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Compact Lowpass Ladder Filters Using Tapped Coils

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Compact lowpass ladder lters using tapped coils Nagendra Krishnapura, Varun Gupta, & Neetin Agrawal Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, Chennai 600 036, India  Abstract Compa ct passive LC ladde r lowp ass lters for pulse shaping are realized using a single inductor with multiple taps. Mutual coupling between differ ent inductors in a ladde r results in zer os on the real and imaginary axi s and can cause an undershoot in the step response and reduced attenuation in the stopband. Techniques to mitigate these effects are described. A se ven th order Bessel lter is realized usi ng the pr oposed tec hni que in a 0.1 8 µm CMOS pr oce ss. This lt er exh ibi ts an under shoot of 1.3% and pr ovi des a sto pband att enu ati on of 37 dB. It occ upi es 0.048 mm 2 , whic h is at le ast 15% smal le r than a realization with separate spirals for each inductor. I. MOTIVATION 50 50+ V o - + V s - 1.1788nH 0.5382nH 0.9584pF 0.3412pF 0.0740pF 50+ V s - + V o - 500.9617pF 1.1726nH 0.3688pF 0.3458nH 0.0469pF 0.7449nH 0.2228pF (a) (b) L 2  L 4 C 1  C 3  C 5 C 5 L 4 C 3 L 2 C 1 L 6 C 7 Fig. 1. 7.5GHz bandwi dth Bessel lte rs for pul se shapi ng 10Gb/s data On chi p LC lo wpa ss lad der lte rs are used for real - izat ion of pulse shapi ng lters in broad band communic ation syste ms[1 ] and dela y line s in equal izer s[2] . Puls e shapi ng lt ers are use d in broadband commun ications sys tems for limiting rise times of pulses and eliminating high frequency noise. These lte rs usu all y ha ve a 3 dB ban dwi dth that is 75% of the data rate[1], [3]. Fig. 1 shows fth and seventh order LC ladder Bessel lters for pulse shaping 10 Gb/s data. Conventional implementations of these lters on an integrated ci rc ui t, such as the one in [1] re quir e a la rg e area as the inductors have to be laid out sufciently far from each other to avoid coupling. The induc tor s in a lo wpa ss LC lad der lte r for m a cha in and can als o be thought of as a sin gle indu cto r wit h multiple taps. Realizing separate coils for a number of induc- tors occupies a larger area than realizing the total inductance using a single coil. This is due to positive mutual coupling between different parts of the coil. Since inductors are usually the largest components on integrated circuits, signicant chip are a can be sa ved by usi ng a sin gle induc tor with mul tip le taps instead of separate inductors which need to be laid out far from each other. On the other hand, with a single tapped coil, mutual coupling between different inductors causes deviations in the pulse response and the frequency response which need to be corrected. In the next section, we compare a single inductor with multiple taps to multiple spirals. In section III we analyze the effect of coupling between different inductors in a ladder lter. Section IV deals with techniques to restore the pulse response of the lter to the ideal one in presence of mutual coupling. Exa mpl e rea liz ati on of a Bes sel lt er usi ng the pro pos ed techniques are shown in section V. Detailed simulation results are shown in section VI. II. SINGLE INDUCTOR WITH MULTIPLE TAPS 3T 110µm sq. 1.173nH 3T 85µm sq. 0.74nH 3T 60µm sq. 0.35nH 4T 135µm sq. 2.2632nH total area = 56375µm 2 total area = 27225µm 2 (a) (b) 1.1726nH 0.3458nH 0.7449nH 2.2632nH Fig. 2. Indu ctor s in Fig. 1(b): (a) separa te spiral s, (b) single spi ral (Squ are spir als, 6  µm wi de meta l line s, 5 µm inter -tur n spaci ng, 30  µm clearance between and around inductors.) Fig . 2(a ) sho ws a simpli ed layou t of the three in- ductors used for the lter in Fig. 1(b). Fig. 2(b) shows the tota l inductan ce (2.26 nH) realiz ed using a sing le spiral with the same metal width and spacing as in Fig. 2(a). The area occ upi ed by the singl e ind uct or is les s tha n hal f the area occupied by the three inductors 1 . Realizing the total inductance as a single spiral results in mutual coupling between different coils. For on chip spirals, the coupling coefcient between turns is 0.6 or less. III. EFFECT OF COUPLING BETWEEN INDUCTORS IN A LADDER FILTER When the total inductance in a ladder is laid out as a single spiral, there will be mutual coupling between different inductors. This coupling is highest for adjacent inductors and reduces as one goes down the ladder. The coupling between adjacent coils and alternate coils are analyzed below. The transfe r func tion of the fth order lter (Fig. 3(a)) with a mutual inductance  M 24  = k 24 √  L 2  L 4  between adjacent 1 After this paper was accepted to  ISCAS , the author became aware of [4] which describes the same idea. This work was done independently of [4] and references therein. 978-1-4244-3828-0/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE 53

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Compact lowpass ladder filters using tapped coilsNagendra Krishnapura, Varun Gupta, & Neetin Agrawal

Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, Chennai 600 036, India

Abstract— Compact passive LC ladder lowpass filters forpulse shaping are realized using a single inductor with multipletaps. Mutual coupling between different inductors in a ladderresults in zeros on the real and imaginary axis and can causean undershoot in the step response and reduced attenuation inthe stopband. Techniques to mitigate these effects are described.A seventh order Bessel filter is realized using the proposedtechnique in a 0.18 µm CMOS process. This filter exhibits anundershoot of 1.3% and provides a stopband attenuation of 37 dB. It occupies 0.048 mm2, which is at least 15% smallerthan a realization with separate spirals for each inductor.


50Ω 50Ω







1.1788nH 0.5382nH

0.9584pF 0.3412pF 0.0740pF


















L2 L4

C1 C3 C5








Fig. 1. 7.5GHz bandwidth Bessel filters for pulse shaping 10Gb/s data

On chip LC lowpass ladder filters are used for real-

ization of pulse shaping filters in broadband communication

systems[1] and delay lines in equalizers[2]. Pulse shaping

filters are used in broadband communications systems for

limiting rise times of pulses and eliminating high frequency

noise. These filters usually have a 3 dB bandwidth that is

75% of the data rate[1], [3]. Fig. 1 shows fifth and seventh

order LC ladder Bessel filters for pulse shaping 10 Gb/s data.

Conventional implementations of these filters on an integrated

circuit, such as the one in [1] require a large area as the

inductors have to be laid out sufficiently far from each other

to avoid coupling.The inductors in a lowpass LC ladder filter form a

chain and can also be thought of as a single inductor with

multiple taps. Realizing separate coils for a number of induc-

tors occupies a larger area than realizing the total inductance

using a single coil. This is due to positive mutual coupling

between different parts of the coil. Since inductors are usually

the largest components on integrated circuits, significant chip

area can be saved by using a single inductor with multiple

taps instead of separate inductors which need to be laid out far

from each other. On the other hand, with a single tapped coil,

mutual coupling between different inductors causes deviations

in the pulse response and the frequency response which need

to be corrected.

In the next section, we compare a single inductor with

multiple taps to multiple spirals. In section III we analyze the

effect of coupling between different inductors in a ladder filter.

Section IV deals with techniques to restore the pulse response

of the filter to the ideal one in presence of mutual coupling.

Example realization of a Bessel filter using the proposed

techniques are shown in section V. Detailed simulation results

are shown in section VI.


3T110µm sq.1.173nH

3T85µm sq.0.74nH

3T60µm sq.0.35nH

4T135µm sq.2.2632nH

total area = 56375µm2 total area = 27225µm2

(a) (b)

1.1726nH 0.3458nH0.7449nH 2.2632nH

Fig. 2. Inductors in Fig. 1(b): (a) separate spirals, (b) single spiral (Squarespirals, 6 µm wide metal lines, 5 µm inter-turn spacing, 30 µm clearance

between and around inductors.)

Fig. 2(a) shows a simplified layout of the three in-

ductors used for the filter in Fig. 1(b). Fig. 2(b) shows the

total inductance (2.26 nH) realized using a single spiral with

the same metal width and spacing as in Fig. 2(a). The area

occupied by the single inductor is less than half the area

occupied by the three inductors1.

Realizing the total inductance as a single spiral results

in mutual coupling between different coils. For on chip spirals,

the coupling coefficient between turns is 0.6 or less.



When the total inductance in a ladder is laid out as a

single spiral, there will be mutual coupling between different

inductors. This coupling is highest for adjacent inductors and

reduces as one goes down the ladder. The coupling between

adjacent coils and alternate coils are analyzed below.

The transfer function of the fifth order filter (Fig. 3(a))

with a mutual inductance M 24 = k 24

√ L2 L4 between adjacent

1After this paper was accepted to ISCAS , the author became aware of [4]which describes the same idea. This work was done independently of [4] andreferences therein.

978-1-4244-3828-0/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE 53

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RL2 L4

C1 C3 C5









RL2+M24 L4+M24

C1 C3 C5




Fig. 3. (a) Fifth order ladder filter with coupling between adjacent inductors,(b) Equivalent circuit with uncoupled inductors

inductors L2 and L4 is given by

V o(s)

V s(s) =

1− s2 M 24C 3

D5(s) (1)

where D5(s) is a fifth order polynomial in s. Because of mutual

coupling between adjacent coils, real zeros are introduced at

± 1/ M 24C 3. These zeros cause an undershoot in the pulse

response and a reduced attenuation in the stopband. This effect

can also be seen by using the well known representation of two

coupled coils in series using three uncoupled coils (Fig. 3(b)).

The series resonance of C 3 with the negative inductance − M 24

creates “notches”, i.e. zeros, on the real axis of the s plane. In

higher order filters, a pair of symmetric zeros are created on

the real axis for every pair of adjacent coupled inductors.

0 50 100 150 200−0.2








[ V o l t s ]

time / ps

Ideal Bessel

with k=0.310 20 30−0.1


0.180 100 120






Fig. 4. Step response with and without mutual coupling

To assess the effect of coupling between adjacentinductors, the filter in Fig. 3(a) is simulated with different

coupling coefficients between the inductors L2 and L4. In each

case, the effective inductance values L2+ M 24 and L4+ M 24 are

adjusted to the desired inductance values shown in Fig 1(a).

This is equivalent to simulating the ideal Bessel ladder filter

with uncoupled inductors and an extra negative inductance

− M 24 in series with C 3. Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 compare the step

response and the frequency response for k 24 = 0 and k 24 = 0.3.

The step response exhibits an undershoot and a slower rise

than the ideal response. Fig. 6 shows the undershoot in the

step response of 5thand 7thorder Bessel filters as a function of












d B

frequency / GHz

Fifth order Bessel filter magnitude response

Ideal Bessel

with k=0.3

Fig. 5. Magnitude response (normalized to dc gain)

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.60







coupling coefficient

o v e r s h o o t / u n d e r s h o o t [ % ]

Bessel filters with coupling between adjacent inductors

5th order

5th order

7th order7th order



Fig. 6. Undershoot due to mutual coupling

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.60







coupling coefficient

d B

Reduction in attenuation at 20GHz

5th order7th order

Fig. 7. Degradation of attenuation at 20 GHz due to mutual coupling

the coupling coefficient. Fig. 7(b) shows the degradation in the

attenuation of these filters at 20 GHz. This is representative of

the stopband attenuation.

In filters with three or more inductors, there will also


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be mutual coupling between inductors that are not adjacent to

each other. Consider the seventh order ladder filter in Fig. 1(b)

with a mutual inductance M 26 = k 26

√ L2 L6 between L2 and L6.

Its transfer function is given by

V o(s)

V s(s) =

1− s2(C 3 +C 5) M 26− s4C 3C 5 L4 M 26

D7(s) (2)

where D7(s) is a seventh order polynomial in s. Two pairs of

zeros are created, one on the real axis and one on the imaginary

axis. The imaginary axis zeros will be at a higher frequency

than the real axis zeros. The effect of real axis zeros is as

described earlier. The imaginary axis zeros create a notch in

the frequency response. Because of the zeros, the attenuation

in the stopband will be reduced. As alternate inductors couple

more weakly than adjacent inductors, the zeros due to the

former can be expected to be at higher frequencies than those

due to the latter.


If the coupling is small, its effect can be ignored in

certain applications. For instance, assume that a fifth order

Bessel filter is used for pulse shaping. The step response of

an ideal fifth order Bessel filter has an overshoot of about

1.1% (Fig. 6, k = 0). An undershoot of the same magnitude

can therefore be reasonably be permitted without undermining

the pulse shaping function. This indicates that, if the coupling

coefficient is less than 0.2, the filter with coupled inductors

can be used without modifications for pulse shaping.

In many cases, the coupling between alternate induc-

tors ( L2 and L6) is small enough to be ignored but coupling

between adjacent inductors is not. A technique to eliminate the

effect of coupling between adjacent coils is described below.








RL2 L4

C1 C3 C5







RL2+M24 L4+M24

C1 C3 C5




Fig. 8. Cancelling the effect of coupling between adjacent inductors

As shown in Fig. 3(b), two coupled inductors with

one common node can be represented using two uncoupled

inductors and a negative inductance connected to the common

node. To cancel the effect of coupling, a positive inductor can

be connected in series with the branch containing the series

inductor as shown in Fig. 8(a). When the positive inductance

exactly cancels the negative inductance, the circuit reduces to

the one shown in Fig. 8(b) and the zeros (Eq. 1) disappear.

Even if the cancellation is not exact, the zeros will be moved

to higher frequencies on the real axis (if the net inductance

is negative) or on the imaginary axis (if the net inductance is

positive) of the s plane. As a result, the degradation in high

frequency attenuation and the undershoot or other deviations

in the pulse response will be reduced.

In practice, when the mutual inductance to be cancelled

is small (a few tenths of a nanohenry), it is not necessary to

explicitly implement the positive inductance used for cancel-

lation. The capacitor C 3 in Fig. 8 is connected to the inductor

somewhere along the spiral. The starting and ending nodes

of the spiral will be close to each other near the periphery.

The inductance of the interconnect used to connect C 3 to a

tap along the spiral helps cancel the negative inductance. To

minimize coupling between the main spiral and the compen-

sating inductance Lc3, the interconnect can be routed along the

centerlines of the square spiral as much as possible.


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e x t r a 5 u m

g a p

C 1

C 5

1 5 0 u m

C 3

C 7

Fig. 9. Layout of the seventh order Bessel filter

Fig. 9 shows the layout of a seventh order Bessel

filter in a 0.18 µm CMOS process. The spiral is wound using

2.06 µm thick top level metal layer with a 6 µm width and

5 µm spacing between turns. An extra 5 µm gap is left afterthe first tap to reduce the coupling coefficient to about 0.3.

The capacitors used are metal-metal capacitors. Simulation and

optimization of the inductor are carried out using Fasthenry[5].

The desired and obtained inductances between taps and cou-

pling coefficients are shown in Table I. The obtained coupling

coefficients are close to the assumed values. The interconnect

inductance in series with C 3 is much smaller than the desired

value for compensation. Therefore, residual undershoot can be

expected in this filter. With a clearance of 30 µm on three sides,

this filter occupies 48,300 µm2, which is about 15% smaller

than the placement area of three separate spirals in Fig. 2(a).

Fig. 2(a) does not show the complete layout. Intercon-

nects and capacitors will occupy additional space. Thereforearea saved using the proposed technique is expected to be

more than 15%.



Desired Obtained Desired Obtained

L2 0.9992nH 0.957nH k 24 0.3 0.308 L4 0.3586nH 0.424nH k 46 0.3 0.339 L6 0.1796nH 0.187nH k 26 0 0.160

Lc3 180 pH 96 pH Lc5 76 pH 24 pH


7/27/2019 Compact Lowpass Ladder Filters Using Tapped Coils

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/compact-lowpass-ladder-filters-using-tapped-coils 4/4


0 50 100 150 200−0.2







time / ps

V o l t s

Ideal Bessel

Extracted layout

10 20 30−0.02


0.0280 100 120





Fig. 10. Step response of ideal and realized seventh order Bessel filters











frequency / GHz

d B

Ideal Bessel

Extracted layout

Fig. 11. Magnitude response of ideal and realized seventh order Bessel filters

0 50 100 150 200






Ideal seventh order Bessel filter

0 50 100 150 200






time / ps

Extracted layout

Fig. 12. Output eye diagrams with 10Gb/s data

The filter in Fig. 9 is simulated including all the

inductances, parasitic capacitances, and series resistances. The

inductance of the spiral, the tap connections, and the ground

line and the coupling coefficients between them are simulated

using Fasthenry. The parasitic capacitances and resistances are

extracted from the layout. The resulting circuit is simulated

in the time and frequency domains. The realized filter has

an additional loss due to series resistance of the spiral. For

clarity, the pulse and frequency responses are normalized to

the dc gain of the filter.

Fig. 10 shows the step response of the filter. It shows

an undershoot of 1.3% and an overshoot of 0.3%. The residual

undershoot and the slowing down in the step response is

due to the still uncompensated zero caused mainly by mutual

inductance between L2 and L4. Fig. 11 shows the frequency

response of the filter. The magnitude error is very small in

the passband. The filter provides a high frequency attenuation

better than 37 dB. There is a notch in the magnitude response.

This is due to parasitic capacitances between the turns of the

inductor which create parallel LC branches in the ladder.

Fig. 12 shows the eye diagrams at the output of the

ideal and the realized filters. The output eye from the realized

filter has a slightly greater closure and asymmetry.


A single spiral with multiple taps can be used to realize

lowpass LC ladder filters with a reduced area. Use of a single

spiral results in mutual coupling between inductors of the

ladder. Coupling between adjacent inductors creates a pair

of symmetric zeros on the real axis and coupling between

alternate inductors creates two pairs of symmetric zeros on the

real and imaginary axes. The real axis zeros due to coupling

between adjacent coils can be eliminated using inductors

in series with the capacitors. In practice, the interconnect

inductance from the taps along the spiral to the capacitors

can be used to to eliminate the zeros or to move them tohigher frequencies, thus realizing a better approximation to

the desired transfer function.

The proposed techniques also benefit conventional lad-

der filter realizations with uncoupled inductors. The inductors

can be moved closer to each other and the effect of resultant

coupling can be eliminated using inductors in series with the

capacitors. These techniques are also applicable to filters using

spirals on a printed circuit board.

Since inductors occupy a large area and require large

gaps to reduce mutual coupling to negligible levels, using a

single spiral or moving the spirals closer result in significant

area savings.


[1] A. Boulouard et al., “Wide-band GaAs MMIC low-pass filters,” Gallium Arsenide Applications Symposium, GAAS 1994, 28-30 April 1994, Italy.

[2] Hui Wu et al., “Integrated transversal equalizers in high-speed fiber-opticsystems,” IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, pp. 2131-2137, vol. 38,issue 12, Dec. 2003.

[3] “Standard and Customs Bessel Filters” from Nanowave technologies,http://www.nanowavetech.com/prod_rf_components.htm

[4] T. Ito, K. Okada, K. Masu, “Characterization of On-Chip Multi-PortInductors for Small-Area RF Circuits”, IEEE Transactions on Circuitsand Systems I: Regular Papers, Accepted for future publication.

[5] “Fasthe nry: A multipole a ccelerated field solver”,http://www.rle.mit.edu/cpg/research_codes.htm

