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Company Presentation En 2009

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date Neumann International
  • 1. Neumann International date

2. COMPANY OVERVIEW 3. COMPANY OVERVIEW (1) l Neumann International is a market leading international HR solution provider for executive search and complex recruitment projects with 37 years of history and experience (founded 1971 in Vienna)l Fully integrated one-company structure with 30 offices in 20 countries -> seamless service across all countriesl Strong key account management approachl Market leading presence in Western, Central and Eastern Europe, active in the Middle East and Africa, recent expansion to Shanghai and Hong Kongl 3 distinct service lines to provide tailor-made service to our clientsdate 4. COMPANY OVERVIEW (2)l More than 200 employees, among them 19 Partners, 88 Consultants, more than 45 Researchersl More than 1.600 projects per yearl Extensive international experience, strong competence in mastering complex international staffing projects. More than 35% of revenue in 2008 from cross-border businessl Fully centralised back-office processes: Harmonized IT StructureCentralised DatabaseCentralised AccountingCentralised FinancingUniform ReportingCentralised Personnel Processesdate 5. OFFICE LOCATIONSdate 6. OUR SERVICES 7. SERVICE LINES Neumann Executive Search 66% Revenue Neumann Executive Consulting & Compensation Consulting 8% Revenue Neumann Management Solutions 26% Revenue Figures 2008 date 8. NEUMANN EXECUTIVE SEARCH (1) l Systematic search and professional recruitment of top executives at national and international levelsl Identification of key candidates through a combination of research, networking, market intelligence and in-depth market know-howl Combining a global network with local expertise to match top talent with top organisationsdate 9. NEUMANN EXECUTIVE SEARCH (2)Our Search Process (1) ApproachResearch Definition ofInterviewsTarget List Search Criteria Client company Target industriesCorporateand organisations Intensive interviewsenvironment(strictly confidential) Rigorous and intensiveStrategic, operating,identification andTransparent progressfinancial andapproach of potential reportingmanagement objectivescandidates Screening accordingPosition Sourcing of potential to approved search candidatescriteria Requirement profile File search Remunerationdate 10. NEUMANN EXECUTIVE SEARCH (3)Our Search Process (2)Short List Evaluation Presentation by Client Confidential Candidate Interviewscandidate reportswith Clients- EducationYour CandidateReference checks- Professional careerevaluation Final negotiations- Personality- Motivation Contract- Remunerationdate 11. NEUMANN EXECUTIVE CONSULTING & COMPENSATION CONSULTINGl Evaluation and optimization of top management resources to meet the challenges of the future (e.g. during mergers, acquisitions, organizational changes, etc.)l Combining a deep understanding of markets and industries and a broad HR expertise to develop high-performing leaders and organisationsl3 main approaches: Management Coaching, Management Evaluation, Management Auditl Compensation Consulting: Support in defining adequate salaries through an extensive database or through tailor-made reports date 12. NEUMANN MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS l Help organisations to identify and recruit the talent of the future, up to and including middle management positionsl Identification through open market methods: Advertising in print- and online- media, searches in our extensive international database, internet research using up-to-date search toolsl Tailored search and selection based on customized requirements for each position, including personality profiles and skills date 13. SECTOR PRACTICES 14. SECTOR PRACTICES (1) l Neumanns consultants work in sector practices across all countriesl Generating highly efficient teamwork through the exchange of information and knowledge, contacts, resources, etc.l Sector practices include:AutomotiveFinancial ServicesFast Moving Consumer GoodsIndustrialLegalProfessional ServicesRetailTechnology date 15. SECTOR PRACTICES (2) ITProfessional 2%16%Industrial41%Retail9%Technology 2% Auto5%Health Finance 5% Consumer9%11% % of revenue Figures 2008 date 16. WHY NEUMANN INTERNATIONAL? 17. WHY NEUMANN INTERNATIONAL? l Extensive international experience and multi-cultural understandingl Deep understanding of markets and extensive expertise in many industries and sectorsl A global network with a common database and fully integrated back officel Offices and teams on the spot providing local expertise through strong key account managementl Steady commitment and long-lasting partnerships with our clientsl Premium quality service standards and tailor-made HR solutionsl A strong ethical base, respect and uncompromising confidentialitydate 18. THE BATTLE FOR TALENT 19. TALENT MANAGEMENT? l Is the War for Talent real? Remembering 70s, 80s, 90slIs Talent Management protecting companies? Remembering Enron, Arthur Andersen, Long Term Capital Managementl Is Talent manageable and controllable at all? The challenge of finding & retaining; speed & change of business vs. long-term career planning; make vs. buy talentdate 20. THE GLOBAL BATTLE IS ALREADY THERE (1) l The empires of the future will be empires of the mind Winston Churchill, 1943 l Is there a common understanding of Talent?lA shortage of talent is already causing serious problems and represents the major threat to corporate growthl Structural changes which have increased the value of intangible assets from 20% to 70%l The effect of an ageing & declining population date 21. THE GLOBAL BATTLE IS ALREADY THERE (2) l Loyalty to employers is fadingl The workforce is less standardized different types, countries, cultures, functions, levels of mobility l Talent recruitment is no longer a blue-chip privilege everybody, even purely local companies, competesl The talent battle has gone global alreadyl Governmental & state competition date 22. TESTIMONIALS 23. TESTIMONIALS (1)Neumann International is an important partner for our business. They have worked with us on several human resources projects across our European operations. Theyve provided comprehensive audits of our entire sales force, made recommendations for optimizing it and recruited key professionals. The consultants we work with take the time to really understand our business, our culture and our needs and provide strategic solutions for our continued success. Stefano Boero, HR Manager, Amadeus IT Group date 24. TESTIMONIALS (2)It is essential for us to have an efficient and professional executive search consultancy to deal with delicate recruitment issues. Neumann International has been our regional partner for several years and they have always fulfilled our needs with dedication. Besides executive search, the team has assessed key management positions and ran coaching workshops with top executives. They have become a reliable partner who can be trusted with the most demanding assignments. Darko Marinac, CEO of Podravka d.d., Croatia date 25. TESTIMONIALS (3) To complete our expansion into the CEE region, we had a number of executive positions to fill. After briefing Neumann International, I received shortlists of suitable candidates much quicker than expected. I was sure, even after the first round of interviews in the first country, that we would find strong candidates. Thanks to their rapid response and excellent candidates, we placed the right employees in a short period of time. Norbert W. Scheele, Head of Region CEE, C&A Mode, Austria date 26. THANK YOU Consultants name Contact details E-mail address www.neumann-inter.com date
