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COMPAI~ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/AA/00/06/29/47/00006/00002.pdf · A, 7 1 TIlE DAiLY IEWS-1ERALD,...

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A, 7 1 TIlE DAiLY IEWS-1ERALD, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOtim . TB the farmers that their tobacco would be PROFESSIOAAL. - 110 4:iiIJ1iiA' (Jilk bought and placed upon the market in EIA IaIOSIAON. NETS •l i SBRA IE New York, by Messrs. Corry & Kretch- AMES R. CHALLEN mar, and they have paid fair prices for it. Attorney and dounsellor at Law ATTER8 OP INT1EREST FRiM ALL Mr. John P. Jordan has resigned his po- Office in the Law Exchange, Forsyth and OVER Tis'uTATE. sition as agent of the F. R. & N. R.R. Market streets. Co. at Chattahoochee, and has accepted iloney Invested in Iortgages. -AND Wht s apein. n roien Pinsthe S., F. & W. R. R., w -th his neadquar- - State atd -otc Bnswatd the position general traveling age t of State ad Couny Bonds wanted. Publishing Housearry v o0.m a. att i Happenrnd in Prominent ointse ters at this place. Mr. Jordan is one of ati House, Counties-ttere s Througho Iteest to orty-ive the best railr6ad men in this section of the CALL JONES, JACKSONVILLE, FLA. State. He has been agent at Chattahoo, . Farmers---What Our Towns are doine* chee for the past ten or twelve years. -at t1 at Bar 6*s " ------ Mr. E. P. Desmukes returned from New FAIRBANKS. York on Thursday last. Mr. J. E. Broome tW Will Practice in all the Courts. , H r e d r stand family have also returned home from Rev. Mr. O'Brien and children left to- the mae OFIE:40M ,olWBULDNG ay for their old home in San Francisco. t ti f BUD AT LOWEST RATES. Mr. O'Bren will resume his ministerial TALLAIIAS,]E. 44 E. Forsyth St., Jacksonville. S f rie.a printing i work in California. His faithful labor The saloons here are closed for lack of b r ices. roa printing in will be greatly missed in the church and license, their license having expired on Oc- EDWARD M. CHENEYGROCERIES PROVISIONS. community. tober 1, They await the action of the LateU.S.Attorney,NorthernDistrict ofFla ROCERIE ROISIONS Dr. A. D. Bell and family remove this County Commissioners on their petitions t . . Atr , , . week to WAhitesville, Fla. The doctorwil on Monday. The petitions have an appa- Oi 91 018F W practice his profession there. This neigh- rent majority, but the temperance people Solicitor inchancery andproctor in admiralty. T I I bor~ood is entirely too healthy for the M. hope to cut it down by having illegal ROOMS 6 and 7, LAw EXCHANGE, D'. While regretting to lose them, they names stricken off. The city and court JACKSONVILLE, - - FLORIDA rS r Sr -.. have the sincere wishes of all for happi- are "dry" for the first time in "the reco- 8' ness in the new home. lection of the oldest inhabitant." Miss Julia Scruggs returned last week As application has been made to Judge FLEMING & DANIEL from a visit of several months in Georgia. Walker by the saloon men for mandamus I I The Young Men's Dancing Club ae to compel the tax collector to issue license The Young Men's Dancing gavee stC k e 1 anotherof their pleasant parties on last without the usual form of petition as re- Att and Couselors at Law, Thursday evening, The young people here quired by the old law; claiming that the have never entertained the belief that all local option law gives them privilege until -MANUFACTURED BY enroyments Ceease until the winter visitors exhibited by popular vote. The case will Office: Corner Forsyth and Market, - P y E S C- J bring gaieties.eadt-orw nuThe excursion strain took on a large STATE NEWSPAPER GLEANINGS. JACKSONVILLE, - FLORIDA. LAKE CITY, FLORIDA. number of citizens to witness the match garfe in Gainesville between the Oak Halls Local Happenings in Florida Noted PAUL W. MOUNT, and the Fernandina Invincibles. in the Home Papers. Mr. Trimble, of the Stark Courier, was PUTNA M cOUNTY.. Ar f registered at Orange Hotel this week. [From the Palatka Daily News.] -4, aNd sa aw,/ Mr. Jim McKinsley and T. S. Warner, The schooner Schoolcraft is expected J 4 WEST BAY STREET, of Gainesville, were in town over Sunday. every day with a cargo of 450 tons of iron Jacksonville, Florida. Public School opened Monday with a for the Orange Belt Road. - Q. good. attendance. Mrs. Ella Melrath is Cards are out for the marriage of Miss principal again this year. Etta Woodward to Mr. Pierre d'A. Pratt. FALL SESSION BEGINS The Japan plum trees in this vicinity are which takes place at the home of the lady's CORNELL & ECKERSLEYWEDNESDAY, OTOBER , 1887 full of bloom. Japan persimmons are in parents on Corley Island, October 13. 1W For Catalogue and fall information, address, the market,'also an early orange that is The John Sylvester was in the fleet ofex- Fo CtaogeBndfSlrnfrmtina d grown here. cursion steamers that followed the yachts .71Y.Wes tr , r iot_. P a T! he maret; alsor an early oag thti h onSlerwsiheelpee ofle- 711 'Est Bay Stre tY~eAS C~rkE September 15~, 1887. ~i], FLORID COMA , The people here are read to help when Volunteer and Thistle over the course last JACKSONVILLE, ** *FLORIDA, YEAST CA LAKCIF Alachua makes up her display for the week. She will probably be down here LAK CARRIAGES. Sub-Tropical. about the 20th. --- AG FRUITLAD PARK It is said that a contract has been signed ~~ j Rooks a RK for the construction of a railroad from Ge a A Major 0. P. Rooks and family returned Jacksonville, on the east back of the St. COMPAI~ Saturday from a visit to relatives at In- Johns, to some point near Enterprise Florida dianapolis, Ind. The road is bonded for $14,000 a mie tO Books of Accounts Audited. JaCoSOe -U - loia Mr. W. Neve has moved to Leesburg. the partieS who will furnisht the capital. Statements The Frnitland Park school opened Mon- It is to run within ten miles of Palata. te nPp d Prpaed Fruitlan BAKErEk scoo opne on-~ra~ IWaAdres as bove day with about twenty attendants, Miss ALACHA COUNTY. Address as above. I li i The Fruitland Park base ball club will [From the Alachua DailyAdvocate.] ... U.. BI DEALER N play a match game with the Okahumpka Mr. W. R. Thomas left Monday for Fort .. team. Meade, where he has accepted the position S t, a nd 7 Ws B StPhflt .... .-... of principal of the High School at that .. D ......... place. Mr. J. D. Merrit and wife and daughter Money is still very close in this section i arrived here from the North Tuesday, The farmers, at least many of them, are wnere they have spent the summer among holding their cotton for higher prices. the mountains of New York. After spending three weeks in Gaines- LIODY DELAPORTE, One and Two-Horse Farm and Lpber Wagons' Grocery and Delivery W The new cotton *in has commenced.oper ville, the guest of Miss Claudia Tucker ations and is running night and day. Miss Frankie Smith left yesterday for her 7 .. .. ... Misses Cynthia and Maggie Roberts, of hom iJcksnvll. lhat ,'and AttraotI iveatE'iczto3Df -h ssesO ne~ i sofhomne in Jacksonville.ndco onteSut Xhich I Offe-r zat PE'riccEs to Defr Cor~tpetitio this .lace attended the ball atSanderson . C. Wooden, t e South Bd.Attr ve B and Confectioners, Tues ay evening. Floride road, was shot and dangerously wounded by a neg, ro whomi he wS at-I.iv-1PcHoe ...... IETTA... tempting to put of [is train for not pay-, aeBedase~ly pit wol, so n th ihan, ingl a Orders taken for Wedding Parties. BomM. A. IDZIALYNSKI, MANAGER, Andrew Johnson while cleaning an old ing his fare. made Bread a specialty. pistol, shot himsel in the hand, making a REVAnD COU-NT. painful but not dangerous wound. [From the Indian River News,] Telephone No. -212 and 236, No. 66 West Bay Street, - Jacksonvile, The public school opened Monday with a Messrs. James Arnold, of Cocoa, J. :0. Tlpoe. . -d. .66 esBy te Jakso. 1--,. ... good attendance, F.. V W u ... ... . Miller & Price are still sawing fine lum- Wootn, A. W. Jak, . W. Harde ad Headquarters Cor Brough str eet T 1 Toney Canova, of Rockledg(, came cruis- , .and hellRoad. ber, and shipping from this place. ing this way in the sloop Arrow, Saturday. aA Sries of .rig. . and Popular Araicnsd 1 Mr. R. L. Williams and wife are visiting A party of about a dozen Seminoles were here from Welborn and are the guests of coming up th river this week and upon M r. J. WV. Miller and wie. There are sev- stopping at an unoccupied ho~use in the a ks l on nea . xe t g thy u writtenandsigned Jacksonville Saddlery Com paly ,,ral new-comers in town lookingout sites vicmity of $ebast'an they discovered a can cstl ton nara fure They expect to go ofsomethingd fhyto o be baring .poxv into ethe truck gardening. der and usdt it for Jhaking bread. i t E LLA WHEELER TrLLOJ NN f FAC ..... AN ve dr .... W -M I 'S- -I)AH WHOLESLE R ,,E ........ .... ." least -in art arsenic d n they were all s thn ysc o h e tr thei Jeweler bdandeMANJFA0TUlERS AND W.OLESAL. DA E IN All e little grls and bos of this sec- oisned. They hastened on towards Mel- n to h i ho Mon- oue for the asis nce ofa "me icinericles b Mrs. Wilco gie ndoubt- I DEFY CO PETITIONA r eay t etser into their statt s semionsla ad" bM y at IDFoofnimO de serOt F l d - progressed nicely for- some time, but to- Hooker-Aied at Malabar, Tuesday even- ed promise of provin the most popular and My stock of DiaHBndsARNSS, O ....... ETC' ward .5 o' lock the teacher, Miss Katie ing. Iis revolver, knife, etc., were firmly successful series of papers writtenbya oWiittn Fine Gold and Silver Oi'-Ds E = i r~ptly : Hamilton,,nticed that the ch( dren were bound tO his bod, which was placed in a foranumber of years. Theremarkable pop- X1l and s d very reses l n as. o children box and buried on Mr. Bsstt's plae - larity that attends all of Mrs. JVo Watches, Jewelry, and solid 72 WEST BAY STREETL tey informed s ton the sqm "pulled the rem nder o f the e-ar- writings will evenbe eclipsed the ent a well as best plated ware, -. the info~xrmed: iSS on that sonie- Ityup Crane Creek about noon yseay I opee n fte _________________________________ thig was' bitgio tiem. - investigation landing at Dr. Fee's. instance, as she has chos t of s*b o t is now .opee an of s was made and it was discovered that the ,. upon which she is , a list e CE, hogs had made a home under the school VOLUSIA COUNTY. with ease and ..pe-ially adapted to write very latest make and de house and that the floor was sprinkled with (From the Florida Chronicle.) ions w', ability, and will advance opin- * ecila we o od "rchants report that business is . of a log desired to make pub- sIgnuarant vrythig Th acr aoo ot- c. The lt t care iill be exercised in the Igaranteeeverythi boys...obtain.... a.. lot - -1a - ... . . ... kc.. .. t it under te use and s . -- --- .. . pop.raton of the artles to n kethem thor sell just as representedor jui nd rte willsmi reudis- aketil ergrt le1ok uffocate le 4 - e'- , tension of the '. . . 0 roughly money willbe refunded on - 1ro td to 'ayarea s no esre c examine 1- 1 ! Mao 1listo r f s. Readbl , Pease a11 and examlille left Th ursday for bw my stock a s in toC LOTS A SPECIA LtoTL A U - I e e d ad apt Iii ,t t e e aud ien ce i w c w g C A R ; ....... .......-............ wh a e t wilad. he wietud onsist whof I so good s hr yinecin be AS. TY'so gove 1 THIRTEEN LETTERS Fine Watch Repairing a l STAT 1ER. specialty. ____ Sin all, the st was published on Sunday, fI p1c',/i . 0 ~ S October 2, the last one will, appear on .. A _ ,. Sunday, December 25, 1887, -) - Among the subjects which Mrs. Wilcox 1887. ill will treat in these letters may be mentioned Jacksonville Business DirectoryS c l i i ni- the following: For missing tourists that are ex ected short Lysget Stock and 1w Pries lesal and ai. der strangrs workinen, and a% oter Lha rge]D, For.fo..owingae sdcallaWOOD do &d oe blea' s Iill . ad 1. FLIRTING: Its Various Phases & Effects.or following d e a dat 1to d double 59 & 61 W. Bey S e a sE.E a . '.I ,s. Aclvie Fr~~ad -m Expert- ]corner Bay_.and ClaL stres : TrimTmedats, - ....... .. .__= .. sday Some Things I Know About it From Experi- ctrersa aower s, Calioes, Seersu, TOBA__ _ _ &_ _RAR_. ) as ence and Observation. This artie appearedtin FersFwers, Lawns, i SersU -] here las Sunday's NEWS-HERALD, peae erFacDesGodCst, '" Undr-ThJ.I( D UO S a C O . oomen 7 .1.. For real values, give us a trial and compare red to Temptations of Young Women in City and pryes. We invite WOOD & SMART, Wholesale DealerS in T0bacc0 a CigaIS he long Country Contrasted. How Men Tempt Women. Corner Bay and Clay Streets. in favor How Women Tempt Men. Which Sex is -lyP:porteIS Of RaTT2i', A SaI.s. . infavo Really the Most at Fault? Are Men More WANI)EL &_SONS___.0._ox,_206._JACKSONVILLE,_FL__._ Wicked than Women ? This contributions id .___________________ rrisesse ea .r THE MOrn Oct AND .-.. state IIprOved lBaldwin 0. Z. TYLER & CO . .ve, soyd?--- -AN HSSCODB.T. eare tha .s ' Americ Wman Overdressed? At Goods Furnishing twortakers and ates, .d "shoddy" to Dress? Should the Decollete Dress he 0IJ 1Ig *.. e h.. Orders by Telegraph and Telephone by daylight Worn? Its Effects on Society. How Men Re- - ILPromptly ExeeUted, o uty is n fver gar the Question and the Wearers. gl TOBACC0 0 S ... E.. w... ....... oman,, and .... SOL Ret olce n ei~ne tFre ~ P ge's Taltand '.Dr.iemrc" IER AT.. We do a general Real Estate business. Ag Tablets a d onument . ce reued t How the Great Agnostic Lives. His Home romtl ae. 34 East Ba Street. FURNISHED SHOTEST NO CE. Life......f.C..onds.with.. " ti a s *sintenFo Lf.How His Private Life Correspod Not 2 Fine Street Jacksonvlle, Fila.. Iron Railing and Cemetery Works, tablished 1878. His la Ite is Haos he Done LOCK ._ __. j} tre_._h____o_1. .i CrO* MoreHarm ThanGod ? .. r.ida Svin s Bank .F.. ... . a...s, WOMEN IN BUSINESS. J -AND- hu e , he Mistake Some Women Make in Red Real Esat e Ezxc d ".T. H. Cutter" toTheirAbilities. PersonalExperience with KSONVILLFLORIDA O.fmce on Wharf near titysupplied frmu tould-be Poets, Authors, and Actors. Some., . ... "FRri e.. flask jug or keg. Private Advice Publicly Given Transacts a General Banking Business, .. . F. R & N. Freight Depot, op 1 <e.rail- n.I 1eo aple Rooms . FlillEDSIllPS OF MEN AND WOMEN, Interest AlnowOd on Deposits n as Lots For sae in Riversie from all the lan.. .. ... ..... for sale ho'c Lots, Orat6 Groves $250.00 to $1,000 Yach. throad anon o ] . ~ ne t chaned. fa We have special facilities for the JUG Are Men Better and More Unselfish in Their and Wild Lands. Collects Rents and jJ j 1 ] ... to.r i Quin a •cishe e TRADE. Ours is the largest in the State. Friendships Than Our Own Sex? Some Ex- Interest, Negotiat . c . .. 8 JO R* sire of all the citizens of tl Place and 91 West Bay Street, periences and Anecdotes. .. HOSHER .1.1 .President,.... .. F,, th ul.bsal-t thftero 4er'iy The i'ma" nn letters wvifl treat of topics L. D- HO=lYIE, Prsdet......____________ of ths town t. JAC ONVILLE, FLORIDA. ainw Trearer. - Through Pullman Cars. STATE NORMAL SCHOOLS. ~The gentlemen composinlugh yndicate er. .... ' "~ 4', r .... -] ...... i: I are men oflarge means, ancattii oub0t- Bottied . Ill)0ptti aI1 Ke tiesi gaS. POUUIR 11 Tilll y ! PAB O B.A. - - The State Normal School for white teachers edlydevelop the tobaccO industry d yxthi5 r_'___ . - :....JI.JiU JJJLLU]I .J t.., ..ohdI alnofEent]wl"boeedteuiaSrigato dwelling houses, barns, etrc, on ehveis nfaE -anyotherlForidaEul location. Leaving Savannah dailyaneof Elegant will be opened at DeFuniak Springs, Walton tact they have and string experienced P E IMc.M.-RRAY , By specl contract these artcles can- .na s as awil a ntrought county, on the first Monday in October, 1.87, ________•_________I___.....__ Charleston & Svna, Atlanui a wed P ens rn cetfrom ioneti DEALER I appear in.any.ot FloridIapublicatn . Coast Line and Richmond & Principal. ablyassisted. The course of st and Pennsl vania e .k.. 8ETC -' Danville Railroads. will cover two years. TheMesYrs Vogt of New York who AIE.OTT ETC L" IN EFFECT TUESDAY. SEPT. 13, 1887. a . m All teachers or persons, citizens of this State, are large dealers in leaf tobaccos and also State Agents for ColumbusBugy Company TR-IVELERS' OUT FITTER !E Leave In who desire to repre themselves for the pro ~~~~cigar manufacturers, hav:e been here for and Ooldwater Road rts.T tVL S0U . .. '- " .at".... -- .. 45.. somea;and e, hav e b veryarger ande r rSts.o Trunk andValise Store . 2 No. 4. No. 6. No.8 " Palatks. ................ 4 15 a. m. session o teaching, will receive tuition free of o thims season's crop and ave la sops and Repository Cor. Pine & Church Sta Eneua li Str Dai ly ay ko 1ebeme f b Tis the field arsland ar- IN-'IJ LHEsnTATE. s py . ' p | Jesup .... ....... ... 10 82 a. m. cheap as possible. In addition to te regular This county has anday t grow n good ar- nd TvIN . Trunks re aired, and Sample Cases made to I .Tac"sovlle. 0am m pu Savannah... . 12 2 p m course in pedagogis, an academic c ss will ileotoacadwhen twsintsorder. The argest stock. finest assortment at ArPbc 11 ma~m30mI. m Charleston......2.. 20 For m b fueinormppratiory depdrtessnro.H.N balmy days, tobacco was the article that ~1[(j~7 manufacturers' prices. S W. Bay Street _ _-___________-_____ Arrive Spartanburg... .. ........ 2 a. 0. Forel futThaserinm ti addesPbrof H.th, always brought t. ie la'*gest amount of Reed's Block. Jaoksonville, Fla. WESTWARD. HAsheville....... ... ~....7 00 a. m. andlkfte at alaatsee aeuniak Spbrngth, cash here, an i was with none received .- - - ----- - - No. 1 .. o 3 No. . Vao ............. t 00 n t d a a i from the sales of tobacco that t e largest No , .,.... 1 Dal Sun]da unayy , ,,_~ "CE HOO] /no .Ai.iacoy plantations in the county vere bought and Opposite St. James Hotel. AW AND PLAIG RIie T e Daly urn y S GGAGE CHECKED T Ha.nr soso in resecthesl e opne p srd for y & of Lake Come aout one and a half miles from Lv Pablo... .. m0pm I0pmi 0 i Excursion ckets, good until October 31, the work of teaching, under the sane crcum thMesrs Corry & Kretchmar have been Pnd FreRnd IYS h depot on the J. T. & K. W. railroad. Lumber Am' Jacksonville... 820am 3 5.0 pm I 50 pmn 20 pui c hsid from Ticket Ag ents SouthoFlorida 1 tances in of regard. For further miforna . lahe onlemer ihwhmtefamrsn can be shipped by water from mnill to depot, a Jh_____________________cnile, armp Ticke AgesSoth Fian, a an in alreg ao. For urer nforma rs land ownershave negotiated their trades, fex ods to haul. Twenty-five acres to go Trains 1 and '. run daily. Trains 3and 4 run Iah v Florida & Western adaways. ent, at Penscaa. or r. T. . uc . bbs, t and behind them has stood Mr. H. H. D- with the mill including a splendid building daily exce t Sunday. Tris5, 6,7, an 8 run F . N Jacksonville. . ~ ehn hm a todM.H u ith dh i! ou P .. ' . E. P. ]leISWI E Y, Ja" ksonville.L reine O ft : R. i PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST ~ ' improvements, ann a tor e on so on. ayen Gen'l. Passed erAgeut, . . RUS a iru;nobon ce, Informed JacEksonville Florida the uk oreland if wanted. Address, uCompeFrnten Chareston S.C. StateSupt. 7 - -/.. .. .".. ..
Page 1: COMPAI~ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/AA/00/06/29/47/00006/00002.pdf · A, 7 1 TIlE DAiLY IEWS-1ERALD, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOtim . TB the farmers that their tobacco would be PROFESSIOAAL.

A, 7 1


TB the farmers that their tobacco would be PROFESSIOAAL.

- 110 4:iiIJ1iiA' (Jilk bought and placed upon the market in EIA IaIOSIAON. NETS •l i SBRA IE New York, by Messrs. Corry & Kretch- AMES R. CHALLEN

mar, and they have paid fair prices for it. Attorney and dounsellor at Law ATTER8 OP INT1EREST FRiM ALL Mr. John P. Jordan has resigned his po- Office in the Law Exchange, Forsyth and

OVER Tis'uTATE. sition as agent of the F. R. & N. R.R. Market streets. Co. at Chattahoochee, and has accepted iloney Invested in Iortgages. -AND

Wht s apein. n roien Pinsthe S., F. & W. R. R., w -th his neadquar- - State atd -otc Bnswatd the position general traveling age t of State ad Couny Bonds wanted. Publishing Housearry v o0.m a. att i Happenrnd in Prominent ointse ters at this place. Mr. Jordan is one of ati House, Counties-ttere s Througho Iteest to orty-ive the best railr6ad men in this section of the CALL JONES, JACKSONVILLE, FLA.

State. He has been agent at Chattahoo, . Farmers---What Our Towns are doine* chee for the past ten or twelve years. -at t1 at Bar 6*s " ------ Mr. E. P. Desmukes returned from New FAIRBANKS. York on Thursday last. Mr. J. E. Broome tW Will Practice in all the Courts. , H r e d r stand family have also returned home from Rev. Mr. O'Brien and children left to- the mae OFIE:40M ,olWBULDNG

ay for their old home in San Francisco. t ti f BUD AT LOWEST RATES. Mr. O'Bren will resume his ministerial TALLAIIAS,]E. 44 E. Forsyth St., Jacksonville. S f rie.a printing i work in California. His faithful labor The saloons here are closed for lack of b r ices. roa printing in will be greatly missed in the church and license, their license having expired on Oc- EDWARD M. CHENEYGROCERIES PROVISIONS. community. tober 1, They await the action of the LateU.S.Attorney,NorthernDistrict ofFla ROCERIE ROISIONS

Dr. A. D. Bell and family remove this County Commissioners on their petitions t . .Atr , , . week to WAhitesville, Fla. The doctorwil on Monday. The petitions have an appa- Oi 91 018F W practice his profession there. This neigh- rent majority, but the temperance people Solicitor inchancery andproctor in admiralty. T I I bor~ood is entirely too healthy for the M. hope to cut it down by having illegal ROOMS 6 and 7, LAw EXCHANGE, D'. While regretting to lose them, they names stricken off. The city and court JACKSONVILLE, - - FLORIDA rS r Sr

-.. have the sincere wishes of all for happi- are "dry" for the first time in "the reco- 8' ness in the new home. lection of the oldest inhabitant."

Miss Julia Scruggs returned last week As application has been made to Judge FLEMING & DANIEL from a visit of several months in Georgia. Walker by the saloon men for mandamus I I

The Young Men's Dancing Club ae to compel the tax collector to issue license The Young Men's Dancing gavee stC k e 1 anotherof their pleasant parties on last without the usual form of petition as re- Att and Couselors at Law, Thursday evening, The young people here quired by the old law; claiming that the have never entertained the belief that all local option law gives them privilege until -MANUFACTURED BYenroyments Ceease until the winter visitors exhibited by popular vote. The case will Office: Corner Forsyth and Market, -P y E S C-

J bring gaieties.eadt-orw nuThe excursion strain took on a large STATE NEWSPAPER GLEANINGS. JACKSONVILLE, - FLORIDA. LAKE CITY, FLORIDA.

number of citizens to witness the match garfe in Gainesville between the Oak Halls Local Happenings in Florida Noted PAUL W. MOUNT, and the Fernandina Invincibles. in the Home Papers.

Mr. Trimble, of the Stark Courier, was PUTNA M cOUNTY.. Ar f registered at Orange Hotel this week. [From the Palatka Daily News.] -4, aNd sa aw,/

Mr. Jim McKinsley and T. S. Warner, The schooner Schoolcraft is expected J 4 WEST BAY STREET, of Gainesville, were in town over Sunday. every day with a cargo of 450 tons of iron Jacksonville, Florida.

Public School opened Monday with a for the Orange Belt Road. - Q. good. attendance. Mrs. Ella Melrath is Cards are out for the marriage of Miss principal again this year. Etta Woodward to Mr. Pierre d'A. Pratt. FALL SESSION BEGINS

The Japan plum trees in this vicinity are which takes place at the home of the lady's CORNELL & ECKERSLEYWEDNESDAY, OTOBER , 1887 full of bloom. Japan persimmons are in parents on Corley Island, October 13. 1W For Catalogue and fall information, address, the market,'also an early orange that is The John Sylvester was in the fleet ofex- Fo CtaogeBndfSlrnfrmtina d grown here. cursion steamers that followed the yachts .71Y.Wes tr , r iot_. P a T! he maret; alsor an early oag thti h onSlerwsiheelpee ofle- 711 'Est Bay Stre tY~eAS C~rkE September 15~, 1887. ~i], FLORID COMA ,

The people here are read to help when Volunteer and Thistle over the course last JACKSONVILLE, ** *FLORIDA, YEAST CA LAKCIF Alachua makes up her display for the week. She will probably be down here LAK CARRIAGES. Sub-Tropical. about the 20th. ---AG

FRUITLAD PARK It is said that a contract has been signed ~~ j Rooks a RK for the construction of a railroad from Ge a A

Major 0. P. Rooks and family returned Jacksonville, on the east back of the St. COMPAI~ Saturday from a visit to relatives at In- Johns, to some point near Enterprise Florida dianapolis, Ind. The road is bonded for $14,000 a mie tO Books of Accounts Audited. JaCoSOe -U - loia

Mr. W. Neve has moved to Leesburg. the partieS who will furnisht the capital. Statements The Frnitland Park school opened Mon- It is to run within ten miles of Palata. te nPp d

Prpaed Fruitlan BAKErEk scoo opne on-~ra~ IWaAdres as bove day with about twenty attendants, Miss ALACHA COUNTY. Address as above. I li i

The Fruitland Park base ball club will [From the Alachua DailyAdvocate.] ... U.. BI DEALER Nplay a match game with the Okahumpka Mr. W. R. Thomas left Monday for Fort .. team. Meade, where he has accepted the position S t, a nd 7 Ws B StPhflt

.... .-... of principal of the High School at that ..D ......... place.

Mr. J. D. Merrit and wife and daughter Money is still very close in this section i arrived here from the North Tuesday, The farmers, at least many of them, are wnere they have spent the summer among holding their cotton for higher prices. the mountains of New York. After spending three weeks in Gaines- LIODY DELAPORTE, One and Two-Horse Farm and Lpber Wagons' Grocery and Delivery W The new cotton *in has commenced.oper ville, the guest of Miss Claudia Tucker ations and is running night and day. Miss Frankie Smith left yesterday for her 7 .. .. ... Misses Cynthia and Maggie Roberts, of hom iJcksnvll. lhat ,'and AttraotI iveatE'iczto3Df -h ssesO ne~ i sofhomne in Jacksonville.ndco onteSut Xhich I Offe-r zat PE'riccEs to Defr Cor~tpetitio this .lace attended the ball atSanderson . C. Wooden, t e South Bd.Attr ve B and Confectioners, Tues ay evening. Floride road, was shot and dangerously

wounded by a neg, ro whomi he wS at-I.iv-1PcHoe ......IETTA... tempting to put of [is train for not pay-, aeBedase~ly

pit wol, so n th ihan, ingl a Orders taken for Wedding Parties. BomM. A. IDZIALYNSKI, MANAGER, Andrew Johnson while cleaning an old ing his fare. made Bread a specialty. pistol, shot himsel in the hand, making a REVAnD COU-NT. painful but not dangerous wound. [From the Indian River News,] Telephone No. -212 and 236, No. 66 West Bay Street, - Jacksonvile, The public school opened Monday with a Messrs. James Arnold, of Cocoa, J. :0. Tlpoe. . -d. .66 esBy te Jakso. 1--,. ... good attendance, F.. V W u ... ... .

Miller & Price are still sawing fine lum- Wootn, A. W. Jak, . W. Harde ad Headquarters Cor Brough str eet T 1 Toney Canova, of Rockledg(, came cruis- , .and hellRoad. ber, and shipping from this place. ing this way in the sloop Arrow, Saturday. aA Sries of .rig. .and Popular Araicnsd

1 Mr. R. L. Williams and wife are visiting A party of about a dozen Seminoles were here from Welborn and are the guests of coming up th river this week and upon M r. J. WV. Miller and wie. There are sev- stopping at an unoccupied ho~use in the a ks l on nea . xe t g thy u writtenandsigned Jacksonville Saddlery Com paly ,,ral new-comers in town lookingout sites vicmity of $ebast'an they discovered a can

cstl ton nara fure They expect to go ofsomethingd fhyto o be baring .poxv

into ethe truck gardening. der and usdt it for Jhaking bread. i t E LLA WHEELER TrLLOJ NN f FAC ..... AN ve dr .... W -M I 'S- -I)AH WHOLESLE R ,,E ........ .... ." least -in art arsenic d n they were all

s thn ysc o h e tr thei Jeweler bdandeMANJFA0TUlERS AND W.OLESAL. DA E IN All e little grls and bos of this sec- oisned. They hastened on towards Mel-

n to h i ho Mon- oue for the asis nce ofa "me icinericles b Mrs. Wilco gie ndoubt- I DEFY CO PETITIONA r eay t etser into their statt s semionsla ad" bM y at IDFoofnimO de serOt F l d - progressed nicely for- some time, but to- Hooker-Aied at Malabar, Tuesday even- ed promise of provin the most popular and My stock of DiaHBndsARNSS, O ....... ETC' ward .5 o' lock the teacher, Miss Katie ing. Iis revolver, knife, etc., were firmly successful series of papers writtenbya oWiittn Fine Gold and Silver Oi'-Ds E = i r~ptly : Hamilton,,nticed that the ch( dren were bound tO his bod, which was placed in a foranumber of years. Theremarkable pop- X1l and s d very reses l n as. o children box and buried on Mr. Bsstt's plae - larity that attends all of Mrs. JVo Watches, Jewelry, and solid 72 WEST BAY STREETL tey informed s ton the sqm "pulled the rem nder o f the e-ar- writings will evenbe eclipsed the ent a well as best plated ware,

-. the info~xrmed: iSS on that sonie- Ityup Crane Creek about noon yseay I opee n fte _________________________________

thig was' bitgio tiem. - investigation landing at Dr. Fee's. instance, as she has chos t of s*b o t is now .opee an of s was made and it was discovered that the ,. upon which she is , a list e CE, hogs had made a home under the school VOLUSIA COUNTY. with ease and ..pe-ially adapted to write very latest make and dehouse and that the floor was sprinkled with (From the Florida Chronicle.) ions w', ability, and will advance opin- *

ecila we o od "rchants report that business is . of a log desired to make pub- sIgnuarant vrythig Th acr aoo ot- c. The lt t care iill be exercised in the Igaranteeeverythi boys...obtain.... a.. lot - -1a -... . . ... kc.. .. t it under te use and s . -- --- .. . pop.raton of the artles to n kethem thor sell just as representedor jui nd rte willsmi reudis- aketil ergrt le1ok

uffocate le 4 - e'- , tension of the '. . . 0 roughly money willbe refunded on - 1ro td to 'ayarea s no esre c examine 1- 1


Mao 1listo r f s. Readbl , Pease a11 and examlille left Th ursday for bw my stock a s in toC LOTS A SPECIA LtoTL A U - I e e d ad apt Iii ,t t e e aud ien ce i w c w g C A R ;

....... .......-............ wh a e t wilad. he wietud onsist whof I so good s hr yinecin be AS. TY'so gove 1 THIRTEEN LETTERS Fine Watch Repairing a l STAT 1ER.

specialty. ____ Sin all, the st was published on Sunday, fI p1c',/i . 0 ~

S October 2, the last one will, appear on .. A _ ,. Sunday, December 25, 1887, -)

- Among the subjects which Mrs. Wilcox 1887. ill will treat in these letters may be mentioned Jacksonville Business DirectoryS c l i i ni- the following: For missing tourists that are ex ected short Lysget Stock and 1w Pries lesal and ai. der strangrs workinen, and a% oter Lha rge]D, For.fo..owingae sdcallaWOOD do &d oe blea' s Iill . ad 1. FLIRTING: Its Various Phases & Effects.or following d e a dat 1to d double 59 & 61 W. Bey S e a sE.E a .'.I ,s. Aclvie Fr~~ad -m Expert- ]corner Bay_.and ClaL stres : TrimTmedats, - ....... .. .__= ..

sday Some Things I Know About it From Experi- ctrersa aower s, Calioes, Seersu, TOBA__ _ _ &_ _RAR_. ) as ence and Observation. This artie appearedtin FersFwers, Lawns, i SersU -]

here las Sunday's NEWS-HERALD, peae erFacDesGodCst, '" Undr-ThJ.I( D UO S a C O . oomen 7 .1.. For real values, give us a trial and compare

red to Temptations of Young Women in City and pryes. We invite WOOD & SMART, Wholesale DealerS in T0bacc0 a CigaIS he long Country Contrasted. How Men Tempt Women. Corner Bay and Clay Streets. in favor How Women Tempt Men. Which Sex is -lyP:porteIS Of RaTT2i', A SaI.s.

. infavo Really the Most at Fault? Are Men More WANI)EL &_SONS___.0._ox,_206._JACKSONVILLE,_FL__._ Wicked than Women ? This contributions id .___________________

rrisesse ea .r THE MOrn Oct AND .-.. state IIprOved lBaldwin 0. Z. TYLER & CO . .ve, soyd?--- -AN HSSCODB.T. eare tha .s ' Americ Wman Overdressed? At Goods Furnishing twortakers and ates,

.d "shoddy" to Dress? Should the Decollete Dress he 0IJ 1Ig *.. e h.. Orders by Telegraph and Telephone

by daylight Worn? Its Effects on Society. How Men Re- - ILPromptly ExeeUted, o uty is n fver gar the Question and the Wearers. gl TOBACC0 0 S ...E.. w... ....... oman,, and ....SOL Ret olce n ei~ne tFre ~ P ge's Taltand '.Dr.iemrc" IER AT.. We do a general Real Estate business. Ag Tablets a d onument . ce reued t How the Great Agnostic Lives. His Home romtl ae. 34 East Ba Street. FURNISHED SHOTEST NO CE.

Life......f.C..onds.with.. " ti a s *sintenFo Lf.How His Private Life Correspod Not 2 Fine Street Jacksonvlle, Fila.. Iron Railing and Cemetery Works,

tablished 1878. His la Ite is Haos he Done LOCK ._ __. j} tre_._h____o_1. .i CrO* MoreHarm ThanGod ? .. r.ida Svin s Bank .F.. ... .a...s, WOMEN IN BUSINESS. J -AND-

hu e , he Mistake Some Women Make in Red Real Esat e Ezxc d ".T. H. Cutter" toTheirAbilities. PersonalExperience with KSONVILLFLORIDA O.fmce on Wharf near

titysupplied frmu tould-be Poets, Authors, and Actors. Some., . ... "FRri e.. flask jug or keg. Private Advice Publicly Given Transacts a General Banking Business, .. .. F. R & N. Freight Depot,

op 1 <e.rail- n.I 1eo aple Rooms . FlillEDSIllPS OF MEN AND WOMEN, Interest AlnowOd on Deposits n as Lots For sae in Riversie from all the lan.. .. ... ..... for sale ho'c Lots, Orat6 Groves $250.00 to $1,000 Yach. throad anon o ] .~ ne t chaned. fa We have special facilities for the JUG Are Men Better and More Unselfish in Their and Wild Lands. Collects Rents and jJ j 1 ] ...

to.r i Quin a •cishe e TRADE. Ours is the largest in the State. Friendships Than Our Own Sex? Some Ex- Interest, Negotiat . c . .. 8 JO R* sire of all the citizens of tl Place and 91 West Bay Street, periences and Anecdotes. .. HOSHER .1.1 .President,.... .. F,, th ul.bsal-t thftero 4er'iy The i'ma" nn letters wvifl treat of topics L. D- HO=lYIE, Prsdet......____________ of ths town t. JAC ONVILLE, FLORIDA. ainw Trearer. - Through Pullman Cars. STATE NORMAL SCHOOLS. ~The gentlemen composinlugh yndicate er. .... ' "~ 4', r .... -] ...... i: I

are men oflarge means, ancattii oub0t- Bottied . Ill)0ptti aI1 Ke tiesi gaS. POUUIR 11 Tilll y ! PAB O B. A. - - The State Normal School for white teachers edlydevelop the tobaccO industry d yxthi5 r_'___ . - :....JI.JiU JJJLLU]I .J t.., ..ohdI alnofEent]wl"boeedteuiaSrigato dwelling houses, barns, etrc, on ehveis nfaE -anyotherlForidaEul location. Leaving Savannah dailyaneof Elegant will be opened at DeFuniak Springs, Walton tact they have and string experienced P E IMc.M.-RRAY , By specl contract these artcles can- .na s as awil a ntrought county, on the first Monday in October, 1.87,

________•_________I___.....__ Charleston & Svna, Atlanui a wed P ens rn cetfrom ioneti DEALER I appear in.any.ot FloridIapublicatn . Coast Line and Richmond & Principal. ablyassisted. The course of st

and Pennsl vania e .k.. 8ETC -' Danville Railroads. will cover two years. TheMesYrs Vogt of New York who AIE.OTT ETC L" IN EFFECT TUESDAY. SEPT. 13, 1887. a . m All teachers or persons, citizens of this State,

are large dealers in leaf tobaccos and also State Agents for ColumbusBugy Company TR-IVELERS' OUT FITTER !E Leave In who desire to repre themselves for the pro ~~~~cigar manufacturers, hav:e been here for and Ooldwater Road rts.T tVL S0U . .. '- " .at".... -- .. 45..

somea;and e, hav e b veryarger ande r rSts.o Trunk andValise Store . 2 No. 4. No. 6. No.8 " Palatks. ................ 4 15 a. m. session o teaching, will receive tuition free of o thims season's crop and ave la sops and Repository Cor. Pine & Church Sta Eneua li Str Dai ly ay ko 1ebeme f b Tis the field arsland ar- IN-'IJ LHEsnTATE. s py . ' p | Jesup .... ....... ... 10 82 a. m. cheap as possible. In addition to te regular This county has anday t grow n good ar- nd TvIN . Trunks re aired, and Sample Cases made to I .Tac"sovlle. 0am m pu Savannah... . 12 2 p m course in pedagogis, an academic c ss will

ileotoacadwhen twsintsorder. The argest stock. finest assortment at ArPbc 11 ma~m30mI. m Charleston......2.. 20 For m b fueinormppratiory depdrtessnro.H.N balmy days, tobacco was the article that ~1[(j~7 manufacturers' prices. S W. Bay Street _ _-___________-_____ Arrive Spartanburg... .. ........ 2 a. 0. Forel futThaserinm ti addesPbrof H.th, always brought t. ie la'*gest amount of Reed's Block. Jaoksonville, Fla. WESTWARD. HAsheville....... ... ~....7 00 a. m. andlkfte at alaatsee aeuniak Spbrngth, cash here, an i was with none received .- - - ----- - - No. 1 .. o 3 • No. . Vao ............. t 00 n t d a a i from the sales of tobacco that t e largest No , .,.... 1 Dal Sun]da unayy , ,,_~ "CE HOO] /no .Ai.iacoy plantations in the county vere bought and Opposite St. James Hotel. AW AND PLAIG RIie T e Daly urn y S GGAGE CHECKED T Ha.nr soso in resecthesl e opne

p srd for y & of Lake Come aout one and a half miles from Lv Pablo... .. m0pm I0pmi 0 i Excursion ckets, good until October 31, the work of teaching, under the sane crcumthMesrs Corry & Kretchmar have been Pnd FreRnd IYS h depot on the J. T. & K. W. railroad. Lumber Am' Jacksonville... 820am 3 5.0 pm I 50 pmn 20 pui c hsid from Ticket Ag ents SouthoFlorida 1 tances in of regard. For further miforna

. lahe onlemer ihwhmtefamrsn can be shipped by water from mnill to depot, a Jh_____________________cnile, armp Ticke AgesSoth Fian, a an in alreg ao. For urer nforma rs land ownershave negotiated their trades, fex ods to haul. Twenty-five acres to go Trains 1 and '. run daily. Trains 3and 4 run Iah v Florida & Western adaways. ent, at Penscaa. or r. T. .uc . bbs, t and behind them has stood Mr. H. H. D- with the mill including a splendid building daily exce t Sunday. Tris5, 6,7, an 8 run F . N Jacksonville. . ~ ehn hm a todM.H u ith dh i! ou P .. ' . E. P. ]leISWI E Y, Ja" ksonville.L

reine O ft : R. i PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST ~ ' improvements, ann a tor e on so on. ayen Gen'l. Passed erAgeut, . . RUS

a iru;nobon ce, Informed JacEksonville Florida the uk oreland if wanted. Address, uCompeFrnten Chareston S.C. StateSupt.

7 - -/.. .. .".. ..
