this aspect emphasized the importance of documented contractual relationship where the boundaries and the extent of control over different activities and processes will be clearly mentioned. And about resolving the question of intent he said to believe in good faith from both sides. He mentioned about the prolonged dishonesty in the industry. According to him, in the past, alignment with the objectives often was not so good. And a good ad does not necessarily mean the brief was good. There has been often intellectual dishonesty on the part of the companies who are often unwilling to write good briefs. He emphasized on having commonality of intent between the clients and agencies. He also urged to the both sides to invest in the common view of the brand, not on the transactional relationship.Moderator then mentioned about the criticism the creative people face for their lazy hours of thinking. Clients often think of that as wastage of time & resources. But they forget to realize that, these actually are incubator of ideas At this point, he invited some questions from the audience. One of the questions was how to address the vagueness in the briefs communicated by the local companies or brands? The audience also suggested one possible solution that is to remove the vagueness through alignment of purpose and action and in that way agencies can work better. But this led to the second question from the audience how much time should be invested? The panelists in this aspect focused on the difference between Brand building and Brand management. They also talked about corporate restructuring. Because, under the current system, it is the brand guy who has to manage sales, logistics and everything. When does he get time to think about his brand and its promotion? When does he get time to make his brand move ahead? A position like Brand Manager/Scholar have become important, who will just look after the brand share in consumers mind. and the market share. They dont necessarily have to go to the retailers and wholesalers and manage the micro-activities. They also remarked that, Agency is a creative business. So, naturally, conflicts will always arise when the view points of the agencies will not match with that of the companies. Moderator then asked about the importance of having partnership essence in the industry. Sinha again emphasized the input-output process. And certainly mediocre input will make the objective mediocre, will make the communication mediocre and the results will also be mediocre. He mentioned about the fact that, now a days in football, the defenders are even getting as good as the forwards. This has made football boring. He urged that we need to act as the custodians of the brand. And we need to save the football; we need to bring back the game. Moderator then mentioned that, marketing is a function to build a situation that will promote the brand. The question is how do you build that situation? In this aspect, Desai talked about two layers in practice. One is the accounting layer which takes into account of information like how much sales have been generated in each and what is the expense to generate the corresponding revenue; what is driving up the value of asset? Because, at the end of the day everybody asks about how much value did the branding or marketing add to the company? This layer is guided by the view that, Brand is to be rescued from the Marketers. The other layer is measuring the value of the brand, which is quite difficult. For example: Unilever is the most interesting brand. But what is interesting in them? How many interesting things they have added and what brand equity they have generated? Kanishka Chakraborti asked us to find out the answer to 3 questions, finding answers to them would help build the situation Why the need to communicate? What happens as alternative? How it links to the product?Moderator then moved on to the final topic how to meet the entrepreneur/investor/client? Allein remarked that, all great campaigns have come based on trusting relationship between clients and agencies. Good Clients are one who listen but as agencies first you need to get to that stage to earn loyalty; and only then you can tax on (reap the benefits) good relationships.Kanishka Chakraborti asked us to translate things into clients terms for a better understanding. The clients point of view should also be given due consideration. Allein also advised the agencies to avoid showing arrogance and create differentiation.Moderator then ended the panelist discussion by stating that, local clients should start to take brands as identities. Otherwise, the industry will not move on.At this point, relevant question came up from Dr. Syed Ferhat Anwar, Professor, IBA, Dhaka University. He asked about How much do you own your brand? How much do you own the creative task? How you decide whose task will be what? The panelists replied that, there should be clarity of understanding between the clients and the agency regarding this issue; because, brand management and brand building are not the same issue. Brand management is the responsibility of the company whereas Brand development should lie with the agency. Then obviously the question of how to add value to the brand would come up. And this value addition should not only be from bottom-line sales but also from the point of Brand equity. The panelists emphasized on how do we create brand stories and how do we manage them? They also mentioned about Umbrella positioning and Umbrella Branding regarding which Dr. Syed Ferhat Anwar made the concluding remark that, at the end of the day, the answer will depend on the country in which you are working? The 6th session was then followed by Cannes Showcasing and Award Night.
